Starker will spend time during the next couple of days translating the encoded diary from elvish to common and Iarno’s diary from draconic to common and writing the translations into a book he makes available to everyone.
i obviously didn't pick it up prior however it appears, or i hypothesize that the Spiders interest in the Stonejaws lie in the Deep Wave Mine and it's magical bellows. I surmise he was intent on constructing something magical (channeling my inner Capt Obvious).
And the text in reference to the attack on the Deep Wave Mine and the Brighthammer clan of Dwarves gives no clues to region, direction, or another identifying clue?
Wayfinder can be used to find the mine (check spells/powers). We agreed to give the sword to Mr. Barder, but we did not say we would do so immediately. If they cause a stink, we can give to them on condition that someone comes with us to use the ability to lead us to the mine.
Wayfinder can be used to find the mine (check spells/powers). We agreed to give the sword to Mr. Barder, but we did not say we would do so immediately. If they cause a stink, we can give to them on condition that someone comes with us to use the ability to lead us to the mine.
This spell allows you to find the shortest, most direct physical route to a specific fixed location that you are familiar with on the same plane of existence. If you name a destination on another plan of existence, a destination that moves (such as a mobile fortress), or a destination that isn't specific (such as a green dragon's lair), the spell fails.
This may not be popular, however I think we should bring Olar down here and share the discovery with him. I am hoping he can provide another clue to the Deep Wave mine location. Certainly the Tome of records and Wayfinder should be offered. The other items we can discuss. My opinion and vote.
This may not be popular, however I think we should bring Olar down here and share the discovery with him. I am hoping he can provide another clue to the Deep Wave mine location. Certainly the Tome of records and Wayfinder should be offered. The other items we can discuss. My opinion and vote.
Gneuman has no objections. This mine sounds interesting. Maybe Olar can provide some additional insights as well.
This may not be popular, however I think we should bring Olar down here and share the discovery with him. I am hoping he can provide another clue to the Deep Wave mine location. Certainly the Tome of records and Wayfinder should be offered. The other items we can discuss. My opinion and vote.
Hopefully he won’t blow a gasket as Chadwick uses a sacred helmet for the 3 man hat.
Olar Barder joins you in the laboratory. His sergeant accompanies him to see what you have to show him. He enters and sees the door to the vault open and turns to you, wide eyed. "You were able to open it," he states the obvious. "What did you find within?" His voice is soft, and you can see that hope is in his eyes.
There are ~37.5 blank pages in the back of the encoded diary. starker has quill and an ounce of ink. If he can, as time permits, he will translate bits of both books that seem to him to be of possible interest and render them in common. When we get back to civilization he’ll do a more complete job when the materials are at hand.
Starker is happy to be friendly to the leader of the overwhelming group of armed sentients who showed up at our doorstep.
“Olar, we have discovered the artifacts of the Great Rastagna and his ranger wife. Included in the vault are the Legendary short sword Wayfinder, a tome with a written history of his people’s, a chest with a Helm that has arcane properties and another chest with 8 tomes of magical content/spells. A tremendous discovery indeed, come see for yourself!”
Olar slowly walks to the door of the vault and catches his breath as he looks inside. He makes a religious gesture and bows his head. Slowly he walks forward, kneels and prays before the table holding the tome and the sword. His sergeant remains outside of the vault and kneels upon seeing Wayfinder on its rack. He stands and says to you while still facing the sword, "Wayfinder has been returned to the world at your hands. We, the servants of the Great Tree Father owe you a debt of gratitude. What are your intentions?"
Hoid says, “Olar, we have little interest in Wayfinder other than its usefulness as a tool. Of greater interest to us is why Craddick and The Spider were interested in the contents of this vault. From the books we understand the abilities that Wayfinder provides, but those don’t seem particularly useful to Craddick or The Spider. That suggests their interest was in the other contents. Given time, we can digest the books and perhaps discern their potential value to those two miscreants. The helm, unless described in the texts, could be a bigger mystery. Do you know any lore that might be associated with the helm? Oh, we are likely to relinquish the sword to you on the condition that we be allowed to borrow it, or have you or one of your people use it for us, if we discover it is needed for a greater purpose.”
“Brother Hoid can be quite direct, which is admirable.. at times.” Smiles while looking directly at Olar, nodding his head. “Our intentions are to relinquish what was found back to you and the disciples of the Tree Father.” “If you have no use of some of the items, we may, if we know their usefulness?”
”of interest, in which we ask your help, we seek to identify what nefarious use the Spider had in the deep wave mine and ensure it does not fall into fell hands. We would ask any assistance you can provide in finding the Mine so we may protect its treasures. If Wayfinder has features which may help in that endeavour, we ask that it be used to assist.”
“Our mage, Master Starker, may have interest in copying select spells, if that would be acceptable?”
Olar listens to the dwarves, growing more accustomed to Hoid's directness. "Honorable Hoid, the sword is more than a weapon. It is a symbol, a rallying cry to those to follow the Tree Father. While a weapon of power is certainly to be desired on your side of a fight, the spirit of your troops is a much more valuable asset. Wayfinder offers that to our people," he says. "The treasures here are those of Rastagna and Annatha's personal wealth. They are by rights yours now. Nothing else here carries the importance of Wayfinder."
He turns to face you while keeping Wayfinder in his vision, "What use the Spider and Craddock the Terrible had for these items I cannot know. The Deep Wave Mine and its relationship with these items is unknown to me."
Starker: “I wonder: have you or any of your folk seen a device such as the Enigma? Having a pair of them would be more than twice as valuable as having only one.”
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You lack sufficient materials for this currently.
None of the mentions of the Deep Wave Mine discuss its location.
Wayfinder can be found in inventory.
i obviously didn't pick it up prior however it appears, or i hypothesize that the Spiders interest in the Stonejaws lie in the Deep Wave Mine and it's magical bellows. I surmise he was intent on constructing something magical (channeling my inner Capt Obvious).
And the text in reference to the attack on the Deep Wave Mine and the Brighthammer clan of Dwarves gives no clues to region, direction, or another identifying clue?
Cast guidance on myself. Investigation check = 15 + 2 = 17
There is no reference to the location of the mine.
Wayfinder can be used to find the mine (check spells/powers). We agreed to give the sword to Mr. Barder, but we did not say we would do so immediately. If they cause a stink, we can give to them on condition that someone comes with us to use the ability to lead us to the mine.
Did you keep the ever ink bottle?
This spell allows you to find the shortest, most direct physical route to a specific fixed location that you are familiar with on the same plane of existence. If you name a destination on another plan of existence, a destination that moves (such as a mobile fortress), or a destination that isn't specific (such as a green dragon's lair), the spell fails.
I believe that was not selected from the treasure in Granitestead.
Lots of paper will be needed to transcribe the Encoded Diary and History tome.
This may not be popular, however I think we should bring Olar down here and share the discovery with him. I am hoping he can provide another clue to the Deep Wave mine location. Certainly the Tome of records and Wayfinder should be offered. The other items we can discuss. My opinion and vote.
Gneuman has no objections. This mine sounds interesting. Maybe Olar can provide some additional insights as well.
Hopefully he won’t blow a gasket as Chadwick uses a sacred helmet for the 3 man hat.
Olar Barder joins you in the laboratory. His sergeant accompanies him to see what you have to show him. He enters and sees the door to the vault open and turns to you, wide eyed. "You were able to open it," he states the obvious. "What did you find within?" His voice is soft, and you can see that hope is in his eyes.
There are ~37.5 blank pages in the back of the encoded diary. starker has quill and an ounce of ink. If he can, as time permits, he will translate bits of both books that seem to him to be of possible interest and render them in common. When we get back to civilization he’ll do a more complete job when the materials are at hand.
Starker is happy to be friendly to the leader of the overwhelming group of armed sentients who showed up at our doorstep.
“Olar, we have discovered the artifacts of the Great Rastagna and his ranger wife. Included in the vault are the Legendary short sword Wayfinder, a tome with a written history of his people’s, a chest with a Helm that has arcane properties and another chest with 8 tomes of magical content/spells. A tremendous discovery indeed, come see for yourself!”
Chadwick after finding the helm doesn't give him xray vision or anything cool will put the helm back in the chest (needs to be attuned).
Olar slowly walks to the door of the vault and catches his breath as he looks inside. He makes a religious gesture and bows his head. Slowly he walks forward, kneels and prays before the table holding the tome and the sword. His sergeant remains outside of the vault and kneels upon seeing Wayfinder on its rack. He stands and says to you while still facing the sword, "Wayfinder has been returned to the world at your hands. We, the servants of the Great Tree Father owe you a debt of gratitude. What are your intentions?"
Hoid says, “Olar, we have little interest in Wayfinder other than its usefulness as a tool. Of greater interest to us is why Craddick and The Spider were interested in the contents of this vault. From the books we understand the abilities that Wayfinder provides, but those don’t seem particularly useful to Craddick or The Spider. That suggests their interest was in the other contents. Given time, we can digest the books and perhaps discern their potential value to those two miscreants. The helm, unless described in the texts, could be a bigger mystery. Do you know any lore that might be associated with the helm? Oh, we are likely to relinquish the sword to you on the condition that we be allowed to borrow it, or have you or one of your people use it for us, if we discover it is needed for a greater purpose.”
“Brother Hoid can be quite direct, which is admirable.. at times.” Smiles while looking directly at Olar, nodding his head. “Our intentions are to relinquish what was found back to you and the disciples of the Tree Father.” “If you have no use of some of the items, we may, if we know their usefulness?”
”of interest, in which we ask your help, we seek to identify what nefarious use the Spider had in the deep wave mine and ensure it does not fall into fell hands. We would ask any assistance you can provide in finding the Mine so we may protect its treasures. If Wayfinder has features which may help in that endeavour, we ask that it be used to assist.”
“Our mage, Master Starker, may have interest in copying select spells, if that would be acceptable?”
Olar listens to the dwarves, growing more accustomed to Hoid's directness. "Honorable Hoid, the sword is more than a weapon. It is a symbol, a rallying cry to those to follow the Tree Father. While a weapon of power is certainly to be desired on your side of a fight, the spirit of your troops is a much more valuable asset. Wayfinder offers that to our people," he says. "The treasures here are those of Rastagna and Annatha's personal wealth. They are by rights yours now. Nothing else here carries the importance of Wayfinder."
He turns to face you while keeping Wayfinder in his vision, "What use the Spider and Craddock the Terrible had for these items I cannot know. The Deep Wave Mine and its relationship with these items is unknown to me."
Starker: “I wonder: have you or any of your folk seen a device such as the Enigma? Having a pair of them would be more than twice as valuable as having only one.”