Ovrola raced herself forward so that she still had range to try and cast spells at the Goblins, even as she blustered, "O-Oh that's not a good idea!" Her mote of radiant flame struck true in the next instance. The ogre itself came to a stop, roaring out his frustration at the two attacks that had connected with him. With a snarl he ripped himself free of the harness for the wagon and stormed toward the closest threat, coming to a stop within five feet of Dah'ren, a thick club pulled from its harness and in hand.
Riyphou, having just slung his staff over his shoulder to try and hold on to the escaping wagon, saw the ogre barreling toward Dah'ren. With no time to draw his weapon again, Riyphou raised his shield and lunged forward, aiming to bash the ogre as it stormed past. His movements were quick but calculated, hoping to stagger the beast and give Dah'ren a precious moment to react. Yet his efforts were futile.
Maxie continues to send Fire Bolts at the ogre, seeing that as the biggest threat. She was very glad that she was casting spells from atop a cart and not out there trading blows with an ogre!
Tyrgram gripped his battleaxe securely in both hands before bullrushing the ogre With a similar cry as against the wolves. His axe flashed with licks of green flame as he tried to cleave down upon the monster's head.
Move towards the ogre Action: green flame blade - Attack roll: 8 - Damage roll: 7
Riyphou looks after the raging ogre but feels reluctant to leave two goblins in their backs surely happy to pepper them with arrows from behind. Sighing, he turns to the goblins and climbs up the carriage and engages both in melee. He unslings his staff and infuses it again with nature’s magic as a Shillelagh. Then, he pounds it on the goblin with the scimitar.
The second goblin shrieked and swung out with its blade, missing Riyphou. From thirty feet away Findal took aim with his sling again, focused determinedly on the Goblin's still in his wagon. The little sling bullet found its way home, quickly ending the second goblin's life. The third goblin swung out with its own blade, cutting Riyphou down into unconsciousness. Raf spun himself around as he finally got the rest of the non-combatant members of the caravan into safety, only to suck in a sharp breath, turn, and rush up to join the party in combat completely.
"This is not good," Raf grunted out as he slid into space near Dah'ren.
"This is very not good!" Dugal shouted from a safe distance as he fired two more arrows into the wood of Findal's wagon. "Get away from the Ungual Ogre you fools!"
Dah’ren steps in front of everyone, standing his ground to block the Ogre from the rest of the caravan. He drops his bow and finally draws for the first time, a long curved blade from his side. He then charges at the Ogre, and slices the ogre in a wide arc, drawing blood from its huge torso.
”You gave me no choice but to draw the blade. Now die!” Shouts Dah’ren at the ogre.
"Oh no! Oh no, no, no!" Ovrola at first had her hands over her mouth, and after a second dropped them to run full pelt toward Riyphou, muttering what sounds like prayers under her breath as she did so. She came to a stop at his side, hands shaking.
The Ogre merely roared, "HURTS!" and targeted Dah'ren in front of him with a snarl. The club smashed into the ground off to the side of Dah'ren.
Tyrgram doubled down on attacking the ogre in the hopes that it will go down before it could inflict any more damage. His axe burned green with eagerness.
Riyphou lay still on the ground, his consciousness slipping away after the goblin's blade struck him down. His vision blurred, fading to black as the sounds of the battle—roaring ogres, the clash of blades, and the panicked shouts of his companions—grew distant. He was barely aware of Ovrola rushing to his side, her prayers whispered urgently, but he could feel her presence, a faint sense of warmth amidst the cold grasp of unconsciousness. As darkness fully took him, Riyphou’s thoughts dimmed, his only lingering regret being that he couldn’t help his friends in their most desperate moment. He had trusted the primal forces to protect him, but now it was up to them to defend each other.
Findal tried to fling another sling bullet at the goblin still in his cart. The bullet flew wide as he shuffled from foot to foot. The goblin's own following arrow went wide, flying past Tyrgram as it shrieked angrily from inside the wagon, almost wild-eyed. Raf also swung, a little widely and a smidge too far back from the Ogre for it to do anything. He said a sharp, "We need to be cautious! These things are--dangerous!"
Dugal's first arrow hit the wagon again, his second arrow hit home on the goblin who toppled over dead. He spun to bring his arrows in the direction of the Ogre with gritted teeth. "At least it doesn't look to be doing well?" he said, loudly, although still very concerned.
Dah’ren easily dodges the greatclub of the ogre and using the opening to dona riposte, stabbing the ogre on its gut, which tear open as he pulls back the blade. He can see the ogre is at his last leg.
Ovrola focused on sending healing aid to Riyphou, hands trembling as she tried to ignore the fighting gong on around her. She leaned back and sighed heavily when the magic took and finished the job of restoring Riyphou back to health.
The Ogre meanwhile smashed its club into the ground again as it tried and failed to hit Dah'ren, appearing a little woozy as it kept repeating, "Hurts!" over and over.
Seeing that their efforts were having an impact on the ogre made Tyrgram double down on trying the bring the creature down. 'Fall before our might, foul beast!'
Action: Green Flame Blade attacking the ogre. Attack roll: 24 (19+5) Damage roll: 6 (3+3)
Riyphou’s senses returned in a blur, disoriented and still feeling the sting from where the goblin’s blade had struck him. His hand instinctively reached for his staff as he scrambled to his feet, ready to defend the caravan. He spotted where the goblin had been but realized with a quick glance that the creature had already been dispatched, lying motionless near Findal’s wagon.
Turning towards the ongoing fight, Riyphou gripped his staff, prepared to aid in the battle against the ogre. But just as he stepped forward, the massive creature let out one last roar of pain as Tyrgram, Dah’ren, and the others landed their final blows. The ogre teetered, its greatclub falling from its hand as it crashed to the ground, dead.
Riyphou took a deep breath, still gathering his bearings. His heart was racing, and his body ached, but he managed to steady himself. He turned to Ovrola, who had rushed to his side earlier, and gave her a grateful nod. "Thank you, Ovrola. Your magic brought me back—I owe you."
Taking a moment to scan the battlefield, Riyphou asked, "Is anyone else hurt? I can still offer some healing if needed." His eyes moved from one companion to another, hoping the worst was over but ready to help where he could.
The Ogre collapsed with one final whined, "It hurts," before it thudded into the ground with a puff of dirt and smoke. When no other goblins or ogre's or wolves made their appearance, the rest of the fighters from the caravan seemed to relax. Findal rushed toward his cart, quickly undoing the latch on the rather large bird enclosure attached to the side to let Peppercorn settle on his arm. He spent a few minutes just fussing over his familiar as he made his way back toward the group of circled wagons.
"I warned you, Dugie," Findal said, not even bothering to lower his voice as he looked over to Dugal. "We hadn't once run into any sort of wagon thieves and you know wagons had gone missing along this road, recently."
"I don't beg for trouble," Dugal pointedly said back. "Besides the 'missing wagon' of late was some royal thing, so you know it was either bandits or an opportunistic driver. Not...goblins."
Ovrola settled herself back as Riyphou got to his feet, hands hovering slightly. "A-are you sure you don't n-need more? I can...g-get off one more healing spell, I think." She glanced around to the group, biting her lip slightly as she also got to her feet, hands twisted together in front of her.
Riyphou brushed the dirt off his robes, gripping his staff for balance as he took in the aftermath of the battle. He smiled at Ovrola and shook his head gently. "Thank you, Ovrola, but I’m alright now. You’ve done enough." He then turned as Maxie scampered over, concern written on her face. "I’m alright, Maxie," he reassured her with a kind smile. "It was a rough hit, but thanks to Ovrola, I’m back on my feet. You did well today—everyone did." He glanced around at the group, grateful that the danger had passed. "Now, let’s make sure no one else is hurt. And that we can proceed safely and quickly to the safety of the city."
Ovrola raced herself forward so that she still had range to try and cast spells at the Goblins, even as she blustered, "O-Oh that's not a good idea!" Her mote of radiant flame struck true in the next instance. The ogre itself came to a stop, roaring out his frustration at the two attacks that had connected with him. With a snarl he ripped himself free of the harness for the wagon and stormed toward the closest threat, coming to a stop within five feet of Dah'ren, a thick club pulled from its harness and in hand.
Secrets of the Greenwold - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Dawning - A Homebrew Campaign - DMTomb of Annihilation - DM
Dragon Heist of Waterdeep - DM
Hoard of the Dragon Queen - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Riyphou, having just slung his staff over his shoulder to try and hold on to the escaping wagon, saw the ogre barreling toward Dah'ren. With no time to draw his weapon again, Riyphou raised his shield and lunged forward, aiming to bash the ogre as it stormed past. His movements were quick but calculated, hoping to stagger the beast and give Dah'ren a precious moment to react. Yet his efforts were futile.
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Maxie continues to send Fire Bolts at the ogre, seeing that as the biggest threat. She was very glad that she was casting spells from atop a cart and not out there trading blows with an ogre!
Attack 20 damage 3
Tyrgram gripped his battleaxe securely in both hands before bullrushing the ogre With a similar cry as against the wolves. His axe flashed with licks of green flame as he tried to cleave down upon the monster's head.
Move towards the ogre
Action: green flame blade
- Attack roll: 8
- Damage roll: 7
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
Riyphou looks after the raging ogre but feels reluctant to leave two goblins in their backs surely happy to pepper them with arrows from behind. Sighing, he turns to the goblins and climbs up the carriage and engages both in melee. He unslings his staff and infuses it again with nature’s magic as a Shillelagh. Then, he pounds it on the goblin with the scimitar.
(Attack: 10 - miss)
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
The second goblin shrieked and swung out with its blade, missing Riyphou. From thirty feet away Findal took aim with his sling again, focused determinedly on the Goblin's still in his wagon. The little sling bullet found its way home, quickly ending the second goblin's life. The third goblin swung out with its own blade, cutting Riyphou down into unconsciousness. Raf spun himself around as he finally got the rest of the non-combatant members of the caravan into safety, only to suck in a sharp breath, turn, and rush up to join the party in combat completely.
"This is not good," Raf grunted out as he slid into space near Dah'ren.
"This is very not good!" Dugal shouted from a safe distance as he fired two more arrows into the wood of Findal's wagon. "Get away from the Ungual Ogre you fools!"
Secrets of the Greenwold - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Dawning - A Homebrew Campaign - DMTomb of Annihilation - DM
Dragon Heist of Waterdeep - DM
Hoard of the Dragon Queen - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Dah’ren steps in front of everyone, standing his ground to block the Ogre from the rest of the caravan. He drops his bow and finally draws for the first time, a long curved blade from his side. He then charges at the Ogre, and slices the ogre in a wide arc, drawing blood from its huge torso.
”You gave me no choice but to draw the blade. Now die!” Shouts Dah’ren at the ogre.
Attack 18 Damage 11
"Oh no! Oh no, no, no!" Ovrola at first had her hands over her mouth, and after a second dropped them to run full pelt toward Riyphou, muttering what sounds like prayers under her breath as she did so. She came to a stop at his side, hands shaking.
The Ogre merely roared, "HURTS!" and targeted Dah'ren in front of him with a snarl. The club smashed into the ground off to the side of Dah'ren.
Secrets of the Greenwold - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Dawning - A Homebrew Campaign - DMTomb of Annihilation - DM
Dragon Heist of Waterdeep - DM
Hoard of the Dragon Queen - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Thinking that the Ogre was the biggest threat, Maxie casts a Fire Bolt at the ogre. She manages to hit the Ogre, but only singes it a bit.
(Rolled in dice-rolls channel to automatically apply damage, attack 22 damage 1)
Tyrgram doubled down on attacking the ogre in the hopes that it will go down before it could inflict any more damage. His axe burned green with eagerness.
Green Flame Blade
Attack roll: 20
Damage roll: 4
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
Riyphou lay still on the ground, his consciousness slipping away after the goblin's blade struck him down. His vision blurred, fading to black as the sounds of the battle—roaring ogres, the clash of blades, and the panicked shouts of his companions—grew distant. He was barely aware of Ovrola rushing to his side, her prayers whispered urgently, but he could feel her presence, a faint sense of warmth amidst the cold grasp of unconsciousness. As darkness fully took him, Riyphou’s thoughts dimmed, his only lingering regret being that he couldn’t help his friends in their most desperate moment. He had trusted the primal forces to protect him, but now it was up to them to defend each other.
Death save 18 (1 success vs. 0 failures)
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Findal tried to fling another sling bullet at the goblin still in his cart. The bullet flew wide as he shuffled from foot to foot. The goblin's own following arrow went wide, flying past Tyrgram as it shrieked angrily from inside the wagon, almost wild-eyed. Raf also swung, a little widely and a smidge too far back from the Ogre for it to do anything. He said a sharp, "We need to be cautious! These things are--dangerous!"
Dugal's first arrow hit the wagon again, his second arrow hit home on the goblin who toppled over dead. He spun to bring his arrows in the direction of the Ogre with gritted teeth. "At least it doesn't look to be doing well?" he said, loudly, although still very concerned.
Secrets of the Greenwold - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Dawning - A Homebrew Campaign - DMTomb of Annihilation - DM
Dragon Heist of Waterdeep - DM
Hoard of the Dragon Queen - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Dah’ren easily dodges the greatclub of the ogre and using the opening to dona riposte, stabbing the ogre on its gut, which tear open as he pulls back the blade. He can see the ogre is at his last leg.
Attack 16 Damage 16
Ovrola focused on sending healing aid to Riyphou, hands trembling as she tried to ignore the fighting gong on around her. She leaned back and sighed heavily when the magic took and finished the job of restoring Riyphou back to health.
The Ogre meanwhile smashed its club into the ground again as it tried and failed to hit Dah'ren, appearing a little woozy as it kept repeating, "Hurts!" over and over.
Secrets of the Greenwold - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Dawning - A Homebrew Campaign - DMTomb of Annihilation - DM
Dragon Heist of Waterdeep - DM
Hoard of the Dragon Queen - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Maxie continues to launch Fire Bolts at the Ogre. Each small mote of fire doesn't do much damage, but they continue to singe the ogres hide.
Seeing that their efforts were having an impact on the ogre made Tyrgram double down on trying the bring the creature down. 'Fall before our might, foul beast!'
Action: Green Flame Blade attacking the ogre.
Attack roll: 24 (19+5)
Damage roll: 6 (3+3)
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
Riyphou’s senses returned in a blur, disoriented and still feeling the sting from where the goblin’s blade had struck him. His hand instinctively reached for his staff as he scrambled to his feet, ready to defend the caravan. He spotted where the goblin had been but realized with a quick glance that the creature had already been dispatched, lying motionless near Findal’s wagon.
Turning towards the ongoing fight, Riyphou gripped his staff, prepared to aid in the battle against the ogre. But just as he stepped forward, the massive creature let out one last roar of pain as Tyrgram, Dah’ren, and the others landed their final blows. The ogre teetered, its greatclub falling from its hand as it crashed to the ground, dead.
Riyphou took a deep breath, still gathering his bearings. His heart was racing, and his body ached, but he managed to steady himself. He turned to Ovrola, who had rushed to his side earlier, and gave her a grateful nod. "Thank you, Ovrola. Your magic brought me back—I owe you."
Taking a moment to scan the battlefield, Riyphou asked, "Is anyone else hurt? I can still offer some healing if needed." His eyes moved from one companion to another, hoping the worst was over but ready to help where he could.
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
The Ogre collapsed with one final whined, "It hurts," before it thudded into the ground with a puff of dirt and smoke. When no other goblins or ogre's or wolves made their appearance, the rest of the fighters from the caravan seemed to relax. Findal rushed toward his cart, quickly undoing the latch on the rather large bird enclosure attached to the side to let Peppercorn settle on his arm. He spent a few minutes just fussing over his familiar as he made his way back toward the group of circled wagons.
"I warned you, Dugie," Findal said, not even bothering to lower his voice as he looked over to Dugal. "We hadn't once run into any sort of wagon thieves and you know wagons had gone missing along this road, recently."
"I don't beg for trouble," Dugal pointedly said back. "Besides the 'missing wagon' of late was some royal thing, so you know it was either bandits or an opportunistic driver. Not...goblins."
Ovrola settled herself back as Riyphou got to his feet, hands hovering slightly. "A-are you sure you don't n-need more? I can...g-get off one more healing spell, I think." She glanced around to the group, biting her lip slightly as she also got to her feet, hands twisted together in front of her.
Secrets of the Greenwold - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Dawning - A Homebrew Campaign - DMTomb of Annihilation - DM
Dragon Heist of Waterdeep - DM
Hoard of the Dragon Queen - DM | Recruiting Thread | Campaign Thread
Now that the fight was over, Maxie scampers over to Riyphou and asks, "Are you alright? I saw you go down and I was worried!"
Riyphou brushed the dirt off his robes, gripping his staff for balance as he took in the aftermath of the battle. He smiled at Ovrola and shook his head gently. "Thank you, Ovrola, but I’m alright now. You’ve done enough." He then turned as Maxie scampered over, concern written on her face. "I’m alright, Maxie," he reassured her with a kind smile. "It was a rough hit, but thanks to Ovrola, I’m back on my feet. You did well today—everyone did." He glanced around at the group, grateful that the danger had passed. "Now, let’s make sure no one else is hurt. And that we can proceed safely and quickly to the safety of the city."
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||