There is an inn a short distance from where the fight took place. You all make your way there on foot with the mules laden with gear. All can benefit from a short rest if you wish to do so. Harthall is about a half day walk now from where you are. You would arrive early evening if you press on. Garrent is feeling better after the rest. He is quieter than usual during your time at the inn, staring into the distance as he drinks his ale and eats an apple. Gaius is clearly impatient to move forward but is working hard to hide it.
Trolkarl will share the information with Garrent about the wizard (and this in being the 2nd and 3rd times respectively he has lost). Also trying to involve Gaius to help with the details. This same wizard attacking us in the north
My brother is cruel and could easily be manipulated to go fight the Hartstones… but employing orcs on the duke’s road to attack like cowards… that is too much for him. The duke needs to understand this is no simple rivalry of houses.
Garrent listens, seemingly distantly to Trolkarl’s information. His gaze is off in the distance, He then shakes his head slightly and is focused, “So this wizard you know as Falonir has ambushed you like this in the past?”
Gaius nods, “Yes. I saved their bacon that day,” he adds with a slight grin. “Alamnal Deepwalker sent him and his fellow assassins to kill Trolkarl and any in league with him.”
Garrent looks thoughtful, “What about the Dragonborn? Was he there in the mountain town as well?” He then adds, “Any indication that Alamnal was involved here from the wizard’s possessions? I mean, before whatever that was your friend Starker and his monkey were up to?”
Starker looks more carefully at all the loot and clothing, looking for notes or other indications of Alamnal’s or Trokarl’s brother’s involvement. Also, looks for The F dude’s spellbook? Starker figures must have a camp or gathering spot nearby where they left their non fighting gear/pack or riding animals.
Starker:” we all admired the ice storm and the earth elemental and the haste. If we can find his spellbook we can learn these spells and use them in the future i was particularly struck by the enormous range at which he was able to cast the storm.
”Perhaps one of you who is expert at tracking or hunting can find their camp?”
I have no idea what that was about…. Perhaps some protection or maybe he was just happy to desecrate the body. While I am blessed to have some knowledge of the arcane, Starker has a more complex understanding. His methods and strange rituals at times appear to border on madness to me, but again and again I am thankful to be in his company. As should all of us having witnessed his work with the fireballs against our attackers today.
As for the dragoneborne- it may be best to get the opinions of the others. Same with the wizard.
Kragen would have been tending to the wounded. If needed, use Channel Divinty to get party members to half their max HP. 2 charges of 30 hp per short rest. Adjust all party members accordingly so their base for the short rest is set. Raspy included.
”did we find any clue to the direction the ambushed from?” To the party when resting at the Inn.
Hoid sits by Garrent. After a moment he says, “That was a tough scrap we got into, and you got the worst of it. We should have been more alert knowing how much Alamnal has it out for us. We were tasked with keeping you safe and failed. I apologize sincerely and will apologize to the duke if we see him again.
You might also consider sticking by me or Kragen if we get into another … situation like that again. I am sure you pride yourself on mounted combat, but Chadwick isn’t known for being cautious. And he has no regard for the safety of his magic pony because he knows she will be back tomorrow. That might make him more reckless, which I can’t believe I just said. Next time we share a pint, we should talk about the time Chadwick charged down a hall, blind, through a magic web toward another mage. Come to think of it, if we see a mage on the field, what ever Chadwick does, consider it unwise.
Finally, Kragen has never allowed a comrade to fall in battle. Some of us, mostly me, take a brief rest from time to time, but Kragen always pulls us through. You can count on him just as we do.
If you would like to spar with me, or perform some equipment maintenance to take your mind elsewhere, say so.”
Starker:”Colleagues, thank you for indulging me in my post combat activities. You’ll be glad to hear that while I was searching the boot of the dragonborn, I found this emerald and a note written in Draconic that reads <recites in draconic, then looks and sees some quizical miens> which translates “Go with the mage Falonir. Remove the targets and you will have the rest of these”. I am utterly delighted to tell you that it is signed “A” in elvish script!” <hands emerald (100gp) and the note to the purple knight>
”Is there a ceramicist in town? I would like to have a chamberpot made.”
"Kind words brother." Nods appreciably to Hoid. "You are right, all are under the protection of Tyr while i am standing!", "Tyr protects me so that i may serve and protect others."
“Well done Master Starker!”, “Although not finite evidence, certainly implies Alamnal may be the antagonist.”
”by the way, you queer methods of acknowledging the deceased have me quite concerned? Do you require assistance or intervention? I can certainly ask Tyr to intervene?” Cocks his head at Starker awaiting a sarcastic response
Starker:”Not at all, dear colleague. All is well. I look forward to adding to my collection of memorabilia from our interesting times together. When I am done my days of wandering and am sitting in my laboratory assembling puissant weapons taking advantage of the energy released by the mutual annhilation of microscopic demons and angels I like to think that when I tire I will be able to look up at my collection of relics from those I helped murd … eliminate and take joy they they are dead and I am not and remember all the fun I had with colleagues such as yourself.
”You’ve given me a thought! Rather than a chamberpot, I will have his ashes incorporated into a candy bowl into which I will put any remaining numbered dried mango slices! <Chortles, a little maniacally> What could be more suitable?!!?HahahahahahahahHAHAHA!”
Garrent considers Hoid’s words and nods to him, “You are kind to recognize my melancholy, Hoid. It was a surprise to me for sure to have cavalry break formation. I appreciate you saying something.”
Some time passes as you all take a breather following the attack. Ale, roasted chickens, root vegetables and bitter greens go a long way as a restorative. One good thing gained for certain is that Falonir will no longer be waiting behind a bush for you.
Travellers stop in and are talking about the obvious battle that occurred not too far away. Dead orcs, horses and a Dragonborn were seen littering the road. Someone dumped a pile of soil and rocks in the road as well. Upon seeing Garrent, several people walk over to report what they saw. They are asking if the road is safe from orc raiders ahead. He assures them the road is safe and that word is to be taken to Daerlun.
Starker:”I don’t recall a pile of soil and rocks. What could that be? Perhaps one or the orcs came back and recovered a cache of valuable material like a spell book? Probably too late for us to benefit from, now. I am sorry. I had investigated to better than 92% of my best ability, but that F’ing Falonir may have hidden better than I sought.
“Oh, wait. The corpse of the earth elemental might be thus described by ignorant countryfolk. I am relieved and content.”
Starker’s ready to go, but he’d be happy to buy Pommel, his new riding horse. If no horses are available he’ll ask permission to throw his saddle bags on the back of a mule.
Starker:”Though this brief respite had helped me recover my physical strength, my mystic batteries are still near empty and so if we get into combat I may run away after they are fully depleted. Please understand should that happen. It may appear to be cowardice because, in a sense, it is. If I can’t help I will not hang around to get murdered.”
Short rest taken. 12 hp regained.
There is an inn a short distance from where the fight took place. You all make your way there on foot with the mules laden with gear. All can benefit from a short rest if you wish to do so. Harthall is about a half day walk now from where you are. You would arrive early evening if you press on. Garrent is feeling better after the rest. He is quieter than usual during your time at the inn, staring into the distance as he drinks his ale and eats an apple. Gaius is clearly impatient to move forward but is working hard to hide it.
Trolkarl will share the information with Garrent about the wizard (and this in being the 2nd and 3rd times respectively he has lost). Also trying to involve Gaius to help with the details. This same wizard attacking us in the north
My brother is cruel and could easily be manipulated to go fight the Hartstones… but employing orcs on the duke’s road to attack like cowards… that is too much for him. The duke needs to understand this is no simple rivalry of houses.
Garrent listens, seemingly distantly to Trolkarl’s information. His gaze is off in the distance, He then shakes his head slightly and is focused, “So this wizard you know as Falonir has ambushed you like this in the past?”
Gaius nods, “Yes. I saved their bacon that day,” he adds with a slight grin. “Alamnal Deepwalker sent him and his fellow assassins to kill Trolkarl and any in league with him.”
Garrent looks thoughtful, “What about the Dragonborn? Was he there in the mountain town as well?” He then adds, “Any indication that Alamnal was involved here from the wizard’s possessions? I mean, before whatever that was your friend Starker and his monkey were up to?”
Starker looks more carefully at all the loot and clothing, looking for notes or other indications of Alamnal’s or Trokarl’s brother’s involvement. Also, looks for The F dude’s spellbook? Starker figures must have a camp or gathering spot nearby where they left their non fighting gear/pack or riding animals.
Starker:” we all admired the ice storm and the earth elemental and the haste. If we can find his spellbook we can learn these spells and use them in the future i was particularly struck by the enormous range at which he was able to cast the storm.
”Perhaps one of you who is expert at tracking or hunting can find their camp?”
imvestigation = 25
I have no idea what that was about…. Perhaps some protection or maybe he was just happy to desecrate the body. While I am blessed to have some knowledge of the arcane, Starker has a more complex understanding. His methods and strange rituals at times appear to border on madness to me, but again and again I am thankful to be in his company. As should all of us having witnessed his work with the fireballs against our attackers today.
As for the dragoneborne- it may be best to get the opinions of the others. Same with the wizard.
Motions for anyone not at the table to join us
Sorry for the delayed response.
Kragen would have been tending to the wounded. If needed, use Channel Divinty to get party members to half their max HP. 2 charges of 30 hp per short rest. Adjust all party members accordingly so their base for the short rest is set. Raspy included.
”did we find any clue to the direction the ambushed from?” To the party when resting at the Inn.
Hoid sits by Garrent. After a moment he says, “That was a tough scrap we got into, and you got the worst of it. We should have been more alert knowing how much Alamnal has it out for us. We were tasked with keeping you safe and failed. I apologize sincerely and will apologize to the duke if we see him again.
You might also consider sticking by me or Kragen if we get into another … situation like that again. I am sure you pride yourself on mounted combat, but Chadwick isn’t known for being cautious. And he has no regard for the safety of his magic pony because he knows she will be back tomorrow. That might make him more reckless, which I can’t believe I just said. Next time we share a pint, we should talk about the time Chadwick charged down a hall, blind, through a magic web toward another mage. Come to think of it, if we see a mage on the field, what ever Chadwick does, consider it unwise.
Finally, Kragen has never allowed a comrade to fall in battle. Some of us, mostly me, take a brief rest from time to time, but Kragen always pulls us through. You can count on him just as we do.
If you would like to spar with me, or perform some equipment maintenance to take your mind elsewhere, say so.”
Starker:”Colleagues, thank you for indulging me in my post combat activities. You’ll be glad to hear that while I was searching the boot of the dragonborn, I found this emerald and a note written in Draconic that reads <recites in draconic, then looks and sees some quizical miens> which translates “Go with the mage Falonir. Remove the targets and you will have the rest of these”. I am utterly delighted to tell you that it is signed “A” in elvish script!” <hands emerald (100gp) and the note to the purple knight>
”Is there a ceramicist in town? I would like to have a chamberpot made.”
"Kind words brother." Nods appreciably to Hoid. "You are right, all are under the protection of Tyr while i am standing!", "Tyr protects me so that i may serve and protect others."
“Well done Master Starker!”, “Although not finite evidence, certainly implies Alamnal may be the antagonist.”
”by the way, you queer methods of acknowledging the deceased have me quite concerned? Do you require assistance or intervention? I can certainly ask Tyr to intervene?” Cocks his head at Starker awaiting a sarcastic response
Starker:”Not at all, dear colleague. All is well. I look forward to adding to my collection of memorabilia from our interesting times together. When I am done my days of wandering and am sitting in my laboratory assembling puissant weapons taking advantage of the energy released by the mutual annhilation of microscopic demons and angels I like to think that when I tire I will be able to look up at my collection of relics from those I helped murd … eliminate and take joy they they are dead and I am not and remember all the fun I had with colleagues such as yourself.
”You’ve given me a thought! Rather than a chamberpot, I will have his ashes incorporated into a candy bowl into which I will put any remaining numbered dried mango slices! <Chortles, a little maniacally> What could be more suitable?!!?HahahahahahahahHAHAHA!”
You are at a crossroads of a town. Having something crafted will need to wait. Sadly.
Garrent considers Hoid’s words and nods to him, “You are kind to recognize my melancholy, Hoid. It was a surprise to me for sure to have cavalry break formation. I appreciate you saying something.”
Some time passes as you all take a breather following the attack. Ale, roasted chickens, root vegetables and bitter greens go a long way as a restorative. One good thing gained for certain is that Falonir will no longer be waiting behind a bush for you.
Travellers stop in and are talking about the obvious battle that occurred not too far away. Dead orcs, horses and a Dragonborn were seen littering the road. Someone dumped a pile of soil and rocks in the road as well. Upon seeing Garrent, several people walk over to report what they saw. They are asking if the road is safe from orc raiders ahead. He assures them the road is safe and that word is to be taken to Daerlun.
Starker:”I don’t recall a pile of soil and rocks. What could that be? Perhaps one or the orcs came back and recovered a cache of valuable material like a spell book? Probably too late for us to benefit from, now. I am sorry. I had investigated to better than 92% of my best ability, but that F’ing Falonir may have hidden better than I sought.
“Oh, wait. The corpse of the earth elemental might be thus described by ignorant countryfolk. I am relieved and content.”
“Now that we have been able to rest and refresh, should we make haste for Harthall?” Looking at Gail’s and Trolkarl.
Gaius has been trying to put on a patient mien, unsuccessfully. He is ready to go.
Trolkarl is good to go also.
I saw there were no pottery artists to create a candy dish Are there stables where we could overpay for replacement animals?
Starker’s ready to go, but he’d be happy to buy Pommel, his new riding horse. If no horses are available he’ll ask permission to throw his saddle bags on the back of a mule.
Starker:”Though this brief respite had helped me recover my physical strength, my mystic batteries are still near empty and so if we get into combat I may run away after they are fully depleted. Please understand should that happen. It may appear to be cowardice because, in a sense, it is. If I can’t help I will not hang around to get murdered.”