Sparhawk lands the final blow against the golem, cracks suffusing its surface culminate in an orchestra of pain as a vein of fragmentation crawls feom the clay mo sterns knee up theough its torso and expands as the creature's arm, raised overhead, falls off entirely, the dismembered creature showing no change kf it's fixed expression as half its face crumbles away, followed by the rest of its body. It's unbalanced but intact legs remain planted on the ground for a moment, before gravity eventually takes one, toppling it into the other.
Tess' arcana burst damages some of the stirges, but those that it does not harm are dissuade from further aggression by the calamities destruction of the clay golem and depart in a chaotic cloud of membranes flesh bearing against little hairy bodies in the shadowy cavern, making their egress back toward the mouth of the cave system.
Any stirges still embedded in humanoids at the start of their turn will also use movement to dislodge themselves and depart.
(If you want to hit any before they go and yoi haven't taken your turn yet, your welcome to do so, but theyre leaving when they can)
The hilt of a pristine sword protrudes from the creature's chest. The sword's name ("Longtooth") is engraved into the blade in Gnomish. Once the golem is destroyed, the sword can easily be freed from its chest.
Sparhawk grabs the sword at the same time, his bugbear arms have incredible reach, and his grip on the sword is tight.
”Not so fast there, friend.” Sparhawk smiles,“
"Let us introduce ourselves and discuss why you are here, before we go about diving up any treasure. If we want to survive in here, we will need to work together."
"I am Captain Sparhawk." The man is huge, 6'5 tall with strangely long arms. He has half-orc/ bugbear features and wears well-maintained plate mail with a lion's head on the breastplate. He has a huge greatsword and a beautiful black long sword and a large shield. "These are my friends, Tess (the human) and Cha!jil (A dwarf barbarian)."
(Sparhawk has a very crooked broken nose that begins to bleed a bit at he speaks. He wipes if off on his gauntleted hand and it stops.
Dallas smiles at Sparhawk and tips his feathered hat while bowing. “Of course my good captain Sparhawk, where are my manners? I am the grand Dallas Hullbreaker, perhaps you’ve heard of me?”
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If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!): Amzar Starshade- Odyssey Of Greatness Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
Sparhawk smiles and releases the blade, offering his large gauntleted hand in greeting. "Well met Dallas Hullbreaker. Although I have not heard of your past deeds, I saw you fight valiantly against these foes and assist my friends and I. What brings you to this accursed cave?" The militant man looks him straight in the eyes, his steel blue eyes seeming to look for any sign of deception (Dallas's instinct may be to be trustful with the Paladin, who seems a man of straightforward business)
Sparhawk smiles and releases the blade, offering his large gauntleted hand in greeting. "Well met Dallas Hullbreaker. Although I have not heard of your past deeds, I saw you fight valiantly against these foes and assist my friends and I. What brings you to this accursed cave?" The militant man looks him straight in the eyes, this steel blue eyes seeming to look for any sign of deception (Dallas's instinct may be to be trustful with the Paladin, who seems a man of straightforward business)
“Alas I used to be a pirate and prey on those along the coast, one fateful day however I attempted to bamboozle my crew. We’d had an exceptionally good streak of robberies and I felt it unjust so I decided to… erm, leave and take quite a bit of the treasure we’d acquired with me. My dear friends weren't quite happy. Then I met Bannik and he sent me to work in his interests, he gave me a map and sent me over here.”
Dallas’s story seems to have quite a lot of embellishment and is not entirely truthful. He, for a start, doesn’t seem to have any remorse about his days of robbing and seems to rememberer it fondly.
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If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!): Amzar Starshade- Odyssey Of Greatness Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
"We have met Bannik, but do not know him well. I believe your skills could come in handy here." Sparhawk pauses in thought, "How do we know you will not treat us as you have your past friends Dallas? Although the hunt for treasure is appealing to some, there is a greater evil here that needs to be addressed, and it would be unfortunate if you decided to just leave when it suited you."
"If you join us in our quest, you will be given an equal amount of the loot, and my friendship. And, it is my hope that we will be doing something to save one or more worlds. I will fight a foe and die, so that you may live, and I will grant you the powers of my god and goddess to aid you here." He smiles, but it is not a friendly smile, "But should you betray me, know that I have only a few flaws, (He touches his broken nose, as if remembering the cause of the incident) and one is a sort of stubborn relentlessness to hunt down those who have wronged me or my friends. This has earned me quite a reputation where I am from, I'm afraid, both for good and bad."
"We have met Bannik, but do not know him well. I believe your skills could come in handy here." Sparhawk pauses in thought, "How do we know you will not treat us as you have your past friends Dallas? Although the hunt for treasure is appealing to some, there is a greater evil here that needs to be addressed, and it would be unfortunate if you decided to just leave when it suited you."
"If you join us in our quest, you will be given an equal amount of the loot, and my friendship. And, it is my hope that we will be doing something to save one or more worlds. I will fight a foe and die, so that you may live, and I will grant you the powers of my god and goddess to aid you here." He smiles, but it is not a friendly smile, "But should you betray me, know that I have only a few flaws, (He touches his broken nose, as if remembering the cause of the incident) and one is a sort of stubborn relentlessness to hunt down those who have wronged me or my friends. This has earned me quite a reputation where I am from, I'm afraid, both for good and bad."
Dallas shrugs and smiles, “I guess you’ll just have to trust that there’ll be enough treasure along the way. I may even grow to enjoy your company.” He nudges Sparhawk before swaggering away in typical pirate fashion.
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If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!): Amzar Starshade- Odyssey Of Greatness Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
"Alright, we best get moving." While they are healing up, Sparhawk goes to the Goliath. Even though the paladin is large, the Goliath stands over him. "Now my friend. I thank you for aiding us. I am Captain Sparhawk, a Knight of the Pandian order and Paladin of Marduk. You carry yourself like a trained swordsman, what should we call you, and why have you come to the caverns?"
Tess speaks a word and a divine light bursts from her, all stirgies/ golem in 5’ of her must make a DC 18 con save or take 20 HP radiant damage.
She speaks another holy word and all allies in 60’ are healed for 10 HP (mass healing word).
Sparhawk lands the final blow against the golem, cracks suffusing its surface culminate in an orchestra of pain as a vein of fragmentation crawls feom the clay mo sterns knee up theough its torso and expands as the creature's arm, raised overhead, falls off entirely, the dismembered creature showing no change kf it's fixed expression as half its face crumbles away, followed by the rest of its body. It's unbalanced but intact legs remain planted on the ground for a moment, before gravity eventually takes one, toppling it into the other.
Tess' arcana burst damages some of the stirges, but those that it does not harm are dissuade from further aggression by the calamities destruction of the clay golem and depart in a chaotic cloud of membranes flesh bearing against little hairy bodies in the shadowy cavern, making their egress back toward the mouth of the cave system.
Any stirges still embedded in humanoids at the start of their turn will also use movement to dislodge themselves and depart.
(If you want to hit any before they go and yoi haven't taken your turn yet, your welcome to do so, but theyre leaving when they can)
End initiative, no more monsters here.
What do you do?
The hilt of a pristine sword protrudes from the creature's chest. The sword's name ("Longtooth") is engraved into the blade in Gnomish. Once the golem is destroyed, the sword can easily be freed from its chest.
Dallas will take it to replace one of his daggers.
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!):
Amzar Starshade - Odyssey Of Greatness
Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn
Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
Cha'jil brushed the dirt off her blood streaked body, " Stupid blood-bugs. Stupid rock-thing."
She grinned at Sparhawk then turned to the others, " Why are you here? Enemy? Friend?"
Sparhawk grabs the sword at the same time, his bugbear arms have incredible reach, and his grip on the sword is tight.
”Not so fast there, friend.” Sparhawk smiles,“
"Let us introduce ourselves and discuss why you are here, before we go about diving up any treasure. If we want to survive in here, we will need to work together."
"I am Captain Sparhawk." The man is huge, 6'5 tall with strangely long arms. He has half-orc/ bugbear features and wears well-maintained plate mail with a lion's head on the breastplate. He has a huge greatsword and a beautiful black long sword and a large shield.
"These are my friends, Tess (the human) and Cha!jil (A dwarf barbarian)."
(Sparhawk has a very crooked broken nose that begins to bleed a bit at he speaks. He wipes if off on his gauntleted hand and it stops.
The slender-bladed weapon is a Giant Slayer (shortsword)
<you can use this section to chat at length. Does anyone wish to move on through the caves? That can happen parallel to the conversations>
Yes, I believe we probably will.
Dallas smiles at Sparhawk and tips his feathered hat while bowing. “Of course my good captain Sparhawk, where are my manners? I am the grand Dallas Hullbreaker, perhaps you’ve heard of me?”
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!):
Amzar Starshade - Odyssey Of Greatness
Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn
Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
Sparhawk smiles and releases the blade, offering his large gauntleted hand in greeting. "Well met Dallas Hullbreaker. Although I have not heard of your past deeds, I saw you fight valiantly against these foes and assist my friends and I. What brings you to this accursed cave?" The militant man looks him straight in the eyes, his steel blue eyes seeming to look for any sign of deception (Dallas's instinct may be to be trustful with the Paladin, who seems a man of straightforward business)
“Alas I used to be a pirate and prey on those along the coast, one fateful day however I attempted to bamboozle my crew. We’d had an exceptionally good streak of robberies and I felt it unjust so I decided to… erm, leave and take quite a bit of the treasure we’d acquired with me. My dear friends weren't quite happy. Then I met Bannik and he sent me to work in his interests, he gave me a map and sent me over here.”
Dallas’s story seems to have quite a lot of embellishment and is not entirely truthful. He, for a start, doesn’t seem to have any remorse about his days of robbing and seems to rememberer it fondly.
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!):
Amzar Starshade - Odyssey Of Greatness
Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn
Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
"We have met Bannik, but do not know him well. I believe your skills could come in handy here." Sparhawk pauses in thought, "How do we know you will not treat us as you have your past friends Dallas? Although the hunt for treasure is appealing to some, there is a greater evil here that needs to be addressed, and it would be unfortunate if you decided to just leave when it suited you."
"If you join us in our quest, you will be given an equal amount of the loot, and my friendship. And, it is my hope that we will be doing something to save one or more worlds. I will fight a foe and die, so that you may live, and I will grant you the powers of my god and goddess to aid you here." He smiles, but it is not a friendly smile, "But should you betray me, know that I have only a few flaws, (He touches his broken nose, as if remembering the cause of the incident) and one is a sort of stubborn relentlessness to hunt down those who have wronged me or my friends. This has earned me quite a reputation where I am from, I'm afraid, both for good and bad."
Cha'jil just nods along in support her eyes on the others that haven't spoken....
Dallas shrugs and smiles, “I guess you’ll just have to trust that there’ll be enough treasure along the way. I may even grow to enjoy your company.” He nudges Sparhawk before swaggering away in typical pirate fashion.
If I ever get into a pbp please make sure you add the underscore to my name when I get PMed.
Characters (Links!):
Amzar Starshade - Odyssey Of Greatness
Faelin Nighthollow - 7th Sojourn
Dallas Hullbreaker - Legacy of Iggwilv
Cha'jil sat down and communed with the Lord of the Deep Jungle to find her in this place. After 10 minutes or so she rose and followed Sparhawk.
( Prayer of Healing- Any who join her get 14 hp back )
"Thank you Cha!jil."
"Alright, we best get moving." While they are healing up, Sparhawk goes to the Goliath. Even though the paladin is large, the Goliath stands over him. "Now my friend. I thank you for aiding us. I am Captain Sparhawk, a Knight of the Pandian order and Paladin of Marduk. You carry yourself like a trained swordsman, what should we call you, and why have you come to the caverns?"
As you discuss these matters, yiu think you hear a sound in the corridor to the north.
"Company people, make ready." the captain says, drawing a javelin, and loosening his blade.
It's kind of a wet squelching sound. It's back the way yoi came. It's not getting closer, in fact, it seems to have stopped entirely.