This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
((OOC - I'm really not sure if you can give advantage on a roll that you have already failed, as it seems like it would make it too easy to succeed at anything as you are adventuring, ie: two players both giving each other advantage on every skill check would be a bit OP and sometimes we need to embrace failure. I'd be inclined to not give it, that said as always Mazra makes the call. In the meantime I will roll separate D20s, as the rolls can sometimes display weird results when hovering to see which was which, in case he's happy to allow advantage. ))
Sleight of Hand : 20 Guidance : 1. 2nd roll if allowed : 22
(@MrMrH - Normally, I would agree. But sometimes the narrative outweighs the rules.)
BIX's larger hands made picking this particular lock difficult. However, her insight of the mechanism of this complex lock helped GLYNT's smaller hands accomplish the task.
The lock is opened. And when XANTH peaks in he sees that a layer of soil covers the floor of this room. Rough wooden shelves, filled with a scattering of tomes and scrolls, line the north and east walls, and a rough-hewn desk stands in the center of the chamber. Fungus on the ceiling provides light, apparently in sufficient quantity to nourish several small bushes and pale saplings that grow in the soil. There is a door to the south (east by map perspective.)
"Looks like an office. I will move in and guard the next door while you guys take a closer look around. I can do my magic sense one more time today if you want."
Excellent work, excellent indeed. Not sure if we need to do that just yet, but let's have a look around. Ragdor steps into the room and starts searching, perception roll 13
RAGDOR and ERKY will look over seasonal records of growth, precipitation, harvests, and similar notes for the surrounding lands for the last dozen or so years. One interesting tome titled (in Draconic) is Treasures of the Fire Lords. In addition, you will find aspell scroll of entangle, a spell scroll of protection from poison, and a tome on druidic theories on the cycle of life and death (worth 150 gp). Cubbyholes in the desk hold 400 gp and five agate gems (20 gp each).
nice! well, that's about it, good work Erky. I think those scrolls may end up coming in handy. Xanth we might as well have a peek inside that door while we're here.
The door is not trapped. It is locked from the inside, but since you are on the inside, it is easy to unlock the door.
When XANTH opens the door, he sees that twigs and roots are piled on the floor of this sagging chamber. The collapsed southern wall opens into a vast cavern. Luminescent fungus on the rough walls and the high roof loom over a twilight grove of sickly briars, bushes, saplings, and other woody plants. Ruined walls and hollow towers protrude from the briars.
Xanth stands ready at the first door.
Glynt moves into position behind him and back a bit with his bow ready. (map updated)
Of course Ragdor! Slight of hand 14
BIX will find this lock to be particularly difficult. She is not able to pick the lock.
"Erky - if you could give me some guidance on this I could try the lock"
ERKY ask for a little Guidance for GLYNT. GUIDANCE 4
Well that didn't work out as expected. Seeing Glynt have a try at it, Bix would like to use her help action which should give him advantage.
((OOC - I'm really not sure if you can give advantage on a roll that you have already failed, as it seems like it would make it too easy to succeed at anything as you are adventuring, ie: two players both giving each other advantage on every skill check would be a bit OP and sometimes we need to embrace failure.
I'd be inclined to not give it, that said as always Mazra makes the call. In the meantime I will roll separate D20s, as the rolls can sometimes display weird results when hovering to see which was which, in case he's happy to allow advantage. ))
Sleight of Hand : 20
Guidance : 1.
2nd roll if allowed : 22
(@MrMrH - Normally, I would agree. But sometimes the narrative outweighs the rules.)
BIX's larger hands made picking this particular lock difficult. However, her insight of the mechanism of this complex lock helped GLYNT's smaller hands accomplish the task.
The lock is opened. And when XANTH peaks in he sees that a layer of soil covers the floor of this room. Rough wooden shelves, filled with a scattering of tomes and scrolls, line the north and east walls, and a rough-hewn desk stands in the center of the chamber. Fungus on the ceiling provides light, apparently in sufficient quantity to nourish several small bushes and pale saplings that grow in the soil. There is a door to the south (east by map perspective.)
It is essentially an office.
(Map updated!)
"Looks like an office. I will move in and guard the next door while you guys take a closer look around. I can do my magic sense one more time today if you want."
Glynt will stay outside the door keeping his bow ready in case either of the two doors in his line of sight open.
Excellent work, excellent indeed. Not sure if we need to do that just yet, but let's have a look around. Ragdor steps into the room and starts searching, perception roll 13
ERKY is willing to help RAGDOR with looking around the office. (This would allow a second roll as if the first roll had Advantage.)
ERKY Guidance to RAGDOR: 4
I'll stand right inside the doorway in case something comes in. Bix stations herself right inside the door being sure not to block Glynt.
new roll 16+4+4=24
(That's a better roll.)
RAGDOR and ERKY will look over seasonal records of growth, precipitation, harvests, and similar notes for the surrounding lands for the last dozen or so years. One interesting tome titled (in Draconic) is Treasures of the Fire Lords. In addition, you will find a spell scroll of entangle, a spell scroll of protection from poison, and a tome on druidic theories on the cycle of life and death (worth 150 gp). Cubbyholes in the desk hold 400 gp and five agate gems (20 gp each).
(That is about it!.)
nice! well, that's about it, good work Erky. I think those scrolls may end up coming in handy. Xanth we might as well have a peek inside that door while we're here.
"Anyone want to check it before I open it?"
(Moving along.)
The door is not trapped. It is locked from the inside, but since you are on the inside, it is easy to unlock the door.
When XANTH opens the door, he sees that twigs and roots are piled on the floor of this sagging chamber. The collapsed southern wall opens into a vast cavern. Luminescent fungus on the rough walls and the high roof loom over a twilight grove of sickly briars, bushes, saplings, and other woody plants. Ruined walls and hollow towers protrude from the briars.
(Map updated!)
Ragdor steps 15 ft or so into the room, hammer and shield at the ready, having a look around.