This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Krackle's eyes go wide as his magic dissipates harmlessly upon the shield of the lizardfolk. Before he can cast another spell however, he is drawn to the approaching creature behind him. The kobold trembles slightly as he extends his arm towards the Ice creature and casts [Tooltip Not Found]. A large ball of flame erupts from his orb and streaks towards the creature... targeting an area far enough away to damage the beast while not harming him or his companions.
(OOC: Heh. They didn't believe that there was a fire? Krackle will show them a fire! 😆 Just be careful where you position that fireball: you don't want to blast the whole party too.)
OOC: I think i can probably get at least 4 of them right? without hurting any of us?
(OOC: Yes, it looks like it. I've never used fireball in 5e in a confined space, but I believe that the way it works now is that the area of effect is a 20-ft radius sphere, however that intersects with the battle map.
By comparison, I remember campaigns way back in the 1e days where the idea was that the spell had a certain volume, and you had to be careful when casting the spell in a narrow hall or a room with low ceilings. In that case, the fireball would "expand" it's 2-dimensional AoE so that it had the same volume as a full 20-ft radius sphere. That made it much more difficult to avoid friendly-fire.)
(Krackle does not see this ice devil. Only Ixsas sees it. Krackle can change his post if they want)
(OOC: I think that @Wreckzors still wanted Krackle to go for a fireball. He's just targeting the 4 lizardfolk in front of Serge -- the spellcaster, the archer, the barbarian, and one of the spearmen -- instead of Ixsas's phantasm of the ice devil. I can post for Ixsas once I see the effect of Krackle's turn and whether the spellcaster lost concentration on Phantasmal Force.)
Archer and Spearman are bloodied. Barbarian is moderately injured
The spell on Ixsas cease to exist. The Ice devil disappears.
Round 3: Ixsas
Ixsas blinks his eyes to clear the afterimage of the fireball and glances behind them. He's relieved to see that the insectoid creature is gone. "Good job, Krackle!", Ixsas says. He believes that the lizardfolk spellcaster must have conjured something to fight the party, but Krackle's fireball broke the lizardfolk's concentration.
Ixsas is a little surprised that the lizardfolk who were subjected to the Radiance of the Dawn and Krackle's fireball are still able to fight. He decides that it's probably time to conjure something himself. Ixsas calls out to Serge again: "Serge, fall back to us and form a line!"
Ixsas gets ready to conjure a flaming sphere to encourage the lizardfolk to break off their attack and go back the way they came. He needs Serge to fall back 10-ft so that he can create the flaming sphere right where Serge is currently standing.
Movement: None. Holding his position. Action: Ready to cast spell (LVL 2 slot) Flaming Sphere Trigger: as soon as Serge falls back to stand beside Ixsas. Ixsas conjures a 5-foot-diameter sphere of fire appears in the space Serge was standing the previous round Any creature that ends its turn within 5 ft. of the sphere must make a DC 15 DEX saving throw. On a failed save, it takes damage: 10 (fire). On a successful save: it talks half damage: 5 (fire) Free Action: Talking
Reaction: The first time it looks like one of the creatures is going to hit Ixsas, he'll use Warding Flare to impose disadvantage on the attack.
Out of spells, Serge is unable to magically repel one of the spear attacks.
He still has fight left in him, but Ixsas' appeal to fall back catches him at a moment where he is willing to be convinced. Keeping his shield high, Serge disengages from the lizardfolk and falls back to his mark alongside the others.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Keeping his shield high, Serge disengages from the lizardfolk and falls back to his mark alongside the others.
(OOC: at which point, Ixsas's readied action should trigger, and the flaming sphere appears at the position were Serge was, blocking the barbarian from easily following him and putting the 4 lizardfolk other than the archer within 5-ft of the flaming sphere. They'll take damage if they don't move before the end of their turns.)
(Are we down to an archer, a spearman and a barbarian? I'm a bit unclear of where they are or which is which but...)
Zeds, already having his shortbow out and ready, needs pick a new target with the spellcaster down. Serge seems to be weaving his way back to everyone else and it sounds like Ixsas has some magic planned, so Zeds decides to aim for the furthest lizardman (presumably the archer) with the idea of not wanting any of them to escape and warn others... With that thought he steadies himself and then unleashes an arrow...
Bonus Action: Steady Aim
Shortbow vs Lizardman: 21 to hit for 10 piercing damage PLUS 9Sneak Attack damage...
Krackle grins as the fireball hits its mark. He then points two fingers towards the archer and barbarian before sending a twinned fire out out towards the two enemies.
(OOC: Don't forget to roll a saving throw for the swordsman, assuming that he isn't immune to poison damage.)
Krackle's eyes go wide as his magic dissipates harmlessly upon the shield of the lizardfolk. Before he can cast another spell however, he is drawn to the approaching creature behind him. The kobold trembles slightly as he extends his arm towards the Ice creature and casts [Tooltip Not Found]. A large ball of flame erupts from his orb and streaks towards the creature... targeting an area far enough away to damage the beast while not harming him or his companions.
d3x 15 or 32 - half in success
(OOC: I do not think that Krackle would see anything behind him. Just an empty hallway. Ixsas is reacting to an illusion that only he can see.)
(Krackle does not see this ice devil. Only Ixsas sees it. Krackle can change his post if they want)
Lizardfolk Swordsman Con Save vs poison spray
OOC: can I say that in an attempt to clear out the lizardfolk in preparation of the approaching ice beast... I fireball the lizards instead?
(OOC: Heh. They didn't believe that there was a fire? Krackle will show them a fire! 😆 Just be careful where you position that fireball: you don't want to blast the whole party too.)
OOC: I think i can probably get at least 4 of them right? without hurting any of us?
(OOC: Yes, it looks like it. I've never used fireball in 5e in a confined space, but I believe that the way it works now is that the area of effect is a 20-ft radius sphere, however that intersects with the battle map.
By comparison, I remember campaigns way back in the 1e days where the idea was that the spell had a certain volume, and you had to be careful when casting the spell in a narrow hall or a room with low ceilings. In that case, the fireball would "expand" it's 2-dimensional AoE so that it had the same volume as a full 20-ft radius sphere. That made it much more difficult to avoid friendly-fire.)
(OOC: I think that @Wreckzors still wanted Krackle to go for a fireball. He's just targeting the 4 lizardfolk in front of Serge -- the spellcaster, the archer, the barbarian, and one of the spearmen -- instead of Ixsas's phantasm of the ice devil. I can post for Ixsas once I see the effect of Krackle's turn and whether the spellcaster lost concentration on Phantasmal Force.)
Ben is correct
Dex Saves vs fireball
Lizardfolk barbarian
Lizardfolk Archer
Lizardfolk Spearman
Lizardfolk Spellcaster
Archer and Spearman are bloodied
Barbarian is moderately injured
The spellcaster is dead.
The spell on Ixsas cease to exist. The Ice devil disappears.
Ixsas is up.
Round 3: Ixsas
Ixsas blinks his eyes to clear the afterimage of the fireball and glances behind them. He's relieved to see that the insectoid creature is gone. "Good job, Krackle!", Ixsas says. He believes that the lizardfolk spellcaster must have conjured something to fight the party, but Krackle's fireball broke the lizardfolk's concentration.
Ixsas is a little surprised that the lizardfolk who were subjected to the Radiance of the Dawn and Krackle's fireball are still able to fight. He decides that it's probably time to conjure something himself. Ixsas calls out to Serge again: "Serge, fall back to us and form a line!"
Ixsas gets ready to conjure a flaming sphere to encourage the lizardfolk to break off their attack and go back the way they came. He needs Serge to fall back 10-ft so that he can create the flaming sphere right where Serge is currently standing.
Movement: None. Holding his position.
Action: Ready to cast spell (LVL 2 slot) Flaming Sphere
Trigger: as soon as Serge falls back to stand beside Ixsas.
Ixsas conjures a 5-foot-diameter sphere of fire appears in the space Serge was standing the previous round
Any creature that ends its turn within 5 ft. of the sphere must make a DC 15 DEX saving throw.
On a failed save, it takes damage: 10 (fire).
On a successful save: it talks half damage: 5 (fire)
Free Action: Talking
Reaction: The first time it looks like one of the creatures is going to hit Ixsas, he'll use Warding Flare to impose disadvantage on the attack.
Concentration: Flaming Sphere, round 1 of 10
Out of spells, Serge is unable to magically repel one of the spear attacks.
He still has fight left in him, but Ixsas' appeal to fall back catches him at a moment where he is willing to be convinced. Keeping his shield high, Serge disengages from the lizardfolk and falls back to his mark alongside the others.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
(OOC: at which point, Ixsas's readied action should trigger, and the flaming sphere appears at the position were Serge was, blocking the barbarian from easily following him and putting the 4 lizardfolk other than the archer within 5-ft of the flaming sphere. They'll take damage if they don't move before the end of their turns.)
Round 4
Post when able.
Serge moving back will be his action in round 4.
(Are we down to an archer, a spearman and a barbarian? I'm a bit unclear of where they are or which is which but...)
Zeds, already having his shortbow out and ready, needs pick a new target with the spellcaster down. Serge seems to be weaving his way back to everyone else and it sounds like Ixsas has some magic planned, so Zeds decides to aim for the furthest lizardman (presumably the archer) with the idea of not wanting any of them to escape and warn others... With that thought he steadies himself and then unleashes an arrow...
Bonus Action: Steady Aim
Shortbow vs Lizardman: 21 to hit for 10 piercing damage PLUS 9 Sneak Attack damage...
Krackle grins as the fireball hits its mark. He then points two fingers towards the archer and barbarian before sending a twinned fire out out towards the two enemies.
Archer attack 25 Damage 11
barbarian attack 11 Damage [roll]2d10[/rolll]
barbarian Damage 8