"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
Besides the strange man stands another creature, not quite human, not quite dragon. It seems almost as one with the sea as the Kuo Toa, with strange frills on its mouth, and... are those gills? It brandishes a wand that resembles a hardened reed. It's eyes swirl like the sea, and it's bronze scales seem to call to the bottom of the ocean.
Sparhawk init: 13 (I"m a bit confused, there are two groups, who are the bad guys. Also, my understanding we can as "sacrifices" to get close and then to try to stop the bad guys?)
You're physicall close. I'll post a map. You can do whatever you want.
They're kind of all not great. The deep father's followers, led by the preitsess, do want to kill you, though.
Not sure which of these players are still with us, so.we'll give some time for them to roll initiative and fill this in as we can.
If your initiative is over 14, you can already act. It's side initiative.
Technically the Monsters are 2 different sides and have separate initiatives, but they have tied initiative scores based on the stats of their respective leaders, so act back to back and both under my control, that's why it's just listed once.
Also pointing out the kuo-toa ate fighting each other and it's pretty hard to tell which is which. Yiu might spot a familiar decoration: jewelry or something, but it's hard to tell one from the other. The archpriests are distinct. You can tell them apart easily.
Baron reacts just before the monsters, whips out his wand, and begins chanting, his eyes swirling with darkened storm clouds. The clouds in his eyes suddenly pour out of them, forming into a misshapen humanoid figure, whose shadowy face conveys a deep despair. Out of Baron's back also sprouts a large tentacle, which separates itself from him and lands, moving on its own, on the ground. Baron growls and gurgles a guttural sound, and the figure and tentacle both move to attack the Archpriest of the Deep Father.
{{Turn summary:
Action: Cast summon shadowspawn and summon a despair-type shadowspawn. Command it in Draconic to kill the Archpriest of the Deep Father.
Bonus Action: Tentacle of the Deeps, Summon. Summon within 10 feet of the Archpriest. Attack the Archpriest.
Shadowspawn Turn: Base itself with the Archpriest of the Deep Father*. Make two chilling rend attacks. (10+8=18 to hit, 8+3+5=16 cold damage. 3+8=11 to hit, 5+3+5=13 cold damage.)
Tentacle of the deeps: attack the archpriest of the deep father. 12 to hit for 5 damage.
* The despair-type shadowspawn has the feature weight of sorrow. Any creature (other than me) that starts its turn within 5 feet of the shadowspawn has its speed reduced by 20 feet until the start of its next turn. }}
<Just a heads up, in case it comes up. The kuo-toa species all see invisible and ethereal creatures so don't count in that for AD on attacks.>
The archpriestess rebukes the tentacle, but the shadowspawn catches her off guard as her father also attemkts to fatally end her short reign, yet she manages to avoid its second attack.
<Still waiting on Tatsat, Meerwin, and Dallas fkr initiative. If I don't hear soon, theyll just go after the monsters if they show up.>
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Ok, then. They can go after the monsters.
The Archpriest of the Sea Mother, Ploopploopeen, seeing his loyal school of followers outnumbered by those drawn to his daughter's delusions, calls upon Blibdoolpoolp's divine power to control the very waters of the Darklake (control water. Soon a swirling, churning flow of water begins to pull those nearby into the vortex thst opens in the water's surface. The whirlpool spans 50ft wide and pulls creatures in the water 10ft toward it per round if they are within 25ft of it (so, basically anything in the water right now) unkess they succeed on a DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check. Those who touch the whirlpool, itself, must make a Strength check (DC14) or suffer 12 bludgeoning damage, (½ on save) and are caught in the vortex until the spell ends.
Bloppblippodd's faithful followers, seeing her under attack, rally to her side. Some grab her eldritch summoned assailants while others attack her father. Still others are bent on sacrificing the offerings to their new god, the Sea Father.
<mechanically, the tentacle is untouchable. It's a ghost tentacle>
Kuo-toa 1 net x Shadowspawn 16
Kuo-toa 2 net x shadowspawn 8
If one hits, the shadowspaen is restrained. The rules are murky on this, but if it does, the kuo-toa will drag (as if grappled) the better creature into the water and willingly get tucked I to the vortex to defend the archpriestess.
Two attack the priest of Blipdopoolp 1. 20 2. 11 for 4 piercing each.
Two kuo-toa fight each other, a monitor fights off two attackers 1. Unable to parse dice roll. as he makes his way to attack the priest, whom he bites 25 for 4 piercing.
Kos' Initiative: 8
Strangely, even as combat ensues, the strange man looks at the elf with the wand and says, "Hello Friend."
Then he draws a sword and attacks the followers of the Deep Father.
Besides the strange man stands another creature, not quite human, not quite dragon. It seems almost as one with the sea as the Kuo Toa, with strange frills on its mouth, and... are those gills? It brandishes a wand that resembles a hardened reed. It's eyes swirl like the sea, and it's bronze scales seem to call to the bottom of the ocean.
[A paper drops out of a flash of light and drifts to the ground at your feet] -(extended sig)-
Monster initiative 15.
You're physicall close. I'll post a map. You can do whatever you want.
They're kind of all not great. The deep father's followers, led by the preitsess, do want to kill you, though.
Here's their shrine to Leemooggoogoon.
<Quick retcon: forget the duergar, just some random noc, swap h9m for the new player @sccourge. He's an elf.>
Meerwin ❓️
Tatsat ❓️
Baron 16 ✅️
Dallas ❓️
Monsters 15 ⏸️
Sparhawk 13 ⏸️
Koselig 8 ⏸️
Wyselath 5 ⏸️
Not sure which of these players are still with us, so.we'll give some time for them to roll initiative and fill this in as we can.
If your initiative is over 14, you can already act. It's side initiative.
Technically the Monsters are 2 different sides and have separate initiatives, but they have tied initiative scores based on the stats of their respective leaders, so act back to back and both under my control, that's why it's just listed once.
( My init is 5 )
Just waiting on Dallas, Tatsat and Meerwin
Baron can act already or choose to go after the monsters instead, though I see no benefit to doing so.
( oh wow thats a lot of kuo toa )
It's a kuo-toa city
Also pointing out the kuo-toa ate fighting each other and it's pretty hard to tell which is which. Yiu might spot a familiar decoration: jewelry or something, but it's hard to tell one from the other. The archpriests are distinct. You can tell them apart easily.
Baron reacts just before the monsters, whips out his wand, and begins chanting, his eyes swirling with darkened storm clouds. The clouds in his eyes suddenly pour out of them, forming into a misshapen humanoid figure, whose shadowy face conveys a deep despair. Out of Baron's back also sprouts a large tentacle, which separates itself from him and lands, moving on its own, on the ground. Baron growls and gurgles a guttural sound, and the figure and tentacle both move to attack the Archpriest of the Deep Father.
{{Turn summary:
Action: Cast summon shadowspawn and summon a despair-type shadowspawn. Command it in Draconic to kill the Archpriest of the Deep Father.
Bonus Action: Tentacle of the Deeps, Summon. Summon within 10 feet of the Archpriest. Attack the Archpriest.
Shadowspawn Turn: Base itself with the Archpriest of the Deep Father*. Make two chilling rend attacks. (10+8=18 to hit, 8+3+5=16 cold damage. 3+8=11 to hit, 5+3+5=13 cold damage.)
Tentacle of the deeps: attack the archpriest of the deep father. 12 to hit for 5 damage.
* The despair-type shadowspawn has the feature weight of sorrow. Any creature (other than me) that starts its turn within 5 feet of the shadowspawn has its speed reduced by 20 feet until the start of its next turn. }}
[A paper drops out of a flash of light and drifts to the ground at your feet] -(extended sig)-
<Just a heads up, in case it comes up. The kuo-toa species all see invisible and ethereal creatures so don't count in that for AD on attacks.>
The archpriestess rebukes the tentacle, but the shadowspawn catches her off guard as her father also attemkts to fatally end her short reign, yet she manages to avoid its second attack.
<Still waiting on Tatsat, Meerwin, and Dallas fkr initiative. If I don't hear soon, theyll just go after the monsters if they show up.>
Ok, then. They can go after the monsters.
The Archpriest of the Sea Mother, Ploopploopeen, seeing his loyal school of followers outnumbered by those drawn to his daughter's delusions, calls upon Blibdoolpoolp's divine power to control the very waters of the Darklake (control water. Soon a swirling, churning flow of water begins to pull those nearby into the vortex thst opens in the water's surface. The whirlpool spans 50ft wide and pulls creatures in the water 10ft toward it per round if they are within 25ft of it (so, basically anything in the water right now) unkess they succeed on a DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check. Those who touch the whirlpool, itself, must make a Strength check (DC14) or suffer 12 bludgeoning damage, (½ on save) and are caught in the vortex until the spell ends.
Strength saves
Kuo toa
1 19
2 17
3 10
4 15
K-t Whip 11
Swim away from vortex
1 2
2 6
3 6
4 7
a 19
b 12
c 9
d 4
e 14
f 13
monitor 13
Two more kuo-toa and the monitor are pulled unto the vortex
Damage saves
b 21
c 18
monitor 8
Bloppblippodd's faithful followers, seeing her under attack, rally to her side. Some grab her eldritch summoned assailants while others attack her father. Still others are bent on sacrificing the offerings to their new god, the Sea Father.
<mechanically, the tentacle is untouchable. It's a ghost tentacle>
Kuo-toa 1 net x Shadowspawn 16
Kuo-toa 2 net x shadowspawn 8
If one hits, the shadowspaen is restrained. The rules are murky on this, but if it does, the kuo-toa will drag (as if grappled) the better creature into the water and willingly get tucked I to the vortex to defend the archpriestess.
Two attack the priest of Blipdopoolp 1. 20 2. 11 for 4 piercing each.
Two kuo-toa fight each other, a monitor fights off two attackers 1. Unable to parse dice roll. as he makes his way to attack the priest, whom he bites 25 for 4 piercing.
The archpriestess, meanwhile, casts spirit guardians
The whip tries to kill Baron while the the monitor attacks the whip
Whip x Baron: Pincer Staff 13 to hit, for 5 piercing damage. and grappled (escape DC 14), bite 11 for 4 piercing
Monitor x whip 1. 16 for 5 bludgeoning and 3 lightbing damage, 26
Kuo-toa x Koselig: spear 14 for 4 piercing