Bix hears and feels the explosion, turns around to see what happened. What was that? Is everyone ok? She runs over to the group. Ragdor, are you ok? Is anyone hurt? Glynt, Xanth, Erky?
by the blessed lady! What in the nine hells was that? Ragdor looks to his friends wounds. I've got a prayer that should make forge fit again if you folks think we use it now or wait a bit.
Bix looks around at everyone. I will be honored to scout around without invisibility. There are many shadowed areas I can move around in. Maybe we should save the spell for a time when it is really needed. What do you think?
Ragdor thinks for minute, aye, the chamber ahead looks to be lite by glowing fungi, should present Bix with an environment more like her homeland. She might be able to sneak her way around while saving the spell.
"If you're confident you can move around unnoticed then let's go with that. Go have a scout around and come back and let us know what you see. If you get in trouble just shout out Do You Know Who I Am?!!! as loudly as you can to try and confuse them and we'll come running."
Glynt Dex Save: 13
Xanth is willing to move on but will suggest that it may be worth the 10 minutes.
(( thank the dice! ))
Ragor DX save 20 - 1 = 19
Bix hears and feels the explosion, turns around to see what happened. What was that? Is everyone ok? She runs over to the group. Ragdor, are you ok? Is anyone hurt? Glynt, Xanth, Erky?
Sorry guy's.
Dex Save 19
Everyone except BIX and BONES, who seemed to enjoy the brief cold spell takes 11 points of damage. Nothing else was harmed in the room.
(What do you do next?)
( OOC - did it make a lot of noise? ie: is there a risk that someone nearby heard it )
"Is everyone OK?"
by the blessed lady! What in the nine hells was that? Ragdor looks to his friends wounds. I've got a prayer that should make forge fit again if you folks think we use it now or wait a bit.
(It made noise when it went off. Some one or thing could have heard it.)
"Well, that was not great. Sorry about that. Shall we move or is Ragdor going to put some healing on us?"
ok, everyone come in close, within 30 ft of me. Ragdor begins a prayer, casting prayer of healing restoring 21 to everyone.
ERKY will say, "Thank you Sir RAGDOR for this blessing,
(What does the party do next?)
"Yes, Thank you. Shall we move out?"
"That spell's amazing!!! Thanks for that good buddy"
"We can move on as a group, or we can make Bix invisible and have her scout out again. What do we think?"
ERKY say, "Ooooh, Bix scouting out ahead invisible would be a good idea. If this is Belak's study, then we must be getting close."
Bix looks around at everyone. I will be honored to scout around without invisibility. There are many shadowed areas I can move around in. Maybe we should save the spell for a time when it is really needed. What do you think?
Ragdor thinks for minute, aye, the chamber ahead looks to be lite by glowing fungi, should present Bix with an environment more like her homeland. She might be able to sneak her way around while saving the spell.
"If you're confident you can move around unnoticed then let's go with that. Go have a scout around and come back and let us know what you see. If you get in trouble just shout out Do You Know Who I Am?!!! as loudly as you can to try and confuse them and we'll come running."
On my way. Moving into the chamber she goes from one shadowed area to another quietly and looking around for anything unusual. Stealth check 18