When the woman gets startled, the harengon just looks up and down, his eyes following the movement of the tray as it almost spills over. He takes off his skull helmet to meet with her face to face.
Ne'haredowell nods when he is responded to as 'Mr. Rabbit.' It sounded similar enough anyways. He is used to being 'the rabbit' wherever he goes. He wonders, as he often does, if he were a centaur would they call him 'horse' or 'man' or 'horse-man'. "I am Nare, but you may also call me Ne'haredowell." He says his whole introduction backwards. 'Good going,' he thinks to himself, but does nothing to correct it.
"That... is very informative. You seem to have thought this through, given that it is your shop, I admire your tenacity. Thank you for the enlightenment." Whether the pun was intentional or not, he does not convey it.
After listening to her whole spiel, he makes no move to correct her on what species he is. Yes, he was, in fact, a bunny. Albeit a humanoid bunny, but a bunny nonetheless. The pet mouse runs around his fur, creating small little waves of what look like fur mazes, but he does not itch. Instead, reaching out for the candle in Dana's hand, he replies. "You have convinced me. Here." He lightly hands her two gold coins, letting them flow from has hands like a waterfall, and just bluntly snatches the candle she was holding without an answer. He stands there for a whole ten seconds before realizing that is a sign to take his leave, and then he does so.
Putting his skull helmet back on, he wanders over to where his stripteasing fellow, Arvos, and the new one - the Hachakee man- had been helping with the clean water. Knowing that the water in those barrels likely will get hot within the hour even in the shade, he casts Prestidigitation by dipping his finger (unnecessarily) into each and every one of them to make it cold (as a harengon, he moves really fast so there's really no stopping him). "For cold showers." He looks up, does not make eye contact, and walks away.
He moves over to where he saw the tall elf was just about locking up. He presumes he will go over to Witchdoctor Duncan's shop once he gets the money he has agreed to for. In front of Verhanna, he catches sight of the snack in her hands first before looking her in the eye. "I am Nare. Ne'haredowell, by most people."
He points over to her mouth. "I was actually wondering if you had more of those." He tries to sniff the air. The mouse rests atop his antelope skull, also perplexed by the sight of the snack. Its beady eyes lay transfixed on it. "What is it?"
"And yes, of course, the bounty. Thank you."
Back at Dana's shop... Dana's eyes pop open comically wide as Nare provides her enough to buy 200 candles. Still bewildered by the whole ordeal, she remains motionless and silent until Nare begins to hop away, wherein she finally stutter a faint, "Th-thank you! Please come again."
Back at the refugee camp... When you cool off the water, the medical crew thank you with a deferential bow. "It sure is nice to have some adventurers here," you hear one of them say with a happy chuckle.
At the entrance to HQ with Verhanna... Verhanna's eyes flash with shock when you bound up to her. But aside from that, she gives no further indication of her feelings about your arrival and sudden interest in what's in her mouth. "If you must know, it's konjac root. Imported from Taladas, Everyone is on third rations until a replacement supply caravan can arrive, and konjac root suppresses appetite."
Darian proceeds to headquarters, eager to conclude the current assignment. Seeing the imposing elf locking up, he steps forward, his posture respectful but firm. Though his Common is broken, he speaks clearly. “Yes, refugees… safe. Need rest. Safe place… for night.”
Darian looks Verhanna in the eyes, his expression earnest. “Also, need… new orders. What next? How… help more?”
Darian observes her closely, trying to learn as much as he can from her demeanour and body language.
Arvos sighs in relief that the refugees now at least had water though he gives Nare a quizzical look as he dips his finger and then leaves. He soon follows Nare to headquarters as he too would like to get paid. Glad that the others were able to get to headquarters before Verhanna left. "Sorry I was delayed and indeed I would like to get my payment. By the way are there any other job?"
Agish spends some time walking through the camp, gathering gossips and listening to people talking with each other. He does not search for anything particular, its just interesting to see so many people in one place, different cultures, species, and languages. He does not share the results of his check on refugees for now, as he sees that other people, who are more proficient, already doing what they can.
After some time, Agish notices that other mercenaries, who guarded refugees with him, are going to the headquarters, so he remembers one important thing. "Ah, payment... it would be much easier just to exchange goods as my tribe did, these metal "coins" are so heavy and not very useful outside of towns... but at least I can help others this way".
While going into the HQ Agish sees Bran and Arvos first, saying "Hey, knife-ears, nice to see you again" and also bows just a little to Darian. Hunters were the most important in Agish's tribe, so he knows when he sees one and treats them as old ways say - with a respectful little bow and silence. When he notices Ne'haredowell shivers go again through him, as every time Agish sees this being. That one is scary, the head of a rabbit on a human's body with this skull as a helmet - everything seems to be wrong with this one. But Agish always keeps his mouth shut, just in case, this is a new world, and he does not want to look stupid.
When he sees Verhanna - he bows much more in front of her. If she is the leader of this tribe, she for sure must be a strong warrior or wise shaman, so he can talk only without eye contact (as old ways usually say), so he speaks while bowing and looking at the floor. "My greetings to you, oh all-mighty Verhanna, I am deeply sorry that it took too much time to get here, but people were slow. Do not be angry at them, nearly a third of refugees are struggling, sick, and very tired. So, about my payment... I do not really understand this "money" idea, so I would be happy if you, all-wise, would spend my part of the payment to help the sick and poor that came with us. All I want as payment is a week's worth of food, priority access to the water source to refill my waterskin, a couple of useful potions, and time to rest in the camp. And... if you have some more work for me to do - I will be happy to help, especially if you will send me with people you see here. We spent some time together while doing our job, so I have confidence in them".
OOC: Sorry if I missed someone who is already in HQ with us, pls send me a message, I will edit the post. Kinda tired from work, not very focused now!
Verhanna warms up at the sight of the Hachakee tribesman. "Welcome back, Darian. It is always a relief to see a member of the Hachakee return to us safely." She takes a moment to consider the group before her, then let's out a strained sigh through her nostrils. "Actually, I do have work for you all. And it's rather urgent, so I suppose we should all come inside."
She shuffles some of her paperwork from one hand to another as she fumbles with the keys and eventually unlocks the door. When you come inside, you see a hall...modest for a governing building, but opulent compared to the current living conditions in Santekh. "As adventurers seeking bounties, my hours are sunrise to late afternoon. You are welcome to turn in or collect bounties with me at my office... during regular working hours," she adds pointedly. "The other offices in this building are off limits unless granted special authority to be there by myself, Bucheron the Archivist, or Rhyana (our Assayer)."
Her stride is long and determined, and each step echoes off the walls with the clacking of her heels, each clack sounding like the pounding of a judge's gavel. By the time she finishes her sentence, you've made it to her office. She opens the door, and waits for you all to enter. The room is clean and organized in spite of it being stuffed from floor to wall with papers. She goes to her safe, mutters a barely audible word that sounds like it was in elvish, and the safe door opens. She counts out your coins and parses each of them into bags with 100 gold each. "A member of your party seems to be missing. Did he survive the mission?"
OOC: Had a 22 perception roll for the witchdoctors. Maybe there is something else.
Just as Albert leaves the sick ward, he just bows to everyone else working: "Thank you heroes, the world has enough suffering. If you need me, I can help a bit tomorrow as well! May the Blue Lady shine her light upon you!"
Albert looks around the Witchdoctors shop and is quite amazed from what he sees. "Oh my, oh gods this seems like a great stop indeed. You have made a great place for yourself. I do recognize most things here, but the shelves seem to be rather empty as you said. Low on supplies you say? I am actually amazed that you still have something left with all the sick and wounded here. Maybe we can help source something important? Also I am looking for a particular item. In my journeys I've found that the aloe based "Koegothorns ointment" or "restorative ointment" as they call it in some places is one of the best things to have in a healers pouch. Do you have it?"
Duncan ponders the question for a brief moment, as if for only dramatic effect. Then he snaps his fingers and brightens up. "Keoghtom's Ointment! Yes I do have a few!" He bounds over to a locked cabinet and pulls out 3 of them. "I'm afraid these are all we have right now. Waitin' on a shipment to come in with more. I can't let these go for less than... 200 a piece."
With your passive insight, you know that he's charging you nearly twice what they're worth. But he might just be gouging to haggle.
Albert just browses all the interesting things and almost falls to his ass when hearing the price: "Oh my [cough, cough], oh. Son, do you think I was born yesterday? I could offer you 100 gold pieces when I get them from my employer and could provide you with some pure water."
Persuasion 7 + 1 from guidance = 8. (14+1=15 if I gain advantage from offering water)
Continues: "Regardless, I will definitely send some of my companions to your place. It seems that some of your magical items are something they'd quite enjoy! I will now go collect my pay and then I will return! May the Blue lady shine her light upon you."
After that Albert goes to collect his payment from Verhanna.
Ne'haredowell had heard Dana's 'thank you' on his way out. He was already pretty far by them, but his big ears caught even the faintest words and he had heard her. For a moment, he stopped and hesitated, unsure of if to respond back. He did not realize that the money meant so much to her. It was of no big deal. He figured if he was going to get paid anyways then he could spare some few extra coins. 'Money you can replace, but time you can not.' He had thought to himself. As to where this saying came from, he could not quite place. But he continued on his stride forward without a reply.
His mouth curved into a small grin when he heard the 'adventurer' bit, but because the mask obscured his face, it was hard to see it. Standing there unblinkingly when the medical crew bowed to him, he had looked down, attempted to bow, and murmured "It is of no problem"before bounding away.
"Oh? Well it does smell good,"He stares at her snack instead of at her eyes. "I have never heard of it. Sorry to hear that your shipment hasn't come in yet. Do you know if there any places to forage for food around here? We will bring some back for the refugees and for you if you would like-" His ears swivel around to indicate the notice of the arrival Arvos and Darian and... someone who said 'knife-ears'? He turns his head around to stare only to find out that it was in fact not directed to him, and so he turns his head (a bit mechanically) back.
He looks up to also finally notice Bran and his retainers were already there. Nare had been so focused on the revelation of the snack that he did not realize. Maybe it was this mask? He decides that he should take off the skull helmet once more. Licking his fuzzy paws (while holding his mask clutched by his arm and his side, and the little mouse moves down to his shoulders), he starts to rub and groom his face fur to remove any debris that might have been there.'Much better,' he thinks to himself. His eyes share no hint of white in them as they are all consumed by the blacks of his pupil. He replaces the mask back on. He nods along with his fellow refugee-handlers.
He looks a bit solemnly at Darian, knowing what it is like to not understand a language, especially when he first fell to this plane. At Argish's word, his nods become more frequent.
"Yes, it is not of the refugees' fault that they are slow. They have been through a lot. We had a bit of trouble on the road." His eyes follows the movements of Verhanna unlocking the door. 'Urgent? Is anyone missing?'
Walking alongside his fellow adventurers, Ne'haredowell flattens his ears against his skull. The clickings and clackings of her heels reverberates throughout his mind. It feels like a judge's sentence to an eternal headache. "Thank you,"He feebly mumbles as he takes his coin. Then when she says it, she confirms it.
"I am not sure if he is still with us..." He looks around to see if anyone else would speak, but babbles on. "He may still be down with the others, though it was hard to keep track. It is quite possible he is still on the way. I think we were all focused on the refugees first, not of our own kind." Looking away, he hopes someone else would have a better answer than he did.
"Not missing as I did see them as we walked into Sankteh. They are around somewhere here, and I doubt they would leave before getting their payment. Thank you for the gold coins and now what is this urgent job you have?" says Arvos
He appreciated being out of the sun and somewhere that was clean and not smelling of sweat or other worse smells.
Albert just browses all the interesting things and almost falls to his ass when hearing the price: "Oh my [cough, cough], oh. Son, do you think I was born yesterday? I could offer you 100 gold pieces when I get them from my employer and could provide you with some pure water."
Persuasion 7 + 1 from guidance = 8. (14+1=15 if I gain advantage from offering water)
Continues: "Regardless, I will definitely send some of my companions to your place. It seems that some of your magical items are something they'd quite enjoy! I will now go collect my pay and then I will return! May the Blue lady shine her light upon you."
After that Albert goes to collect his payment from Verhanna.
Duncan tilts his head. His face is pensive as he considers the allure of water in a desert. "I have a forty gallon barrel that's nearly empty. Fill it, at least halfway and we have ourselves a deal." He waves goodbye as you head off to collect your bounty.
Everyone at HQ with Verhanna...
Verhanna relaxes a bit when Albert arrives at her office door, then dips back down to her safe to procure another bag and fill it will coins. She pulls the pouches away from the grabbing hands and flashes a positively matronly look at the group. "You will sign for your wages, first," she huffs. She pulls out some parchments inked with terms and conditions for payment regarding escorting the refugees. Next to "Bounty Assigned to:" you can read in special purple ink, "The Golden Company" with room for all your signatures.
"Sign here to complete the contract and receive your pay," she indicates with her left hand where each of you are to sign. On her hand, you notice a beautiful ring that seems to shift colors between indigo and violet. It possesses an otherworldly aesthetic to it, as if it came from another plane of existence. To have such an item would require one to have inherited it, had an immense amount of wealth, or perhaps be a mid-to-high-level adventurer that can procure such treasures. Either way, after you sign, you feel a strange tingling sensation similar to the one you felt when the bounty was first given to you. It's fairly common, especially with high-priority contracts like these, to come with some minor enchantment to deter adventurers from reneging on the deal or betraying the client.
After the business is dealt with, she hands each of you your coin pouches, and hesitates at Agish. "I will honor your request. However, you should know that I am not your bookkeeper. I have a whole settlement to run, and and that keeps me quite busy enough." Instead she writes out a note and impresses her seal on it with wax. "Bring this to Witchdoctor Duncan. He runs an apothecary, not a general store. But he has most of what you need, and knows how to get you the rest. With my seal, you can trust him to treat you fairly and honor your terms to donate the rest."
With that, she locks away Agish's coin purse and sits down with a heavy sigh. Although her face has been mostly unreadable throughout this entire exchange, at this moment, she just seems tired and genuinely worried.
"A shipment was supposed to proceed you. It contained more than enough supplies to tend the wounded and sick, replenish vendor booths, and even start our agricultural project that the Hachakee have been working so hard on. But with this drought, and the lack of seeds, all they can do is farm moisture and fertilize the soil with dung. Without the farm, we can't tend the livestock, who are dying of famine. Between the cured meats, and moisture farming, I think we have enough supplies to last us a week or two. Ororana and Tekel have both put aside their usual missions to find out what happened to the caravan. The evidence they uncovered suggests that they were raided by kobolds. The merchants and guards were slaughtered, and the crates were taken into the mountain. So your mission is to recover those crates. There were 12 in all. I don't dare hope that all 12 are intact, but I will pay you 10 GP per crate that is returned to use."
She opens a lid to a woven box, set on it's side so the lid opens like a mailbox. Inside, the container appears as dark as if it held a sphere of darkness within it. She reaches into the inky blackness and pulls out a scroll. Verhanna then unrolls the scroll to reveal details of the mission and expectations. "Another caravan is arriving within a week, but they are moving fast and only carrying emergency provisions. We need the supplies those kobolds stole from us. You have until the emergency caravan arrives to complete your bounty. The terms clearly state that you are expected to return any found, in tact, crates directly to Rhyana, our Assayer, or directly to the Hachakee agriculturalists outside our walls. Once granted a note of completion, you may come to me for your bounty." She leans in for emphasis. "The terms also clearly state that you are not to pilfer any of the supplies found within the in-tact crates. Or return any of the supplies found within to any other entity aside from the ones listed here in this contract."
She stands back up and crosses her arms authoritatively. "This mission is of utmost importance, so you'll forgive me if I have to take some extra precaution. I'll be signing this with the Geas Ink to bind you to honor the terms of the contract. So make certain you are satisfied with the terms of the deal before I add your company's name to it."
Darian listens intently, absorbing the details. When Verhanna finishes, he nods slowly and speaks in his broken Common, with a mix of Khur to emphasize his commitment.
Nature check for information on kobold activity: 10+2+2= 14 (with favoured terrain)
“We… pledge to find supplies. Important… for all. Kobolds… troubling lately. Seen signs… tracks. Dangerous, but we handle.”
He places his hand over his heart, a gesture of sincerity. “Mission… of utmost importance. We honor terms. No pilfering. Supplies… go to those in need.”
Switching briefly to Khur, he adds, “We will find the crates. This is a promise.”
Darian then stands ready, waiting for Verhanna to present the contract for signing, his determination clear in his eyes.
Bran had been sitting in the corner observing all that had taken place listening very carefully to Lady Verhanna. Watching the reactions of those gathered in the room.
“This could work”, he says quietly noting Verhanna tilts her head ever so slightly towards him. Both being of elven noble birth there’s an implied understanding between them.
Bran walks towards where the deed of contract lays and places his mark upon the parchment. Once signed he turns back to the group nods and returns to his seat to await what is to come. Somewhat curious about these pouches Verhanna has so very very carefully put together …..
Arvos pays close attention to the details of the job and says "The terms are agreeable. I suppose we should examine what is left of the ransacked caravan and try to track down where they took the crates."
Albert is quite winded when he arrives: "Oh, my sorry for being tardy. Natural curiosity took the best of me. Will have some things to tell for you all later!"
After listening to the terms: "Well if those things you emphasized are not self-implied, we've really reached a new low for this region. Everything is agreeable my lady. I will make sure The Blue Lady blesses this expedition. And this land as well as fertility seems to be an issue"
After that Albert signs the contract and about the receiving of bounty.
Ne'haredowell nods at the terms of the job, eyeing Darian's pledge to heart and agreeing. Though, he looks up to Verhanna with curiosity. "I do not believe kobolds attack when nothing is wrong. Is there anything that could have provoked this? ... Are they hungry too?" He looks around to see if anyone else shares the same sentiment. Being from the streets himself, he knew the struggle to eat but there was also times where he had to draw the line. All guards slaughtered, but was no casualties on the kobold side? Something doesn't add up.
"I agree with Arvos. Let us scope it out." He signs the forms with a scribbly name. He never learned much in terms of handwriting. "Is there anything you can do to enlighten us on this predicament? Has there been any disputes lately with the kobolds?" After signing, he hangs back.
He stands next to Albert, "Was there anything of use at the doctor's? We may need to stock up before this mission."
((History check on what past disputes have there been with kobolds lately = 7 ))
((Nature check on kobold activity same as Bran and also on the environment and how to grow crops = 19 ))
((Arcana check on her ring but a total fail at = 1 ))
Albert answers Ne'haredowell: "Oh its a marvelous place. Poisons, magic mushrooms, narcotics. And some magic items. You might be interested in bloodwell vial. That one does not interest me that much. I am eyeing some jars of Koegothorns ointment there. Oh and some highly corrosive dust
Ne'haredowell's eyes go wide open. "Bloodwell? Interesting... I have never heard of such a thing. Th-thank you."Then he mumbles to himself, "Corrosive dust? Oh wouldn't that be itchy."
((I've never heard of the bloodwell vial thank you!!!))
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Albert is quite winded when he arrives: "Oh, my sorry for being tardy. Natural curiosity took the best of me. Will have some things to tell for you all later!"
After listening to the terms: "Well if those things you emphasized are not self-implied, we've really reached a new low for this region. Everything is agreeable my lady. I will make sure The Blue Lady blesses this expedition. And this land as well as fertility seems to be an issue"
After that Albert signs the contract and about the receiving of bounty.
Verhanna bows slightly. "Santekh gratefully welcomes the blessings of the Blue Lady. And you should know, we have a polytheist temple not far from the cemetery where you are welcome to place a shrine for worship."
Ne'haredowell nods at the terms of the job, eyeing Darian's pledge to heart and agreeing. Though, he looks up to Verhanna with curiosity. "I do not believe kobolds attack when nothing is wrong. Is there anything that could have provoked this? ... Are they hungry too?" He looks around to see if anyone else shares the same sentiment. Being from the streets himself, he knew the struggle to eat but there was also times where he had to draw the line. All guards slaughtered, but was no casualties on the kobold side? Something doesn't add up.
"I agree with Arvos. Let us scope it out." He signs the forms with a scribbly name. He never learned much in terms of handwriting. "Is there anything you can do to enlighten us on this predicament? Has there been any disputes lately with the kobolds?" After signing, he hangs back.
He stands next to Albert, "Was there anything of use at the doctor's? We may need to stock up before this mission."
((History check on what past disputes have there been with kobolds lately = 7 ))
((Nature check on kobold activity same as Bran and also on the environment and how to grow crops = 19 ))
((Arcana check on her ring but a total fail at = 1 ))
Verhanna shrugs. "Who knows with those dragon-loving devils. But your explanation is as good as any. The drought is probably affecting every living thing in this region. It doesn't give them the right to slaughter merchants bringing goods that they didn't trade for."
She nods at each of you in acknowledgement of your agreement to the terms, then she signs the contract "The Golden Company" in that purple ink. Once the contract is assigned to you, you feel that same tingling sensation come over you. (You many attempt to secretly resist the enchantment with a WIS saving throw.)
"You'll need carts to load the crates onto, and some draft mules or camels to haul them. Go to The Laughing Dwarf Dance Hall and see Glynnis. She runs the establishment, and she's waiting for supplies from the crates to open her general store. She'll have the supplies you'll need, which will be covered as necessary provisions under the terms of your contract. She should also be able to provide you a driver to manage your mules and carts for you."
She thinks for a moment while she puts away the signed contract. "You'll likely need a place to sleep for the night, unless you plan on heading out immediately. The Laughing Dwarf also serves as an Inn, though it doesn't have very many rooms. If you're prepared to bunk together, she can bill the treasury to cover your housing expenses. For one night," she adds the last sentence in a rush, as if she's had experience with people taking too many liberties with the term "necessary expenses."
"Now, if there's nothing else, it sounds to me as if some of you would like to visit the apothecary for supplies, and I would prefer to go home for the evening. I think we'll do each other a service by considering this business concluded."
Darian shares his knowledge about the kobold clan. “Kobolds… prefer deep mines in Khalkist Mountains. Rarely… threat to travelers. But drought, famine… push them. Clan… Letni Inhelk. Live close to surface. Trade with dwarves, Hachakee. Respect traditions, queen… good trade partners. Maybe… merchants too close without tribute.”
He nods, his mind racing with plans. “I… remember entrance to territory. Sneak in… possible. Map… better. Bucheron, Archivist… has maps, lore. Visit archives… in morning. Prepare well.”
Arvos will show himself out of headquarters and walks to the Laughing Dward Dance Hall to talk to Glynnis. Once in there he will inquire about where to find to Glynnis and then bring her up to speed about their impending search party. "We were sent by Verhanna for the recovery job and were told you have supplies for us, and we are in need of a place to stay tonight"
'Dragon-loving devils?!'Ne'haredowell right there finally blinked after a week of not doing so. "I suppose."He whispers, taking up the pen. Eyeing the contract, he attempted to resist the enchantment. Something about this just didn't feel right.
((Wisdom Save 9 + 2 = 11))
Positioning himself between the ranger, Darian, and the druid, Arvos, he listens to Darian speak. He nods, "That is true. However-"He hesitates, "I lived with gnomes and Mountain Kobolds are more of a problem for dwarves and them. But from what I know kobolds tend to be a 'if you stay out of my way, I'll stay out of yours' type of people. Though, I believe this quite possibly could be the work of Desert Kobolds."
"Desert Kobolds often occupy abandoned fortresses and fill it out with traps and other types of fortifications. If the residents here in Santekh displaced whatever clan that had been settling here, then it's very much possible that that clan that had lived here before the rebellion is going back at rebuilding. They might be working on a new fortification and went to raid for supplies."
"And I understand the reservations of kobolds due to their siding with the Chromatic Dragons during the Chaos War, but, if anything, we should speak to them first.... They are likely to be nearby if they are rebuilding."
"We should check out if there are any tunnels. They might be using escape routes to sneak up on the caravans. If they had been here first, then they likely know all the routes." He says all of this without a breath in between this speech. A long-winded ramble. "I will go with you to check the maps. Yes."
He then proceeds out of the government building and towards the apothecary. Approaching Witchdoctor Duncan's shop, he knocks. "Hello. What is up... doctor?"He looks up at the ceiling, "It is not 'gullible' that is for sure." He had fallen for that joke too many times before. This time he had failed to execute it.
He looks around. "Do you have any Bloodwell vials? I may need it."
had to put a 'what's up doc?' bugs bunny reference in there somehow
After Verhanna ushers you out, she sends a message ahead of you to Glynnis and Bucheran to expect your arrivals. Then, she locks up behind her and bids you a polite farewell.
At the Laughing Dwarf...
What you see when you arrive is truly gorgeous. The Laughing Dwarf Dance Hall features a massive stage, a polished stone dance floor glowing with faerie fire, ornate clay busts mounted on sleek columns, an ancient looking brick oven and a peppering of tables and chairs of oiled wood set around the perimeter of the structure. The singular building is even larger than the headquarters building and far more ornate. Clearly this is the crown jewel of the new Santekh.
Tragically, the establishment is nearly empty. The bar seems mostly unstocked and there isn't even a band tonight. But a few local residents, most of them healers who spent all afternoon caring for refugees, are wearily hunched over their tables, nursing their frosted beverages. Glynnis pops her head out from behind the bar when she hears you asking for her. She's an older dwarf, with frazzled, dry, red hair that she's tried her best to tame into braids. Her face is creased from decades of smiles and laughter, which makes the exhausted expression on her face seem unnatural.
"Supplies? Ah, ye might be The Golden Comp'ny then? Well met." She smiles and nods a slight bow while polishing a brass mug. "I can lend ye two carts and two mules to pull 'em. They got special harnesses which boost their strength, so that should be enough. They're good stock. Stong, loyal, and smart, so take good care of 'em. I'll have 'em fed, watered, an' harnessed by dawn. In the meantime, rooms are that way," she jabs a stubby finger in the direction of some stairs going up to a dark hallway. "I'm afraid we're fresh out of food, but we've still got a barrel of me own brew here. It fills ye up like food, an' you'll sleep like the dead when the alcohol hits," she adds with a half-hearted smile.
"Let me get you yer keys to yer rooms. Verhanna says ye can have two rooms fer the six of ye." She ducks down and shuffles with some things behind the bar. And while she does, Arvos hears a heavy woosh behind him and sidesteps just in time to dodge the tip of a heavy scythe, which embeds itself deeply into the counter of the bar!
Glynnis jumps up in surprise. "What in the nine hells?!" She screams looking at her splintered bar counter with a mix of fury and fear. Behind Arvos stands an androgenous form cloaked, hooded, and masked. Their voice is raspy and visceral, like they're practically spitting out the words, "You do not belong here, interloper! Leave this land or die!"
Everyone at the Dance Hall, roll initiative, please.
At Witchdoctor Duncan's Apothecary...
"Well hello, er, traveler!" the good witchdoctor says with a reassuring smile. He seems uncertain how to properly greet an anthropomorphic rabbit, but he knows a customer with coin when he sees one. "AH-hahaha! That's a good one!" He slaps his knee in amusement at the clumsily delivered joke and then wraps his dusty arm around your shoulder to guide you through the apothecary.
"Bloodwell vials, eh? I can see yer a truly discernin' customer. Well, it just so happens that I have one right here. What an excellent accessory for any sorcerer. Just one drop of yer blood is all ya need to attune it, and you'll find that ya can cast longer, and with greater vigor than ya ever have before! Of course, you know such a valuable asset is rather difficult to come by. I couldn't possibly let such a powerful and exotic item go for less than.." he looks you up and down as if to appraise you, "Six? Hundred gold pieces?"
'Oh so this is the same dwarf who has pat me down.' Ne'haredowell thinks as he gets shoulder wrapped around by said dwarf. He cracks a smile at Doctor Duncan's enthusiasm but does not know if he should laugh back or grimace at his own misgivings. "Haha! Yes..." He chuckles a stilted laugh that comes out just as dry and clumsy as the original joke.
"Yes, the vials came highly recommended." He nods. He feels a slight shiver down his spine. The dusty dwarf sure is a bit... touchy. He lets his mouse wander around the apothecary to see if there was anything else of use. "Six... hundred?"The harengon is taken aback. "That is a lot more than I had expected. Currently all I have is about 100 gold."
He sighs, "I suppose I can come back for some more once the mission is done. Is there any which way I could bargain with you?"
((Persuasion: 6 + 2 = 8))
((Insight: 1 + 2 = 3))
Nare narrows his eyes. As always, it seems he can't get a good read on this guy.
"Perhaps a candle?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Duncan waves his hands defensively, "Oh, nononono, there's no need to take yer money to the candle shop. I'm sure we can find something perfect for ya right here, and well within your budget!" He strokes his sandy beard pensively and crumbs of clay sprinkle down to the ground. "Ya possess great arcane power, I can tell that. But yer no wizard. A sorcerer maybe? Warlock? Bard? Either way, I think I have just the thing."
He guides you over to the mushroom garden. The mushrooms look a bit dehydrated, but they seem to be alive. The mushroom he takes you to reeks of beer.
"Yes, this will do nicely. The Pleurotus Androgenomyces."
He points to a dark blue mushroom that grows in clusters of three. His expression is similar to that of a proud papa as he begins to talk about it's unique properties. "You see, this particular little friend isn't too dificult to grow, and feeds mostly on fermented grains. It can be rather useful to casters who rely on their raw power and force of personality rather than those stodgy bookworm types," he adds the last comment with a conspiratory nudge as if you two were sharing an inside joke about wizards.
"But... it comes with some risk, you see. And I'd be a poor friend indeed if I didn't warn you of it. You see, apart from significantly boosting your natural charisma for a few hours it also has a... usually temporary... effect on your body."
Reading the instructions, you have a better idea of what he means...
A small, dark blue mushroom that grows in clusters of three. It particularly prefers soil that has been soaked in fermented beverages like beer, ale, mead etc... Commonly seen outside of pubs in warmer climates. When consumed fresh it transforms the imbiber into the opposite gender for 1d4 hours and increases Charisma by 1d6 for the entire duration of effect.
"I could let you have a jar of these which grants you three uses, for 20 gold pieces. As an introductory price, of course."
Back at Dana's shop...
Dana's eyes pop open comically wide as Nare provides her enough to buy 200 candles. Still bewildered by the whole ordeal, she remains motionless and silent until Nare begins to hop away, wherein she finally stutter a faint, "Th-thank you! Please come again."
Back at the refugee camp...
When you cool off the water, the medical crew thank you with a deferential bow. "It sure is nice to have some adventurers here," you hear one of them say with a happy chuckle.
At the entrance to HQ with Verhanna...
Verhanna's eyes flash with shock when you bound up to her. But aside from that, she gives no further indication of her feelings about your arrival and sudden interest in what's in her mouth. "If you must know, it's konjac root. Imported from Taladas, Everyone is on third rations until a replacement supply caravan can arrive, and konjac root suppresses appetite."
Quote from Weathervision >>
Verhanna warms up at the sight of the Hachakee tribesman. "Welcome back, Darian. It is always a relief to see a member of the Hachakee return to us safely." She takes a moment to consider the group before her, then let's out a strained sigh through her nostrils. "Actually, I do have work for you all. And it's rather urgent, so I suppose we should all come inside."
She shuffles some of her paperwork from one hand to another as she fumbles with the keys and eventually unlocks the door. When you come inside, you see a hall...modest for a governing building, but opulent compared to the current living conditions in Santekh. "As adventurers seeking bounties, my hours are sunrise to late afternoon. You are welcome to turn in or collect bounties with me at my office... during regular working hours," she adds pointedly. "The other offices in this building are off limits unless granted special authority to be there by myself, Bucheron the Archivist, or Rhyana (our Assayer)."
Her stride is long and determined, and each step echoes off the walls with the clacking of her heels, each clack sounding like the pounding of a judge's gavel. By the time she finishes her sentence, you've made it to her office. She opens the door, and waits for you all to enter. The room is clean and organized in spite of it being stuffed from floor to wall with papers. She goes to her safe, mutters a barely audible word that sounds like it was in elvish, and the safe door opens. She counts out your coins and parses each of them into bags with 100 gold each. "A member of your party seems to be missing. Did he survive the mission?"
Back at Witchdoctor Duncan's Apothecary...
Duncan ponders the question for a brief moment, as if for only dramatic effect. Then he snaps his fingers and brightens up. "Keoghtom's Ointment! Yes I do have a few!" He bounds over to a locked cabinet and pulls out 3 of them. "I'm afraid these are all we have right now. Waitin' on a shipment to come in with more. I can't let these go for less than... 200 a piece."
With your passive insight, you know that he's charging you nearly twice what they're worth. But he might just be gouging to haggle.
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground
Albert just browses all the interesting things and almost falls to his ass when hearing the price: "Oh my [cough, cough], oh. Son, do you think I was born yesterday? I could offer you 100 gold pieces when I get them from my employer and could provide you with some pure water."
Persuasion 7 + 1 from guidance = 8. (14+1=15 if I gain advantage from offering water)
Continues: "Regardless, I will definitely send some of my companions to your place. It seems that some of your magical items are something they'd quite enjoy! I will now go collect my pay and then I will return! May the Blue lady shine her light upon you."
After that Albert goes to collect his payment from Verhanna.
Ne'haredowell had heard Dana's 'thank you' on his way out. He was already pretty far by them, but his big ears caught even the faintest words and he had heard her. For a moment, he stopped and hesitated, unsure of if to respond back. He did not realize that the money meant so much to her. It was of no big deal. He figured if he was going to get paid anyways then he could spare some few extra coins. 'Money you can replace, but time you can not.' He had thought to himself. As to where this saying came from, he could not quite place. But he continued on his stride forward without a reply.
His mouth curved into a small grin when he heard the 'adventurer' bit, but because the mask obscured his face, it was hard to see it. Standing there unblinkingly when the medical crew bowed to him, he had looked down, attempted to bow, and murmured "It is of no problem" before bounding away.
"Oh? Well it does smell good," He stares at her snack instead of at her eyes. "I have never heard of it. Sorry to hear that your shipment hasn't come in yet. Do you know if there any places to forage for food around here? We will bring some back for the refugees and for you if you would like-" His ears swivel around to indicate the notice of the arrival Arvos and Darian and... someone who said 'knife-ears'? He turns his head around to stare only to find out that it was in fact not directed to him, and so he turns his head (a bit mechanically) back.
He looks up to also finally notice Bran and his retainers were already there. Nare had been so focused on the revelation of the snack that he did not realize. Maybe it was this mask? He decides that he should take off the skull helmet once more. Licking his fuzzy paws (while holding his mask clutched by his arm and his side, and the little mouse moves down to his shoulders), he starts to rub and groom his face fur to remove any debris that might have been there. 'Much better,' he thinks to himself. His eyes share no hint of white in them as they are all consumed by the blacks of his pupil. He replaces the mask back on. He nods along with his fellow refugee-handlers.
He looks a bit solemnly at Darian, knowing what it is like to not understand a language, especially when he first fell to this plane. At Argish's word, his nods become more frequent.
"Yes, it is not of the refugees' fault that they are slow. They have been through a lot. We had a bit of trouble on the road." His eyes follows the movements of Verhanna unlocking the door. 'Urgent? Is anyone missing?'
Walking alongside his fellow adventurers, Ne'haredowell flattens his ears against his skull. The clickings and clackings of her heels reverberates throughout his mind. It feels like a judge's sentence to an eternal headache. "Thank you," He feebly mumbles as he takes his coin. Then when she says it, she confirms it.
"I am not sure if he is still with us..." He looks around to see if anyone else would speak, but babbles on. "He may still be down with the others, though it was hard to keep track. It is quite possible he is still on the way. I think we were all focused on the refugees first, not of our own kind." Looking away, he hopes someone else would have a better answer than he did.
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
"Not missing as I did see them as we walked into Sankteh. They are around somewhere here, and I doubt they would leave before getting their payment. Thank you for the gold coins and now what is this urgent job you have?" says Arvos
He appreciated being out of the sun and somewhere that was clean and not smelling of sweat or other worse smells.
Duncan tilts his head. His face is pensive as he considers the allure of water in a desert. "I have a forty gallon barrel that's nearly empty. Fill it, at least halfway and we have ourselves a deal." He waves goodbye as you head off to collect your bounty.
Everyone at HQ with Verhanna...
Verhanna relaxes a bit when Albert arrives at her office door, then dips back down to her safe to procure another bag and fill it will coins. She pulls the pouches away from the grabbing hands and flashes a positively matronly look at the group. "You will sign for your wages, first," she huffs. She pulls out some parchments inked with terms and conditions for payment regarding escorting the refugees. Next to "Bounty Assigned to:" you can read in special purple ink, "The Golden Company" with room for all your signatures.
"Sign here to complete the contract and receive your pay," she indicates with her left hand where each of you are to sign. On her hand, you notice a beautiful ring that seems to shift colors between indigo and violet. It possesses an otherworldly aesthetic to it, as if it came from another plane of existence. To have such an item would require one to have inherited it, had an immense amount of wealth, or perhaps be a mid-to-high-level adventurer that can procure such treasures. Either way, after you sign, you feel a strange tingling sensation similar to the one you felt when the bounty was first given to you. It's fairly common, especially with high-priority contracts like these, to come with some minor enchantment to deter adventurers from reneging on the deal or betraying the client.
After the business is dealt with, she hands each of you your coin pouches, and hesitates at Agish. "I will honor your request. However, you should know that I am not your bookkeeper. I have a whole settlement to run, and and that keeps me quite busy enough." Instead she writes out a note and impresses her seal on it with wax. "Bring this to Witchdoctor Duncan. He runs an apothecary, not a general store. But he has most of what you need, and knows how to get you the rest. With my seal, you can trust him to treat you fairly and honor your terms to donate the rest."
With that, she locks away Agish's coin purse and sits down with a heavy sigh. Although her face has been mostly unreadable throughout this entire exchange, at this moment, she just seems tired and genuinely worried.
"A shipment was supposed to proceed you. It contained more than enough supplies to tend the wounded and sick, replenish vendor booths, and even start our agricultural project that the Hachakee have been working so hard on. But with this drought, and the lack of seeds, all they can do is farm moisture and fertilize the soil with dung. Without the farm, we can't tend the livestock, who are dying of famine. Between the cured meats, and moisture farming, I think we have enough supplies to last us a week or two. Ororana and Tekel have both put aside their usual missions to find out what happened to the caravan. The evidence they uncovered suggests that they were raided by kobolds. The merchants and guards were slaughtered, and the crates were taken into the mountain. So your mission is to recover those crates. There were 12 in all. I don't dare hope that all 12 are intact, but I will pay you 10 GP per crate that is returned to use."
She opens a lid to a woven box, set on it's side so the lid opens like a mailbox. Inside, the container appears as dark as if it held a sphere of darkness within it. She reaches into the inky blackness and pulls out a scroll. Verhanna then unrolls the scroll to reveal details of the mission and expectations. "Another caravan is arriving within a week, but they are moving fast and only carrying emergency provisions. We need the supplies those kobolds stole from us. You have until the emergency caravan arrives to complete your bounty. The terms clearly state that you are expected to return any found, in tact, crates directly to Rhyana, our Assayer, or directly to the Hachakee agriculturalists outside our walls. Once granted a note of completion, you may come to me for your bounty." She leans in for emphasis. "The terms also clearly state that you are not to pilfer any of the supplies found within the in-tact crates. Or return any of the supplies found within to any other entity aside from the ones listed here in this contract."
She stands back up and crosses her arms authoritatively. "This mission is of utmost importance, so you'll forgive me if I have to take some extra precaution. I'll be signing this with the Geas Ink to bind you to honor the terms of the contract. So make certain you are satisfied with the terms of the deal before I add your company's name to it."
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground
Darian listens intently, absorbing the details. When Verhanna finishes, he nods slowly and speaks in his broken Common, with a mix of Khur to emphasize his commitment.
Nature check for information on kobold activity: 10+2+2= 14 (with favoured terrain)
“We… pledge to find supplies. Important… for all. Kobolds… troubling lately. Seen signs… tracks. Dangerous, but we handle.”
He places his hand over his heart, a gesture of sincerity. “Mission… of utmost importance. We honor terms. No pilfering. Supplies… go to those in need.”
Switching briefly to Khur, he adds, “We will find the crates. This is a promise.”
Darian then stands ready, waiting for Verhanna to present the contract for signing, his determination clear in his eyes.
Bran had been sitting in the corner observing all that had taken place listening very carefully to Lady Verhanna. Watching the reactions of those gathered in the room.
“This could work”, he says quietly noting Verhanna tilts her head ever so slightly towards him. Both being of elven noble birth there’s an implied understanding between them.
Bran walks towards where the deed of contract lays and places his mark upon the parchment. Once signed he turns back to the group nods and returns to his seat to await what is to come. Somewhat curious about these pouches Verhanna has so very very carefully put together …..
Arvos pays close attention to the details of the job and says "The terms are agreeable. I suppose we should examine what is left of the ransacked caravan and try to track down where they took the crates."
Albert is quite winded when he arrives: "Oh, my sorry for being tardy. Natural curiosity took the best of me. Will have some things to tell for you all later!"
After listening to the terms: "Well if those things you emphasized are not self-implied, we've really reached a new low for this region. Everything is agreeable my lady. I will make sure The Blue Lady blesses this expedition. And this land as well as fertility seems to be an issue"
After that Albert signs the contract and about the receiving of bounty.
Ne'haredowell nods at the terms of the job, eyeing Darian's pledge to heart and agreeing. Though, he looks up to Verhanna with curiosity. "I do not believe kobolds attack when nothing is wrong. Is there anything that could have provoked this? ... Are they hungry too?" He looks around to see if anyone else shares the same sentiment. Being from the streets himself, he knew the struggle to eat but there was also times where he had to draw the line. All guards slaughtered, but was no casualties on the kobold side? Something doesn't add up.
"I agree with Arvos. Let us scope it out." He signs the forms with a scribbly name. He never learned much in terms of handwriting. "Is there anything you can do to enlighten us on this predicament? Has there been any disputes lately with the kobolds?" After signing, he hangs back.
He stands next to Albert, "Was there anything of use at the doctor's? We may need to stock up before this mission."
((History check on what past disputes have there been with kobolds lately = 7 ))
((Nature check on kobold activity same as Bran and also on the environment and how to grow crops = 19 ))
((Arcana check on her ring but a total fail at = 1 ))
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Albert answers Ne'haredowell: "Oh its a marvelous place. Poisons, magic mushrooms, narcotics. And some magic items. You might be interested in bloodwell vial. That one does not interest me that much. I am eyeing some jars of Koegothorns ointment there. Oh and some highly corrosive dust
Ne'haredowell's eyes go wide open. "Bloodwell? Interesting... I have never heard of such a thing. Th-thank you." Then he mumbles to himself, "Corrosive dust? Oh wouldn't that be itchy."
((I've never heard of the bloodwell vial thank you!!!))
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
Verhanna bows slightly. "Santekh gratefully welcomes the blessings of the Blue Lady. And you should know, we have a polytheist temple not far from the cemetery where you are welcome to place a shrine for worship."
Verhanna shrugs. "Who knows with those dragon-loving devils. But your explanation is as good as any. The drought is probably affecting every living thing in this region. It doesn't give them the right to slaughter merchants bringing goods that they didn't trade for."
She nods at each of you in acknowledgement of your agreement to the terms, then she signs the contract "The Golden Company" in that purple ink. Once the contract is assigned to you, you feel that same tingling sensation come over you. (You many attempt to secretly resist the enchantment with a WIS saving throw.)
"You'll need carts to load the crates onto, and some draft mules or camels to haul them. Go to The Laughing Dwarf Dance Hall and see Glynnis. She runs the establishment, and she's waiting for supplies from the crates to open her general store. She'll have the supplies you'll need, which will be covered as necessary provisions under the terms of your contract. She should also be able to provide you a driver to manage your mules and carts for you."
She thinks for a moment while she puts away the signed contract. "You'll likely need a place to sleep for the night, unless you plan on heading out immediately. The Laughing Dwarf also serves as an Inn, though it doesn't have very many rooms. If you're prepared to bunk together, she can bill the treasury to cover your housing expenses. For one night," she adds the last sentence in a rush, as if she's had experience with people taking too many liberties with the term "necessary expenses."
"Now, if there's nothing else, it sounds to me as if some of you would like to visit the apothecary for supplies, and I would prefer to go home for the evening. I think we'll do each other a service by considering this business concluded."
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground
WIS save 13.
Darian shares his knowledge about the kobold clan. “Kobolds… prefer deep mines in Khalkist Mountains. Rarely… threat to travelers. But drought, famine… push them. Clan… Letni Inhelk. Live close to surface. Trade with dwarves, Hachakee. Respect traditions, queen… good trade partners. Maybe… merchants too close without tribute.”
He nods, his mind racing with plans. “I… remember entrance to territory. Sneak in… possible. Map… better. Bucheron, Archivist… has maps, lore. Visit archives… in morning. Prepare well.”
Arvos will show himself out of headquarters and walks to the Laughing Dward Dance Hall to talk to Glynnis. Once in there he will inquire about where to find to Glynnis and then bring her up to speed about their impending search party. "We were sent by Verhanna for the recovery job and were told you have supplies for us, and we are in need of a place to stay tonight"
'Dragon-loving devils?!' Ne'haredowell right there finally blinked after a week of not doing so. "I suppose." He whispers, taking up the pen. Eyeing the contract, he attempted to resist the enchantment. Something about this just didn't feel right.
((Wisdom Save 9 + 2 = 11))
Positioning himself between the ranger, Darian, and the druid, Arvos, he listens to Darian speak. He nods, "That is true. However-" He hesitates, "I lived with gnomes and Mountain Kobolds are more of a problem for dwarves and them. But from what I know kobolds tend to be a 'if you stay out of my way, I'll stay out of yours' type of people. Though, I believe this quite possibly could be the work of Desert Kobolds."
"Desert Kobolds often occupy abandoned fortresses and fill it out with traps and other types of fortifications. If the residents here in Santekh displaced whatever clan that had been settling here, then it's very much possible that that clan that had lived here before the rebellion is going back at rebuilding. They might be working on a new fortification and went to raid for supplies."
"And I understand the reservations of kobolds due to their siding with the Chromatic Dragons during the Chaos War, but, if anything, we should speak to them first.... They are likely to be nearby if they are rebuilding."
"We should check out if there are any tunnels. They might be using escape routes to sneak up on the caravans. If they had been here first, then they likely know all the routes." He says all of this without a breath in between this speech. A long-winded ramble. "I will go with you to check the maps. Yes."
He then proceeds out of the government building and towards the apothecary. Approaching Witchdoctor Duncan's shop, he knocks. "Hello. What is up... doctor?" He looks up at the ceiling, "It is not 'gullible' that is for sure." He had fallen for that joke too many times before. This time he had failed to execute it.
He looks around. "Do you have any Bloodwell vials? I may need it."
had to put a 'what's up doc?' bugs bunny reference in there somehow
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
After Verhanna ushers you out, she sends a message ahead of you to Glynnis and Bucheran to expect your arrivals. Then, she locks up behind her and bids you a polite farewell.
At the Laughing Dwarf...
What you see when you arrive is truly gorgeous. The Laughing Dwarf Dance Hall features a massive stage, a polished stone dance floor glowing with faerie fire, ornate clay busts mounted on sleek columns, an ancient looking brick oven and a peppering of tables and chairs of oiled wood set around the perimeter of the structure. The singular building is even larger than the headquarters building and far more ornate. Clearly this is the crown jewel of the new Santekh.
Tragically, the establishment is nearly empty. The bar seems mostly unstocked and there isn't even a band tonight. But a few local residents, most of them healers who spent all afternoon caring for refugees, are wearily hunched over their tables, nursing their frosted beverages. Glynnis pops her head out from behind the bar when she hears you asking for her. She's an older dwarf, with frazzled, dry, red hair that she's tried her best to tame into braids. Her face is creased from decades of smiles and laughter, which makes the exhausted expression on her face seem unnatural.
"Let me get you yer keys to yer rooms. Verhanna says ye can have two rooms fer the six of ye." She ducks down and shuffles with some things behind the bar. And while she does, Arvos hears a heavy woosh behind him and sidesteps just in time to dodge the tip of a heavy scythe, which embeds itself deeply into the counter of the bar!
Glynnis jumps up in surprise. "What in the nine hells?!" She screams looking at her splintered bar counter with a mix of fury and fear. Behind Arvos stands an androgenous form cloaked, hooded, and masked. Their voice is raspy and visceral, like they're practically spitting out the words, "You do not belong here, interloper! Leave this land or die!"
Everyone at the Dance Hall, roll initiative, please.
At Witchdoctor Duncan's Apothecary...
"Bloodwell vials, eh? I can see yer a truly discernin' customer. Well, it just so happens that I have one right here. What an excellent accessory for any sorcerer. Just one drop of yer blood is all ya need to attune it, and you'll find that ya can cast longer, and with greater vigor than ya ever have before! Of course, you know such a valuable asset is rather difficult to come by. I couldn't possibly let such a powerful and exotic item go for less than.." he looks you up and down as if to appraise you, "Six? Hundred gold pieces?"
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground
'Oh so this is the same dwarf who has pat me down.' Ne'haredowell thinks as he gets shoulder wrapped around by said dwarf. He cracks a smile at Doctor Duncan's enthusiasm but does not know if he should laugh back or grimace at his own misgivings. "Haha! Yes..." He chuckles a stilted laugh that comes out just as dry and clumsy as the original joke.
"Yes, the vials came highly recommended." He nods. He feels a slight shiver down his spine. The dusty dwarf sure is a bit... touchy. He lets his mouse wander around the apothecary to see if there was anything else of use. "Six... hundred?" The harengon is taken aback. "That is a lot more than I had expected. Currently all I have is about 100 gold."
He sighs, "I suppose I can come back for some more once the mission is done. Is there any which way I could bargain with you?"
((Persuasion: 6 + 2 = 8))
((Insight: 1 + 2 = 3))
Nare narrows his eyes. As always, it seems he can't get a good read on this guy.
"Perhaps a candle?"
<---- me irl slow reader, even slower writer easily jumpy thanks for being patient
DM: Drakkenheim Mind and Matter + Blood Secrets + What's in the Here and Now; Twimee'zah Roleplay
Player: Night Ravens; Dragonlance; 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist; LARP in Sharn; Last Chapters
At Witchdoctor Duncan's Apothecary...
Duncan waves his hands defensively, "Oh, nononono, there's no need to take yer money to the candle shop. I'm sure we can find something perfect for ya right here, and well within your budget!" He strokes his sandy beard pensively and crumbs of clay sprinkle down to the ground. "Ya possess great arcane power, I can tell that. But yer no wizard. A sorcerer maybe? Warlock? Bard? Either way, I think I have just the thing."
He guides you over to the mushroom garden. The mushrooms look a bit dehydrated, but they seem to be alive. The mushroom he takes you to reeks of beer.
He points to a dark blue mushroom that grows in clusters of three. His expression is similar to that of a proud papa as he begins to talk about it's unique properties. "You see, this particular little friend isn't too dificult to grow, and feeds mostly on fermented grains. It can be rather useful to casters who rely on their raw power and force of personality rather than those stodgy bookworm types," he adds the last comment with a conspiratory nudge as if you two were sharing an inside joke about wizards.
"But... it comes with some risk, you see. And I'd be a poor friend indeed if I didn't warn you of it. You see, apart from significantly boosting your natural charisma for a few hours it also has a... usually temporary... effect on your body."
Reading the instructions, you have a better idea of what he means...
"I could let you have a jar of these which grants you three uses, for 20 gold pieces. As an introductory price, of course."
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground