In a gesture of goodwill Eron pulls a blade and offers it hilt first to the Chief, “This is an exceptional weapon fit for a chief. If we fight beside one another many more could follow. Please you may have this, I don’t believe you intend harm to Saltmarsh or us.”
(help for Arylnn’s persuation)
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Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Looking around, she doesn't see any obvious weaknesses. True, their weaponry is a bit primitive, with only a few steel blades visible, the rest being bronze or bone. But the lizardfolk do seem to have healthy numbers and look capable of defending themselves. She does make note of something else... just as these two leaders wear dissimilar garbs, there seems to be a split among the rest of the lizardfolk as well. Most seem to have a coastal theme, with clothing and armor decorated with shells, shark teeth, or the white feathers of gulls; the rest wear outfits and armor of woven reeds, decorated with the feathers of more colorful tropical birds. There doesn't appear to be any mix... it is all one or the other. Usk, the shaman who brought you in from the beach, is one of those wearing colorful feathers.
Koalinth, as Faneis well aware, are a variety of aquatic goblinoid, most closely resembling hobgoblins. Like their terrestrial kin, they are tough, organized, and warlike. The are at home in both freshwater and saltwater, and can breathe both air and water. They are frequently found dwelling in the liminal spaces where the land meets the sea.
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PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
The dominant chief, clad in his ceremonial shell and tooth adornments, listens intently as Arlynnspeaks. His yellow eyes narrow at mention of the weapons but widen slightly as she emphasizes the desire for understanding and the potential for alliance. He does not interrupt, his silence heavy and expectant, as if weighing every word. Beside him, the feathered chief stands motionless, his gaze flicking between the party members, his painted lizard face unreadable.
When Eronsteps forward and offers his blade, the coastal chief straightens, clearly caught off guard. His scaled hand reaches out slowly, taking the weapon by the hilt, and he examines it with measured precision. The blade gleams in the torchlight. For the first time, the shell-clad chief smiles, a thin, sharp expression that reveals his pointed teeth.
"A fine weapon," he rumbles in Common, his voice as deep as distant thunder. He turns to one of the nearby guards and issues a quick command in their harsh tongue.
"I am unarmed. Fetch me a dagger from my armory. Quickly."
The guard disappears briefly, returning with a dagger fashioned from the jawbone of a crocodile, its teeth still sharp and menacing on the non-cutting edge. The coastal chief steps forward, offering it to Eronin return. "An exchange of gifts. A token of respect," he says simply.
The feathered chief finally speaks, his words slower and more deliberate, his voice a rasping growl. Though he also speaks Common, and fluently, his accent is much more pronounced. "You speak well, softskin," he says to Arlynn. "But words do not erase the sting of theft. Those weapons were bartered for fairly. They are not yours to withhold." He pauses, then gestures to the room, to the gathered warriors and the nervous faces of lizardfolk commoners peeking in from the edges. "We are not fools. We know Saltmarsh fears us. The people of this settlement have avoided your lands, but still, you take from us. How is this fair dealing?"
The coastal chief raises a hand respectfully, and his counterpart pauses and says no more. He looks to Lyrric and nods slowly, his gaze more thoughtful now. "You admit you hold the weapons, yet you come with no offering beyond talk of alliance. An alliance that requires trust, and trust that requires fairness." His tone sharpens slightly, though he remains measured. "You speak of an enemy shared... yet your words suggest you do not yet know our enemy. What do you offer beyond promises? If we stand together, what do you bring to the table that the koalinth cannot?"
Around them, the lizardfolk spearmen relax just slightly, though their grip on their weapons remains firm. The chiefs’ wait to see how the party responds.
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PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
"We came here in peace to find out if there is a possibility for an alliance. I believe you when you say Saltmarsh is not your enemy but if we could know who your enemy is then I could make a stronger case with the leaders of Saltmarsh for you to have your weapons back. If you prefer you can send a delegation with us to Saltmarsh to present your claim on the weapons yoursleves. If you need further proof of our good will then give us a test to prove it." The blue-haired half-elf states firmly but politely.
Lyrric inclined his head toward the skeptical chieftain, his expression calm but his dark eyes gleaming with quiet intensity. They had made inroads with the coastal chief, but the feathered chieftain needed more convincing.
"Apologies, Great Chief. I must clarify your understanding. I spoke not of weapons held nor alliances promised."
"When I spoke with your man, Usk, I did say that we should let our words ... not our weapons be the tools that we use today. I assure you ... It is a promise I intend to keep."
"The simple fact is — even though I have pledged empty hands whilst among your people — I am far from defenseless."
"You asked what it is that we adventurers could bring to the table."
"I am a priest among my people. My Lady of Mysteries has granted unto me divine boons that I can use as I see fit if it sees her causes furthered. Her power flows through me. But it is my will — my voice — that guides her magicks on this earthly plane."
Lyrric looked around the room, taking it in, an impressed look on his face.
"I pledged to hold no weapons when brought to speak before this mighty assemblage."
"The simple fact is ... I do not need them. I have but to speak a word of power and any one of you would be struck down by my goddess."
He let the words settle for a beat, then extended his hand out, and pointed toward one of the alcoves in the great hall. A faint shimmer danced along his fingertips. Impossibly, another Lyrric appeared, and stepped free of the shadows. This second Lyrric, mirrored the first's confident stance, thumbs hooked through its belt, sharp eyes scanning the room.
The cleric gave a faint smile than, and gestured toward the doppelgänger.
"What I bring to the table is more than promises, Chief. I bring you the power that I wield on behalf of my goddess."
"And if one of me is deadly…" Lyrric paused, and his double stepped forward and spoke the next part in unison. "Imagine what two of us could do."
"That is what I bring to the table."
Lyrric's voice softened, once more taking on a deferential tone.
"But since you mention it ... I would prefer us, of course, to be allies rather than adversaries."
"Surely, after seeing the power we wield ... any shared enemy would find an alliance between the Menfolk of Saltmarsh and the Lizards of the Marsh to be troubling."
My plan here is to give the lizardfolk the 'Behold! I am the Great and Powerful Oz!' routine. Basically saying 'See how powerful we are? We will make better friends than enemies'. Cha (Deception) at +4, if needed. Coupled with a use of Invoked Duplicity as a minor display of power to seal the deal.
Fane watches Eron exchange gifts with the chief and is pleased. She was thinking of offering a healing potion as a gift herself, and may still if it seems like it could help move this meeting in the right direction.
She also approves of the blue haired elf and her response, very diplomatic.
She is caught off guard when the halfling begins casting a spell and a copy of himself appears, not by the magic or his talent, but by the boldness of the move. What will the lizardfolk think of his action? Will it help or harm their cause.
Fane waits for their hosts to respond, ready to add her own magic to Lyric's' display if it seems prudent.
Arlynn’scalm, measured words seemed to resonate with the coastal chief, who tilted his head slightly, considering her offer. The feathered chief remained skeptical, his eyes narrowing as the half-elf suggested they could prove their goodwill through action. When Lyrricstepped forward, however, all attention turned to him.
The halfling cleric’s confident voice filled the chamber, and as his words escalated into a display of divine power, a shimmering doppelganger appeared in an alcove, stepping forward in perfect mimicry. Gasps rippled through the gathered lizardfolk, and the guards tightened their grips on their weapons, hissing as they took defensive stances. The two chiefs looked on without reaction, their faces not betraying any concern or fear. Usk, the shaman, raised his hands quickly, barking words in Draconic to quell the rising tension. There is then along exchange between Usk and the two chiefs.
First, Usk calls out, his body language suggesting concern, or pleading.
The coastal-themed chief then snarls back in draconic, and Usk takes a step back, as if cowed. Quickly, the feather-adorned chief intercedes, and the two chiefs exchange a thoughtful look.
"Peace!" Usk urged. "See their power! Do you not understand the potential of such allies against the King of Blood and Bone? We must seek others who can stand against the dark."
The guards hesitated, glancing toward their chiefs for guidance.
The coastal chief, his shell-adorned form towering on the dais, narrowed his eyes at Usk. He replied sharply in Draconic, his voice dripping with disdain. “You risk much by bringing these arrogant soft-skins before us. They strut and boast as if they already hold our trust. Do not forget, Usk, it was you who suggested we reach out to those miserable bullywugs. Your foolishness has hurt us once already.”
Before Usk could respond, the feathered chief interjected in the same guttural tongue. “Ah, Skan,” he said with a pointed look at his counterpart. “But perhaps one problem brings a solution for the other. Why not loose these soft-skins on the bullywugs? Or on those vagrants to the west? Perhaps their leaders in Saltmarsh can do something about it. Let them prove their power? We cannot afford to turn away potential allies. Sakatha gathers strength while we debate. Let us test these strangers' words and their mettle.”
The two chiefs locked gazes for a moment before the coastal chief grunted in reluctant agreement. Turning back to the party, he addressed them in precise, deliberate Common. “Your words carry weight, and your power is… evident. But trust is not earned with displays alone. You claim to seek friendship and understanding. Very well. We will give you two chances to prove your intent and your worth.”
He gestured toward the gathered lizardfolk, his expression severe. “Weeks ago, we made overtures to a clan of bullywugs in the nearby marsh. Foolish as it was, we thought they might see reason and join our cause. Instead, they took it as a sign of weakness. Their raids on our hunters and our supplies insult us, but we have no warriors to spare for this nuisance. You will seek out these bullywugs and bring us the staff of their chieftain as proof that they are either destroyed or sufficiently chastened. Do this, and you will be considered friends of our tribes.”
You know much of bullywugs, from your time dwelling on the edges of the Hool Marshes. They are a sort of humanoid-bullfrog. Despite their blank, animal-like faces, they harbor average intelligence, but they seem to have little use for empathy or mercy. Their social structure tends to be small groups of 10-20 individuals living under the rule of a dominant chief or petty king. They also tend to keep other creatures of the marsh as pets, livestock or mounts, such as giant toads.
The feathered chief’s painted face split into a toothy smile, though his tone remained serious. “Succeed, and we will share more. Fail, and you need not return, if you survive at all.”
Usk stepped forward again, his tone gentler now as he addressed the party directly. “This is good opportunity. Prove yourselves, and perhaps we fight together against the King of Blood and Bone.”
The room fell silent, the eyes of the gathered lizardfolk fixed on the party, waiting for their response.
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PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
“It would be an honor to do as you request. I’m aware of the aggressiveness and predatory nature of the bullywugs, the marsh would be safer with their numbers reduced. I accept your terms.” Eron is still handling the jaw bone dagger it’s lighter weight and intimidating look giving him some ideas, for encountering the primitive bullywugs.
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Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
"Before we go confront the Bullywugs, could you tells us a little about the King of Blood and Bone? Perhaps we know your enemy by a different name and can share what we know" she says.
The blue-haired half-elf raises an eyebrow at the halfling's brash display, then listening to the proposal from the Lizardfolk, again raising an eyebrow at the quick acceptance from Eron. She doubted there was trickery behind what the Lizardfolk suggested but they knew only what the Lizardfolk had told them about these Bullywugs and she felt uncomfortable with acting in a way that could risk cause a deeper diplomatic concern. Still, it was more likely that it lay in the interest of Saltmarsh that the Bullywugs were dealt with. She nods in agreement with Fane although the Lizardfolk had seemed quite reluctant to share anything about this enemy so far.
Both the chiefs flare their orange frills when Eronaccepts their proposal.
At Fane'squestion, the coastal chief exhaled through his nostrils, a low, rumbling sound of irritation. The feathered chief merely inclined his head slightly, his expression unreadable. After a moment, the coastal chief spoke in Common. "You will have your answers when you have earned them. First, show us your worth."
They then speak to one another again in their strange lizard-language.
The seashell chief turns to his counterpart and the shaman, his voice lowering. "It remains to be seen if these soft-skins are of any use at all. Let them deal with the bullywugs first."
The feathered chief gave a slight nod before replying, "Yes, and in the meantime, we must treat with the koalinth before their patience wears thin. We cannot afford to let those emissaries wait overlong."
Turning back to the party, the coastal chief’s voice grew firm once more. "Usk will lead you to the trail that will take you to the bullywug encampment. Go, and return with the staff of their chief."
Usk nodded, stepping forward with his ceremonial staff in hand. "Follow me," he said simply, gesturing for the party to move. Without another word, he led them from the chamber, the heavy gaze of the lizardfolk chiefs following them as they depart. He leads them back out of the compound through the same door through which they entered.
Usk walked with measured strides, his clawed feet pressing into the damp earth as he led the party through the dim, humid air of the marsh. The only sound for a time was the distant calls of unseen creatures and the ever-present buzz of insects. Finally, after a long silence, he spoke.
"You do well before chiefs," he said, his voice low and even. No further praise followed, but from the stoic shaman, this feels like a notable compliment.
Instead of retracing their path toward the beach, Usk veered to the side, skirting the long, spiked fenceline that marked the edge of the lizardfolk’s domain. Eventually, they come to a waterway—too straight, too purposeful to be natural. The dark waters of the canal stretched far into the marsh, fading out of sight beyond the thick reeds and towering cypress trees.
Usk turned to the party, gripping his staff. "Follow this," he instructed. "Walk for one hour. You find mud beach—there, the amphibians hunt. If bullywugs not there, you will find their tracks. Follow them, and find their chief."
He looked each of them over in turn, his yellow eyes gleaming in the dim light. "Do not let Usk down," he said, the weight of expectation clear in his tone. With that, Usk stepped back, ready to watch them depart into the marsh.
[After the voyage from Saltmarsh and the meeting with the chiefs, it is still morning but drawing very close to noon. The sun is high in the sky and there should be 8 or more hours of daylight, still.]
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PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Eron leads the way feeling right at home looking back he sees his companions looking less at ease, “I apologize for not asking your perspectives regarding this test. I hope that you trust me when I say, we are more than up to this task. Bullywugs are not steadfast adversaries once they see our strength they might try to scatter and flee, we have to be sure and get that staff even if the bullywugs don’t stay to fight. I have a plan but what other spells can we use? If I use the fear effect of my hat they would drop what they hold and run, isn’t that right?”
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Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
The blue-haired half-elf would give the Lizardfolk chieftains a courteous bow before following along with the Lizardfolk shaman, walking in silence, not being overly fond of finding herself deeper into the marsh and hoping to resolve things as smoothly as possible so that they could return to the ship.
"Thank you for believing in us Usk, we won't let you down." She says to the shaman as he takes his leave, then turning to face her companions. "I appreciate that your plan doesn't seem too messy, I'd perefer to not be part of a death squad just because these bullywugs are presently the enemies of the Lizardfolk. I have no reason to doubt they have attacked the Lizardfolk but snatching that staff with the least amount of bloodshed is preferred. That said, I won't hestitate to defend myself against any ambushes. I'm sure I will have some way to contribute to whatever plan we make, but I suggest I send in my servant to scout for that staff and then we make the plan depending on it's location."Arlynn says to the others, her invisible familiar already ahead to scout for threats along their path.
Once they are out of earshot of the leaders, preferably when no other Lizardfolk are near, Fane will ask Usk, matter of factly, "Is Sakatha and the King of Blood and Bone one in the same?"
At Fane'squery, Usk stiffened, his grip on his staff tightening just slightly. His yellow eyes flicked to hers, studying her face, weighing her words. A flicker of surprise crossed his reptilian features before he concealed it behind a more neutral expression.
"That name," he said slowly, his voice quieter than before, "is not known beyond the Hool Marshes. How do you speak it?" He holds her gaze, unflinching. Usk exhaled through his nostrils, a low, rumbling sound of contemplation.
After a long pause, he finally nodded. "Yes," he said, deliberately brief. "They are the same." He did not elaborate. He held her gaze for a moment longer, then turned sharply away. "Good hunting," he said, his voice firm.
The party set off along the edge of the canal, their boots sinking into damp earth as they pushed deeper into the marsh. The warm air is full with the scent of stagnant water and rotting vegetation, the occasional croak of unseen creatures or calling of birds punctuating the quiet. Cattails and swamp grass towered over the path in places, forcing them to weave between tangled roots and muddy embankments.
Despite their urgency, they move with care, mindful of the treacherous footing and the ever-present squelch of wet ground beneath them. The buzzing of insects filled the air, a constant droning hum that only grew louder as they ventured further from the lizardfolk settlement. Occasionally, something lurking in the grasses along the bank would leap out at their approach, splashing into the waters below, but they are unbothered on their walk by any threat or attack.
Eronleads the way while Arlynnalso walks near the front. Her unseen ally floats along far ahead, alert for ambush or sign of their quarry.
For nearly an hour, the party pressed on, the canal serving as their guide through the wilderness. At times, the water ran still and dark, an unbroken mirror reflecting the overhanging branches. At others, faint ripples disturbed its surface—too small for a boat, too slow for the wind. There is life here, but so far none of it is threatening. The terrain here is all shoulder-high cattails and grasses, though in the distance, small copses of water-tolerant trees can be seen.
Then, as they all agree the must be drawing near their destination, Arlynnreceives a message from her familiar.
She received a message from her elemental spy. It has located a place which is much as the lizardfolk described - a wide muddy embankment where many things come and go from the water. There are no frog-people in sight, but something is in the water.
It is murky and Zzplorff could not get a good look, but there are several somethings below the surface of the water.
They appear to have taken not notice of the invisible familiar.
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PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
"I fear we might have submerged bullywugs waiting in ambush ahead. How do we want to handle it?"The blue-haired half-elf informs the others in the team. "I can perhaps trick them to reveal themselves and then we can hopefully pick them off from a distance."
Fane thinks for a second, as Usk looks at her, "perhaps I mention my ability to understand their language to him, further enforce the power we have? No, let's keep that a secret for now."
Being that Zzplorff is invisible, Fane will keep Leo close, mostly sitting on the ulvs shoulder, with an occasional exploratory jump to the skies.
Once Arlynn mentions that they are close to potential Bullywugs, she'll say, "Lets take a quick break, 10 minutes for me to re-cast Comprehend Languages in case we can talk to them. Can we talk to them?" she says, looking at Eron, "do you know?"
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In a gesture of goodwill Eron pulls a blade and offers it hilt first to the Chief, “This is an exceptional weapon fit for a chief. If we fight beside one another many more could follow. Please you may have this, I don’t believe you intend harm to Saltmarsh or us.”
(help for Arylnn’s persuation)
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
[While I give Lyrric a chance to respond...]
Looking around, she doesn't see any obvious weaknesses. True, their weaponry is a bit primitive, with only a few steel blades visible, the rest being bronze or bone. But the lizardfolk do seem to have healthy numbers and look capable of defending themselves. She does make note of something else... just as these two leaders wear dissimilar garbs, there seems to be a split among the rest of the lizardfolk as well. Most seem to have a coastal theme, with clothing and armor decorated with shells, shark teeth, or the white feathers of gulls; the rest wear outfits and armor of woven reeds, decorated with the feathers of more colorful tropical birds. There doesn't appear to be any mix... it is all one or the other. Usk, the shaman who brought you in from the beach, is one of those wearing colorful feathers.
Koalinth, as Fane is well aware, are a variety of aquatic goblinoid, most closely resembling hobgoblins. Like their terrestrial kin, they are tough, organized, and warlike. The are at home in both freshwater and saltwater, and can breathe both air and water. They are frequently found dwelling in the liminal spaces where the land meets the sea.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Lyrric stepped forward, his voice calm and deferential.
"We were the cause of that ship’s ... change in ownership." He acknowledged.
"As for the weapons, we bring none today. We come not as thieves or rivals, only as strangers seeking understanding."
The dominant chief, clad in his ceremonial shell and tooth adornments, listens intently as Arlynn speaks. His yellow eyes narrow at mention of the weapons but widen slightly as she emphasizes the desire for understanding and the potential for alliance. He does not interrupt, his silence heavy and expectant, as if weighing every word. Beside him, the feathered chief stands motionless, his gaze flicking between the party members, his painted lizard face unreadable.
When Eron steps forward and offers his blade, the coastal chief straightens, clearly caught off guard. His scaled hand reaches out slowly, taking the weapon by the hilt, and he examines it with measured precision. The blade gleams in the torchlight. For the first time, the shell-clad chief smiles, a thin, sharp expression that reveals his pointed teeth.
"A fine weapon," he rumbles in Common, his voice as deep as distant thunder. He turns to one of the nearby guards and issues a quick command in their harsh tongue.
"I am unarmed. Fetch me a dagger from my armory. Quickly."
The guard disappears briefly, returning with a dagger fashioned from the jawbone of a crocodile, its teeth still sharp and menacing on the non-cutting edge. The coastal chief steps forward, offering it to Eron in return. "An exchange of gifts. A token of respect," he says simply.
The feathered chief finally speaks, his words slower and more deliberate, his voice a rasping growl. Though he also speaks Common, and fluently, his accent is much more pronounced. "You speak well, softskin," he says to Arlynn. "But words do not erase the sting of theft. Those weapons were bartered for fairly. They are not yours to withhold." He pauses, then gestures to the room, to the gathered warriors and the nervous faces of lizardfolk commoners peeking in from the edges. "We are not fools. We know Saltmarsh fears us. The people of this settlement have avoided your lands, but still, you take from us. How is this fair dealing?"
The coastal chief raises a hand respectfully, and his counterpart pauses and says no more. He looks to Lyrric and nods slowly, his gaze more thoughtful now. "You admit you hold the weapons, yet you come with no offering beyond talk of alliance. An alliance that requires trust, and trust that requires fairness." His tone sharpens slightly, though he remains measured. "You speak of an enemy shared... yet your words suggest you do not yet know our enemy. What do you offer beyond promises? If we stand together, what do you bring to the table that the koalinth cannot?"
Around them, the lizardfolk spearmen relax just slightly, though their grip on their weapons remains firm. The chiefs’ wait to see how the party responds.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
"We came here in peace to find out if there is a possibility for an alliance. I believe you when you say Saltmarsh is not your enemy but if we could know who your enemy is then I could make a stronger case with the leaders of Saltmarsh for you to have your weapons back. If you prefer you can send a delegation with us to Saltmarsh to present your claim on the weapons yoursleves. If you need further proof of our good will then give us a test to prove it." The blue-haired half-elf states firmly but politely.
Lyrric inclined his head toward the skeptical chieftain, his expression calm but his dark eyes gleaming with quiet intensity. They had made inroads with the coastal chief, but the feathered chieftain needed more convincing.
"Apologies, Great Chief. I must clarify your understanding. I spoke not of weapons held nor alliances promised."
"When I spoke with your man, Usk, I did say that we should let our words ... not our weapons be the tools that we use today. I assure you ... It is a promise I intend to keep."
"The simple fact is — even though I have pledged empty hands whilst among your people — I am far from defenseless."
"You asked what it is that we adventurers could bring to the table."
"I am a priest among my people. My Lady of Mysteries has granted unto me divine boons that I can use as I see fit if it sees her causes furthered. Her power flows through me. But it is my will — my voice — that guides her magicks on this earthly plane."
Lyrric looked around the room, taking it in, an impressed look on his face.
"I pledged to hold no weapons when brought to speak before this mighty assemblage."
"The simple fact is ... I do not need them. I have but to speak a word of power and any one of you would be struck down by my goddess."
He let the words settle for a beat, then extended his hand out, and pointed toward one of the alcoves in the great hall. A faint shimmer danced along his fingertips. Impossibly, another Lyrric appeared, and stepped free of the shadows. This second Lyrric, mirrored the first's confident stance, thumbs hooked through its belt, sharp eyes scanning the room.
The cleric gave a faint smile than, and gestured toward the doppelgänger.
"What I bring to the table is more than promises, Chief. I bring you the power that I wield on behalf of my goddess."
"And if one of me is deadly…" Lyrric paused, and his double stepped forward and spoke the next part in unison. "Imagine what two of us could do."
"That is what I bring to the table."
Lyrric's voice softened, once more taking on a deferential tone.
"But since you mention it ... I would prefer us, of course, to be allies rather than adversaries."
"Surely, after seeing the power we wield ... any shared enemy would find an alliance between the Menfolk of Saltmarsh and the Lizards of the Marsh to be troubling."
Fane watches Eron exchange gifts with the chief and is pleased. She was thinking of offering a healing potion as a gift herself, and may still if it seems like it could help move this meeting in the right direction.
She also approves of the blue haired elf and her response, very diplomatic.
She is caught off guard when the halfling begins casting a spell and a copy of himself appears, not by the magic or his talent, but by the boldness of the move. What will the lizardfolk think of his action? Will it help or harm their cause.
Fane waits for their hosts to respond, ready to add her own magic to Lyric's' display if it seems prudent.
Arlynn’s calm, measured words seemed to resonate with the coastal chief, who tilted his head slightly, considering her offer. The feathered chief remained skeptical, his eyes narrowing as the half-elf suggested they could prove their goodwill through action. When Lyrric stepped forward, however, all attention turned to him.
The halfling cleric’s confident voice filled the chamber, and as his words escalated into a display of divine power, a shimmering doppelganger appeared in an alcove, stepping forward in perfect mimicry. Gasps rippled through the gathered lizardfolk, and the guards tightened their grips on their weapons, hissing as they took defensive stances. The two chiefs looked on without reaction, their faces not betraying any concern or fear. Usk, the shaman, raised his hands quickly, barking words in Draconic to quell the rising tension. There is then along exchange between Usk and the two chiefs.
First, Usk calls out, his body language suggesting concern, or pleading.
The coastal-themed chief then snarls back in draconic, and Usk takes a step back, as if cowed. Quickly, the feather-adorned chief intercedes, and the two chiefs exchange a thoughtful look.
"Peace!" Usk urged. "See their power! Do you not understand the potential of such allies against the King of Blood and Bone? We must seek others who can stand against the dark."
The guards hesitated, glancing toward their chiefs for guidance.
The coastal chief, his shell-adorned form towering on the dais, narrowed his eyes at Usk. He replied sharply in Draconic, his voice dripping with disdain. “You risk much by bringing these arrogant soft-skins before us. They strut and boast as if they already hold our trust. Do not forget, Usk, it was you who suggested we reach out to those miserable bullywugs. Your foolishness has hurt us once already.”
Before Usk could respond, the feathered chief interjected in the same guttural tongue. “Ah, Skan,” he said with a pointed look at his counterpart. “But perhaps one problem brings a solution for the other. Why not loose these soft-skins on the bullywugs? Or on those vagrants to the west? Perhaps their leaders in Saltmarsh can do something about it. Let them prove their power? We cannot afford to turn away potential allies. Sakatha gathers strength while we debate. Let us test these strangers' words and their mettle.”
The two chiefs locked gazes for a moment before the coastal chief grunted in reluctant agreement. Turning back to the party, he addressed them in precise, deliberate Common. “Your words carry weight, and your power is… evident. But trust is not earned with displays alone. You claim to seek friendship and understanding. Very well. We will give you two chances to prove your intent and your worth.”
He gestured toward the gathered lizardfolk, his expression severe. “Weeks ago, we made overtures to a clan of bullywugs in the nearby marsh. Foolish as it was, we thought they might see reason and join our cause. Instead, they took it as a sign of weakness. Their raids on our hunters and our supplies insult us, but we have no warriors to spare for this nuisance. You will seek out these bullywugs and bring us the staff of their chieftain as proof that they are either destroyed or sufficiently chastened. Do this, and you will be considered friends of our tribes.”
You know much of bullywugs, from your time dwelling on the edges of the Hool Marshes. They are a sort of humanoid-bullfrog. Despite their blank, animal-like faces, they harbor average intelligence, but they seem to have little use for empathy or mercy. Their social structure tends to be small groups of 10-20 individuals living under the rule of a dominant chief or petty king. They also tend to keep other creatures of the marsh as pets, livestock or mounts, such as giant toads.
The feathered chief’s painted face split into a toothy smile, though his tone remained serious. “Succeed, and we will share more. Fail, and you need not return, if you survive at all.”
Usk stepped forward again, his tone gentler now as he addressed the party directly. “This is good opportunity. Prove yourselves, and perhaps we fight together against the King of Blood and Bone.”
The room fell silent, the eyes of the gathered lizardfolk fixed on the party, waiting for their response.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
“It would be an honor to do as you request. I’m aware of the aggressiveness and predatory nature of the bullywugs, the marsh would be safer with their numbers reduced. I accept your terms.” Eron is still handling the jaw bone dagger it’s lighter weight and intimidating look giving him some ideas, for encountering the primitive bullywugs.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
"Before we go confront the Bullywugs, could you tells us a little about the King of Blood and Bone? Perhaps we know your enemy by a different name and can share what we know" she says.
The blue-haired half-elf raises an eyebrow at the halfling's brash display, then listening to the proposal from the Lizardfolk, again raising an eyebrow at the quick acceptance from Eron. She doubted there was trickery behind what the Lizardfolk suggested but they knew only what the Lizardfolk had told them about these Bullywugs and she felt uncomfortable with acting in a way that could risk cause a deeper diplomatic concern. Still, it was more likely that it lay in the interest of Saltmarsh that the Bullywugs were dealt with. She nods in agreement with Fane although the Lizardfolk had seemed quite reluctant to share anything about this enemy so far.
Lyrric turned to face his companions. "Pardon the theatrics ... figured Seashell needed a nudge."
Both the chiefs flare their orange frills when Eron accepts their proposal.
At Fane's question, the coastal chief exhaled through his nostrils, a low, rumbling sound of irritation. The feathered chief merely inclined his head slightly, his expression unreadable. After a moment, the coastal chief spoke in Common. "You will have your answers when you have earned them. First, show us your worth."
They then speak to one another again in their strange lizard-language.
The seashell chief turns to his counterpart and the shaman, his voice lowering. "It remains to be seen if these soft-skins are of any use at all. Let them deal with the bullywugs first."
The feathered chief gave a slight nod before replying, "Yes, and in the meantime, we must treat with the koalinth before their patience wears thin. We cannot afford to let those emissaries wait overlong."
Turning back to the party, the coastal chief’s voice grew firm once more. "Usk will lead you to the trail that will take you to the bullywug encampment. Go, and return with the staff of their chief."
Usk nodded, stepping forward with his ceremonial staff in hand. "Follow me," he said simply, gesturing for the party to move. Without another word, he led them from the chamber, the heavy gaze of the lizardfolk chiefs following them as they depart. He leads them back out of the compound through the same door through which they entered.
Usk walked with measured strides, his clawed feet pressing into the damp earth as he led the party through the dim, humid air of the marsh. The only sound for a time was the distant calls of unseen creatures and the ever-present buzz of insects. Finally, after a long silence, he spoke.
"You do well before chiefs," he said, his voice low and even. No further praise followed, but from the stoic shaman, this feels like a notable compliment.
Instead of retracing their path toward the beach, Usk veered to the side, skirting the long, spiked fenceline that marked the edge of the lizardfolk’s domain. Eventually, they come to a waterway—too straight, too purposeful to be natural. The dark waters of the canal stretched far into the marsh, fading out of sight beyond the thick reeds and towering cypress trees.
Usk turned to the party, gripping his staff. "Follow this," he instructed. "Walk for one hour. You find mud beach—there, the amphibians hunt. If bullywugs not there, you will find their tracks. Follow them, and find their chief."
He looked each of them over in turn, his yellow eyes gleaming in the dim light. "Do not let Usk down," he said, the weight of expectation clear in his tone. With that, Usk stepped back, ready to watch them depart into the marsh.
[After the voyage from Saltmarsh and the meeting with the chiefs, it is still morning but drawing very close to noon. The sun is high in the sky and there should be 8 or more hours of daylight, still.]
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Eron leads the way feeling right at home looking back he sees his companions looking less at ease, “I apologize for not asking your perspectives regarding this test. I hope that you trust me when I say, we are more than up to this task. Bullywugs are not steadfast adversaries once they see our strength they might try to scatter and flee, we have to be sure and get that staff even if the bullywugs don’t stay to fight. I have a plan but what other spells can we use? If I use the fear effect of my hat they would drop what they hold and run, isn’t that right?”
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
The blue-haired half-elf would give the Lizardfolk chieftains a courteous bow before following along with the Lizardfolk shaman, walking in silence, not being overly fond of finding herself deeper into the marsh and hoping to resolve things as smoothly as possible so that they could return to the ship.
"Thank you for believing in us Usk, we won't let you down." She says to the shaman as he takes his leave, then turning to face her companions. "I appreciate that your plan doesn't seem too messy, I'd perefer to not be part of a death squad just because these bullywugs are presently the enemies of the Lizardfolk. I have no reason to doubt they have attacked the Lizardfolk but snatching that staff with the least amount of bloodshed is preferred. That said, I won't hestitate to defend myself against any ambushes. I'm sure I will have some way to contribute to whatever plan we make, but I suggest I send in my servant to scout for that staff and then we make the plan depending on it's location." Arlynn says to the others, her invisible familiar already ahead to scout for threats along their path.
Zzplorff perception: 11
"Among other things, Our Lady of Mysteries allows me to cast charms that enthrall or subdue my foes." Lyrric said, answering Eron's question.
Charm Person and Hold Person respectively.
Once they are out of earshot of the leaders, preferably when no other Lizardfolk are near, Fane will ask Usk, matter of factly, "Is Sakatha and the King of Blood and Bone one in the same?"
At Fane's query, Usk stiffened, his grip on his staff tightening just slightly. His yellow eyes flicked to hers, studying her face, weighing her words. A flicker of surprise crossed his reptilian features before he concealed it behind a more neutral expression.
"That name," he said slowly, his voice quieter than before, "is not known beyond the Hool Marshes. How do you speak it?" He holds her gaze, unflinching. Usk exhaled through his nostrils, a low, rumbling sound of contemplation.
After a long pause, he finally nodded. "Yes," he said, deliberately brief. "They are the same." He did not elaborate. He held her gaze for a moment longer, then turned sharply away. "Good hunting," he said, his voice firm.
The party set off along the edge of the canal, their boots sinking into damp earth as they pushed deeper into the marsh. The warm air is full with the scent of stagnant water and rotting vegetation, the occasional croak of unseen creatures or calling of birds punctuating the quiet. Cattails and swamp grass towered over the path in places, forcing them to weave between tangled roots and muddy embankments.
Despite their urgency, they move with care, mindful of the treacherous footing and the ever-present squelch of wet ground beneath them. The buzzing of insects filled the air, a constant droning hum that only grew louder as they ventured further from the lizardfolk settlement. Occasionally, something lurking in the grasses along the bank would leap out at their approach, splashing into the waters below, but they are unbothered on their walk by any threat or attack.
Eron leads the way while Arlynn also walks near the front. Her unseen ally floats along far ahead, alert for ambush or sign of their quarry.
For nearly an hour, the party pressed on, the canal serving as their guide through the wilderness. At times, the water ran still and dark, an unbroken mirror reflecting the overhanging branches. At others, faint ripples disturbed its surface—too small for a boat, too slow for the wind. There is life here, but so far none of it is threatening. The terrain here is all shoulder-high cattails and grasses, though in the distance, small copses of water-tolerant trees can be seen.
Then, as they all agree the must be drawing near their destination, Arlynn receives a message from her familiar.
She received a message from her elemental spy. It has located a place which is much as the lizardfolk described - a wide muddy embankment where many things come and go from the water. There are no frog-people in sight, but something is in the water.
It is murky and Zzplorff could not get a good look, but there are several somethings below the surface of the water.
They appear to have taken not notice of the invisible familiar.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
"I fear we might have submerged bullywugs waiting in ambush ahead. How do we want to handle it?" The blue-haired half-elf informs the others in the team. "I can perhaps trick them to reveal themselves and then we can hopefully pick them off from a distance."
Fane thinks for a second, as Usk looks at her, "perhaps I mention my ability to understand their language to him, further enforce the power we have? No, let's keep that a secret for now."
Being that Zzplorff is invisible, Fane will keep Leo close, mostly sitting on the ulvs shoulder, with an occasional exploratory jump to the skies.
Once Arlynn mentions that they are close to potential Bullywugs, she'll say, "Lets take a quick break, 10 minutes for me to re-cast Comprehend Languages in case we can talk to them. Can we talk to them?" she says, looking at Eron, "do you know?"