William eyed the boat carefully. They were making progress and from the looks of it the marine was wounded. That made him the obvious next target for one of William's arrows. Hopefully the muskets of the marines and the gunpowder they carried would not become unusable in the turmoil of the boat rocking.
Attacking the wounded marine Attack roll: 19 Damage roll: 7
The wounded marine, already grimacing through the pain as he hauls on the oar with bloodied hands, lets out a grunt and then a sigh as William's arrow punches through his breastplate and pierces his chest. He slumps backwards to lie on top of Belua's body, the two men's blood mingling in the bottom of the boat. There are now three sailors in the water, three corpses in the boat, two live sailors on the oars, who are looking increasingly nervous, one angry marine still standing, and shouldering his musket, and the interpreter, who is now lying in the bottom of the boat trying to avoid being killed.
Billy wades and swims his way out to Tsara and Mitombo, and helps them to haul the compliant Sailor 4 back towards the beach.
Sailor 6, having regained the surface and his wits, strikes out after the boat. It seems he is a reasonable swimmer.
With two men on the oars, the boat moves 10ft forward.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Sailor 1 scrambles across the boat and hauls the recently deceased marine's legs off the bench so that he can begin rowing on the opposite side to the other sailor who remains in the boat and able to row. Taking up the vacant oar, he starts pulling with desperate strength. The other unmanned oars are still in the rowlocks, and are dragging in the water, making any forward progress even harder than it might otherwise be.
Marine 1 shouts gruffly at the other survivors, "Stop, you two cretins! Stop rowing. Get those other men out of the water and get them back on the oars!"
As he finishes this command, he fires his musket with another flash and cloud of smoke. He is aiming again at the sinuous form of Seri as she manoeuvres under the waves.
Attack: 8 Damage: 11
Herim stays where he is, bleeding into the sand.
Sailor 2 heeds the marine's command, stops rowing and stands up. He takes an unmanned oar and extends it out towards Sailor 3, for him to grab hold of.
Sailor 3 manages to swim the 10ft required to then grab hold of the oar and, with the assistance of Sailor 2, hauls himself back over the gunwale and rolls into the boat, coughing up seawater and gasping for air.
Sailor 4 passively allows the two islanders to drag him further towards the sand.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Kairouni sighted on one of the rowing sailors then the marine shot at Seri, Kairounis eyes flashed with rage and she adjusted her aim towards the standing marine and let the shaft fly.
Move Hunters Mark to Marine.
Bow on Marine- Attack: 23 Damage: 8 + Hunters Mark 1
Thea continues her assault, shaking off the doubt of missing that last shot. She misread the situation and it caused her to miss. So what? She’s fine. Completely fine. She draws back her string with another arrow knocked, the bright fletching of the projectile fluttering in the breezes as Seri whips up the winds.
She aims, then fires, her arrow hopefully destined for one of the rowers currently trying to help their companions, and if she missed, hopefully the arrow would deter the rowers from grabbing their companions.
Thea makes another Shortbow Attack then drops prone once again.
Shortbow Attack Vs. Sailor 2: 26 to hit; Damage: 16
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brorminthe Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner;Theathe Rebellious Beauty;
The sailor (Sailor 2) who stood to reach an oar out to his water-bound comrade is caused by some animal instinct to glance upward and toward shore a fraction of a second before Thea's arrow struck. The point enters his eye and skewers his brain, killing him instantly. His nervous system suddenly cut off from any control, he drops limp as a ragdoll into the bottom of the boat, landing atop Sailor 3, whom he had just hauled from the sea.
The bodies are piling up in the boat. As Sailor 3 has just re-entered, there are now two sailors aboard, but only one is currently in a position to row (Sailor 1). The interpreter remains prone in the bottom of the boat, awash as it is with the blood of the Verdians, whilst the only surviving marine continues to be defiant. He is not about to let the body of his late captain fall into enemy hands.
Tsara and Mitombo haul a more-or-less compliant Sailor 4 another 15ft closer to shore.
Trailing a thin line of dark blood behind her as she glides along the lagoon's sandy bottom, Seri feels her anger rise at the stubborn surviving marine.
Fierce, unyielding loyalty to an unrepentant slave lord is no less damned in Trondro's eyes than the vile act of enslavement itself!
Seri does not know this to be true from what she recalls of her Olona temple's teachings, yet in this moment, she feels it with zealous, visceral certainty.
As she courses north, then banking away west, she lashes out with her viciously-spiked bull kelp once more, aiming to pull the marine out of his vessel by the throat. The gusts of offshore wind continue to buffet those in the vessel, slamming into sailor 1 as she attempts to shove the rower out into the water.
Movement: N-->NW-->(Action and Bonus Action take place)-->NW-->W-->W-->W (30' swim speed underwater, hugging the sea floor)
Action: Seri casts Thorn Whip at the surviving marine (melee spell attack with range 30'). Thorn Whip to hit marine: 18 Thorn Whip damage: 6 magical piercing Forced Movement: on a hit, the target is pulled 10' west and down towards Seri (no saving throw).
Bonus Action: Telekinetic Shove, sailor 1 makes a DC14 STR Save. On failure, target is pushed 5' east and up away from Seri (hopefully out of the boat).
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Within a matter of seconds, the surviving marine has been struck by Kairouani's arrow, and now ensnared and pulled overboard by Seri's snaking sea kelp. His cry of dismay is cut short as he enters the water head first, his musket spinning from his grasp and splashing into the water a few feet from him. His powder cartridges attached to his crossbelt are likely spoiled now anyway.
As the marine is pulled one way, the one person in the boat still clutching an oar is wrenched from the bench and flung over the opposite side by an unseen force.
The only live crew remaining in the boat are the cowering interpreter and a bewildered Sailor 3, who is just climbing to his feet and surveying the scene.
Sailors 1 and 6 are in the water and swimming for the dubious safety of the boat, 2 and 5 are dead within it, whilst 4 is a captive of Tsara and Mitombo.
Belua and one marine are dead, and the other marine is now in the water.
William hesitated. The marine was a sitting duck, so to speak, but the waves made him sway from side to side and so impossible to get a clear shot. Nonetheless he nocked an arrow and hoped it flew true. After this, he could at least take solace knowing he could upgrade from bow to musket.
Attack roll (disadvantage): 18 (missed a nat20, damn...)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Released by Seri's kelp, the marine splutters to the surface, thrashing desperately to stay afloat in his heavy breastplate. His helmet has come off and is making its way serenely to the sea bed. Casting about and coughing up salt water, he doesn't see William's arrow as it arcs out over the water and, with terrible precision, thumps into his body, piercing his breastplate at the shoulder and driving into his flesh.
Billy, seeing that Tsara and Mitombo have Sailor 4 under control, dives under a breaker and comes up swimming strongly towards the boat, his long arms powering him through the water.
Sailor 6 manages to swim to the boat, which is now unpowered and drifting at Trondro's mercy, and grips the gunwale with both hands. He attempts to heave himself up and over, with no help from either of the surviving occupants.
Sailor 6, with a strength born of years of hard work aboard ships, heaves himself out of the water and clambers back into the boat, his chest heaving with the effort. He claps Sailor 3 on the shoulder and gestures toward the oars. There are four oars still in the boat and two floating lazily on the waves. He sits, taking up one of them, and waits for Sailor 3 to do likewise so they can start moving forward again.
Sailor 1, having been plunged unexpectedly into the sea, surfaces and swims back to the boat. He attempts to heave himself over the gunwale, as Sailors 3 and 6 concentrate on getting the boat moving again. Str (Ath) check: 17
Marine 1 struggles to swim toward the boat, hampered by his armour. He makes it, just, but can do no more than hang on. His face is set in a rictus of pain and determination. He grunts at the sailors in the boat, perhaps hoping one would help him into the boat.
Herim looks up tentatively from his hiding place and, seeing the danger has receded, climbs to his feet and starts making his way back toward the shore where Tsara and Mitombo are approaching.
Sailor 3 weighs up the advantages of getting the boat moving vs getting the marine out of the water. He drops the oar he had just picked up and reaches down to haul the stricken marine back into the boat. Sailor 3 Str (Ath) check: 17
Sailor 1 and the marine are both successfully returned to the dubious safety of the boat. Three sailors, a badly wounded marine, and a cowardly interpreter now form the crew of the little vessel.
The marine’s relief at being hauled back into the boat is short-lived, as another arrow from Kairouani finds its mark and snuffs out his life. He topples over the side and is pulled downward by his heavy gear. As the lifeless body sinks, it trails red streamers from his various wounds.
This does nothing to encourage the interpreter to break cover, and he remains prone in the bottom on the boat.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Thea Oltineas
Theasighs as the idiotic sailors clambered back into the boat. "They really are dragging this out, huh?" She comments to no one in particular as she knocks another arrow. With a huff, she draws the arrow back, her arms fatigued from firing shot after shot after shot. That brew from earlier had taken away some of the exhaustion, but still she was getting tired.
"Let's end this soon!" she calls to her companions, aiming the arrow high into the air. It soars up into the sky, disappearing into the sun, before combing back down like a coconut dropping from a jungle tree, right into the midst of the sailors.
"Gah, I'm gonna need some ale after this" she mutters to herself, dropping to the sand once again.
Theamakes a Shortbow Attack, then drops Prone in the sand.
Shortbow Attack VS. Sailor 3: Ranged Weapon Attack; 18 to hit. Damage: 9
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brorminthe Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner;Theathe Rebellious Beauty;
William eyed the boat carefully. They were making progress and from the looks of it the marine was wounded. That made him the obvious next target for one of William's arrows. Hopefully the muskets of the marines and the gunpowder they carried would not become unusable in the turmoil of the boat rocking.
Attacking the wounded marine
Attack roll: 19
Damage roll: 7
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
The wounded marine, already grimacing through the pain as he hauls on the oar with bloodied hands, lets out a grunt and then a sigh as William's arrow punches through his breastplate and pierces his chest. He slumps backwards to lie on top of Belua's body, the two men's blood mingling in the bottom of the boat. There are now three sailors in the water, three corpses in the boat, two live sailors on the oars, who are looking increasingly nervous, one angry marine still standing, and shouldering his musket, and the interpreter, who is now lying in the bottom of the boat trying to avoid being killed.
Billy wades and swims his way out to Tsara and Mitombo, and helps them to haul the compliant Sailor 4 back towards the beach.
Sailor 6, having regained the surface and his wits, strikes out after the boat. It seems he is a reasonable swimmer.
With two men on the oars, the boat moves 10ft forward.
End of Round 4
Round 5:
Sailor 1: 20 - rowing
Marine 1: 20 - angry and shooty
Herim: 18 - lying prone in the sand half way up the beach, having been shot and unwilling to take the risk of being shot again.
Sailor 2: 14 - rowing
Sailor 3: 13 - the most recent entrant to the Verdian Imperial Navy swimming championships.
Sailor 4: 13 - the first one in the water, has now submitted to Tsara and Mitombo and is being dragged back to shore.
Kairoiani: 12
Interpreter: 11 - cowering in the bottom of the boat after his attempts to persuade the marines and sailors to surrender failed.
Thea: 10
Tsara: 9 - dragging Sailor 4 to shore
Mirombo: 9 - dragging Sailor 4 to shore
Seri: 8
William: 6
Billy: 5 - about to help Tsara and Mitombo with Sailor 4
Sailor 6: 4 - in the water and swimming after the slow-moving boat
Sailor 1 scrambles across the boat and hauls the recently deceased marine's legs off the bench so that he can begin rowing on the opposite side to the other sailor who remains in the boat and able to row. Taking up the vacant oar, he starts pulling with desperate strength. The other unmanned oars are still in the rowlocks, and are dragging in the water, making any forward progress even harder than it might otherwise be.
Marine 1 shouts gruffly at the other survivors, "Stop, you two cretins! Stop rowing. Get those other men out of the water and get them back on the oars!"
As he finishes this command, he fires his musket with another flash and cloud of smoke. He is aiming again at the sinuous form of Seri as she manoeuvres under the waves.
Attack: 8 Damage: 11
Herim stays where he is, bleeding into the sand.
Sailor 2 heeds the marine's command, stops rowing and stands up. He takes an unmanned oar and extends it out towards Sailor 3, for him to grab hold of.
Sailor 3 manages to swim the 10ft required to then grab hold of the oar and, with the assistance of Sailor 2, hauls himself back over the gunwale and rolls into the boat, coughing up seawater and gasping for air.
Sailor 4 passively allows the two islanders to drag him further towards the sand.
Kairouani next please.
Kairouni sighted on one of the rowing sailors then the marine shot at Seri, Kairounis eyes flashed with rage and she adjusted her aim towards the standing marine and let the shaft fly.
Move Hunters Mark to Marine.
Bow on Marine- Attack: 23 Damage: 8 + Hunters Mark 1
Kairouani finds her mark again, and feathers the marine just as he fires his shot.
The interpreter remains hidden in the bottom of the boat, unwilling to expose himself to further danger.
Thea - your turn.
Thea Oltineas
Thea continues her assault, shaking off the doubt of missing that last shot. She misread the situation and it caused her to miss. So what? She’s fine. Completely fine. She draws back her string with another arrow knocked, the bright fletching of the projectile fluttering in the breezes as Seri whips up the winds.
She aims, then fires, her arrow hopefully destined for one of the rowers currently trying to help their companions, and if she missed, hopefully the arrow would deter the rowers from grabbing their companions.
Thea makes another Shortbow Attack then drops prone once again.
Shortbow Attack Vs. Sailor 2: 26 to hit; Damage: 16
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brormin the Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner; Thea the Rebellious Beauty;
Check out my EXTENDED SIGNATUR and don’t forget to join the Anything but the OGL 2.0 Thread!
"I don't make sense to you, and I don't make sense to myself. Maybe the only one I make sense to is God" ~ Me, trying to sound smart
The sailor (Sailor 2) who stood to reach an oar out to his water-bound comrade is caused by some animal instinct to glance upward and toward shore a fraction of a second before Thea's arrow struck. The point enters his eye and skewers his brain, killing him instantly. His nervous system suddenly cut off from any control, he drops limp as a ragdoll into the bottom of the boat, landing atop Sailor 3, whom he had just hauled from the sea.
The bodies are piling up in the boat. As Sailor 3 has just re-entered, there are now two sailors aboard, but only one is currently in a position to row (Sailor 1). The interpreter remains prone in the bottom of the boat, awash as it is with the blood of the Verdians, whilst the only surviving marine continues to be defiant. He is not about to let the body of his late captain fall into enemy hands.
Tsara and Mitombo haul a more-or-less compliant Sailor 4 another 15ft closer to shore.
Seri and then William please.
Trailing a thin line of dark blood behind her as she glides along the lagoon's sandy bottom, Seri feels her anger rise at the stubborn surviving marine.
Fierce, unyielding loyalty to an unrepentant slave lord is no less damned in Trondro's eyes than the vile act of enslavement itself!
Seri does not know this to be true from what she recalls of her Olona temple's teachings, yet in this moment, she feels it with zealous, visceral certainty.
As she courses north, then banking away west, she lashes out with her viciously-spiked bull kelp once more, aiming to pull the marine out of his vessel by the throat. The gusts of offshore wind continue to buffet those in the vessel, slamming into sailor 1 as she attempts to shove the rower out into the water.
Movement: N-->NW-->(Action and Bonus Action take place)-->NW-->W-->W-->W (30' swim speed underwater, hugging the sea floor)
Action: Seri casts Thorn Whip at the surviving marine (melee spell attack with range 30').
Thorn Whip to hit marine: 18
Thorn Whip damage: 6 magical piercing
Forced Movement: on a hit, the target is pulled 10' west and down towards Seri (no saving throw).
Bonus Action: Telekinetic Shove, sailor 1 makes a DC14 STR Save. On failure, target is pushed 5' east and up away from Seri (hopefully out of the boat).
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return | Sabetha(Monk3): Bedlymn's Murder Court
Within a matter of seconds, the surviving marine has been struck by Kairouani's arrow, and now ensnared and pulled overboard by Seri's snaking sea kelp. His cry of dismay is cut short as he enters the water head first, his musket spinning from his grasp and splashing into the water a few feet from him. His powder cartridges attached to his crossbelt are likely spoiled now anyway.
Sailor 1 Str save: 21
As the marine is pulled one way, the one person in the boat still clutching an oar is wrenched from the bench and flung over the opposite side by an unseen force.
The only live crew remaining in the boat are the cowering interpreter and a bewildered Sailor 3, who is just climbing to his feet and surveying the scene.
Sailors 1 and 6 are in the water and swimming for the dubious safety of the boat, 2 and 5 are dead within it, whilst 4 is a captive of Tsara and Mitombo.
Belua and one marine are dead, and the other marine is now in the water.
William, over to you.
William hesitated. The marine was a sitting duck, so to speak, but the waves made him sway from side to side and so impossible to get a clear shot. Nonetheless he nocked an arrow and hoped it flew true. After this, he could at least take solace knowing he could upgrade from bow to musket.
Attack roll (disadvantage): 18 (missed a nat20, damn...)
Damage roll: 10
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
Released by Seri's kelp, the marine splutters to the surface, thrashing desperately to stay afloat in his heavy breastplate. His helmet has come off and is making its way serenely to the sea bed. Casting about and coughing up salt water, he doesn't see William's arrow as it arcs out over the water and, with terrible precision, thumps into his body, piercing his breastplate at the shoulder and driving into his flesh.
Billy, seeing that Tsara and Mitombo have Sailor 4 under control, dives under a breaker and comes up swimming strongly towards the boat, his long arms powering him through the water.
Sailor 6 manages to swim to the boat, which is now unpowered and drifting at Trondro's mercy, and grips the gunwale with both hands. He attempts to heave himself up and over, with no help from either of the surviving occupants.
Sailor 6 Str (Ath) check: 17
Sailor 6, with a strength born of years of hard work aboard ships, heaves himself out of the water and clambers back into the boat, his chest heaving with the effort. He claps Sailor 3 on the shoulder and gestures toward the oars. There are four oars still in the boat and two floating lazily on the waves. He sits, taking up one of them, and waits for Sailor 3 to do likewise so they can start moving forward again.
End of Round 5.
The boat has not moved forward at all this round.
Round 6:
Sailor 1: 20 - In the water, having been ejected from the boat by Seri's telekinetic shove.
Marine 1: 20 - In the water, wounded and desperate. He looks in a bad way.
Herim: 18 - lying prone in the sand half way up the beach, having been shot and unwilling to take the risk of being shot again.
Sailor 3: 13 - Back in the boat with Sailor 6 and hoping to start rowing again.
Sailor 4: 13 - the first one in the water, has now submitted to Tsara and Mitombo and is being dragged back to shore.
Kairoiani: 12
Interpreter: 11 - cowering in the bottom of the boat after his attempts to persuade the marines and sailors to surrender failed.
Thea: 10
Tsara: 9 - dragging Sailor 4 to shore
Mitombo: 9 - dragging Sailor 4 to shore
Seri: 8
William: 6
Billy: 5 - Swimming towards the boat.
Sailor 6: 4 - Back in the boat, seated on a bench with oar in hand and ready to start rowing when Sailor 3 is ready.
Sailor 1, having been plunged unexpectedly into the sea, surfaces and swims back to the boat. He attempts to heave himself over the gunwale, as Sailors 3 and 6 concentrate on getting the boat moving again. Str (Ath) check: 17
Marine 1 struggles to swim toward the boat, hampered by his armour. He makes it, just, but can do no more than hang on. His face is set in a rictus of pain and determination. He grunts at the sailors in the boat, perhaps hoping one would help him into the boat.
Herim looks up tentatively from his hiding place and, seeing the danger has receded, climbs to his feet and starts making his way back toward the shore where Tsara and Mitombo are approaching.
Sailor 3 weighs up the advantages of getting the boat moving vs getting the marine out of the water. He drops the oar he had just picked up and reaches down to haul the stricken marine back into the boat. Sailor 3 Str (Ath) check: 17
Sailor 1 and the marine are both successfully returned to the dubious safety of the boat. Three sailors, a badly wounded marine, and a cowardly interpreter now form the crew of the little vessel.
Kairouani, your move.
Kairouni called out, " Row back and no more of you need die!". Then released another shaft at the marine.
Remain in the tideline maintaining Hunters Mark on Marine.
Bow on Belua Attack: 23 Damage: 8 + Hunters Mark 1
The marine’s relief at being hauled back into the boat is short-lived, as another arrow from Kairouani finds its mark and snuffs out his life. He topples over the side and is pulled downward by his heavy gear. As the lifeless body sinks, it trails red streamers from his various wounds.
This does nothing to encourage the interpreter to break cover, and he remains prone in the bottom on the boat.
Thea, over to you.
Thea Oltineas
Thea sighs as the idiotic sailors clambered back into the boat. "They really are dragging this out, huh?" She comments to no one in particular as she knocks another arrow. With a huff, she draws the arrow back, her arms fatigued from firing shot after shot after shot. That brew from earlier had taken away some of the exhaustion, but still she was getting tired.
"Let's end this soon!" she calls to her companions, aiming the arrow high into the air. It soars up into the sky, disappearing into the sun, before combing back down like a coconut dropping from a jungle tree, right into the midst of the sailors.
"Gah, I'm gonna need some ale after this" she mutters to herself, dropping to the sand once again.
Thea makes a Shortbow Attack, then drops Prone in the sand.
Shortbow Attack VS. Sailor 3: Ranged Weapon Attack; 18 to hit. Damage: 9
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brormin the Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner; Thea the Rebellious Beauty;
Check out my EXTENDED SIGNATUR and don’t forget to join the Anything but the OGL 2.0 Thread!
"I don't make sense to you, and I don't make sense to myself. Maybe the only one I make sense to is God" ~ Me, trying to sound smart