Krumar laughs at Nef "Ah bait well who will record your exploits and sing about them far and hide high and.....low" Krumar turns his attention to the other 2 "Jordgubb....sounds like a song I heard once.....Allay Loo! Yub nub, eee chop yub nub; Ah toe meet toe pee chee keene; G'noop dock fling oh ah.....I am pretty certain they were singing about me and my musical talents...although the adventurers I was with weren't so lucky....but anyway, you don't get off the farm much eh stable boy? Dabbert, that name sounds familiar...was your father an adventurer? I feel as if I know a song or two about a Dabbert....not very flattering though perhaps you will have better luck."
When he steps into the room from a back door your eyes are immediately drawn to Imril, shenanigans, chatter and all other nonsense forgotten. At least for the moment. He is a tall human wearing plate armor and with a longsword at his side.The green surcoat with the golden lyre on the left breast which is the uniform of the Lyreguard is immaculate.He is an impressive sight and wears a charismatic smile as he says hello.His presence and ability to own a room is so strong that the brown and red clad attendant is all but lost to the shadows behind him.
“You’re all here, good good. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for too long," Imril begins, jumping right into his usual spiel. The attendant, however, is quick to step up and whisper something to him. "Oh, we're missing someone? That is... Unusual. Well, let's say we address that at the end, yes?"
"First off, welcome to the true Red Branch,” Imril says with a practiced charm. “I’m sure you have questions and I will answer them in time, but first a brief history..." Imril explains that Red Branch is a secret society that is dedicated to eradicating evil from Bard’s Gate, the Lyre Valley and the continent as a whole. “We’re not quite a large enough group to meet all our goals quite yet but we do what we can,” he assures. “Bard’s Gate is an independent city and as such needs to maintain a certain hands off approach to a lot of issues that it still has a vested interest in. The city depends on its ability to trade and deal with all factions on the continent. Its neutrality. If we were to take too much of a hands on approach in almost any problem there are those who could take offense... Or even use it as an excuse to take that offense. That, however, is more the political side of Red Branch. We have you lot penciled in for a different role..”
“Istia as a whole is still very much untamed. This continent has many dark corners and unexplored forests. Creatures and monsters and threats we don’t even know about yet. Bard’s Gate seems civilized but stray too far beyond the valley and, as you know, things can get dangerous. Part of Red Branch’s goal is to cut down that danger...” Imril says seriously. “Cut down by you lot, in part.”
“Our goal is to train you up over time. We have no desire to throw you blindly into darkness and hope you come back alive... Though the plan is to get you to the point where you can face any threat. With the proper training, the proper resources, I believe the five of you, working as a team, could do great things in this world.” The attendant clears their throat deliberately and Imril catches right on. "Oh yes, the four of you. Hmm."
“We’ve an easy task for you to begin with, I hope,”Imril says with a small smile. "The four of you should be more than capable but if our straggler doesn't arrive before you leave I shall send the Aspirant here with you," he assures, indicating the attendant whose only reaction is a bit of a straightening of their posture. "We do this from time to time, sending one of the Red Clergy as support..."
"Right then," Imril says, using his voice to draw everyone's attention. "I'm afraid a child has been taken. Goblin raid. Not as common as it once was thanks to our patrols and such but it does still happen. The abduction, however, is unusual. Goblins aren't known to have interest in prisoners. Your task will be to try to find their trail, track them down and eliminate them. Obviously the child's recovery is the priority, if it is still possible..."
Imril explains that it was a small caravan moving between Arendia to the east and Derindin. A couple of guards were killed by the main force but during the battle a second band of goblins hit from the south, grabbed what they could and retreated immediately. Once they were gone the main force broke off as well. Both units of goblins retreated south deeper into the Forest Kingdoms. The forest had been purged ages ago by Lord Delius and some knights sworn to him but that was ages and ages ago. The forest has been relatively quiet since, despite them being active a few hundred years ago... So this could be a random band of goblins or they could be once more trying to populate the woodlands.
"Find the child and save her, if you can, and hunt down the little green rodents who did this..."
OOC: You will be brought to the site of the attack and dropped off there. The attack happened about 2 days ago at this point so there is still hope for the kidnapped girl, but not much. A coach is being prepared to take you all there and you should head out as soon as possible but there is some time for last minute preparations, if needed...
Jordgubb shakes his head in confusion and shock when the redbranch's real motives are revealed, "wait, what do you mean? If that'ss true then... What happened to all of the other sacrificesss from my colony, who came to you as tribute? Are they still out there fighting for the branchesss political gainssss?"
"Well, ahh..." Imril replies to the questionable looking Dragonborn. "That is not information I have on hand. If you give their names and details to the attendant here I am sure we can have someone look into that." Imril then looks to the others to see if there are any more questions.
"Åhhh, Uhhh Leif left around 40 years ago and Billy was sent out 20 yearsss ago. Maybe?... The colony assumes those who are chosen are sacrificed by the city people who let usss keep our marshland." He stands up straight suddenly and recites something that seems to have been brainwashed into him from a young age, "for the greater good!" Snapping out if it he looks to the attendant, "if you could find out why they never returned I would be grateful"
Krumar raises his hand “Ahem, yes so I thought this was a big social club…I’m supposed to help them fight goblins and soil my clothes…oh that won’t do. Uhh perhaps you have something like that robed fella for me to change into? I mean obviously you want me to record their deeds in battle and to not actually….uh battle”
Dabbert sits and listens, then writes off Jordgubb's worries about Billy and Krumar's word about Gucci.
"Who is this girl? What are her uh...ties? Or rather, depending on her age, her families ties? Anyone notable? Who else was in the caravan, and what was their cargo and intended destination?"
"I don't know Leif or Billy personally but I will have it looked into," Imril assures with patience and confidence. "But I can give you my word, Red Branch sacrifices nobody. Some jobs may be quite dangerous but our goal is to bring everyone home alive..." Imril may have had more to had but Krumar is "Mr. Kottering" the hell out of the place, raising his hand and begging for attention.
"Krumar, am I right?" Imril asks after hearing the question. "You are in Bard's Gate. A city... The greatest on this continent... Founded by bards, named for bards and which continues to be guided by the best and brightest of bards. And you are worried about soiling yourself?"
"You are chosen for this group because it is what you are believed best suited for at this point in your... career. What we mean for you to do is anything and everything you can to complete the mission goals. I am sure you can find a change of clothes at any number of shops before you depart. If you need to know a place selling adult diapers I am sure we can get that information to you..." Imril says, obviously losing his patience a bit, but also just enjoying himself.
Nefire listens intently, nodding a bit here and there and is all ready to go and fight these goblins. Then she hears Krumar's questions and gets a bit distracted. But Imril's answers make her chuckle and she stands up.
"No questions here, just ready to go." she announces, looking at the others hoping they won't slow them down.
"The girl is a girl," Imril says in answer to Dabbert's question. "The daughter of a merchant. Elissa Bookman is her name. Not quite a teenager yet, I understand. Her family are perhaps better off than some but hardly in a position to be targeted. It was just a small caravan of four or five wagons moving between Arendia to the east and Derindin. Transfer of stock from one place to another. Some dried meats and groceries, some clothes and materials. The Bookmans, I'm to understand, have a couple of bookstores. The main one is here in Bard's Gate but they also own one or two others in nearby cities. Just books. Some on the rare side but nothing arcane."
"Every indication is this was a random goblin raid. If we expected more we'd be putting a more experienced crew on it. No offense," Imril says and you believe he indeed means no offense. "If you find otherwise then indeed get word back immediately... Quite frankly we'd not be bothering with this at all except they took a child. We take offense to that and want the child rescued, if possible, and those who took it eliminated so this doesn't happen again."
"I am pleased that we are not to be sacrificed. Thisss mission will open doors for usss to earn favour and richess? Yess?" Jordgubb stands and moves across the room with interest
"As for soiling our clothesss I think we can handle a little dirt hmm?" He muses with a grin as he pats Krumar on the shoulder leaving a bit of a smudge on his otherwise spotless lapels.
Krumar catches a whiff of the Jordgubb's breath and gags "Oh dear lord did you eat raw flesh before you came here? Lord above have some mint" Krumar takes out a mint leaf and offers it to Jordgubb. He then looks at the grime on his lapel and sighs. He waves his hand over the top of the grime and it disappears
With no further questions from the odd squad Imril advises you where to meet the carriage that will take you out to the location of the attack and asks you all be there in one hour sharp. ((I'm not exactly sure how people without clocks know what an hour is but we'll assume Bard's Gate rings a bell on the hour and just ignore that detail otherwise?)) You have the hour to grab any last minute supplies, to get a bit of your drink on or anything else you may desire. When you arrive at the carriage you find it easy to spot due to the Red Branch shield painted on the doors. The same brown and red robed figure you barely noticed during the briefing is here as well, standing next to the carriage. There are two teamsters sitting atop the carriage to drive the team of four horses and there is plenty of room inside for you all. You can even get comfortable and nap for short stretches where the roadway is in relatively good repair.
It takes the better part of a day to travel from Bard's Gate to Arendia where you get rooms for the night rather than reaching your destination in darkest hours. The stay is uneventful and except for some whispered complaints about Jordgubb's hygiene and Krumar's general demeanor, relatively quiet. After a quick breakfast you are on the road again and a few hours later the coach pulls up on the side of the road.
To the best the carriage drivers can determine this is the location of the attack. A few broken arrows and other debris seems to confirm this. You have little to go on other than the fact that the goblins, with their hostage, headed south into the forest...
Obviously you will eventually track down the goblins but if everyone could give me a brief description of how they are helping and make a roll of the appropriate skill? I'll use this to determine how long it takes to track them down, how aware they are of a hostile party looking for them, etc. ((Basically each of you pick a skill your good at, describe as briefly or in depth as you wish how it may help, and roll...))
Jordgubb uses the survival skills he grew up with to track the goblins ambush site and direction of approach and retreat. (13 survival) When finally finding the tracks and leading the group away he starts loudly having a conversation with himself in goblish. Hoping to attract the attention of some lookouts or goblin patrols.
Krumar watches the others do their thing and decides now would be a good time to work on a song. He takes out his lute and begins to strum and sing (Bardic Inspiration)
"Tracking goblins, in the light of day, With courage and purpose, we'll find our way. Following signs where the sunlight gleams, Onward we go, chasing goblins and their elusive dreams.....I mean it is a work in progress but I think its off to a good start."
Keeping a little clear of Jordgrubb, Nefire works on finding tracks herself. Something she was used to doing, was a game she played with her younger sisters all the time. (Survival 15).
She looks to the trees, the underbrush, and does her best to tune Krumar out.
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Krumar laughs at Nef "Ah bait well who will record your exploits and sing about them far and hide high and.....low" Krumar turns his attention to the other 2 "Jordgubb....sounds like a song I heard once.....Allay Loo! Yub nub, eee chop yub nub; Ah toe meet toe pee chee keene; G'noop dock fling oh ah.....I am pretty certain they were singing about me and my musical talents...although the adventurers I was with weren't so lucky....but anyway, you don't get off the farm much eh stable boy? Dabbert, that name sounds familiar...was your father an adventurer? I feel as if I know a song or two about a Dabbert....not very flattering though perhaps you will have better luck."
When he steps into the room from a back door your eyes are immediately drawn to Imril, shenanigans, chatter and all other nonsense forgotten. At least for the moment. He is a tall human wearing plate armor and with a longsword at his side. The green surcoat with the golden lyre on the left breast which is the uniform of the Lyreguard is immaculate. He is an impressive sight and wears a charismatic smile as he says hello. His presence and ability to own a room is so strong that the brown and red clad attendant is all but lost to the shadows behind him.
“You’re all here, good good. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for too long," Imril begins, jumping right into his usual spiel. The attendant, however, is quick to step up and whisper something to him. "Oh, we're missing someone? That is... Unusual. Well, let's say we address that at the end, yes?"
"First off, welcome to the true Red Branch,” Imril says with a practiced charm. “I’m sure you have questions and I will answer them in time, but first a brief history..." Imril explains that Red Branch is a secret society that is dedicated to eradicating evil from Bard’s Gate, the Lyre Valley and the continent as a whole. “We’re not quite a large enough group to meet all our goals quite yet but we do what we can,” he assures. “Bard’s Gate is an independent city and as such needs to maintain a certain hands off approach to a lot of issues that it still has a vested interest in. The city depends on its ability to trade and deal with all factions on the continent. Its neutrality. If we were to take too much of a hands on approach in almost any problem there are those who could take offense... Or even use it as an excuse to take that offense. That, however, is more the political side of Red Branch. We have you lot penciled in for a different role..”
“Istia as a whole is still very much untamed. This continent has many dark corners and unexplored forests. Creatures and monsters and threats we don’t even know about yet. Bard’s Gate seems civilized but stray too far beyond the valley and, as you know, things can get dangerous. Part of Red Branch’s goal is to cut down that danger...” Imril says seriously. “Cut down by you lot, in part.”
“Our goal is to train you up over time. We have no desire to throw you blindly into darkness and hope you come back alive... Though the plan is to get you to the point where you can face any threat. With the proper training, the proper resources, I believe the five of you, working as a team, could do great things in this world.” The attendant clears their throat deliberately and Imril catches right on. "Oh yes, the four of you. Hmm."
“We’ve an easy task for you to begin with, I hope,” Imril says with a small smile. "The four of you should be more than capable but if our straggler doesn't arrive before you leave I shall send the Aspirant here with you," he assures, indicating the attendant whose only reaction is a bit of a straightening of their posture. "We do this from time to time, sending one of the Red Clergy as support..."
"Right then," Imril says, using his voice to draw everyone's attention. "I'm afraid a child has been taken. Goblin raid. Not as common as it once was thanks to our patrols and such but it does still happen. The abduction, however, is unusual. Goblins aren't known to have interest in prisoners. Your task will be to try to find their trail, track them down and eliminate them. Obviously the child's recovery is the priority, if it is still possible..."
Imril explains that it was a small caravan moving between Arendia to the east and Derindin. A couple of guards were killed by the main force but during the battle a second band of goblins hit from the south, grabbed what they could and retreated immediately. Once they were gone the main force broke off as well. Both units of goblins retreated south deeper into the Forest Kingdoms. The forest had been purged ages ago by Lord Delius and some knights sworn to him but that was ages and ages ago. The forest has been relatively quiet since, despite them being active a few hundred years ago... So this could be a random band of goblins or they could be once more trying to populate the woodlands.
"Find the child and save her, if you can, and hunt down the little green rodents who did this..."
OOC: You will be brought to the site of the attack and dropped off there. The attack happened about 2 days ago at this point so there is still hope for the kidnapped girl, but not much. A coach is being prepared to take you all there and you should head out as soon as possible but there is some time for last minute preparations, if needed...
Jordgubb shakes his head in confusion and shock when the redbranch's real motives are revealed, "wait, what do you mean? If that'ss true then... What happened to all of the other sacrificesss from my colony, who came to you as tribute? Are they still out there fighting for the branchesss political gainssss?"
"Well, ahh..." Imril replies to the questionable looking Dragonborn. "That is not information I have on hand. If you give their names and details to the attendant here I am sure we can have someone look into that." Imril then looks to the others to see if there are any more questions.
"Åhhh, Uhhh Leif left around 40 years ago and Billy was sent out 20 yearsss ago. Maybe?... The colony assumes those who are chosen are sacrificed by the city people who let usss keep our marshland." He stands up straight suddenly and recites something that seems to have been brainwashed into him from a young age, "for the greater good!" Snapping out if it he looks to the attendant, "if you could find out why they never returned I would be grateful"
Krumar raises his hand “Ahem, yes so I thought this was a big social club…I’m supposed to help them fight goblins and soil my clothes…oh that won’t do. Uhh perhaps you have something like that robed fella for me to change into? I mean obviously you want me to record their deeds in battle and to not actually….uh battle”
Dabbert sits and listens, then writes off Jordgubb's worries about Billy and Krumar's word about Gucci.
"Who is this girl? What are her uh...ties? Or rather, depending on her age, her families ties? Anyone notable? Who else was in the caravan, and what was their cargo and intended destination?"
DM of AURYN: The Measure of Devotion - Escape from New York
"I don't know Leif or Billy personally but I will have it looked into," Imril assures with patience and confidence. "But I can give you my word, Red Branch sacrifices nobody. Some jobs may be quite dangerous but our goal is to bring everyone home alive..." Imril may have had more to had but Krumar is "Mr. Kottering" the hell out of the place, raising his hand and begging for attention.
"Krumar, am I right?" Imril asks after hearing the question. "You are in Bard's Gate. A city... The greatest on this continent... Founded by bards, named for bards and which continues to be guided by the best and brightest of bards. And you are worried about soiling yourself?"
"You are chosen for this group because it is what you are believed best suited for at this point in your... career. What we mean for you to do is anything and everything you can to complete the mission goals. I am sure you can find a change of clothes at any number of shops before you depart. If you need to know a place selling adult diapers I am sure we can get that information to you..." Imril says, obviously losing his patience a bit, but also just enjoying himself.
Nefire listens intently, nodding a bit here and there and is all ready to go and fight these goblins. Then she hears Krumar's questions and gets a bit distracted. But Imril's answers make her chuckle and she stands up.
"No questions here, just ready to go." she announces, looking at the others hoping they won't slow them down.
"The girl is a girl," Imril says in answer to Dabbert's question. "The daughter of a merchant. Elissa Bookman is her name. Not quite a teenager yet, I understand. Her family are perhaps better off than some but hardly in a position to be targeted. It was just a small caravan of four or five wagons moving between Arendia to the east and Derindin. Transfer of stock from one place to another. Some dried meats and groceries, some clothes and materials. The Bookmans, I'm to understand, have a couple of bookstores. The main one is here in Bard's Gate but they also own one or two others in nearby cities. Just books. Some on the rare side but nothing arcane."
"Every indication is this was a random goblin raid. If we expected more we'd be putting a more experienced crew on it. No offense," Imril says and you believe he indeed means no offense. "If you find otherwise then indeed get word back immediately... Quite frankly we'd not be bothering with this at all except they took a child. We take offense to that and want the child rescued, if possible, and those who took it eliminated so this doesn't happen again."
Krumar about to raise his hand again decides to just keep quiet and see what the others have to say
"I am pleased that we are not to be sacrificed. Thisss mission will open doors for usss to earn favour and richess? Yess?" Jordgubb stands and moves across the room with interest
"As for soiling our clothesss I think we can handle a little dirt hmm?" He muses with a grin as he pats Krumar on the shoulder leaving a bit of a smudge on his otherwise spotless lapels.
Krumar catches a whiff of the Jordgubb's breath and gags "Oh dear lord did you eat raw flesh before you came here? Lord above have some mint" Krumar takes out a mint leaf and offers it to Jordgubb. He then looks at the grime on his lapel and sighs. He waves his hand over the top of the grime and it disappears
Dabbert listens to Krumar and Jurdgubb, but his attention remains on Imril. He nods at the information provided, then leans back, nothing more to say.
DM of AURYN: The Measure of Devotion - Escape from New York
Jordgubb sniffs the plant, then eats it, and then amusedly nods in confirmation of his eating habits guessed by Krumar. (He's ready to go!)
(As is Krumar!)
With no further questions from the odd squad Imril advises you where to meet the carriage that will take you out to the location of the attack and asks you all be there in one hour sharp. ((I'm not exactly sure how people without clocks know what an hour is but we'll assume Bard's Gate rings a bell on the hour and just ignore that detail otherwise?)) You have the hour to grab any last minute supplies, to get a bit of your drink on or anything else you may desire. When you arrive at the carriage you find it easy to spot due to the Red Branch shield painted on the doors. The same brown and red robed figure you barely noticed during the briefing is here as well, standing next to the carriage. There are two teamsters sitting atop the carriage to drive the team of four horses and there is plenty of room inside for you all. You can even get comfortable and nap for short stretches where the roadway is in relatively good repair.
It takes the better part of a day to travel from Bard's Gate to Arendia where you get rooms for the night rather than reaching your destination in darkest hours. The stay is uneventful and except for some whispered complaints about Jordgubb's hygiene and Krumar's general demeanor, relatively quiet. After a quick breakfast you are on the road again and a few hours later the coach pulls up on the side of the road.
To the best the carriage drivers can determine this is the location of the attack. A few broken arrows and other debris seems to confirm this. You have little to go on other than the fact that the goblins, with their hostage, headed south into the forest...
Jordgubb uses the survival skills he grew up with to track the goblins ambush site and direction of approach and retreat. (13 survival) When finally finding the tracks and leading the group away he starts loudly having a conversation with himself in goblish. Hoping to attract the attention of some lookouts or goblin patrols.
Krumar watches the others do their thing and decides now would be a good time to work on a song. He takes out his lute and begins to strum and sing (Bardic Inspiration)
"Tracking goblins, in the light of day, With courage and purpose, we'll find our way. Following signs where the sunlight gleams, Onward we go, chasing goblins and their elusive dreams.....I mean it is a work in progress but I think its off to a good start."
Keeping a little clear of Jordgrubb, Nefire works on finding tracks herself. Something she was used to doing, was a game she played with her younger sisters all the time. (Survival 15).
She looks to the trees, the underbrush, and does her best to tune Krumar out.