The small mining town of Erithon has had it's problems with bandits and monsters in the past, like most places in Toh'Riel, but nothing compares to the horror it has faced in the years since the Catastrophe at Kholias. Being just over the Neurath Slopes from Kholias, the madness that seeps out of that cursed, broken city emanates into Erithon. On top of that, wood elf raiders from The Great Wild to the west constantly harass caravans and travellers trying to make it to the town.
Recently though, the issue is goblins. They come in the night, stealing people from farms and outer streets, taking them into the Slopes for some dark purpose. It has been three days since the last kidnapping when we find four adventurers seated together at a table in The Proud Stag Inn on a rainy night in midwinter. Sat together because there was no other room in the bar, these four adventurers are treated like most others, with fear and disdain. 'Ratcatchers' are not much loved around here, for they tend to bring more trouble than they're worth from these poor people's experience. The wood elf, Draíocht, is especially despised, with a man spitting on the floor in front of them, muttering something about 'Scarecrows' under his breath. Although the others aren't treated much better, most people recoiling in fear of a feral Leonin soldier from the wilds beyond Niniasha walking into their small town.
Wrovak, the proprietor of the Inn, slaps four pints in front of you and asks half heartedly if you want some food before returning to his spot behind the counter. Everyone else in the bar, farmers and miners mainly, return to their drinks, trying to ignore you.
(Feel free to role play a little bit if you want before we start the adventure proper.)
Valar nods, "Aye, some warm food would do me well." He places 2 gold coins on the bar. "For your troubles." Valar will then look around the room, taking in what he sees, gauging the people. He has concerns with how the people treat them out of fear and disdain, and wonders is it from a bad experience in the past.
"What is there to know. Just hack at them until they stop twitching." says Amiz as he does nothing to hide, his leonin features with his short cut mane and the soft clink of his armor as shifts position in his chair. "I don't know about you, but this retched place with its dangers means there is coin to be made." with the tavern so full he leans towards the people at the next table. A little too close as he is leveraging, his feral nature. "So is there any bounty for the kidnapping goblins."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Valar - Wrovak almost gasps at the 2 gold pieces on the table. His wrinkly bald head drawing back at the amount. But he picks it up quickly and responds to you. "Everyone around here dislikes Ratcatchers, even before The Catastrophe they brought trouble. If you want my advice, keep your head down and either do some honest work or head for Kholias like the rest. No offence, but everyone will be glad to see the back of the four of you."
Persuasion check for Amiz with advantage from Thelanis' help: 9
The men at the next table recoil from the lion-man's gnashing teeth and wolf-smile. They quickly finish there drinks and leave the inn without saying a word. Wrovak glares at you all as he returns to the bar. Scaring off regular customers does not endear you to him any.
Valar - Wrovak almost gasps at the 2 gold pieces on the table. His wrinkly bald head drawing back at the amount. But he picks it up quickly and responds to you. "Everyone around here dislikes Ratcatchers, even before The Catastrophe they brought trouble. If you want my advice, keep your head down and either do some honest work or head for Kholias like the rest. No offence, but everyone will be glad to see the back of the four of you."
Persuasion check for Amiz with advantage from Thelanis' help: 4
Valar finds it odd, that even a paladin of a militant order, would be treated with the same disdain. He looks at Wrovak and sighs before stating, "I know you and your folks here have seen rough times." He points to his surcoat, and Pandion order amulet. "You also may not know what a church knight is either. We do nothing but honest work, protect the weak, and vanquish the forces of darkness. To say less of us, can be also treated like an insult, or those of a heretic."
Wrovak laughs. "You'll not find many here with much respect for your kind, knight, i'm sorry but this land is forsaken. What is one knight going to do? If your people really cared they would send a battalion to raise Kholias to the ground... but they don't. They know what we all know; that this land is lost." He smiles at you briefly. "My advice to you is to finish whatever sight seeing mission you've come on, and go back to your home. We'll carry on here for a time, but soon everyone in this town will either leave, or be kidnapped, or fall to the darkness."
He returns to his business, unless you have any other questions.
Draíocht is unfazed by the man spitting before him and pays it no heed. It wouldn't be worth the trouble.
When Valar places down two gold he utters a small grunt of surprise. He turns to Wrovak, "How much for the stew?" he asks, gesturing at the pot on the hearth. He then turns to Valar, "Lot of coin to be spending on a meal. You Pandion folks get a lot of money?"
To Thelanis he says, "I've come across goblins here and there in my time. Sneaky brutes. Nasty." he utters an Elvish swear before continuing, "Hate the very idea of fighting fair." he pauses for a moment to admire the Leonin. "But Amiz is right. They're mortal and die like anything else."
He asks Wrovak, "Where was the last kidnapping?"
[[ Given Draíocht is a Wood Elf himself, would he know if the Wood Elf raiders the town experiences are bandits that comprise a minority or is Wood Elf culture at large part of raiding? ]]
Wood elf society for a long time had no real leader, favouring hermitage like yourself, or travelling in small groups. But when The Scarecrow took over and waged war against the Kholian Republic, they created larger battalions. The wood elves retreated back into the Great Wild after the Catastrophe. This new spout of raiding is news to you. Given Draíocht was a hermit, i'd say that's all he'd know about it at the moment,
Given that Draíocht seems to be sitting with Valar, Wrovak is happy to tell you. "The last kidnapping was out at the Shepley farm. Two young girls and a boy, taken by goblins riding giant wolves they said." He shakes his head. "I didn't know the two younger Shepley's, but the older girl, Alaine, did some work here once and a while, nice girl... nice girl." He drifts off.
The mood in the Inn becomes noticeably quieter at the mention of the recent kidnappings. Clearly people prefer to just try to ignore this stuff, it’s how they get by with the constant horror that is their lives.
Wrovak laughs. "You'll not find many here with much respect for your kind, knight, i'm sorry but this land is forsaken. What is one knight going to do? If your people really cared they would send a battalion to raise Kholias to the ground... but they don't. They know what we all know; that this land is lost." He smiles at you briefly. "My advice to you is to finish whatever sight seeing mission you've come on, and go back to your home. We'll carry on here for a time, but soon everyone in this town will either leave, or be kidnapped, or fall to the darkness."
He returns to his business, unless you have any other questions.
Valar shrugs, "Then peace be with you friend," and let's Wrovak go about his business.
Draíocht is unfazed by the man spitting before him and pays it no heed. It wouldn't be worth the trouble.
When Valar places down two gold he utters a small grunt of surprise. He turns to Wrovak, "How much for the stew?" he asks, gesturing at the pot on the hearth. He then turns to Valar, "Lot of coin to be spending on a meal. You Pandion folks get a lot of money?"
To Thelanis he says, "I've come across goblins here and there in my time. Sneaky brutes. Nasty." he utters an Elvish swear before continuing, "Hate the very idea of fighting fair." he pauses for a moment to admire the Leonin. "But Amiz is right. They're mortal and die like anything else."
He asks Wrovak, "Where was the last kidnapping?"
[[ Given Draíocht is a Wood Elf himself, would he know if the Wood Elf raiders the town experiences are bandits that comprise a minority or is Wood Elf culture at large part of raiding? ]]
Valar shakes his head. "We Pandions try to help those in need, and he appeared to be in need. But his heart, and it seems the heart of these people, are as cold as the land. They have been through too much, so I can understand some of the resentment."
Given that Draíocht seems to be sitting with Valar, Wrovak is happy to tell you. "The last kidnapping was out at the Shepley farm. Two young girls and a boy, taken by goblins riding giant wolves they said." He shakes his head. "I didn't know the two younger Shepley's, but the older girl, Alaine, did some work here once and a while, nice girl... nice girl." He drifts off.
"Perhaps we should look into this kidnapping, go track down these raiders and their Worgs, bring some justice, and perhaps, a little light and warmth to this dark land. What say you?" Valar asks the group.
Just as you consider this proposition, you hear a singing coming from outside in the dark. A feral, maniacal edge to the voice, it brings a chill to your bones. A middle aged woman comes into the inn, completely frantic. "It's that adventurer, Sandford, came through a few weeks ago. He's come back from Kholias... he's come back!" Something about that fact sends the people in the inn into a fit. They start looking for places to hide, and desperately attempting to board up the door. Wrovak just stands behind the bar, looking around desperately.
Draíocht replies to Valar, "I agree. It's worth looking into the kidnappings. Strange things have been afoot. And if we can make this little corner of the world better, sounds good to me."
After the commotion about the approaching Sandford he asks, "I assume the maniacal singing wasn't a trait of his before?"
Valar pushes the chair back from the table, faces the door with his hand on his sword. He stretches out with his divine sense to detect if this singing is coming from someone, or something good, or evil by the reaction in the inn.
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The small mining town of Erithon has had it's problems with bandits and monsters in the past, like most places in Toh'Riel, but nothing compares to the horror it has faced in the years since the Catastrophe at Kholias. Being just over the Neurath Slopes from Kholias, the madness that seeps out of that cursed, broken city emanates into Erithon. On top of that, wood elf raiders from The Great Wild to the west constantly harass caravans and travellers trying to make it to the town.
Recently though, the issue is goblins. They come in the night, stealing people from farms and outer streets, taking them into the Slopes for some dark purpose. It has been three days since the last kidnapping when we find four adventurers seated together at a table in The Proud Stag Inn on a rainy night in midwinter. Sat together because there was no other room in the bar, these four adventurers are treated like most others, with fear and disdain. 'Ratcatchers' are not much loved around here, for they tend to bring more trouble than they're worth from these poor people's experience. The wood elf, Draíocht, is especially despised, with a man spitting on the floor in front of them, muttering something about 'Scarecrows' under his breath. Although the others aren't treated much better, most people recoiling in fear of a feral Leonin soldier from the wilds beyond Niniasha walking into their small town.
Wrovak, the proprietor of the Inn, slaps four pints in front of you and asks half heartedly if you want some food before returning to his spot behind the counter. Everyone else in the bar, farmers and miners mainly, return to their drinks, trying to ignore you.
(Feel free to role play a little bit if you want before we start the adventure proper.)
Valar nods, "Aye, some warm food would do me well." He places 2 gold coins on the bar. "For your troubles." Valar will then look around the room, taking in what he sees, gauging the people. He has concerns with how the people treat them out of fear and disdain, and wonders is it from a bad experience in the past.
Thelanis looks at the others with hope, saying, "So, goblins in the area... anyone have experience in dealing with those guys?"
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
"What is there to know. Just hack at them until they stop twitching." says Amiz as he does nothing to hide, his leonin features with his short cut mane and the soft clink of his armor as shifts position in his chair. "I don't know about you, but this retched place with its dangers means there is coin to be made." with the tavern so full he leans towards the people at the next table. A little too close as he is leveraging, his feral nature. "So is there any bounty for the kidnapping goblins."
Valar - Wrovak almost gasps at the 2 gold pieces on the table. His wrinkly bald head drawing back at the amount. But he picks it up quickly and responds to you. "Everyone around here dislikes Ratcatchers, even before The Catastrophe they brought trouble. If you want my advice, keep your head down and either do some honest work or head for Kholias like the rest. No offence, but everyone will be glad to see the back of the four of you."
Persuasion check for Amiz with advantage from Thelanis' help: 9
The men at the next table recoil from the lion-man's gnashing teeth and wolf-smile. They quickly finish there drinks and leave the inn without saying a word. Wrovak glares at you all as he returns to the bar. Scaring off regular customers does not endear you to him any.
Valar finds it odd, that even a paladin of a militant order, would be treated with the same disdain. He looks at Wrovak and sighs before stating, "I know you and your folks here have seen rough times." He points to his surcoat, and Pandion order amulet. "You also may not know what a church knight is either. We do nothing but honest work, protect the weak, and vanquish the forces of darkness. To say less of us, can be also treated like an insult, or those of a heretic."
Wrovak laughs. "You'll not find many here with much respect for your kind, knight, i'm sorry but this land is forsaken. What is one knight going to do? If your people really cared they would send a battalion to raise Kholias to the ground... but they don't. They know what we all know; that this land is lost." He smiles at you briefly. "My advice to you is to finish whatever sight seeing mission you've come on, and go back to your home. We'll carry on here for a time, but soon everyone in this town will either leave, or be kidnapped, or fall to the darkness."
He returns to his business, unless you have any other questions.
Draíocht is unfazed by the man spitting before him and pays it no heed. It wouldn't be worth the trouble.
When Valar places down two gold he utters a small grunt of surprise. He turns to Wrovak, "How much for the stew?" he asks, gesturing at the pot on the hearth. He then turns to Valar, "Lot of coin to be spending on a meal. You Pandion folks get a lot of money?"
To Thelanis he says, "I've come across goblins here and there in my time. Sneaky brutes. Nasty." he utters an Elvish swear before continuing, "Hate the very idea of fighting fair." he pauses for a moment to admire the Leonin. "But Amiz is right. They're mortal and die like anything else."
He asks Wrovak, "Where was the last kidnapping?"
Given Draíocht is a Wood Elf himself, would he know if the Wood Elf raiders the town experiences are bandits that comprise a minority or is Wood Elf culture at large part of raiding?
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
Wood elf society for a long time had no real leader, favouring hermitage like yourself, or travelling in small groups. But when The Scarecrow took over and waged war against the Kholian Republic, they created larger battalions. The wood elves retreated back into the Great Wild after the Catastrophe. This new spout of raiding is news to you. Given Draíocht was a hermit, i'd say that's all he'd know about it at the moment,
Persuasion check for Draíocht: 12
Given that Draíocht seems to be sitting with Valar, Wrovak is happy to tell you. "The last kidnapping was out at the Shepley farm. Two young girls and a boy, taken by goblins riding giant wolves they said." He shakes his head. "I didn't know the two younger Shepley's, but the older girl, Alaine, did some work here once and a while, nice girl... nice girl." He drifts off.
The mood in the Inn becomes noticeably quieter at the mention of the recent kidnappings. Clearly people prefer to just try to ignore this stuff, it’s how they get by with the constant horror that is their lives.
Valar shrugs, "Then peace be with you friend," and let's Wrovak go about his business.
Valar shakes his head. "We Pandions try to help those in need, and he appeared to be in need. But his heart, and it seems the heart of these people, are as cold as the land. They have been through too much, so I can understand some of the resentment."
"Perhaps we should look into this kidnapping, go track down these raiders and their Worgs, bring some justice, and perhaps, a little light and warmth to this dark land. What say you?" Valar asks the group.
Just as you consider this proposition, you hear a singing coming from outside in the dark. A feral, maniacal edge to the voice, it brings a chill to your bones. A middle aged woman comes into the inn, completely frantic. "It's that adventurer, Sandford, came through a few weeks ago. He's come back from Kholias... he's come back!" Something about that fact sends the people in the inn into a fit. They start looking for places to hide, and desperately attempting to board up the door. Wrovak just stands behind the bar, looking around desperately.
Amiz pushes back his chair and approaches Wrovak as he seems to be the calmest. "Who is Sanford and what danger does he pose?"
Draíocht replies to Valar, "I agree. It's worth looking into the kidnappings. Strange things have been afoot. And if we can make this little corner of the world better, sounds good to me."
After the commotion about the approaching Sandford he asks, "I assume the maniacal singing wasn't a trait of his before?"
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
Valar pushes the chair back from the table, faces the door with his hand on his sword. He stretches out with his divine sense to detect if this singing is coming from someone, or something good, or evil by the reaction in the inn.