Dah’ren who was just eating his ration for the day, drops whatever he eats and immediately takes his longbow out. Hearing the wolf howls Dah’ren trained his elf ears to pinpoint the location of said wolf, then he loose an arrow in that direction, the arrow hits the beast, confirmed by a weak yelp in the distance.
Tyrgram grabbed his battle-axe firmly in both hands and leaped at the nearest wolf. 'Have at thee, beastie!' He shouted with a mighty battlecry, confident that his armour and spells would keep him safe. His axe briefly flashed with a green flicker of flame before he brought it down upon the wolf.
Action: Green-Flame Blade targeting a wolf. - attack roll 18 - damage roll13 If there is a second wolf within 5 feet of the first wolf, it takes 3 fire damage.
Dugal shifted as the party of adventurers focused on the wolves. He had out his shortbow, trying to peer where the shadows grew long in the darkness away from the fire, but it was tough with the glow of the light. The distant howling whines of wolves injured reached the caravans ears as everyone shuffled together. One of the wolves was dead, another greatly injured. The injured wolf quickly crawled its way under one of the wagons, snarling and growling as its eye shine focused on the caravan members crowded around the fire.
Raf stood next to Dugal, sword in hand that he waved lightly in the direction of the wolf under the wagon with a shout. "Back! Back!" The wolf didn't seem to quite listen, staying very much put under the wagon as it watched, growling lowly. The second wolf crawled its way under the wagon as well, and then lunged out from the wagon toward the group of caravan members, aiming directly for Findal from where he hovered closer to Dugal. It bit down hard against one of Findal's legs, knocking the small gnome over with a shout and began to drag him back toward underneath the wagon.
Riyphou's eyes darted around the perimeter of the caravan, trying to locate the wolves through the flickering shadows cast by the fire. The beasts had been circling, but now they were out of his immediate reach. He could hear the shouts and growls, but nothing was close enough to strike with his flaming staff. Just as he began to move, a snarl cut through the air, followed by Findal’s shout. Riyphou turned to see the gnome being dragged beneath a wagon by one of the wolves, its jaws locked around Findal’s leg.
Without hesitation, Riyphou hurried back inside the circle of wagons, moving swiftly toward Findal. His heart pounded as he readied himself, flames flickering along his staff. He couldn’t reach the wolf yet, but he positioned himself close to Findal, prepared to strike and free him if the gnome couldn’t break loose in time. Riyphou's focus narrowed—he would be there when the moment came.
Findal pulled out his slung and fired a rock as quickly and as accurately as he could, desperation fueling him enough to kill the wolf before it can drag him completely under the wagon. He took a moment to catch his breath as Ovrola ran up to him, helped him upright and quickly cast some magic to heal up a portion of the bite wound. "Come, Findal. Back to the flames." She and Findal moved swiftly back toward the fire, Findal giving a nod to Riyphou in appreciation of the luxon's appearance and as much assistance as he had provided.
The rest of the caravan were huddled together, eyes wide and terrified as they watched the events unfold in the northeast corner of their camp.
One wolf remains, underneath one of the northeastern wagons.
Looking out from the top of the wagon, Maxie didn't see anymore wolves. Hearing Findel's shouts, Maxie scampered over the top of the to look inside. There she saw a dead wolf and a shaken Findel. Not seeing any other wolves, Maxie prepared a Fire Bolt for if another wolf showed itself inside the circle.
(Move, prepare to cast Fire Bolt as a reaction if a wolf becomes visible)
Dah’ren never leave his gaze on the wolf, the first arrow had bloodied the creature leaving a red trail everywhere it goes. Once he spotted it under one of the wagon, Dah’ren crouches and loose an arrow right at the neck of the beast.
After a brief moment of Tyrgram relaying the concerns that this behavior from these wolves is not normal, it becomes blatantly apparent why. On the complete opposite end of the circle of wagons a commotion can finally be heard, as the caravan members quiet down and the wolves are no longer howling. Instead there is the sound of goods moving, shifting from place to place, being settled into a rucksack. There is the sound of grunting and grumbling.
It only takes a second to realize that Findal's wagon has been behind everyone this entire time, and the shrieking concerns of his familiar Peppercorn had been less about the wolves, and more about the goblins robbing the wagon of goods. One is clearly stuffing Findal's valuables into a rucksack, a second keeping a lookout just to the side of one of the wheels, underneath the wagon itself. A third is hitching up a harness to a giant ogre dressed in hide armor with large, mule-like ears atop his head and a fairly hunched back.
The lookout shouts and fires a single shot that lands in the campfire, tossing hot coals into the air and scattering the members of the caravan as Findal shouts, loudly, "PEPPERCORN!"
Maxie is not so quick on the uptake this time, 5 init.
Maxie had thought the fight was over, so she was slow to respond to the new threat. After all, this is the first time something like this happened under her watch.
As the sounds of shifting goods and grumbling voices reached Riyphou’s ears, he spun around, realizing with dread that the wolves had been a distraction. Goblins were raiding Findal's wagon, and a hulking ogre was being harnessed like a beast of burden. Riyphou’s heart sank, the pieces falling into place. The wolves hadn’t attacked out of hunger or instinct—they had been driven to their deaths for a purpose.
Riyphou’s grip tightened on his staff, the flames dancing along its length casting flickering shadows around him. He couldn’t help but feel sorrow for the wolves, their lives thrown away for the sake of this robbery. “What drove you to such a futile end?” he muttered under his breath, shaking his head.
There was no time for lamenting now. Riyphou moved quickly, his eyes scanning the scene. He’d need to act fast to stop the goblins from escaping with Findal's goods—and to deal with the ogre. Summoning his resolve, he readied himself for the fight ahead, hoping the others would be quick to follow (for in his mind he acted as quick as Loxodon-ly possible!).
Tyrgram had only a moment to catch his breath when the loud outcry of Peppercorn alerted him to the actual threat going on at Findal's wagon. It seemed the wolves were merely a distraction. With grim determination he hurled himself into the fray to vanquish the goblin assault.
There is a moment of mad scrambling at Findal's wagon, and then the goblin underneath the wagon scrambled his way up toward the interior with the first goblin. He took aim, firing his bow in the direction of Findal, only for the arrow to fall short and land in the fire again, spreading sparks once more into the air. Findal let out another shout, pressing himself forward and taking aim with his slingshot. The rock he flung in their direction bounced harmlessly against the edge of his wagon.
The third goblin hastily focused on finishing up tying the harness to the large ogre creature, quickly smacking its mule-like ears once it finished with the rest of the straps and belts for the harness before it scrambled to join the other two. Raf pulled his own rapier out, holding it steady as he crowded the rest of the caravan members, those without weaponry, back toward one of the other wagons.
"Be careful!" Raf said aloud to the party. "That's not an ordinary Ogre!"
"Quite right," Dugal grunted as he took aim with his bow. The first arrow flew wide, the second hit home in the first goblin that had been stuffing Findal's goods into a rucksack.
Ovrola took a hesitant step forward, to stand next to Raf so that she could twist her hands around to form a symbol, arcane words slipping from her mouth in a second. There was a burst of radiant light, but the spell clearly missed its intended target. The Ogre at the front of the wagon started to move, stepping forward with one foot, then the other. He was mumbling something, over and over again.
"Pull da wagon. Gotta...pull da wagon."
With each step forward, slowly gaining up speed, Findal's wagon began to wheel out of the circle, pulled by the Ogre as if it were a beast of burden. The wagon moves roughly five feet toward the road as the Ogre pulls, slowly, but he is clearly starting to gain speed.
Riyphou follows suite Tyrgram and easily catches up to him, attaching his staff to a leather loop hanging over his shoulder. Close to the wagon’s rear end, he reaches out and tries to get a hold on the carriage with his trump. Then, he turns around and offers a hand to Tyrgram, “Hang on!” (dash action; Athletics: 6, if needed)
The goblin shrieked at the sudden appearance of the luxon on the edge of the wagon. "Move! Move!" The goblin grabbed a scimitar and swung it downward in an attempt to get Riyphou off (19 to hit, 7 slashing damage). Findal hiked up his own robes and began to dash after his own cart as well, yelling for Peppercorn, the little magpie shrieking as the wagon jolted along. The other living goblin took aim and fired at Tyrgram with a snarl, although the arrow went wide.
Raf, seeing the goblins are attempting to leave, quickly began to hurry the rest of the caravan members into their own wagons for safety. Dugal ran forward thirty feet, firing two arrows that went wide from his bow as he chased after the cart and after Findal.
Dah’ren who was just eating his ration for the day, drops whatever he eats and immediately takes his longbow out. Hearing the wolf howls Dah’ren trained his elf ears to pinpoint the location of said wolf, then he loose an arrow in that direction, the arrow hits the beast, confirmed by a weak yelp in the distance.
Attack 25 Damage 8
Tyrgram grabbed his battle-axe firmly in both hands and leaped at the nearest wolf. 'Have at thee, beastie!' He shouted with a mighty battlecry, confident that his armour and spells would keep him safe. His axe briefly flashed with a green flicker of flame before he brought it down upon the wolf.
Action: Green-Flame Blade targeting a wolf.
- attack roll 18
- damage roll 13
If there is a second wolf within 5 feet of the first wolf, it takes 3 fire damage.
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
Dugal shifted as the party of adventurers focused on the wolves. He had out his shortbow, trying to peer where the shadows grew long in the darkness away from the fire, but it was tough with the glow of the light. The distant howling whines of wolves injured reached the caravans ears as everyone shuffled together. One of the wolves was dead, another greatly injured. The injured wolf quickly crawled its way under one of the wagons, snarling and growling as its eye shine focused on the caravan members crowded around the fire.
Raf stood next to Dugal, sword in hand that he waved lightly in the direction of the wolf under the wagon with a shout. "Back! Back!" The wolf didn't seem to quite listen, staying very much put under the wagon as it watched, growling lowly. The second wolf crawled its way under the wagon as well, and then lunged out from the wagon toward the group of caravan members, aiming directly for Findal from where he hovered closer to Dugal. It bit down hard against one of Findal's legs, knocking the small gnome over with a shout and began to drag him back toward underneath the wagon.
Secrets of the Greenwold - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Dawning - A Homebrew Campaign - DMTomb of Annihilation - DM
Dragon Heist of Waterdeep - DM
Hoard of the Dragon Queen - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Riyphou's eyes darted around the perimeter of the caravan, trying to locate the wolves through the flickering shadows cast by the fire. The beasts had been circling, but now they were out of his immediate reach. He could hear the shouts and growls, but nothing was close enough to strike with his flaming staff. Just as he began to move, a snarl cut through the air, followed by Findal’s shout. Riyphou turned to see the gnome being dragged beneath a wagon by one of the wolves, its jaws locked around Findal’s leg.
Without hesitation, Riyphou hurried back inside the circle of wagons, moving swiftly toward Findal. His heart pounded as he readied himself, flames flickering along his staff. He couldn’t reach the wolf yet, but he positioned himself close to Findal, prepared to strike and free him if the gnome couldn’t break loose in time. Riyphou's focus narrowed—he would be there when the moment came.
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Findal pulled out his slung and fired a rock as quickly and as accurately as he could, desperation fueling him enough to kill the wolf before it can drag him completely under the wagon. He took a moment to catch his breath as Ovrola ran up to him, helped him upright and quickly cast some magic to heal up a portion of the bite wound. "Come, Findal. Back to the flames." She and Findal moved swiftly back toward the fire, Findal giving a nod to Riyphou in appreciation of the luxon's appearance and as much assistance as he had provided.
The rest of the caravan were huddled together, eyes wide and terrified as they watched the events unfold in the northeast corner of their camp.
One wolf remains, underneath one of the northeastern wagons.
Secrets of the Greenwold - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Dawning - A Homebrew Campaign - DMTomb of Annihilation - DM
Dragon Heist of Waterdeep - DM
Hoard of the Dragon Queen - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Looking out from the top of the wagon, Maxie didn't see anymore wolves. Hearing Findel's shouts, Maxie scampered over the top of the to look inside. There she saw a dead wolf and a shaken Findel. Not seeing any other wolves, Maxie prepared a Fire Bolt for if another wolf showed itself inside the circle.
(Move, prepare to cast Fire Bolt as a reaction if a wolf becomes visible)
Dah’ren never leave his gaze on the wolf, the first arrow had bloodied the creature leaving a red trail everywhere it goes. Once he spotted it under one of the wagon, Dah’ren crouches and loose an arrow right at the neck of the beast.
Attack 14 Damage 3
Nature check for the wolves' behaviour: 13
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
After a brief moment of Tyrgram relaying the concerns that this behavior from these wolves is not normal, it becomes blatantly apparent why. On the complete opposite end of the circle of wagons a commotion can finally be heard, as the caravan members quiet down and the wolves are no longer howling. Instead there is the sound of goods moving, shifting from place to place, being settled into a rucksack. There is the sound of grunting and grumbling.
It only takes a second to realize that Findal's wagon has been behind everyone this entire time, and the shrieking concerns of his familiar Peppercorn had been less about the wolves, and more about the goblins robbing the wagon of goods. One is clearly stuffing Findal's valuables into a rucksack, a second keeping a lookout just to the side of one of the wheels, underneath the wagon itself. A third is hitching up a harness to a giant ogre dressed in hide armor with large, mule-like ears atop his head and a fairly hunched back.
The lookout shouts and fires a single shot that lands in the campfire, tossing hot coals into the air and scattering the members of the caravan as Findal shouts, loudly, "PEPPERCORN!"
Once more! Initiative!
Secrets of the Greenwold - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Dawning - A Homebrew Campaign - DMTomb of Annihilation - DM
Dragon Heist of Waterdeep - DM
Hoard of the Dragon Queen - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Maxie is not so quick on the uptake this time, 5 init.
Maxie had thought the fight was over, so she was slow to respond to the new threat. After all, this is the first time something like this happened under her watch.
As the sounds of shifting goods and grumbling voices reached Riyphou’s ears, he spun around, realizing with dread that the wolves had been a distraction. Goblins were raiding Findal's wagon, and a hulking ogre was being harnessed like a beast of burden. Riyphou’s heart sank, the pieces falling into place. The wolves hadn’t attacked out of hunger or instinct—they had been driven to their deaths for a purpose.
Riyphou’s grip tightened on his staff, the flames dancing along its length casting flickering shadows around him. He couldn’t help but feel sorrow for the wolves, their lives thrown away for the sake of this robbery. “What drove you to such a futile end?” he muttered under his breath, shaking his head.
There was no time for lamenting now. Riyphou moved quickly, his eyes scanning the scene. He’d need to act fast to stop the goblins from escaping with Findal's goods—and to deal with the ogre. Summoning his resolve, he readied himself for the fight ahead, hoping the others would be quick to follow (for in his mind he acted as quick as Loxodon-ly possible!).
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Tyrgram had only a moment to catch his breath when the loud outcry of Peppercorn alerted him to the actual threat going on at Findal's wagon. It seemed the wolves were merely a distraction. With grim determination he hurled himself into the fray to vanquish the goblin assault.
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
There is a moment of mad scrambling at Findal's wagon, and then the goblin underneath the wagon scrambled his way up toward the interior with the first goblin. He took aim, firing his bow in the direction of Findal, only for the arrow to fall short and land in the fire again, spreading sparks once more into the air. Findal let out another shout, pressing himself forward and taking aim with his slingshot. The rock he flung in their direction bounced harmlessly against the edge of his wagon.
The third goblin hastily focused on finishing up tying the harness to the large ogre creature, quickly smacking its mule-like ears once it finished with the rest of the straps and belts for the harness before it scrambled to join the other two. Raf pulled his own rapier out, holding it steady as he crowded the rest of the caravan members, those without weaponry, back toward one of the other wagons.
"Be careful!" Raf said aloud to the party. "That's not an ordinary Ogre!"
"Quite right," Dugal grunted as he took aim with his bow. The first arrow flew wide, the second hit home in the first goblin that had been stuffing Findal's goods into a rucksack.
Secrets of the Greenwold - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Dawning - A Homebrew Campaign - DMTomb of Annihilation - DM
Dragon Heist of Waterdeep - DM
Hoard of the Dragon Queen - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Dah’ren shoots his bow at one of the goblins but misses, his arrow lodges into the side of Findal’s caravan.
Attack 11
Ovrola took a hesitant step forward, to stand next to Raf so that she could twist her hands around to form a symbol, arcane words slipping from her mouth in a second. There was a burst of radiant light, but the spell clearly missed its intended target. The Ogre at the front of the wagon started to move, stepping forward with one foot, then the other. He was mumbling something, over and over again.
"Pull da wagon. Gotta...pull da wagon."
With each step forward, slowly gaining up speed, Findal's wagon began to wheel out of the circle, pulled by the Ogre as if it were a beast of burden. The wagon moves roughly five feet toward the road as the Ogre pulls, slowly, but he is clearly starting to gain speed.
Secrets of the Greenwold - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Dawning - A Homebrew Campaign - DMTomb of Annihilation - DM
Dragon Heist of Waterdeep - DM
Hoard of the Dragon Queen - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Maxie looks at the scene, at a loss of what to do. Desperate to do something, she launches a Fire Bolt at the ogre pulling the wagon.
Attack 24 damage 8
Judging the ogre to be the biggest threat, Tyrgram sprinted over to the front of the wagon while cursing his shorter-than-the-others' legs.
Action: Dash to get 50 ft closer to the ogre.
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
Riyphou follows suite Tyrgram and easily catches up to him, attaching his staff to a leather loop hanging over his shoulder. Close to the wagon’s rear end, he reaches out and tries to get a hold on the carriage with his trump. Then, he turns around and offers a hand to Tyrgram, “Hang on!” (dash action; Athletics: 6, if needed)
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
The goblin shrieked at the sudden appearance of the luxon on the edge of the wagon. "Move! Move!" The goblin grabbed a scimitar and swung it downward in an attempt to get Riyphou off (19 to hit, 7 slashing damage). Findal hiked up his own robes and began to dash after his own cart as well, yelling for Peppercorn, the little magpie shrieking as the wagon jolted along. The other living goblin took aim and fired at Tyrgram with a snarl, although the arrow went wide.
Raf, seeing the goblins are attempting to leave, quickly began to hurry the rest of the caravan members into their own wagons for safety. Dugal ran forward thirty feet, firing two arrows that went wide from his bow as he chased after the cart and after Findal.
Secrets of the Greenwold - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Dawning - A Homebrew Campaign - DMTomb of Annihilation - DM
Dragon Heist of Waterdeep - DM
Hoard of the Dragon Queen - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Dah’ren gives chase towards the Ogre. Shooting at it midway through the process.
”Oi! Come over here! Fight someone your own size!” He says to the Ogre, taunting it.
Attack 12 Damage 4