<I'd prefer to not do anything mechanical with the freed people since things might not go the way we think they will and I'm good with them just being free thanks to Sparhawk's material.sacrifice and good will. I just don't want to have to balance game mechanics and story with those guys. Simetimes stuff happens to boats. Also, I think the folding boat fits 15 people, so that the party plus 11, you've freed more than that.>
As you koad into your boat, the huge demon approaches. Demogorgon is focused on smashing the kuo-toa settlement and pays little heed to the puny creatures fleeing from him. They are, hiwever, beset by aquatic creatures resembling manta rays, with small, clawed hands at the ends of their “wings” and black eyes gleaming with sinister intelligence. Rhey keep from the water attacking g with their barber tails.
"Watch out! We're being boarded!" Kos screams a warning to his allies.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
<sorry for the delay, this encounter is scripted but not well defined. I was planning on retaining the initiatives from before. I'm just thinking king about how many and what types.>
Due to the waves pulsating across the lake with the motion of the whirlpool, make a DC12 Dex save at the end of each turn to avoid falling prone.
7 ixitxachitl attack from rhe dark water.
One casts a spell on the boat, whoch stops it moving under uts own power. The whirlpool now pulls it slowly toward its epicenter.
A creature closely resembling a string ray leaps from the water across the deck.
x Wyselath: Vampiric Bite. 15 for 6 piercing damage
The target must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken, and the ixitxachitl regains hit points equal to that amount. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if its hit point maximum is reduced to o.
Wysaleth stares at the many manta rays around them. He grits his teeth, "Stupid aquatic aberrations. Turn into cinders!" The elf points his wand at one of the monsters. He utters an incantation, with a big mall of electric energy forming at the tip of his wand. He then throws the orb at one of the manta rays, hitting him
Action: Cast 4th Level Chromatic orb ( ATK 21 on Manta ray 6, Dealing 31LIGHTNING damage. ) The orb then makes an arc jump towards the next manta rays, hitting as much as it can:
manta ray 4: ATK 25 for 26 LIGHTNING dmg
manta ray 5: ATK 28 for 19 LIGHTNING dmg
Manta ray 7: ATK 29 (Nat 20) for 52 LIGHTNING dmg.
The ray also tries to jump towards the next manta ray, however the fishes are too far, and the spell stops. (it can jump multiple times as long as i roll 2 dices of the same number on the D8's. I used a LV 4 spell slot, so it could jump up to 5 times)
The huge hybrid orc bugbear captain looks at Wysaleth. “Remind me to stay on your good side.” He then attacks the creature on the boat from 10 feet away, his arms surprisingly and unnaturally long.
Wysaleth chuckles, "That's good to hear. But my rage is what fuels my powers. Just hope we can leave this boat alive from that thing."He points at the big fiend
I attack Manta Ray 7 with 2 eldritch blasts. Using Repelling Blasts, I push it back 20 feet. Using Lance of Lethargy, I reduce its speed by 10 feet. (25 to hit for 7 damage, 21 to hit for 7 damage.)
<What's with chromatic orb? I'm not getting it. I've definitely seen that chain mechanic somewharre, but I don't see anything in the spell's description or the character sheet to suggest this applies here. What am I missing? >
Kos throws his last stone from Magic Stone at one of the creatures that attacked him.
Attack: 12 Damage: 8 bludgeoning damage.
"Let's try and get this boat moving again! We've got to get out of here!"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
<Nope. It's fine. I mean, it's kind of absurd, feom a math perspective, ro hold the requirement to 2 matching dice while increasing the number of dice to also increase the damage. It's geometric damage output for linear resource spend. But it's fine. Unrelated note: ky content sharing ends tomorrow with my master teir sub, so if anyone was using that, it will go away midnight tomorrow. I dont think anyone is, but thats teue. It also means ill be awitxhing back to owlbear.rodeo instead of maps. I do t think youll see a difference.>
Nearly all of yiur attacks kill their I tended targets outright, with little fanfare. Until.. awayseleths's final strike hits the ixitxachitl that cast the spell on the boat. When his patron feels the death of his cleric, the Demon Lord turns his attention to the vessel, creeping closer to the epicenter of the vortex, the huge demon, and certain doom.
A giant tentacle crashes into the water sending huge wave 20ft tall towards the vessel.
Looks like 4 have participated in the combat:
I was considering Invisibility, but I have no spell slots left. Looks like I could cast it though.
[A paper drops out of a flash of light and drifts to the ground at your feet] -(extended sig)-
<I'd prefer to not do anything mechanical with the freed people since things might not go the way we think they will and I'm good with them just being free thanks to Sparhawk's material.sacrifice and good will. I just don't want to have to balance game mechanics and story with those guys. Simetimes stuff happens to boats. Also, I think the folding boat fits 15 people, so that the party plus 11, you've freed more than that.>
As you koad into your boat, the huge demon approaches. Demogorgon is focused on smashing the kuo-toa settlement and pays little heed to the puny creatures fleeing from him. They are, hiwever, beset by aquatic creatures resembling manta rays, with small, clawed hands at the ends of their “wings” and black eyes gleaming with sinister intelligence. Rhey keep from the water attacking g with their barber tails.
(Fair enough on the freed folk)
"Watch out! We're being boarded!" Kos screams a warning to his allies.
<sorry for the delay, this encounter is scripted but not well defined. I was planning on retaining the initiatives from before. I'm just thinking king about how many and what types.>
Due to the waves pulsating across the lake with the motion of the whirlpool, make a DC12 Dex save at the end of each turn to avoid falling prone.
7 ixitxachitl attack from rhe dark water.
One casts a spell on the boat, whoch stops it moving under uts own power. The whirlpool now pulls it slowly toward its epicenter.
A creature closely resembling a string ray leaps from the water across the deck.
x Wyselath: Vampiric Bite. 15 for 6 piercing damage
The target must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken, and the ixitxachitl regains hit points equal to that amount. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if its hit point maximum is reduced to o.
( Dayum that's a pretty heavy effect! Thankfully my AC is 18 )
X Baron 8 for 4 piercing
X Sparhawk 18 for 4 piercing
X Kos 17 for 4 piercing
X Kos 22 for 4 piercing
X Baron vampiric bite (as above) 16 for 6 piercing
Players are up.
Wysaleth stares at the many manta rays around them. He grits his teeth, "Stupid aquatic aberrations. Turn into cinders!" The elf points his wand at one of the monsters. He utters an incantation, with a big mall of electric energy forming at the tip of his wand. He then throws the orb at one of the manta rays, hitting him
Action: Cast 4th Level Chromatic orb ( ATK 21 on Manta ray 6, Dealing 31 LIGHTNING damage. ) The orb then makes an arc jump towards the next manta rays, hitting as much as it can:
manta ray 4: ATK 25 for 26 LIGHTNING dmg
manta ray 5: ATK 28 for 19 LIGHTNING dmg
Manta ray 7: ATK 29 (Nat 20) for 52 LIGHTNING dmg.
The ray also tries to jump towards the next manta ray, however the fishes are too far, and the spell stops. (it can jump multiple times as long as i roll 2 dices of the same number on the D8's. I used a LV 4 spell slot, so it could jump up to 5 times)
The huge hybrid orc bugbear captain looks at Wysaleth. “Remind me to stay on your good side.” He then attacks the creature on the boat from 10 feet away, his arms surprisingly and unnaturally long.
15 to hit, damage 9
28 to hit, damage 14
Wysaleth chuckles, "That's good to hear. But my rage is what fuels my powers. Just hope we can leave this boat alive from that thing." He points at the big fiend
I attack Manta Ray 7 with 2 eldritch blasts. Using Repelling Blasts, I push it back 20 feet. Using Lance of Lethargy, I reduce its speed by 10 feet. (25 to hit for 7 damage, 21 to hit for 7 damage.)
[A paper drops out of a flash of light and drifts to the ground at your feet] -(extended sig)-
<What's with chromatic orb? I'm not getting it. I've definitely seen that chain mechanic somewharre, but I don't see anything in the spell's description or the character sheet to suggest this applies here. What am I missing? >
(ooc: it's the 2024 version of Chromatic Orb )
Kos throws his last stone from Magic Stone at one of the creatures that attacked him.
Attack: 12 Damage: 8 bludgeoning damage.
"Let's try and get this boat moving again! We've got to get out of here!"
( Oh, if you think the 2024 version is too strong i can re-do my action )
<Nope. It's fine. I mean, it's kind of absurd, feom a math perspective, ro hold the requirement to 2 matching dice while increasing the number of dice to also increase the damage. It's geometric damage output for linear resource spend. But it's fine. Unrelated note: ky content sharing ends tomorrow with my master teir sub, so if anyone was using that, it will go away midnight tomorrow. I dont think anyone is, but thats teue. It also means ill be awitxhing back to owlbear.rodeo instead of maps. I do t think youll see a difference.>
Nearly all of yiur attacks kill their I tended targets outright, with little fanfare. Until.. awayseleths's final strike hits the ixitxachitl that cast the spell on the boat. When his patron feels the death of his cleric, the Demon Lord turns his attention to the vessel, creeping closer to the epicenter of the vortex, the huge demon, and certain doom.
A giant tentacle crashes into the water sending huge wave 20ft tall towards the vessel.
On a 1 it will capsize. 2
The boat tips nearly over, but holds as the wave carries the vessel 100ft away from the whirlpool and the city under seige.