[I'll wait until everyone has rolled their stealth checks and stated what they want to do as you move over to the Dead Eyes watchpost, but because of pass without trace, it's guaranteed that the beholder zombie isn't going to spot you approaching. So feel free to also tell me if you wish to move past it or try to surprise it.]
Rico is a bit inclined to take out this outpost. She has a thing against pirates, and this gang is close enough to pirates for her to prefer them gone. But it's only a slight inclination, so she'll follow along.
[Since Nikkitchs player hasn't been online in nearly two weeks, I'd currently say that the kenku has slunk off somewhere, and you should not expect that he participates in combat.]
You once again reach the location of the Dead Eyes watchpost after moving back through the long hallways. The beholder zombie is still floating in the room as before, it's lidless eyes staring nearly uselessly around itself. Beyond the rotund undead, you see the rest of the crew, training. Faint conversation is to be heard: "Oh be still about your dagger, you've got three others. Get a new one in Skullport when your shift ends."
Thanks to Pisgahs spell, you manage to sneak past and can squeeze through the door at the south end without anyone stopping you.
Red light suffuses the hallway you enter. Opposite, you see another door. To the west, the twenty feet wide and high hallway continues for 200 feet, ending in another door, which is flanked by two large wooden ballistae. They are unmanned, but still manage to look menacing.
"I believe the map of rocks showed that we should go south to get to the stairs and level three. Is that our destination, or do we want to explore more of the second?" ArdneK asks the others.
ArdneK perceives no noise at all from behind that door. According to a faint drag of air from underneath the door, it must lead to a long funnel-like hallway, perhaps connected to another large space, just like he would expect from the map he's seen.
"Rico, it sounds like SkullPort may be your way to charter a means home? Do you plan to leave?"
Rico answers, "There aren't many ships that go where I came from, and the ones that do are hard to find. Besides, first I need to get enough cash to by passage. So I will be staying with you for a while longer. Besides you guys need me to keep patching you up and making things for you."
OOC: Rico is happy as a clam with the support role :-)
OOC: let's see what a 14 buys in the perception department. I would hate for Steel to get blasted with those ballista. If we learn anything we could stand back and try to damage them with ranged weapons.
Ardnek says "I can probably sneak to the end, especially with your extra magic on me, check out the ballista's and door. But I'm also OK heading the other way, I'd love to check out Skullport, sounds like a blast!"
Pisgah sees that the light is produced by glowing red crystals, inserted at regular intervals along the wall and ceiling. They cast dim light throughout the hall. When he looks closer at the ballistae, he notices that they have legs. At the moment these hinged legs are folded up beside them, as if at rest. He also confirms that the ballista are already loaded with a sizeable wooden and iron tipped bolt each.
Stealth (before the +10): 6 — thank goodness for the spell!
[Understood Jrell, have a nice trip!]
[I'll wait until everyone has rolled their stealth checks and stated what they want to do as you move over to the Dead Eyes watchpost, but because of pass without trace, it's guaranteed that the beholder zombie isn't going to spot you approaching. So feel free to also tell me if you wish to move past it or try to surprise it.]
Pisgah in a very quiet whisper looks at ArdneK winks and says, "See, this is how you do it. Told you I just had an off day."
I vote we try sneaking past Dead Eyes. If we get busted we can fight. If we win we get an alliance and if we don't we'll then we can try to run away!
Canti has no opinion, and will follow whatever the group decides to try.
Stealth 18 for Rico +10 = 28
Steel Stealth 5+10
Rico is a bit inclined to take out this outpost. She has a thing against pirates, and this gang is close enough to pirates for her to prefer them gone. But it's only a slight inclination, so she'll follow along.
OOC: if I knew Nikk was still with us, I wouldn't worry about it too much but without a fireball.....
Stealth: 24
[Since Nikkitchs player hasn't been online in nearly two weeks, I'd currently say that the kenku has slunk off somewhere, and you should not expect that he participates in combat.]
You once again reach the location of the Dead Eyes watchpost after moving back through the long hallways. The beholder zombie is still floating in the room as before, it's lidless eyes staring nearly uselessly around itself. Beyond the rotund undead, you see the rest of the crew, training. Faint conversation is to be heard: "Oh be still about your dagger, you've got three others. Get a new one in Skullport when your shift ends."
Thanks to Pisgahs spell, you manage to sneak past and can squeeze through the door at the south end without anyone stopping you.
Red light suffuses the hallway you enter. Opposite, you see another door.
To the west, the twenty feet wide and high hallway continues for 200 feet, ending in another door, which is flanked by two large wooden ballistae. They are unmanned, but still manage to look menacing.
"I believe the map of rocks showed that we should go south to get to the stairs and level three. Is that our destination, or do we want to explore more of the second?" ArdneK asks the others.
He will then go and check the south door.
Perception 25
"Do we want to go to Skullport or bypass it?" Canti asks. "It sounds like an interesting place. I've never seen an underground city before."
"Rico, it sounds like SkullPort may be your way to charter a means home? Do you plan to leave?"
ArdneK perceives no noise at all from behind that door. According to a faint drag of air from underneath the door, it must lead to a long funnel-like hallway, perhaps connected to another large space, just like he would expect from the map he's seen.
Pisgah gazes down the hallway leading west, "I'm a little concerned about this red haze down this hallway."
PERCEPTION roll of 14
Rico answers, "There aren't many ships that go where I came from, and the ones that do are hard to find. Besides, first I need to get enough cash to by passage. So I will be staying with you for a while longer. Besides you guys need me to keep patching you up and making things for you."
OOC: Rico is happy as a clam with the support role :-)
Rico responds, "Sure I have Steel walk dow'n the hallway and back to see if it is safe?"
OOC: let's see what a 14 buys in the perception department. I would hate for Steel to get blasted with those ballista. If we learn anything we could stand back and try to damage them with ranged weapons.
OOC: Better Steel than anyone else. Rico can rebuild Steel with a long rest :-) That's why she volunteers him for the most dangerous missions.
Ardnek says "I can probably sneak to the end, especially with your extra magic on me, check out the ballista's and door. But I'm also OK heading the other way, I'd love to check out Skullport, sounds like a blast!"
Pisgah sees that the light is produced by glowing red crystals, inserted at regular intervals along the wall and ceiling. They cast dim light throughout the hall. When he looks closer at the ballistae, he notices that they have legs. At the moment these hinged legs are folded up beside them, as if at rest. He also confirms that the ballista are already loaded with a sizeable wooden and iron tipped bolt each.