Xaul peers into the darkness, and despite his Darkvision, he struggles to discern anything in the dim light (Perception Check 6) He then turns to the party and whispers in a husky tone ‘Best we get in and out of that warehouse quickly to avoid any unwanted or unnecessary attention from unseen street goers’ He then tries to dart across the street and press his back flat to the warehouse door to avoid being spotted, but his typical half-orc clumsiness for which he is so known for seems to shine through a bit (Stealth Check 4) as he instead bounds across the road to the door, signalling for the party to follow behind and enter with him.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Damros watched the half Orc cross the street and enter the dark alley. WIth a sigh, he proceeded to follow; peering into the dimness ahead. Perception = 22
As Sehaethas and Kylaski watched from the shadows, Sehaethas muttered to Kylaski, "From the way they are approaching, I don't think these are Zhentarim thugs. They look more like someone else hunting Zhentarim."
Kylaski muttered back, "You don't say?"
A moment later, a single figure walked out of the darkness towards the group that had not yet caught up with the half work in the lead. The red skin, tail, and horns made it obvious this was a Tiefling, while the shape of the body made it obvious that it was female. She was wearing leather armor, and had a crossbow strapped to her back, but her hands were empty.
OOC: Assuming she isn't interrupted as she approaches
As she got close enough for conversation without shouting, she speaks up, "From the way you're approaching, are you also someone hunting Zhentarim?"
OOC2: If she is interrupted, ignore the line above
OOC3: I think these lars are no longer being used. Red to match skin color, gray for the guy who tries to blent into the scenery...
Skyespins suddenly at being addressed, surprised. She takes in the strange figure. A tiefling woman with red skin, a tail and horns in light armor. There is the whiff of the Eldritch about her, and after Damros' joining them Skye is already jumpy. She flinches, and her hand involuntarily begins to turn the ring on her finger that is joined by a tiny chain to the bracelet on her wrist. She catches herself, stopping at three-quarters of a turn. One quarter twist, and she can summon the Smuggler's Blanket, a Fog Cloud that will cover their escape.
If she arranges it so that Damros is a little closer to the edge and the Tiefling than Xualand herself, who can blame her? She's not a wizard. She can't put a collar on a spell and make it beg for treats. Bad luck for him.
"This is getting to be a familiar experience. Let me guess. Yawning Portal, Skewered Dragon, and a friend of Floon?"
Kylaski tilts her head in puzzlements as she says, "I was talking to Melcon Wardragon at the Yawning Portal, but I haven't heard of Skewered Dragon or Floon."
Skye's eyebrows rise higher, involuntarily. She had assumed this was another Volothamp hireling, in search of his missing friend. She takes a few steps back to make sure she's nearer to Xualand Damros.
Stung once already by Zhentarim subterfuge, she's not eager for a second helping. "What business do you seek with us then, lurking in shadows, and walking up on us from behind all welcoming like, friend-o? I agree, you've worked hard to make yourself as little a suspicious sort as possible with your prowling, and your crossbow and your armor, of course, but I'm a shy sort and it's awful dark."
Xaul gives another involuntary jump just like when Damros appeared. How could this person have possibly spotted Xaul after his excellent stealth attempt? He goes to unscrew the lid of his flask and prepare a spell like Skye, but restrains himself as they speak. The tiefling seems non-hostile, and Xaul reckons she's a little more than a common harlot with all her gear. He gives a light chuckle at Skye's reference to the ever flowing tide of new recruits. How little confidence must Volo had had in the party to make him send so many more warlocks after them just in case? 'Then again, he thinks to himself, I am the only one left from the original crew, and so seeing how the original party disbanded in the space of about an hour, maybe Volo's intuition was correct. Here's to hoping this party will stay strong though.' However, with all the thoughts of Volo's recruitment, he tenses slightly to hear this lass isn't sent by him. He decides a firm approach is best. He announces clearly 'Us three have been recruited by a man named Volothamp to seek out his friend Floon, who went missing near here. You can either help us on our mission if you'll provide valuable resources, or get lost back to the streets of whence you came.' He twinges slightly at the use of the word 'whence', his vocabulary has been becoming increasingly complex and one might even say elven recently. He mentally scoffs at the idea, but acknowledges that it seems the past party members shaped him far more than he thought.
Kylaski answered, seemingly not bothered at all by the questions, "Melcon was telling me about Zhentarim, so I thought I was see what I could do about them. We've been staking this place out for an hour or so, and you're the first people to come by. From the way your group was moving, it looked like you weren't part of Zhentarim, but probably hunting them. Now taking on an entire gang might be fun, but even I realize it's a bit more than I can do alone. So I thought I'd see if I can join you in the attack."
Xaul shrugs. 'An enemy of Zhentarim is a friend of ours.' He turns to the party and asks 'You guys good with them helping out?' He also asks, "Oh, by the way, you said 'we've been stalking this place out for an hour or so'. Who's we?"
Damros had been standing silently next to a wall; taking in the energy between Skye, Xaul, and this tiefling. Watching as Skye was getting more anxious, he finally spoke up. "Skye, I too wondered just how many warlocks Volothamp Geddarm was enlisting to find his friend. 'We' may be Legion - though I suspect it is more probable 'we' are Volo's last hope."
Damros releases a huge sigh as his shoulders drop. "We do not need to fight our way through Waterdeep, though, if we become a burr under the Zhent's saddle blanket - we may find ourselves fighting out way out of the city... or beyond. Nor do we desire to end up in the City Jail because we attacked someone by mistake or misfortune. Let us discuss this and see if we can come to a mutually agreeable compromise of finding Floon while properly pissing off the Zhentarim." Damros winked at the tiefling as he spoke those last words.
"Xaul, think we may find an outdoor eatery where we can share stories, drink chai, and perhaps keep an eye on that alley until we have come to said compromise?"
Damros goes silent and very still... as his ears finally catch up to his brain and mouth...
Kylaski responded, "Oh, that would be my other half, Sehaethas. He didn't want to do this, but I didn't give him a choice."
"Other half? You are a twinned pair?" Damros looks up and down the street trying to spy another red skinned being among the crowd.
Skye steps to one side trying to make sure there is a wall at her back. She looks around for anyone near or far who might be the new Warlock’s other half and trying to be subtle she looks to see if there any boxes or things that she could use as cover if this turns to violence. She could do without a bolt out of the blue.
”You one of those warlocks with a Patron more o-cute than occult, you saying? Well you’re doing good at keeping all our eyes on you, I’ll say.”
Skye takes a deep inhale to make a point. “Something don’t smell right here. Who is Melcon? He told you something about the Zhentarim — what? You decided to do something about them — why? What’s in it for you? Naw. None of this passes the sniff test, this is some of the finest 28 week sun-aged milk to ever tickle my nostrils.”
”If you two insist on her joining us then I insist she walks in first and I’m walking in last.”
OOC: I think the Great Old One is about as Occult as it gets, full of lovecraftian horror
Kylaski tries to answer the questions, "Meloon Wardragon is an adventurer I met at the Yawning Portal. He told me that Zhentarim was causing problems lately, he also mentioned where to find them. I thought it would be exciting to check them out, there's no other reason beyond that."
Meloon is someone any of you could have met. And if you have had any conversations with him, something about dealing with the zhentarim wouldn't be unusual
Damros clears his throat before entering into a stream of thought mode. "I know not this Meloon you spoke of; though, if he was speaking about the Zhentarim, I may have HEARD him speaking at one table or another."
Damros then looks at the three and drops a little Waterdeep trivia. "It is well known the Zhentarim are first and foremost a trading and mercenary company. And, to date, these are mostly legit and above board enterprises that keep any illegal activity at arm's length. Why it is not unusual to see a Zhentarim flag on legit caravan wagons, or on caravan guard uniforms, in Waterdeep or on the road."
He fidgets a bit when all eyes seem focused on him now. "Rumors and 'talk' flow in taverns like cheap ale and there is seemingly at least one table where the talk of the Zhent is less than sterling. The average citizen ‘knows’ a friend who has a friend (or cousin or merchant or... ) that did business with the Zhentarim.
And 'rumor' has it that the Zhent seemed to be spreading their hold on the trading options each passing day. Some loose talk even speaks of the Zhent wishing to take control of Waterdeep but, that talk is quickly covered with more ale and backslapping.
I suppose some of those same 'average citizens' have ‘heard’ speculation about shady business like smuggling, protection or even extortion… which brings us full circle as to the where and why 'we' are here in front of this alley.
We are trying to find (or rescue) Volo's friend Floon. What we have been told is... Floon and a drinking companion MAY have been overwhelmed and taken into the warehouse marked with the snake. We are not hunting down Zhent nor wish to slaughter any Zhent we meet... however, we suspect *some* force will be necessary before this day is done."
Damros has just spoken more words than he typically does in a week or more. He curls in on himself as he realizes this about himself.
After a moment she begins to speak. "That they keep illegal activities at armslength, that they have a legitimate face... it's all crock. It's all crock they get away with because of people like me."
She hesitates. "I didn't think-- I didn't think this would come out this quickly. But I can't let you go on thinking..."
"I was going to be Zhentarim. I was this close. Then it turned out they didn't want me. I thought I'd get the ink, turned out they were going to drop me in the dock and let me sink. Neat, ey?"
"They're villains. Anyone with a Zhentarim tattoo is a criminal who's done bad things. You don't get close to thinking you'll get to be one, you don't get to the position I was in, without them making sure your hands are dirty and your options limited."
"They're worse than you thinkDamros."
"We should go in expecting death to be sitting there at the table. We just need to hope old lord bones is betting against them and not us."
Damros sighs. "Like so many things in Life, those who live in it have layers and layers of secrets beyond what one sees. It may be my failing to believe I 'know' a thing when, in point of fact, their true nature is hidden, buried under layers of half truths and deceptions. Nature is easier to understand; people much harder."
He turns to look between Skye, Xaul, and Kylaski, "To be known as trustworthy; one must first extend trust. I trust we all have the same goals right now; to find Floon."
Kylaski thinks for a moment, then responds, "Rescuing someone that the Zhentarim kidnapped seems like a good way to mess with them. What you think Sehaethas?"
After a moment's pause, she continues, "Still staying quiet around company? Well whatever. Count me in."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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Xaul peers into the darkness, and despite his Darkvision, he struggles to discern anything in the dim light (Perception Check 6) He then turns to the party and whispers in a husky tone ‘Best we get in and out of that warehouse quickly to avoid any unwanted or unnecessary attention from unseen street goers’ He then tries to dart across the street and press his back flat to the warehouse door to avoid being spotted, but his typical half-orc clumsiness for which he is so known for seems to shine through a bit (Stealth Check 4) as he instead bounds across the road to the door, signalling for the party to follow behind and enter with him.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Damros watched the half Orc cross the street and enter the dark alley. WIth a sigh, he proceeded to follow; peering into the dimness ahead. Perception = 22
Stealth = 10
As Sehaethas and Kylaski watched from the shadows, Sehaethas muttered to Kylaski, "From the way they are approaching, I don't think these are Zhentarim thugs. They look more like someone else hunting Zhentarim."
Kylaski muttered back, "You don't say?"
A moment later, a single figure walked out of the darkness towards the group that had not yet caught up with the half work in the lead. The red skin, tail, and horns made it obvious this was a Tiefling, while the shape of the body made it obvious that it was female. She was wearing leather armor, and had a crossbow strapped to her back, but her hands were empty.
OOC: Assuming she isn't interrupted as she approaches
As she got close enough for conversation without shouting, she speaks up, "From the way you're approaching, are you also someone hunting Zhentarim?"
OOC2: If she is interrupted, ignore the line above
OOC3: I think these lars are no longer being used. Red to match skin color, gray for the guy who tries to blent into the scenery...
Skye spins suddenly at being addressed, surprised. She takes in the strange figure. A tiefling woman with red skin, a tail and horns in light armor. There is the whiff of the Eldritch about her, and after Damros' joining them Skye is already jumpy. She flinches, and her hand involuntarily begins to turn the ring on her finger that is joined by a tiny chain to the bracelet on her wrist. She catches herself, stopping at three-quarters of a turn. One quarter twist, and she can summon the Smuggler's Blanket, a Fog Cloud that will cover their escape.
If she arranges it so that Damros is a little closer to the edge and the Tiefling than Xual and herself, who can blame her? She's not a wizard. She can't put a collar on a spell and make it beg for treats. Bad luck for him.
"This is getting to be a familiar experience. Let me guess. Yawning Portal, Skewered Dragon, and a friend of Floon?"
Kylaski tilts her head in puzzlements as she says, "I was talking to Melcon Wardragon at the Yawning Portal, but I haven't heard of Skewered Dragon or Floon."
Skye's eyebrows rise higher, involuntarily. She had assumed this was another Volothamp hireling, in search of his missing friend. She takes a few steps back to make sure she's nearer to Xual and Damros.
Stung once already by Zhentarim subterfuge, she's not eager for a second helping. "What business do you seek with us then, lurking in shadows, and walking up on us from behind all welcoming like, friend-o? I agree, you've worked hard to make yourself as little a suspicious sort as possible with your prowling, and your crossbow and your armor, of course, but I'm a shy sort and it's awful dark."
Xaul gives another involuntary jump just like when Damros appeared. How could this person have possibly spotted Xaul after his excellent stealth attempt? He goes to unscrew the lid of his flask and prepare a spell like Skye, but restrains himself as they speak. The tiefling seems non-hostile, and Xaul reckons she's a little more than a common harlot with all her gear. He gives a light chuckle at Skye's reference to the ever flowing tide of new recruits. How little confidence must Volo had had in the party to make him send so many more warlocks after them just in case? 'Then again, he thinks to himself, I am the only one left from the original crew, and so seeing how the original party disbanded in the space of about an hour, maybe Volo's intuition was correct. Here's to hoping this party will stay strong though.' However, with all the thoughts of Volo's recruitment, he tenses slightly to hear this lass isn't sent by him. He decides a firm approach is best. He announces clearly 'Us three have been recruited by a man named Volothamp to seek out his friend Floon, who went missing near here. You can either help us on our mission if you'll provide valuable resources, or get lost back to the streets of whence you came.' He twinges slightly at the use of the word 'whence', his vocabulary has been becoming increasingly complex and one might even say elven recently. He mentally scoffs at the idea, but acknowledges that it seems the past party members shaped him far more than he thought.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Kylaski answered, seemingly not bothered at all by the questions, "Melcon was telling me about Zhentarim, so I thought I was see what I could do about them. We've been staking this place out for an hour or so, and you're the first people to come by. From the way your group was moving, it looked like you weren't part of Zhentarim, but probably hunting them. Now taking on an entire gang might be fun, but even I realize it's a bit more than I can do alone. So I thought I'd see if I can join you in the attack."
Xaul shrugs. 'An enemy of Zhentarim is a friend of ours.' He turns to the party and asks 'You guys good with them helping out?' He also asks, "Oh, by the way, you said 'we've been stalking this place out for an hour or so'. Who's we?"
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Kylaski responded, "Oh, that would be my other half, Sehaethas. He didn't want to do this, but I didn't give him a choice."
Damros had been standing silently next to a wall; taking in the energy between Skye, Xaul, and this tiefling. Watching as Skye was getting more anxious, he finally spoke up. "Skye, I too wondered just how many warlocks Volothamp Geddarm was enlisting to find his friend. 'We' may be Legion - though I suspect it is more probable 'we' are Volo's last hope."
Damros releases a huge sigh as his shoulders drop. "We do not need to fight our way through Waterdeep, though, if we become a burr under the Zhent's saddle blanket - we may find ourselves fighting out way out of the city... or beyond. Nor do we desire to end up in the City Jail because we attacked someone by mistake or misfortune. Let us discuss this and see if we can come to a mutually agreeable compromise of finding Floon while properly pissing off the Zhentarim." Damros winked at the tiefling as he spoke those last words.
"Xaul, think we may find an outdoor eatery where we can share stories, drink chai, and perhaps keep an eye on that alley until we have come to said compromise?"
Damros goes silent and very still... as his ears finally catch up to his brain and mouth...
"Other half? You are a twinned pair?" Damros looks up and down the street trying to spy another red skinned being among the crowd.
Kylaski responded with a puzzled expression, "I don't think so? What's a twinned pair?"
Skye steps to one side trying to make sure there is a wall at her back. She looks around for anyone near or far who might be the new Warlock’s other half and trying to be subtle she looks to see if there any boxes or things that she could use as cover if this turns to violence. She could do without a bolt out of the blue.
”You one of those warlocks with a Patron more o-cute than occult, you saying? Well you’re doing good at keeping all our eyes on you, I’ll say.”
Skye takes a deep inhale to make a point. “Something don’t smell right here. Who is Melcon? He told you something about the Zhentarim — what? You decided to do something about them — why? What’s in it for you? Naw. None of this passes the sniff test, this is some of the finest 28 week sun-aged milk to ever tickle my nostrils.”
”If you two insist on her joining us then I insist she walks in first and I’m walking in last.”
OOC: I think the Great Old One is about as Occult as it gets, full of lovecraftian horror
Kylaski tries to answer the questions, "Meloon Wardragon is an adventurer I met at the Yawning Portal. He told me that Zhentarim was causing problems lately, he also mentioned where to find them. I thought it would be exciting to check them out, there's no other reason beyond that."
"Milk aged 28 weeks? Wouldn't that be cheese? I love cheese!"
Meloon is someone any of you could have met. And if you have had any conversations with him, something about dealing with the zhentarim wouldn't be unusual
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Damros clears his throat before entering into a stream of thought mode. "I know not this Meloon you spoke of; though, if he was speaking about the Zhentarim, I may have HEARD him speaking at one table or another."
Damros then looks at the three and drops a little Waterdeep trivia. "It is well known the Zhentarim are first and foremost a trading and mercenary company. And, to date, these are mostly legit and above board enterprises that keep any illegal activity at arm's length. Why it is not unusual to see a Zhentarim flag on legit caravan wagons, or on caravan guard uniforms, in Waterdeep or on the road."
He fidgets a bit when all eyes seem focused on him now. "Rumors and 'talk' flow in taverns like cheap ale and there is seemingly at least one table where the talk of the Zhent is less than sterling. The average citizen ‘knows’ a friend who has a friend (or cousin or merchant or... ) that did business with the Zhentarim.
And 'rumor' has it that the Zhent seemed to be spreading their hold on the trading options each passing day. Some loose talk even speaks of the Zhent wishing to take control of Waterdeep but, that talk is quickly covered with more ale and backslapping.
I suppose some of those same 'average citizens' have ‘heard’ speculation about shady business like smuggling, protection or even extortion… which brings us full circle as to the where and why 'we' are here in front of this alley.
We are trying to find (or rescue) Volo's friend Floon. What we have been told is... Floon and a drinking companion MAY have been overwhelmed and taken into the warehouse marked with the snake. We are not hunting down Zhent nor wish to slaughter any Zhent we meet... however, we suspect *some* force will be necessary before this day is done."
Damros has just spoken more words than he typically does in a week or more. He curls in on himself as he realizes this about himself.
Damros sighs. "Like so many things in Life, those who live in it have layers and layers of secrets beyond what one sees. It may be my failing to believe I 'know' a thing when, in point of fact, their true nature is hidden, buried under layers of half truths and deceptions. Nature is easier to understand; people much harder."
He turns to look between Skye, Xaul, and Kylaski, "To be known as trustworthy; one must first extend trust. I trust we all have the same goals right now; to find Floon."
Kylaski thinks for a moment, then responds, "Rescuing someone that the Zhentarim kidnapped seems like a good way to mess with them. What you think Sehaethas?"
After a moment's pause, she continues, "Still staying quiet around company? Well whatever. Count me in."