This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Assuming he can see the the Will-o-Wisp, Theldrin decides to try to prevent any more surprise attacks by hitting it with a barrage of Magic Missile. Otherwise he will send the missiles at Garath.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Liarin throws another Starry Wisp at Garath:
Attack: 27 Damage: 12 Radiant
Garath in turn looks at Avery and tells his assistants, "Kill this knight, he means to stop us." Then he looks at Xanrym, "You think you can silence the word of her majesty, the darkness? You will fight NO MORE!" He holds his hands out and casts Hold Person on Xanrym.
Xanrym makes a DC 12 WIS Save: 4 or becomes Paralyzed
Avery and Xanrym are up. Garath has just Paralyzed Xanrym while Avery is in melee with the priest. His two assistants looks ready to attack the knight.
Garath...looks at Xanrym, "You think you can silence the word of her majesty, the darkness? You will fight NO MORE!" He holds his hands out and casts Hold Person on Xanrym.
Xanrym makes a DC 12 WIS Save: 5 or becomes Paralyzed
Round 1: Xanrym
Still recovering from the Will-o-Wisp's attack, Xanrym feels the force of Garath's objurgation. The cultist's terrible power causes Xanrym's muscles to seize. He stands rigidly, still clutching his crossbow, but making no movement to fire it.
At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another (DC 12) Wisdom saving throw.
Xanrym: WIS saving throw 17
Xanrym reaches inside and summons his willpower. He is motivated by the knowledge that his failure to maintain the zone of Silence on Garath puts his companions in even greater danger. His combined disdain for Garath's naga cult and his concern for his friends gives him the strength to throw off the effects of Garath's spell.
After his turn is over, Xanrym is no longer paralyzed.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Round 1: Nithrissa
(OOC: I'm going to assume that Nithrissa moved into the room with Avery during the surprise round, but since she was farther back in the line, she couldn't get into melee until round 1.)
As soon as Avery opened the door, Nithrissa saw and recognized Garath. The humiliation of her capture and the anger at the naga's attempt to dominate her make her burn for revenge against Garath. Avery rushes into the room, and she moves forward to follow him. As a knight, she has trained to "hold the line" against enemy forces, and Avery stands against 3 opponents.
In Silence, Avery strikes Garath with his sword. Then Nithrissa hears someone yelling about a will-o-wisp behind her, and she realizes that something definitely went wrong when Garath speaks. Since the others may be dealing with a will-o-wisp, she doesn't expect much support from the spellcaters this round. She and this other knight will have to deal with Garath. As soon as she's in range, she launches a series of attacks with Avery's greatsword.
Movement: Move up to 30' forward to close the rest of the distance to Garath. She ends next to Avery and on the opposite side of him from Asclepius. Action: Multiattack with Greatsword Attack #1 vs. Garath: 24, Damage: 6 (slashing) Attack #2 vs. Garath: 25, Damage: 18 (slashing)
The plan was for Xanrym to Silence Garath and for the melee fighters to keep Garath contained in that spell's effect while the rest of the group attacked him. Toska hesitates when she hears Xanrym's cry of pain about the Will-o-Wisp, but she sticks to the original plan. She feels that St. Cuthbert is with her in attacking the evil cult leader.
Movement: Move 10' to the north to get within range of Garath but then move to the west 10' to keep out of sight of those in the room. Action: Cast a spell at Garath, Sacred Flame. DC 12 DEX save (with no benefit from cover) or target takes damage: 3 (radiant).
But falls to the flames. His last words ring out in his baritone voice, "Do not let them take this fight to her worship. Kill them all..." And he falls to the ground dead.
The shadowy assistants spring forward and you see long black-blue claws slash out from under their robes, striking with a paralysing liquid on their claws at Avery and Nithrissa:
Ghoulish Assistant 1 Claw against Avery Attack: 20 Damage: 6 Slashing and Avery makes a DC 10 Con Save: 16 or is Paralyzed.
Ghoulish Assistant 2 Claw against Nithrissa Attack: 14 Damage: Unable to parse dice roll. Slashing and Avery makes a DC 10 Con Save: 23 or is Paralyzed.
The Will-o-Wisp's voice echoes forward again, "You will rue this day. The queen will save a special place of hatred for you in her heart. You will all die slowly." The Wisp then vanishes again.
The Will-o-Wisp's voice echoes forward again, "You will rue this day. The queen will save a special place of hatred for you in her heart. You will all die slowly." The Wisp then vanishes again.
(OOC: Does the Will-o-Wisp make any sound when it moves? Can Xanrym tell whether it left and which way it flew off? Perception3)
(OOC: Does the Will-o-Wisp make any sound when it moves? Can Xanrym tell whether it left and which way it flew off? Perception3)
Xanrym clearly can't tell where the Will-o-Wisp went over the din of the battle!
Round 2: Xanrym
Xanrym hates to let the Will-o-Wisp escape again, especially after it shocked him! But hearing Garath's dying words, Xanrym moves north to just inside the doorway to the room. He sees Garath's body on the ground, but Nithrissa seems to be standing over him in an oddly rigid manner as though she is also under the effects of a holding spell. She isn't armored, and she doesn't seem to be defending herself from the ghoul that's right in front of her. Xanrym says, "Nithrissa's in trouble!" Xanrym casts True Strike, aims his crossbow at the ghoul that's attacking her, and fires. He calls out to the tiefling, "Rally your strength, Knight of Iuz! You're made of sterner stuff than this rabble!"
Movement: 30' north, ending just inside the door to the room Action: Cast a spell True Strike with Attack ghoul #2, Crossbow, Light (80/320): 14, Damage: 10 (radiant) Bonus Action: Xanrym grants Grant bardic inspiration to Nithrissa. If the party doesn't manage to kill the ghouls, it would be very bad if she's still paralyzed when they attack. Nithrissa can roll 1d6 once (in the next 10 mins) and add the number to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. Free Action: Talking
Nithrissa is gratified to land such a brutal hit against the leader of this cult that has done her such harm, but she wasn't expecting Garath's assistants to be some sort of ghoul. The poison from its claws burns through her body and involuntary spasms completely paralyze her.
Movement: None. Nithrissa is paralyzed Action: None. Nithrissa is paralyzed
Nithrissa is gratified to land such a brutal hit against the leader of this cult that has done her such harm, but she wasn't expecting Garath's assistants to be some sort of ghoul. The poison from its claws burns through her body and involuntary spasms completely paralyze her.
Movement: None. Nithrissa is paralyzed Action: None. Nithrissa is paralyzed
DC 10 CON save: 8
Spending the bardic inspiration to improve her CON save: 9
Toska is happy that she was able to strike down this evil priest. While she's happy that Nithrissa is helping them, she doesn't trust the tiefling. She focuses instead on helping Avery.
Movement: None. Staying at the back of the party in the hallway. Action: Cast spell Sacred Flame at the ghoul who attacked Avery, DC 12 DEX save (with no benefit from cover) or target takes damage: 2 (radiant)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Theldrin curses under his breath as he sees the Will-o-Wisp disappear from view again. He then carefully aims a Fire Bolt at the ghoul attacking Avery.
Attack: 25 Damage: 10
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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Assuming he can see the the Will-o-Wisp, Theldrin decides to try to prevent any more surprise attacks by hitting it with a barrage of Magic Missile. Otherwise he will send the missiles at Garath.
Liarin throws another Starry Wisp at Garath:
Attack: 27 Damage: 12 Radiant
Garath in turn looks at Avery and tells his assistants, "Kill this knight, he means to stop us." Then he looks at Xanrym, "You think you can silence the word of her majesty, the darkness? You will fight NO MORE!" He holds his hands out and casts Hold Person on Xanrym.
Xanrym makes a DC 12 WIS Save: 4 or becomes Paralyzed
Avery and Xanrym are up. Garath has just Paralyzed Xanrym while Avery is in melee with the priest. His two assistants looks ready to attack the knight.
Avery continues his attack: Attack 10, damage (if) 13
(OOC: Assuming that Avery missed Garath...)
Round 1: Xanrym
Still recovering from the Will-o-Wisp's attack, Xanrym feels the force of Garath's objurgation. The cultist's terrible power causes Xanrym's muscles to seize. He stands rigidly, still clutching his crossbow, but making no movement to fire it.
Movement: None. Xanrym is paralyzed
Action: None. Xanrym is paralyzed
Concentration: None. Xanrym failed his CON save against the Will-o-Wisp's attack.
Xanrym: WIS saving throw 8
Xanrym reaches inside and summons his willpower. He is motivated by the knowledge that his failure to maintain the zone of Silence on Garath puts his companions in even greater danger. His combined disdain for Garath's naga cult and his concern for his friends gives him the strength to throw off the effects of Garath's spell.
After his turn is over, Xanrym is no longer paralyzed.
[[ Hey, I know I've been absent, but could Asclepius get his turn? Attempt to slide up to Garath and constrict him.]]
Attack: 21 Damage: 12 On hit, grappled/restrained escape DC 16.
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
Round 1: Nithrissa
(OOC: I'm going to assume that Nithrissa moved into the room with Avery during the surprise round, but since she was farther back in the line, she couldn't get into melee until round 1.)
As soon as Avery opened the door, Nithrissa saw and recognized Garath. The humiliation of her capture and the anger at the naga's attempt to dominate her make her burn for revenge against Garath. Avery rushes into the room, and she moves forward to follow him. As a knight, she has trained to "hold the line" against enemy forces, and Avery stands against 3 opponents.
In Silence, Avery strikes Garath with his sword. Then Nithrissa hears someone yelling about a will-o-wisp behind her, and she realizes that something definitely went wrong when Garath speaks. Since the others may be dealing with a will-o-wisp, she doesn't expect much support from the spellcaters this round. She and this other knight will have to deal with Garath. As soon as she's in range, she launches a series of attacks with Avery's greatsword.
Movement: Move up to 30' forward to close the rest of the distance to Garath. She ends next to Avery and on the opposite side of him from Asclepius.
Action: Multiattack with Greatsword
Attack #1 vs. Garath: 24, Damage: 6 (slashing)
Attack #2 vs. Garath: 25, Damage: 18 (slashing)
Round 1: Toska
The plan was for Xanrym to Silence Garath and for the melee fighters to keep Garath contained in that spell's effect while the rest of the group attacked him. Toska hesitates when she hears Xanrym's cry of pain about the Will-o-Wisp, but she sticks to the original plan. She feels that St. Cuthbert is with her in attacking the evil cult leader.
Movement: Move 10' to the north to get within range of Garath but then move to the west 10' to keep out of sight of those in the room.
Action: Cast a spell at Garath, Sacred Flame. DC 12 DEX save (with no benefit from cover) or target takes damage: 3 (radiant).
Garath yowls in pain as Nithrissa's blade bites into him. He tries to dodge out of the way of Toska's Sacred Flame
Dex Save: 6
But falls to the flames. His last words ring out in his baritone voice, "Do not let them take this fight to her worship. Kill them all..." And he falls to the ground dead.
The shadowy assistants spring forward and you see long black-blue claws slash out from under their robes, striking with a paralysing liquid on their claws at Avery and Nithrissa:
Ghoulish Assistant 1 Claw against Avery Attack: 20 Damage: 6 Slashing and Avery makes a DC 10 Con Save: 16 or is Paralyzed.
Ghoulish Assistant 2 Claw against Nithrissa Attack: 14 Damage: Unable to parse dice roll. Slashing and Avery makes a DC 10 Con Save: 23 or is Paralyzed.
The Will-o-Wisp's voice echoes forward again, "You will rue this day. The queen will save a special place of hatred for you in her heart. You will all die slowly." The Wisp then vanishes again.
You all are up, two Ghoulish Assistants attack Avery and Nithrissa, with Nithrissa being paralysed. The Wisp seems to have vanished again.
Avery attacks the Ghoulish Assistant who attacked him: attack 15, damage 13
(OOC: Does the Will-o-Wisp make any sound when it moves? Can Xanrym tell whether it left and which way it flew off? Perception 3)
Xanrym clearly can't tell where the Will-o-Wisp went over the din of the battle!
Round 2: Xanrym
Xanrym hates to let the Will-o-Wisp escape again, especially after it shocked him! But hearing Garath's dying words, Xanrym moves north to just inside the doorway to the room. He sees Garath's body on the ground, but Nithrissa seems to be standing over him in an oddly rigid manner as though she is also under the effects of a holding spell. She isn't armored, and she doesn't seem to be defending herself from the ghoul that's right in front of her. Xanrym says, "Nithrissa's in trouble!" Xanrym casts True Strike, aims his crossbow at the ghoul that's attacking her, and fires. He calls out to the tiefling, "Rally your strength, Knight of Iuz! You're made of sterner stuff than this rabble!"
Movement: 30' north, ending just inside the door to the room
Action: Cast a spell True Strike with
Attack ghoul #2, Crossbow, Light (80/320): 14, Damage: 10 (radiant)
Bonus Action: Xanrym grants Grant bardic inspiration to Nithrissa. If the party doesn't manage to kill the ghouls, it would be very bad if she's still paralyzed when they attack.
Nithrissa can roll 1d6 once (in the next 10 mins) and add the number to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw.
Free Action: Talking
Round 2: Nithrissa
Nithrissa is gratified to land such a brutal hit against the leader of this cult that has done her such harm, but she wasn't expecting Garath's assistants to be some sort of ghoul. The poison from its claws burns through her body and involuntary spasms completely paralyze her.
Movement: None. Nithrissa is paralyzed
Action: None. Nithrissa is paralyzed
DC 10 CON save: 8
Spending the bardic inspiration to improve her CON save: 9
Despite the bardic inspiration from Xanrym, Nithrissa fails to throw off the ghoul's poison and is still paralyzed at the end of her turn.
Round 2: Toska
Toska is happy that she was able to strike down this evil priest. While she's happy that Nithrissa is helping them, she doesn't trust the tiefling. She focuses instead on helping Avery.
Movement: None. Staying at the back of the party in the hallway.
Action: Cast spell Sacred Flame at the ghoul who attacked Avery, DC 12 DEX save (with no benefit from cover) or target takes damage: 2 (radiant)
Theldrin curses under his breath as he sees the Will-o-Wisp disappear from view again. He then carefully aims a Fire Bolt at the ghoul attacking Avery.
Attack: 25 Damage: 10