Sly will take up position ten feet behind Bilyur. If we aren't in a great hurry, she will recast detect magic, to extend her capabilities should anything unexpected happen.
Bilyur unlocks the door, and it opens with a slow creak, Xarkris staying vigilant to any danger, but spotting none. The hall ahead is styled like a living room, with low loungers and cushions strewn across the place. You can hear quiet chatter coming from the northern room connected to this area. Morgot informs you 'That's where the crew be, in the kitchen. South is the bedroom, with a room connected we're yet to check, and coming off the kitchen is the Shadow Weave itself. Feel free to look around; we've made ourselves at home, and so should you.' He then gets a mischievous grin on his face, looking to Eliza, and says 'We've been gone for so long, a few more minutes shouldn't hurt. Besides, best we head in with our saviours too, so you can explain the story to the cap'n first hand. We'll follow along with you for now, wherever you want to look.' Sly detects no magic in this room.
Xarkris slides past Bilyur, stomping down the hallway, head swiveling back and forth, senses keenly aware of any danger. His shield is up and his axe is ready.
Sly suggests: "Let us meet with the crew first and inquire about what they might have learned in the meantime. It will also be a chance to inspect any local peculiarities in the shadow weave portal."
Morgot nods as he recieves Eggo's telepathic message, and the party is lead through into the kitchen, which is as cramped as the other rooms, to even higher degree here as cabinets and a small table for one take up the majority of the space. However, occupying the majority of the remaining floorspace is the rest of the Pipsqueak Pirates; a kobold, who seems to be making something out of crockery, a fairy, with a large drawstring bag on her back holding a myriad of instruments, and a grung with deep purple skin, a shortsword poking out from it's sheath just under his cloak. Towering above all of them however, is the captain. They seem to be a goblin, but are incredibly tall, wearing a great mauve overcoat all the way down to their black booted feet, and buttoned up to the chin of his hatted head. They're chatting nervously amongst themselves, until they see Morgot and Eliza enter. There seems to be a great sigh of relief amongst them all as they reunite, before Eliza informs them sorrowfully of Tebet's passing. As they finish coming to terms with this, Morgot introduces them all to you, explaining back to them how you valiantly saved them from the snake. He tells you that the kobold is called Mikala, and is the crew's tinkerer, the fairy is Kit, and is the musician, the grung is Pelbaj, the combatant and spy, and finally, the very tall goblin is Captain Sprucespine, named on account of his stature. They all seem very happy to meet you and are incredibly thankful for saving the lost members of the crew.
Bilyur was raised in a monastery, so he’s kind of awkward in this kind of situation. He accepts their gratitude, but what he is truly good at is consoling someone in grief. He apologizes that they weren’t here quickly enough to save Tebet, before saying a prayer in celestial for the fallen dwarf’s soul. He asks if Kit would be willing to play a song of mourning for those taken by the blood archivist. He offers Pelbaj two of his daggers, along with the scimitar fro, earlier, explaining the story behind each weapon.
The pirates all deeply appreciate his sentiment, and Kit takes out a strange instrument from their bag to play, which miraculously manages to fit in the small drawstring sack, despite being as long as the fairy is tall. It looks like some sort of strange mix between an oboe, bag pipe, and didgeridoo, being a long wind instrument, with a mouth piece above a large inflating sack, which then has a pipe coming off from it that dips like the neck of a swan at the end. This comparison might come from the fact that it's decorated with long swan feathers, along with fingerprinted blue ripples along the pipe; Kit explains to anyone interested that it's called a Lakewallower, a Feywild instrument, and it produces a deep, melancholy humming noise as Kit plays a sad mourning tune for the fallen on it. Afterwards, Pelbaj generously accepts the weapons from Bilyur, offering his shortsword in return for them, as Pelbaj can still benefit from Sneak Attack with the scimitar for just as much damage, despite not being proficient, and can use the daggers when wanting more variety, so no use in lugging both about. He explains that his shortsword 'was recovered by him off a shipwreck on the jungle coast of Tyraa when he was a younger adventurer; the hilt is of mangrove wood, and the blade is Yuan-Ti forged.'
Sly just nods at the grateful crew, satisfied that they are back together. She squints for a moment at the captain, having a suspicion, but lets it go. No time to pursue such secrets.
She takes some time to sit down and record the groups latest findings. Directing her words to the captain, she asks: "We're searching for a way out of the dungeon. Do you perhaps know where the shadow weave portal is to be found? Are there any dangers here you know of?"
Captain Sprucespine nods and says 'Yaargh, it be just through the cupboard. Let me go and open it for you.' He says that last sentence with a strange emphasis, but sure enough, he stumbles over towards the adjacent door, his upper half curiously swaying around much more compared to his legs, then leans forward with a jolt to try and open the cupboard door, but struggles to lift his arms for whatever reason. Looking closer, you now realise he has a hook on both of his hands, and that his arms simply swing stiff next to his body. Perhaps he lost them both in battle? He solves this problem by saying 'Mikala, can ye get the door for me?', to which the kobold runs up and opens the door, revealing a pantry, shrouded in darkness, the ominous black void of the Shadow Weave you're so used to now taking up the space that might have originally been a back door out onto the beach.
[What do you mean Sly has suspicions about the captain? There's absolutely nothing out of the ordinary about him, aside from the fact he's triple the height of a regular goblin, has to verbally announce every action he does, and eats about 3 meal's worth in a sitting :) Also, here's the full map aside from the rooms you haven't entered, it's up to you whether you check them though I will confirm you won't end up in another combat encounter or find any more treasure for this dungeon there]
Bilyur also notices something off about the captain, and looks closer to see if he can see something wrong. Insight: 21. (if its investigation, it's a 15.)
((I love this 3-goblins-in-a-trenchcoat idea so much))
Salamander gives a big nod over to Eggo Lass at her comment on 'Sleep aid.'
Salamander takes his time and stays longer in the room with the snake than the others, telling them to go on ahead while he cuts up it into bits and pieces. "For snake jerky,"he says to himself when he's done. He looks around for anywhere to dry it or salt it. Upon finding none, he wanders into the cluttered room only to find it now un-cluttered due to Sly's spell. "Could've sworn they said it was dirty..."
He picks up a few of the extra bottles and jumps on the spare bed.
He follows the party to the next room, tracing where he heard Xarkris's big steps. 'Dragonborns,'he thinks slyly to himself. He is the last to enter where stands halfway between the next room and the doorway.
Music soon enough drifts to his ears. 'Wait... I've heard this one before.' Salamander inhales before he peers inside.
"A fairy?!"he nearly gasps. He shudders. He creeps closer, the door squeaking to announce his entry. He turns to face his own party standing there and chatting it up with these strange (and small) new fellas. "Huh?" He gives up a small wave. Slowly, he walks in and slides right against the wall (like he's some sort of spy or something, thinking he can just sneak he was past. Past what? No idea). Then that's when he sees the captain open up the Shadow Weave door. His stares with his mouth agape.
He just marches right up at him. Well, not really marched more like suddenly was there. He could barely recall his feet moving to this spot right behind the captain. Fear of faeries be damned. "Buddy..."He puts his hands on his hips like a condescending adult figure. His eyes squint into narrow slits (the third eyelids help too a lot with this). "You need a hand?"He cracks a smile as he says this to the other goblin, gesturing with his hands pushing up. Though most non-goblins won't get it, he is actually saying it most genuinely: 'you need a lift'.
((pls stack them. we bare bears style. mergeeeee ))
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Sly nods at the pantry, satisfied to confirm that it leads to the next dungeon.
"Thank you. We shall be off in due course, but perhaps you'd allow us to rest here for a while?"
The tiefling also asks the party what they think about a long rest. She is particularly eager to be able to sit down for a while and study the alchemical compendium. So much knowledge was waiting within its pages and perhaps it would be useful in the trials to come.
Xarkris agrees with Sly. “I am done with this dungeon and the motley crew that dwells in it”, he grumbles, as the tall Dragonborn stomps off to find a place to take a LONG REST.
Salamander arrives just as Bilyur starts to investigate the captain for anything that might be the cause of his strange behaviour. At first, he thought the swaying might just be because he’s drunk, although the whole crew did seem fairly sober for the memorial. But, he starts to get a sneaking suspicion that Salamander is aware of something he isn’t when they start talking to the captain. The captain responds to his odd, enigmatic question with a hurried ‘No, I be fine, Mikala can help me. Nice to see another goblin round these parts though, I don’t often see many others when I’m out at sea with me crew, but perhaps it be better that way.’ Unknown to the rest of the party and crew, he’s also responding in the tricksome Goblin code; what he really means and is saying to him is that his crew isn’t aware of his secret, which Salamander, as a goblin himself, managed to see straight through, and he’d rather it stay like that.
The Pipsqueak Pirates all unanimously welcome you to stay as long as you’d when Sly asks about staying for a rest, just before Xarkris storms off to find somewhere to do so.
[Xarkris knows there’s a bedroom south of the kitchen so is that where he’s heading?]
"Valid," Salamanders shrugs in response to Captain Sprucespine's confession. His smile, however, doesn't go away. He's too happy to see another goblin (and the tricksome goblin code! the goblin code! he hadn't heard that in a while) that the dejection can't get to him. "But maybe a tail." He breaks off his in a snap similar to someone breaking a twig and hands it off to the captain. A small tear runs down his cheek (apparently that hurt). He does a jester-like pose.
Turning to the rest of the crew ('don't look at the fairy in the eye. don't look her in the eye.'), "Sorry for your loss,"he refers to Tebet. Seeing as Bilyur already got the mourning part covered ('feelingssssss'), he decides to follow the dragonborn towards the bedroom. He hopes there's a spare of the spare bed.
Captain Sprucespine takes the tail off Salamander with much difficulty, but also with gratitude, eventually settling on stowing it away in a scabbard he had in his greatcoat after deliberating on where to keep it. The scabbard seems to curiously poke out of the gap just when he mentions it, and returns just as switftly, with little sign of a belt for it to attach to. Salamander then heads with Xarkris (and assumedly the rest of the party aside from Bilyur) to the bedroom in the south, planning to take a long rest. It's a room matching the size of all the other modular living spaces, mainly dominated by a single bed and bedside table, yet still providing enough room for the four of you to find a place to rest, with one of you taking the bed whilst the others lay down bedrolls on the floor. It also has a door to a room in the east, and you remember Morgot telling you that it hadn't been checked by them yet.
[A person of culture!]
Sly will take up position ten feet behind Bilyur. If we aren't in a great hurry, she will recast detect magic, to extend her capabilities should anything unexpected happen.
Bilyur unlocks the door, and it opens with a slow creak, Xarkris staying vigilant to any danger, but spotting none. The hall ahead is styled like a living room, with low loungers and cushions strewn across the place. You can hear quiet chatter coming from the northern room connected to this area. Morgot informs you 'That's where the crew be, in the kitchen. South is the bedroom, with a room connected we're yet to check, and coming off the kitchen is the Shadow Weave itself. Feel free to look around; we've made ourselves at home, and so should you.' He then gets a mischievous grin on his face, looking to Eliza, and says 'We've been gone for so long, a few more minutes shouldn't hurt. Besides, best we head in with our saviours too, so you can explain the story to the cap'n first hand. We'll follow along with you for now, wherever you want to look.' Sly detects no magic in this room.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Xarkris slides past Bilyur, stomping down the hallway, head swiveling back and forth, senses keenly aware of any danger. His shield is up and his axe is ready.
Sly suggests: "Let us meet with the crew first and inquire about what they might have learned in the meantime. It will also be a chance to inspect any local peculiarities in the shadow weave portal."
"Sounds like a good idea." agrees Eggo Lass. She telepaths to Morgot, (Lead the way.)
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 45, 2/3/25, Adiemus
Morgot nods as he recieves Eggo's telepathic message, and the party is lead through into the kitchen, which is as cramped as the other rooms, to even higher degree here as cabinets and a small table for one take up the majority of the space. However, occupying the majority of the remaining floorspace is the rest of the Pipsqueak Pirates; a kobold, who seems to be making something out of crockery, a fairy, with a large drawstring bag on her back holding a myriad of instruments, and a grung with deep purple skin, a shortsword poking out from it's sheath just under his cloak. Towering above all of them however, is the captain. They seem to be a goblin, but are incredibly tall, wearing a great mauve overcoat all the way down to their black booted feet, and buttoned up to the chin of his hatted head. They're chatting nervously amongst themselves, until they see Morgot and Eliza enter. There seems to be a great sigh of relief amongst them all as they reunite, before Eliza informs them sorrowfully of Tebet's passing. As they finish coming to terms with this, Morgot introduces them all to you, explaining back to them how you valiantly saved them from the snake. He tells you that the kobold is called Mikala, and is the crew's tinkerer, the fairy is Kit, and is the musician, the grung is Pelbaj, the combatant and spy, and finally, the very tall goblin is Captain Sprucespine, named on account of his stature. They all seem very happy to meet you and are incredibly thankful for saving the lost members of the crew.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Bilyur was raised in a monastery, so he’s kind of awkward in this kind of situation. He accepts their gratitude, but what he is truly good at is consoling someone in grief. He apologizes that they weren’t here quickly enough to save Tebet, before saying a prayer in celestial for the fallen dwarf’s soul. He asks if Kit would be willing to play a song of mourning for those taken by the blood archivist. He offers Pelbaj two of his daggers, along with the scimitar fro, earlier, explaining the story behind each weapon.
[A paper drops out of a flash of light and drifts to the ground at your feet] -(extended sig)-
The pirates all deeply appreciate his sentiment, and Kit takes out a strange instrument from their bag to play, which miraculously manages to fit in the small drawstring sack, despite being as long as the fairy is tall. It looks like some sort of strange mix between an oboe, bag pipe, and didgeridoo, being a long wind instrument, with a mouth piece above a large inflating sack, which then has a pipe coming off from it that dips like the neck of a swan at the end. This comparison might come from the fact that it's decorated with long swan feathers, along with fingerprinted blue ripples along the pipe; Kit explains to anyone interested that it's called a Lakewallower, a Feywild instrument, and it produces a deep, melancholy humming noise as Kit plays a sad mourning tune for the fallen on it. Afterwards, Pelbaj generously accepts the weapons from Bilyur, offering his shortsword in return for them, as Pelbaj can still benefit from Sneak Attack with the scimitar for just as much damage, despite not being proficient, and can use the daggers when wanting more variety, so no use in lugging both about. He explains that his shortsword 'was recovered by him off a shipwreck on the jungle coast of Tyraa when he was a younger adventurer; the hilt is of mangrove wood, and the blade is Yuan-Ti forged.'
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
“The Yuan-Ti have very fine work, and it is rare to find a weapon of mangrove wood. This is a wonderful gift. Thank you.”
[A paper drops out of a flash of light and drifts to the ground at your feet] -(extended sig)-
Sly just nods at the grateful crew, satisfied that they are back together. She squints for a moment at the captain, having a suspicion, but lets it go. No time to pursue such secrets.
She takes some time to sit down and record the groups latest findings. Directing her words to the captain, she asks: "We're searching for a way out of the dungeon. Do you perhaps know where the shadow weave portal is to be found? Are there any dangers here you know of?"
Captain Sprucespine nods and says 'Yaargh, it be just through the cupboard. Let me go and open it for you.' He says that last sentence with a strange emphasis, but sure enough, he stumbles over towards the adjacent door, his upper half curiously swaying around much more compared to his legs, then leans forward with a jolt to try and open the cupboard door, but struggles to lift his arms for whatever reason. Looking closer, you now realise he has a hook on both of his hands, and that his arms simply swing stiff next to his body. Perhaps he lost them both in battle? He solves this problem by saying 'Mikala, can ye get the door for me?', to which the kobold runs up and opens the door, revealing a pantry, shrouded in darkness, the ominous black void of the Shadow Weave you're so used to now taking up the space that might have originally been a back door out onto the beach.

[What do you mean Sly has suspicions about the captain? There's absolutely nothing out of the ordinary about him, aside from the fact he's triple the height of a regular goblin, has to verbally announce every action he does, and eats about 3 meal's worth in a sitting :) Also, here's the full map aside from the rooms you haven't entered, it's up to you whether you check them though I will confirm you won't end up in another combat encounter or find any more treasure for this dungeon there]
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Bilyur also notices something off about the captain, and looks closer to see if he can see something wrong. Insight: 21. (if its investigation, it's a 15.)
[A paper drops out of a flash of light and drifts to the ground at your feet] -(extended sig)-
((I love this 3-goblins-in-a-trenchcoat idea so much))
Salamander gives a big nod over to Eggo Lass at her comment on 'Sleep aid.'
Salamander takes his time and stays longer in the room with the snake than the others, telling them to go on ahead while he cuts up it into bits and pieces. "For snake jerky," he says to himself when he's done. He looks around for anywhere to dry it or salt it. Upon finding none, he wanders into the cluttered room only to find it now un-cluttered due to Sly's spell. "Could've sworn they said it was dirty..."
He picks up a few of the extra bottles and jumps on the spare bed.
He follows the party to the next room, tracing where he heard Xarkris's big steps. 'Dragonborns,' he thinks slyly to himself. He is the last to enter where stands halfway between the next room and the doorway.
Music soon enough drifts to his ears. 'Wait... I've heard this one before.' Salamander inhales before he peers inside.
"A fairy?!" he nearly gasps. He shudders. He creeps closer, the door squeaking to announce his entry. He turns to face his own party standing there and chatting it up with these strange (and small) new fellas. "Huh?" He gives up a small wave. Slowly, he walks in and slides right against the wall (like he's some sort of spy or something, thinking he can just sneak he was past. Past what? No idea). Then that's when he sees the captain open up the Shadow Weave door. His stares with his mouth agape.
He just marches right up at him. Well, not really marched more like suddenly was there. He could barely recall his feet moving to this spot right behind the captain. Fear of faeries be damned. "Buddy..." He puts his hands on his hips like a condescending adult figure. His eyes squint into narrow slits (the third eyelids help too a lot with this). "You need a hand?" He cracks a smile as he says this to the other goblin, gesturing with his hands pushing up. Though most non-goblins won't get it, he is actually saying it most genuinely: 'you need a lift'.
((pls stack them. we bare bears style. mergeeeee ))
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Sly nods at the pantry, satisfied to confirm that it leads to the next dungeon.
"Thank you. We shall be off in due course, but perhaps you'd allow us to rest here for a while?"
The tiefling also asks the party what they think about a long rest. She is particularly eager to be able to sit down for a while and study the alchemical compendium. So much knowledge was waiting within its pages and perhaps it would be useful in the trials to come.
Xarkris agrees with Sly. “I am done with this dungeon and the motley crew that dwells in it”, he grumbles, as the tall Dragonborn stomps off to find a place to take a LONG REST.
Salamander arrives just as Bilyur starts to investigate the captain for anything that might be the cause of his strange behaviour. At first, he thought the swaying might just be because he’s drunk, although the whole crew did seem fairly sober for the memorial. But, he starts to get a sneaking suspicion that Salamander is aware of something he isn’t when they start talking to the captain. The captain responds to his odd, enigmatic question with a hurried ‘No, I be fine, Mikala can help me. Nice to see another goblin round these parts though, I don’t often see many others when I’m out at sea with me crew, but perhaps it be better that way.’ Unknown to the rest of the party and crew, he’s also responding in the tricksome Goblin code; what he really means and is saying to him is that his crew isn’t aware of his secret, which Salamander, as a goblin himself, managed to see straight through, and he’d rather it stay like that.
The Pipsqueak Pirates all unanimously welcome you to stay as long as you’d when Sly asks about staying for a rest, just before Xarkris storms off to find somewhere to do so.
[Xarkris knows there’s a bedroom south of the kitchen so is that where he’s heading?]
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
[Bilyur will offer to rest with the pirates, and continue to console them over the loss of Tebet.]
[A paper drops out of a flash of light and drifts to the ground at your feet] -(extended sig)-
"Valid," Salamanders shrugs in response to Captain Sprucespine's confession. His smile, however, doesn't go away. He's too happy to see another goblin (and the tricksome goblin code! the goblin code! he hadn't heard that in a while) that the dejection can't get to him. "But maybe a tail." He breaks off his in a snap similar to someone breaking a twig and hands it off to the captain. A small tear runs down his cheek (apparently that hurt). He does a jester-like pose.
Turning to the rest of the crew ('don't look at the fairy in the eye. don't look her in the eye.'), "Sorry for your loss," he refers to Tebet. Seeing as Bilyur already got the mourning part covered ('feelingssssss'), he decides to follow the dragonborn towards the bedroom. He hopes there's a spare of the spare bed.
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Captain Sprucespine takes the tail off Salamander with much difficulty, but also with gratitude, eventually settling on stowing it away in a scabbard he had in his greatcoat after deliberating on where to keep it. The scabbard seems to curiously poke out of the gap just when he mentions it, and returns just as switftly, with little sign of a belt for it to attach to. Salamander then heads with Xarkris (and assumedly the rest of the party aside from Bilyur) to the bedroom in the south, planning to take a long rest. It's a room matching the size of all the other modular living spaces, mainly dominated by a single bed and bedside table, yet still providing enough room for the four of you to find a place to rest, with one of you taking the bed whilst the others lay down bedrolls on the floor. It also has a door to a room in the east, and you remember Morgot telling you that it hadn't been checked by them yet.

Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Xarkris walks into the “bedroom” and uses his PASSIVE PERCEPTION of 22 to scan the room for danger before going into a LONG REST.