Malvyn too is quite appreciative, he would definitely try to take Aurora to see some performance here some day. As he makes it outside with Knap and Mae he feels an urgence to return to the hotel to make sure the dreamer has made it back safe.
Having left a note on the bed letting Mae know where she's gone, Mei totters back through the market when the time comes. Sans shopping bags, she has just her tarot cards and coin purse on hand.
She yawns with the late hour (and lack of naps throughout the day) and gives her cheeks a few sharp pinches to wake up as she approaches the meeting spot.
Quentillius looks at Guardok, as if examining him closely for a moment. "I am here because of the efforts of my family as well. Though I get that their sacrifice may not have been what it was for yours. I see why you feel you must repay them." He pauses a moment, reflecting briefly before replying further. "My family wants me to learn and be challenged here. But they also want me to pursue my own personal path. And for me, that is to take this magical ability I have and to be able to teach, make people think, and bring joy through my performances. And I want to bring all of my learning to that - both in artistry, history, and all of my knowledge of the past. I hope to create things that will expand the minds of others."
As he speaks, you are approaching the Bow's End Tavern. The place is filling quickly this evening, and you can already hear the faint sounds of music from some of the first performers.
Traveling through the darkness, Meiquickly finds the area where she had left Kira. The market is mostly quiet, but it is not hard to find the small area where a dim light still glows and wisps of smoke from various sources lift into the air. Closing in, you again smell the heavy incense that forms a sort of thin fog about the space. It hits your mind quickly, tugging a bit at your senses of foresight. As you catch sight of Kira outside one of the stalls, your vision narrows, and you imagine yourself upon a rather well-kept path in a forest. There is light there, and it seems to come from this woman. Beyond, the path seems to twist and turn. It seems darker, but that might just be due to distance. And with the turns and a growing mist, you have no idea where it is going.
A chilly breeze comes up and just as quickly as it came the vision is gone. The air seems clearer, as though the incense has been blown away. Kira spots you and moves towards you. "Thanks be to Disyn! You have returned. I'm so glad! It's just about time to go. Are you ready. I'm so excited for you!"
Mei blinks as her vision swims with Sight. When it clears, a feeling of exhilaration rushes warmly through her veins: she had no idea where the path lead. And that excites her more than it should. But this is her year of "yes." Of collecting experiences and making the most of the brief freedom from her own cultivated fate. For better or worse, Mei wasn't going to turn back now.
Half-expecting Kira to be emanating light, she waits for her eyes to adjust when she proves bathed in shadow. "I'm excited too," she smiles, moving to meet her then following along wherever they head. "It's not everyday I get to learn about a new Goddess! Or, oh! N-Not to say that she's new, just, um... new to me! Is she better known in Silkmeadow?"
Malvyn, Mae, and Knapare able to make their way back to the inn without incident. Although once back, Maediscovers the letter Meihad left and lets the others know.
Kira laughs a bit at Mei'swords. It's a happy, joyful sound. "You are fine. I'm... not sure how much people know of Disyn outside Silkmeadow. I've only known people here. Are you not from Silkmeadow?" She seems to be closing up the stall as she speaks. "Like I said, it's not far, but we should get going. Follow me?" She heads off through the paths of the market and out into the city.
"She did what?? Went back to the market in the middle of the night??" Malvyn says with concern as Mae tells him and Knap about Mei's note. His first instinct is to set out to find her, fully expecting to find her sleeping in some back alley, but eventhough he had come to be like a big brother for her, making sure she wouldn't sleep through all her classes, he realized she had to be allowed to do this on her own. The purple-skinned tiefling lies awake though, listening for steps in the corridor that would signal the oracle would have returned from her nightly adventures.
"Following!" Mei chimes as she hurries after Kira. She thinks of her fog-induced vision and adds in a curious tone, more to herself than the other woman, "Like a lantern on a dark path." Though will-o-wisps are said to seem much the same. Not all lights in the dark lead to safety.
Mae just shrugged after reading the note, despite Mal's (well intentioned) outburst. "Unless we have a good way to track her down, she is on her own. But despite her propensity for falling asleep, I think she will be quite all right." Mae gave them a gentle smile before retreating to her room to change and get into bed, although she did not sleep right away.
"I do have a grand plan," Quentillius says to Guardok. "But really, no grander than most other Strixhaven students." The two enter into the tavern and soon spot Rubina sitting with Aurora. When she spots the pair she waves them over.
Rubina gives the two a smile. "Good to see you made it." Aurora waves as well in greeting. Both seem to already have a drink.
"Hey Rubina. Hey Aurora. Glad to see you snagged some seats", he says climbing up onto a chair. "Are you performing this evening, Aurora?", he asks as he looks around for a waitress.
If he manages to get the attention of a waitress he orders a cider, assuming Quentillius will also order something.
Kira moves through a couple of streets, narrower than the main ones that surround the Market. It takes only a few minutes of walking and a handful of turns to come to a narrower alley that slopes down and then around the back of the buildings. There is a tiny stream here, and not far from the end of the alley a few planks have been set to cross. After walking across, she turns and beckons to Meito follow. A few more steps, following a path through a small copse of trees, and you emerge into a small clearing.
It's hard to make up much detail in the dark, but you see perhaps 6 or 8 others gathered. You aren't far from where the buildings were, but there is a feeling that you have left the city. A shuttered lantern is set on what seems to be a stump near the center. It casts just a dim light. "Well, here we are. We should start soon. Stay close," she says in a soft voice.
"I'm going to perform in a couple hours," Aurora says. "I walked over with Rubina but might take off for a bit to do a few things."Guardoksoon is able to get the attention of a waitress and makes his order of cider while Quentillius orders some wine. The current group of musicians plays music, though few seem focused on it. It is more of a background sound for most of the patrons at the tavern.
As the waitress walks away Rubina gives Guardoka grin. "Hey! You were supposed to let me buy you a drink. To celebrate your success at the gymnastics meet!" She shrugs. "I'll just have to get your next one."
Oh no. This isn't where I told Mae I'd be, Mei thinks as they leave the market. The further they stray, the tighter a small knot in her stomach coils, but again a sense of curiosity pushes her to follow.
As they arrive in the clearing, she squints at the shadows and silhouettes, inwardly bemoaning the limits of her human eyes. Unsure how much of her they can see in turn, she smiles warmly and nods in greeting. At Kira's words, Mei hums an acknowledgement and hurries closer--too close, probably--then finds her attention drawn to the salient lantern. "Is that her altar?" she quietly asks.
As Mei'seyes adjust to the dim light, she can see small groups of people that seem to be speaking very softly to each other. Another man wearing robes, perhaps suggesting a priestly role, ends his conversation with another pair of people and comes over to where you stand. Kira starts to speak. "Sir, this is Mei. She is interested in learning more of Disyn." He gives a quick glance to Mei. "Welcome. We will begin soon. I hope you enjoy our simple songs of praise to Disyn. And then you shall hear her tale."
"Kira," he then says. "We have two other new entrants tonight. At the end you can walk with Mei to receive Disyn's blessing." He looks at Mei. "Assuming you wish to accept that is."
Meanwhile at the hotel, the purple-skinned tiefling turns in his bed, his pointy ears listening for any sounds of Mei coming back from her nightly adventures, hoping to hear the dreamer return soon, even pondering going to the market to look for her...
"Oh, I didn't think. Oops", Guardok replies to Rubina after nodding in response to Aurora. "Sure, get the next one, that would be great", he adds with a smile.
"Quentillius and I were just talking about what we want to do with what we learn here at the university. I guess I don't really know much about where you are from though, Rubina. Have you been sent here to change your world, or just your part in it?", he asks. "Possibly a bit deep for so early on in the evening, I know".
"Oh, w-well, if she deems me worthy of such a thing," Mei replies, careful with her words. The Dryad back home would not give her blessings to just anyone, but perhaps Disyn was less scrupulous regarding her recipients. She looks for the other new entrants, curious about how they're feeling and what walks of life they come from.
((In looking around at the gathered people, does she get any sense of them? Working class? The impoverished? A mix? Perception: 11 Insight: 18))
Malvyn too is quite appreciative, he would definitely try to take Aurora to see some performance here some day. As he makes it outside with Knap and Mae he feels an urgence to return to the hotel to make sure the dreamer has made it back safe.
Having left a note on the bed letting Mae know where she's gone, Mei totters back through the market when the time comes. Sans shopping bags, she has just her tarot cards and coin purse on hand.
She yawns with the late hour (and lack of naps throughout the day) and gives her cheeks a few sharp pinches to wake up as she approaches the meeting spot.
Quentillius looks at Guardok, as if examining him closely for a moment. "I am here because of the efforts of my family as well. Though I get that their sacrifice may not have been what it was for yours. I see why you feel you must repay them." He pauses a moment, reflecting briefly before replying further. "My family wants me to learn and be challenged here. But they also want me to pursue my own personal path. And for me, that is to take this magical ability I have and to be able to teach, make people think, and bring joy through my performances. And I want to bring all of my learning to that - both in artistry, history, and all of my knowledge of the past. I hope to create things that will expand the minds of others."
As he speaks, you are approaching the Bow's End Tavern. The place is filling quickly this evening, and you can already hear the faint sounds of music from some of the first performers.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
Traveling through the darkness, Mei quickly finds the area where she had left Kira. The market is mostly quiet, but it is not hard to find the small area where a dim light still glows and wisps of smoke from various sources lift into the air. Closing in, you again smell the heavy incense that forms a sort of thin fog about the space. It hits your mind quickly, tugging a bit at your senses of foresight. As you catch sight of Kira outside one of the stalls, your vision narrows, and you imagine yourself upon a rather well-kept path in a forest. There is light there, and it seems to come from this woman. Beyond, the path seems to twist and turn. It seems darker, but that might just be due to distance. And with the turns and a growing mist, you have no idea where it is going.
A chilly breeze comes up and just as quickly as it came the vision is gone. The air seems clearer, as though the incense has been blown away. Kira spots you and moves towards you. "Thanks be to Disyn! You have returned. I'm so glad! It's just about time to go. Are you ready. I'm so excited for you!"
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
Mae is ready to head back when everyone else is done at the ballet and will report on the note to the others back at the inn.
"Sounds like a grand plan you have for yourself", Guardok replies, looking up at Quentillius with a newfound understanding of him.
As they reach the Bow's End, he notices the crowds.
"Perhaps we are a little later than we ought to have been. I think we will need your height to locate Rubina".
Mei blinks as her vision swims with Sight. When it clears, a feeling of exhilaration rushes warmly through her veins: she had no idea where the path lead. And that excites her more than it should. But this is her year of "yes." Of collecting experiences and making the most of the brief freedom from her own cultivated fate. For better or worse, Mei wasn't going to turn back now.
Half-expecting Kira to be emanating light, she waits for her eyes to adjust when she proves bathed in shadow. "I'm excited too," she smiles, moving to meet her then following along wherever they head. "It's not everyday I get to learn about a new Goddess! Or, oh! N-Not to say that she's new, just, um... new to me! Is she better known in Silkmeadow?"
Malvyn, Mae, and Knap are able to make their way back to the inn without incident. Although once back, Mae discovers the letter Mei had left and lets the others know.
Kira laughs a bit at Mei's words. It's a happy, joyful sound. "You are fine. I'm... not sure how much people know of Disyn outside Silkmeadow. I've only known people here. Are you not from Silkmeadow?" She seems to be closing up the stall as she speaks. "Like I said, it's not far, but we should get going. Follow me?" She heads off through the paths of the market and out into the city.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
"She did what?? Went back to the market in the middle of the night??" Malvyn says with concern as Mae tells him and Knap about Mei's note. His first instinct is to set out to find her, fully expecting to find her sleeping in some back alley, but eventhough he had come to be like a big brother for her, making sure she wouldn't sleep through all her classes, he realized she had to be allowed to do this on her own. The purple-skinned tiefling lies awake though, listening for steps in the corridor that would signal the oracle would have returned from her nightly adventures.
"Following!" Mei chimes as she hurries after Kira. She thinks of her fog-induced vision and adds in a curious tone, more to herself than the other woman, "Like a lantern on a dark path." Though will-o-wisps are said to seem much the same. Not all lights in the dark lead to safety.
Mae just shrugged after reading the note, despite Mal's (well intentioned) outburst. "Unless we have a good way to track her down, she is on her own. But despite her propensity for falling asleep, I think she will be quite all right." Mae gave them a gentle smile before retreating to her room to change and get into bed, although she did not sleep right away.
"I do have a grand plan," Quentillius says to Guardok. "But really, no grander than most other Strixhaven students." The two enter into the tavern and soon spot Rubina sitting with Aurora. When she spots the pair she waves them over.
Rubina gives the two a smile. "Good to see you made it." Aurora waves as well in greeting. Both seem to already have a drink.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
Guardok gives Rubina and Aurora a friendly wave.
"Hey Rubina. Hey Aurora. Glad to see you snagged some seats", he says climbing up onto a chair. "Are you performing this evening, Aurora?", he asks as he looks around for a waitress.
If he manages to get the attention of a waitress he orders a cider, assuming Quentillius will also order something.
Kira moves through a couple of streets, narrower than the main ones that surround the Market. It takes only a few minutes of walking and a handful of turns to come to a narrower alley that slopes down and then around the back of the buildings. There is a tiny stream here, and not far from the end of the alley a few planks have been set to cross. After walking across, she turns and beckons to Mei to follow. A few more steps, following a path through a small copse of trees, and you emerge into a small clearing.
It's hard to make up much detail in the dark, but you see perhaps 6 or 8 others gathered. You aren't far from where the buildings were, but there is a feeling that you have left the city. A shuttered lantern is set on what seems to be a stump near the center. It casts just a dim light. "Well, here we are. We should start soon. Stay close," she says in a soft voice.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
"I'm going to perform in a couple hours," Aurora says. "I walked over with Rubina but might take off for a bit to do a few things." Guardok soon is able to get the attention of a waitress and makes his order of cider while Quentillius orders some wine. The current group of musicians plays music, though few seem focused on it. It is more of a background sound for most of the patrons at the tavern.
As the waitress walks away Rubina gives Guardok a grin. "Hey! You were supposed to let me buy you a drink. To celebrate your success at the gymnastics meet!" She shrugs. "I'll just have to get your next one."
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
Oh no. This isn't where I told Mae I'd be, Mei thinks as they leave the market. The further they stray, the tighter a small knot in her stomach coils, but again a sense of curiosity pushes her to follow.
As they arrive in the clearing, she squints at the shadows and silhouettes, inwardly bemoaning the limits of her human eyes. Unsure how much of her they can see in turn, she smiles warmly and nods in greeting. At Kira's words, Mei hums an acknowledgement and hurries closer--too close, probably--then finds her attention drawn to the salient lantern. "Is that her altar?" she quietly asks.
As Mei's eyes adjust to the dim light, she can see small groups of people that seem to be speaking very softly to each other. Another man wearing robes, perhaps suggesting a priestly role, ends his conversation with another pair of people and comes over to where you stand. Kira starts to speak. "Sir, this is Mei. She is interested in learning more of Disyn." He gives a quick glance to Mei. "Welcome. We will begin soon. I hope you enjoy our simple songs of praise to Disyn. And then you shall hear her tale."
"Kira," he then says. "We have two other new entrants tonight. At the end you can walk with Mei to receive Disyn's blessing." He looks at Mei. "Assuming you wish to accept that is."
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
Meanwhile at the hotel, the purple-skinned tiefling turns in his bed, his pointy ears listening for any sounds of Mei coming back from her nightly adventures, hoping to hear the dreamer return soon, even pondering going to the market to look for her...
"Oh, I didn't think. Oops", Guardok replies to Rubina after nodding in response to Aurora. "Sure, get the next one, that would be great", he adds with a smile.
"Quentillius and I were just talking about what we want to do with what we learn here at the university. I guess I don't really know much about where you are from though, Rubina. Have you been sent here to change your world, or just your part in it?", he asks. "Possibly a bit deep for so early on in the evening, I know".
"Oh, w-well, if she deems me worthy of such a thing," Mei replies, careful with her words. The Dryad back home would not give her blessings to just anyone, but perhaps Disyn was less scrupulous regarding her recipients. She looks for the other new entrants, curious about how they're feeling and what walks of life they come from.
((In looking around at the gathered people, does she get any sense of them? Working class? The impoverished? A mix?
Perception: 11 Insight: 18))