Upon seeing the death dog in front of him, Ne'haredowell startles, puts his hand out, and yelps "Zap!", accidentally whacking the creature with his Shocking Grasp. A horrible idea really because although he manages to touch it, the sparks don't go zapping properly. Instead, they slightly shock him a little and send some of his hair raising.
"Bad idea! I'm sorry,"he tells Bran.
((Action: Shocking Grasp on Death Dog Black for 7 + 4 = 11 :( with what would have been 8 lightning damage))
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Darian’s eyes narrow as he locks onto the death dog, whispering an old Hachakee incantation, he marks it with his Hunter’s Mark. In a fluid motion, he notches an arrow and releases it, the bowstring snapping as the arrow sails through the air. He doesn’t wait to see if it hits—his feet are already moving, carrying him swiftly across the battlefield.
Attack: 14 Damage: 13
As he runs past the crackling bonfire, Darian reaches out and snatches a burning stick from the flames, (free action) the heat searing his hand though not enough to cause damage. He grits his teeth against the pain and continues his charge until he stands between the snarling dogs and the princess.
With the burning stick held high, he waves it menacingly at the beasts, hoping the flames will make them hesitate. “Stay back!” he growls, his voice a low, dangerous rumble as he stares down the death dogs, determined to protect the princess at all costs.
Death Dog Black traces Bran's movements with one pair of hungry eyes, drooling for the opportunity to munch on larger game.
Meanwhile Nare's startling eruption of sound and light dazzle the Death Dogs other head, causing it to wince and duck, creating an ideal nexus to receive Darian's biting arrow, which embeds itself deep into the crook between Death Dog Black's two necks. The creature howls in pain, blood gushing from the devastating wound. It crouches low, tail tucked between it's legs.
Arvos's quick thinking causes vines to burst out of the desert earth, lush with life and grasping at Death Dog Blue and Death Dog Greens legs and tails. Their teeth gnash at the growing vines, and they thrash wildly, a frantic dance to free themselves from the chaos forming below them.
I'll roll the strength checks on their respective turns.
Death Dog Green loses its struggle against the grasping vines. In the shadows, just beyond the light, you hear muffled whines of terror as the creature is entombed by Arvos's enchantment!
Death Dog Green is Restrained.
Eager to avoid the horrors of nature unleashed, and driven by hunger, Death Dog Red charges towards Nare, but, seeing the devastation wrought by Darian's vicious bow, switches course and barrels towards the more imminent threat. It gnashes at the Hachakee with vicious teeth! But Darian is too agile and nimbly side-steps the assault. The second head darts forward, launching gooey spittle onto Darian's leather breeches... a gross, if ineffective result.
Death Dog Red misses twice. Nare get's an Attack of Opportunity. Please roll vs AC 12
Death Dog Blue struggles against the viny assailant, but is pinned helplessly to the ground. Furiously, but impotently, it growls in anger and fear.
Albert, you're up. You may post before or after Nare's AoO.
Action: Bane on Black and Red. If range is enough then one of the bottom ones too. CHA13 save
Albert stands up using his staff, brushes his eyes and groans. "Agh, no respect for the elderly". Walks a bit towards the action. While walking, he is running his finger up and down the shaft of the quarterstaff until he finds a splinter and pricks his finger. A small drop of blood seeps out and Albert smears it on his Mishakal symbol. After that he chants: "By this curse misfortune will reign, your futures end, this is your bane"
((Unarmed Strike nat 20 (after so many low rolls well it would have been 6 if not for the DM's help) with 2 * 2 = 4 bludgeoning damage))
A cold shiver goes down Nare's spine once he sees Death Dog Red gaining on him. 'I'm meat.' He clutches onto that torch tighter. Yet, after seeing Death Dog Black back away after his little shower of sparks display, a small smile creeps across his lips. That adrenaline is pumping. 'Who's the prey animal now!'
"Yah!" he yells, punching the dog in the snout (the left head) as it backs away from him. Oh dear gods he has never felt more alive! Though he hears some of his knuckles crunch on impact and lightly rubs it soon after, trying to play it cool.
"Good job guys!" he shouts with a measly thumbs up.
him feeling like this
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Gareth, Nikos, and Sion calm the mules and retreat to a safe corner behind the tree, muttering prayers to Paladine for protection.
As the battle rages, the kobolds toss and turn in their sleep. The princess snorts, then mumbles something about quieting down before snoring again.
The kobold are still asleep, but are stirring. They can be alerted with a move action instead of a standard action.
Death Dog Black reels briefly from the charming effects of Alberts mental assault, but shakes it off with a hateful snarl. Then, snaps at the upstart harengon! It's drooling maw clamps down onto his baggy breeches, ripping the fabric and piercing the flesh of Nare's hip! A spray of blood speckles Bran's armor. With it's other head, Death Dog Black snaps at Bran, clamping down on his leg! Teeth snap through his chainmail, ravaging the flesh and sinking into the corded muscles underneath!
Death Dog Black makes its save vs Bane Ne'haredowell takes 4 damage. Roll a CON save DC 12 Bran de Prime takes 7 damage. Roll a CON save DC 12
Albert has managed to affect Death Dog Black, Red, and Blue. I'll roll their saves on their respective turns.
Angel_dePrime Bran is up, followed by Nare, Darian, and Arvos.
Sorry it's just a link this time. I had to use Imgur because PostImages is being buggy. And for some reason, I can't use Imgur to post an image... just a link. Let me know if the link doesn't work, and I'll try something else.
Bran screams in fear and pain as the death dog rips into his leg. When suddenly a massive increase in adrenaline courses through Bran’s body, fear is replaced with the urge to defend and fight and all of Bran’s senses are wired to kill.
The bite of the dog sends a whirlwind of thoughts into Nare's head. He wants to scream but just doesn't. His body tenses up, doesn't even reach for the spot where the Death Dog bit him, just still, as his blood sprays onto Bran's armor.
The harengon can't help but just stare, his dark black prey eyes wide in fear and terror with the image of a thousand sharp teeth (including the kobold's) emblazoned onto his mind. If his body wasn't already cold, it was now. Then, flames. That's the only thing that catches his eye in this tunnel vision of torment.
"Fire," he whispers. Then his ear twitches. It points into the direction of the new fire.
((Action: Create Bonfire onto the spot of where Death Dog Red is with 5 fire damage))
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Arvos looks up to the night sky and in his mind, he visualizes the light of distant stars pouring into his mortal form. Across his skin a starry constellation forms in the shape of a chalice.
Bonus action activate Starry Form: Chalice using a wildshape
He cast healing word at Bran 7 hp
Due to Starry form: Chalice, he can also heal Nare 7 hp
Death Dog Black rears back and swats at the swinging scythe, causing it to glance harmlessly off the creature's shoulder, shearing off a tuft of fur.
Death Dog Red howls in agony as its body bursts into flames. The stench of burning fur fills the air, and startles Death Dog Black. Death Dog Red wheels away in pain, right into Darian's flaming torch! Whining in pain and fear, Death Dog Red appears to be losing interest in this fight.
Death Dog Red fails it's Dex save. Death Dog Red is Bloodied (below half HP).
Death Dog Green howls and scratches at the clinging vines, but it's claws are nothing against fibrous prison containing it.
Death Dog Green fails its STR save.
Frightened, with flesh melting against scorched fur, Death Dog Red turns to retreat.
Darian, Bran, and Nare, get an attack of opportunity against Death Dog Red as it runs away.
Death Dog Blue snaps its maw against the vines, thrashing wildly against living netting, and seems to make some headway, until by a force of luck, the vicious creature thrashes in a way, that loops a vine around its neck.
Death Dog Blue passes the STR check, but Bane rolls the result back.
Princess Harkail stirs and her eyes snap alert to the macabre scene before them. "GUARDS!" She calls out!
"WHOA!" Ne'haredowell is mesmerized by the starry light show on Arvos's body. He can't help but gawk. That helps him momentarily gain his bearings and strike, feeling a ethereal surge of strength within him. The one good thing about prey eyes is that you can see everything in sight. He sees Death Dog Red moving, bloodied and burnt, and he couldn't help but admire his work. The smell of signed fur is in the air. Then a sudden sadness falls on him. He doesn't want to kill it.
((Unarmed Strike at Death Dog Red a whooping 1 :( ))
Either because his swing was off balance or because he couldn't help but see himself in that dog's eye, he misses, the punch going right over the dog's head as he bounds back. He looks on with pity.
Bran's powerful scythe tears through Death Dog Red's torso, ripping a massive gash that nearly tears the creature in two! But no blood sprays out this time. Instead, there is a weird distortion of light and shadow, as if a vortex was appearing where the wound would be. Death Dog Red's eyes widen in a bone-chilling expression of terror and agony as its body crumples in on itself, imploding inwards towards its mortal wound. Its agonizing cries echo into the night air, startling the other Death Dogs, who look at Bran with new-found fear and awe. With a pathetic, faint yelp, the Death Dog vanishes... as if absorbed by Bran's weapon.
Albert's light reveals that there is no trace of Death Dog Red remaining...
Bewildered by the sight Princess Harkail aggressively shakes her guards, who rise and pull weapons! "Kill the Dogs!" She commands, then she moves to awaken the Kobold Commoners.
Princess Harkail uses 1 move action to awaken the guards (since they are taking one space while sleeping) then a second move action to awaken the commoners.
Kobold Guard Black, still bewildered and blearly-eyed, shuffles to the left to get a clear shot. Then, he launches his sling towards Death Dog Black! But Death Dog Black is already spooked by the horrors of that enchanted scythe and has lept in panic, causing the sling bullet to skip harmlessly against the sand at the monster's feet.
Kobold Guard Red slips in between Darian and Bran and swipes at Death Dog Black with his vicious dagger, ripping a vicious gash in Death Dog Black's neck. Kobold Guard Red follows through, spinning low, and tosses his blanket around Death Dog Black's paws, sweeping it's legs out from underneath it.
Kobold Guard Green attacks with Advantage (using Strength in Numbers), then uses Sleight of Hand House Rule to trip Death Dog Black with a mundane item. Death Dog Black is Bloodied and Prone.
Using horde tactics, Kobold Guard Green skirts the length of the defensive wall of adventurers, and cuts around to pin Death Dog Black between himself and the bonfire created by Nare's magic, and drives his dagger deep into Death Dog Black's ribs, puncturing its lung! The suffering hound coughs a spray of blood out of one of its mouths.
Kobold Guard Red moves left and around Nare, then attacks with Advantage.
Kobold Guard Blue sidesteps to scoot behind Bran and launches his sling bullet at the suffering Death Dog, taking it out of it's misery with an undistinguished *konk* sound.
Death Dog Black is Dead.
Seeing that the guards and the Golden Company are turning the tides, the Kobold Commoners ready themselves to spring into action, but remain close to their princess.
Kobold Commoners ready action to throw their bodies (as a collective) to knock a single enemy prone that comes near the princess. Attack "Accrobatically" as group (x4) as House Rule Variant.
Death Dog Green quivers in fear.
Death Dog Green is Frighted while in Arvos's line of sight.
Upon seeing the death dog in front of him, Ne'haredowell startles, puts his hand out, and yelps "Zap!", accidentally whacking the creature with his Shocking Grasp. A horrible idea really because although he manages to touch it, the sparks don't go zapping properly. Instead, they slightly shock him a little and send some of his hair raising.
"Bad idea! I'm sorry," he tells Bran.
((Action: Shocking Grasp on Death Dog Black for 7 + 4 = 11 :( with what would have been 8 lightning damage))
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Darian’s eyes narrow as he locks onto the death dog, whispering an old Hachakee incantation, he marks it with his Hunter’s Mark. In a fluid motion, he notches an arrow and releases it, the bowstring snapping as the arrow sails through the air. He doesn’t wait to see if it hits—his feet are already moving, carrying him swiftly across the battlefield.
Attack: 14 Damage: 13
As he runs past the crackling bonfire, Darian reaches out and snatches a burning stick from the flames, (free action) the heat searing his hand though not enough to cause damage. He grits his teeth against the pain and continues his charge until he stands between the snarling dogs and the princess.
With the burning stick held high, he waves it menacingly at the beasts, hoping the flames will make them hesitate. “Stay back!” he growls, his voice a low, dangerous rumble as he stares down the death dogs, determined to protect the princess at all costs.
Arvos touches his sprig of mistletoe and in elvish asked for entwining vines to burst out of the ground around 2 death dogs.
He cast entangle - the green square Strength Save DC 13
Death Dog Black traces Bran's movements with one pair of hungry eyes, drooling for the opportunity to munch on larger game.
Meanwhile Nare's startling eruption of sound and light dazzle the Death Dogs other head, causing it to wince and duck, creating an ideal nexus to receive Darian's biting arrow, which embeds itself deep into the crook between Death Dog Black's two necks. The creature howls in pain, blood gushing from the devastating wound. It crouches low, tail tucked between it's legs.
Arvos's quick thinking causes vines to burst out of the desert earth, lush with life and grasping at Death Dog Blue and Death Dog Greens legs and tails. Their teeth gnash at the growing vines, and they thrash wildly, a frantic dance to free themselves from the chaos forming below them.
I'll roll the strength checks on their respective turns.
Death Dog Green loses its struggle against the grasping vines. In the shadows, just beyond the light, you hear muffled whines of terror as the creature is entombed by Arvos's enchantment!
Death Dog Green is Restrained.
Eager to avoid the horrors of nature unleashed, and driven by hunger, Death Dog Red charges towards Nare, but, seeing the devastation wrought by Darian's vicious bow, switches course and barrels towards the more imminent threat. It gnashes at the Hachakee with vicious teeth! But Darian is too agile and nimbly side-steps the assault. The second head darts forward, launching gooey spittle onto Darian's leather breeches... a gross, if ineffective result.
Death Dog Red misses twice.
Nare get's an Attack of Opportunity. Please roll vs AC 12
Death Dog Blue struggles against the viny assailant, but is pinned helplessly to the ground. Furiously, but impotently, it growls in anger and fear.
Albert, you're up. You may post before or after Nare's AoO.
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground
Movement: 25 ft down
Action: Bane on Black and Red. If range is enough then one of the bottom ones too. CHA13 save
Albert stands up using his staff, brushes his eyes and groans. "Agh, no respect for the elderly". Walks a bit towards the action. While walking, he is running his finger up and down the shaft of the quarterstaff until he finds a splinter and pricks his finger. A small drop of blood seeps out and Albert smears it on his Mishakal symbol. After that he chants: "By this curse misfortune will reign, your futures end, this is your bane"
Attack of Opportunity
((Unarmed Strike nat 20 (after so many low rolls well it would have been 6 if not for the DM's help) with 2 * 2 = 4 bludgeoning damage))
A cold shiver goes down Nare's spine once he sees Death Dog Red gaining on him. 'I'm meat.' He clutches onto that torch tighter. Yet, after seeing Death Dog Black back away after his little shower of sparks display, a small smile creeps across his lips. That adrenaline is pumping. 'Who's the prey animal now!'
"Yah!" he yells, punching the dog in the snout (the left head) as it backs away from him. Oh dear gods he has never felt more alive! Though he hears some of his knuckles crunch on impact and lightly rubs it soon after, trying to play it cool.
"Good job guys!" he shouts with a measly thumbs up.
him feeling like this
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Gareth, Nikos, and Sion calm the mules and retreat to a safe corner behind the tree, muttering prayers to Paladine for protection.
As the battle rages, the kobolds toss and turn in their sleep. The princess snorts, then mumbles something about quieting down before snoring again.
The kobold are still asleep, but are stirring. They can be alerted with a move action instead of a standard action.
Death Dog Black reels briefly from the charming effects of Alberts mental assault, but shakes it off with a hateful snarl. Then, snaps at the upstart harengon! It's drooling maw clamps down onto his baggy breeches, ripping the fabric and piercing the flesh of Nare's hip! A spray of blood speckles Bran's armor. With it's other head, Death Dog Black snaps at Bran, clamping down on his leg! Teeth snap through his chainmail, ravaging the flesh and sinking into the corded muscles underneath!
Death Dog Black makes its save vs Bane
Ne'haredowell takes 4 damage. Roll a CON save DC 12
Bran de Prime takes 7 damage. Roll a CON save DC 12
Albert has managed to affect Death Dog Black, Red, and Blue. I'll roll their saves on their respective turns.
Angel_dePrime Bran is up, followed by Nare, Darian, and Arvos.
Battle map?
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground
Bran rolls CON Save DC 12 | 6 |
Bran screams in fear and pain as the death dog rips into his leg. When suddenly a massive increase in adrenaline courses through Bran’s body, fear is replaced with the urge to defend and fight and all of Bran’s senses are wired to kill.
Attacks Death Dog with scythe | 11 | Damage: 12
((Nare's CON Save: 6 + 2 = 8 ))
The bite of the dog sends a whirlwind of thoughts into Nare's head. He wants to scream but just doesn't. His body tenses up, doesn't even reach for the spot where the Death Dog bit him, just still, as his blood sprays onto Bran's armor.
The harengon can't help but just stare, his dark black prey eyes wide in fear and terror with the image of a thousand sharp teeth (including the kobold's) emblazoned onto his mind. If his body wasn't already cold, it was now. Then, flames. That's the only thing that catches his eye in this tunnel vision of torment.
"Fire," he whispers. Then his ear twitches. It points into the direction of the new fire.
((Action: Create Bonfire onto the spot of where Death Dog Red is with 5 fire damage))
It looks stoic but it's really just fear.
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Darian moves Hunter’s Mark to Red before taking a swing with the burning stick.
Attack: 13 Damage: 6
Dropping the ineffective, improvised weapon he draws his handaxe, a traditional Hachakee weapon that some foreigners have referred to as a ‘tomahawk’.
Standing his ground, he nudges the sleeping kobold princess with his boot while speaking the YipYap word for ‘Danger’.
Arvos looks up to the night sky and in his mind, he visualizes the light of distant stars pouring into his mortal form. Across his skin a starry constellation forms in the shape of a chalice.
Bonus action activate Starry Form: Chalice using a wildshape
He cast healing word at Bran 7 hp
Due to Starry form: Chalice, he can also heal Nare 7 hp
End of turn.
(The death dogs in entangle can use an action to make a strength check DC 13 to break out)
Death Dog Black rears back and swats at the swinging scythe, causing it to glance harmlessly off the creature's shoulder, shearing off a tuft of fur.
Death Dog Red howls in agony as its body bursts into flames. The stench of burning fur fills the air, and startles Death Dog Black. Death Dog Red wheels away in pain, right into Darian's flaming torch! Whining in pain and fear, Death Dog Red appears to be losing interest in this fight.
Death Dog Red fails it's Dex save.
Death Dog Red is Bloodied (below half HP).
Death Dog Green howls and scratches at the clinging vines, but it's claws are nothing against fibrous prison containing it.
Death Dog Green fails its STR save.
Frightened, with flesh melting against scorched fur, Death Dog Red turns to retreat.
Darian, Bran, and Nare, get an attack of opportunity against Death Dog Red as it runs away.
Death Dog Blue snaps its maw against the vines, thrashing wildly against living netting, and seems to make some headway, until by a force of luck, the vicious creature thrashes in a way, that loops a vine around its neck.
Death Dog Blue passes the STR check, but Bane rolls the result back.
Princess Harkail stirs and her eyes snap alert to the macabre scene before them. "GUARDS!" She calls out!
_Miglasezis_ Albert is up. Then the kobolds rise.
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground
Albert clutches his symbol of Mishakal and mutters: "My lady, some protection is needed"
Bonus action: sanctuary on himself.
Then he grips his staff tightly and it starts to eminate redish orange fire-like light.
Action: Light on his staff.
Albert then starts to swing wildly with his red glowing staff and yells: "AWAY YOU DEMONS!" (Intimidation 10)
As Red attempts to retreat, Darian hacks at it.
Attack: 10 Damage: 11
Attack of Opportunity
"WHOA!" Ne'haredowell is mesmerized by the starry light show on Arvos's body. He can't help but gawk. That helps him momentarily gain his bearings and strike, feeling a ethereal surge of strength within him. The one good thing about prey eyes is that you can see everything in sight. He sees Death Dog Red moving, bloodied and burnt, and he couldn't help but admire his work. The smell of signed fur is in the air. Then a sudden sadness falls on him. He doesn't want to kill it.
((Unarmed Strike at Death Dog Red a whooping 1 :( ))
Either because his swing was off balance or because he couldn't help but see himself in that dog's eye, he misses, the punch going right over the dog's head as he bounds back. He looks on with pity.
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Darian, Bran, and Nare, get an attack of opportunity against Death Dog Red as it runs away.
[OOC: Im making this quick addition while at the airport!]
Bran attacks with scythe at the Death Dog as it prepares to move away | 15 | Damage: 14
Arvos calls upon white-hot fire into the palm of his hand as his says in elvish "Naur Ashlin"
produce flame
He then hurls the flames at death dog black
23 to hit and 2 fire damage - rolled in game log.
Bran's powerful scythe tears through Death Dog Red's torso, ripping a massive gash that nearly tears the creature in two! But no blood sprays out this time. Instead, there is a weird distortion of light and shadow, as if a vortex was appearing where the wound would be. Death Dog Red's eyes widen in a bone-chilling expression of terror and agony as its body crumples in on itself, imploding inwards towards its mortal wound. Its agonizing cries echo into the night air, startling the other Death Dogs, who look at Bran with new-found fear and awe. With a pathetic, faint yelp, the Death Dog vanishes... as if absorbed by Bran's weapon.
Albert's light reveals that there is no trace of Death Dog Red remaining...
Bewildered by the sight Princess Harkail aggressively shakes her guards, who rise and pull weapons! "Kill the Dogs!" She commands, then she moves to awaken the Kobold Commoners.
Princess Harkail uses 1 move action to awaken the guards (since they are taking one space while sleeping) then a second move action to awaken the commoners.
Kobold Guard Black, still bewildered and blearly-eyed, shuffles to the left to get a clear shot. Then, he launches his sling towards Death Dog Black! But Death Dog Black is already spooked by the horrors of that enchanted scythe and has lept in panic, causing the sling bullet to skip harmlessly against the sand at the monster's feet.
Kobold Guard Red slips in between Darian and Bran and swipes at Death Dog Black with his vicious dagger, ripping a vicious gash in Death Dog Black's neck. Kobold Guard Red follows through, spinning low, and tosses his blanket around Death Dog Black's paws, sweeping it's legs out from underneath it.
Kobold Guard Green attacks with Advantage (using Strength in Numbers), then uses Sleight of Hand House Rule to trip Death Dog Black with a mundane item. Death Dog Black is Bloodied and Prone.
Using horde tactics, Kobold Guard Green skirts the length of the defensive wall of adventurers, and cuts around to pin Death Dog Black between himself and the bonfire created by Nare's magic, and drives his dagger deep into Death Dog Black's ribs, puncturing its lung! The suffering hound coughs a spray of blood out of one of its mouths.
Kobold Guard Red moves left and around Nare, then attacks with Advantage.
Kobold Guard Blue sidesteps to scoot behind Bran and launches his sling bullet at the suffering Death Dog, taking it out of it's misery with an undistinguished *konk* sound.
Death Dog Black is Dead.
Seeing that the guards and the Golden Company are turning the tides, the Kobold Commoners ready themselves to spring into action, but remain close to their princess.
Kobold Commoners ready action to throw their bodies (as a collective) to knock a single enemy prone that comes near the princess. Attack "Accrobatically" as group (x4) as House Rule Variant.
Death Dog Green quivers in fear.
Death Dog Green is Frighted while in Arvos's line of sight.
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground
Bran will move SOUTH +4 & WEST +2 | Longbow attack 5 | Damage: 9 on BLUE DOG