"Yeah, uh no. I'm not dragging a dead body through the city. And I'm only here to help to guys and save a life, not to help the Zhents. So I'm not going to the Yawning Portal. I'm going home." Toser says as he starts to leave. Now he just wants away. He'll take the boots if no one else does. But other than that he's heading home, alone if need be.
Oriace nods as the group debates their next moves, his voice calm but firm. “I understand, Wagner. Keep your distance from the Zhents for now, it’s the smart play. I’ll take care of the delivery at the Yawning Portal myself.”He glances down at the drow’s body, his expression tightening slightly. “I don’t want to be carrying around the murder weapon, though. I think what I’ve collected—this piece of hair, the strange contraption, and a part of his clothing—should be enough to prove our point. The rapier can stay here.”Turning back to the others, Oriace continues, “I agree that we should keep the boots and the strange device. No reason to leave valuables behind for someone else to claim after all the work we’ve done. It’s only fair that we take the spoils. But the body? That stays. We’ll leave it in an alley, and maybe I can pay some street urchin or orphan to tip off the City Watch once we’re well away from the scene. It’ll keep the attention off us.”He gives a final glance at the drow’s body. “Someone pick him clean of anything valuable or useful. Let’s get moving. I’ll handle the Zhents, and we’ll regroup at the manor. We’ve done well tonight, but let’s not push our luck.”
Mana nods with the decision to leave the body in an alley and will rifle once more looking for valuables before doing his level best to lower it to the ground quietly. He will return to the manor with the others, leaving the meeting with the Zhents to those who took the job in the first place.
By this point, the almost victim has left. It's impossible to lower him down quietly without magic or a lot of teamwork, but it seems industrial round here so a thud will likely be okay.
Oriace, let me know if you wish to RP your Zhent discussion or not, or if we just jump back to the manor with the reward gained
“I just remembered I know Feather Fall. Up to five of us can jump from the roof and land softly below. I don’t think about it usually as I’ve only ever cast it in a panic. We could toss the body and jump with it and I guess we’ll find out if a falling creature needs to be conscious for the spell to affect it.”
Mana will struggle alone (or with help) to drag the body to the edge. He’ll then toss it along with himself over the side, casting Feather Fall on the Drow, himself, and whomever trusted the little Verdan.
It's unclear on if a dead creature is still a creature or an object. There are conflicting precedents in the rules. Jeremy Crawford has said that non-undead corpses are not creatures but objects. I'm inclined to disagree based on the wording of resurrection spells.
Oriace makes his way to the Yawning Portal, carrying the evidence they gathered from the drow. Upon arriving, he quickly spots his contact and delivers the news.
(His conversation is in the spoiler.)
Do you really want to know what he said? This is strictly OOC unless you are the DM.
"The murderer won’t be a problem anymore," he says, keeping his voice low and discreet. He hands over the items—hair, a piece of clothing, and shows but keeps the strange contraption. "We left the body in an alley in the Dock Ward. You’ll hear no more of those killings." Just before leaving. he hesitates a moment but then he adds, "There’s been attention from certain factions lately and I’d hate for any misunderstandings to lead to unnecessary complications."
After a brief exchange and receiving the reward, Oriace makes his way back to the manor, the weight of the night’s events lightened by the bag of coin now in his possession. As he walks through the door, he gives a nod to his companions that are still awake, the others he will address similarly in the morning after a good night's sleep, or what's left of the night anyway. "It’s done. We’ve been paid. Now, let’s figure out what to do with the rest of the spoils."
Sterling had waited up to make sure the others got home safely. However, he expressed disinterest in the coin that Oriace carried. "Please don't misunderstand," he explained, "if you want to use that to contribute to our group efforts, I'll be grateful, but I'm considering whatever is done with it to be your decision; I only helped rescue a citizen in danger, and not for pay, so as to steer clear of any affiliations that might be involved. Feel free to do as you will."
Toser was anxious as they made their way back to the manor. As the party regathered he expressed he anxiety to the others.
"I fear the Watch. What if the person we saved reports us, or someone else saw us? Will they understand what we did and why?"
If Sterling reports what the victim said of seeing nothing he would visibly relax.
"I can manipulate the weave and determine is there is anything magical about these boots and if so I can also learn its properties and how to use them. They take some time to cast but let me see."
Oriace listened thoughtfully to his companions before speaking up, his deep voice resonating with sincerity.
"Sterling, I appreciate your stance, and I understand your wish to avoid entanglements. But, I see this coin as something earned by all of us. It doesn't matter who accepted the job; without your help, I could not have done this alone. We all played our part in this, and I hope this money helps us take a step toward opening our tavern. It's a group effort, and I want the spoils to benefit us all."
He turned to Toser with a reassuring smile. "As for your worries about the Watch, you can rest easy. After we dealt with the drow, I had contacted telepathically an urchin deliver a message to the Watch about the body, using my unseen servant to pass the silver payment. The urchin was instructed to say that the body was found in a dark alley, and he couldn't have a guess as to who contacted him. It'll be difficult for the Watch to trace anything back to us, and frankly, I doubt they'll be too concerned about following up on it. They'll be content with the murderer's body turning up, especially if it ties up their case." Oriace paused and added, "Please, take the time to examine those boots. They might come in handy, and we deserve to know what we’ve found."
After a brief exchange and receiving the reward, Oriace makes his way back to the manor, the weight of the night’s events lightened by the bag of coin now in his possession.
Luckily, Harbour Moons exist. You got 10 Harbour Moons, otherwise you could have a bag of 500 Dragons which would not be "lightening" any load..... Also, spoiler just for Oriace:
"Thank you. And as long as you are not double crossing us, I have no problem with you seeking additional adventure elsewhere. Our end goals require the city to be safe or else we can never be a legitimate business here, which aligns with most factions. The only ones that would cause a major issue is the Xanathar or the other Zhentarim splinter group. You work with them willingly and that is a target on your back."
Does Toser have a 100gp pearl for Identify? (though you can afford one in the morning now) It is most definitely magical, and I would say over the long rest (seeing as default rules say short rest anyway) you can identify them without a spell anyway. They are Boots of Elvenkind
Toser conducts the ritual to determine the item is magical. He then starts the ritual to better identify the properties of the item. His face flushes with embarrassment as the spell fails. "I, uh... So here's the thing. I just remembered, when I was taught how to do this. I need a pearl, a quite costly one. I'll need that to cast the spell. I've never been able to acquire one."
”That’s alright. I’m sure you’ll figure out the nature of those boots by trial and error, without the need of a pearl. It just will take longer. Once we get our finances in order, perhaps we can splurge on that pearl for you. It doesn’t get consumed during the casting, does it?”
Reaching to the floor, he lets Yersinia scramble up his sleeve and rest on his shoulder near his ear. He strokes her whiskers and softly says,
”I have some questions for you later, you little rascal.”
Turning his attention back to Toser,
”Do you suppose I, uh we, could accompany you when you visit with the Emerald Enclave? I’ve heard that they are friends of nature and animals and I would like to know more about them.”
(( Sterling had indeed told Toser that he thought the oncoming watch was an illusion. ))
The would-be jeweler looked at his companion's new boots. "Might want to be careful wearing those," he said thoughtfully. "Someone might be able to identify the original owner." He then smiled. "Fortunately, I know someone who specializes in clothing and fashion who might be able to disguise them, if you like."
”Do you suppose I, uh we, could accompany you when you visit with the Emerald Enclave? I’ve heard that they are friends of nature and animals and I would like to know more about them.”
"Well, we still haven't relayed what Maxeene told us, have we? If we want to split up for efficiency, I can go talk to our Harper contact, fill him in and collect our wages. That's not going to be a problem, right?"
Sterling was a bit hesitant... he thought some of his friends might still be wary of "turning in" Yagra and Davil, but from what he'd seen, he was sure little would come of it. Maxeene was likely off in her suspicions anyway, as far as he was concerned.
"Yes, I think I would like to go to the South Ward and find the Phaulkonmere and the contact for the Emerald Enclave. Mana, you are welcome to join me if you wish. Any of you that would like to accompany me are welcome." He paused for a moment. "But I'm going to need some rest before we do that. And I'd like to see if I can figure out what these boots are."
He listens to Sterling and his concern. "That sounds good to me. I could join you as well if you like. But if I understand the city correct the Sea War and the South Ward are on far sides from each other. So it may be best if divide and conquer as the saying goes."
"As for these boots, we could sell them if they are truly special. They could be worth quite a bit and could go a long way to getting this place back into shape."
As Oriace took his seat at the breakfast table the next morning, he looked over his companions with a satisfied smile, pleased with their success. "Good morning, everyone. I’ve arranged for a hearty breakfast to celebrate last night’s victory and to keep us focused on what’s ahead."
(deducted 2gp, hope that's enough for a brunch for 5 that is appropriate for the occasion. I also added 500gp to the tavern funds and the Boots to the tavern inventory on my sheet. Please, feel free to claim them for your character if you would like them, I have no problem with keeping them on one of us. Research showed that they might have a value of 2500gp.)
He was clearly intrigued by the news of the boots. "So, the boots are magical, after all. That’s good to know. Personally, I don’t have much need for them, and it sounds like most of us agree they could be sold. The gain from that sale could really help us out—get this place back into shape, maybe even take the renovations a step further so we can cater to a wealthier clientele." Oriace's eyes gleamed a little at the thought of turning their manor into a top-class establishment.
He turned to the conversation about the Harpers. "As for Maxeene’s account, it didn’t seem to incriminate Yagra or Davil directly. From what she said, it felt speculative at best. When we report to the Harpers, I think it’s important to mention that. If anyone goes to talk to the Harpers, just be sure to include that her suspicions weren’t backed by hard evidence. I don't see any reason to antagonise them unnecessarily."
He took a thoughtful pause, sipping his drink. "It sounds like we’re splitting up a bit today. If one group heads to the Emerald Enclave and another to the Harpers, I’ll handle the task of selling the boots, assuming we all agree on that. We could use the proceeds to accelerate the tavern renovations and get us one step closer to our goal." Looking around the table, he added, "What do you all think?"
(deducted 2gp, hope that's enough for a brunch for 5 that is appropriate for the occasion. I also added 500gp to the tavern funds and the Boots to the tavern inventory on my sheet. Please, feel free to claim them for your character if you would like them, I have no problem with keeping them on one of us. Research showed that they might have a value of 2500gp.)
( I do like the sane magic prices list and often use it myself. But remember, that is a guide of buying price, selling is often less. But it will be a decent sum if you find the right buyer, which Waterdeep will have plenty. The total value will be between 400gp (XGtE) and 2000gp)
If Oriace's plan is agreed upon, I will need: An investigation and persuasion check from Oriace for finding a good buyer, and getting a good price
Those who go to the Hapers, I need to know what information you pass on.
Those who go to the Emerald Enclave, read the spoiler:
You turn up at the manor, and are met by the half-elf groundskeeper. His voice matches that from the cat that delivered the message. "Welcome, I see my message got delivered. Let me introduce you to the lady of the estate, Jeryth Phaulkon, chosen of Mielikki." and you hear a disembodied female voice speaking to you. "Hello Toser. From what I have seen, I think you would be a good fit in our organisation. I hereby offer you membership. If you accept, you and your friends are welcome to come here for sanctuary whenever you require. Mana I extend this offer to you too. Melannor Fellbranch here will be your main contact"
If at least one of you accept, read the spoiler within the spoiler.
Any of you who accept are given:
Charm of Restoration
This charm has 6 charges. You can use an action to expend some of its charges to cast one of the following spells: greater restoration (4 charges) or lesser restoration (2 charges). Once all its charges have been expended, the charm vanishes from you.
You also get your first mission from Melanor: "Outlying farms are being terrorized by a scarecrow come to life. It has slaughtered livestock, chased horses, and spooked farmers. No people have been killed as yet, so the City Guard is dragging its heels. Something must be done!”
Mana awakes refreshed and finds Yersinia has been up for hours, it seems. Before dressing out of his sleeping clothes he ritually casts Speak with Animals to greet Yersinia properly.
“Good morning. Are you hungry? We’ll head downstairs soon for breakfast.”
Mana begins some morning stretches as he continues,
”Have you seen, heard, or smelt any disturbances while I’ve been away from the house? Or have you introduced yourself to any other critters living here? Other mice, house spiders, etcetera?”
(Depending on her reply, there might be more dialogue regarding this.)
He dresses and gathers Yersinia into her accustomed shirt pocket where she dutifully makes herself at home, poking her head out to sniff the air and flick her cute little whiskers. They make their way to the breakfast table and Mana now realizes why Oriace got up earlier.
”This is a fine spread, mate. Thank you so much.”
Mana grabs a piece of fruit and a muffin and bites/breaks off pieces to hand feed to his rider, as well as savor some for himself.
“I’ll admit that I covet those boots, but I don’t want them more than our success at fixing this place up and establishing ourselves as good neighbors. And I just want to say again how much I appreciate you all taking me in from out of the streets.”
He chokes up a little an his eyes have a glint of moisture well up as he turns away to look at a corner of the room that has nothing of interest to see. He takes a deep breath and continues,
”Yersinia and I would like to go with Toser to meet with the representative of the Emerald Enclave. Talking through a cat is a neat trick. That and a chance to be invited inside one of those estates in the Southern Ward would be a treat. They have always looked so lovely from the outside.”
Yersinia has not noticed anything out of the ordinary. Other than a distinct lack of other critters. And the couple of times that she has fallen asleep while watching the taproom, she has woken up outside. But that is probably normal, she is only a mouse after all.
"Yeah, uh no. I'm not dragging a dead body through the city. And I'm only here to help to guys and save a life, not to help the Zhents. So I'm not going to the Yawning Portal. I'm going home." Toser says as he starts to leave. Now he just wants away. He'll take the boots if no one else does. But other than that he's heading home, alone if need be.
Oriace nods as the group debates their next moves, his voice calm but firm. “I understand, Wagner. Keep your distance from the Zhents for now, it’s the smart play. I’ll take care of the delivery at the Yawning Portal myself.” He glances down at the drow’s body, his expression tightening slightly. “I don’t want to be carrying around the murder weapon, though. I think what I’ve collected—this piece of hair, the strange contraption, and a part of his clothing—should be enough to prove our point. The rapier can stay here.” Turning back to the others, Oriace continues, “I agree that we should keep the boots and the strange device. No reason to leave valuables behind for someone else to claim after all the work we’ve done. It’s only fair that we take the spoils. But the body? That stays. We’ll leave it in an alley, and maybe I can pay some street urchin or orphan to tip off the City Watch once we’re well away from the scene. It’ll keep the attention off us.” He gives a final glance at the drow’s body. “Someone pick him clean of anything valuable or useful. Let’s get moving. I’ll handle the Zhents, and we’ll regroup at the manor. We’ve done well tonight, but let’s not push our luck.”
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Mana nods with the decision to leave the body in an alley and will rifle once more looking for valuables before doing his level best to lower it to the ground quietly. He will return to the manor with the others, leaving the meeting with the Zhents to those who took the job in the first place.
Mana - Verdan Bard - Dragon Heist
”I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” - Douglas Adams
By this point, the almost victim has left. It's impossible to lower him down quietly without magic or a lot of teamwork, but it seems industrial round here so a thud will likely be okay.
Oriace, let me know if you wish to RP your Zhent discussion or not, or if we just jump back to the manor with the reward gained
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
“I just remembered I know Feather Fall. Up to five of us can jump from the roof and land softly below. I don’t think about it usually as I’ve only ever cast it in a panic. We could toss the body and jump with it and I guess we’ll find out if a falling creature needs to be conscious for the spell to affect it.”
Mana will struggle alone (or with help) to drag the body to the edge. He’ll then toss it along with himself over the side, casting Feather Fall on the Drow, himself, and whomever trusted the little Verdan.
Mana - Verdan Bard - Dragon Heist
”I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” - Douglas Adams
It's unclear on if a dead creature is still a creature or an object. There are conflicting precedents in the rules. Jeremy Crawford has said that non-undead corpses are not creatures but objects. I'm inclined to disagree based on the wording of resurrection spells.
So sure it works to bring the drow down
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Oriace makes his way to the Yawning Portal, carrying the evidence they gathered from the drow. Upon arriving, he quickly spots his contact and delivers the news.
(His conversation is in the spoiler.)
Do you really want to know what he said? This is strictly OOC unless you are the DM.
"The murderer won’t be a problem anymore," he says, keeping his voice low and discreet. He hands over the items—hair, a piece of clothing, and shows but keeps the strange contraption. "We left the body in an alley in the Dock Ward. You’ll hear no more of those killings." Just before leaving. he hesitates a moment but then he adds, "There’s been attention from certain factions lately and I’d hate for any misunderstandings to lead to unnecessary complications."
After a brief exchange and receiving the reward, Oriace makes his way back to the manor, the weight of the night’s events lightened by the bag of coin now in his possession. As he walks through the door, he gives a nod to his companions that are still awake, the others he will address similarly in the morning after a good night's sleep, or what's left of the night anyway. "It’s done. We’ve been paid. Now, let’s figure out what to do with the rest of the spoils."
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Sterling had waited up to make sure the others got home safely. However, he expressed disinterest in the coin that Oriace carried. "Please don't misunderstand," he explained, "if you want to use that to contribute to our group efforts, I'll be grateful, but I'm considering whatever is done with it to be your decision; I only helped rescue a citizen in danger, and not for pay, so as to steer clear of any affiliations that might be involved. Feel free to do as you will."
Nico - V. Human Swords Bard 6 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Wysp's Hidden Tower
Sterling - V. Human Art Bard 3 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Bards: Dragon Heist (w/ Mansion) - Jasper's [Pic] - Sterling's [Sigil]
Tooltips Post (2024 PHB updates)
>> New FOW threat & treasure tables: fow-advanced-threat-tables.pdf fow-advanced-treasure-table.pdf
Toser was anxious as they made their way back to the manor. As the party regathered he expressed he anxiety to the others.
"I fear the Watch. What if the person we saved reports us, or someone else saw us? Will they understand what we did and why?"
If Sterling reports what the victim said of seeing nothing he would visibly relax.
"I can manipulate the weave and determine is there is anything magical about these boots and if so I can also learn its properties and how to use them. They take some time to cast but let me see."
Toser can cast both Detect Magic and Identify as rituals.
(How much money did it we get anyway?)
Oriace listened thoughtfully to his companions before speaking up, his deep voice resonating with sincerity.
"Sterling, I appreciate your stance, and I understand your wish to avoid entanglements. But, I see this coin as something earned by all of us. It doesn't matter who accepted the job; without your help, I could not have done this alone. We all played our part in this, and I hope this money helps us take a step toward opening our tavern. It's a group effort, and I want the spoils to benefit us all."
He turned to Toser with a reassuring smile. "As for your worries about the Watch, you can rest easy. After we dealt with the drow, I had contacted telepathically an urchin deliver a message to the Watch about the body, using my unseen servant to pass the silver payment. The urchin was instructed to say that the body was found in a dark alley, and he couldn't have a guess as to who contacted him. It'll be difficult for the Watch to trace anything back to us, and frankly, I doubt they'll be too concerned about following up on it. They'll be content with the murderer's body turning up, especially if it ties up their case." Oriace paused and added, "Please, take the time to examine those boots. They might come in handy, and we deserve to know what we’ve found."
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Luckily, Harbour Moons exist. You got 10 Harbour Moons, otherwise you could have a bag of 500 Dragons which would not be "lightening" any load..... Also, spoiler just for Oriace:
"Thank you. And as long as you are not double crossing us, I have no problem with you seeking additional adventure elsewhere. Our end goals require the city to be safe or else we can never be a legitimate business here, which aligns with most factions. The only ones that would cause a major issue is the Xanathar or the other Zhentarim splinter group. You work with them willingly and that is a target on your back."
Does Toser have a 100gp pearl for Identify? (though you can afford one in the morning now) It is most definitely magical, and I would say over the long rest (seeing as default rules say short rest anyway) you can identify them without a spell anyway. They are Boots of Elvenkind
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Toser conducts the ritual to determine the item is magical. He then starts the ritual to better identify the properties of the item. His face flushes with embarrassment as the spell fails. "I, uh... So here's the thing. I just remembered, when I was taught how to do this. I need a pearl, a quite costly one. I'll need that to cast the spell. I've never been able to acquire one."
Mana pats Toser’s back appreciatively.
”That’s alright. I’m sure you’ll figure out the nature of those boots by trial and error, without the need of a pearl. It just will take longer. Once we get our finances in order, perhaps we can splurge on that pearl for you. It doesn’t get consumed during the casting, does it?”
Reaching to the floor, he lets Yersinia scramble up his sleeve and rest on his shoulder near his ear. He strokes her whiskers and softly says,
”I have some questions for you later, you little rascal.”
Turning his attention back to Toser,
”Do you suppose I, uh we, could accompany you when you visit with the Emerald Enclave? I’ve heard that they are friends of nature and animals and I would like to know more about them.”
Mana - Verdan Bard - Dragon Heist
”I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” - Douglas Adams
(( Sterling had indeed told Toser that he thought the oncoming watch was an illusion. ))
The would-be jeweler looked at his companion's new boots. "Might want to be careful wearing those," he said thoughtfully. "Someone might be able to identify the original owner." He then smiled. "Fortunately, I know someone who specializes in clothing and fashion who might be able to disguise them, if you like."
"Well, we still haven't relayed what Maxeene told us, have we? If we want to split up for efficiency, I can go talk to our Harper contact, fill him in and collect our wages. That's not going to be a problem, right?"
Sterling was a bit hesitant... he thought some of his friends might still be wary of "turning in" Yagra and Davil, but from what he'd seen, he was sure little would come of it. Maxeene was likely off in her suspicions anyway, as far as he was concerned.
Nico - V. Human Swords Bard 6 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Wysp's Hidden Tower
Sterling - V. Human Art Bard 3 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Bards: Dragon Heist (w/ Mansion) - Jasper's [Pic] - Sterling's [Sigil]
Tooltips Post (2024 PHB updates)
>> New FOW threat & treasure tables: fow-advanced-threat-tables.pdf fow-advanced-treasure-table.pdf
"Yes, I think I would like to go to the South Ward and find the Phaulkonmere and the contact for the Emerald Enclave. Mana, you are welcome to join me if you wish. Any of you that would like to accompany me are welcome." He paused for a moment. "But I'm going to need some rest before we do that. And I'd like to see if I can figure out what these boots are."
He listens to Sterling and his concern. "That sounds good to me. I could join you as well if you like. But if I understand the city correct the Sea War and the South Ward are on far sides from each other. So it may be best if divide and conquer as the saying goes."
"As for these boots, we could sell them if they are truly special. They could be worth quite a bit and could go a long way to getting this place back into shape."
"I'd like to be there when we speak to the Harpers."
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
As Oriace took his seat at the breakfast table the next morning, he looked over his companions with a satisfied smile, pleased with their success. "Good morning, everyone. I’ve arranged for a hearty breakfast to celebrate last night’s victory and to keep us focused on what’s ahead."
(deducted 2gp, hope that's enough for a brunch for 5 that is appropriate for the occasion. I also added 500gp to the tavern funds and the Boots to the tavern inventory on my sheet. Please, feel free to claim them for your character if you would like them, I have no problem with keeping them on one of us. Research showed that they might have a value of 2500gp.)
He was clearly intrigued by the news of the boots. "So, the boots are magical, after all. That’s good to know. Personally, I don’t have much need for them, and it sounds like most of us agree they could be sold. The gain from that sale could really help us out—get this place back into shape, maybe even take the renovations a step further so we can cater to a wealthier clientele." Oriace's eyes gleamed a little at the thought of turning their manor into a top-class establishment.
He turned to the conversation about the Harpers. "As for Maxeene’s account, it didn’t seem to incriminate Yagra or Davil directly. From what she said, it felt speculative at best. When we report to the Harpers, I think it’s important to mention that. If anyone goes to talk to the Harpers, just be sure to include that her suspicions weren’t backed by hard evidence. I don't see any reason to antagonise them unnecessarily."
He took a thoughtful pause, sipping his drink. "It sounds like we’re splitting up a bit today. If one group heads to the Emerald Enclave and another to the Harpers, I’ll handle the task of selling the boots, assuming we all agree on that. We could use the proceeds to accelerate the tavern renovations and get us one step closer to our goal." Looking around the table, he added, "What do you all think?"
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
( I do like the sane magic prices list and often use it myself. But remember, that is a guide of buying price, selling is often less. But it will be a decent sum if you find the right buyer, which Waterdeep will have plenty. The total value will be between 400gp (XGtE) and 2000gp)
If Oriace's plan is agreed upon, I will need: An investigation and persuasion check from Oriace for finding a good buyer, and getting a good price
Those who go to the Hapers, I need to know what information you pass on.
Those who go to the Emerald Enclave, read the spoiler:
You turn up at the manor, and are met by the half-elf groundskeeper. His voice matches that from the cat that delivered the message. "Welcome, I see my message got delivered. Let me introduce you to the lady of the estate, Jeryth Phaulkon, chosen of Mielikki." and you hear a disembodied female voice speaking to you. "Hello Toser. From what I have seen, I think you would be a good fit in our organisation. I hereby offer you membership. If you accept, you and your friends are welcome to come here for sanctuary whenever you require. Mana I extend this offer to you too. Melannor Fellbranch here will be your main contact"
If at least one of you accept, read the spoiler within the spoiler.
Any of you who accept are given:
Charm of Restoration
This charm has 6 charges. You can use an action to expend some of its charges to cast one of the following spells: greater restoration (4 charges) or lesser restoration (2 charges). Once all its charges have been expended, the charm vanishes from you.
You also get your first mission from Melanor: "Outlying farms are being terrorized by a scarecrow come to life. It has slaughtered livestock, chased horses, and spooked farmers. No people have been killed as yet, so the City Guard is dragging its heels. Something must be done!”
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Mana awakes refreshed and finds Yersinia has been up for hours, it seems. Before dressing out of his sleeping clothes he ritually casts Speak with Animals to greet Yersinia properly.
“Good morning. Are you hungry? We’ll head downstairs soon for breakfast.”
Mana begins some morning stretches as he continues,
”Have you seen, heard, or smelt any disturbances while I’ve been away from the house? Or have you introduced yourself to any other critters living here? Other mice, house spiders, etcetera?”
(Depending on her reply, there might be more dialogue regarding this.)
He dresses and gathers Yersinia into her accustomed shirt pocket where she dutifully makes herself at home, poking her head out to sniff the air and flick her cute little whiskers. They make their way to the breakfast table and Mana now realizes why Oriace got up earlier.
”This is a fine spread, mate. Thank you so much.”
Mana grabs a piece of fruit and a muffin and bites/breaks off pieces to hand feed to his rider, as well as savor some for himself.
“I’ll admit that I covet those boots, but I don’t want them more than our success at fixing this place up and establishing ourselves as good neighbors. And I just want to say again how much I appreciate you all taking me in from out of the streets.”
He chokes up a little an his eyes have a glint of moisture well up as he turns away to look at a corner of the room that has nothing of interest to see. He takes a deep breath and continues,
”Yersinia and I would like to go with Toser to meet with the representative of the Emerald Enclave. Talking through a cat is a neat trick. That and a chance to be invited inside one of those estates in the Southern Ward would be a treat. They have always looked so lovely from the outside.”
Mana - Verdan Bard - Dragon Heist
”I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” - Douglas Adams
Yersinia has not noticed anything out of the ordinary. Other than a distinct lack of other critters. And the couple of times that she has fallen asleep while watching the taproom, she has woken up outside. But that is probably normal, she is only a mouse after all.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)