The party can now head back to the teleportation circle to return to Lord Akkron? With Ruby's help and Tamphalic's map, I don't think that we'll have any trouble finding it.
We'll be traveling at a reduced pace anyway because of Cynurrarth (10-ft reduction in speed from 2 levels of exhaustion), so it won't really slow us down to have someone scouting ahead with Stealth. As usual, the scout role probably falls to Jodie or Korba. We just want to make sure that we don't stumble into an ambush. Even if the kobolds keep these tunnels clear of monsters, there could still be more members of the Dragon Cult down here, trying to stop us before we get back to Lord Akkron.
When everyone is finished choosing items, the dragon is ready to depart... and reveals the secret of how he is able to navigate the tunnels. He magically transforms himself into an imposing winged Dragonborn....
"Let us not linger,"he says. "These cultists must be punished for their crimes with haste."
"Excellent!", Hewelathan exclaims. Since he studies shapes and forms, he asks Cynurrarth questions about his shapeshifting as they walk through the tunnels back to the teleportation circle as long as the dragon seems willing to answer. Does Cynurrarth always transform into the form of this winged dragonborn? Or can he assume any form he wants, such as an elf or a kobold? Can all dragons shapeshift like this? Or is it a particular talent than Cynurrarth has? etc.
Nickeline takes a set of mithral scale mail from whichever cultist is shortest. She rinses it off with her water from her decanter, pats it dry with a rag, and wraps it around her backpack for easy transport. With that, she is ready to go.
When she walks, she occasionally reaches back and touches the mithral and smiles, eagerly anticipating having the opportunity to work with such a rare and expensive metal, even if it will be only minor alterations for now.
Tamphalic sees Cynurrarth into his own kin and smiles
"Now I'd wish I could transform like you."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war |Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
Cynurrarth is surprisingly willing to chat, perhaps enjoying the rare opportunity to speak to people who don't cower in his presence.
"Many dragons who reach a sufficient level of power gain the ability to change their form,"he explains with a smile. "But no, it is not all of us, or even the majority. It is not a common ability among either the Chromatic or Metallic dragons, but many of the Gem dragons share the ability to alter their forms."
You are able to make fairly good time using the canals to reach the kobold village. As you approach, you see that the Cult has been here as well. But... it looks like unexpected allies have come to help the kobolds out. An extremely familiar drider stands among dozens of slaughtered cultists, and at her side is Lord Akkron's apprentice.
"Howdy," Bridgette says with a smile. "Just got finished with the clean-up job. The boss man asked us to make sure nothing else gets in your way now that you're almost finished with your job."
Shri sighs, flicking a bit of blood off the end of her sword.
"I still can't believe that your master sent us down here to save a bunch of kobolds," she mutters, though there is a hint of a smile on her face as a kobold wraps its tiny arms around one of her legs and babbles its gratitude to her in Draconic.
Gorash looks a bit stunned as he catches sight of Bridgette, but keeps his mouth shut for the time being. It's pretty obvious he's thinking about something, but perhaps he's biding his time for a moment to talk to her alone.
(Bridgette and Shri have cleared a safe path for you to the teleportation circle. Is there anything else that anyone wants to do before heading back to the Shaded Isle?)
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war |Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
If Ruby is the only Kobold to survive the attack in Cynurrarth's cave, Hewelathan suggests that she should make a speech to her fellow kobolds to make sure that they all know that Zolgu betrayed them and their dragon, Cynurrarth, to this horrible cult that also attacked their village? Or maybe Cynurrarth would like to address the kobolds (in his true form) to thank them for their bravery in fighting the cultists and warn them that Zolgu betrayed them and the dragon t the cult. Since Zolgu got away, Hewewlathan would hate for Zolgu to worm his way back into a position of power here or to lie and direct the blame at the party for bringing the cultists down on the kobolds and their dragon.
Hewelathan thinks that Ruby is a real hero of her people. In the power vacuum left by Zolgu, he hopes that Ruby and the kobolds she trusts assume positions of power in the village. He likes the little kobold arcanist, and he'd like her village to recognize her capabilities and cunning. Cynurrarth is not abandoning the kobolds. Now that the kobolds have fought off the cult, Cynurrarth is going to take the fight to them so that they will never bother the kobolds again, and he's taking Ruby with him to help in that fight (a great honor!).
Speaking of Zolgu, Korba asks whether Zolgu had a house or lab of some sort in the village. He suggests, "It might be worth searching his home. Perhaps he cleared it out before betraying Cynurrarth, not intending to return. But if not, perhaps there is some correspondence or something that would tell us more about the cult or its plans. And even if Zolgu left for good, he may have rejoined the other cultist now. The treacherous kobold probably left behind an old robe or -- I don't know -- a loose scale or nail clippings, which might help Nickelinefind him in her crystal ball if he's not constantly shielded from such magic." Zolgu had some powerful magic, but if he was focused on defense against the dragon's attacks, he may not currently be shielding himself from divination magic.
Jodie is pleased to see Cynurrarth in a more humanoid form and the reunion with Bridgette and Shri. "When I was looking for a new troupe, I had no idea how eclectic of a group I'd find. Even the best laid plans run amuck when the unseen and unknown reveal themselves." Jodie gives Ruby a wink.
Jodie agrees with Hewelathan to bolster Ruby's position in the tribe. "Cynurrarth's words will carry more weight than all our ours, but we have other tasks at hand. Though I agree a search of Zolgu's abode would be useful."
"That's a great idea, Korba! I could never scry on Zolgu before, but maybe it was just missing a secret ingredient." Nickeline says. "Even if he is cautious enough to burn his dried-up, old scales and nail clippings, he must have left some possessions behind, leaving in such a hurry, and who knows what he's got hidden away. I wouldn't be surprised if the ol' greatwyrm kept the best stuff for himself, like crown maybe, or a cool scepter. Someone should seriously consider checking on that." She says the last part not directly to Ruby, but loudly enough so Ruby hopefully gets her message. Indeed, Nickeline also prefers Ruby be the kobold to assume a position of power in the village, believes a symbol of authority would go a long way towards making that happen, and figures a gnome's explicit support of Ruby would be counterproductive in the eyes of the other kobolds, so she says nothing further on the matter.
The Great and Mighty Cynurrarth will happily revert to his true form, rallying the kobolds to the war that he's just volunteered them for (to be fair, the war kind of came to them first...) The kobolds, of course, are dutiful to their master and inspired by his words.
Meanwhile, one of the warriors is able to show the party Zolgu's hut. As he walks, he explains what happened. It turns out that some of the strongest kobold dragonshields were swayed by Zolgu and turned on the other kobolds before the cultists even arrived. A shiver runs down the warrior's spine, as he makes it clear that many of the warriors were literally more terrified of Zolgu than they were of Cynurrarth.
Zolgu's hut looks fairly simple and clean. A small chest contains a few ceremonial cloths, and another one contains what look like components of various potions and spells. It looks like everything else was hastily cleared out... it doesn't look like Zolgu was planning to stick around long after his betrayal. The only notable item you find is a ring of acid resistance that looks like it was dropped in haste while moving everything else. If you had to guess, he may have been stockpiling items to mitigate the effects of various dragons' breath weapons in case one of his assassination plans failed and he was actually forced into a head-on confrontation with a dragon.
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Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Zolgu's hut looks fairly simple and clean. A small chest contains a few ceremonial cloths, and another one contains what look like components of various potions and spells. It looks like everything else was hastily cleared out... it doesn't look like Zolgu was planning to stick around long after his betrayal. The only notable item you find is a ring of acid resistance that looks like it was dropped in haste while moving everything else. If you had to guess, he may have been stockpiling items to mitigate the effects of various dragons' breath weapons in case one of his assassination plans failed and he was actually forced into a head-on confrontation with a dragon.
Korba helps to gather some of Zolgu's clothes for Nickeline to use in scrying. We take the Ring of Acid Resistance, of course, but that'll present another problem with available attunement slots. It might make sense for Korba to take the ring and give up his Brooch of Shielding for one of the other spellcasters to use. Since Korba mostly fights in melee, it seems like he's more likely to face acid damage than force damage, and one of the other spellcasters could probably benefit from immunity to magic missile, which is normally a good way to force someone to make a concentration saving throw or to burn their reaction and a spell slot on Shield.
(OOC: After searching Zolgu's hut, there's nothing else I want to do. Korba and Hewelathan are ready to head back to the teleportation circle.)
Zolgu's hut looks fairly simple and clean. A small chest contains a few ceremonial cloths, and another one contains what look like components of various potions and spells. It looks like everything else was hastily cleared out... it doesn't look like Zolgu was planning to stick around long after his betrayal. The only notable item you find is a ring of acid resistance that looks like it was dropped in haste while moving everything else. If you had to guess, he may have been stockpiling items to mitigate the effects of various dragons' breath weapons in case one of his assassination plans failed and he was actually forced into a head-on confrontation with a dragon.
Korba helps to gather some of Zolgu's clothes for Nickeline to use in scrying. We take the Ring of Acid Resistance, of course, but that'll present another problem with available attunement slots. It might make sense for Korba to take the ring and give up his Brooch of Shielding for one of the other spellcasters to use. Since Korba mostly fights in melee, it seems like he's more likely to face acid damage than force damage, and one of the other spellcasters could probably benefit from immunity to magic missile, which is normally a good way to force someone to make a concentration saving throw or to burn their reaction and a spell slot on Shield.
(OOC: After searching Zolgu's hut, there's nothing else I want to do. Korba and Hewelathan are ready to head back to the teleportation circle.)
The ring isn't attunement
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"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war |Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
(OOC: Ha! Thanks for pointing that out. Even though both the DM's post and my post linked to new Ring of Acid Resistance, I must have been looking at the legacy Ring of Acid Resistance. With the changes in which items require attunement and which spells require concentration, I've got to pay closer attention to the specific reference in any game that includes a mix of 2024 content and legacy content.)
Jodie notes the magic ring and its protective properties, "A useful ward against some of Nature's most bitter conditions... Good for an explorer or those of weak constitution".
Jodie seems to indicate good candidates might include Korba, Tamphalic, or herself. But she is happy to make it random.
There isn't much else in the kobold village. Cynurrarth has already given his rousing speech, and you've thoroughly searched Zolgu's hut. I'll go ahead and move you along now.
Bridgette and Shri help to escort you back to the teleportation circle, along with Cynurrarth and Gorash. Ruby is staying behind to help clean up the mess in the kobold village, but they're going to be joining the war effort on the Shaded Isle in the not-too-distant future.
As you walk, Gorash glances at Bridgette a few times. Finally, he whispers a question to her.
"What clan are you from?" he asks.
Bridgette pauses with a frown, scratching her head as if trying to remember something long forgotten.
"I wasn't very old when I was taken by the Dark Elves," she admits. "But... it might have been the Bloodskull clan..."
Gorash somehow looks both shocked to his core and like he was expecting that answer. She looks at him for a moment, clearly not quite comprehending what he's getting at (because, reminder, Bridgette isn't very smart). It's about at that moment that you reach the teleportation circle.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Gorash somehow looks both shocked to his core and like he was expecting that answer. She looks at him for a moment, clearly not quite comprehending what he's getting at (because, reminder, Bridgette isn't very smart). It's about at that moment that you reach the teleportation circle.
(OOC: long lost (half) sister? It's not clear how loud/public the conversation between Gorash and Bridgette is. Is it reasonable for the PCs to comment, or would that be like jumping into an obviously private conversation?)
Hewelathan looks around the cave / area with the teleportation circle. (Perception: 7) Since Zolgu probably knows that the party came this way, he or the cult could have set a trap or ambush here. Or they could have an attack force waiting to follow the party through the portal once it's open.
If everything looks clear, Hewelathan says, "Fromwhat Lord Akkron said, we just need to power up the circle by casting a spell and using the sigils of the destination."
Gorash somehow looks both shocked to his core and like he was expecting that answer. She looks at him for a moment, clearly not quite comprehending what he's getting at (because, reminder, Bridgette isn't very smart). It's about at that moment that you reach the teleportation circle.
(OOC: long lost (half) sister? It's not clear how loud/public the conversation between Gorash and Bridgette is. Is it reasonable for the PCs to comment, or would that be like jumping into an obviously private conversation?)
I wouldn't have included it if I didn't want to give PCs the opportunity to comment.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Nickeline, overhearing Bridgette and Gorash's conversation, asks Tamphalic for clarification. "Hey, didn't Mr. Gorash also say he was a Bloodskull? If two orcs—or half orcs—are from the same clan, does that mean they're related? Wouldn't they be, unless 'clan' means something different to orcs than to gnomes? When I say 'clan' I translate to Common the Gnomish word for extended family—you know, like cousins. Do you think that's the same with orcs? Or do they mean something else by clan, like a social club or a wider community?"
Nickeline trusts Jodie to set up the sigil and Hewelathan to search the perimeter. If needed, she will offer her remaining spell slot to activate the teleportation.
It was Jodie who has the return sigil, right? I couldn't find the post specifying who took it from Lord Akkron.
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The party can now head back to the teleportation circle to return to Lord Akkron? With Ruby's help and Tamphalic's map, I don't think that we'll have any trouble finding it.
We'll be traveling at a reduced pace anyway because of Cynurrarth (10-ft reduction in speed from 2 levels of exhaustion), so it won't really slow us down to have someone scouting ahead with Stealth. As usual, the scout role probably falls to Jodie or Korba. We just want to make sure that we don't stumble into an ambush. Even if the kobolds keep these tunnels clear of monsters, there could still be more members of the Dragon Cult down here, trying to stop us before we get back to Lord Akkron.
"Excellent!", Hewelathan exclaims. Since he studies shapes and forms, he asks Cynurrarth questions about his shapeshifting as they walk through the tunnels back to the teleportation circle as long as the dragon seems willing to answer. Does Cynurrarth always transform into the form of this winged dragonborn? Or can he assume any form he wants, such as an elf or a kobold? Can all dragons shapeshift like this? Or is it a particular talent than Cynurrarth has? etc.
Nickeline takes a set of mithral scale mail from whichever cultist is shortest. She rinses it off with her water from her decanter, pats it dry with a rag, and wraps it around her backpack for easy transport. With that, she is ready to go.
When she walks, she occasionally reaches back and touches the mithral and smiles, eagerly anticipating having the opportunity to work with such a rare and expensive metal, even if it will be only minor alterations for now.
Tamphalic sees Cynurrarth into his own kin and smiles
"Now I'd wish I could transform like you."
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war | Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
Cynurrarth is surprisingly willing to chat, perhaps enjoying the rare opportunity to speak to people who don't cower in his presence.
"Many dragons who reach a sufficient level of power gain the ability to change their form," he explains with a smile. "But no, it is not all of us, or even the majority. It is not a common ability among either the Chromatic or Metallic dragons, but many of the Gem dragons share the ability to alter their forms."
You are able to make fairly good time using the canals to reach the kobold village. As you approach, you see that the Cult has been here as well. But... it looks like unexpected allies have come to help the kobolds out. An extremely familiar drider stands among dozens of slaughtered cultists, and at her side is Lord Akkron's apprentice.
"Howdy," Bridgette says with a smile. "Just got finished with the clean-up job. The boss man asked us to make sure nothing else gets in your way now that you're almost finished with your job."
Shri sighs, flicking a bit of blood off the end of her sword.
"I still can't believe that your master sent us down here to save a bunch of kobolds," she mutters, though there is a hint of a smile on her face as a kobold wraps its tiny arms around one of her legs and babbles its gratitude to her in Draconic.
Gorash looks a bit stunned as he catches sight of Bridgette, but keeps his mouth shut for the time being. It's pretty obvious he's thinking about something, but perhaps he's biding his time for a moment to talk to her alone.
(Bridgette and Shri have cleared a safe path for you to the teleportation circle. Is there anything else that anyone wants to do before heading back to the Shaded Isle?)
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
(Tamphalic is fine with moving along)
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war | Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
If Ruby is the only Kobold to survive the attack in Cynurrarth's cave, Hewelathan suggests that she should make a speech to her fellow kobolds to make sure that they all know that Zolgu betrayed them and their dragon, Cynurrarth, to this horrible cult that also attacked their village? Or maybe Cynurrarth would like to address the kobolds (in his true form) to thank them for their bravery in fighting the cultists and warn them that Zolgu betrayed them and the dragon t the cult. Since Zolgu got away, Hewewlathan would hate for Zolgu to worm his way back into a position of power here or to lie and direct the blame at the party for bringing the cultists down on the kobolds and their dragon.
Hewelathan thinks that Ruby is a real hero of her people. In the power vacuum left by Zolgu, he hopes that Ruby and the kobolds she trusts assume positions of power in the village. He likes the little kobold arcanist, and he'd like her village to recognize her capabilities and cunning. Cynurrarth is not abandoning the kobolds. Now that the kobolds have fought off the cult, Cynurrarth is going to take the fight to them so that they will never bother the kobolds again, and he's taking Ruby with him to help in that fight (a great honor!).
Speaking of Zolgu, Korba asks whether Zolgu had a house or lab of some sort in the village. He suggests, "It might be worth searching his home. Perhaps he cleared it out before betraying Cynurrarth, not intending to return. But if not, perhaps there is some correspondence or something that would tell us more about the cult or its plans. And even if Zolgu left for good, he may have rejoined the other cultist now. The treacherous kobold probably left behind an old robe or -- I don't know -- a loose scale or nail clippings, which might help Nickeline find him in her crystal ball if he's not constantly shielded from such magic." Zolgu had some powerful magic, but if he was focused on defense against the dragon's attacks, he may not currently be shielding himself from divination magic.
(OOC: Are Bridgette and Shri going to accompany the party back the teleportation circle? Or do they plan to remain with the kobolds while we return?)
Jodie is pleased to see Cynurrarth in a more humanoid form and the reunion with Bridgette and Shri. "When I was looking for a new troupe, I had no idea how eclectic of a group I'd find. Even the best laid plans run amuck when the unseen and unknown reveal themselves." Jodie gives Ruby a wink.
Jodie agrees with Hewelathan to bolster Ruby's position in the tribe. "Cynurrarth's words will carry more weight than all our ours, but we have other tasks at hand. Though I agree a search of Zolgu's abode would be useful."
perception: 11
Fargen Hill Dwarf Cleric/Barbarian - Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Jodie Olwen Half-Elf Bard- Chronicles of the Accursed
"That's a great idea, Korba! I could never scry on Zolgu before, but maybe it was just missing a secret ingredient." Nickeline says. "Even if he is cautious enough to burn his dried-up, old scales and nail clippings, he must have left some possessions behind, leaving in such a hurry, and who knows what he's got hidden away. I wouldn't be surprised if the ol' greatwyrm kept the best stuff for himself, like crown maybe, or a cool scepter. Someone should seriously consider checking on that." She says the last part not directly to Ruby, but loudly enough so Ruby hopefully gets her message. Indeed, Nickeline also prefers Ruby be the kobold to assume a position of power in the village, believes a symbol of authority would go a long way towards making that happen, and figures a gnome's explicit support of Ruby would be counterproductive in the eyes of the other kobolds, so she says nothing further on the matter.
The Great and Mighty Cynurrarth will happily revert to his true form, rallying the kobolds to the war that he's just volunteered them for (to be fair, the war kind of came to them first...) The kobolds, of course, are dutiful to their master and inspired by his words.
Meanwhile, one of the warriors is able to show the party Zolgu's hut. As he walks, he explains what happened. It turns out that some of the strongest kobold dragonshields were swayed by Zolgu and turned on the other kobolds before the cultists even arrived. A shiver runs down the warrior's spine, as he makes it clear that many of the warriors were literally more terrified of Zolgu than they were of Cynurrarth.
Zolgu's hut looks fairly simple and clean. A small chest contains a few ceremonial cloths, and another one contains what look like components of various potions and spells. It looks like everything else was hastily cleared out... it doesn't look like Zolgu was planning to stick around long after his betrayal. The only notable item you find is a ring of acid resistance that looks like it was dropped in haste while moving everything else. If you had to guess, he may have been stockpiling items to mitigate the effects of various dragons' breath weapons in case one of his assassination plans failed and he was actually forced into a head-on confrontation with a dragon.
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
Korba helps to gather some of Zolgu's clothes for Nickeline to use in scrying. We take the Ring of Acid Resistance, of course, but that'll present another problem with available attunement slots. It might make sense for Korba to take the ring and give up his Brooch of Shielding for one of the other spellcasters to use. Since Korba mostly fights in melee, it seems like he's more likely to face acid damage than force damage, and one of the other spellcasters could probably benefit from immunity to magic missile, which is normally a good way to force someone to make a concentration saving throw or to burn their reaction and a spell slot on Shield.
(OOC: After searching Zolgu's hut, there's nothing else I want to do. Korba and Hewelathan are ready to head back to the teleportation circle.)
Nickeline takes one article of Zolgu's clothing and is ready to go.
The ring isn't attunement
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war | Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
(OOC: Ha! Thanks for pointing that out. Even though both the DM's post and my post linked to new Ring of Acid Resistance, I must have been looking at the legacy Ring of Acid Resistance. With the changes in which items require attunement and which spells require concentration, I've got to pay closer attention to the specific reference in any game that includes a mix of 2024 content and legacy content.)
Jodie notes the magic ring and its protective properties, "A useful ward against some of Nature's most bitter conditions... Good for an explorer or those of weak constitution".
Jodie seems to indicate good candidates might include Korba, Tamphalic, or herself. But she is happy to make it random.
Fargen Hill Dwarf Cleric/Barbarian - Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Jodie Olwen Half-Elf Bard- Chronicles of the Accursed
There isn't much else in the kobold village. Cynurrarth has already given his rousing speech, and you've thoroughly searched Zolgu's hut. I'll go ahead and move you along now.
Bridgette and Shri help to escort you back to the teleportation circle, along with Cynurrarth and Gorash. Ruby is staying behind to help clean up the mess in the kobold village, but they're going to be joining the war effort on the Shaded Isle in the not-too-distant future.
As you walk, Gorash glances at Bridgette a few times. Finally, he whispers a question to her.
"What clan are you from?" he asks.
Bridgette pauses with a frown, scratching her head as if trying to remember something long forgotten.
"I wasn't very old when I was taken by the Dark Elves," she admits. "But... it might have been the Bloodskull clan..."
Gorash somehow looks both shocked to his core and like he was expecting that answer. She looks at him for a moment, clearly not quite comprehending what he's getting at (because, reminder, Bridgette isn't very smart). It's about at that moment that you reach the teleportation circle.
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
(OOC: long lost (half) sister? It's not clear how loud/public the conversation between Gorash and Bridgette is. Is it reasonable for the PCs to comment, or would that be like jumping into an obviously private conversation?)
Hewelathan looks around the cave / area with the teleportation circle. (Perception: 7) Since Zolgu probably knows that the party came this way, he or the cult could have set a trap or ambush here. Or they could have an attack force waiting to follow the party through the portal once it's open.
If everything looks clear, Hewelathan says, "From what Lord Akkron said, we just need to power up the circle by casting a spell and using the sigils of the destination."
I wouldn't have included it if I didn't want to give PCs the opportunity to comment.
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
Nickeline, overhearing Bridgette and Gorash's conversation, asks Tamphalic for clarification. "Hey, didn't Mr. Gorash also say he was a Bloodskull? If two orcs—or half orcs—are from the same clan, does that mean they're related? Wouldn't they be, unless 'clan' means something different to orcs than to gnomes? When I say 'clan' I translate to Common the Gnomish word for extended family—you know, like cousins. Do you think that's the same with orcs? Or do they mean something else by clan, like a social club or a wider community?"
Nickeline trusts Jodie to set up the sigil and Hewelathan to search the perimeter. If needed, she will offer her remaining spell slot to activate the teleportation.
It was Jodie who has the return sigil, right? I couldn't find the post specifying who took it from Lord Akkron.