Xaul takes the ale but doesn’t take a sip. He explains that he ‘waits until the froth settles so I can see my reflection in its surface before I drink.’ He then leans in to Brutus and inquires further about this job he’s offering. If he catches anyone eavesdropping or staring at the group, he’ll give a growl and tell them to mind their own business.
'Fair enough,' Xaulgrowls, though looking around the derelict building he gets the impression that Brutus might be in need of a repairs man. Shame he didn't have mending. He then turns to the party and says 'Remind me, what were we here for again?'
Skye turns to him, unsure on whether he's doing a bit or whether her new companion has genuinely forgotten. Does he want a bit of moxy and an arrogant response, something to try and draw some particular response from Brutus or the inn's patrons. Or has he genuinely forgotten their hiring to find Volothamp's missing but well to do young friend.
"Gosh, this must be your finest grog, barkeep Brutus. Even the fumes are enough to rattle my friend's head."
'No, my head's just fine Skye, trust me, I can hold more liquor than your entire lineage could hope to swallow. I was just wondering whether being here is going to actually give us many leads on finding Floon.' He puts extra emphasis on the name, aiming to catch people's attention. He then rests idle on the bar and says to Brutus, 'See, I mean no offence good sir, but you seem to only be doing what you're doing for coin. If the state of your bar tells me anything about your feelings for the job, it shows you either don't care about this place enough to get it fixed or don't have enough to fix it up with. I wonder how long it's been like this. Was it broken in a recent struggle, perhaps? We've been told our missing person was sighted last near here, and as the barkeep I'm sure you'll know all about what happened, the only question I really need to ask you is how much do I have to pay to pry the information out of you?'His speech shows that even with his Orcish demeanour, he still has the knack and charisma only found in Warlocks, and the wit and wordplay notorious in Elven communities.
"No recent struggles here, I can tell you that for free. That Floon though, he's brought more drinks here than you have. And the real question you have to ask is, how much are you willing to pay for me to discuss a customer with you?"
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
No one really saw movement. One moment, the figure hunched in a shadowy corner of the tavern was 'there' and an eyeblink later, they were firmly placing a hand on large orc's hand to prevent him from going for his coin purse again. A cloaked hood partially obscures the figure's face but those eyes... those obsidian black eyes that did not seem to blink... those eyes pierced into the soul of Brutus, pinning him in place.
"Tell them what you know,Brutusor your future will soon be very bleak," the tall, lanky figure intoned in a voice that could have come from a crypt. Performance25 "... and do not signal your cronies in the tavern unless you wish a swift end to their lives and yours..."
Outside can be heard what seems a flock of crows cawing from the nearby rooftops.
Xaul feels the inside of his mouth go dry as the figure appears. Even though the strangers malice wasn't directed at him, he could feel the aura of fear emanating from them. He takes his hand away from his money pouch and instead goes to take a drink to calm his nerves and wet his whistle. He was willing to offer Brutus a dragon for his troubles, but it seems this kind stranger might save him a gold piece if they can manage to wriggle the information out of the barkeeper based on his sheer charisma alone. He doesn't feel like making any more theatrical speeches, it seems this figure will do a lot better of a job at getting intel out of Brutus then he could, and for free. Xaul acknowledges the figure's help with a nod, but doesn't feel the need to talk, lest he ruin this flawless interrogation.
The colour drains from Brutus' face. "Honestly, I know nothing about Floon, I haven't seen him in here for a couple of nights though. And I have no cronies, I am just a simple barkeep trying to make a living." he shouts to the room "He was in here drinking with a friend, Volo, decent chap, writes a lot but not always all there it seems. And then once Volo left, he was joined by Renaer Neverember" at this you hear a few mutterings from around the room as the majority of patrons are eavesdropping, and not subtle about it at all. “Chip off the old block, that one!” sneers one patron. “Just another spoiled, rich noble who likes to rub our noses in it!” says another. (you can roll a history check if you want to see if the name rings a bell. DC12, advantage if you are local to Waterdeep or Neverwinter) "The two drank and played a few rounds of Three-Dragon Ante before leaving around midnight. Five men followed them out, and that was the last time I saw any of those seven. The men following them are known to frequent a warehouse on Candle Lane. Look for the snake symbol on the door,”
Skye leans back from the newest member of their conversation, involuntarily backing away so that Xual is between her and the newcomer.
(History check: 11).
She barely notices what Brutussays. Neverember sounds familiar, maybe a rich merchant she met, or some fancy type like Floon that she saw and forgot, but though it feels like it's on the tip of her tongue, after a moment it fades away. Can't be too important, she thinks. She does notice the mention of the Zhentarim sign again.
She nods at Xual. Time to travel to this warehouse, bust some skulls, return some fancy friend to some fancy book-writer and then see what tomorrow brings. She waggles her eyebrows at her companion.
The tall, lanky figure notices the twitchs and nods of the blue girl beside the half-orc.
He digs into his pouch and softly lays two shards on the counter. A tight lipped smile makes his face almost 'normal' as he acknowledges the sleight-of-hand skills shown by Brutus as the barkeep moves his 'swab rag' over the coins and makes them disapper in an instant.
With a tilt of his head, the dark figure will proceed to exit the tavern, speaking softly as he passes the girl and half-orc, "Perhaps we can discuss this someplace safer... preferably far away from this tavern."
"Time for introductions and things you may have NOT noticed in the Skewered Dragon," the lanky figure who seems perpetually surrounded by -- if not shadows - a dimming of the light speaks first. "I am Damros.I was hired by Volothamp Geddarm as I suspect you were; to find his friend, Floon Blagmaar." Damros waves a gestures backward, "I was a long time in the Skewered Dragon so, I had the advantage there. That money we paid Brutus probably covered everyone in the tavern... since a portion never paid for a single drink while I was there. And all those who drank for free -- had winged snake tattooes - the sign of the Zhentarim."
"So, you can lay even odds word of your... or now, OUR questions toBrutuswill be reaching more ears shortly. Our time is limited before we - the hunting - become the hunted." Damros frowns as he looks backward to see if they are being followed. Perception: 5
"I now wonder ifBrutuswas not setting us up for trouble, directing us to the building on Candle Lane.. "with the snake symbol on it"... sending us right into a Zhentarim pit?"
I will clarify, none of you saw sign of the Zhent symbol on Brutus himself. And before the time of the questions, those with zhent tattoos had left. So that might also buy you some time.
Skye shudders at Damros' voice. Her heritage grants her improved vision in the darkness, able to see a little deeper into the shadows. For once, she wishes this were not so.
"Volothamp really wants his friend found. And, it appears he had more coin to spend than he did trust."
"I thank you," Skye involuntarily shivers, "Damros, for your aid. And your warning. Wherever we go, and whoever kidnapped Floon and his friend. They are clearly violent and dangerous criminals. We should be prepared for violence."
"I am always ready, or unready, depending on the strength of these seven men. Are there any preparations you would undertake before we head to Candle Lane, and see if it's worth lighting that wick?"
Xaul also thanks Damros, and says 'Can't imagine there are too many precautions we can take for Candle Lane other than keeping our wits about us and make sure we keep our purses close and our weapons closer. Should we give it a look?'
"Let us hope Floon and Neverember have not been tossed onto a ship dockside and are out in deep waters by now," Damros muttered while giving a slight bow. "Yes, let us proceed with all haste and even more caution."
You head off to find the warehouse on Candle Lane. Gloom envelops a narrow alley as dark as a dungeon — and as odorous as one, too. Nearly all the streetlamps have been smashed. The only light that pierces the darkness is a faint flickering from down the lane, like a distant candle. Directly across from the flickering light is a warehouse. The winged serpent symbol is just about visible in the light. This light also places a lot of shadows dancing as the light flickers. The sort of shadow that someone could be lurking in if they wished, and be very hard to see.
Xaul takes the ale but doesn’t take a sip. He explains that he ‘waits until the froth settles so I can see my reflection in its surface before I drink.’ He then leans in to Brutus and inquires further about this job he’s offering. If he catches anyone eavesdropping or staring at the group, he’ll give a growl and tell them to mind their own business.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
((She would've placed down 13 copper, a neatly indivisible number, just to see what he does. I'll mark that off her sheet.))
He will lean back "The 'job' I was offering was you spending money. Do I look like I give handouts? If you are after work, it aint with me"
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
'Fair enough,' Xaul growls, though looking around the derelict building he gets the impression that Brutus might be in need of a repairs man. Shame he didn't have mending. He then turns to the party and says 'Remind me, what were we here for again?'
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Skye turns to him, unsure on whether he's doing a bit or whether her new companion has genuinely forgotten. Does he want a bit of moxy and an arrogant response, something to try and draw some particular response from Brutus or the inn's patrons. Or has he genuinely forgotten their hiring to find Volothamp's missing but well to do young friend.
"Gosh, this must be your finest grog, barkeep Brutus. Even the fumes are enough to rattle my friend's head."
'No, my head's just fine Skye, trust me, I can hold more liquor than your entire lineage could hope to swallow. I was just wondering whether being here is going to actually give us many leads on finding Floon.' He puts extra emphasis on the name, aiming to catch people's attention. He then rests idle on the bar and says to Brutus, 'See, I mean no offence good sir, but you seem to only be doing what you're doing for coin. If the state of your bar tells me anything about your feelings for the job, it shows you either don't care about this place enough to get it fixed or don't have enough to fix it up with. I wonder how long it's been like this. Was it broken in a recent struggle, perhaps? We've been told our missing person was sighted last near here, and as the barkeep I'm sure you'll know all about what happened, the only question I really need to ask you is how much do I have to pay to pry the information out of you?' His speech shows that even with his Orcish demeanour, he still has the knack and charisma only found in Warlocks, and the wit and wordplay notorious in Elven communities.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
"No recent struggles here, I can tell you that for free. That Floon though, he's brought more drinks here than you have. And the real question you have to ask is, how much are you willing to pay for me to discuss a customer with you?"
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
No one really saw movement. One moment, the figure hunched in a shadowy corner of the tavern was 'there' and an eyeblink later, they were firmly placing a hand on large orc's hand to prevent him from going for his coin purse again. A cloaked hood partially obscures the figure's face but those eyes... those obsidian black eyes that did not seem to blink... those eyes pierced into the soul of Brutus, pinning him in place.
Intimidation 25 Persuasion 14
"Tell them what you know, Brutus or your future will soon be very bleak," the tall, lanky figure intoned in a voice that could have come from a crypt. Performance 25 "... and do not signal your cronies in the tavern unless you wish a swift end to their lives and yours..."
Outside can be heard what seems a flock of crows cawing from the nearby rooftops.
Xaul feels the inside of his mouth go dry as the figure appears. Even though the strangers malice wasn't directed at him, he could feel the aura of fear emanating from them. He takes his hand away from his money pouch and instead goes to take a drink to calm his nerves and wet his whistle. He was willing to offer Brutus a dragon for his troubles, but it seems this kind stranger might save him a gold piece if they can manage to wriggle the information out of the barkeeper based on his sheer charisma alone. He doesn't feel like making any more theatrical speeches, it seems this figure will do a lot better of a job at getting intel out of Brutus then he could, and for free. Xaul acknowledges the figure's help with a nod, but doesn't feel the need to talk, lest he ruin this flawless interrogation.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
The colour drains from Brutus' face. "Honestly, I know nothing about Floon, I haven't seen him in here for a couple of nights though. And I have no cronies, I am just a simple barkeep trying to make a living." he shouts to the room "He was in here drinking with a friend, Volo, decent chap, writes a lot but not always all there it seems. And then once Volo left, he was joined by Renaer Neverember" at this you hear a few mutterings from around the room as the majority of patrons are eavesdropping, and not subtle about it at all. “Chip off the old block, that one!” sneers one patron. “Just another spoiled, rich noble who likes to rub our noses in it!” says another. (you can roll a history check if you want to see if the name rings a bell. DC12, advantage if you are local to Waterdeep or Neverwinter) "The two drank and played a few rounds of Three-Dragon Ante before leaving around midnight. Five men followed them out, and that was the last time I saw any of those seven. The men following them are known to frequent a warehouse on Candle Lane. Look for the snake symbol on the door,”
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Skye leans back from the newest member of their conversation, involuntarily backing away so that Xual is between her and the newcomer.
(History check: 11).
She barely notices what Brutus says. Neverember sounds familiar, maybe a rich merchant she met, or some fancy type like Floon that she saw and forgot, but though it feels like it's on the tip of her tongue, after a moment it fades away. Can't be too important, she thinks. She does notice the mention of the Zhentarim sign again.
She nods at Xual. Time to travel to this warehouse, bust some skulls, return some fancy friend to some fancy book-writer and then see what tomorrow brings. She waggles her eyebrows at her companion.
"Time to go?" she murmurs.
The tall, lanky figure notices the twitchs and nods of the blue girl beside the half-orc.
He digs into his pouch and softly lays two shards on the counter. A tight lipped smile makes his face almost 'normal' as he acknowledges the sleight-of-hand skills shown by Brutus as the barkeep moves his 'swab rag' over the coins and makes them disapper in an instant.
With a tilt of his head, the dark figure will proceed to exit the tavern, speaking softly as he passes the girl and half-orc, "Perhaps we can discuss this someplace safer... preferably far away from this tavern."
You guys head out, and as far as you can tell, no one has followed you. Any discussion taking place or just heading straight to Candle Lane?
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
"Time for introductions and things you may have NOT noticed in the Skewered Dragon," the lanky figure who seems perpetually surrounded by -- if not shadows - a dimming of the light speaks first. "I am Damros. I was hired by Volothamp Geddarm as I suspect you were; to find his friend, Floon Blagmaar." Damros waves a gestures backward, "I was a long time in the Skewered Dragon so, I had the advantage there. That money we paid Brutus probably covered everyone in the tavern... since a portion never paid for a single drink while I was there. And all those who drank for free -- had winged snake tattooes - the sign of the Zhentarim."
"So, you can lay even odds word of your... or now, OUR questions to Brutus will be reaching more ears shortly. Our time is limited before we - the hunting - become the hunted." Damros frowns as he looks backward to see if they are being followed. Perception: 5
"I now wonder if Brutus was not setting us up for trouble, directing us to the building on Candle Lane.. "with the snake symbol on it"... sending us right into a Zhentarim pit?"
I will clarify, none of you saw sign of the Zhent symbol on Brutus himself. And before the time of the questions, those with zhent tattoos had left. So that might also buy you some time.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Skye shudders at Damros' voice. Her heritage grants her improved vision in the darkness, able to see a little deeper into the shadows. For once, she wishes this were not so.
"Volothamp really wants his friend found. And, it appears he had more coin to spend than he did trust."
"I thank you," Skye involuntarily shivers, "Damros, for your aid. And your warning. Wherever we go, and whoever kidnapped Floon and his friend. They are clearly violent and dangerous criminals. We should be prepared for violence."
"I am always ready, or unready, depending on the strength of these seven men. Are there any preparations you would undertake before we head to Candle Lane, and see if it's worth lighting that wick?"
Xaul also thanks Damros, and says 'Can't imagine there are too many precautions we can take for Candle Lane other than keeping our wits about us and make sure we keep our purses close and our weapons closer. Should we give it a look?'
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
OOC: Posting just so I'll get notifications when this thread updates...
"Let us hope Floon and Neverember have not been tossed onto a ship dockside and are out in deep waters by now," Damros muttered while giving a slight bow. "Yes, let us proceed with all haste and even more caution."
You head off to find the warehouse on Candle Lane. Gloom envelops a narrow alley as dark as a dungeon — and as odorous as one, too. Nearly all the streetlamps have been smashed. The only light that pierces the darkness is a faint flickering from down the lane, like a distant candle. Directly across from the flickering light is a warehouse. The winged serpent symbol is just about visible in the light. This light also places a lot of shadows dancing as the light flickers. The sort of shadow that someone could be lurking in if they wished, and be very hard to see.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)