BIX sends a bolt toward SHARWYN, but this female’s skin is like the bark of tree, it even resembles the bark of the Gulthias Tree. The bolt simply glances off the girl. The Drow Rogue moves to take cover behind a wall.
ERKY hears GLYNT'scommand and has an idea. He moves south along an outer wall and casts a curious little spell at SHARWYN. The wooden girl suddenly begins to laugh until she falls to the ground in fits of laughter. (DM NOTE: Talk about ROFL.)
The TWIG BLIGHT and SIR BRAFORD begin to stir from their slumber but appear to be writhing in pain and remain prone on the ground.
The Guthias Tree fire grows.
(Essentially, it is everyone’s turn now as all the enemies are dead or prone on the ground.)
(( @GM_Mazra : Does it look safe to try and grab the sword away from SIR BRAFORD or has he recovered enough to make that dangerous? ie: holding the sword (I was hoping to take it away from him while he was sleeping but forgot and cast Faerie Fire instead) ))
(@Glynt. Does it look safe? No. He is a fighter and holds his sword, even when he is in pain, and quite frankly maybe even more so. But you can try and make an attack to take away the sword. It would have been more of a sure thing when he was sleeping.)
(( It Shouldn't - it's a 15 foot cube centred on myself "A wave of thunderous force sweeps out from you. Each creature in a 15-foot cube originating from you must make a Constitution saving throw." I imagine it's like a loud CLAP OF HANDS as the semantic component and then it's the 5ft square I am in and then the 8 Squares around me // ie: 3 wide and 3 deep centred on me ... so it will get the three that are Prone and it looks like Erky moved down to keep safe hiding behind the bottom of the wall on the right but there's a Ghost of his character from an earlier placement which isn't where he is now. Radgor is 15ft away but it only goes 7.5 feet in any direction ))
(( I honestly didn't know that, thanks for pointing that out - much appreciated. GM_Mazra given that's the rule can I adjust to where I cast it from where I currently am to the square up from the top TWIG BLIGHTS as I was trying to hurt the Human too ))
(@Glynt - Absolutely. We as players get hung up on the specificity of the rules. Our characters would know how the spell works. I like the clarity on the 15’ cube. I was confused by that. And thought if centered on the caster, then this is a stupid spell. It would be worthless in tight dungeons where your allies would likely be next to you.)
(( One of these days I need to actually read the players handbook, I actually have 4 of them around the house here ... 2 x 2014 and 2 x 2024, but just need the time to go through it. I had thought it was a blast to knock everything away from you and kinda liked the visual of that, like an explosion occurring from the character out in all directions, but as I have said before I'm always happy to be corrected ... I've updated my map location for where I cast it, this way it should still hit Sir Bradford as well at the Shrubs ))
GLYNT casts a Faerie Fire that effects SHARWYN.
(Bix has actions before Erky. Only Sharwyn is up at this time. What does Bix do?)
Glynt will call out "Restrain her!"
Bix raises her crossbow and fires at Sharwyn (10 to hit with 7 damage) She then hides behind the rock again. (map updated)
(Where did you put your icon?)
(She disappeared, but found her and updated)
ROUND THREE (Continued)
BIX sends a bolt toward SHARWYN, but this female’s skin is like the bark of tree, it even resembles the bark of the Gulthias Tree. The bolt simply glances off the girl. The Drow Rogue moves to take cover behind a wall.
ERKY hears GLYNT's command and has an idea. He moves south along an outer wall and casts a curious little spell at SHARWYN. The wooden girl suddenly begins to laugh until she falls to the ground in fits of laughter. (DM NOTE: Talk about ROFL.)
The TWIG BLIGHT and SIR BRAFORD begin to stir from their slumber but appear to be writhing in pain and remain prone on the ground.
The Guthias Tree fire grows.
(Essentially, it is everyone’s turn now as all the enemies are dead or prone on the ground.)
(( @GM_Mazra : Does it look safe to try and grab the sword away from SIR BRAFORD or has he recovered enough to make that dangerous? ie: holding the sword (I was hoping to take it away from him while he was sleeping but forgot and cast Faerie Fire instead) ))
(@Glynt. Does it look safe? No. He is a fighter and holds his sword, even when he is in pain, and quite frankly maybe even more so. But you can try and make an attack to take away the sword. It would have been more of a sure thing when he was sleeping.)
(( That sounds riskier than I would like ... I'm going to go with Thunderwave again and try to get rid of those TWIG BLIGHTS ))
Moved to the Prone enemies (Map Updated) and cast thunderwave at Level 2
Thunderwave: 6 and Pushed back 10 feet
Saving Throw: DC 12 Con -- Successful save = 1/2 damage and not pushed.
(You know you will catch Ragdor in that right?)
(( It Shouldn't - it's a 15 foot cube centred on myself "A wave of thunderous force sweeps out from you. Each creature in a 15-foot cube originating from you must make a Constitution saving throw." I imagine it's like a loud CLAP OF HANDS as the semantic component and then it's the 5ft square I am in and then the 8 Squares around me // ie: 3 wide and 3 deep centred on me ... so it will get the three that are Prone and it looks like Erky moved down to keep safe hiding behind the bottom of the wall on the right but there's a Ghost of his character from an earlier placement which isn't where he is now. Radgor is 15ft away but it only goes 7.5 feet in any direction ))
I think that mean from you not centered on you.
According to Jeremy Crawford, Thunderwave follows the general rules on cubes, where the point of origin is on the face of the effect.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^585905748267245569|twgr^02d07c3593c8098d412731a82a7eb9844f292779|twcon^s1_&ref_url=
The point of origin of a cubic area of effect, including thunderwave's, is on a face of the cube (PH, pg 204), not inside it.
(( I honestly didn't know that, thanks for pointing that out - much appreciated. GM_Mazra given that's the rule can I adjust to where I cast it from where I currently am to the square up from the top TWIG BLIGHTS as I was trying to hurt the Human too ))
(@Glynt - Absolutely. We as players get hung up on the specificity of the rules. Our characters would know how the spell works. I like the clarity on the 15’ cube. I was confused by that. And thought if centered on the caster, then this is a stupid spell. It would be worthless in tight dungeons where your allies would likely be next to you.)
Xanth moves up and even though he is enraged he remember this is one of the people he came to save. So, he tries to knock her out.
Attack: 22 Damage: 11 Nonlethal
Offhand Attack: 16 Damage: 8 Nonlethal
(( One of these days I need to actually read the players handbook, I actually have 4 of them around the house here ... 2 x 2014 and 2 x 2024, but just need the time to go through it. I had thought it was a blast to knock everything away from you and kinda liked the visual of that, like an explosion occurring from the character out in all directions, but as I have said before I'm always happy to be corrected ... I've updated my map location for where I cast it, this way it should still hit Sir Bradford as well at the Shrubs ))
GLYNT casts a Thunderwave. It kills the TWIG BLIGHTS and injures SIR BRAFORD pushing him ten feet away from the GNOME BARD.
XANTH pummels SHARWYN to unconsciousness.
(What does BIX and RAGDOR do?)
Ragdor moved to Sir Braford swinging his hammer in an attempt to knock him out, 20 attack roll for 6 pts of damage.