This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Xaul gives an exasperated grunt at the sight of the troll entering the tavern and decides that he can't stay idle any longer. He steps forward from the wall he was leaning from, and decants the flask with his water spirit patron back into the glass. 'Looks like I'll be getting involved after all, do you reckon you can feed me some more magic for this one?' he asks to his reflection on the waters surface, which twists and distorts to form an eerie grin of agreement as the liquid starts to bubble and froth with arcane energy.
Initiative: 9 (Doesn't look like we're using intiative since we're going in groups but I'll roll nonetheless in case it might be needed)
Xaul calls to Marion saying, 'Agreed, let's get this brute back where it belongs' then shouts a harsh noise and makes a scratching gesture to cast Frostbite on the troll: The troll must make a Constitution Save with a of DC 12, dealing 2 cold damage and giving disadvantage on the trolls next attack on a failed save.
He then shouts aloud in a booming voice 'I call upon the Tentacles of the Deep to strike this foe down!' The cup Xaul holds nearly overflows with the churning magical water as a spectral tentacle appears next to the troll and slams down towards it: 11 to hit, dealing 5 cold damage and reducing the trolls movement speed by 10 feet until my next turn on a hit.
(The 1d8+2 I rolled for Tentacles is acting up, it's listing it as 2d6 +3 when you hover over it and showing completely different numbers for whatever reason when you view it despite the fact that when I view the post in Edit mode I've put everything correct and as it should be)
(Edit: Exact same is happening with the 1d6 Frostbite damage, I'd just ignore it and hope it fixes itself since all the numbers its showing externally are correct)
Boo... in the dim, raucous tumult of The Yawning Portal, as it appears that Marion and Xaul are attempting to rally their efforts against the encroaching troll, Booremains a spectral presence, her form almost blending into the shadows that cling to the tavern's walls. Her eyes, cool and detached, observe the creature's chaotic movements, the chaos it brings so carelessly to her temporary haven.
With a deep breath that seems to draw the dim light into her, Booonce again extends a pale hand, fingers splayed towards the monstrous troll. She whispers the incantation, Infestation her voice a soft, chilling murmur lost amid the clatter and shouts of the fray. Around her, the air thickens, the edges of reality blurring as she calls forth another swarm of spectral insects. The air around the troll shimmers as a cloud of biting, gnawing insects materialize from the nether, surging towards the hulking beast.
Boo'sintention is attempt to distract and debilitate the creature, to give her allies an edge. She remains still, her gaze fixed intently on her target, watching as nature's smallest creatures become a harbinger of chaos against such a large foe. With her action decided and the incantation set into motion, Boo steps back slightly, ready to react to whatever comes next in this unexpected and dangerous turn of events at her once-quiet corner of the world.
OOC:I'm going to use the Two Weapon Fighting Rule.
When you take the Attack Action and Attack with a light melee weapon that you’re holding in one hand, you can use a Bonus Action to Attack with a different light melee weapon that you’re holding in the other hand.
And shove the troll twice.
Question: If Marion uses burning torches, can she shove the troll with advantage?
Shove can't be done with the two weapon fighting as it replaces an attack (i.e, you aren't attacking with the light melee weapon in the main hand). In addition, a torch doesn't have the "light" property anyway. Feel free to do something different with your turn with that information. I would give advantage for burning torches though, as the troll would try and avoid the fire.
(The 1d8+2 I rolled for Tentacles is acting up, it's listing it as 2d6 +3 when you hover over it and showing completely different numbers for whatever reason when you view it despite the fact that when I view the post in Edit mode I've put everything correct and as it should be)
(Edit: Exact same is happening with the 1d6 Frostbite damage, I'd just ignore it and hope it fixes itself since all the numbers its showing externally are correct)
Known bug with the inbuilt roller. It is often very wrong. You can use the character sheet for dice rolls which is normally better, or just take comfort in knowing that the text is correct and the tooltip is not.
The troll passes its con save against frostbite. But does get hit by the tentacle. (will post Durnan and Yagra after Marianupdates. And then monsters followed by Boo's next infestation on the troll)
Marion abandons an idea of fighting with two torches. Holding a shield instead (AC16), She charges at the Troll, pressing the fire against the monster's solar plexus.
Shoves the Troll toward the well with a burning torch.
The troll stumbles back a bit closer to the well. Durnan looks at you, slightly impressed with your attempt. "Good idea lass, but unfortunately it will just climb back out again. Trolls are nasty buggers. If some of you can focus on the Stirges that would help reduce numbers, and someone be ready with oil alongside her torch. We need to burn the troll once it is down or it will come right up again" and he takes 4 swings of his sword, 3 of them connecting, and the 4th bouncing off the tough skin of the troll. Yagra runs behind the bar, returning with some oil and a bottle of cheap wine. "Hope you don't mind me using this as a flammable substance Durnan. I will pay if needed!"
The troll tries to swing both claws at Durnan, missing one and the other digging in quite deep. He grits his teeth but looks like he has a lot of fight still in him. It then tries to bite Marion with a 16 to hit, and 6piercing damage.
The stirges attack, one going to Boo (the damaged one that Boohit), Kismetand Xaul. It is a 14 to hit Boofor 4 damage,18 to hit Kismet for 6 damage, and 6 to hit Xaul. The one that hit Boo attaches to her (mechanically no difference for your attacks, but it doesn't need to roll to hit next turn if it survives), and the one that hit Kismet drops down dead.
Kismet drew in a sharp breath as some of the damage slipped past her spectral armor. Having served its function, the spell faltered. As the vermin at her feet succumbed to the icy touch of Agathys, Kismet felt a rush of vitality flow into her. Kismet had just taken a life ... and Levistus approved.
Pushing aside the the stirge's frozen remains with her foot, she took aim with her crossbow and fired at another of the filthy bloodsuckers.
OOC — Armor of Agathys fails (0 temp hp remaining), Dark One's Blessing (+5 temp hp), Crossbow vs available stirge 15 to-hit, 11 piercing damage.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Xaul gives an irritated grunt as the sturge flys past his ear, just missing him to attack. Maybe Durnan was right, the stirges should be taken care of first. He gives a flick of his finger and uses his bonus action to command his tentacle to pursue the bloodsucking pest, then tries to crush the vermin with it. Attack roll: 18, 1 cold damage and -10 feet movement speed on a hit.
The stirges attack, one going to Boo (the damaged one that Boohit), Kismetand Xaul. It is a 14 to hit Boofor 4 damage,18 to hit Kismet for 6 damage, and 6 to hit Xaul. The one that hit Boo attaches to her (mechanically no difference for your attacks, but it doesn't need to roll to hit next turn if it survives), and the one that hit Kismet drops down dead.
As the stirge's sharp proboscis pierces her skin, Boo lets out an involuntary squeal, a sound more befitting the haunted alleyways of Waterdeep than the boisterous tavern. Pain flares across her senses, a stark reminder of the danger now clinging to her. With instinctive revulsion and a rising panic that turns quickly to anger, she feels the primal magic surge within her, a wild, corrosive power itching for release.
Gritting her teeth, which lengthen and sharpen into lethal points dripping with acid, Boo snaps her head towards the vile creature attached to her. The air hisses as her transformed teeth sink into the stirge, the sizzle of acid burning through its flesh filling her senses. With a gruesome determination, she seeks to tear into the parasite, hopefully ensuring its end is as painful as the wound it inflicted on her.
Blood mixes with the vile ichor of the stirge as Boo spits out the remnants of her attacker, her face a mask of fury and fear. Not satisfied with merely dispatching it, she reaches for the silvered spoon hooked onto her belt, its edge as sharp as any dagger. With a swift, practiced motion, she scoops at the carcass still partially attached to her, ensuring nothing of the pestilence remains.
The beggar girl's actions are quick and efficient, a reflection of her survival instincts honed on the unforgiving streets. As she flings the last of the stirge's remains to the floor, her expression is one of cold resolve, ready for the next threat, her spirit unbroken.
OOC: Instead of attacking the troll with her 'infestation' cantrip as planned Boo (which I hope is alright doing this, if not, it is what it is) Boo seeks to use Primal Savagery as her 'action' to attack the stirge with a roll of 14 to hit, hopefully dealing 6 HP of acid damage and then follows up with her 'bonus action' to attack with her sharpened silver spoon with a roll of 17 to hit hopefully inflicting 1 HP of damage attempting to scoop out and clear away the remains of the stirge inbeded in her flesh. As described IC above rolling from her character sheet.
They only have 2hp each. With An AC of 14. The one on Boohad taken 1 damage already so it was only on 1.
Kismettakes aim at one, piercing it to the ceiling where it stops moving. At the same time, Xaul tries to hit the last one, cautious of hitting Boo in the process so misses. Boo is vicious in retaliation to the Stirge, ripping it to shreds with her temporarily elongated teeth before using her sharpened spoon to totally eradicate it from any sembalance of what it was before.
(technically, the spoon attack can't happen as primal savagery is a spell attack, not a light melee weapon, but as it was already dead I am allowing it for flavour)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"Roger that, Boss!"Marion answers Durnan with a smirk. "Did you catch that, Big Green? Today's your lucky day for a free drink."
As she teases the troll, memories of her days as a barmaid flood her mind, causing a momentary lapse in focus. The troll, seizing the opportunity, sinks its teeth into Marion's shoulder before she can react. Ignoring the pain, forcing back the scream, and flaring her eyes with burning fury, Marion jabs her torch into the troll's eye.
“ Wanna… order something spicy? Be careful what you wish for!!”
With gritted teeth, she attempts to shove the troll toward the well's edge.
Attempt to shove the troll to the edge of the well. If the shoving is successful, move 10 feet away to avoid the next attack.
They only have 2hp each. With An AC of 14. The one on Boohad taken 1 damage already so it was only on 1.
Kismettakes aim at one, piercing it to the ceiling where it stops moving. At the same time, Xaul tries to hit the last one, cautious of hitting Boo in the process so misses. Boo is vicious in retaliation to the Stirge, ripping it to shreds with her temporarily elongated teeth before using her sharpened spoon to totally eradicate it from any sembalance of what it was before.
(technically, the spoon attack can't happen as primal savagery is a spell attack, not a light melee weapon, but as it was already dead I am allowing it for flavour)
Marionis up
OOC: Sorry about that my bad wasn't aware of that so thanks for getting me up to speed. But already dead in this instance doesn't matter one way or another so alright but now I know how it works I will know not to attempt again.
Marion gives a massive shove. And surprisingly the troll doesn't budge. It was expecting it this time so braced itself against the action.
Durnan takes another 4 swings at the troll, two of them connecting solidly. The troll looks very injured now, and angry. Its wounds start to knit together however, but Yagracomes over, bringing some of the alcohol into her mouth on the way, then spraying it out through Marion'storch, sending a small cone of fire at the troll. It doesn't do much damage, but you do notice the wounds stop healing, at least temporarily.
The troll tries to bite Durnan who blocks it with his sword, but he does leave himself vulnerable to two claw attacks. He winces but is still steady on his feet.
The bolt hits the troll. But doesn't penetrate the thick skin, breaking in half instead. (In terms of tracking ammo, I leave that decision up to you. I won't enforce it, but making sure you have enough can be a good for RP, and makes it interesting when you run out. RAW you can recover half of expended ammo at the end of a fight hence this one breaking)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Noticing the Troll's weakened state,Marion adapts her strategy upon.
"Care for a refill?"
The Half-Elf taunts, brandishing her torch like a club, aiming at the creature's vulnerable abdomen of the beast. She tries to maintain the flames upon the Troll, preventing its regenerative abilities.
Using the torch as an improvised Club (1D4).Please give me your opinion if I'm wrong.
As the torch description states that an attack with a burning torch does 1 damage, I would rule it would not do the additional club damage. Thinking logically, torches are not made to withstand being struck against something, so the 1 damage is pushing the flame against them, not striking them with it.
What I will allow (and it is up to you to tell me which you are choosing), is either 1 fire damageand the torch remains lit and in your possession, oryou do6 bludgeoning + 1 fire but the torch breaks, and risks setting the floor on fire where you are stood if not extinguished (as an action), and you have no lit torch anymore.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Xaul gives a sigh of relief to see the stirges defeated and turns his attention to the now heavily injured troll as the combat's tension mounts. 'Let's get this over with then shall we, Oasis?', he says to his watery patron, as he makes a large sweeping movement with his free arm, to swipe the tentacle at the trolls calves, trying to wrap itself around the legs of the beast, then runs within distance of the creature and cries 'Face the wrath of my patron, Humid Oasis!' Suddenly, the water in the cup Xaul holds bursts forth and temporarily takes the form of a watery half-orc, almost identical to Xaul, that slams it's fists into the ground and creates a tempestuous shockwave that sends tables and chairs flying, before completely deforming and re-entering the cup, the waters surface now still and calm from the effort Humid Oasis exerted to cast Thunderwave.
Bonus Action: Tentacle of the Deep on the troll: Attack Roll: 10, 7 cold damage on a hit. Action: Thunderwave: Every creature within a 15 feets cubes distance from Xaul must succeed on a DC 12 Con Save or take 8 thunder damage and be pushed 10 feet away from Xaul on a failed save, or take half as much damage on a failed save.
Xaul gives an exasperated grunt at the sight of the troll entering the tavern and decides that he can't stay idle any longer. He steps forward from the wall he was leaning from, and decants the flask with his water spirit patron back into the glass. 'Looks like I'll be getting involved after all, do you reckon you can feed me some more magic for this one?' he asks to his reflection on the waters surface, which twists and distorts to form an eerie grin of agreement as the liquid starts to bubble and froth with arcane energy.
Initiative: 9 (Doesn't look like we're using intiative since we're going in groups but I'll roll nonetheless in case it might be needed)
Xaul calls to Marion saying, 'Agreed, let's get this brute back where it belongs' then shouts a harsh noise and makes a scratching gesture to cast Frostbite on the troll: The troll must make a Constitution Save with a of DC 12, dealing 2 cold damage and giving disadvantage on the trolls next attack on a failed save.
He then shouts aloud in a booming voice 'I call upon the Tentacles of the Deep to strike this foe down!' The cup Xaul holds nearly overflows with the churning magical water as a spectral tentacle appears next to the troll and slams down towards it: 11 to hit, dealing 5 cold damage and reducing the trolls movement speed by 10 feet until my next turn on a hit.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
(The 1d8+2 I rolled for Tentacles is acting up, it's listing it as 2d6 +3 when you hover over it and showing completely different numbers for whatever reason when you view it despite the fact that when I view the post in Edit mode I've put everything correct and as it should be)
(Edit: Exact same is happening with the 1d6 Frostbite damage, I'd just ignore it and hope it fixes itself since all the numbers its showing externally are correct)
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Boo... in the dim, raucous tumult of The Yawning Portal, as it appears that Marion and Xaul are attempting to rally their efforts against the encroaching troll, Boo remains a spectral presence, her form almost blending into the shadows that cling to the tavern's walls. Her eyes, cool and detached, observe the creature's chaotic movements, the chaos it brings so carelessly to her temporary haven.
With a deep breath that seems to draw the dim light into her, Boo once again extends a pale hand, fingers splayed towards the monstrous troll. She whispers the incantation, Infestation her voice a soft, chilling murmur lost amid the clatter and shouts of the fray. Around her, the air thickens, the edges of reality blurring as she calls forth another swarm of spectral insects. The air around the troll shimmers as a cloud of biting, gnawing insects materialize from the nether, surging towards the hulking beast.
Boo's intention is attempt to distract and debilitate the creature, to give her allies an edge. She remains still, her gaze fixed intently on her target, watching as nature's smallest creatures become a harbinger of chaos against such a large foe. With her action decided and the incantation set into motion, Boo steps back slightly, ready to react to whatever comes next in this unexpected and dangerous turn of events at her once-quiet corner of the world.
Shove can't be done with the two weapon fighting as it replaces an attack (i.e, you aren't attacking with the light melee weapon in the main hand). In addition, a torch doesn't have the "light" property anyway. Feel free to do something different with your turn with that information. I would give advantage for burning torches though, as the troll would try and avoid the fire.
Correct. I feel it slows down PbP too much, so do group. I roll an average check for the group and monsters and use that to determine who goes first.
Known bug with the inbuilt roller. It is often very wrong. You can use the character sheet for dice rolls which is normally better, or just take comfort in knowing that the text is correct and the tooltip is not.
The troll passes its con save against frostbite. But does get hit by the tentacle. (will post Durnan and Yagra after Marian updates. And then monsters followed by Boo's next infestation on the troll)
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
"Oh, this wouldn't work,"
Marion abandons an idea of fighting with two torches. Holding a shield instead (AC16), She charges at the Troll, pressing the fire against the monster's solar plexus.
Shoves the Troll toward the well with a burning torch.
Athletic Check: 18
The troll stumbles back a bit closer to the well. Durnan looks at you, slightly impressed with your attempt. "Good idea lass, but unfortunately it will just climb back out again. Trolls are nasty buggers. If some of you can focus on the Stirges that would help reduce numbers, and someone be ready with oil alongside her torch. We need to burn the troll once it is down or it will come right up again" and he takes 4 swings of his sword, 3 of them connecting, and the 4th bouncing off the tough skin of the troll. Yagra runs behind the bar, returning with some oil and a bottle of cheap wine. "Hope you don't mind me using this as a flammable substance Durnan. I will pay if needed!"
The troll tries to swing both claws at Durnan, missing one and the other digging in quite deep. He grits his teeth but looks like he has a lot of fight still in him. It then tries to bite Marion with a 16 to hit, and 6 piercing damage.
The stirges attack, one going to Boo (the damaged one that Boo hit), Kismet and Xaul. It is a 14 to hit Boo for 4 damage, 18 to hit Kismet for 6 damage, and 6 to hit Xaul. The one that hit Boo attaches to her (mechanically no difference for your attacks, but it doesn't need to roll to hit next turn if it survives), and the one that hit Kismet drops down dead.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Kismet drew in a sharp breath as some of the damage slipped past her spectral armor. Having served its function, the spell faltered. As the vermin at her feet succumbed to the icy touch of Agathys, Kismet felt a rush of vitality flow into her. Kismet had just taken a life ... and Levistus approved.
Pushing aside the the stirge's frozen remains with her foot, she took aim with her crossbow and fired at another of the filthy bloodsuckers.
OOC — Armor of Agathys fails (0 temp hp remaining), Dark One's Blessing (+5 temp hp), Crossbow vs available stirge 15 to-hit, 11 piercing damage.
Xaul gives an irritated grunt as the sturge flys past his ear, just missing him to attack. Maybe Durnan was right, the stirges should be taken care of first. He gives a flick of his finger and uses his bonus action to command his tentacle to pursue the bloodsucking pest, then tries to crush the vermin with it. Attack roll: 18, 1 cold damage and -10 feet movement speed on a hit.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
As the stirge's sharp proboscis pierces her skin, Boo lets out an involuntary squeal, a sound more befitting the haunted alleyways of Waterdeep than the boisterous tavern. Pain flares across her senses, a stark reminder of the danger now clinging to her. With instinctive revulsion and a rising panic that turns quickly to anger, she feels the primal magic surge within her, a wild, corrosive power itching for release.
Gritting her teeth, which lengthen and sharpen into lethal points dripping with acid, Boo snaps her head towards the vile creature attached to her. The air hisses as her transformed teeth sink into the stirge, the sizzle of acid burning through its flesh filling her senses. With a gruesome determination, she seeks to tear into the parasite, hopefully ensuring its end is as painful as the wound it inflicted on her.
Blood mixes with the vile ichor of the stirge as Boo spits out the remnants of her attacker, her face a mask of fury and fear. Not satisfied with merely dispatching it, she reaches for the silvered spoon hooked onto her belt, its edge as sharp as any dagger. With a swift, practiced motion, she scoops at the carcass still partially attached to her, ensuring nothing of the pestilence remains.
The beggar girl's actions are quick and efficient, a reflection of her survival instincts honed on the unforgiving streets. As she flings the last of the stirge's remains to the floor, her expression is one of cold resolve, ready for the next threat, her spirit unbroken.
OOC: Instead of attacking the troll with her 'infestation' cantrip as planned Boo (which I hope is alright doing this, if not, it is what it is) Boo seeks to use Primal Savagery as her 'action' to attack the stirge with a roll of 14 to hit, hopefully dealing 6 HP of acid damage and then follows up with her 'bonus action' to attack with her sharpened silver spoon with a roll of 17 to hit hopefully inflicting 1 HP of damage attempting to scoop out and clear away the remains of the stirge inbeded in her flesh. As described IC above rolling from her character sheet.
They only have 2hp each. With An AC of 14. The one on Boo had taken 1 damage already so it was only on 1.
Kismet takes aim at one, piercing it to the ceiling where it stops moving. At the same time, Xaul tries to hit the last one, cautious of hitting Boo in the process so misses. Boo is vicious in retaliation to the Stirge, ripping it to shreds with her temporarily elongated teeth before using her sharpened spoon to totally eradicate it from any sembalance of what it was before.
(technically, the spoon attack can't happen as primal savagery is a spell attack, not a light melee weapon, but as it was already dead I am allowing it for flavour)
Marion is up
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
"Roger that, Boss!" Marion answers Durnan with a smirk. "Did you catch that, Big Green? Today's your lucky day for a free drink."
As she teases the troll, memories of her days as a barmaid flood her mind, causing a momentary lapse in focus. The troll, seizing the opportunity, sinks its teeth into Marion's shoulder before she can react. Ignoring the pain, forcing back the scream, and flaring her eyes with burning fury, Marion jabs her torch into the troll's eye.
“ Wanna… order something spicy? Be careful what you wish for!!”
With gritted teeth, she attempts to shove the troll toward the well's edge.
Attempt to shove the troll to the edge of the well. If the shoving is successful, move 10 feet away to avoid the next attack.
Athletic Check: 22
OOC: Sorry about that my bad wasn't aware of that so thanks for getting me up to speed. But already dead in this instance doesn't matter one way or another so alright but now I know how it works I will know not to attempt again.
Marion gives a massive shove. And surprisingly the troll doesn't budge. It was expecting it this time so braced itself against the action.
Durnan takes another 4 swings at the troll, two of them connecting solidly. The troll looks very injured now, and angry. Its wounds start to knit together however, but Yagra comes over, bringing some of the alcohol into her mouth on the way, then spraying it out through Marion's torch, sending a small cone of fire at the troll. It doesn't do much damage, but you do notice the wounds stop healing, at least temporarily.
The troll tries to bite Durnan who blocks it with his sword, but he does leave himself vulnerable to two claw attacks. He winces but is still steady on his feet.
Everyone is up!
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
The stirges had been dealt with, and Durnan, Yagra and Marion had their hands full with the rampaging troll.
Keeping her distance from its deadly fangs and claws, Kismet lined up another shot of her crossbow and fired upon the foul beast.
OOC — Only 11 to-hit, 6 piercing damage.
The bolt hits the troll. But doesn't penetrate the thick skin, breaking in half instead. (In terms of tracking ammo, I leave that decision up to you. I won't enforce it, but making sure you have enough can be a good for RP, and makes it interesting when you run out. RAW you can recover half of expended ammo at the end of a fight hence this one breaking)
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Noticing the Troll's weakened state,Marion adapts her strategy upon.
"Care for a refill?"
The Half-Elf taunts, brandishing her torch like a club, aiming at the creature's vulnerable abdomen of the beast. She tries to maintain the flames upon the Troll, preventing its regenerative abilities.
Using the torch as an improvised Club (1D4). Please give me your opinion if I'm wrong.
Attack: 10 Damage: 5
+ 1 fire damage
As the torch description states that an attack with a burning torch does 1 damage, I would rule it would not do the additional club damage. Thinking logically, torches are not made to withstand being struck against something, so the 1 damage is pushing the flame against them, not striking them with it.
What I will allow (and it is up to you to tell me which you are choosing), is either 1 fire damage and the torch remains lit and in your possession, or you do 6 bludgeoning + 1 fire but the torch breaks, and risks setting the floor on fire where you are stood if not extinguished (as an action), and you have no lit torch anymore.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Understood! Then I choose 1 fire damage to thwart the Troll from healing itself.
Boo looks on rather impressed with the skill and tenasity of the Half-Elf called Marion!
Xaul gives a sigh of relief to see the stirges defeated and turns his attention to the now heavily injured troll as the combat's tension mounts. 'Let's get this over with then shall we, Oasis?', he says to his watery patron, as he makes a large sweeping movement with his free arm, to swipe the tentacle at the trolls calves, trying to wrap itself around the legs of the beast, then runs within distance of the creature and cries 'Face the wrath of my patron, Humid Oasis!' Suddenly, the water in the cup Xaul holds bursts forth and temporarily takes the form of a watery half-orc, almost identical to Xaul, that slams it's fists into the ground and creates a tempestuous shockwave that sends tables and chairs flying, before completely deforming and re-entering the cup, the waters surface now still and calm from the effort Humid Oasis exerted to cast Thunderwave.
Bonus Action: Tentacle of the Deep on the troll: Attack Roll: 10, 7 cold damage on a hit.
Action: Thunderwave: Every creature within a 15 feets cubes distance from Xaul must succeed on a DC 12 Con Save or take 8 thunder damage and be pushed 10 feet away from Xaul on a failed save, or take half as much damage on a failed save.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!