"Does anyone have skill or spell to fix a net? I'm over here, I know my stealth makes me hard to see now." Zin looks like he might be about to take his boots off if no one looks his way. Zeezee crawls up to Zin's shoulder and squeaks for attention. Zin gives Zee a bite of the eagle hash from earlier.
Irtos volunteers, "I can mend things if they are small enough." She goes over to Zin and asks for the net.
(Assuming Zin hands Irtos the net)
Irtos starts praying while making various gestures over the net. After a minute of this, Irtos inspects the net to see if it's fully repaired, or if it needs more work.
(cast Mending cantrip on the Net. From the description, it only fixes a single tear, so it might take multiple castings.)
Zin stares at his net in awe it’s like new no knots or extra rope just like whole, “Oh wow. Oh now it’s a magic net, oh wow! Thank you! Look Zee a magic net.”
Lothat retrieves the harpy for dinner when everyone is on board. Shaking his focus in a ritual to purify food over the carcasses and boat's water cask. "I can check the auras of the stuff we found" Lothar says as lays the discarded dagger in front of himself.
Borvnir is one of the first to get back into the rowboat and slumps his weight across the bow. Whilst the party is busy fixing Zin's net, or retrieving the harpy, he's busy scheming on how to reclaim the Talisman of Orcus that Irtos has on her once more. Stealing it back is definitely off the table; his fingers are too clumsy and any slip-ups would mean losing all trust within the party, and so is taking it from Alethia's husband, the widow the party needs to give it to in order to end the curse, as it seems the agreed on plan is to just then take it back once they've given it to him and destroy it. However, as he thinks about this, and Lothar cleanses the food and water, a sickeningly twisted idea comes into his wicked mind, a plan so excellent he can barely suppress a grin.
Borvnir looks towards Irtos and asks her a question, though he seems to be speaking loudly and broadly enough to be asking the whole party, 'Although we've agreed we shall destroy the talisman after we reclaim it from the widow, we haven't decided what we'll actually destroy it with. A regular weapon won't do, of course, since we'll want all the remnants gone, and I doubt we have any spells destructive enough to annihilate it fully. Even fire might not cleanse it of it's curse, as it might live on through the ashes. However, I have devised a way to destroy it fully, once and for all. As some of you might know, black dragon acid is one of the most corrosive natural substances in all the land, capable of fully dissolving any organic material, even stone, if doused in it long enough. So, my suggestion is, when it comes to destroying the talisman, why don't I just...eat it?' He holds the silence and prays to Orcus that his logic is sound enough to convince the party. He debates whether he'll actually eat it if given the chance, as that might be the only sound option considering the party might make sure he does, or if he will just hide it in his jaw or under his tongue for safe keeping. Either way, he thinks this may be the only feasible option for him to get a hold on that shred of necrotic power.
[Persuasion: 12...hopefully high enough to convince the group, though I don't imagine they'll have any other options. And if Borvnir does eat it, I wonder if it will just be truly destroyed, or if he'll end up in a Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Finger situation where the dark influence lingers in him and he inherits some of the power...]
[On reflection, I probably should have classed the roll as Deception instead of Persuasion. It would have had exactly the same result, but it would have made more sense since everybody's making Insight checks now, which I'm guessing are to discern his intentions when suggesting the idea (which is to get his hands on the talisman again rather than purely suggesting a way to destroy it). However, since I don't think there actually is a better way to destroy the talisman, I'm hoping the outcome of Irtos's success is that the party just makes sure that Borvnir actually swallows it whole when they do eat it just to make sure it's destroyed and not concealed. Overall, after the DMs reaction to the potential plan, I'm really hoping he does get to eat it as I want to see the affects now!]
Cherry raises her eyebrows at Borvnir's plan to "destroy" the amulet. However, rather than speak out directly she decides to feign ignorance. "A solid plan!" she says, "But I'd certainly be concerned for your health the way you've suggested, noble dragonborn." She looks at Borvnir with a feigned smile, "Just because your stomach might be able to dissolve doesn't make eating metal a good idea. Perhaps it would be wise instead for you to, erm, regurgitate your acid into a vial that we could use outside of yourself to safely dispose of it." She looks at Irtos and adds a genuine thought, "Perhaps its destruction could even be aided with such practice by having holy relics around it during the dissolving?" Internally she smiles.
Deception: 10+5 = 15 //to make Borvnir think she didn't see through 'im
(Do you want to take a rest on the boat or head back to shore? You can also do something else, but these seem to be the options.)
[A paper drops out of a flash of light and drifts to the ground at your feet] -(extended sig)-
[[ Cherry is fine with just heading back. Didn't use her one spell slot. But if others want to recharge short rest stuff or heal up, that's A-OK. ]]
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Tendilius Paxaramus, Drakkenheim | Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve
Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Beneath the Mountain | Let's Test Monsters!
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 41, 12/1/24, O Come Divine Messiah
[I think head back would be the best option, I’ve still got a rage left in case we get ambushed as we sail back but I don’t think that’s likely]
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Head back sounds good to Zin, he’s got treasure to spend…
Irtos would rather rest on dry land if we're finished here. She's had enough of boats recently.
Lothar jumps into boat and looks to the sea for the harpy.
Perception 14
Lothar Male Tabaxi Druid
You see the corpse floating away from the boat about 50 ft. away.
[A paper drops out of a flash of light and drifts to the ground at your feet] -(extended sig)-
"Does anyone have skill or spell to fix a net? I'm over here, I know my stealth makes me hard to see now." Zin looks like he might be about to take his boots off if no one looks his way. Zeezee crawls up to Zin's shoulder and squeaks for attention. Zin gives Zee a bite of the eagle hash from earlier.
Irtos volunteers, "I can mend things if they are small enough." She goes over to Zin and asks for the net.
(Assuming Zin hands Irtos the net)
Irtos starts praying while making various gestures over the net. After a minute of this, Irtos inspects the net to see if it's fully repaired, or if it needs more work.
(cast Mending cantrip on the Net. From the description, it only fixes a single tear, so it might take multiple castings.)
It was slashed, so I'd say it'll take 1 casting
[A paper drops out of a flash of light and drifts to the ground at your feet] -(extended sig)-
Irtos hands the net back to Zin, "Here you go, good as new."
Irtos is happy that she was able to do something useful for others.
Zin stares at his net in awe it’s like new no knots or extra rope just like whole, “Oh wow. Oh now it’s a magic net, oh wow! Thank you! Look Zee a magic net.”
[So to confirm, you want to get back to the small boat and sail to the island?]
[A paper drops out of a flash of light and drifts to the ground at your feet] -(extended sig)-
Lothat retrieves the harpy for dinner when everyone is on board. Shaking his focus in a ritual to purify food over the carcasses and boat's water cask. "I can check the auras of the stuff we found" Lothar says as lays the discarded dagger in front of himself.
Lothar Male Tabaxi Druid
Borvnir is one of the first to get back into the rowboat and slumps his weight across the bow. Whilst the party is busy fixing Zin's net, or retrieving the harpy, he's busy scheming on how to reclaim the Talisman of Orcus that Irtos has on her once more. Stealing it back is definitely off the table; his fingers are too clumsy and any slip-ups would mean losing all trust within the party, and so is taking it from Alethia's husband, the widow the party needs to give it to in order to end the curse, as it seems the agreed on plan is to just then take it back once they've given it to him and destroy it. However, as he thinks about this, and Lothar cleanses the food and water, a sickeningly twisted idea comes into his wicked mind, a plan so excellent he can barely suppress a grin.
Borvnir looks towards Irtos and asks her a question, though he seems to be speaking loudly and broadly enough to be asking the whole party, 'Although we've agreed we shall destroy the talisman after we reclaim it from the widow, we haven't decided what we'll actually destroy it with. A regular weapon won't do, of course, since we'll want all the remnants gone, and I doubt we have any spells destructive enough to annihilate it fully. Even fire might not cleanse it of it's curse, as it might live on through the ashes. However, I have devised a way to destroy it fully, once and for all. As some of you might know, black dragon acid is one of the most corrosive natural substances in all the land, capable of fully dissolving any organic material, even stone, if doused in it long enough. So, my suggestion is, when it comes to destroying the talisman, why don't I just...eat it?' He holds the silence and prays to Orcus that his logic is sound enough to convince the party. He debates whether he'll actually eat it if given the chance, as that might be the only sound option considering the party might make sure he does, or if he will just hide it in his jaw or under his tongue for safe keeping. Either way, he thinks this may be the only feasible option for him to get a hold on that shred of necrotic power.
[Persuasion: 12...hopefully high enough to convince the group, though I don't imagine they'll have any other options. And if Borvnir does eat it, I wonder if it will just be truly destroyed, or if he'll end up in a Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Finger situation where the dark influence lingers in him and he inherits some of the power...]
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
[Ok so…. That would be really interesting, considering what the talisman does… Ooooh that would be cool… everyone else roll insight.]
[A paper drops out of a flash of light and drifts to the ground at your feet] -(extended sig)-
Irtos has Insight 18, being good at insight is a survival trait for the diminutive cleric.
Zin willingly fails not interested in stopping Borvnir from doing anything he wants to do.
[On reflection, I probably should have classed the roll as Deception instead of Persuasion. It would have had exactly the same result, but it would have made more sense since everybody's making Insight checks now, which I'm guessing are to discern his intentions when suggesting the idea (which is to get his hands on the talisman again rather than purely suggesting a way to destroy it). However, since I don't think there actually is a better way to destroy the talisman, I'm hoping the outcome of Irtos's success is that the party just makes sure that Borvnir actually swallows it whole when they do eat it just to make sure it's destroyed and not concealed. Overall, after the DMs reaction to the potential plan, I'm really hoping he does get to eat it as I want to see the affects now!]
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Cherry Insight: 14+1 = 15
Cherry raises her eyebrows at Borvnir's plan to "destroy" the amulet. However, rather than speak out directly she decides to feign ignorance. "A solid plan!" she says, "But I'd certainly be concerned for your health the way you've suggested, noble dragonborn." She looks at Borvnir with a feigned smile, "Just because your stomach might be able to dissolve doesn't make eating metal a good idea. Perhaps it would be wise instead for you to, erm, regurgitate your acid into a vial that we could use outside of yourself to safely dispose of it." She looks at Irtos and adds a genuine thought, "Perhaps its destruction could even be aided with such practice by having holy relics around it during the dissolving?" Internally she smiles.
Deception: 10+5 = 15
//to make Borvnir think she didn't see through 'im
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Tendilius Paxaramus, Drakkenheim | Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve
Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Beneath the Mountain | Let's Test Monsters!
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 41, 12/1/24, O Come Divine Messiah