Hinnick gives you a quick, squinty look. The others look about in confusion a bit. "See, even now he tries to deceive you," he says to the guards. "The guilty rat caught in a trap." He faces Trolkarl, "You will see justice soon." Then turns to walk to the manor.
Chadwick looks at Hinnick, rolls his neck and shoulders as someone who is on his last nerve. Then pointedly turns his back on him to face Garrent. "Sir Garrent, what are the laws governing dueling in the Duke's land? Is slander and attempts to sow discord through the land enough to make a legal challenge?"
A guard signals to Garrod to bring you inside. Although they have demanded that you disarm, no one seems to want to enforce that. Garrod leads you in to the main hall. Trolkarl, Gaius snd Garrent are lined up at the table standing several feet away. Grammal enters the hall from another door and takes the center seat at the table. “Brother, you are accused by our family’s counselor, Alamnal, of the murder of our brother Handers. What do you have to say for yourself?,” he asks. He seems more sober than usual today.
Alamnal enters the room from the same door as Grammal finishes. He has a cold, stony stare for Trolkarl and stands behind and to the right of Grammal.
And where is Hinnik? He seemed so concerned about justice.
Looks to Grammal
I expect that if I had committed such a deed, I should rightfully be decapitated in this very hall. I also expect if my accuser has deceived the Earl, they should also meet the same fate.
I never harmed my brother. Our only quarrel was because he ignored the advice of our late father to distrust Alamnal. Advice, which you have also ignored to this day. But I had no motivation to harm him.
There are holy men of Tyr present. I will provide direct, truthful answers to your questions or any other person present while freely submitting to any rituals of truthfulness they administer.
Turns to Alamnal...
I have already shared the same information with the temple of Tyr and with the Duke. I ask, brother, that you proceed swiftly as there are much more important matters than my head and innocence at stake today.
Grammal listens to Trolkarl's statement and snorts in response, "Indeed, we agree about the fate of our brother's killer." He settles in his seat a bit and bids Alamnal to ask the questions of prosecution:
"Do you deny that you and Handers argued, loudly, prior to your leaving?"
Did you say to him "I will not allow this family to abuse the common people any longer?"
Did you then say "I am leaving and when I return you better have a better answer about what you (Handers) and Grammal are doing or I will be forced to act?"
He holds up the dagger that you lost about a month prior to leaving home, "Is this not your dagger?"
Finally, "Did you not flee Cormyr to the Spine of the World to escape justice for killing your brother?"
Gneuman mumbles under his breath to his comrades, "In the battle against false accusations, the armor of honesty and the shield of evidence are your strongest allies.”a bit louder, "...and this Drow has neither evidence nor honesty."
"None of this is proof of Trokarl committing this murder."
Grammal slams his fist on the table, "You will be silent or you will leave, gnome! I am allowing you here only as a courtesy." He tries to regain his composure, "Alamnal, continue your questioning."
Yes, Handers and I argued loudly. This is true, and we did so because I wished for him to open his eyes to a better path for our people. I did say that I wouldnt allow our family to abuse the common people any longer - not as a threat, but again as a plea for him to see reason. I spoke in hope for his heart, not hatred.
In anger, I did say I was leaving and I expected an answer when I returned. I expected him to be alive and perhaps have a change of heart when I came back.
The dagger being held is mine. It was gone about a month before my leaving. I thought it was misplaced. If it was found with Handers, who placed it there and why?
To your final question. No my reason for going to the Spine of the World was not to escape justice. I left to strengthen my resolve and return when I could make a difference... which I know I can now.
I knew nothing about Hander's fate until assassins came for me. Even now, I question whether the truth about his death or if this is all twisted to serve another purpose.
Turning to face his brother Gammal ask yourself - who benefits from turning brother against brother? The secrets long buried are rising to the surface. The weaver of those secrets has always silenced those who would unravel them. But that won't happen this time!
And I do not stand alone. Those who travel with me are not murderous rabble; I travel with paladins and clerics devoted to Tyr's justice, warriors who have risked their lives time and again against evil. And scholars who have studied the history that has been hidden away. They stand with me because they too know what is right. The gnome whom you just silenced has sacrificed and put his life in danger time and again for no gain other than to help those in need. Perhaps a bit of the wisdom of a monk is exactly what is needed now.
They see what you refuse to. The deception that has festerd in our house threatens all of us. And now we have a chance to end it.
Gammal listens as Trolkarl speaks in his defense. Alamnal is acutely focused on Trolkarl as well. Alamnal begins to respond, "More lies..." and is cut off by Gammal speaking over him. "What proof do you have to your claim, brother? Alamnal has advised our family through generations that have seen us grow in influence and prestige. That hardly seems to be something to question." He continues, "Yet we have you arguing with our brother, threatening him for all to hear and then he is found with your dagger in his heart. Killed as you went on the lam. That seems to be very compelling."
Compelling? Compelling you say? Perhaps as much so as the rumors of the villagers of heirs to the Earl living next door.
More compelling to should be this... the very legitimacy of your title.
Alamnal has advised our family for generations and coincidently, for those generations, from time to time, he happens to find himself near betrayal and bloodshed. As was the case with Harlandil gaining a position with Alamnal, conveniently a witness. Or his son Nimnal, who conveniently disappeared following an argument with Alamnal. Or Nimnal's son, our father, who heard this argument and dismissed Alamnal as an advisor. Telling his sons not to trust the drow... only for you to listen to every whisper without question.
This is not my speculation - it is written in the diaries of our ancestor. These men, the temple of Tyr, and even the duke himself have seen the record. The dukes court was interrupted by a claim of a battle between our family and the Hartstones - a claim conveniently that led to an ambush upon us by mages and orc, on the duke's road
This visit is not to protect my head or beg for my life. This is a chance for you to make things right. Allow us to sort this matter out with certainty. Listen to the evidence from the men with me present the evidence gathered. They may need further access... and if they find anything that condems me, so be it. But there is a great deciever at work here. The truth must not stay buried forever, Gammal. You have a chance to stand on the right side of this for once. Please consider it.
Starker:”My Lord, would you recognize Alamnal’s handwriting? We found a note, signed in Elvish with an A, to one of the leaders of the band that attacked us on the way here. We found it, along with an emerald as a down payment for Trokarl’s death, in the heel of a boot worn by a dragonborn warrior. Sir Garent can attest to these facts..” <holds forth note and emerald>
"My Lord, I would like to propose I cast the spell zone of truth. It enables the caster to detect falsehood in a 15 sphere. I pledge on my faith that anything I detect would be told accurately. While I am a friend of Trolkarl, my faith and service to Tyr comes first.
Trolkarl is willing to be subjected to the spell, will his accusers
Gammal listens to all that is said. Alamnal speaks up after hearing Starker and Chadwick's comments, "My lord, you must not abide these lies from the rabble that follows your brother. Trolkarl KILLED your brother Handers. Must that not be punished?"
Gammal sits for a moment, apparently lost in thought. "Brother, you invoke our father in this?! Our grandfather?! I don't care about the parlor tricks your friends can perform. Forgeries are easily obtained. How can you prove this?"
You can see that Alamnal is becoming distressed by the direction the conversation is headed.
Starker:”My Lord, no doubt your position gives you a unique perspective, but may I observe that forgeries that were meant to be found would not be hidden as this note was, hidden as the Purple Knight can attest. And surely an emerald such as this would be too precious to use in such a low probability subterfuge?”
“Lord Gammal, I have been unwillingly subjected to a zone of truth in the past. It is no parlor trick and you will know how it works if you are in its presence.
Anyone that is within the zone of truth can resist or willingly accept its effect. Moreover, the person creating the zone of truth will know who is and is not compelled to tell the truth. I suggest you allow my colleague to invoke the zone of truth with everyone here, but most particularly yourself, Alamnal and Trolkarl. Trolkarl will accept the zone of truth. Your presence would only be for confirmation that the zone of truth is in effect.
Garrent, if he is willing, could also participate as a neutral observer for the Duke.
The test will be whether Alamnal is willing to subjugate himself willingly. Frankly, I doubt we even need to ask him any questions. His willingness, or I predict unwillingness, will be all the answer we need.”
Alamnal speaks up to Starker's assertions, "My lord, would not a clever forger have such a document seemingly well-hidden. The apparent attempt to keep it secret lends to the credibility of the forgery. His argument works against itself." And to Hoid he says, "No one in their right mind would subject themselves to the Charm magic of a traveling charlatan in any guise, priest or otherwise."
He leans down to speak to Gammal, "My lord, do not give these infiltrators any further credence. We have the personal weapon of your brother Trolkarl recovered from the body of your murdered brother Handers. You identified his body yourself after I found him, dead. Trolkarl argued with and threatened him that others have heard and reported upon already. What else do you need to understand who the murderer is?"
Garrent continues to watch and listen to the exchange taking place in the room. The guards standing about the room appear to be mildly uncomfortable. You do notice that Garrod's hand is on the hilt of his sword.
Gammal's gaze remains fixed upon Torlkarl, "Answer me, brother. What proof do you have?"
Starker:”Alamnal seems to hypothesize an evil doer so internally inconsistent as to beggar credulity. First he claims he is so stupid as to leave a damning clue still in the corpse of his victim, and then so brilliant as to go through the elaborate ruse of the note in the heel of a boot of a mighty warrior. Forgive me, Lord, but if the situation were not so serious it would be laughable. Alamnal’s ability to sustain cognitive disonance is remarkable.”
Hinnick gives you a quick, squinty look. The others look about in confusion a bit. "See, even now he tries to deceive you," he says to the guards. "The guilty rat caught in a trap." He faces Trolkarl, "You will see justice soon." Then turns to walk to the manor.
Chadwick looks at Hinnick, rolls his neck and shoulders as someone who is on his last nerve. Then pointedly turns his back on him to face Garrent. "Sir Garrent, what are the laws governing dueling in the Duke's land? Is slander and attempts to sow discord through the land enough to make a legal challenge?"
A guard signals to Garrod to bring you inside. Although they have demanded that you disarm, no one seems to want to enforce that. Garrod leads you in to the main hall. Trolkarl, Gaius snd Garrent are lined up at the table standing several feet away. Grammal enters the hall from another door and takes the center seat at the table. “Brother, you are accused by our family’s counselor, Alamnal, of the murder of our brother Handers. What do you have to say for yourself?,” he asks. He seems more sober than usual today.
Alamnal enters the room from the same door as Grammal finishes. He has a cold, stony stare for Trolkarl and stands behind and to the right of Grammal.
Chadwick uses Divine Sense.
Gnueman shakes his head from side to side, as if waking from a day dream. He looks around the room, then at Trolkarl.
He whispers to Ajax, "Did I miss something?"
Then crosses his arms and stares intensely at Alamnal.
Then to the tiny dragon again, "Do not let that Drow out of your sight, my friend. He has poisoned the hearts and minds of this family."
Looks around
And where is Hinnik? He seemed so concerned about justice.
Looks to Grammal
I expect that if I had committed such a deed, I should rightfully be decapitated in this very hall. I also expect if my accuser has deceived the Earl, they should also meet the same fate.
I never harmed my brother. Our only quarrel was because he ignored the advice of our late father to distrust Alamnal. Advice, which you have also ignored to this day. But I had no motivation to harm him.
There are holy men of Tyr present. I will provide direct, truthful answers to your questions or any other person present while freely submitting to any rituals of truthfulness they administer.
Turns to Alamnal...
I have already shared the same information with the temple of Tyr and with the Duke. I ask, brother, that you proceed swiftly as there are much more important matters than my head and innocence at stake today.
Grammal listens to Trolkarl's statement and snorts in response, "Indeed, we agree about the fate of our brother's killer." He settles in his seat a bit and bids Alamnal to ask the questions of prosecution:
"Do you deny that you and Handers argued, loudly, prior to your leaving?"
Did you say to him "I will not allow this family to abuse the common people any longer?"
Did you then say "I am leaving and when I return you better have a better answer about what you (Handers) and Grammal are doing or I will be forced to act?"
He holds up the dagger that you lost about a month prior to leaving home, "Is this not your dagger?"
Finally, "Did you not flee Cormyr to the Spine of the World to escape justice for killing your brother?"
Gneuman mumbles under his breath to his comrades, "In the battle against false accusations, the armor of honesty and the shield of evidence are your strongest allies.” a bit louder, "...and this Drow has neither evidence nor honesty."
"None of this is proof of Trokarl committing this murder."
Grammal slams his fist on the table, "You will be silent or you will leave, gnome! I am allowing you here only as a courtesy." He tries to regain his composure, "Alamnal, continue your questioning."
Yes, Handers and I argued loudly. This is true, and we did so because I wished for him to open his eyes to a better path for our people. I did say that I wouldnt allow our family to abuse the common people any longer - not as a threat, but again as a plea for him to see reason. I spoke in hope for his heart, not hatred.
In anger, I did say I was leaving and I expected an answer when I returned. I expected him to be alive and perhaps have a change of heart when I came back.
The dagger being held is mine. It was gone about a month before my leaving. I thought it was misplaced. If it was found with Handers, who placed it there and why?
To your final question. No my reason for going to the Spine of the World was not to escape justice. I left to strengthen my resolve and return when I could make a difference... which I know I can now.
I knew nothing about Hander's fate until assassins came for me. Even now, I question whether the truth about his death or if this is all twisted to serve another purpose.
Turning to face his brother
Gammal ask yourself - who benefits from turning brother against brother? The secrets long buried are rising to the surface. The weaver of those secrets has always silenced those who would unravel them. But that won't happen this time!
And I do not stand alone. Those who travel with me are not murderous rabble; I travel with paladins and clerics devoted to Tyr's justice, warriors who have risked their lives time and again against evil. And scholars who have studied the history that has been hidden away. They stand with me because they too know what is right. The gnome whom you just silenced has sacrificed and put his life in danger time and again for no gain other than to help those in need. Perhaps a bit of the wisdom of a monk is exactly what is needed now.
They see what you refuse to. The deception that has festerd in our house threatens all of us. And now we have a chance to end it.
Gammal listens as Trolkarl speaks in his defense. Alamnal is acutely focused on Trolkarl as well. Alamnal begins to respond, "More lies..." and is cut off by Gammal speaking over him. "What proof do you have to your claim, brother? Alamnal has advised our family through generations that have seen us grow in influence and prestige. That hardly seems to be something to question." He continues, "Yet we have you arguing with our brother, threatening him for all to hear and then he is found with your dagger in his heart. Killed as you went on the lam. That seems to be very compelling."
Compelling? Compelling you say? Perhaps as much so as the rumors of the villagers of heirs to the Earl living next door.
More compelling to should be this... the very legitimacy of your title.
Alamnal has advised our family for generations and coincidently, for those generations, from time to time, he happens to find himself near betrayal and bloodshed. As was the case with Harlandil gaining a position with Alamnal, conveniently a witness. Or his son Nimnal, who conveniently disappeared following an argument with Alamnal. Or Nimnal's son, our father, who heard this argument and dismissed Alamnal as an advisor. Telling his sons not to trust the drow... only for you to listen to every whisper without question.
This is not my speculation - it is written in the diaries of our ancestor. These men, the temple of Tyr, and even the duke himself have seen the record. The dukes court was interrupted by a claim of a battle between our family and the Hartstones - a claim conveniently that led to an ambush upon us by mages and orc, on the duke's road
This visit is not to protect my head or beg for my life. This is a chance for you to make things right. Allow us to sort this matter out with certainty. Listen to the evidence from the men with me present the evidence gathered. They may need further access... and if they find anything that condems me, so be it. But there is a great deciever at work here. The truth must not stay buried forever, Gammal. You have a chance to stand on the right side of this for once. Please consider it.
Starker:”My Lord, would you recognize Alamnal’s handwriting? We found a note, signed in Elvish with an A, to one of the leaders of the band that attacked us on the way here. We found it, along with an emerald as a down payment for Trokarl’s death, in the heel of a boot worn by a dragonborn warrior. Sir Garent can attest to these facts..” <holds forth note and emerald>
"My Lord, I would like to propose I cast the spell zone of truth. It enables the caster to detect falsehood in a 15 sphere. I pledge on my faith that anything I detect would be told accurately. While I am a friend of Trolkarl, my faith and service to Tyr comes first.
Trolkarl is willing to be subjected to the spell, will his accusers
/ooc DC 14 CHR
Gammal listens to all that is said. Alamnal speaks up after hearing Starker and Chadwick's comments, "My lord, you must not abide these lies from the rabble that follows your brother. Trolkarl KILLED your brother Handers. Must that not be punished?"
Gammal sits for a moment, apparently lost in thought. "Brother, you invoke our father in this?! Our grandfather?! I don't care about the parlor tricks your friends can perform. Forgeries are easily obtained. How can you prove this?"
You can see that Alamnal is becoming distressed by the direction the conversation is headed.
Starker:”My Lord, no doubt your position gives you a unique perspective, but may I observe that forgeries that were meant to be found would not be hidden as this note was, hidden as the Purple Knight can attest. And surely an emerald such as this would be too precious to use in such a low probability subterfuge?”
“Lord Gammal, I have been unwillingly subjected to a zone of truth in the past. It is no parlor trick and you will know how it works if you are in its presence.
Anyone that is within the zone of truth can resist or willingly accept its effect. Moreover, the person creating the zone of truth will know who is and is not compelled to tell the truth. I suggest you allow my colleague to invoke the zone of truth with everyone here, but most particularly yourself, Alamnal and Trolkarl. Trolkarl will accept the zone of truth. Your presence would only be for confirmation that the zone of truth is in effect.
Garrent, if he is willing, could also participate as a neutral observer for the Duke.
The test will be whether Alamnal is willing to subjugate himself willingly. Frankly, I doubt we even need to ask him any questions. His willingness, or I predict unwillingness, will be all the answer we need.”
Alamnal speaks up to Starker's assertions, "My lord, would not a clever forger have such a document seemingly well-hidden. The apparent attempt to keep it secret lends to the credibility of the forgery. His argument works against itself." And to Hoid he says, "No one in their right mind would subject themselves to the Charm magic of a traveling charlatan in any guise, priest or otherwise."
He leans down to speak to Gammal, "My lord, do not give these infiltrators any further credence. We have the personal weapon of your brother Trolkarl recovered from the body of your murdered brother Handers. You identified his body yourself after I found him, dead. Trolkarl argued with and threatened him that others have heard and reported upon already. What else do you need to understand who the murderer is?"
Garrent continues to watch and listen to the exchange taking place in the room. The guards standing about the room appear to be mildly uncomfortable. You do notice that Garrod's hand is on the hilt of his sword.
Gammal's gaze remains fixed upon Torlkarl, "Answer me, brother. What proof do you have?"
Starker:”Alamnal seems to hypothesize an evil doer so internally inconsistent as to beggar credulity. First he claims he is so stupid as to leave a damning clue still in the corpse of his victim, and then so brilliant as to go through the elaborate ruse of the note in the heel of a boot of a mighty warrior. Forgive me, Lord, but if the situation were not so serious it would be laughable. Alamnal’s ability to sustain cognitive disonance is remarkable.”
Gammal seemingly only has eyes and ears for Trolkarl at this point.....