"Let's hope the rest of the night's rest goes uninterrupted," Theldrin says with a sigh as he turns the watch duty over to Avery and heads for his bedroll. The next morning he is up early as usual, studying his spellbook.
(OOC: Yeah I think we'd prioritize getting everyone back to town safely and not try to track down the owlbear. Goodberries is a great idea. Liarin could maybe forage too but the faster we get through the forest the better)
When you mention the term 'naga bane' Mayor Ormond looks at you thoughtfully. "You know, that reminds me. Back in the day when I thought myself an adventurer, one of the things i always imagined was being in an adventuring group. I'd always thought about what I would call it. Something foreboding like The Citadel of Eight? Or something more heroic like The Fellowship of the Torch? What do you think you would call yourselves? How do you want to be known?"
Theldrin smiles and nods towards Xanrym, "I guess I would leave that up to the bards of the world. Well, let's make sure there's a group that survives to make a name for itself first...."
Avery also chuckles as he scans the woods about them. "I have served in a few unique mercenary companies; we had grand names for ourselves for the simple ability to sell our swords. I used to call it the boastful bands. Names like the Golden Company, Credore's Crushers, nonsense like that. Still, a name can get you coin, if it sings."
When you mention the term 'naga bane' Mayor Ormond looks at you thoughtfully. "You know, that reminds me. Back in the day when I thought myself an adventurer, one of the things i always imagined was being in an adventuring group. I'd always thought about what I would call it. Something foreboding like The Citadel of Eight? Or something more heroic like The Fellowship of the Torch? What do you think you would call yourselves? How do you want to be known?"
Xanrym smiles at the mention of the "Citadel of Eight," wondering where Yrag is now. Two weeks ago, he was just looking for Wraven Stoutheart, Yr's friend in Orlane, hoping that the man had seen Yr or had received some message from him. Maybe now that they've finally defeated the naga and her cult, he can start looking for Yr again.
Theldrin smiles and nods towards Xanrym, "I guess I would leave that up to the bards of the world. Well, let's make sure there's a group that survives to make a name for itself first...."
Xanrym says, "Well, some groups name themselves, like the 'Citadel of Eight.' And the name itself is innocuous, Zakarius," he nods to the mayor. "It just sounds foreboding because you have heard something of their adventuers. The bards are simply sharing the stores, and now the name acquires a foreboding repute because it reminds you of what you've heard of them."
Avery also chuckles as he scans the woods about them. "I have served in a few unique mercenary companies; we had grand names for ourselves for the simple ability to sell our swords. I used to call it the boastful bands. Names like the Golden Company, Credore's Crushers, nonsense like that. Still, a name can get you coin, if it sings."
Xanrym nods in agreement: "An awkward phrase stumbles and falls, and a good name has the legs for many a long journey." He smiles and says, "Like I said, some groups name themselves, but I guess other groups are given a name. Or they pick up a simple, descriptive name that's useful in their early dealings, and it just stays with them their whole life." He mentions several names of the latter sort:
Company of the Grey Chain
Ormond's Saviors
Company of Ormond
And names related to saving Orlane from the cult:
The Order of Orlane
Orlanean Wardens
The Friends of Orlane
Orlane's Shield
Lights of Orlane
Five for Orlane
And names related to their deeds:
Dungeon Delvers
The Preservers
The Cult Breakers
They could even make a badge (like a coat of arms) or take some token of their adventure that they all carry. Then the name refers less to the group and more to that badge or image:
Mayor Ormond nods, "Well, no need to decide now, I just thought that when we get back to Orlane, I may have need to introduce you as a group. Let me know before then."
You all finish your Long Rest and head off again through the Dim Forrest. The trees bear down on you as you remember, but it seems somewhat less scary now. I'll roll two more random encounters for you hear before you get to the end of the forrest. One for the day: 4 , and one for the night: 5 .
You spend one more night in the forrest before breaking out into the fields to the east of Orlane. You breath fresh air as you finally reach more civilised lands. You travel for one more day and reach the village just before nightfall. You don't see many on the road.
Is there anything any of you wish to do before entering the village? (This will likely be the end point of the adventure by the way. Only a couple more scenes.)
Is there anything any of you wish to do before entering the village? (This will likely be the end point of the adventure by the way. Only a couple more scenes.)
(OOC: I don't think that there's anything the party was planning to do before arriving back in Orlane. Looking at my notes for this campaign, the only "pending tasks" were to upgrade our armor and weapons, but we would handle that a day or two after we get back. I assume that the party will take at least a few days of rest in Orlane while we figure out whether and where to take Toska's body to try to get her resurrected. We can do some shopping during those days. I guess Theldrin and Liarin might want to adjust their prepared spells based on what we might find in town. Assuming that Avery took the Horn of Valhalla (Brass), he would have time to attune to it before we get back to Orlane. )
Xanrym wonders idly what happened to Oliver Ignamino, the naga-charmed noble from Hookhill whom the party released in the Dim Forest a few days ago. He would have been freed from the naga's curse about three days after they released him, but even in his right mind, he would probably not make it out of the Dim Forest alive without the protection of one of the gods.
If the party is arriving in Orlane at night, I guess we would first take the mayor back to his house. Then Xanrym would want to scout quietly around the town in the dark to see whether he can find any of their allies and determine the status of the town. We believe that all of the naga-charmed townspeople were set free once we killed the naga, but we don't know how many cultists were charmed and how many joined willingly. And even if everyone is now "better," there might still be quite a bit of chaos in the town.
We left Wraven and Llydrk to guard the jail, but it took the party six days between leaving Orlane and finally defeating the naga. It's likely that the cultists drove them off and let the imprisoned cult members free before then. Hopefully, they found some place to hide or fight off the cultists until the naga's spell was broken! Xanrym could also check Ramne's house just to confirm that it's still standing. He hopes that Ramne was able to keep Maajid and Cirilli safe, but I don't think that Xanrym would risk disturbing Ramne in the dead of night for fear that the old man would fire off a spell first and ask questions later.
Theldrin takes a deep breath and smiles enthusiastically as the party emerges from the forest and into the rolling farmland. "Almost there, my friends.... almost there!"
Xanrym tries to keep an eye out for any signs as they approach Orlane, such as normal activity (townspeople moving about outside, houses with candle or fire lights visible) or any ominous signs (newly-abandoned houses, ashes of recent fires, gallows).
As you make your way back into Orlane, you don't notice anyone around at all. Even in the outlying farms that had people in them when you left seem to be abandoned, and when you get to the town centre you realise why. It seems as though every person has come to set up a small shanty town within the centre of the village. People are milling around looking confused, you notice that everyone is working in little groups. Some are looking after children and sick people, others are carting food and supplies around to others, and still others are acting as guards. You are noticed by a few of these guards and an alarm is called. When they recognise who you are there's a nervous energy in their demeanour and a few people come over to talk to you. You recognise all three people: Wraven, Maajid, and Sir Grover. It is Grover who is the first to talk, he bows to you all but directs his speech to Mayor Ormond, "My friend. I am so sorry for everything i've done over the last few months. I remember now my trip to the naga's dungeon, and how she charged me with keeping the village cut off from outsiders." He then turns to Avery, "I am also sorry to you brother. I have failed the Knights of the Watch by letting myself be captured by the naga. When we have put this town back to normal I will travel to Hookhill and report to our superiors." Wraven walks up to Ormond and puts his hand on the old man's shoulder as he stands beside him. Maajid comes to talk to you all, "You'll be happy to know our companions are safe. Cirilli is back with her family, while Lldryk took off as soon as everyone came back to their senses. I think he needed to return to the forrest, this village life even was too social for him." He smiles and falls in line with you all, clearly relieved, until he sees the corpse of Toska on the horse. He bows his head and makes a strange motion with his hands, possibly some kind of Baaklunish prayer.
Sir Grover explains that he thinks that everyone in town is waiting for someone to get up and give a proper report of what's happening and whether the threat is actually gone. Mayor Ormond goes to stand on the porch of the Golden Grain Inn, which would act as a podium, but he then stops himself and turns to you. "I think one of you might actually be best to explain everything that has happened."
Does someone address the people of Orlane, or will you let Mayor Ormond do the talking?
Theldrin shakes Maajid's hand, "Splendid to find you in good health, my friend." He looks the crowd over, nodding to himself with a slight grin. Upon the mayor's suggestion, his grin widens and he turns to look expectantly at Xanrym.
Xanrym talks to Wraven first to ask him to find the carpenter so that the children can be reunited with their parents (assuming that the parents are still alive). Then Xanrym climbs the stairs onto the porch of the Golden Grain Inn. It's hard to believe that it wasn't even 2 weeks ago when the group first came to spend the night in this inn only to discover the cult and barely save Maajid from being murdered in his bed! He asks Theldrin for some light on the porch of the inn, and he casts Minor Illusion to create a sound of a brief fanfare of trumpets just to ensure that people who have not noticed the Mayor's return have a chance to come gather at the inn. He looks around the gathering crowd, and while he waits for a moment, he waves or points and nods at specific townsfolk in the crowd (if he sees any) like Hulbar, Sir Grover's deputy, or Bretram, the owner of the Golden Grain Inn. Xanrym also gives a big smile to children or to those few townspeople who were friendly or helpful to the party, like Kilian the horse trader. After a couple of minutes, he starts talking in a clear voice that carries a long distance even outdoors. He is mellifluous and expressive: his voice is a practiced instrument at this point.
Xanrym begins, "Good people of Orlane, you have lived through dark and troubling times! I know: I have seen it with my own eyes! Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, my friends and I fought our way through a dark dungeon in The Rushmoors to end Orlane's nightmare. We faced danger and death, pitiless monsters and the dreadful undead! We return to you tonight with your mayor, Zakarius Ormond, rescued from a dark cult!" Here, Xanrym pauses to bring the mayor onto the porch so that the townspeople can see that he has returned safely. Xanrym hopes that the familiar face will help the people relax, but he does not yield the porch just yet. He continues, "There is hope now! Like the first light of dawn after mid-winter night! Hope for Orlane! Hope for its people!" He gestures broadly to the crowd. "I am Xanrym Balhorn, and I hope to meet all of you in the coming days. Though it is late, I shall tell you -- briefly -- of the Trouble that has plagued your town, the Source of that Trouble, and how it was defeated!"
Xanrym pauses to ensure that the crowd has settled down . "When my friends and I," gesturing toward Theldrin, Liarin, and Avery, "arrived in Orlane a couple of weeks ago, it was clear that a dark shadow had fallen on your fair town! Aye! You all felt it! People gone missing or suddenly changed! Dark looks! Hushed whispers! Good folk afraid of strangers...or even their neighbors! We soon discovered that an evil cult had reached out, extending its influence from a dark lair in The Rushmoors, and taken hold in Orlane! There were dark deeds, done in the night. People taken! Robbery! And even murder!"
Xanrym looks (or acts) tired. He shakes his head solemnly, "Sadly, you will find that some of your neighbors, maybe even family members, are gone -- were killed by the cult. May the good gods gather their souls!" Xanrym talks about how the party fought back against the cult. He explains that many of those helping the cult were enchanted, dominated by the magic of the ancient and magical creature that the cult worshiped. He emphasizes how the party spared anyone they could.
Xanrym goes on to explain that the Temple of Merikka had been corrupted. Abramo may be lost forever. Misha was like a poisonous flower, fair to behold but holding deadly poison within. He briefly explains that the party purged the cultists from the temple: it is ready to be cleansed and consecrated anew. As the party worked with Mayor Ormond to root out the cult and find its leaders in Orlane, the Mayor Ormond was taken! Taken by the cult to their dark lair in The Rushmoors.
Xanrym paints the party as brave heroes who took on this mission to rescue the mayor and free Orlane from its curse. He goes into even less detail about the dungeon and the dangers faced there. He does say, "The idol of the cult was a naga! An ancient and magical creature, an evil spirit housed in the body of a giant serpent! The cult kidnapped people from Orlane -- probably some of you here now! They took people into the swamp, into this naga's lair, to be enchanted by her magic and then brought back to Orlane." He realizes that there may be many long days as people sort out what happened. Who was killed in the dungeon, never to be heard from again? Who returned to Orlane only to commit horrible crimes while under the naga's spell? And worse, are there any more willing cult members still in Orlane? Xanrym doesn't say all of that to the townspeople: he just urges patience and understanding and forgiveness.
Xanrym tries to end things on a positive note. He says, "Now, the nightmare is over! We have killed the naga and thrown down her cult! The naga's spell was broken four days ago when we killed her. That's when everyone she had charmed was freed from her domination! I do not know what you remember of those times. Perhaps nothing. Or maybe it's like a dimly-remembered nightmare. Know that the nightmare is over! But the hard work of rebuilding your community is just beginning. The darkness is lifted from Orlane, but the cult's evil is still coming to light. There may be more grief and hard days ahead. But you can move forward with hope now as a community! It is a time for rebuilding and coming together to help one another to recover from the recent troubles. Mayor Ormand," Xanrym calls the mayor up to the porch, finally ready to give over his spot, "is back! We have rescued him from the cult's dark dungeon. He will help will help guide you through these next weeks and months while Orlane uncovers all the evil the cult committed, learns to forgive those who were ensnared by the naga's magic, and works to rebuild the bonds of trust and friendship that hold this community together."
(OOC: Xanrym is a College of Eloquence bard. How could he pass up this chance to address an entire town?!)
(OOC: Big text dump from Xanrym, trying to set the tone for Orlane's recovery. Here's the TLDR:
Portray the party as heroes. :-)
Acknowledge the recent events and explain that their source was a naga-centered cult.
Convince people not to punish others (or themselves) for crimes committed while under the naga's enchantment. Xanrym doesn't have the words for "truth and reconciliation," but that's the idea.
A subtle warning for any willing participants in the cult.
Hand it off to Mayor Ormond to organize the recovery and rebuilding effort.
Xanrym doesn't go into much detail about the party's fights. He can tell those stories over the coming days if people want to hear them. Tonight, it's just about reassuring the people that the cult was defeated without giving any false hope that things will immediately return to normal.
Theldrin watches with an approving smile as Xanrym speaks but also takes the opportunity to scan the crowd for different reactions, mainly checking to see if he notices anyone that seems like they show signs they might have been intentionally part of the cult
"Let's hope the rest of the night's rest goes uninterrupted," Theldrin says with a sigh as he turns the watch duty over to Avery and heads for his bedroll. The next morning he is up early as usual, studying his spellbook.
Avery takes his position for the watch
(OOC: Yeah I think we'd prioritize getting everyone back to town safely and not try to track down the owlbear. Goodberries is a great idea. Liarin could maybe forage too but the faster we get through the forest the better)
When you mention the term 'naga bane' Mayor Ormond looks at you thoughtfully. "You know, that reminds me. Back in the day when I thought myself an adventurer, one of the things i always imagined was being in an adventuring group. I'd always thought about what I would call it. Something foreboding like The Citadel of Eight? Or something more heroic like The Fellowship of the Torch? What do you think you would call yourselves? How do you want to be known?"
Theldrin smiles and nods towards Xanrym, "I guess I would leave that up to the bards of the world. Well, let's make sure there's a group that survives to make a name for itself first...."
Avery also chuckles as he scans the woods about them. "I have served in a few unique mercenary companies; we had grand names for ourselves for the simple ability to sell our swords. I used to call it the boastful bands. Names like the Golden Company, Credore's Crushers, nonsense like that. Still, a name can get you coin, if it sings."
Xanrym smiles at the mention of the "Citadel of Eight," wondering where Yrag is now. Two weeks ago, he was just looking for Wraven Stoutheart, Yr's friend in Orlane, hoping that the man had seen Yr or had received some message from him. Maybe now that they've finally defeated the naga and her cult, he can start looking for Yr again.
Xanrym says, "Well, some groups name themselves, like the 'Citadel of Eight.' And the name itself is innocuous, Zakarius," he nods to the mayor. "It just sounds foreboding because you have heard something of their adventuers. The bards are simply sharing the stores, and now the name acquires a foreboding repute because it reminds you of what you've heard of them."
Xanrym nods in agreement: "An awkward phrase stumbles and falls, and a good name has the legs for many a long journey." He smiles and says, "Like I said, some groups name themselves, but I guess other groups are given a name. Or they pick up a simple, descriptive name that's useful in their early dealings, and it just stays with them their whole life." He mentions several names of the latter sort:
And names related to saving Orlane from the cult:
And names related to their deeds:
They could even make a badge (like a coat of arms) or take some token of their adventure that they all carry. Then the name refers less to the group and more to that badge or image:
Mayor Ormond nods, "Well, no need to decide now, I just thought that when we get back to Orlane, I may have need to introduce you as a group. Let me know before then."
You all finish your Long Rest and head off again through the Dim Forrest. The trees bear down on you as you remember, but it seems somewhat less scary now. I'll roll two more random encounters for you hear before you get to the end of the forrest. One for the day: 4 , and one for the night: 5 .
You spend one more night in the forrest before breaking out into the fields to the east of Orlane. You breath fresh air as you finally reach more civilised lands. You travel for one more day and reach the village just before nightfall. You don't see many on the road.
Is there anything any of you wish to do before entering the village? (This will likely be the end point of the adventure by the way. Only a couple more scenes.)
(OOC: I don't think that there's anything the party was planning to do before arriving back in Orlane. Looking at my notes for this campaign, the only "pending tasks" were to upgrade our armor and weapons, but we would handle that a day or two after we get back. I assume that the party will take at least a few days of rest in Orlane while we figure out whether and where to take Toska's body to try to get her resurrected. We can do some shopping during those days.
I guess Theldrin and Liarin might want to adjust their prepared spells based on what we might find in town.
Assuming that Avery took the Horn of Valhalla (Brass), he would have time to attune to it before we get back to Orlane.
Xanrym wonders idly what happened to Oliver Ignamino, the naga-charmed noble from Hookhill whom the party released in the Dim Forest a few days ago. He would have been freed from the naga's curse about three days after they released him, but even in his right mind, he would probably not make it out of the Dim Forest alive without the protection of one of the gods.
If the party is arriving in Orlane at night, I guess we would first take the mayor back to his house. Then Xanrym would want to scout quietly around the town in the dark to see whether he can find any of their allies and determine the status of the town. We believe that all of the naga-charmed townspeople were set free once we killed the naga, but we don't know how many cultists were charmed and how many joined willingly. And even if everyone is now "better," there might still be quite a bit of chaos in the town.
We left Wraven and Llydrk to guard the jail, but it took the party six days between leaving Orlane and finally defeating the naga. It's likely that the cultists drove them off and let the imprisoned cult members free before then. Hopefully, they found some place to hide or fight off the cultists until the naga's spell was broken! Xanrym could also check Ramne's house just to confirm that it's still standing. He hopes that Ramne was able to keep Maajid and Cirilli safe, but I don't think that Xanrym would risk disturbing Ramne in the dead of night for fear that the old man would fire off a spell first and ask questions later.
(OOC: No plans for before returning to town)
Theldrin takes a deep breath and smiles enthusiastically as the party emerges from the forest and into the rolling farmland. "Almost there, my friends.... almost there!"
Xanrym tries to keep an eye out for any signs as they approach Orlane, such as normal activity (townspeople moving about outside, houses with candle or fire lights visible) or any ominous signs (newly-abandoned houses, ashes of recent fires, gallows).
Perception: 12 (in game log)
As you make your way back into Orlane, you don't notice anyone around at all. Even in the outlying farms that had people in them when you left seem to be abandoned, and when you get to the town centre you realise why. It seems as though every person has come to set up a small shanty town within the centre of the village. People are milling around looking confused, you notice that everyone is working in little groups. Some are looking after children and sick people, others are carting food and supplies around to others, and still others are acting as guards. You are noticed by a few of these guards and an alarm is called. When they recognise who you are there's a nervous energy in their demeanour and a few people come over to talk to you. You recognise all three people: Wraven, Maajid, and Sir Grover. It is Grover who is the first to talk, he bows to you all but directs his speech to Mayor Ormond, "My friend. I am so sorry for everything i've done over the last few months. I remember now my trip to the naga's dungeon, and how she charged me with keeping the village cut off from outsiders." He then turns to Avery, "I am also sorry to you brother. I have failed the Knights of the Watch by letting myself be captured by the naga. When we have put this town back to normal I will travel to Hookhill and report to our superiors." Wraven walks up to Ormond and puts his hand on the old man's shoulder as he stands beside him. Maajid comes to talk to you all, "You'll be happy to know our companions are safe. Cirilli is back with her family, while Lldryk took off as soon as everyone came back to their senses. I think he needed to return to the forrest, this village life even was too social for him." He smiles and falls in line with you all, clearly relieved, until he sees the corpse of Toska on the horse. He bows his head and makes a strange motion with his hands, possibly some kind of Baaklunish prayer.
Sir Grover explains that he thinks that everyone in town is waiting for someone to get up and give a proper report of what's happening and whether the threat is actually gone. Mayor Ormond goes to stand on the porch of the Golden Grain Inn, which would act as a podium, but he then stops himself and turns to you. "I think one of you might actually be best to explain everything that has happened."
Does someone address the people of Orlane, or will you let Mayor Ormond do the talking?
(OOC: Xanrym is a College of Eloquence bard. How could he pass up this chance to address an entire town?!)
Theldrin shakes Maajid's hand, "Splendid to find you in good health, my friend." He looks the crowd over, nodding to himself with a slight grin. Upon the mayor's suggestion, his grin widens and he turns to look expectantly at Xanrym.
Xanrym talks to Wraven first to ask him to find the carpenter so that the children can be reunited with their parents (assuming that the parents are still alive). Then Xanrym climbs the stairs onto the porch of the Golden Grain Inn. It's hard to believe that it wasn't even 2 weeks ago when the group first came to spend the night in this inn only to discover the cult and barely save Maajid from being murdered in his bed! He asks Theldrin for some light on the porch of the inn, and he casts Minor Illusion to create a sound of a brief fanfare of trumpets just to ensure that people who have not noticed the Mayor's return have a chance to come gather at the inn. He looks around the gathering crowd, and while he waits for a moment, he waves or points and nods at specific townsfolk in the crowd (if he sees any) like Hulbar, Sir Grover's deputy, or Bretram, the owner of the Golden Grain Inn. Xanrym also gives a big smile to children or to those few townspeople who were friendly or helpful to the party, like Kilian the horse trader. After a couple of minutes, he starts talking in a clear voice that carries a long distance even outdoors. He is mellifluous and expressive: his voice is a practiced instrument at this point.
Xanrym begins, "Good people of Orlane, you have lived through dark and troubling times! I know: I have seen it with my own eyes! Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, my friends and I fought our way through a dark dungeon in The Rushmoors to end Orlane's nightmare. We faced danger and death, pitiless monsters and the dreadful undead! We return to you tonight with your mayor, Zakarius Ormond, rescued from a dark cult!" Here, Xanrym pauses to bring the mayor onto the porch so that the townspeople can see that he has returned safely. Xanrym hopes that the familiar face will help the people relax, but he does not yield the porch just yet. He continues, "There is hope now! Like the first light of dawn after mid-winter night! Hope for Orlane! Hope for its people!" He gestures broadly to the crowd. "I am Xanrym Balhorn, and I hope to meet all of you in the coming days. Though it is late, I shall tell you -- briefly -- of the Trouble that has plagued your town, the Source of that Trouble, and how it was defeated!"
Xanrym pauses to ensure that the crowd has settled down . "When my friends and I," gesturing toward Theldrin, Liarin, and Avery, "arrived in Orlane a couple of weeks ago, it was clear that a dark shadow had fallen on your fair town! Aye! You all felt it! People gone missing or suddenly changed! Dark looks! Hushed whispers! Good folk afraid of strangers...or even their neighbors! We soon discovered that an evil cult had reached out, extending its influence from a dark lair in The Rushmoors, and taken hold in Orlane! There were dark deeds, done in the night. People taken! Robbery! And even murder!"
Xanrym looks (or acts) tired. He shakes his head solemnly, "Sadly, you will find that some of your neighbors, maybe even family members, are gone -- were killed by the cult. May the good gods gather their souls!" Xanrym talks about how the party fought back against the cult. He explains that many of those helping the cult were enchanted, dominated by the magic of the ancient and magical creature that the cult worshiped. He emphasizes how the party spared anyone they could.
Xanrym goes on to explain that the Temple of Merikka had been corrupted. Abramo may be lost forever. Misha was like a poisonous flower, fair to behold but holding deadly poison within. He briefly explains that the party purged the cultists from the temple: it is ready to be cleansed and consecrated anew. As the party worked with Mayor Ormond to root out the cult and find its leaders in Orlane, the Mayor Ormond was taken! Taken by the cult to their dark lair in The Rushmoors.
Xanrym paints the party as brave heroes who took on this mission to rescue the mayor and free Orlane from its curse. He goes into even less detail about the dungeon and the dangers faced there. He does say, "The idol of the cult was a naga! An ancient and magical creature, an evil spirit housed in the body of a giant serpent! The cult kidnapped people from Orlane -- probably some of you here now! They took people into the swamp, into this naga's lair, to be enchanted by her magic and then brought back to Orlane." He realizes that there may be many long days as people sort out what happened. Who was killed in the dungeon, never to be heard from again? Who returned to Orlane only to commit horrible crimes while under the naga's spell? And worse, are there any more willing cult members still in Orlane? Xanrym doesn't say all of that to the townspeople: he just urges patience and understanding and forgiveness.
Xanrym tries to end things on a positive note. He says, "Now, the nightmare is over! We have killed the naga and thrown down her cult! The naga's spell was broken four days ago when we killed her. That's when everyone she had charmed was freed from her domination! I do not know what you remember of those times. Perhaps nothing. Or maybe it's like a dimly-remembered nightmare. Know that the nightmare is over! But the hard work of rebuilding your community is just beginning. The darkness is lifted from Orlane, but the cult's evil is still coming to light. There may be more grief and hard days ahead. But you can move forward with hope now as a community! It is a time for rebuilding and coming together to help one another to recover from the recent troubles. Mayor Ormand," Xanrym calls the mayor up to the porch, finally ready to give over his spot, "is back! We have rescued him from the cult's dark dungeon. He will help will help guide you through these next weeks and months while Orlane uncovers all the evil the cult committed, learns to forgive those who were ensnared by the naga's magic, and works to rebuild the bonds of trust and friendship that hold this community together."
(OOC: Big text dump from Xanrym, trying to set the tone for Orlane's recovery. Here's the TLDR:
Xanrym doesn't go into much detail about the party's fights. He can tell those stories over the coming days if people want to hear them. Tonight, it's just about reassuring the people that the cult was defeated without giving any false hope that things will immediately return to normal.
If needed, Persuasion: 25 (Silver Tongue feature)
And a second role if the mayor's voice counts as help: 17
(OOC: Oof! I guess it's not surprising after people experienced this much trauma. Good thing for Silver Tongue!)
Theldrin watches with an approving smile as Xanrym speaks but also takes the opportunity to scan the crowd for different reactions, mainly checking to see if he notices anyone that seems like they show signs they might have been intentionally part of the cult
Perception: 6
Insight: 14
Avery also stands and watches, supporting the mayor and what is being said, but still wary all the same