Sly analyses the doll and despite the ominous evidence of dark magic within it, it doesn't actually seem directly dangerous at all, and doesn't look responsible for the nothic's condition either. It just seems like it is suffused with black magic in some way. As she analyses it, the nothic surprisingly becomes a little bit more hostile, it's spines sticking up a little as it hisses a warning, telling her 'Reh hcuot ton od! Senim si taht!'
Sly backs off, suddenly very aware how close she was to the accursed being. She straightens and pats down a slightly dusty sleeve. Her sympathy for the nothic had already been skillfully suppressed.
"The critter wishes not to part with its toy. Very well. I have observed all I wished to."
The wizard waits if any of the others had things to try, but is otherwise ready to move on.
Eggo Lass is impressed with Sly's deductive reasoning. She has one thing to ask of the nothic telepathically, (If you want any help from us, eye thing, it'd be to your benefit to let us know what else is down here. Are you the lich himself, distorted beyond reason, or merely an apprentice of his tortured into this form for example? How many poisons? Undead?)
[[ side note: this is what made me realized Drow don't get Undercommon despite drow having it. ]]
[Yeah, I noticed that too, and for me it sort of solidified the whole idea that it's a trader's tongue, and not a unified language of the Underdark like Common is for the surface. The drow speak Elvish, the Duergar speak Dwarf and the Svirfneblin speak Gnomish, and only learn Undercommon as a language for encounters with another race]
The nothic is very alarmed to hear the Common tongue within it's mind, but also to understand it. Perhaps that's what gives it a slight bit of lucidity through it's madness, and it responds still speaking in it's garbled tongue, yet communcating with some tact and sophistication, starting it's speech with 'Ydob latrom eht no stnemirepxe sih hcraeser gnipleh, ecitnerppa ylwol a ylpmis ma I ,erehsloS ekil ,rewop taht fo egam a ton ma I! Hcst! Hcil?' However, something about it's initial statement (or perhaps it's last if this creature truly thinks in reverse) stirs something in it, and it's garbled voice starts with a screech that fades to a mutter, yet the screech still seems to be what comes last in the nothic's head, 'EYE...eye...I...I I...ecitnerppa na saw I, ro!' It then goes back to screeching 'EYE EHT! EYE EHT! EYE EHT!' over and over as it starts tearing up the walls and bouncing about the place, howling in pain and madness. It seems the creature is in no state to relay much information about the rest of the dungeon without descending into an insane frenzy like this, and it probably hasn't roamed beyond it's past quarters much since it's transformation, if at all.
(I'm not sure how comfortable I am with the apprentice being here. Though if he hasn't left this region, perhaps it'll be fine.) telepaths Eggo Lass to the partymembers. She too is ready to push on.
You all leave the nothic with it's madness and malevolent doll for company, although it doesn't seem to notice you exit whatsoever. Once you're back in the hall, Techi says grimly that 'I think it might be best to check that other room as well...whilst I'm not looking to run into every foul thing crammed into this place, I think it would be wise to check as many rooms as we can, just so we don't miss anything important...'
Sly examines the door but sees that it is just a simple push-to-open door like all the others. Opening it reveals a corridor leading down into an ominous chamber; not much is visible from the doorway at this distance aside from the distinct stone sarcophagus pushed up against the back wall. You're not close enough to determine any further details though.
Xarkris enters the room, Techi closely following behind him. The room is filled with treasure chests, though he soon spots that all of them clearly open and empty, and they all seem rather mundane aside from the instantly recognisable blue-and-brass aesthetic of the Adventuring Gear Donation Chest in the corner, which also seems to be empty. The sarcophagus is also recognisable as an almost identical replica of the open stone coffin that you all found in the desert tomb of the first dungeon, since it also hosted the Shadow Weave for that dungeon. However, this sarcophagus sports a lid, and it is deeply engraved with a life-sized carving of a skeletal man laying upright with his arms crossed over his ribcage.
[Before you use Divine Sense, Cheez, I thought I'd remind you that it doesn't penetrate through total cover, so you wouldn't detect anything within the sarcophagus unless you opened it by just a crack. I just wanted to know whether you wanted to proceed without opening it or are happy to check as is!]
Sly enters and looks intently at all of the treasure chests, staying away from the sarcophagus. Despite their emptiness, maybe someone forgot to check every corner. [Perception: 17]
Looking towards life-sized carving on the lid, she merely says: "Surely it is ill advised to unseal whatever lies within, considering the tale of this place."
Despite saying this, the tiefling secretly hopes that someone may open it anyway, because after all, there may be treasure inside. She makes sure to position herself at the entrance if that happens.
Sly checks closer but the chests are entirely ransacked. It seems past adventurers have picked this room down to the bone, and haven't bothered to even leave a copper for donations. Techi seems rather alarmed by this, and begins hurriedly upturning the chests, shaking them upside down vigorously as if he's trying to find something in them, before tossing them to the floor in a clatter of iron and splinters, which is very out of character for him. As he finishes his frenzied search he resolves his mind on a conclusion, sombrely turning to face the sarcophagus, he gravely mutters 'I appreciate your voice of reason, Sly, but I am confident that what I seek is inside that tomb. You can all leave me here if you don't want to risk an encounter; I can take whatever awaits inside myself, and claim the spoils as my own.' You then suddenly realise that Techi is holding his shadow blade. None of you saw it appear, or even noticed him make any sounds or motions to summon it. His intentions with the blade are as equally hazy as it's appearance; is it simply to pry the coffin lid open, or is to face what's inside?
Eggo Lass pats Xarkris on the back. "You're a brave man." she says and then takes a defensive position in the back lines while still giving him the light of [spell]dancing lights[/spells].
Bilyur stands just behind Xarkris as he opens the case. If anything comes out of the sarcophagus that I can attack, I am going to make an unarmed strike and attempt Stunning Strike. Unarmed strike: critical hit for 18 damage and a DC 15 CON save. On a fail, they are stunned until the start of my next turn. On a successful save, their speed is halved until the start of my next turn, and the next attack roll against them has advantage.
Sly analyses the doll and despite the ominous evidence of dark magic within it, it doesn't actually seem directly dangerous at all, and doesn't look responsible for the nothic's condition either. It just seems like it is suffused with black magic in some way. As she analyses it, the nothic surprisingly becomes a little bit more hostile, it's spines sticking up a little as it hisses a warning, telling her 'Reh hcuot ton od! Senim si taht!'
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Sly backs off, suddenly very aware how close she was to the accursed being. She straightens and pats down a slightly dusty sleeve. Her sympathy for the nothic had already been skillfully suppressed.
"The critter wishes not to part with its toy. Very well. I have observed all I wished to."
The wizard waits if any of the others had things to try, but is otherwise ready to move on.
Eggo Lass is impressed with Sly's deductive reasoning. She has one thing to ask of the nothic telepathically, (If you want any help from us, eye thing, it'd be to your benefit to let us know what else is down here. Are you the lich himself, distorted beyond reason, or merely an apprentice of his tortured into this form for example? How many poisons? Undead?)
[[ side note: this is what made me realized Drow don't get Undercommon despite drow having it. ]]
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Beneath the Mountain | Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron (recruiting)
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 44, 1/3/25, Yellow Light
[Yeah, I noticed that too, and for me it sort of solidified the whole idea that it's a trader's tongue, and not a unified language of the Underdark like Common is for the surface. The drow speak Elvish, the Duergar speak Dwarf and the Svirfneblin speak Gnomish, and only learn Undercommon as a language for encounters with another race]
The nothic is very alarmed to hear the Common tongue within it's mind, but also to understand it. Perhaps that's what gives it a slight bit of lucidity through it's madness, and it responds still speaking in it's garbled tongue, yet communcating with some tact and sophistication, starting it's speech with 'Ydob latrom eht no stnemirepxe sih hcraeser gnipleh, ecitnerppa ylwol a ylpmis ma I ,erehsloS ekil ,rewop taht fo egam a ton ma I! Hcst! Hcil?' However, something about it's initial statement (or perhaps it's last if this creature truly thinks in reverse) stirs something in it, and it's garbled voice starts with a screech that fades to a mutter, yet the screech still seems to be what comes last in the nothic's head, 'EYE...eye...I...I I...ecitnerppa na saw I, ro!' It then goes back to screeching 'EYE EHT! EYE EHT! EYE EHT!' over and over as it starts tearing up the walls and bouncing about the place, howling in pain and madness. It seems the creature is in no state to relay much information about the rest of the dungeon without descending into an insane frenzy like this, and it probably hasn't roamed beyond it's past quarters much since it's transformation, if at all.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
(I'm not sure how comfortable I am with the apprentice being here. Though if he hasn't left this region, perhaps it'll be fine.) telepaths Eggo Lass to the partymembers. She too is ready to push on.
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Beneath the Mountain | Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron (recruiting)
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 44, 1/3/25, Yellow Light
Xarkris is ready to push on as well.
You all leave the nothic with it's madness and malevolent doll for company, although it doesn't seem to notice you exit whatsoever. Once you're back in the hall, Techi says grimly that 'I think it might be best to check that other room as well...whilst I'm not looking to run into every foul thing crammed into this place, I think it would be wise to check as many rooms as we can, just so we don't miss anything important...'
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Sly nods and says "I concur", before reapplying the sweet smells to her handkerchief and re-burying her nose in it.
The wizard then moves to the east and examines the door there/looks into the next room.
Sly examines the door but sees that it is just a simple push-to-open door like all the others. Opening it reveals a corridor leading down into an ominous chamber; not much is visible from the doorway at this distance aside from the distinct stone sarcophagus pushed up against the back wall. You're not close enough to determine any further details though.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
(Mummies?) telepaths Eggo Lass. (Shall I send in the light and see what happens? Or should Xarkris observe?) she asks next.
Could form dancing lights into a humanoid and approach the sarcophagus. Or give guidance to Xarkris' great vision. ]]
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Beneath the Mountain | Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron (recruiting)
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 44, 1/3/25, Yellow Light
Xarkris enters the room and uses his Divine Sense to detect evil. This will be his last slot before a LONG REST.
I also rolled a PERCEPTION check with ADVANTAGE (14,1) + 2 = 16.
Xarkris enters the room, Techi closely following behind him. The room is filled with treasure chests, though he soon spots that all of them clearly open and empty, and they all seem rather mundane aside from the instantly recognisable blue-and-brass aesthetic of the Adventuring Gear Donation Chest in the corner, which also seems to be empty. The sarcophagus is also recognisable as an almost identical replica of the open stone coffin that you all found in the desert tomb of the first dungeon, since it also hosted the Shadow Weave for that dungeon. However, this sarcophagus sports a lid, and it is deeply engraved with a life-sized carving of a skeletal man laying upright with his arms crossed over his ribcage.
[Before you use Divine Sense, Cheez, I thought I'd remind you that it doesn't penetrate through total cover, so you wouldn't detect anything within the sarcophagus unless you opened it by just a crack. I just wanted to know whether you wanted to proceed without opening it or are happy to check as is!]
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Thank you for the reminder...I would like to retract my action of Divine Sense.
Sly enters and looks intently at all of the treasure chests, staying away from the sarcophagus. Despite their emptiness, maybe someone forgot to check every corner. [Perception: 17]
Looking towards life-sized carving on the lid, she merely says: "Surely it is ill advised to unseal whatever lies within, considering the tale of this place."
Despite saying this, the tiefling secretly hopes that someone may open it anyway, because after all, there may be treasure inside. She makes sure to position herself at the entrance if that happens.
Sly checks closer but the chests are entirely ransacked. It seems past adventurers have picked this room down to the bone, and haven't bothered to even leave a copper for donations. Techi seems rather alarmed by this, and begins hurriedly upturning the chests, shaking them upside down vigorously as if he's trying to find something in them, before tossing them to the floor in a clatter of iron and splinters, which is very out of character for him. As he finishes his frenzied search he resolves his mind on a conclusion, sombrely turning to face the sarcophagus, he gravely mutters 'I appreciate your voice of reason, Sly, but I am confident that what I seek is inside that tomb. You can all leave me here if you don't want to risk an encounter; I can take whatever awaits inside myself, and claim the spoils as my own.' You then suddenly realise that Techi is holding his shadow blade. None of you saw it appear, or even noticed him make any sounds or motions to summon it. His intentions with the blade are as equally hazy as it's appearance; is it simply to pry the coffin lid open, or is to face what's inside?
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Sly carefully opens her spell book and stands back a few feet.
"I have your back."
The second part of that sentence, which would have been "and share in the spoils", she leaves unsaid.
Xarkris volunteers to open the sarcophagus.
Eggo Lass pats Xarkris on the back. "You're a brave man." she says and then takes a defensive position in the back lines while still giving him the light of [spell]dancing lights[/spells].
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Beneath the Mountain | Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron (recruiting)
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 44, 1/3/25, Yellow Light
Xarkris secures his shield and axe to his back and attempts to open the sarcophagus.
Bilyur stands just behind Xarkris as he opens the case. If anything comes out of the sarcophagus that I can attack, I am going to make an unarmed strike and attempt Stunning Strike. Unarmed strike: critical hit for 18 damage and a DC 15 CON save. On a fail, they are stunned until the start of my next turn. On a successful save, their speed is halved until the start of my next turn, and the next attack roll against them has advantage.
[A paper drops out of a flash of light and drifts to the ground at your feet] -(extended sig)-