As Smiler disappears and he is freed from the spell, the Orog sits down on a giant mushroom (actually a rock that is hidden behind Smiler's illusion), rubbing his head.
(OOC: Does the hallucinatory terrain extend into the Black Crypt? Or does it only effect the area in a 150' cube that ends right in front of the crypt?)
(It's a 150' cube that ends in front of the crypt)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
(It's a 150' cube that ends in front of the crypt)
(OOC: @Mister_Whisker - you were generous enough to extend Hewelathan's wild shape until we reached the crypt. I'm going to assume that it's basically done now. Lord Akkron gave the party mummy rot antidote, but did he explain anything about the condition and what to expect?)
Hewelathan-bear looks at the demolished ghasts. He's not sure what to make of Smiler, but the fey casts another spell and vanishes. The immediate threats gone, Hew-bear moves to the side as he turns back to the group so that the others can get past him and into the tomb. And then he stands there, a bear transfixed, his big mouth agape. Gone are the dark streets covered in bones. He stares out into the strange and beautiful forest that suddenly seems to extend out in front of the crypt, and while he's staring, the bear shrinks and transforms back into Hewelathan's regular, half-elf form.
Thankfully, the deep cuts from the drider-mummy and the ghast are gone, but now Hewelathan becomes more aware of the strange feeling he's been having ever since the drider-mummy bit the back of his neck. He reaches a hand back to feel the back of his neck, worried about what it means.
"Oh it is something to behold, are we sure it's not real?" Jodie bends down to pick a bunch of purple lilac, investigating (9) and touches a thorny bramble unaware of it's true nature.
"Oh it is something to behold, are we sure it's not real?" Jodie bends down to pick a bunch of purple lilac, investigating (9) and touches a thorny bramble unaware of it's true nature.
"I'm not sure whether it matters since our path leads into the crypt, but I would not put my trust in anything from that mischievous fey. He seems quite mad," Hewelathan says. He whispers a queit prayer for the senses of birds and beasts which are not so easily fooled. Then he looks suspiciously at the fey forest before them, certain that the bone-covered path hasn't vanished entirely.
Hewelathan squints his eyes and cocks his head. Then he shakes his head with a hint of disappointment and says, "No, it's not real. It looks like some sort of fey glamor: just a fanciful illusion to cover the grim trail of bones and deserted buildings." He waves his arm toward the path they just followed, indicating that he can still see the bone-littered street of the drow city. "And those," he says, pointing to Jodie's lilacs, "are mushrooms."
Now that Hewelathan is not in the form of a beast, he checks on everyone's status. His transformation back into a half-elf has restored him to his original, uninjured form, but he knows that others were injured in the fights. He gets out his pouch of goodberries.
(OOC: I think that this is a case where the roll values in the original post have changed since I had noted that one batch of the berries healed 4HP per berry, but post #1259 shows that the goodberries are 10 berries x 3HP each and 20 berries x 2HP each. So, we'll go with that. Was anyone injured in the previous fights other than Hewelathan-bear and the orcs? I assume that we want our orc allies back at their max HP before we enter the crypt, and we'll use the goodberries to heal them instead of burning through any our other healing resources.
@Mister_Whisker - What would it take to get the orog and orcs back to their Max HP?)
"The folks back home are always saying they wish their caves were less cave-like," says Nickeline. She looks around at the illusions with wonderment. "I wonder how long it'll stay like this."
She looks up at Hewelathan. "Hewelathan, is your neck okay? I can take a look at it if you bend down a bit—or maybe I can stand on whatever this tree stump really is." If she recognizes mummy rot (Medicine 19), she will give Hewelathan her antidote.
(OOC: I think that this is a case where the roll values in the original post have changed since I had noted that one batch of the berries healed 4HP per berry, but post #1259 shows that the goodberries are 10 berries x 3HP each and 20 berries x 2HP each. So, we'll go with that. Was anyone injured in the previous fights other than Hewelathan-bear and the orcs? I assume that we want our orc allies back at their max HP before we enter the crypt, and we'll use the goodberries to heal them instead of burning through any our other healing resources.
@Mister_Whisker - What would it take to get the orog and orcs back to their Max HP?)
(Orc Brute 1 and Orc Brute 2 took 7 and 8 damage, respectively. The Orog is uninjured... just embarrassed after the impromptu jam session courtesy of Smiler).
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
She looks up at Hewelathan. "Hewelathan, is your neck okay? I can take a look at it if you bend down a bit—or maybe I can stand on whatever this tree stump really is." If she recognizes mummy rot (Medicine 19), she will give Hewelathan her antidote.
(OOC: Even if they can confirm that it is mummy rot, Hewelathan would hesitate to take the antidote at this time. It seems likely that they may face more mummies in Talice's crypt, so it might be better for him to wait and take the antidote after those fights are done. He is currently uninjured and doesn't need to heal. He can Wild Shape 1 more time before their next Short Rest. Using his Wild Shape he can absorb a lot of damage, but that usually means that he's facing a lot of attacks. He'd hate to take the antidote now and then contract mummy rot again in their next fight.)
Dr. Nickeline quickly figures out that, yes, Hewelathan has contracted Mummy Rot...
As the ghasts fall, you find yourselves at the end of a long, dark hallway. The air is stale, difficult to breathe. But as you look down the hallway, you can see what looks to be the burial chamber. From where you are, you can see a single sarcophagus standing upright in the center of the room. The place is eerily still and silent, and nothing else has made a move towards you yet...
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
(Orc Brute 1 and Orc Brute 2 took 7 and 8 damage, respectively. The Orog is uninjured... just embarrassed after the impromptu jam session courtesy of Smiler).
Before we move on, Hewelathan provides 3 and 4 berries to orc brutes 1 and 2, respectively, for 6 HP and 8 HP of healing.
How much do we know about mummy rot, how quickly does it develop etc?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war |Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
How much do we know about mummy rot, how quickly does it develop etc?
(OOC: @Mister_Whisker said that Lord Akkron explained what to expect. With that medicine check, I guess Nickeline has a pretty good understanding of mummy rot. I thought that Hewelathan would be fine for now: he just won't be able to heal until the mummy rot is cured. He's currently at Max HP, and if he Wild Shapes again, he may not need to heal until he returns to his regular form. If that's wrong, I may change my mind and have Hewelathan take the antidote before we proceed.)
Before we move on, Hewelathan provides 3 and 4 berries to orc brutes 1 and 2, respectively, for 6 HP and 8 HP of healing.
Hewelathan also gives Korba one of his goodberries that heals 3 HP to Korba. Now that the half-elf has drawn his sword, he's more likely to fight at close quarters, so we don't want him to go into the next fight already injured.
As the ghasts fall, you find yourselves at the end of a long, dark hallway. The air is stale, difficult to breathe. But as you look down the hallway, you can see what looks to be the burial chamber. From where you are, you can see a single sarcophagus standing upright in the center of the room. The place is eerily still and silent, and nothing else has made a move towards you yet...
Once everyone is ready to proceed, Hewelathan looks at the goup and asks, "So...all together? Or did you want to scout ahead, Jodie?"
(OOC: The long dark hallway is 5' wide? 10' wide? 20' wide? How tall is the ceiling? Just trying to get a sense of what we're looking at. How far away is the burial chamber that we can see from where we're standing?)
Jodie waits while the others heal and thinks how lovely the protection spell might have been. Jodie gestures to the sarcophagus. "Well, do we think she's in there? Where's that nice staff that moves things when you need it? Never fear, I'll wake her up. But first, let me just say Korba and Hewey- you got this. You guys are our heroes." (2nd level)
Jodie touches Korba and Hewelathan and they feel like nothing can stop them. The bard offers a wink and mischevious smile as she creeps (14 if needed) within 60' of the sarcophagus.
"I will look ahead," says Nickeline. She casts Scrying on the burial chamber and takes a quick look around before proceeding. She also uses the spell to visually inspect the sarcophagus, checking if it's dusty or displays signs of having been moved recently.
"I will look ahead," says Nickeline. She casts Scrying on the burial chamber and takes a quick look around before proceeding. She also uses the spell to visually inspect the sarcophagus, checking if it's dusty or displays signs of having been moved recently.
Sorry, Jodie's not going to wait 10 mins since Heroism only lasts 1 minute
The bard remembers her favor with Lord Akkron and takes out the scroll of protection to ward herself against the mummy. "If I get a chance to grab the blade, I'm going for it."
The bard draws out the Firestorm lute and sparks seems to crackle as Jodie's nails dig into the strings and set off a thunderous power chord directed at the sarcophagus (14thunder, DC 14 Con half; objects take full)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Hewelathan isn't convinced that the sarcophagus ahead is even that of Talice. It seems like a powerful priestess would have more than just a couple of ghasts to guard her tomb. He has the chilling thought that an evil priestess might demand that her guards and lesser clerics be buried with her, whether or not they were still alive at the time. Would she have taken them with her into undeath?
Hewelathan is not fast enough to stop Jodie, so he just follows along with her plan. He lets Jodie and Korba go ahead a little ways since they're the stealthiest members of the group. But he follows along behind with his shield and moon sickle in hand. He walks close to one of the walls as he goes, trying to leave plenty of room in case Hildegard needs to ride Perdita up to the front in support of a fight.
Hewelathan prays for the keen sense of a beast and keeps his eyes open for hidden guards or possible traps in the crypt.
Jodie sees an opportunity to nock a magic arrow with the undead drider restrained. She let's one fly (25 crit) with the magic arrow and spins about in a dazzling flourish and sings out when the arrow sinks deep.
(It's a 150' cube that ends in front of the crypt)
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
(OOC: @Mister_Whisker - you were generous enough to extend Hewelathan's wild shape until we reached the crypt. I'm going to assume that it's basically done now.
Lord Akkron gave the party mummy rot antidote, but did he explain anything about the condition and what to expect?)
Hewelathan-bear looks at the demolished ghasts. He's not sure what to make of Smiler, but the fey casts another spell and vanishes. The immediate threats gone, Hew-bear moves to the side as he turns back to the group so that the others can get past him and into the tomb. And then he stands there, a bear transfixed, his big mouth agape. Gone are the dark streets covered in bones. He stares out into the strange and beautiful forest that suddenly seems to extend out in front of the crypt, and while he's staring, the bear shrinks and transforms back into Hewelathan's regular, half-elf form.
Thankfully, the deep cuts from the drider-mummy and the ghast are gone, but now Hewelathan becomes more aware of the strange feeling he's been having ever since the drider-mummy bit the back of his neck. He reaches a hand back to feel the back of his neck, worried about what it means.
"Oh it is something to behold, are we sure it's not real?" Jodie bends down to pick a bunch of purple lilac, investigating (9) and touches a thorny bramble unaware of it's true nature.
Fargen Hill Dwarf Cleric/Barbarian - Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Jodie Olwen Half-Elf Bard- Chronicles of the Accursed
"I'm not sure whether it matters since our path leads into the crypt, but I would not put my trust in anything from that mischievous fey. He seems quite mad," Hewelathan says. He whispers a queit prayer for the senses of birds and beasts which are not so easily fooled. Then he looks suspiciously at the fey forest before them, certain that the bone-covered path hasn't vanished entirely.
Investigation: 23 (in game log, with a +3 bonus from Guidance)
Hewelathan squints his eyes and cocks his head. Then he shakes his head with a hint of disappointment and says, "No, it's not real. It looks like some sort of fey glamor: just a fanciful illusion to cover the grim trail of bones and deserted buildings." He waves his arm toward the path they just followed, indicating that he can still see the bone-littered street of the drow city. "And those," he says, pointing to Jodie's lilacs, "are mushrooms."
Now that Hewelathan is not in the form of a beast, he checks on everyone's status. His transformation back into a half-elf has restored him to his original, uninjured form, but he knows that others were injured in the fights. He gets out his pouch of goodberries.
(OOC: I think that this is a case where the roll values in the original post have changed since I had noted that one batch of the berries healed 4HP per berry, but post #1259 shows that the goodberries are 10 berries x 3HP each and 20 berries x 2HP each. So, we'll go with that. Was anyone injured in the previous fights other than Hewelathan-bear and the orcs? I assume that we want our orc allies back at their max HP before we enter the crypt, and we'll use the goodberries to heal them instead of burning through any our other healing resources.
@Mister_Whisker - What would it take to get the orog and orcs back to their Max HP?)
"The folks back home are always saying they wish their caves were less cave-like," says Nickeline. She looks around at the illusions with wonderment. "I wonder how long it'll stay like this."
She looks up at Hewelathan. "Hewelathan, is your neck okay? I can take a look at it if you bend down a bit—or maybe I can stand on whatever this tree stump really is." If she recognizes mummy rot (Medicine 19), she will give Hewelathan her antidote.
(Orc Brute 1 and Orc Brute 2 took 7 and 8 damage, respectively. The Orog is uninjured... just embarrassed after the impromptu jam session courtesy of Smiler).
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
(OOC: Even if they can confirm that it is mummy rot, Hewelathan would hesitate to take the antidote at this time. It seems likely that they may face more mummies in Talice's crypt, so it might be better for him to wait and take the antidote after those fights are done. He is currently uninjured and doesn't need to heal. He can Wild Shape 1 more time before their next Short Rest. Using his Wild Shape he can absorb a lot of damage, but that usually means that he's facing a lot of attacks. He'd hate to take the antidote now and then contract mummy rot again in their next fight.)
Dr. Nickeline quickly figures out that, yes, Hewelathan has contracted Mummy Rot...
As the ghasts fall, you find yourselves at the end of a long, dark hallway. The air is stale, difficult to breathe. But as you look down the hallway, you can see what looks to be the burial chamber. From where you are, you can see a single sarcophagus standing upright in the center of the room. The place is eerily still and silent, and nothing else has made a move towards you yet...
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
Before we move on, Hewelathan provides 3 and 4 berries to orc brutes 1 and 2, respectively, for 6 HP and 8 HP of healing.
(OOC: @Mister_Whisker - Any XP for the fight with the ghasts?)
How much do we know about mummy rot, how quickly does it develop etc?
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war | Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
(OOC: @Mister_Whisker said that Lord Akkron explained what to expect. With that medicine check, I guess Nickeline has a pretty good understanding of mummy rot. I thought that Hewelathan would be fine for now: he just won't be able to heal until the mummy rot is cured. He's currently at Max HP, and if he Wild Shapes again, he may not need to heal until he returns to his regular form. If that's wrong, I may change my mind and have Hewelathan take the antidote before we proceed.)
Hewelathan also gives Korba one of his goodberries that heals 3 HP to Korba. Now that the half-elf has drawn his sword, he's more likely to fight at close quarters, so we don't want him to go into the next fight already injured.
Once everyone is ready to proceed, Hewelathan looks at the goup and asks, "So...all together? Or did you want to scout ahead, Jodie?"
(OOC: The long dark hallway is 5' wide? 10' wide? 20' wide? How tall is the ceiling? Just trying to get a sense of what we're looking at. How far away is the burial chamber that we can see from where we're standing?)
Jodie waits while the others heal and thinks how lovely the protection spell might have been. Jodie gestures to the sarcophagus. "Well, do we think she's in there? Where's that nice staff that moves things when you need it? Never fear, I'll wake her up. But first, let me just say Korba and Hewey- you got this. You guys are our heroes." (2nd level)
Jodie touches Korba and Hewelathan and they feel like nothing can stop them. The bard offers a wink and mischevious smile as she creeps (14 if needed) within 60' of the sarcophagus.
Fargen Hill Dwarf Cleric/Barbarian - Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Jodie Olwen Half-Elf Bard- Chronicles of the Accursed
"I will look ahead," says Nickeline. She casts Scrying on the burial chamber and takes a quick look around before proceeding. She also uses the spell to visually inspect the sarcophagus, checking if it's dusty or displays signs of having been moved recently.
Sorry, Jodie's not going to wait 10 mins since Heroism only lasts 1 minute
The bard remembers her favor with Lord Akkron and takes out the scroll of protection to ward herself against the mummy. "If I get a chance to grab the blade, I'm going for it."
The bard draws out the Firestorm lute and sparks seems to crackle as Jodie's nails dig into the strings and set off a thunderous power chord directed at the sarcophagus (14 thunder, DC 14 Con half; objects take full)
"Was I supposed to wait?
Fargen Hill Dwarf Cleric/Barbarian - Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Jodie Olwen Half-Elf Bard- Chronicles of the Accursed
Nickeline stops casting Scrying after about 15 seconds. She runs to catch up to the others.
Was not thinking about the casting time there
Hewelathan isn't convinced that the sarcophagus ahead is even that of Talice. It seems like a powerful priestess would have more than just a couple of ghasts to guard her tomb. He has the chilling thought that an evil priestess might demand that her guards and lesser clerics be buried with her, whether or not they were still alive at the time. Would she have taken them with her into undeath?
Hewelathan is not fast enough to stop Jodie, so he just follows along with her plan. He lets Jodie and Korba go ahead a little ways since they're the stealthiest members of the group. But he follows along behind with his shield and moon sickle in hand. He walks close to one of the walls as he goes, trying to leave plenty of room in case Hildegard needs to ride Perdita up to the front in support of a fight.
Hewelathan prays for the keen sense of a beast and keeps his eyes open for hidden guards or possible traps in the crypt.
Perception 14, with bonus from Guidance
(Korba may also have the bardic inspiration)
Fargen Hill Dwarf Cleric/Barbarian - Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Jodie Olwen Half-Elf Bard- Chronicles of the Accursed