Serge(unaware of Krackle and Zed's magical communication) continues to peek out from his cracked-open door, watching for signs of trouble in the courtyard.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Serge(unaware of Krackle and Zed's magical communication) continues to peek out from his cracked-open door, watching for signs of trouble in the courtyard.
If Serge is willing to accompany Ixsas, once 20 minutes pass with no sign of Zeds, Ixsas would take him upstairs with him to check on Toren Mire. The Mire brothers' room is on the second floor, directly above the party's room. That gives Serge and Ixsas and excuse to be out of their room so that they can get a better look at area 1 and see whether Zeds is out of room 3 yet.
Sergewould indeed accompany Ixsas upstairs. Since he had promised to 'keep an eye' on the cleric, he figures it would be best if Ixsas wasn't seen still wandering about the grounds at all hours of the night.
Not entirely aware of all of the conversations and with Toren and his brother, Sergewill ask in a whisper, "Didn't you get his night terror issue sorted out already?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Zeds gulps and tries to, very quietly and stealthily, gtfo of there!
Zeds, correctly or not, believes he can hold his own in a fight. And he prefers when it's not a fair fight and he can attack from hiding... But six versus his lonesome? No thank you very much! This is definitely a time to back out and alert the rest of the gang...
Sergewould indeed accompany Ixsas upstairs. Since he had promised to 'keep an eye' on the cleric, he figures it would be best if Ixsas wasn't seen still wandering about the grounds at all hours of the night.
Not entirely aware of all of the conversations and with Toren and his brother, Sergewill ask in a whisper, "Didn't you get his night terror issue sorted out already?"
Ixsas whispers, "I broke some enchantment on him, but it seems that the night hag still troubles his sleep." Ixsas points into the room where Serge can see Toren by the light of Ixsas's candle, tossing restlessly in his sleep.
Ixsas continues in a hushed tone, "I promised that I would try again to rid him of this evil presence. Wake Bay -- quietly. As we've seen, Toren does not always respond well to my magic. If Toren wakes up screaming again, we don't want Bay to think that someone has come to murder them in their beds."
Assuming that Serge wakes Bay without disturbing Toren, Ixsas reminds Bay that he had promised to continue trying to help Toren. He has a couple of spells that may help ward away the hag, at least for the night. But he's not sure. In any case, the spells shouldn't harm Toren. Worst case, they'll do nothing.
Before Ixsas tries a spell, he tells Serge, hopefully without Bay hearing that there is some danger. Ixsas explains, "If this works, the night hag may finally become aware of my interference. I'm going to try a simple spell. Mostly likely, it will do little to help, but there's a slight possibility that the night hag will materialize here to confront us. Make yourself ready!" (Ixsas is thinking that if the night hag attacks them, or if Toren does wake up screaming again, then that may be just the distraction Zeds needs to sneak back out of area 3.)
Once they're all set, Ixsas tries casting Protection from Evil and Good. He touches Toren and sprinkles some powered silver and iron on his chest, knowing that fiends and fey, respectively, dislike those metals. (Ixsas has also prepared Remove Curse, but he wanted to try the simpler spell first.)
Zeds lightly taps on the door when he has returned. He figures regular patrons would just look at the door oddly and move on if they hear it but if Krackle hears, or notices others looking, he could probably come up with some way to signal Zeds if it was safe to exit or not...
Sergetries to quietly wake Bay, chainmail jingling as he crosses the room.
Stealth: 6
"Hey... wake up." He isn't entirely sure what to say to Bay. "Ixsas is here to... help."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
As Ixsas cast the spell he hears a raspy woman's voice come out of thin air "Why is such a young man with so much to live for interfering with my feast? Don't you know that is rather rude."
As Ixsas cast the spell he hears a raspy woman's voice come out of thin air "Why is such a young man with so much to live for interfering with my feast? Don't you know that is rather rude."
Bay looks wide around him fear clear on his face
Ixsas feels goosebumps at the sound of the voice. He's excited that his experiment worked and that he was able to offer Toren some protection, but the dry, raspy voice sounds cold and cruel to him. Ixsas is acutely aware that he only has Serge for back up. Even if the two of them could handle this creature, he's not confident that they could protect Toren and Bay from harm at the same time.
Ixsas touches picks up his shield and touches his holy symbol to reassure himself. He replies almost reflexively with a mantra: "'My life is the god's: I carry his light into this world until I rejoin his Fire in the end.'" Then he replies more directly to the voice: "Do I speak now with Nyatharel? I am not familiar with your customs, and I did not mean to be rude. You have troubled someone under my protection." He scans the dim room. He's not sure whether they're just hearing Nyatharel's voice or whether she is physically in the room (though perhaps invisible).
Ixsas looks around the room and you do not see the owner of that voice. "Ah you know my name. You will not find me with plain eyes. Here let me help you see"
There is a momentary uncomfortable feeling of a puff of smoke blown into everyone eyes. Later you see an elderly woman. The room is still dim but there is an eerie light coming from the fire in the woman's hand and at times the edge of her frame briefly vanishes as if she is not wholly here on this plane. She sits on the bed next to Toren and places the small brazier next to him so that her hands are free.
"Now please remove you magics. A deal struck must be honored."
Sergeis more than a little shocked. He wishes bitterly that he had been paying more attention to this investigation of Ixsas' as he can only guess at what has just appeared in front of them. Thankful for the lingering effects of his liquid courage, and wanting to make sure Ixsas knew he was not alone in this, Sergesteps forward, a hand resting on the hilt of his sword. His tone is calm but firm, steady enough to (hopefully) conceal the undercurrent of concern.
“Well, well. Quite the entrance, Ma'am. I gather you must be the one putting the nightmares in the lad’s head?”
He narrows his eyes, his fingers tapping the hilt of his weapon as he sizes her up. Is this a hag? A demoness? He glances to Ixsas in case the priest has anything to add.
“Whatever your business is, madam, I'm sure there are easier pickings elsewhere in the wide world. As Ixsas says, this young man is under our protection. No hard feelings, and no accusations, but it's just as simple as that. It would hardly be proper for us to let you go on... going on with what it was you were doing to the boy. We just can't allow that to continue. Surely there's an amicable solution that doesn't involve soul stealing or inter-plane violence?” He hopes no one else hears the 'gulp' at the end of that last sentence.
[In case it matters... Persuasion: 22]
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Nyatharel says "Everyone needs to eat to get sustenance, and this is how I feed myself. Though what you have said has me willing to compromise. Finding a willing soul to feed on is not an easy task. If you can find me another person to feed on, then I will let Toren go. Perhaps his brother is willing. Afterall Toren made a deal with me to save you Bay."
Bay is paralyzed by indecision and looks to Ixsas and Serge to decide.
Krackle indeed can warn Zeds that the guards are still in area 1.
Zeds will wait (a reasonable amount of time) for the guards to move out of the area so that he can slip out and rejoin Krackle...
However if it takes too long and Zeds starts hearing noises from the tunnel as if those creatures are returning or something, then Zeds will just walk on out as if he his coming and going from the area was normal routine and deal with the guards questions if/when they arise...
While Serge and the hag talk, Ixsas casts Thaumaturgy, causing his eyes to glow red in the darkness like burning coals. (He knows that it's a simple trick that would not worry the hag, but perhaps he was simple annoyed at the reference to his "plain eyes.") In response to Nyatharel's offer, Ixsas says, "You cannot think that Bay would agree to such a bargain on the spot. He had never considered such a deal. Since we have already interrupted your...feeding...tonight, will you not go? Give Bay the night and morning to consider this generous offer and seek counsel."
Zeds always prefers to remain unseen when skulking in strange, hidden tunnels... Stealth: 22
Serge (unaware of Krackle and Zed's magical communication) continues to peek out from his cracked-open door, watching for signs of trouble in the courtyard.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
((OOC: Oops! Not sure how I missed this post. Sorry about that!))
Xanrym just taps quietly on the door (in case one of the brothers is awake) and then tries the handle to see whether the door is open.
Stealth 10. (Second roll if the disadvantage from his scale armor applies in this case: 3).
If Serge is willing to accompany Ixsas, once 20 minutes pass with no sign of Zeds, Ixsas would take him upstairs with him to check on Toren Mire. The Mire brothers' room is on the second floor, directly above the party's room. That gives Serge and Ixsas and excuse to be out of their room so that they can get a better look at area 1 and see whether Zeds is out of room 3 yet.
Zeds moves forward silently and sees 6 Lizardfolk moving 1 crate perhaps it is the last crate brought in by Bog Luck.
None of the doors have locks and no one stirs at the light knock. Opening the door Ixsas sees the brothers sleeping with Toren tossing in his sleep.
Serge would indeed accompany Ixsas upstairs. Since he had promised to 'keep an eye' on the cleric, he figures it would be best if Ixsas wasn't seen still wandering about the grounds at all hours of the night.
Not entirely aware of all of the conversations and with Toren and his brother, Serge will ask in a whisper, "Didn't you get his night terror issue sorted out already?"
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Zeds gulps and tries to, very quietly and stealthily, gtfo of there!
Zeds, correctly or not, believes he can hold his own in a fight. And he prefers when it's not a fair fight and he can attack from hiding... But six versus his lonesome? No thank you very much! This is definitely a time to back out and alert the rest of the gang...
Stealthing it out of there: 11
Definitely not tackling this himself...
Zeds quietly retreats back up the tunnel and into the merchant shop. Now you do not know if the guards are still outside by the well.
How do you plan to leave the merchant shop undetected?
Ixsas whispers, "I broke some enchantment on him, but it seems that the night hag still troubles his sleep." Ixsas points into the room where Serge can see Toren by the light of Ixsas's candle, tossing restlessly in his sleep.
Ixsas continues in a hushed tone, "I promised that I would try again to rid him of this evil presence. Wake Bay -- quietly. As we've seen, Toren does not always respond well to my magic. If Toren wakes up screaming again, we don't want Bay to think that someone has come to murder them in their beds."
Assuming that Serge wakes Bay without disturbing Toren, Ixsas reminds Bay that he had promised to continue trying to help Toren. He has a couple of spells that may help ward away the hag, at least for the night. But he's not sure. In any case, the spells shouldn't harm Toren. Worst case, they'll do nothing.
Before Ixsas tries a spell, he tells Serge, hopefully without Bay hearing that there is some danger. Ixsas explains, "If this works, the night hag may finally become aware of my interference. I'm going to try a simple spell. Mostly likely, it will do little to help, but there's a slight possibility that the night hag will materialize here to confront us. Make yourself ready!" (Ixsas is thinking that if the night hag attacks them, or if Toren does wake up screaming again, then that may be just the distraction Zeds needs to sneak back out of area 3.)
Once they're all set, Ixsas tries casting Protection from Evil and Good. He touches Toren and sprinkles some powered silver and iron on his chest, knowing that fiends and fey, respectively, dislike those metals. (Ixsas has also prepared Remove Curse, but he wanted to try the simpler spell first.)
Zeds lightly taps on the door when he has returned. He figures regular patrons would just look at the door oddly and move on if they hear it but if Krackle hears, or notices others looking, he could probably come up with some way to signal Zeds if it was safe to exit or not...
Serge tries to quietly wake Bay, chainmail jingling as he crosses the room.
Stealth: 6
"Hey... wake up." He isn't entirely sure what to say to Bay. "Ixsas is here to... help."
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
The jangle and clinks from Serge's armor wakes Bay from his sleep. "Hmmm... What are you doing here. What time is it?" he says sleepily.
Krackle indeed can warn Zeds that the guards are still in area 1.
As Ixsas cast the spell he hears a raspy woman's voice come out of thin air "Why is such a young man with so much to live for interfering with my feast? Don't you know that is rather rude."
Bay looks wide around him fear clear on his face
Ixsas feels goosebumps at the sound of the voice. He's excited that his experiment worked and that he was able to offer Toren some protection, but the dry, raspy voice sounds cold and cruel to him. Ixsas is acutely aware that he only has Serge for back up. Even if the two of them could handle this creature, he's not confident that they could protect Toren and Bay from harm at the same time.
Ixsas touches picks up his shield and touches his holy symbol to reassure himself. He replies almost reflexively with a mantra: "'My life is the god's: I carry his light into this world until I rejoin his Fire in the end.'" Then he replies more directly to the voice: "Do I speak now with Nyatharel? I am not familiar with your customs, and I did not mean to be rude. You have troubled someone under my protection." He scans the dim room. He's not sure whether they're just hearing Nyatharel's voice or whether she is physically in the room (though perhaps invisible).
Perception 15
Concentration: Protection from Evil and Good
Ixsas looks around the room and you do not see the owner of that voice. "Ah you know my name. You will not find me with plain eyes. Here let me help you see"
There is a momentary uncomfortable feeling of a puff of smoke blown into everyone eyes. Later you see an elderly woman. The room is still dim but there is an eerie light coming from the fire in the woman's hand and at times the edge of her frame briefly vanishes as if she is not wholly here on this plane. She sits on the bed next to Toren and places the small brazier next to him so that her hands are free.
"Now please remove you magics. A deal struck must be honored."
Serge is more than a little shocked. He wishes bitterly that he had been paying more attention to this investigation of Ixsas' as he can only guess at what has just appeared in front of them. Thankful for the lingering effects of his liquid courage, and wanting to make sure Ixsas knew he was not alone in this, Serge steps forward, a hand resting on the hilt of his sword. His tone is calm but firm, steady enough to (hopefully) conceal the undercurrent of concern.
“Well, well. Quite the entrance, Ma'am. I gather you must be the one putting the nightmares in the lad’s head?”
He narrows his eyes, his fingers tapping the hilt of his weapon as he sizes her up. Is this a hag? A demoness? He glances to Ixsas in case the priest has anything to add.
“Whatever your business is, madam, I'm sure there are easier pickings elsewhere in the wide world. As Ixsas says, this young man is under our protection. No hard feelings, and no accusations, but it's just as simple as that. It would hardly be proper for us to let you go on... going on with what it was you were doing to the boy. We just can't allow that to continue. Surely there's an amicable solution that doesn't involve soul stealing or inter-plane violence?” He hopes no one else hears the 'gulp' at the end of that last sentence.
[In case it matters... Persuasion: 22 ]
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Nyatharel says "Everyone needs to eat to get sustenance, and this is how I feed myself. Though what you have said has me willing to compromise. Finding a willing soul to feed on is not an easy task. If you can find me another person to feed on, then I will let Toren go. Perhaps his brother is willing. Afterall Toren made a deal with me to save you Bay."
Bay is paralyzed by indecision and looks to Ixsas and Serge to decide.
Zeds will wait (a reasonable amount of time) for the guards to move out of the area so that he can slip out and rejoin Krackle...
However if it takes too long and Zeds starts hearing noises from the tunnel as if those creatures are returning or something, then Zeds will just walk on out as if he his coming and going from the area was normal routine and deal with the guards questions if/when they arise...
While Serge and the hag talk, Ixsas casts Thaumaturgy, causing his eyes to glow red in the darkness like burning coals. (He knows that it's a simple trick that would not worry the hag, but perhaps he was simple annoyed at the reference to his "plain eyes.") In response to Nyatharel's offer, Ixsas says, "You cannot think that Bay would agree to such a bargain on the spot. He had never considered such a deal. Since we have already interrupted your...feeding...tonight, will you not go? Give Bay the night and morning to consider this generous offer and seek counsel."
Concentration: Protection from Evil and Good, minute 1 of 10