The tunnels have been explored and you have passed through the secret door to find another set of chambers. In the first two you have come across six people all standing and staring into space with glassy eyes. Occasionally they repetitively mumble seeming nonsense phrases, "...where is she..", "...I need butter...", ", not him...", "...the ship is here....", " to get home..."
Toadstool Ring is a teleporter to a door guarded by mechanical beholder. No one has passed the door in many, many years (says the mechanical beholder).
5 Quaggoths are chumps, but Kragen couldn’t hit one stuck in a web.
Two ogres were very stinky (Hoid got sick) but got singed by a fireball so they decided to die.
Scary bridge may not have been dangerous. Paranoia got us safely across.
Rust monsters and a handful of human occultists died to another well placed fireball 10’ above ground zero.
More occultists interrupted our short rest so brave Sir Chadwick gave one a hand axe to the face and gutted another.
The passage continues ahead and makes small turn to reveal another chamber with two exits. The passage to the right continues straight and then turns to the right. Across the room is a short passage that leads to the edge of water and what appears to be an subterranean river. There is no dry ground seen across the river. It seems to be flowing slowly to the right. By the river is a small ring of stone for a fire with a tripod holding an iron pot.
Starker sighs and puts away his knife and takes back the scapel he had just handed Cyrus. “We’re going to end up killing them sooner or later. Sooner is better but later is still fine, I suppose.”
Kragen quietly prays to Tyr for the healing of Hoid. His care is rewarded by seeing Hoid's injuries improve. You hear the water of the river lapping at the rock shoreline. Steam tendrils can be seen climbing out of the iron pot suspended over the low coals in the fire ring. The hall continues ahead and turns to the right beyond the small cave.
The passage opens to a large chamber. A wide passage continues and bifurcates to the right. There are several humanoids here standing guard. Each is armed with a scimitar and javelin and is wearing leather armor. They react aggressively to your entering.
The three cultists are across the cavern from you as you enter. All appear to be ready for your appearance and launch javelins at Chadwick when he rounds the corner. Javelin to hit = 10 for 1 piercing damage, 12 for 6 piercing damage, and 14 for 2 piercing damage. As they throw their javelins each begins to yell out, "INTRUDERS!! INTRUDERS!!"
Chadwick says while closing the distance "Wow guys, that was a really weak surprise attack. You should really practice with those more. Well, I mean if you lived. Which of course you aren't. Bad day to be a creepy cultist."
Bonus action switch HM to Cultist 20.
To hit: 25, dam: 12
If not dead attack again: 17, dam: 5
If first attack kills cultist 20 he'll chuck a hand axe at cultist 12.
To hit: 21 (manual roll since it shows as melee and range has smaller bonus) Dam: 8
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Chadwick crosses the cavern to engage the cultists. From his left there is the loud sound of a ballista firing, AT HIM! Ballista to hit = 8 for 22 piercing damage.
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Starker busies himself examining the flora. He does notice that there are no insects or animals present.
A careful examination shows no footprints on the island, the bridge or the tunnel leading to it.
Hoid’s position updated to be island coincident.
Chadwick keeps continues to stand guard with weapons drawn and keeping an towards the tunnel in case the rodents get feisty.
The tunnels have been explored and you have passed through the secret door to find another set of chambers. In the first two you have come across six people all standing and staring into space with glassy eyes. Occasionally they repetitively mumble seeming nonsense phrases, "...where is she..", "...I need butter...", ", not him...", "...the ship is here....", " to get home..."
New map link in case you need it.
Bral Warrens
Summary of what happened
Toadstool Ring is a teleporter to a door guarded by mechanical beholder. No one has passed the door in many, many years (says the mechanical beholder).
5 Quaggoths are chumps, but Kragen couldn’t hit one stuck in a web.
Two ogres were very stinky (Hoid got sick) but got singed by a fireball so they decided to die.
Scary bridge may not have been dangerous. Paranoia got us safely across.
Rust monsters and a handful of human occultists died to another well placed fireball 10’ above ground zero.
More occultists interrupted our short rest so brave Sir Chadwick gave one a hand axe to the face and gutted another.
I propose we move on. The thralls seem lobotomized or brainwashed.
Did Gneumann have anything to share from the land beyond the secret door? Trolkarl is okay with carrying on if everyone else is good.
The passage continues ahead and makes small turn to reveal another chamber with two exits. The passage to the right continues straight and then turns to the right. Across the room is a short passage that leads to the edge of water and what appears to be an subterranean river. There is no dry ground seen across the river. It seems to be flowing slowly to the right. By the river is a small ring of stone for a fire with a tripod holding an iron pot.
Just the info that SD posted below and the humans and elves in a zombie-like state.
If none of thralls look like Arin Stormrider (I believe you said none did) then I vote to carry on.
I updated Chadwick's HP (41) to match Foundry.
How is Hoid for HP, should Chadwick take the lead?
Please lead on.
Starker sighs and puts away his knife and takes back the scapel he had just handed Cyrus. “We’re going to end up killing them sooner or later. Sooner is better but later is still fine, I suppose.”
Kragen casts Cure Wounds on Hoid, healing 10 HP.
Kragen quietly prays to Tyr for the healing of Hoid. His care is rewarded by seeing Hoid's injuries improve. You hear the water of the river lapping at the rock shoreline. Steam tendrils can be seen climbing out of the iron pot suspended over the low coals in the fire ring. The hall continues ahead and turns to the right beyond the small cave.
Let’s press on down the tunnel. We can have Aquagnome explore the water later if need be.
The passage opens to a large chamber. A wide passage continues and bifurcates to the right. There are several humanoids here standing guard. Each is armed with a scimitar and javelin and is wearing leather armor. They react aggressively to your entering.
The three cultists are across the cavern from you as you enter. All appear to be ready for your appearance and launch javelins at Chadwick when he rounds the corner. Javelin to hit = 10 for 1 piercing damage, 12 for 6 piercing damage, and 14 for 2 piercing damage. As they throw their javelins each begins to yell out, "INTRUDERS!! INTRUDERS!!"
One of the javelins finds its mark, wounding Chadwick for 4 damage.
Chadwick to act.
(( Then Hoid. We will take your reactions in marching order. ))
Chadwick says while closing the distance "Wow guys, that was a really weak surprise attack. You should really practice with those more. Well, I mean if you lived. Which of course you aren't. Bad day to be a creepy cultist."
Bonus action switch HM to Cultist 20.
To hit: 25, dam: 12
If not dead attack again: 17, dam: 5
If first attack kills cultist 20 he'll chuck a hand axe at cultist 12.
To hit: 21 (manual roll since it shows as melee and range has smaller bonus) Dam: 8
Chadwick crosses the cavern to engage the cultists. From his left there is the loud sound of a ballista firing, AT HIM! Ballista to hit = 8 for 22 piercing damage.