Guardok spots the motion of the director and gathers up as requested. He throws Quentillius two thumbs up and a determined nod.
When Rubina pats him on the back and whispers to him, he whispers back, "Let's do this!".
He stands in the wings out of sight of the crowd, and watches the portion of the stage that is visible, whilst listening closely to Quentillius' dialogue.
Now that the show is underway, he is surprised to find his nerves have left him. He is ready...
Malvyn follows along with Aurora, letting her find their seats while glancing around to see who is there, realizing he feels a little bit nervous himself even though he is just supposed to watch and listen.
Meiis faced with the difficult choice of moving all the way to the front and being right in the front row or moving back a bit and having a better overall view. In the interest of seeing what is happening, she chooses the later - it seems like the much better spot. She is at the center of the center section, so it should be good no matter where the action is taking place.
Larine seems very happy to follow Mae'slead. And with Mei leading the way and helping reserve seats for her floormates, it is no trouble to get a spot right near her.
Cadoras is a few steps behind. "Mei! That was an unfair trick! You almost lost me back there!" He plops down into a seat right next to the purple-haired girl.
Aurora moves along hand-in-hand with Malvynto sit with the others. They end up right beside Cadoras and Mei.
It isn't too long after being seated that the house lights dim. Quentillius enters alone to begin the first scene, delivering a short monolog introducing his character. In the next scene, Rubina and Guardokare predominantly featured. Towards the end of the scene, Quentillius enters, clearly establishing his romantic pursuit of Rubina's character as one of the main plot-lines.
As the scenes go along, several other characters are introduced. One seems to be a romantic rival to Quentillius' character who has some hold over him. Most characters seem to work together, and another plot-line deals with some issue which threatens their business. Rubina plays a fairly straight-forward character who seems to be integral to the work being done. Guardok's character is more of a confidant to her and also tends to deliver many of the more comedic lines of the play.
(Guardok- a roll to kind of indicate how you are doing. Can be any skill you feel fits - adding any additonal die you may have from your extracurriculars! Roll with Advantage)
"Maybe you should be keeping a close eye on me, then," Mei teases. Then furiously blushes at how flirtatious that came across as she sinks down in the seat.
When the play begins, Mei is a rapt audience member and quickly immersed in the story. She struggles not to clap at Guardok's appearance and jokes, fisting her hands in skirt fabric just in case. With every well-delivered dramatic or comedic line, she excitedly pats Cadoras' knee then looks at him with a smile as if to say, wasn't that good!?
It's truly some divine--or otherwise--intervention that keeps her awake during the performance.
(You've got this, Guardok! And, out of curiosity, how are Quentillius and Rubina doing?)
Not having seen a real play before, the purple-skinned tiefling is not only paying attention to what is going on at the stage but also how the audience is reacting to learn how to behave, feeling slightly out of place but finding comfort with his friends and the raven-haired beauty at his side. As Quent comes on stage he can't help but frown, hoping he would not ruin the play with his immense ego. He smiles excitedly as Guardok and Rubina enters, chuckling along with Guardok's comedic talent, being more and more drawn into the play.
Mae feels at ease again as the play starts, enjoying the performance and reminding her of the time she saw a rendition of "Beauty and the Fiend" which was notably memorable when it turned out the fiend was a real fiend in disguise and nearly set the entire meeting hall on fire before they were stopped. This play was funnier though thanks to Guardok, which she much appreciated.
Much like with the gymnastics, it takes a little self control for Guardok not to react and acknowledge the audience directly when he enters onto the stage for the first time to join Rubina in the second scene. He plays his character as a little clumsy and very much unintentionally funny and a touch naive, not quite realising the connotations of some of the phrases that he uses and the potential for misunderstanding.
Despite the nerves dissipating as he waits in the wings, he feels a little stiff during his opening few lines of dialogue, but soon settles and grows into the performance.
Guardok manages to give balance to his clumsiness, giving it enough to make it funny but not overshadowing the other performers. He also manages to deliver his lines with a very serious tone, as though not even realizing the comedic content. Quentillius gives a decent performance, but really Rubina is the one that seems to shine so far. Her delivery is perfect, and it is easy to start thinking of her as this character who is falling in love with Quentillius' character, despite a seemingly more successful rival pursuing her.
As Malvynobserves the audience, he can see that most people seem to be watching and listening attentively, without really any obvious reactions to the performers. Perhaps some light laughter at the jokes. A couple really good jokes get a louder laugh. And of course, there are the slight smiles at some of the romantic moments. His attention falling more often on Aurora, she does seem to react to the little physical cues Rubina gives to her character as she reacts to the two suitors.
Meisoon finds Cadoras placing a reassuring hand on hers when she pats his knee. When she looks over, he always gives her a subtle nod and smile. It gets to where he almost seems to anticipate the moments.
Larine seems to watch the play with rapt attention but doesn't really make any movements or show much reaction as she sits beside Mae.
The final scene before intermission is a complicated mix of characters and some cleverly arranged set changes. The rival suitor has a number of interactions with both Quentillius and Rubina which highlight his starkly different demeanor with the two. There are clearer hints of the struggles that the business everyone seems to work for has. Clearly it is in trouble. And through it all, Guardok's character seems to be the one constant that, despite his clumsiness and joking nature, sees all sides of what is happening.
The curtain goes down as the lights in the theater come up for the intermission. It seems there are a few drinks and snacks being offered in the lobby. Though much of the crowd seems to be making a rush for those. For the actors and actresses, there are a few moments of break. Though soon they need to see to touching-up make-up, fixing costumes, and preparing for the last half of the show.
Mae gets up with a small stretch and looked at Larine with a smile. "Well, made it halfway, didn't we? Come on, let's get a drink at least. Are you hungry at all? I think they have some snacks too. Oh and I might find a privy as well, if I feel like fussing with this dress."
"Guardok is quite good, and Rubina is a great actress, don't you think?" Malvyn says as he leads Aurora outside for a bit of fresh air, grabbing a couple of drinks on his way.
Larine watched Maestretch then got up to stand with her. "Yes, the first half was interesting," she says. "I guess a little snack might be nice. Perhaps a little something we could share?" As Maementions the privy she adds, "Oh, I could perhaps get something for us while you, um, take care of that. Not sure how much time we have before the next act starts. I'd hate for you to miss any of it."
Aurora follows after Malvyn, stepping just outside into the cool air. "Yes, Rubina is doing quite fabulously. I am quite enjoying the play." She turns to look at Malvyn, taking one of the drinks. "As always, you are quite kind Mal. You know, Guardok has been rather brilliant with his comedy bits too. He seems a natural at it. What do you think? Do you like it?"
Quentillius makes a short remark, "It's going as well as can be expected. A decent performance, despite the distractions. I really should focus on my lines for the second half. Must stay in character," he says. He hurries off to his dressing room.
Rubina suppresses a laugh, then shakes her head as he runs off. "He's quite the dramatic man. I thought he did quite well." She then looks at Guardok. "And your delivery on your jokes was fantastic! The whole cast is really pulling off a great show."
Mae's eyes sparkled at Larine's comments and suggestion. "Oh would you? That sounds just wonderful! You're the best! Come on then!" Mae kissed Larine's cheek and walked out to where the refreshments were, made a quick gesture toward them and then headed to take care of her needs before returning to look for Larine.
Mei watches as the group all go their separate ways. Having never been to a play with an intermission before, she isn't sure what to do. "Oh, but... what if they lose their seats? Should I--?" She removes her outer layers, first flinging her coat over Larine and Mae's seats, then leaning over Cadoras to try and toss her cardigan over Malvyn and Aurora's.
"What do you think so far? Guardok's a natural, isn't he?" she asks as she stretches over. "I bet you could hold your own up there too! LARPing is a kind of acting, isn't it?"
"Yes, the play, I like it, I mean not only for being there with you and watching Guardok and Rubina's performances. Are you interested in giving acting atry yourself? You definitely belong on the stage and I doubt there is anything you wouldn't do well up there." Malvyn says with a warm smile, drawing Aurora closer to keep her warm in the cool air. "Perhaps I will find us a play to watch at that weekend trip? Anything in particular you would want to see? I've read there are comedies and tragedies and considering this is clearly a comedy I suppose a tragedy should be nest?"
Maespots Larine fairly easily, standing not far from the door back into the theater. She seems to have her hands full. "Oh, hey!" she says when she spots Mae approaching. "I wasn't quite sure what you would like most. So..." You can see she has one bag with small bits of chocolate candies in it. Another has turkish delight dusted with powdered sugar. And yet another has an assortment of salted nuts. "Shall we find our seats?"
"Yes, Guardok did a really great job," Cadoras agrees. But he gives Meian odd look. "But why are your clothes flying all over the place? This is evidently a tradition I'm not familiar with! Should I be removing my clothes," he adds with a laugh.
Aurora shakes her head. "I'm not so sure about acting. It's fascinating to watch, but I quite enjoy performing music. Think I'll likely stick to that." She gives Malvyn a grin. "You feeling like trying your hand at acting?" She then takes Malvyn'shand. "Sure, a play or some other performance might be nice if we go somewhere. A tragedy would be fine. But really anything is ok with me." After a few moments, and a few more sips of her drink, she says, "Did you want anything else, Mal? Probably be time to grab our seats again soon."
Mei is fit to fall out of her seat at that. “I-Is it not a universal sign for, uh—“ she makes the mistake of looking at Cadoras. Her eyes widen, imagination running quite wild, and croaks, “—‘this seat’s taken’?”
Mei settles back in her chair, body temperature still rising. “Sorry, everyone else is getting a chance to stretch their legs! If you’d like to get up, I could put a, umm...“ She grins and decides to make a joke of it, "A stocking over your chair.”
"No, I had my moment alone with you dear, should last me through the rest of the play."The purple-skinned tiefling says with a toothy grin, giving Aurora a hug before leading her inside and back to their seats. "I will need to think about taking up acting, I doubt I would be able to spend much time in close proximity with the evening's male lead actor." He says quietly as they take their seats. "I suppose I should try to take up something a bit artistic though to be able to express myself better."
Mae gasped a little at the bundle of things Larine had procured and giggled. "Well they all look delicious I guess! Yes, we should probably head back in soon. I'll get us a couple drinks and meet you back inside in a moment, all right?"She leaned in and whispered, "Save the Turkish Delight for me."She gave Larine a wink and hurried off to get them each a drink and then dashed back (carefully!) into the theater to join the others and split up their treats between them.
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Guardok spots the motion of the director and gathers up as requested. He throws Quentillius two thumbs up and a determined nod.
When Rubina pats him on the back and whispers to him, he whispers back, "Let's do this!".
He stands in the wings out of sight of the crowd, and watches the portion of the stage that is visible, whilst listening closely to Quentillius' dialogue.
Now that the show is underway, he is surprised to find his nerves have left him. He is ready...
Malvyn follows along with Aurora, letting her find their seats while glancing around to see who is there, realizing he feels a little bit nervous himself even though he is just supposed to watch and listen.
Mei is faced with the difficult choice of moving all the way to the front and being right in the front row or moving back a bit and having a better overall view. In the interest of seeing what is happening, she chooses the later - it seems like the much better spot. She is at the center of the center section, so it should be good no matter where the action is taking place.
Larine seems very happy to follow Mae's lead. And with Mei leading the way and helping reserve seats for her floormates, it is no trouble to get a spot right near her.
Cadoras is a few steps behind. "Mei! That was an unfair trick! You almost lost me back there!" He plops down into a seat right next to the purple-haired girl.
Aurora moves along hand-in-hand with Malvyn to sit with the others. They end up right beside Cadoras and Mei.
It isn't too long after being seated that the house lights dim. Quentillius enters alone to begin the first scene, delivering a short monolog introducing his character. In the next scene, Rubina and Guardok are predominantly featured. Towards the end of the scene, Quentillius enters, clearly establishing his romantic pursuit of Rubina's character as one of the main plot-lines.
As the scenes go along, several other characters are introduced. One seems to be a romantic rival to Quentillius' character who has some hold over him. Most characters seem to work together, and another plot-line deals with some issue which threatens their business. Rubina plays a fairly straight-forward character who seems to be integral to the work being done. Guardok's character is more of a confidant to her and also tends to deliver many of the more comedic lines of the play.
(Guardok - a roll to kind of indicate how you are doing. Can be any skill you feel fits - adding any additonal die you may have from your extracurriculars! Roll with Advantage)
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
"Maybe you should be keeping a close eye on me, then," Mei teases. Then furiously blushes at how flirtatious that came across as she sinks down in the seat.
When the play begins, Mei is a rapt audience member and quickly immersed in the story. She struggles not to clap at Guardok's appearance and jokes, fisting her hands in skirt fabric just in case. With every well-delivered dramatic or comedic line, she excitedly pats Cadoras' knee then looks at him with a smile as if to say, wasn't that good!?
It's truly some divine--or otherwise--intervention that keeps her awake during the performance.
(You've got this, Guardok! And, out of curiosity, how are Quentillius and Rubina doing?)
Not having seen a real play before, the purple-skinned tiefling is not only paying attention to what is going on at the stage but also how the audience is reacting to learn how to behave, feeling slightly out of place but finding comfort with his friends and the raven-haired beauty at his side. As Quent comes on stage he can't help but frown, hoping he would not ruin the play with his immense ego. He smiles excitedly as Guardok and Rubina enters, chuckling along with Guardok's comedic talent, being more and more drawn into the play.
Mae feels at ease again as the play starts, enjoying the performance and reminding her of the time she saw a rendition of "Beauty and the Fiend" which was notably memorable when it turned out the fiend was a real fiend in disguise and nearly set the entire meeting hall on fire before they were stopped. This play was funnier though thanks to Guardok, which she much appreciated.
Much like with the gymnastics, it takes a little self control for Guardok not to react and acknowledge the audience directly when he enters onto the stage for the first time to join Rubina in the second scene. He plays his character as a little clumsy and very much unintentionally funny and a touch naive, not quite realising the connotations of some of the phrases that he uses and the potential for misunderstanding.
Despite the nerves dissipating as he waits in the wings, he feels a little stiff during his opening few lines of dialogue, but soon settles and grows into the performance.
Performance: (6, 8)+5+4= 17
Guardok manages to give balance to his clumsiness, giving it enough to make it funny but not overshadowing the other performers. He also manages to deliver his lines with a very serious tone, as though not even realizing the comedic content. Quentillius gives a decent performance, but really Rubina is the one that seems to shine so far. Her delivery is perfect, and it is easy to start thinking of her as this character who is falling in love with Quentillius' character, despite a seemingly more successful rival pursuing her.
As Malvyn observes the audience, he can see that most people seem to be watching and listening attentively, without really any obvious reactions to the performers. Perhaps some light laughter at the jokes. A couple really good jokes get a louder laugh. And of course, there are the slight smiles at some of the romantic moments. His attention falling more often on Aurora, she does seem to react to the little physical cues Rubina gives to her character as she reacts to the two suitors.
Mei soon finds Cadoras placing a reassuring hand on hers when she pats his knee. When she looks over, he always gives her a subtle nod and smile. It gets to where he almost seems to anticipate the moments.
Larine seems to watch the play with rapt attention but doesn't really make any movements or show much reaction as she sits beside Mae.
The final scene before intermission is a complicated mix of characters and some cleverly arranged set changes. The rival suitor has a number of interactions with both Quentillius and Rubina which highlight his starkly different demeanor with the two. There are clearer hints of the struggles that the business everyone seems to work for has. Clearly it is in trouble. And through it all, Guardok's character seems to be the one constant that, despite his clumsiness and joking nature, sees all sides of what is happening.
The curtain goes down as the lights in the theater come up for the intermission. It seems there are a few drinks and snacks being offered in the lobby. Though much of the crowd seems to be making a rush for those. For the actors and actresses, there are a few moments of break. Though soon they need to see to touching-up make-up, fixing costumes, and preparing for the last half of the show.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Mae gets up with a small stretch and looked at Larine with a smile. "Well, made it halfway, didn't we? Come on, let's get a drink at least. Are you hungry at all? I think they have some snacks too. Oh and I might find a privy as well, if I feel like fussing with this dress."
"Guardok is quite good, and Rubina is a great actress, don't you think?" Malvyn says as he leads Aurora outside for a bit of fresh air, grabbing a couple of drinks on his way.
Larine watched Mae stretch then got up to stand with her. "Yes, the first half was interesting," she says. "I guess a little snack might be nice. Perhaps a little something we could share?" As Mae mentions the privy she adds, "Oh, I could perhaps get something for us while you, um, take care of that. Not sure how much time we have before the next act starts. I'd hate for you to miss any of it."
Aurora follows after Malvyn, stepping just outside into the cool air. "Yes, Rubina is doing quite fabulously. I am quite enjoying the play." She turns to look at Malvyn, taking one of the drinks. "As always, you are quite kind Mal. You know, Guardok has been rather brilliant with his comedy bits too. He seems a natural at it. What do you think? Do you like it?"
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Guardok rushes up to Rubina and Quentillius backstage as soon as the intermission starts.
"That was fun. You're both killing it!", he says excitedly. "And I think I got a few laughs too", he adds happily.
He had spotted his friends out in the audience, and his instinct had been to wave, but fortunately he had been able to suppress it.
"What do you think?", he asks them both for their opinions.
Quentillius makes a short remark, "It's going as well as can be expected. A decent performance, despite the distractions. I really should focus on my lines for the second half. Must stay in character," he says. He hurries off to his dressing room.
Rubina suppresses a laugh, then shakes her head as he runs off. "He's quite the dramatic man. I thought he did quite well." She then looks at Guardok. "And your delivery on your jokes was fantastic! The whole cast is really pulling off a great show."
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Mae's eyes sparkled at Larine's comments and suggestion. "Oh would you? That sounds just wonderful! You're the best! Come on then!" Mae kissed Larine's cheek and walked out to where the refreshments were, made a quick gesture toward them and then headed to take care of her needs before returning to look for Larine.
Mei watches as the group all go their separate ways. Having never been to a play with an intermission before, she isn't sure what to do. "Oh, but... what if they lose their seats? Should I--?" She removes her outer layers, first flinging her coat over Larine and Mae's seats, then leaning over Cadoras to try and toss her cardigan over Malvyn and Aurora's.
"What do you think so far? Guardok's a natural, isn't he?" she asks as she stretches over. "I bet you could hold your own up there too! LARPing is a kind of acting, isn't it?"
"Yes, the play, I like it, I mean not only for being there with you and watching Guardok and Rubina's performances. Are you interested in giving acting atry yourself? You definitely belong on the stage and I doubt there is anything you wouldn't do well up there." Malvyn says with a warm smile, drawing Aurora closer to keep her warm in the cool air. "Perhaps I will find us a play to watch at that weekend trip? Anything in particular you would want to see? I've read there are comedies and tragedies and considering this is clearly a comedy I suppose a tragedy should be nest?"
Mae spots Larine fairly easily, standing not far from the door back into the theater. She seems to have her hands full. "Oh, hey!" she says when she spots Mae approaching. "I wasn't quite sure what you would like most. So..." You can see she has one bag with small bits of chocolate candies in it. Another has turkish delight dusted with powdered sugar. And yet another has an assortment of salted nuts. "Shall we find our seats?"
"Yes, Guardok did a really great job," Cadoras agrees. But he gives Mei an odd look. "But why are your clothes flying all over the place? This is evidently a tradition I'm not familiar with! Should I be removing my clothes," he adds with a laugh.
Aurora shakes her head. "I'm not so sure about acting. It's fascinating to watch, but I quite enjoy performing music. Think I'll likely stick to that." She gives Malvyn a grin. "You feeling like trying your hand at acting?" She then takes Malvyn's hand. "Sure, a play or some other performance might be nice if we go somewhere. A tragedy would be fine. But really anything is ok with me." After a few moments, and a few more sips of her drink, she says, "Did you want anything else, Mal? Probably be time to grab our seats again soon."
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Mei is fit to fall out of her seat at that. “I-Is it not a universal sign for, uh—“ she makes the mistake of looking at Cadoras. Her eyes widen, imagination running quite wild, and croaks, “—‘this seat’s taken’?”
Mei settles back in her chair, body temperature still rising. “Sorry, everyone else is getting a chance to stretch their legs! If you’d like to get up, I could put a, umm...“ She grins and decides to make a joke of it, "A stocking over your chair.”
"No, I had my moment alone with you dear, should last me through the rest of the play." The purple-skinned tiefling says with a toothy grin, giving Aurora a hug before leading her inside and back to their seats. "I will need to think about taking up acting, I doubt I would be able to spend much time in close proximity with the evening's male lead actor." He says quietly as they take their seats. "I suppose I should try to take up something a bit artistic though to be able to express myself better."
Mae gasped a little at the bundle of things Larine had procured and giggled. "Well they all look delicious I guess! Yes, we should probably head back in soon. I'll get us a couple drinks and meet you back inside in a moment, all right?" She leaned in and whispered, "Save the Turkish Delight for me." She gave Larine a wink and hurried off to get them each a drink and then dashed back (carefully!) into the theater to join the others and split up their treats between them.