Ixsas does indeed know the lizardfolk have darkvision.
Krackle scouts ahead stealthily. He eventually finds the 6 lizard folk coming back towards the strongroom. Perhaps to get another crate or report back to Bog Luck.
They are 120 ft away and have not seen the part yet.
Krackle scurries back towards the group, attempting to remain as quiet as possible. "They are coming, 6 of them... get ready.." He messages to ixsas as he makes his way back through the darkness towards his companions.
Krackle scurries back towards the group, attempting to remain as quiet as possible. "They are coming, 6 of them... get ready.." He messages to ixsas as he makes his way back through the darkness towards his companions.
Ixsasrelays the message to Zeds and Serge as soon as he gets it. He says in hushed tones: "Krackle is coming back this way, but so are 6 of them! How do you want to handle it? Pretend to be an ally, go back to the store room, or attack?"
"Likely problems behind us as well," Zeds says. "We could try acting like we're allies but we have no idea if Bog's men even know about the tunnel, none the less travel it... Worth a try though." That said, Zeds starts moving forward to try to get to the front of the group.
Contemplating how to manage a pitched battle in this cramped hall and also trying to get in front of Ixsas and Zeds, something else occurs to Serge.
"Krackle still has that egg, right?" he whispers. "Perhaps he's... a nursemaid... for a soon-to-be important hatchling. And we're his... bodyguards?"
"And we need directions to the hideout?" He looks from Zeds to Ixsas in the glow of his shield and shrugs. "It could work... maybe?"
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PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Contemplating how to manage a pitched battle in this cramped hall
((OOC: What are the dimensions of the tunnel itself? There was a secret door under a crate to get down into the tunnel, but I'm not sure whether @Weathervision ever said how wide or tall the tunnel is.))
Ixsas nods and says, "We're with you." As they move toward Krackle and the oncoming lizardfolk, Ixsas touches Zeds's shoulder as he whispers, "May the Fire Lord guide you." (Ixsas casts Guidance on Zeds.)
Ixsas will stay just behind and to the side of Zeds. He wants to be close enough to see how the lizardfolk react to whatever Zeds says. If things go badly, he also wants to be close enough to help even the odds early in the fight.
The lizardfolk approach and upon seeing the party they take out their weapons.
The biggest lizardfolk carries a heavy maul while the others have a bow and spears. The last lizardfolk 10 ft behind his comrades pulls out a stone engraved with runes.
They are ready for a fight, but they are cautious. The biggest one says something in a language you do not understand and waits for the party's response
"Halo a charaidean?" he follows up with, the inflection indicating he's questioning whether they understand him...
"Common then? Do you all speak Common? I am saying 'Hello friends...'" he finally tries. Perhaps Common should have been his first choice?
Assuming there is some indication that they understand either Goblin, Dwarvish or Common, Zeds continues with "Bog Luck has sent us down with rare treasure! My friend here," Zeds says and waves absently towards Krackle, "Carries a genuine dragon egg. I shouldn't need tell you how precious that is to Bog Luck and many, many others... They sent us down here to you to get us out of a dangerous situation above. We were told to make contact and make sure you brought us to a safe spot until he can reach out with more instructions tomorrow. Obviously the egg is rare and valuable... But also VERY delicate. If it gets so much as jostled too hard it loses all value. So we must be quick, but safe, yes?"
((Persuasion roll to see how convincing Zeds is? 16+8 plus 4 from Ixsas' Guidance for 28. Same modifier if you'd prefer deception instead... I don't know if they could help sell this at all and give me advantage on the roll, maybe showing off the egg a bit... But 28 seems good enough, I doubt advantage would make it any more likely to work unless I got a nat 20.))
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Krackle would nod and look from Zeds to the large lizardfolk. Speaking in draconic he would clear his throat and gesture to the pack on his chest. "Greetings..." He says as he opens the pack to reveal the black scally egg. "This dragon egg is in my care. Do you all serve Tiamat as well? We mean you no harm so long as you are friends."
((OOC: Ixsas can only give Guidance to one person at a time. Unless there's some delay after Zeds finishes talking and before Krackle starts speaking, there's no time for Ixsas to cast the spell again for Krackle.))
Serge just stands back while Krackle hisses and barks gibberish at the lizardfolk, trying to look nonthreatening, but not too nonthreatening.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ixsas tries to look casual as he stands there with his shield, watching the lizardfolk. His amulet of Kossuth is hanging from his neck, but since he extinguished his own Light, the holy symbol is probably mostly obscured by shadows from the Light on Serge's shield.
Ixsas doesn't understand Krackle's words, but he knows the plan. He tries to read the reaction of the lizardfolk to see whether they "bought it" and how likely they are to attack the party. Insight13 He especially tries to keep the one at the back of the group in view.
If Krackle moves forward at all, Ixsas uses the opportunity to lean down to give him a reassuring pat on the shoulder while saying, "Be careful, my friend. May Kossuth's light be upon you." (Casting Guidance on Krackle.)
The lizardfolk look to each other in confusion except for the one in the back with the stone covered in runes. He speaks a lisping accented common "Bog Luck is clear that we must kill all who enter this tunnel. Though what you say could also be true. The egg should be protected. Stay here and I will send one of us to speak to Bog Luck"
He gestures at the lizardfolk with a spear to head back up the tunnel to confirm with Bog Luck. He starts walking towards the party intent on seeing Bog Luck
Ixsas gets the sense that they are still wary but more relaxed.
"There is a fire up there and the compound is under attack," Zeds calls out in a panic. "Why else would Bog have sent us down? The egg MUST be protected and quickly taken as far away as possible..." Zeds figures it's a useless attempt though and his hand slips to his weapon even as he tries it.
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Actually, does Ixsas know whether lizardfolk have darkvision? Maybe they have their own torches / lanterns that we can see ahead.
Casting Guidance and thinking about it. Nature 17
Ixsas does indeed know the lizardfolk have darkvision.
Krackle scouts ahead stealthily. He eventually finds the 6 lizard folk coming back towards the strongroom. Perhaps to get another crate or report back to Bog Luck.
They are 120 ft away and have not seen the part yet.
The tunnel only has a single bend like a boomerang.
Krackle scurries back towards the group, attempting to remain as quiet as possible. "They are coming, 6 of them... get ready.." He messages to ixsas as he makes his way back through the darkness towards his companions.
Ixsas relays the message to Zeds and Serge as soon as he gets it. He says in hushed tones: "Krackle is coming back this way, but so are 6 of them! How do you want to handle it? Pretend to be an ally, go back to the store room, or attack?"
"Likely problems behind us as well," Zeds says. "We could try acting like we're allies but we have no idea if Bog's men even know about the tunnel, none the less travel it... Worth a try though." That said, Zeds starts moving forward to try to get to the front of the group.
Contemplating how to manage a pitched battle in this cramped hall and also trying to get in front of Ixsas and Zeds, something else occurs to Serge.
"Krackle still has that egg, right?" he whispers. "Perhaps he's... a nursemaid... for a soon-to-be important hatchling. And we're his... bodyguards?"
"And we need directions to the hideout?" He looks from Zeds to Ixsas in the glow of his shield and shrugs. "It could work... maybe?"
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
((OOC: What are the dimensions of the tunnel itself? There was a secret door under a crate to get down into the tunnel, but I'm not sure whether @Weathervision ever said how wide or tall the tunnel is.))
"It's worth a go," Zeds says to Serge. "Let's hope they speak more than Lizard..."
Ixsas nods and says, "We're with you." As they move toward Krackle and the oncoming lizardfolk, Ixsas touches Zeds's shoulder as he whispers, "May the Fire Lord guide you." (Ixsas casts Guidance on Zeds.)
Ixsas will stay just behind and to the side of Zeds. He wants to be close enough to see how the lizardfolk react to whatever Zeds says. If things go badly, he also wants to be close enough to help even the odds early in the fight.
Concentration: Guidance, round 1 of 10
The tunnel is 20 ft wide.
The lizardfolk approach and upon seeing the party they take out their weapons.
The biggest lizardfolk carries a heavy maul while the others have a bow and spears. The last lizardfolk 10 ft behind his comrades pulls out a stone engraved with runes.
They are ready for a fight, but they are cautious. The biggest one says something in a language you do not understand and waits for the party's response
"Habari marafiki!" Zeds calls out.
"Halo a charaidean?" he follows up with, the inflection indicating he's questioning whether they understand him...
"Common then? Do you all speak Common? I am saying 'Hello friends...'" he finally tries. Perhaps Common should have been his first choice?
Assuming there is some indication that they understand either Goblin, Dwarvish or Common, Zeds continues with "Bog Luck has sent us down with rare treasure! My friend here," Zeds says and waves absently towards Krackle, "Carries a genuine dragon egg. I shouldn't need tell you how precious that is to Bog Luck and many, many others... They sent us down here to you to get us out of a dangerous situation above. We were told to make contact and make sure you brought us to a safe spot until he can reach out with more instructions tomorrow. Obviously the egg is rare and valuable... But also VERY delicate. If it gets so much as jostled too hard it loses all value. So we must be quick, but safe, yes?"
((Persuasion roll to see how convincing Zeds is? 16+8 plus 4 from Ixsas' Guidance for 28. Same modifier if you'd prefer deception instead... I don't know if they could help sell this at all and give me advantage on the roll, maybe showing off the egg a bit... But 28 seems good enough, I doubt advantage would make it any more likely to work unless I got a nat 20.))
Krackle would nod and look from Zeds to the large lizardfolk. Speaking in draconic he would clear his throat and gesture to the pack on his chest. "Greetings..." He says as he opens the pack to reveal the black scally egg. "This dragon egg is in my care. Do you all serve Tiamat as well? We mean you no harm so long as you are friends."
Persuasion as well if needed? 13Plus Guidane? 2
((OOC: Ixsas can only give Guidance to one person at a time. Unless there's some delay after Zeds finishes talking and before Krackle starts speaking, there's no time for Ixsas to cast the spell again for Krackle.))
Serge just stands back while Krackle hisses and barks gibberish at the lizardfolk, trying to look nonthreatening, but not too nonthreatening.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ixsas tries to look casual as he stands there with his shield, watching the lizardfolk. His amulet of Kossuth is hanging from his neck, but since he extinguished his own Light, the holy symbol is probably mostly obscured by shadows from the Light on Serge's shield.
Ixsas doesn't understand Krackle's words, but he knows the plan. He tries to read the reaction of the lizardfolk to see whether they "bought it" and how likely they are to attack the party. Insight 13 He especially tries to keep the one at the back of the group in view.
If Krackle moves forward at all, Ixsas uses the opportunity to lean down to give him a reassuring pat on the shoulder while saying, "Be careful, my friend. May Kossuth's light be upon you." (Casting Guidance on Krackle.)
The lizardfolk look to each other in confusion except for the one in the back with the stone covered in runes. He speaks a lisping accented common "Bog Luck is clear that we must kill all who enter this tunnel. Though what you say could also be true. The egg should be protected. Stay here and I will send one of us to speak to Bog Luck"
He gestures at the lizardfolk with a spear to head back up the tunnel to confirm with Bog Luck. He starts walking towards the party intent on seeing Bog Luck
Ixsas gets the sense that they are still wary but more relaxed.
"There is a fire up there and the compound is under attack," Zeds calls out in a panic. "Why else would Bog have sent us down? The egg MUST be protected and quickly taken as far away as possible..." Zeds figures it's a useless attempt though and his hand slips to his weapon even as he tries it.