It's a scorching hot afternoon when you arrive at the Santekh ruins. From the entrance, the place bares a resemblance to a trading outpost. There are merchant tents and booths stretched out along the sides of the main road, but most of them seem to be empty and unoccupied. The air is thick, heavy with sweat and mending wounds. Though all eyes seem to be on you and on the newly escorted refugees. Not much was said about the outpost while you were marching with the refugees, except that it's really a rebel base that is still in the making. Viewing the ruins from that perspective, you get the impression that weapons, traps, armor and shields are hiding in plain sight. You may roll a Perception Check to attempt to locate them.
It appears that your next step is to be patted down by the guard. a filthy looking dwarf with strange markings and jewelry. If you wish, you may roll a check to avoid the guard, or to prevent him from finding anything suspicious you don't want found. Otherwise, feel free to step right up to be searched.
The sun-burnt harengon takes a rest under some shade of a tent at the trading post. The thick antelope skull covering his head did nothing much to block out the worse of the sun's rays. He quietly pants and wipes his mouth, his body not having the same sweat glands that most humanoids do to regulate their body temperate. Instead it is located on his upper lip. His red scarf lays flat across his shoulders from days without wind. His thin white clothes pressed stickily against his fur as they stand up alongside his back.
The harengon's name was the Ne'haredowell. Or at least that is what he dubbed himself. He had lost his true name when he fell to the Material Plane. And that's what ended up on some Wanted posters around the first town he stayed in and never went back to again. Another street urchin he was. For 14 years he lived in that city with the other orphans. 'Wanted Dead or Alive.' Oh if only they knew. It is when he ended up in Mount Nevermind that he made another name for himself. For the more formalities purposes, he let those around him call him "Nare" or "Jack" as in jackrabbit for it was much shorter.
Ne'haredowell had ended up here after hearing of need to escort refugees. Being technically of a refugee himself, he took up the offer.
Now on this boiling day, he squints as he takes in his surroundings
((Perception check: 7 + 4 = 11))
The usually perceptive rabbit scowls. It seems that possibly the mask on his head was obscuring his vision too much. However, he catches eye with the dirty dwarf waiting to pat him down. He could smell the rank in the air. His nose does not twitch as most harengon do. Staying silent, he opens his arms out to let the guard do whatever they want. He had nothing on him of worth. But on the inside, he could feel the shadows pulse.
His fur looks like this and his body is proportioned like a jackrabbit.
He wears an antelope skull on his head like a mask where his ears stick out.
Bran had been travelling with a group of traders for some time. Having now arrived at the Santekeh ruins the group he was travelling with went their seperate ways. Leaving him at the trading posting looking like he didn't belong, in his mismatched armour and obvious elven looks. Been hot he was uncomfortable and was in desperate need of some shade and maybe a place of quiet to regather he's thoughts. 'What do I do now?" he said quietly to himself. A large tent was ahead. He could see many were siting in its accomodating shade.
Bran is a Qualinesti Elf. As a boy he dreamt of been a famous knight, serving justice and supporting the weak against the forces of evil. Bran's family are of the nobility and his Father is on the star council of elders where he has aspirations of seeing his family moved into greater recognition and therefore has plans for Bran. Bran's is young and wants to go out into the world and make something of himself. Following his dream to be a knight, Bran has recently graduated as a Paladin and is ready to make his mark. Though at the back of his mind he does think about home and whether he will be welcomed back one day?
Bran is here to begin his calling and service to Paladine escorting refugees;
To some degree rested though far from comfortable, he approaches the dwarven guard who is checking the refugees.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Darian of the Hachakee is a seasoned guide, known for his deep connection to the land and his tribe. With dark hair adorned with feathers and beads, and wearing intricate leather armor decorated with Hachakee tribal patterns, he embodies resilience and wisdom. As a protector of his people, Darian has led many through the harsh terrains of Khur, ensuring their safety with his keen instincts and knowledge of the wilderness.
Darian steps forward with the newly escorted refugees, approaching the entrance where a filthy-looking dwarf guard with strange markings and jewelry stands watch.
He steps forward, trying to keep his demeanor calm. "I... know. You check. No trouble."
He raises his arms, spreading them out. He stands still, his gaze steady but non-confrontational. Then, he switches to fluent Khur, hoping to persuade the guard.
||"My friend, we are all in this together. These people are not enemies. They are just refugees in need of shelter. Let us pass peacefully. I promise we carry nothing harmful."||
Persuasion: 19
Darian waits, watching the guard's reaction, hoping his words will be enough to grant safe passage without further scrutiny.
Albert just follows queue and when he gets to the dwarf guard he just opens his arms: "Come forth, I've got nothing of interest, but if you find something interesting, I can share probably"
During all of this Albert just scans around (Perception of 6+3=9) to see what awaits him. He is smiling and looks rather welcoming. He has nothing to hide and he can only gain from all situations. When he is granted entry, he adjusts his silvery cloak so his holy symbol of infinity is visible. To the perceptive crowd - you can see that Albert is not just an old cleric - there is chainshirt under his robes.
While Darian and others do the talking with the guard, Agish takes his time to check on refugees. Anyway, everything he has on him is some food, water, a stick, and a couple of small darts just in case, so nothing worries him, except the people they are escorting. This is a "temporary tribe" from his perspective, but still, they are the people he has responsibility for.
Saying "Hello friend, I will be last in the line" in broken, but understandable Dwarwish language to the guardsman, he returns to the refugees and goes by the line, checking on tired people, in case somebody needs urgent help or special treatment (Medicine check: 11).
Arvos Quain is a Half-Elf with olive skin, dark brown shoulder length hair and hazel eyes. He wears a light and airy grey shawl around his head to keep the dust out. Beneath the shawl is leather armor covering a white cotton tunic and he wears travel worn pants with leather boots. On his belt is a sheathed scimitar and a wooden shield rests on his pack.
He fans himself with his hand as he waits in line glad that he has reached Santekh though giving the grimy dwarf a dubious eye. "No need to pat me down I will do it for you" He begins stripping right there in the open until all he has on is his undergarment. Once he is given the okay he will redress and try to find a shady spot.
Albert is not even suprised by the impromptu striptease of the half-elf. People do crazy things. As he is in the camp, he approaches some of the exhausted healers and offers to cast Spare the dying to the most critical cases. Just some walkby healing.
SunDial365 The guard's grubby hands pat Nare down gruffly and quickly, opening your scroll case and oddly, giving it a sniff.
"Caster, are ye?" he says with a snort and a grin. It's unclear if the statement is a question or an accusation, but he hands you back your scroll case and continues his work until he finds your pet mouse with a start. "OOH!" he flinches a bit as the little guy scurries away into a fold in your shirt. "Might want to keep an eye on that, li'l rabbit. Lots a' hungry types might think a' him as a snack." He winks and waves you on. "And don't forget! If you're feeling injured or sunken, visit Witchdoctor Duncan!"
Angel_dePrime"Hello..." the guard looks at your papers, "Bran De Prime, is it? 'N these are yer... retainers?" He scans your three retainers with an appraising, even greedy, eye. "Ya must be tired after yer long march. Don't forget to stock up on supplies after ya settle in. Remember, if you're feeling injured or sunken, visit Witchdoctor Duncan!" He pats the four of you down and moves you along.
Backstabitha Duncan grins at you widely grasping your hand like a brother. It's then that you notice that some of the tattoos on his face and arms are Hachakee markings. He must've been adopted by the tribe while you were away. He greets in you Khurish, the local language. Although his dwarven accent is light in Common, it's thick enough in Khurish to make him hard to understand. But he's trying...
Wel'cam bak broder! Tis an hooner tae see ye retarnet in ta' good wae. Moost o' ta tribe huss been warkin' ootside ta' farteress, en wat we oop ta turn intae an agraculrural reej'n fer cattle n greens. 'Sworkin' I s'pose, bu' nae fast enoof wit'oot tae supplies we ware expectin' ta get tha week afar ye wars to arrive. Don't s'pose ye have any news on tha' would ye?"
The pat down more closely represents a pat on the back, as he ushers you past the entrance.
_Miglasezis_ The guard notices your holy symbol of Mishakal with interest. "Holy man, eh? Ya' might be interested in visiting the shrines then. I don't think we have a temple to the Blue Lady yet, but you're welcome to build one. We need all the blessings we can get right now. Also, if you an' the paladin are up for it, we could use some healers, an' perhaps some blessings on our water. We've been recycling the water as much as we can in this drought, but what we have left is startin' to look more like syrup than water." He says with a disgusted grimace. He pats you down, checks your papers and sends you on to join the rest of your group. "Oh, and by the way, check out Witchdoctor Duncan when you catch a moment. There are supplies there that could help boost your healing capabilities."
Keltsat the grubby dwarf grins, waves, and let's the monk go about his business...
Weathervision"Eh... ok." the guard says with an awkward chuckle. After you expose yourself to him, he shrugs, checks your papers, and says, "Good enough for me I guess. Check the eh... the Witchdoctor..." he trails off as you march past him.
Keltsat When you finish checking on your refugees the guard nods his approval at you and checks your papers. He pats you down quickly and smiles, "It's good to see someone with the right priorities. Hard times require as much compassion as it does might." His mood turns peppy in an instant as he adds with a snap, "And remember! If you're feeling injured or sunken, visit Witchdoctor Duncan!"
Once you've all gotten through the checkpoint, the guard give you a last bit of instruction:
"Welcome to Santekh! Take this pass to meet Verhanna over at HQ. She's the bookkeeper, and handles payouts for mercenaries. She's also a good place to find more work once your pockets start feelin' a bit light. Take care not to get on her bad side, though." He shudders dramatically as he hands you your mercenary pass. "She's good people,, quite a temper on that one."
With that, you're set loose inside the Santekh marketplace. The merchant district appears to be the smallest part of it though, as most of the vending booths seem to be closed at the moment. You see an apothecary (Witchdoctor Duncan), a candle shop (Dana's Dancing Lights), and a small pop-up booth art gallery (Amber's Gallery). Beyond that is a makeshift tent community to temporarily house the refugees as they're being treated and processed. The guard points beyond that to a third district at the back of the fortifications. The buildings there seem to be the most restored. Evidently, that's with headquarters is.
After being padded down by the dwarven Guard, Bran notices the amount of sick and injured is far worse than realised. The immediate area is more set up in an attempt to normalise and make those who are harmed feel safe and confident they will be cared for while hiding the fact things are not as good as they seem. “Sir Knight”, the dwarf says quietly to Bran, “Been a Paladin an all, please, please do what you can” the dwarf is clearly affected by the suffering going on around him. “I will” Bran says and walks into the ‘mock’ trading district to do what hew can.
Bran gathers his thoughts and seeing those hurt and injured requires him to help. He uses ‘lay on hands’ ,and ‘Blesses Water’ and whatever other skills he has to help those in need.
Bran uses all available ‘Lay on Hands’ slots.
After doing what he can, Bran and his retainers look for a place to rest (‘Long-rest)’.
Arvos has a wary look as he walks through the Merchant District and all the hidden defenses he sees. He then ambles his way into the squalid tent community. He knows he may be here a while and feels for the refugees stuck here as he too lost his home. He will walk up to one of the tired healers and asks "Is there a large empty barrel nearby as I can offer some water? I can also help with digging a latrine as I assume the one here may be full already"
If there is a large empty barrel Arvos will tap the sprig of mistletoe he has underneath his belt and in elven ask for the blessing of water and cast create or destroy water creating 10 gallons of water in the barrel.
OOC: rushed a bit previously with my post, but now it would make more sense.
Albert visits the healers and offers his services together with "the paladin"
"I see all of you are tired, I can give some help and some comfort. I have gathered quite a lot of skills in my travels that can help the sick. Just show me where help is needed the most."
Uses two 1st level slots to Create or Destroy Water. Total of 20 gallons of pure drinking water is created. That's enough for 30+ people for 1 day.
Uses Guidance to help other non-magic healers that are performing any fiddly manipulations etc.
Uses Light inside the sick ward to create more pleasant atmosphere. Touches random objects to light up the area. It's easier for everyone to perform manipulations in a good lighting, sick feel more comfortable. Of course if there are any objections to it, Albert will not do that.
After all urgent tasks are done, Albert will gather everyone who is interested and go to the Witchdoctor Duncans. (When entering Albert starts scanning the shop. 19 perception + 3 from self-guidance = 22 perception)
The Ne'haredowell closes his eyes as the dwarf pats him down. At the sound of the sniff, his ears twitch and he looks up. His head slightly reeled back at the thought. 'Is he... sniffing me?' Luckily it was just the scroll case. "A bit."The harengon stares at the dwarf with a straight face. Less 'how dare you,' more socially awkward, but he pretends it is the former until he gets the scroll case back.
When Lennie (the mouse) makes an appearance, Nare smiles. It goes even wider as the dwarf gets alarmed by its presence. "Oh no. He is harmless." He responds wrongly at the question. Though he looks around to see if there was anything big and scary to eat the little creature. There doesn't seem to be. Nare strokes the mouse's fur between the folds of his shirt.
"That I will do." He nods at the information. "Thank you."The doctor... seemed a bit strange for even his tastes. He had a slogan after all. And people with slogans... they likely got what they wanted. Power. The bookkeeper, also an interesting choice. He would come back to that one.
Going back over to the refugees, he doesn't think much of their sicknesses (though he reminds himself that he should). Yes. He should... be doing something. Yes. Petting his mouse a bit, intrigued by his fellow refugee-handler's striptease, he still does not say anything. Interesting. And he thought he was the weird one from not having an affection for clothes. He would love to have his fur see the light of day. He takes a mental note of everyone's names. He had been a bit... silent the entire trip. This was the first they were, well, getting to know each other.
Being not a healer himself and seeing as there is no use for fire on an already blistering day, he stands in front of the odd lady in black and gold acolytes robes from Dana's Dancing Lights shop. He puts his hand out in front of her to stop, not to be mean, but just for her to, well, stop. "Hello. I am interested in why you are giving candles when it is still light."The small mouse sits on his shoulder. "And why is that you sell candles specifically? Is that not a niche thing to be doing?"
He looks around awkwardly, "Um... did you need any help?"
As Albert and Bran go about the camp reviving the most desperate from the brink of death, spirits amongst the refugees start to lighten. Feeble "thank you"s and offers of coin and trinkiets in gratitude mark your passage. But it's evident that not dying is not the same as not suffering. Many of these people need food, shelter, and good medicine to recover. (_Miglasezis_ and Angel_dePrime, check your PMs)
Meanwhile, Arvos works with Riley, an elderly Hachakee tribe member, to fill and move the barrels of clean water to a shaded place where it can be destributed to travelors and medics as needed. An assembly line is formed, and soon pitiful wailing subsides into a general air of relief. (Weathervision you gain favor amongst the healers in the Santekh relief effort, who will be more agreeable when making small, reasonable, requests.)
Startled by Ne'haredowell's interruption, the woman nearly drops her tray. She gasps audibly when the giant rabbit begins to speak to her! In a barely audible whisper, she retorts defensively. "I, um... Mr. Rabbit. I don't know... I suppose it's because that is something I can do. We must all do what we can, mustn't we?"
She straightens up and regains her composure. Even with her restored composure, her voice is soft, and it's hard to hear amongst the constant murmur within the tent community. "The candles provide light in the dark. They can use them to see at night to write letters to loved ones they were forced to leave behind. And the wax can be used to seal the letter, and can be used as a balm on damaged or irritated skin, or to treat sore and inflamed joints. Furthermore... they smell nice." The last sentence was said with a bit of huff as if it should obviously be a nice thing to receive a candle. But she relaxes visibly at your offer to help.
"No... thank you, I can see that you are a kind...bunny? And your offer is appreciated. But as I can see you are from a mercenary guild, I think the best thing you can do to help is reduce the number of Green Dragon Army soldiers."
The people of Santekh think of Dana as an odd, but kind, woman. She spends most of her day running her shop, but most of her evenings are spent amongst the refugees. She's known not only for her candles, but her lovely singing voice, as she tends to sing lullabies to child refugees.
It's getting late in the afternoon by the time you are done tending to the sick and wounded, but you've made great progress in boosting the morale about the camp...
Those of you heading to Witchdoctor Duncan's Apothecary...
Inside the apothecary, you see a familiar face. The guard at the entrance, Witchdoctor Duncan, grants you a warm and welcoming grin! "He-HEY! I can't thank you enough for setting aside some time to visit my humble establishment!" He wastes little time getting into his sales pitch.
"At Witchdoctor Duncan's Apothecary, we sell all kinds of healing items, buffers, poisons, potions, unguents, and salves. We're a bit low on supplies at the moment, but if it's a need you have, Witchdoctor Duncan will find your salve!" ...
"Witchdoctor Duncan is me. I'm Witchdoctor Duncan." From the looks of things, many of the natural herbs and salves that are being used in the refugee camp were provided by Witchdoctor Duncan. So most of the healing items he has now are the rarer and more expensive ones. True to his word though, there seems to be a large variety of items.
Aside from the usual healing items, potions, oils, and poisons, you also note the sales of narcotics, trinkets, and good luck charms, and religious tokens.
Those of you heading to headquarters to meet Verhanna...
You arrive at the steps of the HQ building to find Verhanna locking up for the evening. She strikes an imposing frame. She's tall for an elf, with sun-darkened skin, long dark hair and strange wooden jewelry. Verhanna chews on something, presumably an after-work snack, with small, tight-lipped nibbles as if embarrassed to be caught eating.
She greets you with a long unblinking stare, as if deciding whether or not to help you. "You would be the mercenary escorts then, I presume. Took you long enough to get here. I was just about to close up for the night." She presses her lips even tighter and lets out an irritated sigh. "I suppose you'll be wanting your bounty then."
When the woman gets startled, the harengon just looks up and down, his eyes following the movement of the tray as it almost spills over. He takes off his skull helmet to meet with her face to face.
Ne'haredowell nods when he is responded to as 'Mr. Rabbit.' It sounded similar enough anyways. He is used to being 'the rabbit' wherever he goes. He wonders, as he often does, if he were a centaur would they call him 'horse' or 'man' or 'horse-man'. "I am Nare, but you may also call me Ne'haredowell." He says his whole introduction backwards. 'Good going,' he thinks to himself, but does nothing to correct it.
"That... is very informative. You seem to have thought this through, given that it is your shop, I admire your tenacity. Thank you for the enlightenment." Whether the pun was intentional or not, he does not convey it.
After listening to her whole spiel, he makes no move to correct her on what species he is. Yes, he was, in fact, a bunny. Albeit a humanoid bunny, but a bunny nonetheless. The pet mouse runs around his fur, creating small little waves of what look like fur mazes, but he does not itch. Instead, reaching out for the candle in Dana's hand, he replies. "You have convinced me. Here." He lightly hands her two gold coins, letting them flow from has hands like a waterfall, and just bluntly snatches the candle she was holding without an answer. He stands there for a whole ten seconds before realizing that is a sign to take his leave, and then he does so.
Putting his skull helmet back on, he wanders over to where his stripteasing fellow, Arvos, and the new one - the Hachakee man- had been helping with the clean water. Knowing that the water in those barrels likely will get hot within the hour even in the shade, he casts Prestidigitation by dipping his finger (unnecessarily) into each and every one of them to make it cold (as a harengon, he moves really fast so there's really no stopping him). "For cold showers." He looks up, does not make eye contact, and walks away.
He moves over to where he saw the tall elf was just about locking up. He presumes he will go over to Witchdoctor Duncan's shop once he gets the money he has agreed to for. In front of Verhanna, he catches sight of the snack in her hands first before looking her in the eye. "I am Nare. Ne'haredowell, by most people."
He points over to her mouth. "I was actually wondering if you had more of those." He tries to sniff the air. The mouse rests atop his antelope skull, also perplexed by the sight of the snack. Its beady eyes lay transfixed on it. "What is it?"
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Darian proceeds to headquarters, eager to conclude the current assignment. Seeing the imposing elf locking up, he steps forward, his posture respectful but firm. Though his Common is broken, he speaks clearly. “Yes, refugees… safe. Need rest. Safe place… for night.”
Darian looks Verhanna in the eyes, his expression earnest. “Also, need… new orders. What next? How… help more?”
Darian observes her closely, trying to learn as much as he can from her demeanour and body language.
Arvos sighs in relief that the refugees now at least had water though he gives Nare a quizzical look as he dips his finger and then leaves. He soon follows Nare to headquarters as he too would like to get paid. Glad that the others were able to get to headquarters before Verhanna left. "Sorry I was delayed and indeed I would like to get my payment. By the way are there any other job?"
OOC: Had a 22 perception roll for the witchdoctors. Maybe there is something else.
Just as Albert leaves the sick ward, he just bows to everyone else working: "Thank you heroes, the world has enough suffering. If you need me, I can help a bit tomorrow as well! May the Blue Lady shine her light upon you!"
Albert looks around the Witchdoctors shop and is quite amazed from what he sees. "Oh my, oh gods this seems like a great stop indeed. You have made a great place for yourself. I do recognize most things here, but the shelves seem to be rather empty as you said. Low on supplies you say? I am actually amazed that you still have something left with all the sick and wounded here. Maybe we can help source something important? Also I am looking for a particular item. In my journeys I've found that the aloe based "Koegothorns ointment" or "restorative ointment" as they call it in some places is one of the best things to have in a healers pouch. Do you have it?"
Bran and his retainers are currently at the HQ’s having already spoken with Elven Commander Verhanna.
After helping those refugees in need Bran headed to HQ where he met Verhanna and collect the bounty. Upon meeting Verhanna he is captivated by her beauty. “I am glad you didn't close for the night Lady Verhanna”, Bran says.
“Where are you from?” Verhanna’s evident interest displayed by her tone and direct manner.
“Lady, my family home is within the region of Lauranosti and my family historically of been members on the Council of Stars”. Commander Verhanna is quiet for a time contemplating how useful Bran could be. “Yours assistance helping the refugees was admirable, I must honour that, but there’s other work that I must see get done, there are others who have recently come to my attention I think you may want to acquaint yourself with, wait here and see what comes”, Bran bows his head slightly towards Verhanna, his respect for her evident as he goes and finds a seat and waits patiently for those of interest to Verhanna to arrive.
Bran sits quietly and awaits the others to arrive …
Agish spends some time walking through the camp, gathering gossips and listening to people talking with each other. He does not search for anything particular, its just interesting to see so many people in one place, different cultures, species, and languages. He does not share the results of his check on refugees for now, as he sees that other people, who are more proficient, already doing what they can.
After some time, Agish notices that other mercenaries, who guarded refugees with him, are going to the headquarters, so he remembers one important thing. "Ah, payment... it would be much easier just to exchange goods as my tribe did, these metal "coins" are so heavy and not very useful outside of towns... but at least I can help others this way".
While going into the HQ Agish sees Bran and Arvos first, saying "Hey, knife-ears, nice to see you again" and also bows just a little to Darian. Hunters were the most important in Agish's tribe, so he knows when he sees one and treats them as old ways say - with a respectful little bow and silence. When he notices Ne'haredowell shivers go again through him, as every time Agish sees this being. That one is scary, the head of a rabbit on a human's body with this skull as a helmet - everything seems to be wrong with this one. But Agish always keeps his mouth shut, just in case, this is a new world, and he does not want to look stupid.
When he sees Verhanna - he bows much more in front of her. If she is the leader of this tribe, she for sure must be a strong warrior or wise shaman, so he can talk only without eye contact (as old ways usually say), so he speaks while bowing and looking at the floor. "My greetings to you, oh all-mighty Verhanna, I am deeply sorry that it took too much time to get here, but people were slow. Do not be angry at them, nearly a third of refugees are struggling, sick, and very tired. So, about my payment... I do not really understand this "money" idea, so I would be happy if you, all-wise, would spend my part of the payment to help the sick and poor that came with us. All I want as payment is a week's worth of food, priority access to the water source to refill my waterskin, a couple of useful potions, and time to rest in the camp. And... if you have some more work for me to do - I will be happy to help, especially if you will send me with people you see here. We spent some time together while doing our job, so I have confidence in them".
OOC: Sorry if I missed someone who is already in HQ with us, pls send me a message, I will edit the post. Kinda tired from work, not very focused now!
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground
The sun-burnt harengon takes a rest under some shade of a tent at the trading post. The thick antelope skull covering his head did nothing much to block out the worse of the sun's rays. He quietly pants and wipes his mouth, his body not having the same sweat glands that most humanoids do to regulate their body temperate. Instead it is located on his upper lip. His red scarf lays flat across his shoulders from days without wind. His thin white clothes pressed stickily against his fur as they stand up alongside his back.
The harengon's name was the Ne'haredowell. Or at least that is what he dubbed himself. He had lost his true name when he fell to the Material Plane. And that's what ended up on some Wanted posters around the first town he stayed in and never went back to again. Another street urchin he was. For 14 years he lived in that city with the other orphans. 'Wanted Dead or Alive.' Oh if only they knew. It is when he ended up in Mount Nevermind that he made another name for himself. For the more formalities purposes, he let those around him call him "Nare" or "Jack" as in jackrabbit for it was much shorter.
Ne'haredowell had ended up here after hearing of need to escort refugees. Being technically of a refugee himself, he took up the offer.
Now on this boiling day, he squints as he takes in his surroundings
((Perception check: 7 + 4 = 11))
The usually perceptive rabbit scowls. It seems that possibly the mask on his head was obscuring his vision too much. However, he catches eye with the dirty dwarf waiting to pat him down. He could smell the rank in the air. His nose does not twitch as most harengon do. Staying silent, he opens his arms out to let the guard do whatever they want. He had nothing on him of worth. But on the inside, he could feel the shadows pulse.
His fur looks like this and his body is proportioned like a jackrabbit.
He wears an antelope skull on his head like a mask where his ears stick out.
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Bran had been travelling with a group of traders for some time. Having now arrived at the Santekeh ruins the group he was travelling with went their seperate ways. Leaving him at the trading posting looking like he didn't belong, in his mismatched armour and obvious elven looks. Been hot he was uncomfortable and was in desperate need of some shade and maybe a place of quiet to regather he's thoughts. 'What do I do now?" he said quietly to himself. A large tent was ahead. He could see many were siting in its accomodating shade.
Bran is here to begin his calling and service to Paladine escorting refugees;
To some degree rested though far from comfortable, he approaches the dwarven guard who is checking the refugees.
He rolls a perception check: (20+4 = 24)
What does he see ....
Darian of the Hachakee is a seasoned guide, known for his deep connection to the land and his tribe. With dark hair adorned with feathers and beads, and wearing intricate leather armor decorated with Hachakee tribal patterns, he embodies resilience and wisdom. As a protector of his people, Darian has led many through the harsh terrains of Khur, ensuring their safety with his keen instincts and knowledge of the wilderness.
Darian steps forward with the newly escorted refugees, approaching the entrance where a filthy-looking dwarf guard with strange markings and jewelry stands watch.
He steps forward, trying to keep his demeanor calm. "I... know. You check. No trouble."
He raises his arms, spreading them out. He stands still, his gaze steady but non-confrontational. Then, he switches to fluent Khur, hoping to persuade the guard.
||"My friend, we are all in this together. These people are not enemies. They are just refugees in need of shelter. Let us pass peacefully. I promise we carry nothing harmful."||
Persuasion: 19
Darian waits, watching the guard's reaction, hoping his words will be enough to grant safe passage without further scrutiny.
Albert just follows queue and when he gets to the dwarf guard he just opens his arms: "Come forth, I've got nothing of interest, but if you find something interesting, I can share probably"
During all of this Albert just scans around (Perception of 6+3=9) to see what awaits him. He is smiling and looks rather welcoming. He has nothing to hide and he can only gain from all situations. When he is granted entry, he adjusts his silvery cloak so his holy symbol of infinity is visible. To the perceptive crowd - you can see that Albert is not just an old cleric - there is chainshirt under his robes.
While Darian and others do the talking with the guard, Agish takes his time to check on refugees. Anyway, everything he has on him is some food, water, a stick, and a couple of small darts just in case, so nothing worries him, except the people they are escorting. This is a "temporary tribe" from his perspective, but still, they are the people he has responsibility for.
Saying "Hello friend, I will be last in the line" in broken, but understandable Dwarwish language to the guardsman, he returns to the refugees and goes by the line, checking on tired people, in case somebody needs urgent help or special treatment (Medicine check: 11).
Arvos Quain is a Half-Elf with olive skin, dark brown shoulder length hair and hazel eyes. He wears a light and airy grey shawl around his head to keep the dust out. Beneath the shawl is leather armor covering a white cotton tunic and he wears travel worn pants with leather boots. On his belt is a sheathed scimitar and a wooden shield rests on his pack.
He fans himself with his hand as he waits in line glad that he has reached Santekh though giving the grimy dwarf a dubious eye. "No need to pat me down I will do it for you" He begins stripping right there in the open until all he has on is his undergarment. Once he is given the okay he will redress and try to find a shady spot.
Perception Check
24 rolled in game log
Albert is not even suprised by the impromptu striptease of the half-elf. People do crazy things. As he is in the camp, he approaches some of the exhausted healers and offers to cast Spare the dying to the most critical cases. Just some walkby healing.
SunDial365 The guard's grubby hands pat Nare down gruffly and quickly, opening your scroll case and oddly, giving it a sniff.
"Caster, are ye?" he says with a snort and a grin. It's unclear if the statement is a question or an accusation, but he hands you back your scroll case and continues his work until he finds your pet mouse with a start. "OOH!" he flinches a bit as the little guy scurries away into a fold in your shirt. "Might want to keep an eye on that, li'l rabbit. Lots a' hungry types might think a' him as a snack." He winks and waves you on. "And don't forget! If you're feeling injured or sunken, visit Witchdoctor Duncan!"
Angel_dePrime "Hello..." the guard looks at your papers, "Bran De Prime, is it? 'N these are yer... retainers?" He scans your three retainers with an appraising, even greedy, eye. "Ya must be tired after yer long march. Don't forget to stock up on supplies after ya settle in. Remember, if you're feeling injured or sunken, visit Witchdoctor Duncan!" He pats the four of you down and moves you along.
Backstabitha Duncan grins at you widely grasping your hand like a brother. It's then that you notice that some of the tattoos on his face and arms are Hachakee markings. He must've been adopted by the tribe while you were away. He greets in you Khurish, the local language. Although his dwarven accent is light in Common, it's thick enough in Khurish to make him hard to understand. But he's trying...
Wel'cam bak broder! Tis an hooner tae see ye retarnet in ta' good wae. Moost o' ta tribe huss been warkin' ootside ta' farteress, en wat we oop ta turn intae an agraculrural reej'n fer cattle n greens. 'Sworkin' I s'pose, bu' nae fast enoof wit'oot tae supplies we ware expectin' ta get tha week afar ye wars to arrive. Don't s'pose ye have any news on tha' would ye?"
The pat down more closely represents a pat on the back, as he ushers you past the entrance.
_Miglasezis_ The guard notices your holy symbol of Mishakal with interest. "Holy man, eh? Ya' might be interested in visiting the shrines then. I don't think we have a temple to the Blue Lady yet, but you're welcome to build one. We need all the blessings we can get right now. Also, if you an' the paladin are up for it, we could use some healers, an' perhaps some blessings on our water. We've been recycling the water as much as we can in this drought, but what we have left is startin' to look more like syrup than water." He says with a disgusted grimace. He pats you down, checks your papers and sends you on to join the rest of your group. "Oh, and by the way, check out Witchdoctor Duncan when you catch a moment. There are supplies there that could help boost your healing capabilities."
Keltsat the grubby dwarf grins, waves, and let's the monk go about his business...
Weathervision "Eh... ok." the guard says with an awkward chuckle. After you expose yourself to him, he shrugs, checks your papers, and says, "Good enough for me I guess. Check the eh... the Witchdoctor..." he trails off as you march past him.
Keltsat When you finish checking on your refugees the guard nods his approval at you and checks your papers. He pats you down quickly and smiles, "It's good to see someone with the right priorities. Hard times require as much compassion as it does might." His mood turns peppy in an instant as he adds with a snap, "And remember! If you're feeling injured or sunken, visit Witchdoctor Duncan!"
Once you've all gotten through the checkpoint, the guard give you a last bit of instruction:
"Welcome to Santekh! Take this pass to meet Verhanna over at HQ. She's the bookkeeper, and handles payouts for mercenaries. She's also a good place to find more work once your pockets start feelin' a bit light. Take care not to get on her bad side, though." He shudders dramatically as he hands you your mercenary pass. "She's good people,, quite a temper on that one."
With that, you're set loose inside the Santekh marketplace. The merchant district appears to be the smallest part of it though, as most of the vending booths seem to be closed at the moment. You see an apothecary (Witchdoctor Duncan), a candle shop (Dana's Dancing Lights), and a small pop-up booth art gallery (Amber's Gallery). Beyond that is a makeshift tent community to temporarily house the refugees as they're being treated and processed. The guard points beyond that to a third district at the back of the fortifications. The buildings there seem to be the most restored. Evidently, that's with headquarters is.
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground
After being padded down by the dwarven Guard, Bran notices the amount of sick and injured is far worse than realised. The immediate area is more set up in an attempt to normalise and make those who are harmed feel safe and confident they will be cared for while hiding the fact things are not as good as they seem. “Sir Knight”, the dwarf says quietly to Bran, “Been a Paladin an all, please, please do what you can” the dwarf is clearly affected by the suffering going on around him. “I will” Bran says and walks into the ‘mock’ trading district to do what hew can.
Bran gathers his thoughts and seeing those hurt and injured requires him to help. He uses ‘lay on hands’ ,and ‘Blesses Water’ and whatever other skills he has to help those in need.
Arvos has a wary look as he walks through the Merchant District and all the hidden defenses he sees. He then ambles his way into the squalid tent community. He knows he may be here a while and feels for the refugees stuck here as he too lost his home. He will walk up to one of the tired healers and asks "Is there a large empty barrel nearby as I can offer some water? I can also help with digging a latrine as I assume the one here may be full already"
If there is a large empty barrel Arvos will tap the sprig of mistletoe he has underneath his belt and in elven ask for the blessing of water and cast create or destroy water creating 10 gallons of water in the barrel.
OOC: rushed a bit previously with my post, but now it would make more sense.
Albert visits the healers and offers his services together with "the paladin"
"I see all of you are tired, I can give some help and some comfort. I have gathered quite a lot of skills in my travels that can help the sick. Just show me where help is needed the most."
After all urgent tasks are done, Albert will gather everyone who is interested and go to the Witchdoctor Duncans. (When entering Albert starts scanning the shop. 19 perception + 3 from self-guidance = 22 perception)
The Ne'haredowell closes his eyes as the dwarf pats him down. At the sound of the sniff, his ears twitch and he looks up. His head slightly reeled back at the thought. 'Is he... sniffing me?' Luckily it was just the scroll case. "A bit." The harengon stares at the dwarf with a straight face. Less 'how dare you,' more socially awkward, but he pretends it is the former until he gets the scroll case back.
When Lennie (the mouse) makes an appearance, Nare smiles. It goes even wider as the dwarf gets alarmed by its presence. "Oh no. He is harmless." He responds wrongly at the question. Though he looks around to see if there was anything big and scary to eat the little creature. There doesn't seem to be. Nare strokes the mouse's fur between the folds of his shirt.
"That I will do." He nods at the information. "Thank you." The doctor... seemed a bit strange for even his tastes. He had a slogan after all. And people with slogans... they likely got what they wanted. Power. The bookkeeper, also an interesting choice. He would come back to that one.
Going back over to the refugees, he doesn't think much of their sicknesses (though he reminds himself that he should). Yes. He should... be doing something. Yes. Petting his mouse a bit, intrigued by his fellow refugee-handler's striptease, he still does not say anything. Interesting. And he thought he was the weird one from not having an affection for clothes. He would love to have his fur see the light of day. He takes a mental note of everyone's names. He had been a bit... silent the entire trip. This was the first they were, well, getting to know each other.
Being not a healer himself and seeing as there is no use for fire on an already blistering day, he stands in front of the odd lady in black and gold acolytes robes from Dana's Dancing Lights shop. He puts his hand out in front of her to stop, not to be mean, but just for her to, well, stop. "Hello. I am interested in why you are giving candles when it is still light." The small mouse sits on his shoulder. "And why is that you sell candles specifically? Is that not a niche thing to be doing?"
He looks around awkwardly, "Um... did you need any help?"
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
(_Miglasezis_ and Angel_dePrime, check your PMs)
Meanwhile, Arvos works with Riley, an elderly Hachakee tribe member, to fill and move the barrels of clean water to a shaded place where it can be destributed to travelors and medics as needed. An assembly line is formed, and soon pitiful wailing subsides into a general air of relief.
(Weathervision you gain favor amongst the healers in the Santekh relief effort, who will be more agreeable when making small, reasonable, requests.)
Startled by Ne'haredowell's interruption, the woman nearly drops her tray. She gasps audibly when the giant rabbit begins to speak to her! In a barely audible whisper, she retorts defensively. "I, um... Mr. Rabbit. I don't know... I suppose it's because that is something I can do. We must all do what we can, mustn't we?"
She straightens up and regains her composure. Even with her restored composure, her voice is soft, and it's hard to hear amongst the constant murmur within the tent community. "The candles provide light in the dark. They can use them to see at night to write letters to loved ones they were forced to leave behind. And the wax can be used to seal the letter, and can be used as a balm on damaged or irritated skin, or to treat sore and inflamed joints. Furthermore... they smell nice." The last sentence was said with a bit of huff as if it should obviously be a nice thing to receive a candle. But she relaxes visibly at your offer to help.
"No... thank you, I can see that you are a kind...bunny? And your offer is appreciated. But as I can see you are from a mercenary guild, I think the best thing you can do to help is reduce the number of Green Dragon Army soldiers."
The people of Santekh think of Dana as an odd, but kind, woman. She spends most of her day running her shop, but most of her evenings are spent amongst the refugees. She's known not only for her candles, but her lovely singing voice, as she tends to sing lullabies to child refugees.
It's getting late in the afternoon by the time you are done tending to the sick and wounded, but you've made great progress in boosting the morale about the camp...
Those of you heading to Witchdoctor Duncan's Apothecary...
"At Witchdoctor Duncan's Apothecary, we sell all kinds of healing items, buffers, poisons, potions, unguents, and salves. We're a bit low on supplies at the moment, but if it's a need you have, Witchdoctor Duncan will find your salve!"
"Witchdoctor Duncan is me. I'm Witchdoctor Duncan." From the looks of things, many of the natural herbs and salves that are being used in the refugee camp were provided by Witchdoctor Duncan. So most of the healing items he has now are the rarer and more expensive ones. True to his word though, there seems to be a large variety of items.
Aside from the usual healing items, potions, oils, and poisons, you also note the sales of narcotics, trinkets, and good luck charms, and religious tokens.
Those of you heading to headquarters to meet Verhanna...
You arrive at the steps of the HQ building to find Verhanna locking up for the evening. She strikes an imposing frame. She's tall for an elf, with sun-darkened skin, long dark hair and strange wooden jewelry. Verhanna chews on something, presumably an after-work snack, with small, tight-lipped nibbles as if embarrassed to be caught eating.
She greets you with a long unblinking stare, as if deciding whether or not to help you. "You would be the mercenary escorts then, I presume. Took you long enough to get here. I was just about to close up for the night." She presses her lips even tighter and lets out an irritated sigh. "I suppose you'll be wanting your bounty then."
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground
When the woman gets startled, the harengon just looks up and down, his eyes following the movement of the tray as it almost spills over. He takes off his skull helmet to meet with her face to face.
Ne'haredowell nods when he is responded to as 'Mr. Rabbit.' It sounded similar enough anyways. He is used to being 'the rabbit' wherever he goes. He wonders, as he often does, if he were a centaur would they call him 'horse' or 'man' or 'horse-man'. "I am Nare, but you may also call me Ne'haredowell." He says his whole introduction backwards. 'Good going,' he thinks to himself, but does nothing to correct it.
"That... is very informative. You seem to have thought this through, given that it is your shop, I admire your tenacity. Thank you for the enlightenment." Whether the pun was intentional or not, he does not convey it.
After listening to her whole spiel, he makes no move to correct her on what species he is. Yes, he was, in fact, a bunny. Albeit a humanoid bunny, but a bunny nonetheless. The pet mouse runs around his fur, creating small little waves of what look like fur mazes, but he does not itch. Instead, reaching out for the candle in Dana's hand, he replies. "You have convinced me. Here." He lightly hands her two gold coins, letting them flow from has hands like a waterfall, and just bluntly snatches the candle she was holding without an answer. He stands there for a whole ten seconds before realizing that is a sign to take his leave, and then he does so.
Putting his skull helmet back on, he wanders over to where his stripteasing fellow, Arvos, and the new one - the Hachakee man- had been helping with the clean water. Knowing that the water in those barrels likely will get hot within the hour even in the shade, he casts Prestidigitation by dipping his finger (unnecessarily) into each and every one of them to make it cold (as a harengon, he moves really fast so there's really no stopping him). "For cold showers." He looks up, does not make eye contact, and walks away.
He moves over to where he saw the tall elf was just about locking up. He presumes he will go over to Witchdoctor Duncan's shop once he gets the money he has agreed to for. In front of Verhanna, he catches sight of the snack in her hands first before looking her in the eye. "I am Nare. Ne'haredowell, by most people."
He points over to her mouth. "I was actually wondering if you had more of those." He tries to sniff the air. The mouse rests atop his antelope skull, also perplexed by the sight of the snack. Its beady eyes lay transfixed on it. "What is it?"
"And yes, of course, the bounty. Thank you."
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Darian proceeds to headquarters, eager to conclude the current assignment. Seeing the imposing elf locking up, he steps forward, his posture respectful but firm. Though his Common is broken, he speaks clearly. “Yes, refugees… safe. Need rest. Safe place… for night.”
Darian looks Verhanna in the eyes, his expression earnest. “Also, need… new orders. What next? How… help more?”
Darian observes her closely, trying to learn as much as he can from her demeanour and body language.
Insight: 21
Arvos sighs in relief that the refugees now at least had water though he gives Nare a quizzical look as he dips his finger and then leaves. He soon follows Nare to headquarters as he too would like to get paid. Glad that the others were able to get to headquarters before Verhanna left. "Sorry I was delayed and indeed I would like to get my payment. By the way are there any other job?"
OOC: Had a 22 perception roll for the witchdoctors. Maybe there is something else.
Just as Albert leaves the sick ward, he just bows to everyone else working: "Thank you heroes, the world has enough suffering. If you need me, I can help a bit tomorrow as well! May the Blue Lady shine her light upon you!"
Albert looks around the Witchdoctors shop and is quite amazed from what he sees. "Oh my, oh gods this seems like a great stop indeed. You have made a great place for yourself. I do recognize most things here, but the shelves seem to be rather empty as you said. Low on supplies you say? I am actually amazed that you still have something left with all the sick and wounded here. Maybe we can help source something important? Also I am looking for a particular item. In my journeys I've found that the aloe based "Koegothorns ointment" or "restorative ointment" as they call it in some places is one of the best things to have in a healers pouch. Do you have it?"
Bran and his retainers are currently at the HQ’s having already spoken with Elven Commander Verhanna.
After helping those refugees in need Bran headed to HQ where he met Verhanna and collect the bounty. Upon meeting Verhanna he is captivated by her beauty. “I am glad you didn't close for the night Lady Verhanna”, Bran says.
“Where are you from?” Verhanna’s evident interest displayed by her tone and direct manner.
“Lady, my family home is within the region of Lauranosti and my family historically of been members on the Council of Stars”. Commander Verhanna is quiet for a time contemplating how useful Bran could be. “Yours assistance helping the refugees was admirable, I must honour that, but there’s other work that I must see get done, there are others who have recently come to my attention I think you may want to acquaint yourself with, wait here and see what comes”, Bran bows his head slightly towards Verhanna, his respect for her evident as he goes and finds a seat and waits patiently for those of interest to Verhanna to arrive.
Bran sits quietly and awaits the others to arrive …
Agish spends some time walking through the camp, gathering gossips and listening to people talking with each other. He does not search for anything particular, its just interesting to see so many people in one place, different cultures, species, and languages. He does not share the results of his check on refugees for now, as he sees that other people, who are more proficient, already doing what they can.
After some time, Agish notices that other mercenaries, who guarded refugees with him, are going to the headquarters, so he remembers one important thing. "Ah, payment... it would be much easier just to exchange goods as my tribe did, these metal "coins" are so heavy and not very useful outside of towns... but at least I can help others this way".
While going into the HQ Agish sees Bran and Arvos first, saying "Hey, knife-ears, nice to see you again" and also bows just a little to Darian. Hunters were the most important in Agish's tribe, so he knows when he sees one and treats them as old ways say - with a respectful little bow and silence. When he notices Ne'haredowell shivers go again through him, as every time Agish sees this being. That one is scary, the head of a rabbit on a human's body with this skull as a helmet - everything seems to be wrong with this one. But Agish always keeps his mouth shut, just in case, this is a new world, and he does not want to look stupid.
When he sees Verhanna - he bows much more in front of her. If she is the leader of this tribe, she for sure must be a strong warrior or wise shaman, so he can talk only without eye contact (as old ways usually say), so he speaks while bowing and looking at the floor. "My greetings to you, oh all-mighty Verhanna, I am deeply sorry that it took too much time to get here, but people were slow. Do not be angry at them, nearly a third of refugees are struggling, sick, and very tired. So, about my payment... I do not really understand this "money" idea, so I would be happy if you, all-wise, would spend my part of the payment to help the sick and poor that came with us. All I want as payment is a week's worth of food, priority access to the water source to refill my waterskin, a couple of useful potions, and time to rest in the camp. And... if you have some more work for me to do - I will be happy to help, especially if you will send me with people you see here. We spent some time together while doing our job, so I have confidence in them".
OOC: Sorry if I missed someone who is already in HQ with us, pls send me a message, I will edit the post. Kinda tired from work, not very focused now!