(While we get a bit acquainted as we just got thrown into an encounter, we can move over to the next cavern up. Also, retrieving the boat makes sense to me)
”my name is tatsat… I am that I am” the swirling spirits stay for a little while, though she notices the lul in pacing of the group.
”what did you find there?” Inquiring about the goggles before turning to the paladin…
”I am not from those parts of which you speak, but perhaps if we get out of this hell there will be need of us in such places” she smiles a genuine smile. A calm in the storm that is this torture chamber
“Has this place struck the fear in them?” Tatsat asks sparhawk in a wondering voice.
“this bridge place is full of dead ends… but let’s hope this leads to a way out” , eying his to continue north across the bridge if he dares, keeping herself in a middle line position behind him.
”We have just begun our search from this lake area. The basilisk passage was our first. We know the way out, but are headed deeper into this accursed place. I have lost a friend this day already, thus my anger/ neigh, rage when we met. I usually don’t kill blindly but give quarter if it is asked for or needed.”
He bows to Tatsat,
“in any case, welcome Tatsat and excellent timing in that cave.”
“… to feel pain when one is lost… is a sign we cared at all” she bows her head, considering the imminence of death on the scale of the cosmos…
”let us at least some of us survive this… so that we might tell of their tale… of their every then… stories imperative our frail temporary lives across the ages” the bard lulls back some sniffles and strings her fortitude and will to survive this…
“you might tell of their bravery if we ever make it to a pub, far from this place…” tatsat tries to cheer them up a bit.
Greetings says Diabrix , “ I seem to have found myself in this tunnel with you all.. (he sighs) my gods work in ways I don’t fully understand and sometimes I find myself in places I did not intent to be in”
“which way is our path… and what great evil needs to be destroyed.” He pockets the silverware and napkin tucked into his neck, which seem out of place here…almost like just moments before he was enjoying a quiet meal. “I do hope we return to hear the end of qualia’s story” he says more to irsk than anyone else within hearing..
Ooc stands at the banks of the shore and stares out around the entire cavern including ceiling and water…300’ darkvision) anything stick out? “Also so there are no future surprises. he holds his hand out and it dips slightly as an imp appears. “Please do not judge a book by its cover, likely you will never meet a creature like irsk again. Much like a vengeance Paladin doing good…” as this is being said irsk removes his mini backpack picks it up and Stowe’s it away in Diabrix backpack. And returns to the hand
“wwhich path do we want to get an advanced look at “irsks is a great scout”. Saying this irks transforms into a raven (fly 60).
Irsks hops up and down showing his eagerness to fly, however you sense he is waiting before being set into motion as if he is giving you time to look at him and accept him.
Ooc also if this encounter has been less than 10min. Some ppl will notice that diabrix is hovering about a foot off the ground as he moves
“Oh yea, not that it matters much….what land are we below… or in simpler terms-where are we?”
The fates bring us together. And then throw monsters to break us apart… no matter, i believe the divine and arcane and primal all from from one worse, in the books of lore they speak of a source beyond divisions… to that I call for inspiration, for a muse to play each time and sing each song… even the blades of a warrior a form of dance, a happenstance of metal and blood, if viewed with love for existence itself… and the teeth of the god of death awaiting us all….
"The gnomes have a saying... 'Brave, bravado, bluster, and bluff!'"
Koselig moves up to the bridge and seeing as we plan to explore further will cross it after them.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
"I am no expert on portal travel, but..the short answer is, you are now in a cavern in the Yatil Mountains, a place also known as the barrier peaks. I did not know this when I began my journey to this place, but there is some sort of rift here that is causing people to transport suddenly between worlds. More concerning is that this rift is also allowing Demon's and other powerful evil beings to enter. If you have found yourselves here, than your world, your lands, even your families are at risk.
To my understanding, the source of this rift is here, in this place. A person by the name of Iggwilv, a demonologist by nature was once here. Rumors say she was a witch, others, a vampire. In any case, and this is pure conjecture, I believe something went wrong in her magic and that brings us to the present, where each of our worlds is in danger. Now, there are some who travel here to simply treasure hunt, as rumors of wondrous and dare I say strange/ exotic treasures run rampant, but I you are people of character, and from what I can see, you each are, we each need to do what we can to find the mystery of this place, keep each other alive, and repair what we can.
So far, we have recovered a magical short sword, now in the possession of Dallas, and these strange goggles, which magnify things. Certainly not something I would need, but it could be of use to someone here.
My group did not have a familiar, so with your friend there, I wonder if we can use him to help us find a good pathway.
Oh, and lest I forget, if any of you wishes to depart, it is that passage to the south there (he points), but...I hope you will join me in my quest to repair this world ending problem.
(Long winded, but trying to bring you up to speed, DM can edit or augment as they wish, Sparhawk has been through the ringer in the last few months)
I myself was recently in some feywild land. I know not how I got there but I was apparently a statue. I do not know how long I was there, but the land I hail from had pirates, the seas, and huge dangerous jungles with, giant reptiles. He points to his great sword. Somehow my friends were able to release me, but the magic involved turned me into this strange bugbear thing. My mother was a human and father an orc. I am a knight in my lands. my relentless will brought me here.
I uncovered the fog to the point where each tunnel bends. Unless you have periscope vision. I know someone is probably itching to use a scout. If so you still have to pick a tunnel.
So when we moved by swimming/flying would my familiar at least be able to (fly 60 ) go 60 down each tunnel we pass and then be able to see an additional 120’ or until another bend? Then we end up on the bridge?
(While we get a bit acquainted as we just got thrown into an encounter, we can move over to the next cavern up. Also, retrieving the boat makes sense to me)
It's a folding boat.
Do you want to go to the dry cavern left or right Or take the boat own the left or right river north or the river to the west?
Stone Bridge. An unadorned stone bridge spans the northwest river.
“Let’s head to that bridge there so we can get a better view of our options and introduce ourselves before we proceed.” The large Captain suggests.
”my name is tatsat… I am that I am” the swirling spirits stay for a little while, though she notices the lul in pacing of the group.
”what did you find there?” Inquiring about the goggles before turning to the paladin…
”I am not from those parts of which you speak, but perhaps if we get out of this hell there will be need of us in such places” she smiles a genuine smile. A calm in the storm that is this torture chamber
(Ooc: let’s try that are north of the lake)
You don't really see anything from the bridge you didn't see before. The river beyond the bridge is swift, but they all are.
“Has this place struck the fear in them?” Tatsat asks sparhawk in a wondering voice.
“this bridge place is full of dead ends… but let’s hope this leads to a way out” , eying his to continue north across the bridge if he dares, keeping herself in a middle line position behind him.
”We have just begun our search from this lake area. The basilisk passage was our first. We know the way out, but are headed deeper into this accursed place. I have lost a friend this day already, thus my anger/ neigh, rage when we met. I usually don’t kill blindly but give quarter if it is asked for or needed.”
He bows to Tatsat,
“in any case, welcome Tatsat and excellent timing in that cave.”
Tatsat quiets out of respect for the dead…
“… to feel pain when one is lost… is a sign we cared at all” she bows her head, considering the imminence of death on the scale of the cosmos…
”let us at least some of us survive this… so that we might tell of their tale… of their every then… stories imperative our frail temporary lives across the ages” the bard lulls back some sniffles and strings her fortitude and will to survive this…
“you might tell of their bravery if we ever make it to a pub, far from this place…” tatsat tries to cheer them up a bit.
Greetings says Diabrix , “ I seem to have found myself in this tunnel with you all.. (he sighs) my gods work in ways I don’t fully understand and sometimes I find myself in places I did not intent to be in”
“which way is our path… and what great evil needs to be destroyed.” He pockets the silverware and napkin tucked into his neck, which seem out of place here…almost like just moments before he was enjoying a quiet meal. “I do hope we return to hear the end of qualia’s story” he says more to irsk than anyone else within hearing..
Ooc stands at the banks of the shore and stares out around the entire cavern including ceiling and water…300’ darkvision) anything stick out?
“Also so there are no future surprises. he holds his hand out and it dips slightly as an imp appears.
“Please do not judge a book by its cover, likely you will never meet a creature like irsk again. Much like a vengeance Paladin doing good…” as this is being said irsk removes his mini backpack picks it up and Stowe’s it away in Diabrix backpack. And returns to the hand
“wwhich path do we want to get an advanced look at “irsks is a great scout”. Saying this irks transforms into a raven (fly 60).
Irsks hops up and down showing his eagerness to fly, however you sense he is waiting before being set into motion as if he is giving you time to look at him and accept him.
Ooc also if this encounter has been less than 10min. Some ppl will notice that diabrix is hovering about a foot off the ground as he moves
“Oh yea, not that it matters much….what land are we below… or in simpler terms-where are we?”
The fates bring us together. And then throw monsters to break us apart… no matter, i believe the divine and arcane and primal all from from one worse, in the books of lore they speak of a source beyond divisions… to that I call for inspiration, for a muse to play each time and sing each song… even the blades of a warrior a form of dance, a happenstance of metal and blood, if viewed with love for existence itself… and the teeth of the god of death awaiting us all….
…but not this day!” Ending on a cheerful note.
"The gnomes have a saying... 'Brave, bravado, bluster, and bluff!'"
Koselig moves up to the bridge and seeing as we plan to explore further will cross it after them.
"I am no expert on portal travel, but..the short answer is, you are now in a cavern in the Yatil Mountains, a place also known as the barrier peaks. I did not know this when I began my journey to this place, but there is some sort of rift here that is causing people to transport suddenly between worlds. More concerning is that this rift is also allowing Demon's and other powerful evil beings to enter. If you have found yourselves here, than your world, your lands, even your families are at risk.
To my understanding, the source of this rift is here, in this place. A person by the name of Iggwilv, a demonologist by nature was once here. Rumors say she was a witch, others, a vampire. In any case, and this is pure conjecture, I believe something went wrong in her magic and that brings us to the present, where each of our worlds is in danger. Now, there are some who travel here to simply treasure hunt, as rumors of wondrous and dare I say strange/ exotic treasures run rampant, but I you are people of character, and from what I can see, you each are, we each need to do what we can to find the mystery of this place, keep each other alive, and repair what we can.
So far, we have recovered a magical short sword, now in the possession of Dallas, and these strange goggles, which magnify things. Certainly not something I would need, but it could be of use to someone here.
My group did not have a familiar, so with your friend there, I wonder if we can use him to help us find a good pathway.
Oh, and lest I forget, if any of you wishes to depart, it is that passage to the south there (he points), but...I hope you will join me in my quest to repair this world ending problem.
(Long winded, but trying to bring you up to speed, DM can edit or augment as they wish, Sparhawk has been through the ringer in the last few months)
I myself was recently in some feywild land. I know not how I got there but I was apparently a statue. I do not know how long I was there, but the land I hail from had pirates, the seas, and huge dangerous jungles with, giant reptiles. He points to his great sword.
Somehow my friends were able to release me, but the magic involved turned me into this strange bugbear thing. My mother was a human and father an orc. I am a knight in my lands. my relentless will brought me here.
How did we get to the bridge. And on our way there can we look down each path to see what’s down there (darkvision 300’)
I uncovered the fog to the point where each tunnel bends. Unless you have periscope vision. I know someone is probably itching to use a scout. If so you still have to pick a tunnel.
You swam, unless you flew. Luckily, nothing interfered with the crossing.
So when we moved by swimming/flying would my familiar at least be able to (fly 60 ) go 60 down each tunnel we pass and then be able to see an additional 120’ or until another bend? Then we end up on the bridge?
“Well this iggwilv just made my shit list” she toys.
”let us move swiftly, if there is more pouring through the isbrift thingy, we don’t have time to dilly nor dally”