Xaullistens closely to the mission briefing and is puzzled on how the party is meant to carry it out, before suddenly realising that a potential help for this mission is at his fingertips; literally. His hands move from his pockets up to the drinking horn on his waist and he says 'I havespeak with animalson tap, so perhaps that could make things easier since I could ask other horses what they know; a talking mare should be quite a celebrity amongst equine-kind, so I'm sure there will be some gossip on her whereabouts. And, it makes things more discreet too, as if I'm seen clearly talking to animals beforehand, in with my adventuring get-up no less, it might take the weirdness factor out of it a bit. This is Waterdeep after all, adventurers are common to come by doing all sorts about the place!'
[do we get any description of what Maxeene looks like so we don't have to try talking to every horse we see? Or any phrases she's likely to respond to even if it's not directed at her?]
No description is given, but seeing as finding her requires a (not that high DC) investigation roll, I will say yes you probably are given a description or method to find her. "She is a jet black mare, with roses tied to her mane. Naturally as it is late now, she will not be walking the streets so you will have to wait until morning."
It sounds a conspicuous horse to tail Zhent agents, who only rarely travel through passages large enough for a horse when doing their most illegal work, thinks the Genasi warlock.
Still, she has never seen it before, so perhaps it is good at remaining unseen despite the description. The warlock picks her ear as the theatrics conclude. Art might be nice for those who have time to waste, but she has 25 shiny friends waiting to meet her, and she’s glad when they leave the opera hall.
Damros stretches carefully while still in his hammock; not wishing to flip over and land on the mat covered floor. (He has learned his lessons regarding hammocks!)
'Another day of hunting for a talking horse,' he thought to himself. 'As if we can afford to waste more time on such foolery.'
With one last big yawn, he rolled out of the hammock and did his morning preparations for the day - again having the thought of how lucky other magic users had it with their 'instant clean and neat' spells'. "One must work with what they have been given," he said to his face in the polished bronze mirror. "If only SOME patrons gave a little more freely..." he ended with a wry smile until he looked down and saw the small, black feather laying next to the bowl of water he had been dunking his face into.
"Alright! Alright! Damn your all seeing eyes, Woman. I am 'blessed' even while shunned." Damros said the last through a clamped jaw.
Xaulgets out of his own hammock with a grumble, the thrumming sounds of yesterday's theatre trip still reverberating in his mind. His evening eldritch enhancements have long worn off, and so he makes his way to the mirror that Damros was using to sort himself out. As soon as Xaularrives at the mirror, his reflection also appears in the bowl of water Damros was using, except it seems to be a little more groomed then it's physical counterpart, as if the water knows what he'll look like in a few moments. Its magical nature is soon assured as the reflection manages to move by itself, trying to somehow peek over the edge of the basin to catch a glimpse of the Raven Queen's feather, as if it can tell that it's of powerful magical origin. It's a curious thing to see such patron-to-patron contact, seeing as both are beings of inscrutable power, yet only have such meagre impressions in the presence of their warlock. Humid Oasis is at least enjoying taking form as a reflection again (being stuck in a flask or a bottle as water was such a pain), or was until Xaulplunges his broad hands into the washbowl, disturbing the reflection with swaying ripples, and then vigorously rubs his face with the water he collects, his palms coming away to reveal a bright, clean, shaved and fresh face, even though it's only a poor mask.
[I'm enjoying having a patron that whilst it isn't present, still manages to materialise part of itself as either a small amount of magical water, or take over a reflection! It's got a lot of roleplaying oppurtunites so I'll have to try and make use of them more to try and really forge its presence and connection with Xaul!]
Well... Before you all wake up in the morning, there is one more thing that happens in the night. While walking back to the tavern, a flying snake comes up to Skye with a piece of parchment on it with her name on. Once it's untied the snake leaves. On it reads:
“Want to be part of something big? Speak to Davil Starsong at the Yawning Portal tonight.”
A flying snake. A flying snake. The former Zhentarim takes the message in one hand, using most of her strength to prevent herself from utterly crushing the letter beyond legibility.
To have found her is one thing, and by staying in the city she knew it would happen eventually if not so soon as this…
But to offer her an opportunity as if they hadn’t thrown her away like a sea-rotted barrel full of mouldering hard tack.
She stomps down from her room and finds the others, throwing the ball of crumpled parchment onto the table where they talk in high spirits.
Damros looks up from his steaming mug of ... what IS in this mug? With a grimace he slids the mug away. Looking up, he see Skye stomp forward and throw a balled up bit of parchment onto the table.
Xaul, without asking, leans forward and hooks one of the wrinkles of the paper on his finger, and tugs the balled up sheet to him. He unfurls it and reads, then mutters 'Crikey, another oppurtunity. What are your thoughts Skye?' He's clearly not aware of it's sender, so doesn't realise how much anger it has caused the recipient, so continues to eat his breakfast as careless mumbles through a mouthful of oats that 'Maybe you can consider it whilst we're out on our mission today, looking for that horse.'
Damros shrugs as he gets up to find something better to drink and eat. "I've only heard faint rumors. Since they operate in this city, perhaps you can enlighten us."
He breaks off a chunk of bread from a large loaf. "And is there significance to a winged serpent?"
After a moment to think that draws on, her thoughts clarify. If they're foolish enough to offer her an invitation, then she's foolish enough to take it. Quickly she pens down an acceptance to the meet and holds it to the window for the winged serpent, which sure as sheep appears to collect its charge and spirit it off.
Yep. The flying snake was at night. The meeting opportunity was for tonight. That is unless Skye wants to keep them waiting and meet them on her own terms the following day in which case we can go to the mare hunt in the morning.
Xaul listens closely to the mission briefing and is puzzled on how the party is meant to carry it out, before suddenly realising that a potential help for this mission is at his fingertips; literally. His hands move from his pockets up to the drinking horn on his waist and he says 'I have speak with animals on tap, so perhaps that could make things easier since I could ask other horses what they know; a talking mare should be quite a celebrity amongst equine-kind, so I'm sure there will be some gossip on her whereabouts. And, it makes things more discreet too, as if I'm seen clearly talking to animals beforehand, in with my adventuring get-up no less, it might take the weirdness factor out of it a bit. This is Waterdeep after all, adventurers are common to come by doing all sorts about the place!'
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
[do we get any description of what Maxeene looks like so we don't have to try talking to every horse we see? Or any phrases she's likely to respond to even if it's not directed at her?]
No description is given, but seeing as finding her requires a (not that high DC) investigation roll, I will say yes you probably are given a description or method to find her. "She is a jet black mare, with roses tied to her mane. Naturally as it is late now, she will not be walking the streets so you will have to wait until morning."
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Sehaethas says, "Thank you, I'll start looking for her in the morning."
It sounds a conspicuous horse to tail Zhent agents, who only rarely travel through passages large enough for a horse when doing their most illegal work, thinks the Genasi warlock.
Still, she has never seen it before, so perhaps it is good at remaining unseen despite the description. The warlock picks her ear as the theatrics conclude. Art might be nice for those who have time to waste, but she has 25 shiny friends waiting to meet her, and she’s glad when they leave the opera hall.
Damros stretches carefully while still in his hammock; not wishing to flip over and land on the mat covered floor. (He has learned his lessons regarding hammocks!)
'Another day of hunting for a talking horse,' he thought to himself. 'As if we can afford to waste more time on such foolery.'
With one last big yawn, he rolled out of the hammock and did his morning preparations for the day - again having the thought of how lucky other magic users had it with their 'instant clean and neat' spells'. "One must work with what they have been given," he said to his face in the polished bronze mirror. "If only SOME patrons gave a little more freely..." he ended with a wry smile until he looked down and saw the small, black feather laying next to the bowl of water he had been dunking his face into.
"Alright! Alright! Damn your all seeing eyes, Woman. I am 'blessed' even while shunned." Damros said the last through a clamped jaw.
Xaul gets out of his own hammock with a grumble, the thrumming sounds of yesterday's theatre trip still reverberating in his mind. His evening eldritch enhancements have long worn off, and so he makes his way to the mirror that Damros was using to sort himself out. As soon as Xaul arrives at the mirror, his reflection also appears in the bowl of water Damros was using, except it seems to be a little more groomed then it's physical counterpart, as if the water knows what he'll look like in a few moments. Its magical nature is soon assured as the reflection manages to move by itself, trying to somehow peek over the edge of the basin to catch a glimpse of the Raven Queen's feather, as if it can tell that it's of powerful magical origin. It's a curious thing to see such patron-to-patron contact, seeing as both are beings of inscrutable power, yet only have such meagre impressions in the presence of their warlock. Humid Oasis is at least enjoying taking form as a reflection again (being stuck in a flask or a bottle as water was such a pain), or was until Xaul plunges his broad hands into the washbowl, disturbing the reflection with swaying ripples, and then vigorously rubs his face with the water he collects, his palms coming away to reveal a bright, clean, shaved and fresh face, even though it's only a poor mask.
[I'm enjoying having a patron that whilst it isn't present, still manages to materialise part of itself as either a small amount of magical water, or take over a reflection! It's got a lot of roleplaying oppurtunites so I'll have to try and make use of them more to try and really forge its presence and connection with Xaul!]
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Well... Before you all wake up in the morning, there is one more thing that happens in the night. While walking back to the tavern, a flying snake comes up to Skye with a piece of parchment on it with her name on. Once it's untied the snake leaves. On it reads:
“Want to be part of something big? Speak to Davil Starsong at the Yawning Portal tonight.”
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
A flying snake. A flying snake. The former Zhentarim takes the message in one hand, using most of her strength to prevent herself from utterly crushing the letter beyond legibility.
To have found her is one thing, and by staying in the city she knew it would happen eventually if not so soon as this…
But to offer her an opportunity as if they hadn’t thrown her away like a sea-rotted barrel full of mouldering hard tack.
She stomps down from her room and finds the others, throwing the ball of crumpled parchment onto the table where they talk in high spirits.
Damros looks up from his steaming mug of ... what IS in this mug? With a grimace he slids the mug away. Looking up, he see Skye stomp forward and throw a balled up bit of parchment onto the table.
"Love letter from last night's tavern conquests?"
Xaul, without asking, leans forward and hooks one of the wrinkles of the paper on his finger, and tugs the balled up sheet to him. He unfurls it and reads, then mutters 'Crikey, another oppurtunity. What are your thoughts Skye?' He's clearly not aware of it's sender, so doesn't realise how much anger it has caused the recipient, so continues to eat his breakfast as careless mumbles through a mouthful of oats that 'Maybe you can consider it whilst we're out on our mission today, looking for that horse.'
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
"I wish," she says to Damros. "An admirer is as good as a gold piece in my pocket. This ... this does not spark similar feelings."
She nods at Xual. "The Zhentarim sent this, with a winged serpent and all. What do you know of them?"
Damros shrugs as he gets up to find something better to drink and eat. "I've only heard faint rumors. Since they operate in this city, perhaps you can enlighten us."
He breaks off a chunk of bread from a large loaf. "And is there significance to a winged serpent?"
(How much can I say, DM?)
(I will send a PM)
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
After a moment to think that draws on, her thoughts clarify. If they're foolish enough to offer her an invitation, then she's foolish enough to take it. Quickly she pens down an acceptance to the meet and holds it to the window for the winged serpent, which sure as sheep appears to collect its charge and spirit it off.
"Let's see what happens now."
Xaul yawns and says 'We'll have to wait and see what comes of that. Good luck. Now, if we're all ready, should we start looking for this talking mare?'
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
The genasi woman nods. Time to get this horse on the road, or the field, or wherever it be.
Sehaethas comments, "Looking for the talking mare can wait for morning. She's probably asleep somewhere at this time of night."
OOC: Reminder that the flying snake message happened on their way home from the opera.
Yep. The flying snake was at night. The meeting opportunity was for tonight. That is unless Skye wants to keep them waiting and meet them on her own terms the following day in which case we can go to the mare hunt in the morning.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)