The gnome falls off the counter trying, and failing to catch the coin. "I didn't see what way they went. I was too busy hiding in case they wanted to eliminate any witnesses."
"Eliminate the witness, of course. That would be the wise thing to do. Smart," muses Skye. She suddenly realises how that sounds. "I'm glad they didn't spot you. Don't worry, we'll teach them why they ought to cover their tracks properly! Regret it, I mean. We'll make them regret not looking for you..."
Marion's eyes widened as she processed the news. "Oh, Volo sent you to us? That's great. Welcome, Skye. I prefer friendship over competition, and we could really use the extra help right now."
She taps her lips thoughtfully, mulling over the information shared by the Gnome. "So, the ones behind the kidnapping might be the Zhentarim, huh? Well, if there's one witness, I'm willing to bet there's another on this street. But before we start questioning people, I'd like to head to the Skewered Dragon and see what happened there. Hey, my friend, do you happen to know anything about the tavern?"
With a flick of her fingers, the Half-Elf spins a silver Shard and flashes a smile at the owner.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Xaul gives a mock sort of yawn and starts to make for the door. The gnome shopkeeper seems to have given the party some valuable information, and he'd like to move on before he gets caught for the theft he committed. 'I'll just be waiting outside, come get me once you're done talking' he says to the rest of the party before stepping back out into the street.
Once he's outside and turned a corner, he'll pour the dragon's blood into his flask and hope for the best. (I'll roll on forum if that's okay: 16)
Feeling uncomfortable with her gaffes and not wanting to give them time to reconsider her admission into their party, Skye turns and follows him as he leaves the shop.
As Skye leaves the shop, she catches Xaul's eye, and he puts a stopper in his flask and vial. 'Hey, new girl,' he says as he wanders over 'Heard you're also looking for Floon. Sorry I didn't introduce myself back in the shop, I was more caught up with other things' He flashes a mischievous grin and tucks the stolen dragon's blood into his pocket. 'I'm Xaul, and this is my patron, Humid Oasis, who gives me all my magic. I'm pretty sure they're some sort of water spirit, and they materialise as my reflection on the water's surface.' He shakes the hip flask with his patron in, and it froths and bubbles in annoyance.
Skye peers down into the flask. "Hi Xaul, I'm still Skye. Humid Oasis, nice to meet'ya." She looks up, "Can they hear me? Look! It's making happy little bubbles! Nice to meet you too oh grand water spirit. So you're a pretty open warlock. That's neat. You're not from Waterdeep, are you?"
Skye holds up her hand so the rings and chains that connect them to the bracelet she wears are obvious. The ring over her index finger is sightly larger than the others with a carved table depicting a shrieking eagle. "You shewed me yours so I'll show you mine. Doesn't make any noises, but it has a little compartment underneath. I'm pretty sure all my magic comes from this. Makes me a sorcerer or a warlock, so I tell people I'm the former, though I'm sure it's the latter."
Skye shows it to the bubbling Humid Oasis. "Water and Air, I'm sure they'll get on like a storm."
Xaul, when you pour the dragon blood in, there is an initial bubbling, and the water went more red as the blood mixed in. You look up as Skye walks out and as you look down to stopper the flask, you notice that all the red has gone, back to clear water, and a large bubble forms as your reflection lets out a burp. There is no other effect currently.
Xaul gives a dissatisfied grunt at the reaction the blood had on his patron. ‘Oh well, can’t say I expected much. Let’s head over to the Skewered Dragon whilst it’s light out, I don’t want to be caught out here in the dark.’ He’ll then poke his head through the door of the shop and say to Marion and Kismet ‘You guys nearly finished up here? It’d be best if we head over to that inn for more information soon.’
"Skewered Dragon? How inviting. At least we know something to ask about now, presuming you don't already know more than you're letting on?" Skye looks at the now calm blue water that is Xaul's patron. "How did you come to be in Waterdeep, my new and enduring friend?"
Xaul ponders on the question for a bit, before answering. 'I was abandoned by my human mother as a child as she didn't want to bear having to raise the child of an Orc. I was found by a travelling troupe of Elven dancers, and was brought up by them. Needless to say, I wasn't exactly a great performer, and that's where I got my last name from, 'Lackluster'. Sylvan naming conventions can be harsh. Anyway, I was about 19, and we were camping in the forest near the town we were performing at. This forest had a huge lake in it, so deep and vast it was like looking out into the ocean, and when I looked down into the deep blue water, my reflection waved back at me. Little did I know, the forest and the lake was home to all sorts of nature spirits, one of which was Humid Oasis, who manifests as the reflection of his beholder on the surface of water. They promised me all sorts of things, from better dancing abilities to magic that would rival the innate skills of the high elves I grew up around. Of course, I was young and naive, so agreed, not really confident about what I was getting into. Soon enough as I came of age, I left the elven dancers and ended up here in Waterdeep, and over the years I've been here I met new friends, some of whom you may know from the Yawning Portal, and got a hang of the abilities Humid Oasis granted me. Eventually I realised I needed to earn some more coin somehow, so I decided adventuring would be the easiest option with my powers, and that's how we get to now.'
I assume the others follow you out and you all make it to the Skewered Dragon without issue. The Skewered Dragon looks like a ruin. Both of its front-facing windows are smashed, and a ship’s anchor is lodged in the roof. Through the windows, you can see a group of haggard patrons drinking from huge tankards.
Xaul ponders on the question for a bit, before answering. 'I was abandoned by my human mother as a child as she didn't want to bear having to raise the child of an Orc. I was found by a travelling troupe of Elven dancers, and was brought up by them. Needless to say, I wasn't exactly a great performer, and that's where I got my last name from, 'Lackluster'. Sylvan naming conventions can be harsh. Anyway, I was about 19, and we were camping in the forest near the town we were performing at. This forest had a huge lake in it, so deep and vast it was like looking out into the ocean, and when I looked down into the deep blue water, my reflection waved back at me. Little did I know, the forest and the lake was home to all sorts of nature spirits, one of which was Humid Oasis, who manifests as the reflection of his beholder on the surface of water. They promised me all sorts of things, from better dancing abilities to magic that would rival the innate skills of the high elves I grew up around. Of course, I was young and naive, so agreed, not really confident about what I was getting into. Soon enough as I came of age, I left the elven dancers and ended up here in Waterdeep, and over the years I've been here I met new friends, some of whom you may know from the Yawning Portal, and got a hang of the abilities Humid Oasis granted me. Eventually I realised I needed to earn some more coin somehow, so I decided adventuring would be the easiest option with my powers, and that's how we get to now.'
Skye nods along at Xual's open and frank summary of his life. It's unusually forthright. Clinical. Almost like he's seeking to get a little distance from it. She can understand that, and she's not one to push at sore tooth.
Fortunately, they arrive at The Skewered Dragon before she can do much more than nod along and make empathetic noises.
From the outside, Skye notices the patrons through the porthole, they themselves in the middle of getting skewered on giant flagons of ale. She looks to see if any have the winged serpent of the Zhentarim easily apparent, and then enters the inn, still keeping her eyes peeled for the emblem.
"Let's go get you that coin, shall we?" she says to Xual.
If she spots no-one, then Skye heads to the barkeep as the most likely person to know some of the recent comings and goings on.
Rolled a bad Investigation and Perception of 9 and 6, in the sheet, in case that's helpful.
Xaul approaches the Skewered Dragon with caution, wary of its derelict appearance. He then follows behind Skye, apprehensive but maintaining a confident and intimidating demeanor, so as not to attract any attention from the drinkers. He flashes a rare grin at Skye's remark about the prospect of some well earned cash.
There is no one obviously Zhentarim in the inn. The barkeeper puts down a glass he was cleaning and gets ready to take your order. You do notice (despite your efforts Xaul) that you are getting a lot of attention here, being strangers.
"What's your name, barkeep?" asks Skye, knowing that everyone in the inn's eyes are on them. She'll have to be careful how she asks what she wants to know, because anything sensitive will find its way back to the concerned parties before long. "We're a couple of adventurers looking for work. What rumours do you have for us? Any missing persons? Any recent insults need wronging or righting -- your preference? Any recent rich heiresses looking for toughs to find a handsome man to be jilted by or to jilt in their turn?"
They respond rather gruffly "The names Brutus, and as it happens, I have got a task for you. Buy something or get lost. This is an inn not a public loitering spot."
“Fair’s fair and that’s there,” says Skye, placing some coins in the bartop, “four ales, please. Something stout, but no too hoppy, dark, but not a porter. There’s a good man.”
“You’ve got a friendly face, Brutus. Suit your work. I know charisma when I see it, and you’ve got it.” She taps her fingers against the bar in thought. “Don’t suppose you run a gaming table here, or any bar games, do you Brutus?”
"Take a look around, what you see is what you get" and he places the four ales in front of you (12cp. If you placed less, he would have told you how much it is, if you placed more, he would have taken the lot. Please do confirm how much you would have put down.). There is no sign of any organised gaming tables, but there is a group of halfling sailors who seem to be playing a game of cards amongst themselves, and are intentionally avoiding eye contact.
The gnome falls off the counter trying, and failing to catch the coin. "I didn't see what way they went. I was too busy hiding in case they wanted to eliminate any witnesses."
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
"Eliminate the witness, of course. That would be the wise thing to do. Smart," muses Skye. She suddenly realises how that sounds. "I'm glad they didn't spot you. Don't worry, we'll teach them why they ought to cover their tracks properly! Regret it, I mean. We'll make them regret not looking for you..."
Marion's eyes widened as she processed the news. "Oh, Volo sent you to us? That's great. Welcome, Skye. I prefer friendship over competition, and we could really use the extra help right now."
She taps her lips thoughtfully, mulling over the information shared by the Gnome. "So, the ones behind the kidnapping might be the Zhentarim, huh? Well, if there's one witness, I'm willing to bet there's another on this street. But before we start questioning people, I'd like to head to the Skewered Dragon and see what happened there. Hey, my friend, do you happen to know anything about the tavern?"
With a flick of her fingers, the Half-Elf spins a silver Shard and flashes a smile at the owner.
"A run down place. Cheap but you get what you pay for. You get all sorts of people there."
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Xaul gives a mock sort of yawn and starts to make for the door. The gnome shopkeeper seems to have given the party some valuable information, and he'd like to move on before he gets caught for the theft he committed. 'I'll just be waiting outside, come get me once you're done talking' he says to the rest of the party before stepping back out into the street.
Once he's outside and turned a corner, he'll pour the dragon's blood into his flask and hope for the best. (I'll roll on forum if that's okay: 16)
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Feeling uncomfortable with her gaffes and not wanting to give them time to reconsider her admission into their party, Skye turns and follows him as he leaves the shop.
As Skye leaves the shop, she catches Xaul's eye, and he puts a stopper in his flask and vial. 'Hey, new girl,' he says as he wanders over 'Heard you're also looking for Floon. Sorry I didn't introduce myself back in the shop, I was more caught up with other things' He flashes a mischievous grin and tucks the stolen dragon's blood into his pocket. 'I'm Xaul, and this is my patron, Humid Oasis, who gives me all my magic. I'm pretty sure they're some sort of water spirit, and they materialise as my reflection on the water's surface.' He shakes the hip flask with his patron in, and it froths and bubbles in annoyance.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Skye peers down into the flask. "Hi Xaul, I'm still Skye. Humid Oasis, nice to meet'ya." She looks up, "Can they hear me? Look! It's making happy little bubbles! Nice to meet you too oh grand water spirit. So you're a pretty open warlock. That's neat. You're not from Waterdeep, are you?"
Skye holds up her hand so the rings and chains that connect them to the bracelet she wears are obvious. The ring over her index finger is sightly larger than the others with a carved table depicting a shrieking eagle. "You shewed me yours so I'll show you mine. Doesn't make any noises, but it has a little compartment underneath. I'm pretty sure all my magic comes from this. Makes me a sorcerer or a warlock, so I tell people I'm the former, though I'm sure it's the latter."
Skye shows it to the bubbling Humid Oasis. "Water and Air, I'm sure they'll get on like a storm."
Xaul, when you pour the dragon blood in, there is an initial bubbling, and the water went more red as the blood mixed in. You look up as Skye walks out and as you look down to stopper the flask, you notice that all the red has gone, back to clear water, and a large bubble forms as your reflection lets out a burp. There is no other effect currently.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Xaul gives a dissatisfied grunt at the reaction the blood had on his patron. ‘Oh well, can’t say I expected much. Let’s head over to the Skewered Dragon whilst it’s light out, I don’t want to be caught out here in the dark.’ He’ll then poke his head through the door of the shop and say to Marion and Kismet ‘You guys nearly finished up here? It’d be best if we head over to that inn for more information soon.’
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
"Skewered Dragon? How inviting. At least we know something to ask about now, presuming you don't already know more than you're letting on?" Skye looks at the now calm blue water that is Xaul's patron. "How did you come to be in Waterdeep, my new and enduring friend?"
Xaul ponders on the question for a bit, before answering. 'I was abandoned by my human mother as a child as she didn't want to bear having to raise the child of an Orc. I was found by a travelling troupe of Elven dancers, and was brought up by them. Needless to say, I wasn't exactly a great performer, and that's where I got my last name from, 'Lackluster'. Sylvan naming conventions can be harsh. Anyway, I was about 19, and we were camping in the forest near the town we were performing at. This forest had a huge lake in it, so deep and vast it was like looking out into the ocean, and when I looked down into the deep blue water, my reflection waved back at me. Little did I know, the forest and the lake was home to all sorts of nature spirits, one of which was Humid Oasis, who manifests as the reflection of his beholder on the surface of water. They promised me all sorts of things, from better dancing abilities to magic that would rival the innate skills of the high elves I grew up around. Of course, I was young and naive, so agreed, not really confident about what I was getting into. Soon enough as I came of age, I left the elven dancers and ended up here in Waterdeep, and over the years I've been here I met new friends, some of whom you may know from the Yawning Portal, and got a hang of the abilities Humid Oasis granted me. Eventually I realised I needed to earn some more coin somehow, so I decided adventuring would be the easiest option with my powers, and that's how we get to now.'
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
I assume the others follow you out and you all make it to the Skewered Dragon without issue. The Skewered Dragon looks like a ruin. Both of its front-facing windows are smashed, and a ship’s anchor is lodged in the roof. Through the windows, you can see a group of haggard patrons drinking from huge tankards.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Skye nods along at Xual's open and frank summary of his life. It's unusually forthright. Clinical. Almost like he's seeking to get a little distance from it. She can understand that, and she's not one to push at sore tooth.
Fortunately, they arrive at The Skewered Dragon before she can do much more than nod along and make empathetic noises.
From the outside, Skye notices the patrons through the porthole, they themselves in the middle of getting skewered on giant flagons of ale. She looks to see if any have the winged serpent of the Zhentarim easily apparent, and then enters the inn, still keeping her eyes peeled for the emblem.
"Let's go get you that coin, shall we?" she says to Xual.
If she spots no-one, then Skye heads to the barkeep as the most likely person to know some of the recent comings and goings on.
Rolled a bad Investigation and Perception of 9 and 6, in the sheet, in case that's helpful.
Xaul approaches the Skewered Dragon with caution, wary of its derelict appearance. He then follows behind Skye, apprehensive but maintaining a confident and intimidating demeanor, so as not to attract any attention from the drinkers. He flashes a rare grin at Skye's remark about the prospect of some well earned cash.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
There is no one obviously Zhentarim in the inn. The barkeeper puts down a glass he was cleaning and gets ready to take your order. You do notice (despite your efforts Xaul) that you are getting a lot of attention here, being strangers.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
"What's your name, barkeep?" asks Skye, knowing that everyone in the inn's eyes are on them. She'll have to be careful how she asks what she wants to know, because anything sensitive will find its way back to the concerned parties before long. "We're a couple of adventurers looking for work. What rumours do you have for us? Any missing persons? Any recent insults need wronging or righting -- your preference? Any recent rich heiresses looking for toughs to find a handsome man to be jilted by or to jilt in their turn?"
They respond rather gruffly "The names Brutus, and as it happens, I have got a task for you. Buy something or get lost. This is an inn not a public loitering spot."
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
“Fair’s fair and that’s there,” says Skye, placing some coins in the bartop, “four ales, please. Something stout, but no too hoppy, dark, but not a porter. There’s a good man.”
“You’ve got a friendly face, Brutus. Suit your work. I know charisma when I see it, and you’ve got it.” She taps her fingers against the bar in thought. “Don’t suppose you run a gaming table here, or any bar games, do you Brutus?”
"Take a look around, what you see is what you get" and he places the four ales in front of you (12cp. If you placed less, he would have told you how much it is, if you placed more, he would have taken the lot. Please do confirm how much you would have put down.). There is no sign of any organised gaming tables, but there is a group of halfling sailors who seem to be playing a game of cards amongst themselves, and are intentionally avoiding eye contact.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)