Your strikes hit the Troll, startling him as he is knocked back. He roars and then swings his great club at you:
Attack 16 (Miss), Attack 29, damage 25
Your attack
[[OOC: I'll assume that that was bludgeoning damage, which Tyek resists while he's raging. Therefore, he hasn't even gone through the THP that Clarac gave us earlier.]]
Round 2: Tyekanik
While Tyek dodges the first attack from the troll, the second swing hits. But the huge barbarian barely seems to notice. He simply smiles at the troll and says confidently in Giant, "You'll have to do better than that." Tyek continues his relentless attack against the troll.
Movement: Action: Two Reckless Attacks with Annam's Greataxe as his Elemental Cleaver (thunder) + Chromatic Infusion (acid) Attack 1: 33, Damage: 26 (magical thunder) + 19 (force) + 4 (acid) = 49 (total) Attack 2: 21, Damage: 33 (magical thunder) + 16 (force) + 4 (acid) = 53 (total) Bonus Action: Depends on whether either attack was a critical hit. If either attack was a critical hit, he'll make an additional attack (Great Weapon Master feature). If not, he'll use his bonus action to switch his weapon's "Elemental Cleaver" damage type from thunder to fire. Free Action: Taunting the troll.
Bonus Action: Depends on whether either attack was a critical hit. If either attack was a critical hit, he'll make an additional attack (Great Weapon Master feature). If not, he'll use his bonus action to switch his weapon's "Elemental Cleaver" damage type from thunder to fire.
Since Tyek is using Reckless Attack, the troll's attacks have advantage against Tyek this round.
With your mighty strikes, you can hear the bones snap in the Troll, and with a look of shock on its face, it crumbles to the ground. The Troll Gods look at one another, and Ghnomb seems confused at what he just saw.
"How can this be, only two times, and you crush troll? Trolls crush humans, humans don't crush trolls?" He looks to the other gods, "Did the emissary lie to us?"
Then you hear a great whooshing of wings as three dragons land in the clearing. One is an Adult Red Dragon, one is a greater death dragon, and the third is a young red shadow dragon.
Ghnomb nods. "Good, the emissary is here, explain this! You said the humans are weak and feeble, and we should follow you. Yet we just saw this human in two attacks crush one of my Trolls. Explain!"
The red dragon walks forward, bowing its head. "As we have said, the humans cheat, that is how this human won. No human can stand to against the might of the Trolls, or of our greatness."
Khessa shrugs: "You ask us? You are gods... Have you detected cheats? You have made the rules - limiting our possibilities - have we not respected what you decided? I did not back down, when you arbitrarily forbade the use of magic art? And Tyekanik did not win without spells, just the way you asked us to fight? So... what do we have to justify ourselves for?"
"You saw it all with your own eyes," the blonde arcane warrior concludes. "If you choose to believe statements that contradict what you saw, that is only your choice. But if you did not see fit to trust what you saw, what is the point of asking for proof? It is clear by now that the one lying (or 'cheating' - 'cheating you', in particular) is someone else" and her blue eyes fix on the 'emissary'.
Lord Akkron can't help but let out a slow chuckle.
"Last time I checked, I'm not human," the lich points out, his empty eye sockets studying the greater death dragon as an idea slowly forms. "Neither is Tyek... but I suppose that's really just semantics. It doesn't really matter... you saw what he did. There was no subterfuge, only the sheer power of one capable of crushing his enemies. Of course, if you feel that this is a fluke, perhaps you would like to see whether our spellcraft is on the same level?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Clarac steps forward. She speaks loudly, "An accusation of cheating is very serious; I am sure the honorable emissary has good reason to say what they do. Else, it would be a grave insult to honor of our representative. It would be an insult to humanity! I will not stand for it. As Ms. Cabbagefield has said, the fight was fair, as plain as day. All of us here witnessed it. Let the honorable emissary explain the basis of his words."
She considers casting Zone of Truth but decides that it would accomplish very little.
The red dragon walks forward, bowing its head. "As we have said, the humans cheat, that is how this human won. No human can stand to against the might of the Trolls, or of our greatness."
Ghnomb turns to you all, "What say you humans?"
Vrox tries to pitch in to help make the argument for their side. He adjusts his usual playful and discursive way of speaking to match the troll gods' simpler and more direct manner: "The humans say words and words. I am not human: you can see." As he speaks, he extends one furry leg in front of him with the cloven hoof clearly visible. He bows slightly over the leg and touches the short horns on his head. "Many fey join humans; fight the Nefarious Duo."
Vrox gives the dragons an appraising look for a moment and then turns his attention back to the troll gods. "Cheating means 'break rules'; 'say one thing, do different.' You say 'no spells,' and he won fight with no spells." Vrox gestures to Tyek, still a huge and raging nearby. "He follows rules. Results not what you expect?" He laughs, "That's not cheating. It's winning! I say: join the winner!"
"Dragons made pact after old war: stay in vale." Vrox jabs a finger toward the dragon who spoke,"But here are dragons, not in vale! The emissary said 'cheat,' but emissary is cheating to be here." He looks at the troll gods and folds his arms: "Badplan to join cheater. Because -- later -- the cheater always cheats you!"
The Troll Gods are watching intently as you debate with the dragons. The Red looks at you and scowls.
"That pact was made to confine us, imprison us! We are as gods amongst you, even in the Fey world you know this! We serve the true power and I speak for them! Slaanesh and Azash will take back what was rightfully theirs, we only offer those who have been oppressed by the Humans, the traitorous Elves and those who dwell under the mountains and stole our lands, the Dwarves, the freedom they once had. The Trolls were freeborn, to range as they wish. Why should they be imprisoned, cages like beasts where they can't hunt, grow and prosper. This is what we offer!"
You hear Bhklow roar at the dragon. "No, not right! You say bad words that are not true. You will get Trolls killed, all of them, and you know what will happen. If there are no Trolls, there are no Troll Gods who can stand against you!" He points to the Troll Gods who look at one another then back at the dragon. "You will force us by honey words, false promises, and if we accept then we all die and it don't hurt you. It only hurt us!"
Tyekanik is still raging, huge-sized and holding Annam's Greataxe covered in blood. He's now furious at these treacherous dragons, and you worry that he may decide to start a fight with them on his own. He reinforces what Bklokw said, shouting, "The emissary just wants the trolls to fight the humans for them! And they don't care if all trolls die as long as it helps their chaos gods win! We just ask the trolls to stay out of the fight. Sit back. Preserve your strength." He squares up to face off against the big red dragon and says, "If troll gods ask, we can send off these lying dragons. Or make them pay for trying to trick the troll gods. Two strikes to kill the troll. Curious how many strikes to kill a dragon?"
Intimidation: 27 (or Unable to parse dice roll. if he can make a STR-based check because of Indomitable Might, perhaps ripping a limb off of the troll's body or hurling a boulder into the distance in a show of strength)
Intimidation: 27 (or Unable to parse dice roll. if he can make a STR-based check because of Indomitable Might, perhaps ripping a limb off of the troll's body or hurling a boulder into the distance in a show of strength)
[[OOC: broken roll macro. That should have been Intimidation: 33 if it can be treated as a STR-based check. To be clear, Tyek is trying to intimidate the dragons, not the troll gods.]]
Vrox feels like he did a good job, but now that there are trolls and barbarians and dragons yelling at each other, Vrox tries to back away from the group. He wants to fade quietly back into the dark, away from the fire, and then move to the side of the party. He can fire his longbow from quite a long range, and if the dragon decides that it wants to breath fire at Tyek, Vrox does not want to be standing right behind hm. Vrox takes out his Dragon's Wrath Longbow and looks for a place to hide nearby while he waits to see whether a fight breaks out.
Khessa doubts that the dragons will try to face the party here, openly, risking their lives (or at least to look like weak or cowards, if they are forced to flee) in front of the Troll Gods - but just in case she begins to slowly move towards their flank, so as not to be caught in a possible breath aimed at Tyekanik, but at the same time to be ready to enter the fray in a few steps.
Clarac makes up her mind as soon as the emissary brings up the nefarious duo. She advances to Tyekanik's side, opposite the death dragon, draws her sword, and points it at the dragons. "Slaanesh and Azash have right to nothing! And nothing is all they will be left with!" she shouts. "The troll gods deserve more than words; they should witness the true strength of the side of Good!"
Action: Cast True Strike on Death Dragon (or Red Dragon if the Death Dragon isn't close by)
Tyekanik is still raging, huge-sized and holding Annam's Greataxe covered in blood. He's now furious at these treacherous dragons, and you worry that he may decide to start a fight with them on his own. He reinforces what Bklokw said, shouting, "The emissary just wants the trolls to fight the humans for them! And they don't care if all trolls die as long as it helps their chaos gods win! We just ask the trolls to stay out of the fight. Sit back. Preserve your strength." He squares up to face off against the big red dragon and says, "If troll gods ask, we can send off these lying dragons. Or make them pay for trying to trick the troll gods. Two strikes to kill the troll. Curious how many strikes to kill a dragon?"
Intimidation: 27 (or Unable to parse dice roll. if he can make a STR-based check because of Indomitable Might, perhaps ripping a limb off of the troll's body or hurling a boulder into the distance in a show of strength)
Ghnomb likes to the others, "What Bhklow says make sense, they want our children to fight for them, our children die, then we die so we can't get revenge for our children." He looks at Tyek and nods. "Perhaps this is a better challenge. I think the emissary has been not saying true to Troll gods, and I would like to see how many swings it takes to kill a dragon!" He points at you all, and you feel an energy wash over you, considered yourselves blessed by the Troll Gods. He then points at Bhklow, "You are now our champion, punish dragons for not saying true to Troll gods!"
The Red Dragoon scowls, seeing their plan fall apart. "So be it, I will take these humans and your champion in the name of Azash and Slaanesh, sacraficing them!" He then lowers his head towards the group as the other two dragons split, the Shadow dragon circling to the right, the Death Dragon to the left.
[[OOC: @aaggie - So, it's a fight between the party and the adult red dragon, a greater death dragon, and a young red shadow dragon? Are we back in initiative now? Do you want to give us the initiative order so that we know who's going first?
Will you post an initial battle map for this fight? I think that we're in a fairly open area, but with a huge red dragon, a huge death dragon, a large shadow dragon, a huge Tyek, and a large (or huge?) Bklokw, it may be tricky to figure out spell and breath weapon AoEs without a map. And with so many flying opponents, it would be useful to see whether there are changes in elevation or any cover, like boulders or large trees.]]
Tell me your exact positions based on this map, the Troll is Bhklow and the Knight is Sir Ulath. Once you tell me your positions, then we'll look at initiative
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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[[OOC: I just noticed that typo. The damage was 46 and 53. Please ignore that last bit.]]
Your strikes hit the Troll, startling him as he is knocked back. He roars and then swings his great club at you:
Attack 16 (Miss), Attack 29, damage 25
Your attack
[[OOC: I'll assume that that was bludgeoning damage, which Tyek resists while he's raging. Therefore, he hasn't even gone through the THP that Clarac gave us earlier.]]
Round 2: Tyekanik
While Tyek dodges the first attack from the troll, the second swing hits. But the huge barbarian barely seems to notice. He simply smiles at the troll and says confidently in Giant, "You'll have to do better than that." Tyek continues his relentless attack against the troll.
Action: Two Reckless Attacks with Annam's Greataxe as his Elemental Cleaver (thunder) + Chromatic Infusion (acid)
Attack 1: 33, Damage: 26 (magical thunder) + 19 (force) + 4 (acid) = 49 (total)
Attack 2: 21, Damage: 33 (magical thunder) + 16 (force) + 4 (acid) = 53 (total)
Bonus Action: Depends on whether either attack was a critical hit.
If either attack was a critical hit, he'll make an additional attack (Great Weapon Master feature).
If not, he'll use his bonus action to switch his weapon's "Elemental Cleaver" damage type from thunder to fire.
Free Action: Taunting the troll.
Since Tyek is using Reckless Attack, the troll's attacks have advantage against Tyek this round.
With your mighty strikes, you can hear the bones snap in the Troll, and with a look of shock on its face, it crumbles to the ground. The Troll Gods look at one another, and Ghnomb seems confused at what he just saw.
"How can this be, only two times, and you crush troll? Trolls crush humans, humans don't crush trolls?" He looks to the other gods, "Did the emissary lie to us?"
Then you hear a great whooshing of wings as three dragons land in the clearing. One is an Adult Red Dragon, one is a greater death dragon, and the third is a young red shadow dragon.
Ghnomb nods. "Good, the emissary is here, explain this! You said the humans are weak and feeble, and we should follow you. Yet we just saw this human in two attacks crush one of my Trolls. Explain!"
The red dragon walks forward, bowing its head. "As we have said, the humans cheat, that is how this human won. No human can stand to against the might of the Trolls, or of our greatness."
Ghnomb turns to you all, "What say you humans?"
Khessa shrugs: "You ask us? You are gods... Have you detected cheats? You have made the rules - limiting our possibilities - have we not respected what you decided? I did not back down, when you arbitrarily forbade the use of magic art? And Tyekanik did not win without spells, just the way you asked us to fight? So... what do we have to justify ourselves for?"
"You saw it all with your own eyes," the blonde arcane warrior concludes. "If you choose to believe statements that contradict what you saw, that is only your choice. But if you did not see fit to trust what you saw, what is the point of asking for proof? It is clear by now that the one lying (or 'cheating' - 'cheating you', in particular) is someone else" and her blue eyes fix on the 'emissary'.
Lord Akkron can't help but let out a slow chuckle.
"Last time I checked, I'm not human," the lich points out, his empty eye sockets studying the greater death dragon as an idea slowly forms. "Neither is Tyek... but I suppose that's really just semantics. It doesn't really matter... you saw what he did. There was no subterfuge, only the sheer power of one capable of crushing his enemies. Of course, if you feel that this is a fluke, perhaps you would like to see whether our spellcraft is on the same level?"
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
Clarac steps forward. She speaks loudly, "An accusation of cheating is very serious; I am sure the honorable emissary has good reason to say what they do. Else, it would be a grave insult to honor of our representative. It would be an insult to humanity! I will not stand for it. As Ms. Cabbagefield has said, the fight was fair, as plain as day. All of us here witnessed it. Let the honorable emissary explain the basis of his words."
She considers casting Zone of Truth but decides that it would accomplish very little.
If needed, Persuasion: 13 (Natural 1—ouch!)
Maybe Khessa and Akkron speaking their minds on the topic could be considered taking the Help action?
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
Vrox tries to pitch in to help make the argument for their side. He adjusts his usual playful and discursive way of speaking to match the troll gods' simpler and more direct manner: "The humans say words and words. I am not human: you can see." As he speaks, he extends one furry leg in front of him with the cloven hoof clearly visible. He bows slightly over the leg and touches the short horns on his head. "Many fey join humans; fight the Nefarious Duo."
Vrox gives the dragons an appraising look for a moment and then turns his attention back to the troll gods. "Cheating means 'break rules'; 'say one thing, do different.' You say 'no spells,' and he won fight with no spells." Vrox gestures to Tyek, still a huge and raging nearby. "He follows rules. Results not what you expect?" He laughs, "That's not cheating. It's winning! I say: join the winner!"
"Dragons made pact after old war: stay in vale." Vrox jabs a finger toward the dragon who spoke, "But here are dragons, not in vale! The emissary said 'cheat,' but emissary is cheating to be here." He looks at the troll gods and folds his arms: "Bad plan to join cheater. Because -- later -- the cheater always cheats you!"
Persuasion: 29
Vrox tries to get a sense of whether any of these arguments are swaying the troll gods and whether the dragons seem inclined to attack.
Insight: 22
The Troll Gods are watching intently as you debate with the dragons. The Red looks at you and scowls.
"That pact was made to confine us, imprison us! We are as gods amongst you, even in the Fey world you know this! We serve the true power and I speak for them! Slaanesh and Azash will take back what was rightfully theirs, we only offer those who have been oppressed by the Humans, the traitorous Elves and those who dwell under the mountains and stole our lands, the Dwarves, the freedom they once had. The Trolls were freeborn, to range as they wish. Why should they be imprisoned, cages like beasts where they can't hunt, grow and prosper. This is what we offer!"
You hear Bhklow roar at the dragon. "No, not right! You say bad words that are not true. You will get Trolls killed, all of them, and you know what will happen. If there are no Trolls, there are no Troll Gods who can stand against you!" He points to the Troll Gods who look at one another then back at the dragon. "You will force us by honey words, false promises, and if we accept then we all die and it don't hurt you. It only hurt us!"
Tyekanik is still raging, huge-sized and holding Annam's Greataxe covered in blood. He's now furious at these treacherous dragons, and you worry that he may decide to start a fight with them on his own. He reinforces what Bklokw said, shouting, "The emissary just wants the trolls to fight the humans for them! And they don't care if all trolls die as long as it helps their chaos gods win! We just ask the trolls to stay out of the fight. Sit back. Preserve your strength." He squares up to face off against the big red dragon and says, "If troll gods ask, we can send off these lying dragons. Or make them pay for trying to trick the troll gods. Two strikes to kill the troll. Curious how many strikes to kill a dragon?"
Intimidation: 27 (or Unable to parse dice roll. if he can make a STR-based check because of Indomitable Might, perhaps ripping a limb off of the troll's body or hurling a boulder into the distance in a show of strength)
[[OOC: broken roll macro. That should have been Intimidation: 33 if it can be treated as a STR-based check. To be clear, Tyek is trying to intimidate the dragons, not the troll gods.]]
Vrox feels like he did a good job, but now that there are trolls and barbarians and dragons yelling at each other, Vrox tries to back away from the group. He wants to fade quietly back into the dark, away from the fire, and then move to the side of the party. He can fire his longbow from quite a long range, and if the dragon decides that it wants to breath fire at Tyek, Vrox does not want to be standing right behind hm. Vrox takes out his Dragon's Wrath Longbow and looks for a place to hide nearby while he waits to see whether a fight breaks out.
Action: Dash to move farther away.
Movement: Use all of his movement with stealth to move up to 80 feet away.
Bonus Action: Hide - Stealth 37 (using Vanish feature, advantage from Shadowfell Brand Tattoo)
Free Action: Equip his Dragon's Wrath Longbow
Khessa doubts that the dragons will try to face the party here, openly, risking their lives (or at least to look like weak or cowards, if they are forced to flee) in front of the Troll Gods - but just in case she begins to slowly move towards their flank, so as not to be caught in a possible breath aimed at Tyekanik, but at the same time to be ready to enter the fray in a few steps.
The blonde arcane warrior takes advantage of this time, anyway, to cover herself in thin and wispy flames that wreathe her body [[ OOC: She chooses chill shield - grants resistance to fire damage ]]
Clarac makes up her mind as soon as the emissary brings up the nefarious duo. She advances to Tyekanik's side, opposite the death dragon, draws her sword, and points it at the dragons. "Slaanesh and Azash have right to nothing! And nothing is all they will be left with!" she shouts. "The troll gods deserve more than words; they should witness the true strength of the side of Good!"
Action: Cast True Strike on Death Dragon (or Red Dragon if the Death Dragon isn't close by)
Ghnomb likes to the others, "What Bhklow says make sense, they want our children to fight for them, our children die, then we die so we can't get revenge for our children." He looks at Tyek and nods. "Perhaps this is a better challenge. I think the emissary has been not saying true to Troll gods, and I would like to see how many swings it takes to kill a dragon!" He points at you all, and you feel an energy wash over you, considered yourselves blessed by the Troll Gods. He then points at Bhklow, "You are now our champion, punish dragons for not saying true to Troll gods!"
The Red Dragoon scowls, seeing their plan fall apart. "So be it, I will take these humans and your champion in the name of Azash and Slaanesh, sacraficing them!" He then lowers his head towards the group as the other two dragons split, the Shadow dragon circling to the right, the Death Dragon to the left.
[[OOC: @aaggie - So, it's a fight between the party and the adult red dragon, a greater death dragon, and a young red shadow dragon? Are we back in initiative now? Do you want to give us the initiative order so that we know who's going first?
Will you post an initial battle map for this fight? I think that we're in a fairly open area, but with a huge red dragon, a huge death dragon, a large shadow dragon, a huge Tyek, and a large (or huge?) Bklokw, it may be tricky to figure out spell and breath weapon AoEs without a map. And with so many flying opponents, it would be useful to see whether there are changes in elevation or any cover, like boulders or large trees.]]
Tell me your exact positions based on this map, the Troll is Bhklow and the Knight is Sir Ulath. Once you tell me your positions, then we'll look at initiative