Ixsas manages to deflect the lizardman's sword. The party isn't greatly outnumbered here, but they don't want this fight to drag on too long and attract attention from guards still above in Carnath House. The party is too mixed up with their enemies for Ixsas to finish the fight quickly with a Fireball, and after using some of his magic already earlier in the day, he wouldn't want to use such a powerful spell on a handful of lizardfolk when they don't know what else lies at the end of the tunnel.
Instead, grasps the amulet that hangs around his neck. He holds it up over his head and says, "Firelord, burn your servant's enemies with your Light!" A brilliant light erupts from Ixsas.
As the light fades, Ixsas says, "Krackle, tell them to surrender. This fight will not go well for them, and their lives are not worth a few crates of treasure."
Movement: None. Ixsas holds his position near Serge. Action: Channel Divinity: Radiance of the Dawn Dispel any magical darkness within 30' Each hostile creature within 30' (that doesn't have total cover) must make a DC 15 CON saving throw or take damage: 19 (radiant), or half damage on a successful save. Free Action: Talking
Reaction: The first time it looks like one of the lizardfolk (within 30' of him) is going to hit Ixsas, he'll use Warding Flare to impose disadvantage on the attack.
Zeds considers changing targets since there is so many opportunities for sneak attack nearby... But he decides the spellcaster is still the biggest threat and acts accordingly, drawing and firing another arrow from his shortbow.
Bonus Action - Steady Aim for adv which negates disadvantage of someone being so close...
Shortbow Attack - 23 to hit for a mere 6 piercing damage... (No Sneak Attack since not at advantage.)
Serge is able to block most of the incoming attacks, but is forced to extend two fingers on his sword hand and tap his shield. As the magical barrier of the shield spell shimmers to life around him, deflecting a flurry of blows, Serge grins through gritted teeth.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
The kobold grumbles as the streaks of fire miss their marks. His eyes move to focus on the spell caster as he extends his orb and casts Magic missile. "Surrender or die. we don't want to fight you!" He shouts in draconic.
Zeds calls out in a combination of shock and pain as he takes an arrow. His response is colorful and creative and calls into question the parentage of the lizardfolks progenitors and how loose they were with the sharing of their bodily pleasures. It was, however, quite too inappropriate to relate here in it's actual verbiage.
Zeds quickly reconsiders his target but despite having taken an arrow he still feels the spellcaster is the biggest danger...
Shortbow attack vs Spellcaster: 22to hit and 8piercing damage
((Steady Aim used to negate disadvantage from being in melee))
Seeing the radiant blast from the Ixsas it targets him for his next spell. The runes glow as he cast phantasmal force at Ixsas Please roll Int Save DC 15 On fail you see a terrifying insectoid ice devel approaching from behind.
Ixsas - INT saving throw: 21 (Rolling with advantage because Ixsas has magic resistance from his Yuan-Ti heritage.)
On fail you see a terrifying insectoid ice devel approaching from behind.
Ixsas - INT saving throw: 12 (Rolling with advantage because Ixsas has magic resistance from his Yuan-Ti heritage.)
(OOC: @Weathervision - is the ice devil is approaching from behind the party (from the south) or from behind the Lizardfolk spellcaster (from the north)?
The tooltip looks crazy, but I double-checked that the roll macro has the correct 1d20ad+1.)
This time, even that is not enough. One of the spear-wielders finds its mark, slipping past Serge's defenses and forcing a grunt of pain as blood stains his armor. He grimaces but refuses to falter, shaking it off as he tightens his grip on his sword.
“Alright," he laughs through gritted teeth, "that one was on me—but no more freebies!”
He shouts over the echoes of battle, his voice full of urgency. “Ok, fellows! Let’s drop these lizards before they get lucky again! I've got the attention of these three—just put the others in the dirt!”
With a battle cry, he pivots to slash at the offending lizardfolk spearman, his strikes carrying a little more intensity as he fights through the pain.
Longsword Attack: 17 Slashing Damage: 7
Longsword Attack: 10
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
(Ixsas is at the end of the initiative order, so I'm still finishing off his round 2 action.)
Round 2: Ixsas
As the Radiance of the Dawn fades, the lizardfolk renew their attack. Ixsas throws up his hand and flashes a warding flare in the face of the lizardfolk swordsman in front of him, but he finds it difficult to maneuver in the constrained space, taking a glancing blow. He's more concerned about Serge, who is practically surrounded, and Serge's position makes it difficult for him to cast any spell that would damage more than one of their attackers. He says, "Serge, fall back to me and Zeds. We can block their way, and then I can release Kossuth's wrath upon them." But he fears that Serge is too busy fighting three opponents hear him.
Just then, Ixsas hears a loud "chittering" sound and feels a wave of icy cold wash up behind him. He glances back and sees a new enemy who is hard to ignore approaching behind Krackle.
Ixsas yells, "By the Tyrant-King's Fire! What is that thing? Krackle, can you blast that monster behind you?!" Ixsas sounds truly frightened. He fears that they'll all be killed, stuck in between the stubborn lizardfolk fighters and whatever terror the lizardfolk wizard has summoned behind them! Ixsas desperately tries to finish off the lizardfolk swordsman in front of him so that he can come to Krackle's aid. He extends a hand and, with a hissing spell, sprays the lizardfolk swordsman in front of him with a cloud of poison.
Movement: None. Ixsas thinks that they have to continue blocking the lizardfolk from getting to Krackle, and he knows that Krackle has the power to take down trolls and other monstrous things all by himself. Action: Cast spell Poison Spray, CON 15 save or lizardfolk swordsman takes damage: 13 (Poison). Free Action: Talking Reaction: The first time it looks like one of the lizardfolk is going to hit Ixsas, he'll use Warding Flare to impose disadvantage on the attack.
(OOC: I don't think that Ixsas would immediately abandon the fight with the lizardfolk here, not when he knows that Krackle has no other opponents near him and can also fireball the ice devil. But I assume that Ixsas will take some psychic damage from the "ice devil's" attacks.)
Round 1: Ixsas
Ixsas manages to deflect the lizardman's sword. The party isn't greatly outnumbered here, but they don't want this fight to drag on too long and attract attention from guards still above in Carnath House. The party is too mixed up with their enemies for Ixsas to finish the fight quickly with a Fireball, and after using some of his magic already earlier in the day, he wouldn't want to use such a powerful spell on a handful of lizardfolk when they don't know what else lies at the end of the tunnel.
Instead, grasps the amulet that hangs around his neck. He holds it up over his head and says, "Firelord, burn your servant's enemies with your Light!" A brilliant light erupts from Ixsas.
As the light fades, Ixsas says, "Krackle, tell them to surrender. This fight will not go well for them, and their lives are not worth a few crates of treasure."
Movement: None. Ixsas holds his position near Serge.
Action: Channel Divinity: Radiance of the Dawn
Dispel any magical darkness within 30'
Each hostile creature within 30' (that doesn't have total cover) must make a DC 15 CON saving throw or take damage: 19 (radiant), or half damage on a successful save.
Free Action: Talking
Reaction: The first time it looks like one of the lizardfolk (within 30' of him) is going to hit Ixsas, he'll use Warding Flare to impose disadvantage on the attack.
Krackle misses both fire bolts.
Con Save vs Channel Divinity
Spearman 2
They take the full brunt of the Ixsas' channel divinity.
Round 2
Post when able
(OOC: You missed the save for the swords-lizard there.)
(Oh I did.)
Con Save for Swordsman
(He passed for half damage)
(on his turn...)
Zeds considers changing targets since there is so many opportunities for sneak attack nearby... But he decides the spellcaster is still the biggest threat and acts accordingly, drawing and firing another arrow from his shortbow.
Bonus Action - Steady Aim for adv which negates disadvantage of someone being so close...
Shortbow Attack - 23 to hit for a mere 6 piercing damage... (No Sneak Attack since not at advantage.)
Serge is able to block most of the incoming attacks, but is forced to extend two fingers on his sword hand and tap his shield. As the magical barrier of the shield spell shimmers to life around him, deflecting a flurry of blows, Serge grins through gritted teeth.
Reaction: Cast shield
“Is that all you’ve got? I had always heard you lizardfolk were dangerous!”
He pivots, parrying a spear thrust with precision before driving his sword forward in a swift counterattack.
“Feels good to flex the muscles again—let’s see if you can keep up!”
His pithy remarks are premature, as he is not able to land either blow against the spearman.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
The kobold grumbles as the streaks of fire miss their marks. His eyes move to focus on the spell caster as he extends his orb and casts Magic missile. "Surrender or die. we don't want to fight you!" He shouts in draconic.
damage 12
The lizardfolk barbarian attempts to crush Serge under his Maul
Attack: 13 Damage: 11
Attack: 12 Damage: 10
Lizardfolk Spear stabs at Serge
Attack: 25 Damage: 12
Attack: 22 Damage: 6
Lizardfolk Archer fires arrows at Zeds
Attack: 18 Damage: 10
Attack: 12 Damage: 10
Lizardfolk Swordsman attacks Ixsas with disadvantage
Attack: 19 Damage: 5
Lizardfolk Spellcaster
Reaction - shield - blocks all of the magic missiles
Seeing the radiant blast from the Ixsas it targets him for his next spell.
The runes glow as he cast phantasmal force at Ixsas
Please roll Int Save DC 15
On fail you see a terrifying insectoid ice devel approaching from behind.
Lizardfolk Spearman 2 attacks Serge
Attack: 10 Damage: 12
Attack: 22 Damage: 12
Round 3
Post when able. All the enemies have not moved.
Zeds calls out in a combination of shock and pain as he takes an arrow. His response is colorful and creative and calls into question the parentage of the lizardfolks progenitors and how loose they were with the sharing of their bodily pleasures. It was, however, quite too inappropriate to relate here in it's actual verbiage.
Zeds quickly reconsiders his target but despite having taken an arrow he still feels the spellcaster is the biggest danger...
Shortbow attack vs Spellcaster: 22 to hit and 8 piercing damage
((Steady Aim used to negate disadvantage from being in melee))
Ixsas - INT saving throw: 21 (Rolling with advantage because Ixsas has magic resistance from his Yuan-Ti heritage.)
(OOC: @Weathervision - is the ice devil is approaching from behind the party (from the south) or from behind the Lizardfolk spellcaster (from the north)?
The tooltip looks crazy, but I double-checked that the roll macro has the correct 1d20ad+1.)
Once again, Serge is forced to invoke defensive magic as three of the lizardfolk continue to strike at him from all sides.
Reaction: Cast shield
This time, even that is not enough. One of the spear-wielders finds its mark, slipping past Serge's defenses and forcing a grunt of pain as blood stains his armor. He grimaces but refuses to falter, shaking it off as he tightens his grip on his sword.
“Alright," he laughs through gritted teeth, "that one was on me—but no more freebies!”
He shouts over the echoes of battle, his voice full of urgency. “Ok, fellows! Let’s drop these lizards before they get lucky again! I've got the attention of these three—just put the others in the dirt!”
With a battle cry, he pivots to slash at the offending lizardfolk spearman, his strikes carrying a little more intensity as he fights through the pain.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
From behind the party from the south
(Oh, my I skipped Ixsas's turn last round. Go ahead and post what does Ixsas do for round 2.)
(Ixsas is at the end of the initiative order, so I'm still finishing off his round 2 action.)
Round 2: Ixsas
As the Radiance of the Dawn fades, the lizardfolk renew their attack. Ixsas throws up his hand and flashes a warding flare in the face of the lizardfolk swordsman in front of him, but he finds it difficult to maneuver in the constrained space, taking a glancing blow. He's more concerned about Serge, who is practically surrounded, and Serge's position makes it difficult for him to cast any spell that would damage more than one of their attackers. He says, "Serge, fall back to me and Zeds. We can block their way, and then I can release Kossuth's wrath upon them." But he fears that Serge is too busy fighting three opponents hear him.
Just then, Ixsas hears a loud "chittering" sound and feels a wave of icy cold wash up behind him. He glances back and sees a new enemy who is hard to ignore approaching behind Krackle.
Ixsas yells, "By the Tyrant-King's Fire! What is that thing? Krackle, can you blast that monster behind you?!" Ixsas sounds truly frightened. He fears that they'll all be killed, stuck in between the stubborn lizardfolk fighters and whatever terror the lizardfolk wizard has summoned behind them! Ixsas desperately tries to finish off the lizardfolk swordsman in front of him so that he can come to Krackle's aid. He extends a hand and, with a hissing spell, sprays the lizardfolk swordsman in front of him with a cloud of poison.
Movement: None. Ixsas thinks that they have to continue blocking the lizardfolk from getting to Krackle, and he knows that Krackle has the power to take down trolls and other monstrous things all by himself.
Action: Cast spell Poison Spray, CON 15 save or lizardfolk swordsman takes damage: 13 (Poison).
Free Action: Talking
Reaction: The first time it looks like one of the lizardfolk is going to hit Ixsas, he'll use Warding Flare to impose disadvantage on the attack.
(OOC: I don't think that Ixsas would immediately abandon the fight with the lizardfolk here, not when he knows that Krackle has no other opponents near him and can also fireball the ice devil. But I assume that Ixsas will take some psychic damage from the "ice devil's" attacks.)
Lizardfolk barbarian continues swinging his maul in hopes of killing Serge
Attack: 8 Damage: 10
Attack: 23 Damage: 15
The Spearman is injured by Serge but he still lives to stab once more with his spear
Attack: 15 Damage: 9
Attack: 7 Damage: 12
Lizardfolk Archer is intent on killing Zeds
Attack: 12 Damage: Unable to parse dice roll.
Attack: 15 Damage: 8
It is Krackle's Turn.