"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war |Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
Etienne remains quiet, waiting on Steelclaw when he is ready. (So far through their interactions, he has mirrored the man's almost solo nature. He was sure Steelclaw liked working on his own, and saw him as an extra hassle, but he was determined to make himself useful and begin to earn the stubborn man's trust)
Asbestos whines like a dog being smacked before he realizes that was pretty inappropriate. "Ah... sorry," he says feebly. He hadn't thought about how hungry he was until after the incident. Like his body did it for him. He too would've also thrown in a coin, but Lace beat him to it, and he would feel weird for copying it (though he body screams at him to copy it now after he saw it). He nods and follows Lace to head towards the docks. He drops a coin somewhere on the street along the way ('for the fae') for good measure.
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<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Asbestos thanks Lace profusely for the food that they eat (though he pays for his own and even added a to the flow of more coins on the street). "Oh! Absolutely!" he says. However, he is too engrossed into eating, saving a bit of ham from his sandwich on the way out, that he doesn't look quite as bit as he should.
((Perception: a measly 2 + 1 = 3 ))
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<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Where are you going to first to continue your search, and where are you stopping to get something to eat?
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"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
He begins searching through the books while mumbling... 'beak of the raven' and 'cut from an onyx.'
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"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
Etienne follows Steelclaw like a silent and deadly shadow as they both head for the docks.
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"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
As Lace and Asbestos head to the market they pass by a bakery where the sweet scent of cinnamon is carried on a gentle breeze.
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"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
He begins searching through the books while mumbling... 'beak of the raven' and 'cut from an onyx.'
Smithy keeps on looking through the titles and summaries of books aswell.
Investigation: in gamelog 22
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"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war |Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
Smithy finds an obscure reference buried in one book that mentions a practice of 'salvaging' parts from old works of art that have been damaged, in some cases a gem of high base value can be increased by being reworked by an artisan and used again in another piece or for some other purpose.
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"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
Smithy finds an obscure reference buried in one book that mentions a practice of 'salvaging' parts from old works of art that have been damaged, in some cases a gem of high base value can be increased by being reworked by an artisan and used again in another piece or for some other purpose.
Smithy wonders if they have a book about artworks with high end gems used in their production.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war |Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
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Lace raises an eyebrow in surprise at the pie incident & leaves a coin of pie value.
"Thanks and sorry. Cone on luv..." She tells the hobbit & Asbestos respectively. "We'll grab a bite on the way".
Smithy looks at the librarian
"We don't know much about it, but it's supposedly a legend regarding a raven statue where all is lost but its beak, which was cut from an onyx."
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war | Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
Etienne remains quiet, waiting on Steelclaw when he is ready. (So far through their interactions, he has mirrored the man's almost solo nature. He was sure Steelclaw liked working on his own, and saw him as an extra hassle, but he was determined to make himself useful and begin to earn the stubborn man's trust)
Asbestos whines like a dog being smacked before he realizes that was pretty inappropriate. "Ah... sorry," he says feebly. He hadn't thought about how hungry he was until after the incident. Like his body did it for him. He too would've also thrown in a coin, but Lace beat him to it, and he would feel weird for copying it (though he body screams at him to copy it now after he saw it). He nods and follows Lace to head towards the docks. He drops a coin somewhere on the street along the way ('for the fae') for good measure.
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Lace stops somewhere on the way to get them both a bite to eat. And of course keeps a lookout. She whispers to Asbestos
"Psst. Help keep a lookout for Daggers following us."
Perception. 19
Steelclaw just nods “Sounds good. Guess we are headed to the docks.” He says heading for the door and then the docks.
Wildemount: The Felderwin Irregulars (2020) - Balassar Silverstone - Dragonborn Fighter (Rune Knight) Lv. 5 | Rise of TIamat - Aiwin Aralana - Wood Elf Fighter/Ranger (Arcane Archer/Gloom Stalker) Lv. 9
Asbestos thanks Lace profusely for the food that they eat (though he pays for his own and even added a to the flow of more coins on the street). "Oh! Absolutely!" he says. However, he is too engrossed into eating, saving a bit of ham from his sandwich on the way out, that he doesn't look quite as bit as he should.
((Perception: a measly 2 + 1 = 3 ))
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Etienne smiles to himself at the word, "we."
He follows Steelclaw, continuing to say nothing unless spoken to. Again, Steelclaw may note how quick and silent the well-dressed man is on his feet.
@Lace and Asbestos
Where are you going to first to continue your search, and where are you stopping to get something to eat?
@Smithy and Fist
He begins searching through the books while mumbling... 'beak of the raven' and 'cut from an onyx.'
@Steelclaw and Etienne
Etienne follows Steelclaw like a silent and deadly shadow as they both head for the docks.
Searching: even = docks. Odd= market. 3
And the first place we pass that looks & smells good
Market it is
Lace and Asbestos continue heading to the market.
As Lace and Asbestos head to the market they pass by a bakery where the sweet scent of cinnamon is carried on a gentle breeze.
You interested in cinnamon bread? Asks Lace.
Smithy keeps on looking through the titles and summaries of books aswell.
Investigation: in gamelog 22
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war | Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus
Smithy finds an obscure reference buried in one book that mentions a practice of 'salvaging' parts from old works of art that have been damaged, in some cases a gem of high base value can be increased by being reworked by an artisan and used again in another piece or for some other purpose.
Steelclaw begins to look around the dock trying to identify where the shop maybe set up.
Perception: 5
Wildemount: The Felderwin Irregulars (2020) - Balassar Silverstone - Dragonborn Fighter (Rune Knight) Lv. 5 | Rise of TIamat - Aiwin Aralana - Wood Elf Fighter/Ranger (Arcane Archer/Gloom Stalker) Lv. 9
Smithy wonders if they have a book about artworks with high end gems used in their production.
"grandpa" Salkur, Gnome Arti/Sorc: Forged in Chaos | Pepin, Human Arti/Cleric: Goblin horde | Mixtli, Volc Genasi Arti: Champions of the Citadel | Erix Vadalitis, Human Druid: Rising from the last war | Smithy, Human Arti: Night Ravens: Black orchids for Biscotti | Tamphalic Aliprax, Dragonborn Wizard: Chronicles of the Accursed | Doc, Dwarven Cleric (2024): Adventure at Hope's End | Abathax, Tiefling Illriger: Hunt for the Balowang | Gorin Mestel, Human Arti: Descend into Avernus