The sound from a chair falling over is to be heard from within. Frantic whispers.
Voice 2: "Uh... wh- who's there?!"
There is the sound of a spell being cast by a voice you haven't heard before.
[Pisgah; Persuasion: 2]
The third voice is to be heard again, speaking common with an imperious tone and an elvish accent: "You'd better elaborate on the kind of business you wish to discuss unless you with to meet a swift death. But answer me this first: How many eyes does Xanathar have?"
While this conversation happens, ArdneK disappears well out of sight of the door, although it remains closed.
Following ArdneK's example, Rico also gets out of sight, though close enough she can get inside quickly. She positions Steel right beside the door, so he's out of sight from inside, but close enough to deflect any melee attacks coming through.
After Pisgah has shouted the answer to the question, all is silent for a few moments.
But just as it starts to seem like you are being ignored, there is a scratching at the door. It opens with a start. The visage of a horrible demon (D) stares out at you. It is composed of a floating torso with black wings spreading out from its back. Glinting iris-less eyes are taking your measure. Also in the room are a few shabby individuals (who most of you would recognize as wererats (W)), whose features are full of mistrust and fear. Shortswords are glinting in their hands. They're in various states of taking cover, ducking behind barrels and behind the large table in the middle of the room.
In the few seconds that this is happening, ArneK and Pisgah are getting a good look at what seems to be a sort of map, carefully arranged with loose stones, spread out on the table surface.
The speaker from before is heard again, from somewhere south within the room, but without revealing himself. "Loathsome Xanathar supplicants! You'll rue the day you stepped foot into my territory!"
The inhabitants of this room are poised to attack you, so initiative is called for!
[Should you wish, instead of taking your normal action, you can try to take the influence action from the 2024 rules to try and reason with these people, since they seem to be under the impression that you're in league with Xanathar. The DC for this is 17. You'll have advantage if you present an especially good reason for why they shouldn't attack you. You have disadvantage if they have taken damage from you. If you succeed on the check, we can exit initiative.]
Pisgah drops Jaya's Blade to the ground, "Just hold up one bloody minute and rest your sphincters, we just want to talk. We have some business to discuss. We are not here for a fight. My friends here can vouch for this but I think this may speak louder than words." Pisgah slides the backpack off his back and pulls off Shunn's mandibles that he took off before shoving the spider body to the ooze. He hands those out towards the "demon" (INTELLIGENCE check roll of 2 on a NAT 1) fully expecting it to take them. "I think you may recognize these. Can we talk?"
"Everyone knows the password, its the only way to get around down here, but we are certainly not in the guild. Nor are we friends of theirs. As my friend said, were just here to talk" the little Kobold says.
[Rolled again for advantage on Pisgah, because showing the mandibles is a great help in negotiation, alas, another nat 1 lol]
Even though Pisgahs initial words and actions don't seem to be enough, the demon hesitates, seemingly taken aback by the sudden appearance of Canti and her reasonable manner of speaking, and ArdneK popping up. It freezes in the air, as if waiting for further instructions, unsure.
Most of the wererat folk stare at the mandibles.
Finally, one of them goes: "Oi boss, I think they've killed Shunn."
The voice drifts in closer. At this point its clear that whoever is speaking is actually invisible, and not just hiding. "Indeed? Well, what a nice present."
Finally, the spell ends, the air parts and reveals a tall drow in a dark blue robe. His white hair frames a face that is almost gaunt.
"At the very least, someone just walking around with the parts of one of the leaders of the guild deserves a second chance, don't they." he says almost in passing, directed vaguely at the wererat kin. The kin are more relaxed now, but still throw you careful and suspicious glances. They slide their weapons back into the scabards and make some space in the main room. The black demon still hovers in one corner, only slightly less menacing than before.
The drow nods to you. "I do apologize for the poor welcome, one has to keep the threat of violence close at hand if one is to survive down here. Well then, I believe introductions are in order. I'm Rizzeryl. Who are you and what brings you into this corner of the Arcane Chambers?"
"Well we didn't just expect you to let us in without being sure. Not everyone is OK with a passphrase being their security" the little kobold says, and enters the room without hesitation. He finds a place to sit. "Tis true, we did kill Shunn, we'll technically they did, and all his associates, but there will be no proof of it, as we fed their bodies to a gelatinous cube to, uh, destroy the evidence" he says, and gives a subtle nod of his head to Pisgah.
"But in the end, we had to kill the gelatinous cube to, as it had something we wanted" he continues, and kicks up his feet, casually.
"As to why were here, well, I am here for glory, and treasure, mostly treasure, but I'll let the others speak. Do you have any wine?"
Canti smiles warmly. "Thank you, Rizzeryl. As much as I'm down here to test these arrows of my hubby's, we've had some mighty tough battles, and I'm glad to make friends instead." She walks into the room and attempts to make friendly eye contact with everyone, giving a smile and a nod of the head to calm them and to show they truly mean no harm. She does not venture too far in lest it appear she's casing the joint.
With a slight nod of his head, "Rizzeryl, my name is Pisgah. I came down here, on the advice of a dear friend of mine, seeking to join with other wanderers who may help me to find a sense of place. I decided to try having a bit of fun and teased Shunn when we first met. I tried to pull off a joke and it didn't go...well. As my friend ArdneK here has said, we had to kill them but I did sue for peace at least twice and asked Shunn to put down their weapons as we had only wanted to talk. By that point, it was too late. We overheard them talking about flushing out a denof...",gesturing around the room, "were-rats. Well, the actual word he used was rats and it sounded most dismissive. He also made some statement about the guild sorting out Yek and the goblin band. I thought that, if we brought proof one of your problems was solved, we might could form an alliance and further both our groups objectives. My objective, as I said, was to find a team, a pack or tribe, if you will. I have done that and would like to continue this association we have formed, this group of Waterdeep Wanderers."
Pisgah extends the mandibles taken from Shunn and asks "Would you be open to forming an alliance? One that I think could shift the 'credit' for Shunn's current status to Yek and his group? Perhaps allow an enterprising group to take over the under-mountain market?"
Rizzeryl raises one eyebrow at the explanation from ArdneK. "All of his associates?" The drow is silent for a moment, processing the information. He seems slightly relieved, although his facial expression hardly changes.
He heads over to a crate and fishes out a bottle of something labeled 'Shadowdark'. Uncorking it, he says: "I don't have wine, if it's alcohol you're looking for, I had this ale delivered a while ago. You'll find it warms the belly and elevates the mood."
The drow produces a stack of small cups, placing them on the table, careful to not disturb the stone map. He offers everyone a drink that wants it.
While he pours, he inclines his head as Canti, Rico and Pisgah introduce themselves as well.
"Though battles... plentiful down here, to be sure. Friends, not so much. But I am happy to enter a relationship more formal, if we can find agreeable terms." he replies to Canti.
Towards Rico, the mage raises an eyebrow. "If you've come so far, you're aware that Skullport can be reached through the third level, yes? If you've got the coin, and your wits about you, you'll find ships there. Assuming you manage to avoid the Xanathars many eyes."
Turning to face Pisgah, he says: "Ah, Shunn was never one for jokes. Vindictive and opportunistic to the bone." Rizzeryl pours himself a glass as well and takes a sip. A slight lopsided smile appears on his face. "Remarkable qualities, to be sure. Only amplified by Lolths curse." He does not elaborate if he meant Shunn or the ale.
The wererat kin scowl at Pisgahs recounting of how they had been described. But is true that they're not much to look at. Four men and three women with thin limbs, beady eyes, and a nervous air about them. They clad themselves in filthy, smelly, ill-fitting clothes. They have withdrawn mostly back to the second room, where they seem to have their sleeping quarters.
One of them, a middle-aged woman with a haphazardly shorn head, sneers: "Well, not much flushing out they'll do now, will they." She adds a lengthy and creative curse that sees Shunn experience all sorts of anatomy defying tribulations in the afterlife.
Rizzeryl says: "Yek's a reasonable fellow. We had deals in the past. Bit of a character, but aren't we all." He continues: "The guild on the other hand has set their many eyes on this entire level and they're not going to rest until they have it firmly in their grasp."
With one hand, he motions to the stone map on the table. Pisgah, and then gradually everyone else, recognize that it seems to be a fairly faithful map of the level, showing many of the places you have already visited. "I'm afraid I can't offer an alliance until the guild stops breathing down my neck. You've taken care of Shunn, but they have another outpost. Here." The drow points to a location on the map. It's where you had seen the strange beholder and where you had sent the rust monsters to cause chaos. Rizzeryl continues: "It's called the Dead Eyes Watchpost and it's led by a human called Nadia the Unbent. As long as she is here, the guild can hole up until they get reinforcements from Skullport."
The drow takes the mandibles. "But don't think me ungrateful for the unexpected windfall that your deeds have delivered me. Apart from letting you inspect the map, I'll gladly divulge information about locations you may wish to know. If you're seeking to continue to delve deeper into the dungeon, you'll find the stairs down here." He points again.
"As you see, you'll have to get past Nadia anyway. If you deliver me her head, I'll reward you with some treasure my organization has found, as well as agreeing to an alliance."
[You can open the image in a new tab for a bigger size]
Pisgah takes a cup and sips. "This is not bad. I prefer an oatmeal stout myself but beggars and what not, thank you. We came across the dead eyes watchpost a little while ago. We didn't fight them but did lure some rust monsters into their hideout. It raised a little bit of a stir. Quite funny actually. I don't recall seeing any humans. I did see some bugbears in Xanathar livery and creature that some of my friends called a beholder. I have not fought one before, what can you tell me about its strengths and weaknesses? How does one kill a floating eyeball to even get to this Nadia?"
Pointing to the map area where the magic mirror was found, "We found a portal leading to an area with woods and forest sounds coming from the other side of barricaded doors in a guard post. What do you know of that realm? Is that part of the under-mountain?"
Rizzeryl replies to Pisgah. "Nadia is usually training in the sparring ring they've set up in the back there. As for the beholder zombie, it's eyesight is quite bad, so my scouts were always able to sneak past it. A real beholder would be a death sentence in a fight, but this one's merely a puppet with no free will. I'd hazard a guess that it's still able to emit magical forces through its eye stalks, albeit weaker than normal. If you can weather those, you can overcome it."
He nods at the mention of the wood area. "You were thorough. That portal leads to the fifth level, a place called the Wyllowwood. It is indeed still part of Undermountain. The forest there is being kept in balance by magic and is ruled by a druid called Wyllow. I don't know much about her and the dangers there."
"What can you tell us about Nadia? Strengths, weaknesses, fighting style? I heard the sound of magic being hurled at those rust monsters but didn't stick around to see where it came from."
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Rico shrugged, not caring either way.
Pisgah pulls Jaya's Blade and raps on the door with the hilt. " Hey you guys, Open up, we've got some business to discuss. "
ArdneK crouches down against the door, hoping to be out of sight if they look through any sort of peep hole.
Stealth: 22
The sound from a chair falling over is to be heard from within. Frantic whispers.
Voice 2: "Uh... wh- who's there?!"
There is the sound of a spell being cast by a voice you haven't heard before.
[Pisgah; Persuasion: 2]
The third voice is to be heard again, speaking common with an imperious tone and an elvish accent: "You'd better elaborate on the kind of business you wish to discuss unless you with to meet a swift death. But answer me this first: How many eyes does Xanathar have?"
While this conversation happens, ArdneK disappears well out of sight of the door, although it remains closed.
"AS MANY AS THERE ARE STARS IN THE SKY! Now, open the blasted door." Pisgah shouts through the door.
Following ArdneK's example, Rico also gets out of sight, though close enough she can get inside quickly. She positions Steel right beside the door, so he's out of sight from inside, but close enough to deflect any melee attacks coming through.
ArdneK gives Pisgah a thumbs up with his small clawed finger.
After Pisgah has shouted the answer to the question, all is silent for a few moments.
But just as it starts to seem like you are being ignored, there is a scratching at the door. It opens with a start. The visage of a horrible demon (D) stares out at you. It is composed of a floating torso with black wings spreading out from its back. Glinting iris-less eyes are taking your measure. Also in the room are a few shabby individuals (who most of you would recognize as wererats (W)), whose features are full of mistrust and fear. Shortswords are glinting in their hands. They're in various states of taking cover, ducking behind barrels and behind the large table in the middle of the room.
In the few seconds that this is happening, ArneK and Pisgah are getting a good look at what seems to be a sort of map, carefully arranged with loose stones, spread out on the table surface.
The speaker from before is heard again, from somewhere south within the room, but without revealing himself.
"Loathsome Xanathar supplicants! You'll rue the day you stepped foot into my territory!"
The inhabitants of this room are poised to attack you, so initiative is called for!
1. Nikkitch, Canti, ArdneK, Pisgah, Rico
2. Wererats (W1-W?), Demon (D), Voice (?)
[Should you wish, instead of taking your normal action, you can try to take the influence action from the 2024 rules to try and reason with these people, since they seem to be under the impression that you're in league with Xanathar. The DC for this is 17. You'll have advantage if you present an especially good reason for why they shouldn't attack you. You have disadvantage if they have taken damage from you. If you succeed on the check, we can exit initiative.]
Pisgah drops Jaya's Blade to the ground, "Just hold up one bloody minute and rest your sphincters, we just want to talk. We have some business to discuss. We are not here for a fight. My friends here can vouch for this but I think this may speak louder than words." Pisgah slides the backpack off his back and pulls off Shunn's mandibles that he took off before shoving the spider body to the ooze. He hands those out towards the "demon" (INTELLIGENCE check roll of 2 on a NAT 1) fully expecting it to take them. "I think you may recognize these. Can we talk?"
"Everyone knows the password, its the only way to get around down here, but we are certainly not in the guild. Nor are we friends of theirs. As my friend said, were just here to talk" the little Kobold says.
Persuasion: 15
"They speak the truth," Canti offers from around the corner. "We were hoping you'd help us."
Persuasion: nat 20
[Rolled again for advantage on Pisgah, because showing the mandibles is a great help in negotiation, alas, another nat 1 lol]
Even though Pisgahs initial words and actions don't seem to be enough, the demon hesitates, seemingly taken aback by the sudden appearance of Canti and her reasonable manner of speaking, and ArdneK popping up. It freezes in the air, as if waiting for further instructions, unsure.
Most of the wererat folk stare at the mandibles.
Finally, one of them goes: "Oi boss, I think they've killed Shunn."
The voice drifts in closer. At this point its clear that whoever is speaking is actually invisible, and not just hiding.
"Indeed? Well, what a nice present."
Finally, the spell ends, the air parts and reveals a tall drow in a dark blue robe. His white hair frames a face that is almost gaunt.
"At the very least, someone just walking around with the parts of one of the leaders of the guild deserves a second chance, don't they." he says almost in passing, directed vaguely at the wererat kin. The kin are more relaxed now, but still throw you careful and suspicious glances. They slide their weapons back into the scabards and make some space in the main room.
The black demon still hovers in one corner, only slightly less menacing than before.
The drow nods to you.
"I do apologize for the poor welcome, one has to keep the threat of violence close at hand if one is to survive down here. Well then, I believe introductions are in order. I'm Rizzeryl. Who are you and what brings you into this corner of the Arcane Chambers?"
"Well we didn't just expect you to let us in without being sure. Not everyone is OK with a passphrase being their security" the little kobold says, and enters the room without hesitation. He finds a place to sit. "Tis true, we did kill Shunn, we'll technically they did, and all his associates, but there will be no proof of it, as we fed their bodies to a gelatinous cube to, uh, destroy the evidence" he says, and gives a subtle nod of his head to Pisgah.
"But in the end, we had to kill the gelatinous cube to, as it had something we wanted" he continues, and kicks up his feet, casually.
"As to why were here, well, I am here for glory, and treasure, mostly treasure, but I'll let the others speak. Do you have any wine?"
Canti smiles warmly. "Thank you, Rizzeryl. As much as I'm down here to test these arrows of my hubby's, we've had some mighty tough battles, and I'm glad to make friends instead." She walks into the room and attempts to make friendly eye contact with everyone, giving a smile and a nod of the head to calm them and to show they truly mean no harm. She does not venture too far in lest it appear she's casing the joint.
Rico comes in, trailed by Steal. "My ship left port without me, so I'm just earning coin to get by till I can catch a ship out of here."
With a slight nod of his head, "Rizzeryl, my name is Pisgah. I came down here, on the advice of a dear friend of mine, seeking to join with other wanderers who may help me to find a sense of place. I decided to try having a bit of fun and teased Shunn when we first met. I tried to pull off a joke and it didn't go...well. As my friend ArdneK here has said, we had to kill them but I did sue for peace at least twice and asked Shunn to put down their weapons as we had only wanted to talk. By that point, it was too late. We overheard them talking about flushing out a den of...", gesturing around the room, "were-rats. Well, the actual word he used was rats and it sounded most dismissive. He also made some statement about the guild sorting out Yek and the goblin band. I thought that, if we brought proof one of your problems was solved, we might could form an alliance and further both our groups objectives. My objective, as I said, was to find a team, a pack or tribe, if you will. I have done that and would like to continue this association we have formed, this group of Waterdeep Wanderers."
Pisgah extends the mandibles taken from Shunn and asks "Would you be open to forming an alliance? One that I think could shift the 'credit' for Shunn's current status to Yek and his group? Perhaps allow an enterprising group to take over the under-mountain market?"
Rizzeryl raises one eyebrow at the explanation from ArdneK.
"All of his associates?"
The drow is silent for a moment, processing the information. He seems slightly relieved, although his facial expression hardly changes.
He heads over to a crate and fishes out a bottle of something labeled 'Shadowdark'. Uncorking it, he says: "I don't have wine, if it's alcohol you're looking for, I had this ale delivered a while ago. You'll find it warms the belly and elevates the mood."
The drow produces a stack of small cups, placing them on the table, careful to not disturb the stone map. He offers everyone a drink that wants it.
While he pours, he inclines his head as Canti, Rico and Pisgah introduce themselves as well.
"Though battles... plentiful down here, to be sure. Friends, not so much. But I am happy to enter a relationship more formal, if we can find agreeable terms." he replies to Canti.
Towards Rico, the mage raises an eyebrow. "If you've come so far, you're aware that Skullport can be reached through the third level, yes? If you've got the coin, and your wits about you, you'll find ships there. Assuming you manage to avoid the Xanathars many eyes."
Turning to face Pisgah, he says: "Ah, Shunn was never one for jokes. Vindictive and opportunistic to the bone."
Rizzeryl pours himself a glass as well and takes a sip. A slight lopsided smile appears on his face. "Remarkable qualities, to be sure. Only amplified by Lolths curse." He does not elaborate if he meant Shunn or the ale.
The wererat kin scowl at Pisgahs recounting of how they had been described. But is true that they're not much to look at. Four men and three women with thin limbs, beady eyes, and a nervous air about them. They clad themselves in filthy, smelly, ill-fitting clothes. They have withdrawn mostly back to the second room, where they seem to have their sleeping quarters.
One of them, a middle-aged woman with a haphazardly shorn head, sneers: "Well, not much flushing out they'll do now, will they." She adds a lengthy and creative curse that sees Shunn experience all sorts of anatomy defying tribulations in the afterlife.
Rizzeryl says: "Yek's a reasonable fellow. We had deals in the past. Bit of a character, but aren't we all."
He continues: "The guild on the other hand has set their many eyes on this entire level and they're not going to rest until they have it firmly in their grasp."
With one hand, he motions to the stone map on the table. Pisgah, and then gradually everyone else, recognize that it seems to be a fairly faithful map of the level, showing many of the places you have already visited.
"I'm afraid I can't offer an alliance until the guild stops breathing down my neck. You've taken care of Shunn, but they have another outpost. Here."
The drow points to a location on the map. It's where you had seen the strange beholder and where you had sent the rust monsters to cause chaos.
Rizzeryl continues: "It's called the Dead Eyes Watchpost and it's led by a human called Nadia the Unbent. As long as she is here, the guild can hole up until they get reinforcements from Skullport."
The drow takes the mandibles.
"But don't think me ungrateful for the unexpected windfall that your deeds have delivered me. Apart from letting you inspect the map, I'll gladly divulge information about locations you may wish to know. If you're seeking to continue to delve deeper into the dungeon, you'll find the stairs down here."
He points again.
"As you see, you'll have to get past Nadia anyway. If you deliver me her head, I'll reward you with some treasure my organization has found, as well as agreeing to an alliance."
[You can open the image in a new tab for a bigger size]
Pisgah takes a cup and sips. "This is not bad. I prefer an oatmeal stout myself but beggars and what not, thank you. We came across the dead eyes watchpost a little while ago. We didn't fight them but did lure some rust monsters into their hideout. It raised a little bit of a stir. Quite funny actually. I don't recall seeing any humans. I did see some bugbears in Xanathar livery and creature that some of my friends called a beholder. I have not fought one before, what can you tell me about its strengths and weaknesses? How does one kill a floating eyeball to even get to this Nadia?"
Pointing to the map area where the magic mirror was found, "We found a portal leading to an area with woods and forest sounds coming from the other side of barricaded doors in a guard post. What do you know of that realm? Is that part of the under-mountain?"
Rizzeryl replies to Pisgah. "Nadia is usually training in the sparring ring they've set up in the back there. As for the beholder zombie, it's eyesight is quite bad, so my scouts were always able to sneak past it. A real beholder would be a death sentence in a fight, but this one's merely a puppet with no free will. I'd hazard a guess that it's still able to emit magical forces through its eye stalks, albeit weaker than normal. If you can weather those, you can overcome it."
He nods at the mention of the wood area.
"You were thorough. That portal leads to the fifth level, a place called the Wyllowwood. It is indeed still part of Undermountain. The forest there is being kept in balance by magic and is ruled by a druid called Wyllow. I don't know much about her and the dangers there."
"What can you tell us about Nadia? Strengths, weaknesses, fighting style? I heard the sound of magic being hurled at those rust monsters but didn't stick around to see where it came from."