Krackle looks to Serge and if he is fine hauling the goods then he would let him, otherwise he is fine paying to have the goods loaded. "Hmmm... you are right Zeds. I wander what he would do if I simply complimented him on his weapon and mentioned that I am a huge fan of dragons myself..." Looking once again towards dragon scabbard, The small kobold would finish buying his goods before casually walking up to Bog Luck and pointing towards the dragon insignia. "Hello! My name is Krackle. I really like the dragon design on your scabbard. Do you have any other dragon related items? I am a huge fan of dragons!" He says with a wide smile.
Serge, for the first time, is painfully aware of the coin he gave away to those villagers. He'd very much like to inquire after a strong drink to calm his nerves, as well as see what passes for a shave and bath in a place like this, but instead he tries to settle in and keep a low profile. He continues carrying freight, confident that when the moment comes, he will be alerted by his companions... ready to take swift action.
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PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Zeds buys...some weirdly marked sticks for Ixsas, but he balks at spending so much for other components that are used up in the casting...
Ixsas is pleased to find augury sticks in the style used around the Calim Desert in the south: brass sticks etched with tiny ideograms. He explains, "It is said that this style of augury stick originated in the country of Memnonnar, supposedly brought out of the Plane of Fire by the efreeti." Ixsas claims that the etchings and patterns are different for each set of sticks, but through magic and Kossuth's blessing, the faithful can divine hints of the future through them.
Ixsas is profoundly thankful for the augury sticks, especially coming from someone who isn't a follower of Kossuth. He thanks Zeds formally and hopes that their guidance will prove worth the expense.
Zeds of course tells Ixsas the dragon cult signs he's aware or and, in fact, gets everyone to share what they know
Ixsas knows the least, having never encountered the cult. He only knows what he has been told by the others.
Zeds mentions what he noticed to the others and suggests that tonight, in the wee hours, he should perhaps check out the cargo that Bog specifically directed into those rooms...
Ixsas thinks that this is a good plan, and he'll be happy to bless Zeds with a cat's grace when the rogue is ready to attempt it.
"I do have these two curved daggers I got from the masked cultist early on," Zeds mentions and pulls out one of the daggers to examine it. (And compares it's design to that of the sword Bog Luck has?) "Perhaps it would be worth asking Bog Luck about them and see his reaction? But I think maybe tomorrow after I explore a bit tonight?"
Sounds like a plan.
The three maybe rogues though... Zeds points them out to the others by way of saying "Watch your pockets around those three," but makes no other issue about it.
Ixsas is less worried about his pouches than he is about the three thieves trying to murder the party in the night in revenge for the man on the roof.
before casually walking up to Bog Luck and pointing towards the dragon insignia. "Hello! My name is Krackle. I really like the dragon design on your scabbard. Do you have any other dragon related items? I am a huge fan of dragons!" He says with a wide smile.
Before Krackle wanders over to Bog Luck, Ixsas touches the kobold on the head and whispers a blessing of Kossuth on him. He prays that it keeps Krackle out of trouble.
Bog Luck has a stern look as he looks down at Krackle. "No, I do not have any other dragon related items besides this scabbard. Now if you don't mind, I am a busy man" He begins to walk away.
((Sorry, I'm a bit lost in the geometry who is where and when at the moment... But I think it would be logical Zeds would be with or at least near Krackle when he approaches Bog Luck?))
"Come now, Mr. Luck! I have no doubt you have an endless amount of demands on your time but surely you can spare a wee moment to share with us where you got such a unique piece?" Zeds says in his most convincing manner. "My friend here and myself are collectors and any leads would be very helpful... I was gifted this pair of daggers here from a tattooed friend who was eager to have my friend and I on his side. Alas, there was a disturbance after we dealt in Greenest and we got separated..." Zeds shows the curved daggers he got from the Masked Rider oh so long ago. "We're just looking to rendezvous back up like was planned..."
Krackle nods as he attempts to help Zeds persuade the man. "Yes! I am sure you noticed Jr out there pulling my carriage... not to many folks riding those creatures around." He says with a smile. "Only REAL dragon enthusiasts like ourselves would keep such company." He adds before opening his clawed hand and casting Prestidigitation. As he does so, an image of the Blue dragon they fought back when Krackle and Zeds first met appears in the palm of his hand.
Insight check to see if he appears to recognize the dragon or knows more than he is letting on about the dragon cult. 11
3 warehouses. Faelsin's goods is stored in warehouse 1
Large stables
circular courtyard with crates and barrels of all sorts of goods.
((OOC: Just to make sure that I'm following the geography, please correct me if any of this is wrong. Referring to the descriptions and the map in post #2560:
I assume that the map is just for the "central building."
That means that everything else that you described here is outside of that building and not shown on the map.
The large circular courtyard is outside the building shown in the map, and the "central building", 3 warehouses, and large stables surround that courtyard.
The party heads into the main building and finds a large open common area with more goods and handcarts to move such goods around. In the northwest corner is a covered well for anyone who wishes a drink.
There is a sign above the doorway to area 3 that reads Carnath Suppliers. There is a Dutch door with the top segment open and a merchant standing ready to help resupply all the caravans. Behind her are shelves stocked with all sorts of items.
((OOC: And these are the first descriptions of what we find in the building on the map. The "common area" is area 1. The party's room is that room 5 at the north east of level 1.
@Weathervision - Is the conversation with Bog Luck happening in area 1? Or have we already gone up to dinner in area 8, which appears to be a sort of tavern or common room?)
((Sorry, I'm a bit lost in the geometry who is where and when at the moment... But I think it would be logical Zeds would be with or at least near Krackle when he approaches Bog Luck?))
Ixsas, on the other hand, is keeping his headscarf around his face and trying to hang back out of the way. He simply tries to keep an eye on Krackle, Zeds, and the crowd. He'll be trying to keep an eye on the 3 people who gave Zeds a long look earlier and scanning the crowd for anyone else who seems to be taking special notice of Zeds and the kobold.
Bog Luck looks like he was about to dismiss Krackle and Zeds but he pauses in thought "This scabbard was gift from certain friends. Perhaps both of you are travelers of a common path. A test then. Tell me the true leader that coordinated such a bold attack" He has a firm look with a hand on his blade should Zeds or Krackle fails the test.
"The True Leader? Dude, I don't get invited into the tent where it happens.... Do I look that slick?" Zeds hems. "From my vantage point at Greenest it was Langdedrosa Cyanrath that was leading the actual attack..." Finn pauses for a moment to see if that satisfies Bog Luck or not. (Perception: 20) If they seem satisfied he leaves it at that...
If Bog Luck does not seem satisfied then Zeds quickly adds "But from what I did hear from outside the tent, sounded like Ladzy Rezmir was the real bigwig of the party."
Yep, Ixsas is indeed tired and loses track the 3 that took a long look at Zeds.
Having lost track of the 3 strangers in the crowd, Ixsas just tries to find a spot in the open area (room 1) near Serge where he can keep an eye on Zeds and Krackle. He wants to be close enough to help if they get into trouble. Ixsas doesn't want to spook Bog Luck with too many people at once, and Ixsas knows that Zeds is much better at talking to strangers than he is. While Ixsas cannot hear the conversation, he tries to get a sense just from body language how suspicious Bog Luck is of whatever Zeds and Krackle are saying. Insight: 11 (in game log)
((OOC: Ugh! At least Zeds is having some luck with the dice roller!))
Serge takes a break from unloading cargo. Even in the cool air, he is beginning to sweat heavily from all the exertion.
On the bright side, he has worked off some of the anxious energy that overtook him upon arrival. As he sits on a crate, watching for a moment while other laborers continue to move cargo, he reflects on the journey so far and repeats a few mental exercises for his cantrips to keep his nerves steady.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
While Ixsas is trying to keep an eye on Zeds and Krackle and Bog Luck from a distance, he strolls over to stand near Serge and his crate. He says quietly, "It seems that our friends have introduced themselves to Bog Luck, the Superintendent here. Be ready for action in case that goes poorly."
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Krackle does not see any magic items, but you can always ask the merchant.
Krackle looks to Serge and if he is fine hauling the goods then he would let him, otherwise he is fine paying to have the goods loaded. "Hmmm... you are right Zeds. I wander what he would do if I simply complimented him on his weapon and mentioned that I am a huge fan of dragons myself..." Looking once again towards dragon scabbard, The small kobold would finish buying his goods before casually walking up to Bog Luck and pointing towards the dragon insignia. "Hello! My name is Krackle. I really like the dragon design on your scabbard. Do you have any other dragon related items? I am a huge fan of dragons!" He says with a wide smile.
Serge, for the first time, is painfully aware of the coin he gave away to those villagers. He'd very much like to inquire after a strong drink to calm his nerves, as well as see what passes for a shave and bath in a place like this, but instead he tries to settle in and keep a low profile. He continues carrying freight, confident that when the moment comes, he will be alerted by his companions... ready to take swift action.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ixsas is pleased to find augury sticks in the style used around the Calim Desert in the south: brass sticks etched with tiny ideograms. He explains, "It is said that this style of augury stick originated in the country of Memnonnar, supposedly brought out of the Plane of Fire by the efreeti." Ixsas claims that the etchings and patterns are different for each set of sticks, but through magic and Kossuth's blessing, the faithful can divine hints of the future through them.
Ixsas is profoundly thankful for the augury sticks, especially coming from someone who isn't a follower of Kossuth. He thanks Zeds formally and hopes that their guidance will prove worth the expense.
Ixsas knows the least, having never encountered the cult. He only knows what he has been told by the others.
Ixsas thinks that this is a good plan, and he'll be happy to bless Zeds with a cat's grace when the rogue is ready to attempt it.
Sounds like a plan.
Ixsas is less worried about his pouches than he is about the three thieves trying to murder the party in the night in revenge for the man on the roof.
Before Krackle wanders over to Bog Luck, Ixsas touches the kobold on the head and whispers a blessing of Kossuth on him. He prays that it keeps Krackle out of trouble.
Bog Luck has a stern look as he looks down at Krackle. "No, I do not have any other dragon related items besides this scabbard. Now if you don't mind, I am a busy man" He begins to walk away.
((Sorry, I'm a bit lost in the geometry who is where and when at the moment... But I think it would be logical Zeds would be with or at least near Krackle when he approaches Bog Luck?))
"Come now, Mr. Luck! I have no doubt you have an endless amount of demands on your time but surely you can spare a wee moment to share with us where you got such a unique piece?" Zeds says in his most convincing manner. "My friend here and myself are collectors and any leads would be very helpful... I was gifted this pair of daggers here from a tattooed friend who was eager to have my friend and I on his side. Alas, there was a disturbance after we dealt in Greenest and we got separated..." Zeds shows the curved daggers he got from the Masked Rider oh so long ago. "We're just looking to rendezvous back up like was planned..."
Persuasion: 26
Krackle nods as he attempts to help Zeds persuade the man. "Yes! I am sure you noticed Jr out there pulling my carriage... not to many folks riding those creatures around." He says with a smile. "Only REAL dragon enthusiasts like ourselves would keep such company." He adds before opening his clawed hand and casting Prestidigitation. As he does so, an image of the Blue dragon they fought back when Krackle and Zeds first met appears in the palm of his hand.
Insight check to see if he appears to recognize the dragon or knows more than he is letting on about the dragon cult.
((OOC: Just to make sure that I'm following the geography, please correct me if any of this is wrong. Referring to the descriptions and the map in post #2560:
((OOC: And these are the first descriptions of what we find in the building on the map. The "common area" is area 1. The party's room is that room 5 at the north east of level 1.
@Weathervision - Is the conversation with Bog Luck happening in area 1? Or have we already gone up to dinner in area 8, which appears to be a sort of tavern or common room?)
Ixsas, on the other hand, is keeping his headscarf around his face and trying to hang back out of the way. He simply tries to keep an eye on Krackle, Zeds, and the crowd. He'll be trying to keep an eye on the 3 people who gave Zeds a long look earlier and scanning the crowd for anyone else who seems to be taking special notice of Zeds and the kobold.
Perception (or Insight): 14
After many weeks on the road, Ixsas apparently finds the activity and confusion of the crowd of merchants and caravanners to be overwhelming!
Yes, the map is the main building while the warehouses, courtyard, and stables are outside. Everyone is in area 1 unless they wanted to head upstairs.
Bog Luck looks like he was about to dismiss Krackle and Zeds but he pauses in thought "This scabbard was gift from certain friends. Perhaps both of you are travelers of a common path. A test then. Tell me the true leader that coordinated such a bold attack" He has a firm look with a hand on his blade should Zeds or Krackle fails the test.
Yep, Ixsas is indeed tired and loses track the 3 that took a long look at Zeds.
Bog Luck
"The True Leader? Dude, I don't get invited into the tent where it happens.... Do I look that slick?" Zeds hems. "From my vantage point at Greenest it was Langdedrosa Cyanrath that was leading the actual attack..." Finn pauses for a moment to see if that satisfies Bog Luck or not. (Perception: 20) If they seem satisfied he leaves it at that...
If Bog Luck does not seem satisfied then Zeds quickly adds "But from what I did hear from outside the tent, sounded like Ladzy Rezmir was the real bigwig of the party."
Krackle looks to Zeds and then to Bog Luck. "It's true... unless you are referring to Tiamat" the kobold adds with a whisper.
Having lost track of the 3 strangers in the crowd, Ixsas just tries to find a spot in the open area (room 1) near Serge where he can keep an eye on Zeds and Krackle. He wants to be close enough to help if they get into trouble. Ixsas doesn't want to spook Bog Luck with too many people at once, and Ixsas knows that Zeds is much better at talking to strangers than he is. While Ixsas cannot hear the conversation, he tries to get a sense just from body language how suspicious Bog Luck is of whatever Zeds and Krackle are saying.
Insight: 11 (in game log)
((OOC: Ugh! At least Zeds is having some luck with the dice roller!))
Serge takes a break from unloading cargo. Even in the cool air, he is beginning to sweat heavily from all the exertion.
On the bright side, he has worked off some of the anxious energy that overtook him upon arrival. As he sits on a crate, watching for a moment while other laborers continue to move cargo, he reflects on the journey so far and repeats a few mental exercises for his cantrips to keep his nerves steady.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
While Ixsas is trying to keep an eye on Zeds and Krackle and Bog Luck from a distance, he strolls over to stand near Serge and his crate. He says quietly, "It seems that our friends have introduced themselves to Bog Luck, the Superintendent here. Be ready for action in case that goes poorly."