Sera enjoyed her work at the Dancing Dwarf tavern, bringing warmth and charm to the patrons. Her natural care for others shone through as she served drinks, shared laughs, and occasionally used her divine powers to ease someone’s pain or heal minor injuries. Though she never preached about her faith, the triangular symbol of Paladine resting just above her cleavage was always visible—a quiet yet constant reminder of her beliefs.
As for Hastos, after their one-night stand, she quickly decided to get her own room. Despite him being an elf, likely a hundred years old or more, she felt he was burdened with far too much trauma and "baggage" for anything more. She still gave him friendly winks when they crossed paths, but she knew there was no future there.
Instead, her attention had shifted to someone new—a sweet, charming, and surprisingly pretty kender named Amber. With her long silvery hair, a rarity for a kender, and her playful, "borrowing" ways, Amber had quickly caught Sera’s eye. There was something about Amber’s whimsical nature and carefree spirit that Sera found utterly enchanting. She made no effort to hide her interest, often ensuring Amber received extra attention and service, her admiration for the kender both clear and unapologetic.
Arvos blinks away the sleep in his eyes and quickly gets dressed in his gear to then rush downstairs only to see the chaos being cleaned up. He eases back into routine as the days pass. Once he finds the others he suggests "Perhaps we should restore the holy grounds and cemetery here before we leave"
Hastos time serving as muscle for hire at the Dancing Dwarf was, in actuality, the most relaxing time he’s had in years. By in large, people behaved themselves even after drinking copious quantities of alcohol. The occasional rowdy person would cooperate fairly quickly once called out, and he never needed to strong arm anyone out the door. He also lended a hand with the occasional task where heavy lifting was needed.
He sometimes gets side-eyed as people recognize the colors he wears or the heavily scarred emblem on his breastplate. But having Glynnis’ approval goes a long way to making people think twice about having a go at you.
Sera seemed to cool on the prospect of a relationship, and the two moved to separate rooms. She clearly took interest in a Kender woman he’s noticed frequenting the tavern. Sera still throws him a wink or a flash of her eyes, but Hastos knew this is a kindness, not real flirting. She seems happy and that is enough for him. Hastos knew he was not destined to find love for any length of time, and he would have hated to have had their relationship end in hard feelings. Seeing her happy will make the hard decisions later, easier.
Sera had just finished serving a round of ale as a barmaid when Arvos, the druid, suggested repairing the village's temples and graveyard. Her first response was to give him a blank, almost dumbfounded look. The village could barely manage to survive as it was, and temples? Temples had never been of much use to her while growing up on the streets.
Still, she bit her tongue and forced herself to respond. "Restore the temples and graveyards… sure. But how about we find that legendary dragon hoard Buckeran mentioned instead? That could fund the repairs and put food on the table, right?" Her words carried a slight edge of irritation, though she tried to keep her tone measured.
As she spoke, her eyes flicked over to Hastos, the elf she'd spent a night with not too long ago. He was standing guard by the entrance, his firm backside catching her attention for just a moment. It was a shame, really. She’d enjoyed their hot sex, but he hadn’t put up much of a fight when she’d decided to get her own room after their night together. If anything, he’d looked relieved.
Shaking the thought away, she returned her attention to Arvos. "But hey, I'll go with the majority," she added with a shrug, her tone nonchalant. "What do the rest of the golden company think?"
Hastos turns his head back to the group as Sera asks what the Golden Army thinks is their next move. He addresses the group. “I think I’d like to come along - that is, if you don’t mind having me.”
As you're discussing your options, Amber bounds in through the door, bringing her usual cheery energy. Her eyes light up as she waves at Sera! "Pleasing morning to you, sweetie!" she calls out in her bright and airy voice. She slips into the group and hops up onto a stool. Then, in one gentle gesture, she plants a little kiss on Sera's cheek while wrapping her deceptively strong arms around Sera's. Resting her head on Sera's shoulder she makes a mock pouty face. "You stays in your own room last night, and I miss you." Her Kenderspeak accent is very thick, showing that she's still learning to speak Common. But her kind and playful personality shines through in her tone and body language. In a village full of cynics, mourners, avengers, and frightened or exhausted refugees, she's been a unique reminder of what everyone is fighting to get back to.
Hastos turns his head back to the group as Sera asks what the Golden Army thinks is their next move. He addresses the group. “I think I’d like to come along - that is, if you don’t mind having me.”
Amber lifts her head off Sera's shoulder to gaze at Hastos. "Where going? Is lazy time over already? You go to... what is word... danger experience? The danger experience?" Her brow furrows. She's unhappy with the translation, and utters a word in kenderspeak while gesturing towards Hastos, as if handing the word to him... hoping that would help the group understand what she's trying to say. "The danger? Experience?"
Hastos takes a moment as Amber searches for the word. He sees her look to him. “Adventure?” He says, smiling slightly, not entirely sure the word is the one she’s looking for much less have any meaning to her.
Arvos gives Sera a look of disbelief "Oh and are dragons hoards easy to gather unharmed? Best not to count your chickens before they hatch. At least with a cemetery those that died would be moved away from the refugees. Dead bodies left to rot under the sun does not sound like a sanitary situation."
Sera let out a long sigh before leaning over to plant a quick kiss on Amber’s cheek. She then stepped forward, meeting Arvos’s gaze with a mixture of frustration and determination. “The dead are dead, to the sorrow of many, but I think you’re exaggerating when you say people are just leaving them out in the open to rot. I haven’t seen corpses lying around, have you?” She studied him for a moment, wondering if she’d somehow missed something, but his argument still struck her as odd.
Taking a breath, she continued, her tone firm but not unkind. “I’m saying we need to focus on the living, Arvos. First, we end the cursed blight on this land. Second, we bring back wealth so these people can survive—and not end up joining the dead in the first place.”
She threw up her hands in mock resignation. “But sure, let’s all take a break from saving lives to dig some graves. Or better yet, we could cremate them instead, seeing as we’ve all witnessed how corpses are defiled around here.” Her voice dropped slightly, a sharp edge creeping in. “I’m sure we don’t need another reminder of how body fat from the fallen gets turned into candles.”
Her eyes locked on Arvos, letting her words linger in the air before adding, “Fine. Let’s go bury the dead. Does that satisfy you?”
Hastos quietly clears his throat at the mention of candles.
”If I may.” He starts in a low, almost melodic tone, “There’s a lot I don’t understand about what’s going on, but unless there’s something preventing it, I would recommend letting the people here manage the dead as is their way. I’m not above burying the dead, but perhaps our skills are best used elsewhere? Or perhaps if I understood the urgency of burying the dead, beyond the purification of course, I would feel otherwise.”
Hastos shrugs as he finishes. “Whatever we decide to do, I will support.”
Hastos takes a moment as Amber searches for the word. He sees her look to him. “Adventure?” He says, smiling slightly, not entirely sure the word is the one she’s looking for much less have any meaning to her.
Amber snaps her fingers and smiles at the word "adventure" then gives Hastos a thumbs up. When Sera stands up and slips loose of Ambers arms, she gets quiet and watches her girlfriend argue with the typically-quiet druid. Arvos is generally beloved around town, and respected as a local hero, even amongst the Hachakee. He is practically a local celebrity. Seeing Sera stand up to him was some of the best theater she's seen since the party two weeks ago. She reached out to the bar with a groping hand, but she couldn't peel her gaze away from the scene, so her hand just sort of patted the bar until Glynnis issued a long, loud sigh and placed a bowl of trail mix and a cup of juice in her hands. "This will be good..." she mutters as she pops some dried fruit and nuts into her mouth and chews slowly.
Avros snapped back, insisting that in this forsaken place, money was useless—no one nearby was producing crops to sell anyway. Then, without another word, he rushed off to tend to the graves.
Sera watched him go, unimpressed. This was the leader of the Golden Company? If so, she was better off on her own.
With a sigh, she wandered over to Amber, casually swiping a handful of the little kender’s nuts. Amber, ever the mischievous one, had clearly been expecting a dramatic argument between her and Avros. Sera would have appreciated her support, but the kender had stayed silent, watching instead. She said nothing about it, but her face didn’t return Amber’s playful energy.
Turning to Glynnis, Sera spoke evenly. “I’m going to talk to Buckeran… and…” She hesitated for a beat, then added, “Thank you.”
Without waiting for a reply, she went to grab her gear and stepped out of the tavern.
The sun hung heavy in the sky, baking the land beneath it. The settlement stretched before her, dry and struggling, its people worn thin by the brutal heat and the endless fight for survival. What little remained of crops had withered, and water was a precious resource, hoarded carefully. Every step kicked up dust, the air thick with the scent of sunbaked earth and desperation.
None of that mattered to her now. If no one else wanted to act, she would. She strode toward Buckeran with purpose, ready to seek the dragon hoard—alone, if need be.
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Sera enjoyed her work at the Dancing Dwarf tavern, bringing warmth and charm to the patrons. Her natural care for others shone through as she served drinks, shared laughs, and occasionally used her divine powers to ease someone’s pain or heal minor injuries. Though she never preached about her faith, the triangular symbol of Paladine resting just above her cleavage was always visible—a quiet yet constant reminder of her beliefs.
As for Hastos, after their one-night stand, she quickly decided to get her own room. Despite him being an elf, likely a hundred years old or more, she felt he was burdened with far too much trauma and "baggage" for anything more. She still gave him friendly winks when they crossed paths, but she knew there was no future there.
Instead, her attention had shifted to someone new—a sweet, charming, and surprisingly pretty kender named Amber. With her long silvery hair, a rarity for a kender, and her playful, "borrowing" ways, Amber had quickly caught Sera’s eye. There was something about Amber’s whimsical nature and carefree spirit that Sera found utterly enchanting. She made no effort to hide her interest, often ensuring Amber received extra attention and service, her admiration for the kender both clear and unapologetic.
Arvos blinks away the sleep in his eyes and quickly gets dressed in his gear to then rush downstairs only to see the chaos being cleaned up. He eases back into routine as the days pass. Once he finds the others he suggests "Perhaps we should restore the holy grounds and cemetery here before we leave"
Hastos time serving as muscle for hire at the Dancing Dwarf was, in actuality, the most relaxing time he’s had in years. By in large, people behaved themselves even after drinking copious quantities of alcohol. The occasional rowdy person would cooperate fairly quickly once called out, and he never needed to strong arm anyone out the door. He also lended a hand with the occasional task where heavy lifting was needed.
He sometimes gets side-eyed as people recognize the colors he wears or the heavily scarred emblem on his breastplate. But having Glynnis’ approval goes a long way to making people think twice about having a go at you.
Sera seemed to cool on the prospect of a relationship, and the two moved to separate rooms. She clearly took interest in a Kender woman he’s noticed frequenting the tavern. Sera still throws him a wink or a flash of her eyes, but Hastos knew this is a kindness, not real flirting. She seems happy and that is enough for him. Hastos knew he was not destined to find love for any length of time, and he would have hated to have had their relationship end in hard feelings. Seeing her happy will make the hard decisions later, easier.
Character: Hastos, Ibahalii Vriwhulth, the Reaper of Glory v2: IC Thread
Sera had just finished serving a round of ale as a barmaid when Arvos, the druid, suggested repairing the village's temples and graveyard. Her first response was to give him a blank, almost dumbfounded look. The village could barely manage to survive as it was, and temples? Temples had never been of much use to her while growing up on the streets.
Still, she bit her tongue and forced herself to respond. "Restore the temples and graveyards… sure. But how about we find that legendary dragon hoard Buckeran mentioned instead? That could fund the repairs and put food on the table, right?" Her words carried a slight edge of irritation, though she tried to keep her tone measured.
As she spoke, her eyes flicked over to Hastos, the elf she'd spent a night with not too long ago. He was standing guard by the entrance, his firm backside catching her attention for just a moment. It was a shame, really. She’d enjoyed their hot sex, but he hadn’t put up much of a fight when she’d decided to get her own room after their night together. If anything, he’d looked relieved.
Shaking the thought away, she returned her attention to Arvos. "But hey, I'll go with the majority," she added with a shrug, her tone nonchalant. "What do the rest of the golden company think?"
Hastos turns his head back to the group as Sera asks what the Golden Army thinks is their next move.
He addresses the group. “I think I’d like to come along - that is, if you don’t mind having me.”
Character: Hastos, Ibahalii Vriwhulth, the Reaper of Glory v2: IC Thread
As you're discussing your options, Amber bounds in through the door, bringing her usual cheery energy. Her eyes light up as she waves at Sera! "Pleasing morning to you, sweetie!" she calls out in her bright and airy voice. She slips into the group and hops up onto a stool. Then, in one gentle gesture, she plants a little kiss on Sera's cheek while wrapping her deceptively strong arms around Sera's. Resting her head on Sera's shoulder she makes a mock pouty face. "You stays in your own room last night, and I miss you." Her Kenderspeak accent is very thick, showing that she's still learning to speak Common. But her kind and playful personality shines through in her tone and body language. In a village full of cynics, mourners, avengers, and frightened or exhausted refugees, she's been a unique reminder of what everyone is fighting to get back to.
Amber lifts her head off Sera's shoulder to gaze at Hastos. "Where going? Is lazy time over already? You go to... what is word... danger experience? The danger experience?" Her brow furrows. She's unhappy with the translation, and utters a word in kenderspeak while gesturing towards Hastos, as if handing the word to him... hoping that would help the group understand what she's trying to say. "The danger? Experience?"
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground
Hastos takes a moment as Amber searches for the word. He sees her look to him. “Adventure?” He says, smiling slightly, not entirely sure the word is the one she’s looking for much less have any meaning to her.
Character: Hastos, Ibahalii Vriwhulth, the Reaper of Glory v2: IC Thread
Arvos gives Sera a look of disbelief "Oh and are dragons hoards easy to gather unharmed? Best not to count your chickens before they hatch. At least with a cemetery those that died would be moved away from the refugees. Dead bodies left to rot under the sun does not sound like a sanitary situation."
Sera let out a long sigh before leaning over to plant a quick kiss on Amber’s cheek. She then stepped forward, meeting Arvos’s gaze with a mixture of frustration and determination. “The dead are dead, to the sorrow of many, but I think you’re exaggerating when you say people are just leaving them out in the open to rot. I haven’t seen corpses lying around, have you?” She studied him for a moment, wondering if she’d somehow missed something, but his argument still struck her as odd.
Taking a breath, she continued, her tone firm but not unkind. “I’m saying we need to focus on the living, Arvos. First, we end the cursed blight on this land. Second, we bring back wealth so these people can survive—and not end up joining the dead in the first place.”
She threw up her hands in mock resignation. “But sure, let’s all take a break from saving lives to dig some graves. Or better yet, we could cremate them instead, seeing as we’ve all witnessed how corpses are defiled around here.” Her voice dropped slightly, a sharp edge creeping in. “I’m sure we don’t need another reminder of how body fat from the fallen gets turned into candles.”
Her eyes locked on Arvos, letting her words linger in the air before adding, “Fine. Let’s go bury the dead. Does that satisfy you?”
Hastos quietly clears his throat at the mention of candles.
”If I may.” He starts in a low, almost melodic tone, “There’s a lot I don’t understand about what’s going on, but unless there’s something preventing it, I would recommend letting the people here manage the dead as is their way. I’m not above burying the dead, but perhaps our skills are best used elsewhere? Or perhaps if I understood the urgency of burying the dead, beyond the purification of course, I would feel otherwise.”
Hastos shrugs as he finishes. “Whatever we decide to do, I will support.”
Character: Hastos, Ibahalii Vriwhulth, the Reaper of Glory v2: IC Thread
Amber snaps her fingers and smiles at the word "adventure" then gives Hastos a thumbs up. When Sera stands up and slips loose of Ambers arms, she gets quiet and watches her girlfriend argue with the typically-quiet druid. Arvos is generally beloved around town, and respected as a local hero, even amongst the Hachakee. He is practically a local celebrity. Seeing Sera stand up to him was some of the best theater she's seen since the party two weeks ago. She reached out to the bar with a groping hand, but she couldn't peel her gaze away from the scene, so her hand just sort of patted the bar until Glynnis issued a long, loud sigh and placed a bowl of trail mix and a cup of juice in her hands. "This will be good..." she mutters as she pops some dried fruit and nuts into her mouth and chews slowly.
My DM Registry
My Characters:
Archibald Thwipp, Human/Male/Blood Hunter/L3 posting in The Tavern, DnDBeyond
Sergeant Sylvia, Half Orc/Female/Barbarian/L3 posting in A Beginner's Guide, Myth Weavers
Carric Holimion, Wood Elf/Male/Ranger/L1 posting in Lost Mines of Phandelver, Giant in the Playground
Avros snapped back, insisting that in this forsaken place, money was useless—no one nearby was producing crops to sell anyway. Then, without another word, he rushed off to tend to the graves.
Sera watched him go, unimpressed. This was the leader of the Golden Company? If so, she was better off on her own.
With a sigh, she wandered over to Amber, casually swiping a handful of the little kender’s nuts. Amber, ever the mischievous one, had clearly been expecting a dramatic argument between her and Avros. Sera would have appreciated her support, but the kender had stayed silent, watching instead. She said nothing about it, but her face didn’t return Amber’s playful energy.
Turning to Glynnis, Sera spoke evenly. “I’m going to talk to Buckeran… and…” She hesitated for a beat, then added, “Thank you.”
Without waiting for a reply, she went to grab her gear and stepped out of the tavern.
The sun hung heavy in the sky, baking the land beneath it. The settlement stretched before her, dry and struggling, its people worn thin by the brutal heat and the endless fight for survival. What little remained of crops had withered, and water was a precious resource, hoarded carefully. Every step kicked up dust, the air thick with the scent of sunbaked earth and desperation.
None of that mattered to her now. If no one else wanted to act, she would. She strode toward Buckeran with purpose, ready to seek the dragon hoard—alone, if need be.