They, the avowed, peer silently at Erudisia’s raised arm. The priestess’ eyes then slide with a slightly superior air to the oldest priest, who puckers even more sourly than before, rises, and the priests and priestess now engage in a lively debate it seems, whispered as before. The words “standing,” “noble house,” “value,” and “childrens’ drawings” pop out from the huddle.
The oldest priest returns to his seat, takes a deep breath and begins, “I’m sorry, but…,” before he is interrupted once again by the priestess. “...But,” she cuts in, “we would indeed like to see the dance with the poetry.”
The oldest priest closes his eyes to cover them rolling upwards, then scrunches his face before regaining his equilibrium.
“You may begin.”
(OOC: And please roll two Performance checks. The first, with advantage for the written poem, which I imagine Erudisia took her time creating. The second roll, without advantage, will be the dance performance. However, since Erudisia had considerable time to practice, we will set 13 as the minimum total roll (including proficiency bonus etc.) she can make in her performance. Anything under 13 becomes 13, in other words. To roll with advantage in your character sheet, just roll twice and post both rolls, the result being the higher of the two.)
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DM for Candlekeep Mysteries //Dev Horndin Curious Critters
Meredith is physically stopping herself from clapping as she is deeply distracted by the dance....the dance.....definitely the dance....but raises an eyebrow towards Shad at Bells question.
She takes a deep breath, then another one. In. Out. She feels a little strange, her limbs a little long and her mouth noticeably dry. She has warmed up only the slightest amount, but she can do this. She has performed in both facets for harder pieces, for larger audiences. She can do this. She has little to be nervous about, her own composition is good, she has been taught well.
She can do this.
She is a good dancer, a good singer; all her friends have told her so.
With a nervous swallow, she begins.
[Written Performance: Have to take the 13. Advantage roll 2+5 (7), 3+5 (8). Sorry, I pressed and held for the advantage so it looks like it only shows one. Any future advantage, I'll be careful to actually just roll twice.
[Triple-threat Performance: 1+5 (6) or (1) depending on how you work nat 1s. Poor Erudisia.]
There is electricity in the air when Erudisia begins, when her first movements and her melodic declamation of the opening stanza command the silent attention of everyone in the tent. It is this moment that several of those present will remember with aching curiosity for days afterwards. For in the brief quiet that follows, everything changes. It begins when one of the priests is suddenly taken with a coughing jag. An unexpected rainshower whooshes loudly outside, battering the tent’s canvas walls. And then, as Erudisia tries to soldier on, the fifth priest returns, backing into the door while exchanging a quiet word with the clerk just outside, and who then turns, walking directly into the dancer’s outstretched hand, which knocks him off his feet in surprise. This is the unfortunate end to the unfortunate premiere of a masterwork.
An uncomfortable exchange of apologies, everyone on their feet, and ministrations to the bruised priest. When all have returned to their places, the oldest priest offers a sad smile to Erudisia that doesn’t reach his eyes before saying, “Ms. Odewright. This personal work does not possess standing and is not accepted. We hope you continue your studies and you are welcome to apply for entry once again at a later date. Deneir shines with the light of knowledge of the ages. Perfection!”
The other priests repeat, but completely out of unison, “Perfection…," as the oldest priest hands Erudisia's epic poem back to her.
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DM for Candlekeep Mysteries //Dev Horndin Curious Critters
When she was a child, Erudisia had sought to copy her sister Exploratia in everything. She had chased her up mountains and down crevasses, she had copied her in making bows from worthy fallen twigs and set ineffective snares amongst the tamed lands that surrounded Odewright Hall in Laurelshire.
When Exploratia had climbed trees, Erudisia had struggled her way up until stuck amongst the lower boughs, and Exploratia returned for her. When her sister had swum from the lake up the feeding river, Erudisia had struggled through the breakwaters until exhausted and Exploratia had returned to pull her to the riverbank.
This phase of Erudisia’s life had been brief but intense, and she recalled its end now. A trip to a cliff-top view with her sister and her eldest brother. A too-high climb down to earth. The ‘helping’ hand of her brother as he pushed her toward a hold she knew she could not achieve. The fall…
The descent of her stomach and the cold shame that washes over her now as her manuscript is returned to her exceeds even that plunge. For a moment she is in free fall, but she is not a child anymore and these kindly, scholarly priests are not Exemplar.
”I have another book. One I was bidden to give you, should mine own work not have … standing. May I submit it?”
She is proud her voice does not tremble, but her eyes sting, and for a moment her breath hitches as she speaks.
The atmosphere is subdued and uncomfortable when Erudisia speaks. The oldest priest, rather sunken into his seat, bats the air with one hand, halting the youngest priest in his tracks, and beckons Erudisia to hand him her second text directly.
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DM for Candlekeep Mysteries //Dev Horndin Curious Critters
She retrieves it from her satchel. Her speech is brief. The cover is plain and unadorned. The name is inked in a bold but hand wrought font, in the silvery script of Auran Primordial.
“Handwritten by an immortal Noble Djinni scholar, a Prince of the Plane of Air in its native Auran, this book is a manual for etiquette amongst the noble courts of the air elementals. It includes the thoughts and reflections of the Archduke on his immediate neighbours, his provinces, and the feuds and friendships of princes. An appendix covers the cost of a household and advice for budgeting if you serve a master without the ability to cast Wish.”
She almost offers her abilities as a translator, but… the knock is too recent. She feels another claim of ability might almost hurt her offering’s chances.
The oldest priest holds the tome unenthusiastically for a moment, while the others lean over half-heartedly, except for the tallest priest, whose robes were moistened by the passing rainshower. He stands up straight trying not to drip on the others, who shy away from him.
The priestess’ mouth is drawn in a tight line, and Erudisia may find it difficult to tell if the priestess is disappointed in her performance or upset for some other reason.
The oldest priest silently peruses the tome’s exterior and construction, going through the same motions you’ve now seen several times. He at first proceeds reluctantly, but then seems to regain intensity when he re-reads the title, translating roughly from Primordial into the common tongue. He adjusts his position to sit up straight, then reads aloud, summarizing with some difficulty the book’s first paragraph. He turns briefly to the others, who quickly nod, impressed, and perhaps even relieved to find the text to be an unfamiliar one.
”Welcome, seeker,” the oldest priest says, while turning back to hold Erudisia’s eyes calmly. “You may wait there,” pointing to the area near Bell, Meredith, and the harengon.
To the other side, Rogi waits, alone, and only Circe now stands before the priests of Deneir, with Blueschist standing behind her with his valise.
“Next,” the oldest priest says.
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DM for Candlekeep Mysteries //Dev Horndin Curious Critters
Circe watched each offering be given, her own's spine nervously thumbed. It was a journal of her own making, within she'd written an extended thesis on how certain elemental threads of the Weave could potentially be interchanged with one another. It expanded through several chapters, and was entirely theoretical, but the young scholar knew there was some basis of truth to her hypothesis. There had to be.
At the elder's usherance, the tieling stiffly stepped forwards and handed over the volume, taking care to keep its leather bound cover safe from the brief rain. "While my offer isn't as extravagant, nor as well spoken as some of my companions, I hope it will suffice for entry."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Juniper Summers in Drakkenheim - Mind and Matter Delphine Bennett in TheDark Below Ilmrae Zolier in Dragon Heist - One Hell of a Summer Loralai Darkleaf in The Storm King's Thunder Eris Tourmaline in An Adventure in the Mountains Circe Somerset in Candlekeep Mysteries
Meredith is physically stopping herself from clapping as she is deeply distracted by the dance....the dance.....definitely the dance....but raises an eyebrow towards Shad at Bells question.
(OOC: These two snuck past me.)
The harengon pauses thoughtfully for a moment before whispering, "Most days, there are no applicants. Sometimes a handful, like yourselves. The avowed at the gate are... nothing if not consistent in their rulings. If only more people asked beforehand what new publications were needed in the collection, we'd be turning away a lot fewer." They shrug, looking at Meredith and Bell thoughtfully before turning away to observe Erudisia's unfortunate performance.
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DM for Candlekeep Mysteries //Dev Horndin Curious Critters
Juniper Summers in Drakkenheim - Mind and Matter Delphine Bennett in TheDark Below Ilmrae Zolier in Dragon Heist - One Hell of a Summer Loralai Darkleaf in The Storm King's Thunder Eris Tourmaline in An Adventure in the Mountains Circe Somerset in Candlekeep Mysteries
“A personal theory?,” the oldest priest asks, “Reviewed by a board of Arcanists? No? Reviewed by another major library? No? By a wizard of note? …No….,” while the youngest priest respectfully takes the offering from Circe, as he had done with the previous donated texts, and hands it to the oldest priest. The oldest priest then reads the title aloud, pursuing his usual exam of the physical tome in a rather perfunctory manner before then reading the first paragraph aloud. He stops abruptly, then, thoughtfully, cocks his head, then continues reading, silently, with obvious curiosity. Several minutes pass before one of the priests behind him clears their throat, to no effect, then touches their hand on the oldest priest’s shoulder. This finally pulls him from his reading.
“What?” he looks up, his mind still plainly at work. With an effort, he brings himself back to the present, so to speak, and addresses Circe.
“Unreviewed personal works do not possess standing and are not accepted." He picks up a quill and dips it in an inkwell. "Therefore, I append my personal mark…here…witnessed by my fellows, attesting to the novelty of this thesis.
“Miss Somerset. Welcome, Seeker. please wait with the others. Now. Shadi.” He gives some whispered instructions to the harengon, who tucks’ Rogi’s text under their tunic to protect it from the weather and disappears out the tent flap. It is some ten minutes later when the harengon returns to whisper for a few sentences to the oldest priest, who meanwhile observes Rogi with one eye.
“It seems,” the oldest priest finally says to Rogi, not without reservations in his tone, “that the rebuttal which is the subject of your offering will indeed be a new addition to our collection, although there is some confusion regarding the original thesis. Nevertheless, I bid you welcome, Seeker.”
He allows a moment for you all to respond, and meanwhile takes a calming breath himself before sending you onward.
“All five of you, please follow Shadi. May your tenday at Candlekeep bring you perfect knowledge of that which you seek.”
The priests and priestess respond with a mumbled “Perfection…,” as they return to their chess match and books. Blueschist, taking you in as you pass him to exit the tent, raises two fists in the air as a congratulatory salute, wishes you well, and asks you to visit him at his shop if you are ever in Baldur's Gate. As you leave, he is entering into a discussion with the oldest priest regarding purchasing multiple copies of the latest edition of Works of the Avowed.
Shadi leads you out of the tent and through the citadel’s open door toward your long-awaited futures, shining within.
Erudisia gives Circe a broad smile as she joins them opposite Rogi. “Well done,” she says, “really well done, you showed him.”
A tenday shall have to do it, seems, if Erudisia has understood the limited window that her donation has ‘bought’ her.
As the most senior priest bids them welcome, Erudisia curtsies slightly, mumbling ‘perfection’ in time with the priests.
She will have to seek out what books they wish for their collection also. If her patron does not speak to her within a ten day, and she cannot sufficiently improve her manuscript, then they may be the books she needs to source to return.
Already the melancholy within her is turning into a desert scirocco — fanning a smouldering ember into something true and longer lasting. She will see her manuscript accepted, even if she has to revise and grow, until her magical and lyrical merit rival her mother and father themselves to do it!
Still, her ruminations are no reason to be rude. She thanks Blueschist for his company and kindness, and gives him a single kiss on his scratchy bearded cheek in parting, in the Eladrin fashion.
(OOC: I think I’ve come down on essentially playing her mother’s Eladrin culture as French, and her father’s as sort of Tudor English, Shakespeare if he was also a swordfighter. Bard X/Warlock X multiclass retired adventurer [his patron now also Erudisia’s], oh, also, I think she’ll never say her mother’s name. In a fey way, her mother has never given her true name to this child. Only Exemplar knows it. )
Meredith gave their Dwarven driver a smile and wave as she almost skipped through the entrance.......and then stopped...she'd done the job. But it occurred to her that time in Candlekeep could be very useful for her own research........was that why he'd sent her here? She smiled to herself and then turned to her companions....friends?......not yet...
" Lets go see what's here."
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She raises her hand before her face to show the sylph beneath a fluted-sword that is the Odewright Arms, tattooed on her skin.
They, the avowed, peer silently at Erudisia’s raised arm. The priestess’ eyes then slide with a slightly superior air to the oldest priest, who puckers even more sourly than before, rises, and the priests and priestess now engage in a lively debate it seems, whispered as before. The words “standing,” “noble house,” “value,” and “childrens’ drawings” pop out from the huddle.
The oldest priest returns to his seat, takes a deep breath and begins, “I’m sorry, but…,” before he is interrupted once again by the priestess. “...But,” she cuts in, “we would indeed like to see the dance with the poetry.”
The oldest priest closes his eyes to cover them rolling upwards, then scrunches his face before regaining his equilibrium.
“You may begin.”
(OOC: And please roll two Performance checks. The first, with advantage for the written poem, which I imagine Erudisia took her time creating. The second roll, without advantage, will be the dance performance. However, since Erudisia had considerable time to practice, we will set 13 as the minimum total roll (including proficiency bonus etc.) she can make in her performance. Anything under 13 becomes 13, in other words. To roll with advantage in your character sheet, just roll twice and post both rolls, the result being the higher of the two.)
DM for Candlekeep Mysteries // Dev Hornd in Curious Critters
Bell turns to whisper to Meredith and Shad, the harengon, who is still munching an apple, "Is it always like this? How many are accepted in a day?"
Meredith is physically stopping herself from clapping as she is deeply distracted by the dance....the dance.....definitely the dance....but raises an eyebrow towards Shad at Bells question.
"Thank you," says Erudisia.
She takes a deep breath, then another one. In. Out. She feels a little strange, her limbs a little long and her mouth noticeably dry. She has warmed up only the slightest amount, but she can do this. She has performed in both facets for harder pieces, for larger audiences. She can do this. She has little to be nervous about, her own composition is good, she has been taught well.
She can do this.
She is a good dancer, a good singer; all her friends have told her so.
With a nervous swallow, she begins.
[Written Performance: Have to take the 13. Advantage roll 2+5 (7), 3+5 (8). Sorry, I pressed and held for the advantage so it looks like it only shows one. Any future advantage, I'll be careful to actually just roll twice.
[Triple-threat Performance: 1+5 (6) or (1) depending on how you work nat 1s. Poor Erudisia.]
There is electricity in the air when Erudisia begins, when her first movements and her melodic declamation of the opening stanza command the silent attention of everyone in the tent. It is this moment that several of those present will remember with aching curiosity for days afterwards. For in the brief quiet that follows, everything changes. It begins when one of the priests is suddenly taken with a coughing jag. An unexpected rainshower whooshes loudly outside, battering the tent’s canvas walls. And then, as Erudisia tries to soldier on, the fifth priest returns, backing into the door while exchanging a quiet word with the clerk just outside, and who then turns, walking directly into the dancer’s outstretched hand, which knocks him off his feet in surprise. This is the unfortunate end to the unfortunate premiere of a masterwork.
An uncomfortable exchange of apologies, everyone on their feet, and ministrations to the bruised priest. When all have returned to their places, the oldest priest offers a sad smile to Erudisia that doesn’t reach his eyes before saying, “Ms. Odewright. This personal work does not possess standing and is not accepted. We hope you continue your studies and you are welcome to apply for entry once again at a later date. Deneir shines with the light of knowledge of the ages. Perfection!”
The other priests repeat, but completely out of unison, “Perfection…," as the oldest priest hands Erudisia's epic poem back to her.
DM for Candlekeep Mysteries // Dev Hornd in Curious Critters
Meredith looks stricken but is unsure how she can help, she turns to Bell, " What can we do?"
“Next,” the old priest says, as, wincing and pale, the young priest gently hands Erudisia’s work back to her, evading her eyes.
DM for Candlekeep Mysteries // Dev Hornd in Curious Critters
When she was a child, Erudisia had sought to copy her sister Exploratia in everything. She had chased her up mountains and down crevasses, she had copied her in making bows from worthy fallen twigs and set ineffective snares amongst the tamed lands that surrounded Odewright Hall in Laurelshire.
When Exploratia had climbed trees, Erudisia had struggled her way up until stuck amongst the lower boughs, and Exploratia returned for her. When her sister had swum from the lake up the feeding river, Erudisia had struggled through the breakwaters until exhausted and Exploratia had returned to pull her to the riverbank.
This phase of Erudisia’s life had been brief but intense, and she recalled its end now. A trip to a cliff-top view with her sister and her eldest brother. A too-high climb down to earth. The ‘helping’ hand of her brother as he pushed her toward a hold she knew she could not achieve. The fall…
The descent of her stomach and the cold shame that washes over her now as her manuscript is returned to her exceeds even that plunge. For a moment she is in free fall, but she is not a child anymore and these kindly, scholarly priests are not Exemplar.
”I have another book. One I was bidden to give you, should mine own work not have … standing. May I submit it?”
She is proud her voice does not tremble, but her eyes sting, and for a moment her breath hitches as she speaks.
Bell stares with tears sliding down her cheeks; fist crammed in her mouth to keep from making noise that might draw attention to her.
"Poor Erudisia."
The atmosphere is subdued and uncomfortable when Erudisia speaks. The oldest priest, rather sunken into his seat, bats the air with one hand, halting the youngest priest in his tracks, and beckons Erudisia to hand him her second text directly.
DM for Candlekeep Mysteries // Dev Hornd in Curious Critters
She retrieves it from her satchel. Her speech is brief. The cover is plain and unadorned. The name is inked in a bold but hand wrought font, in the silvery script of Auran Primordial.
“Handwritten by an immortal Noble Djinni scholar, a Prince of the Plane of Air in its native Auran, this book is a manual for etiquette amongst the noble courts of the air elementals. It includes the thoughts and reflections of the Archduke on his immediate neighbours, his provinces, and the feuds and friendships of princes. An appendix covers the cost of a household and advice for budgeting if you serve a master without the ability to cast Wish.”
She almost offers her abilities as a translator, but… the knock is too recent. She feels another claim of ability might almost hurt her offering’s chances.
The oldest priest holds the tome unenthusiastically for a moment, while the others lean over half-heartedly, except for the tallest priest, whose robes were moistened by the passing rainshower. He stands up straight trying not to drip on the others, who shy away from him.
The priestess’ mouth is drawn in a tight line, and Erudisia may find it difficult to tell if the priestess is disappointed in her performance or upset for some other reason.
The oldest priest silently peruses the tome’s exterior and construction, going through the same motions you’ve now seen several times. He at first proceeds reluctantly, but then seems to regain intensity when he re-reads the title, translating roughly from Primordial into the common tongue. He adjusts his position to sit up straight, then reads aloud, summarizing with some difficulty the book’s first paragraph. He turns briefly to the others, who quickly nod, impressed, and perhaps even relieved to find the text to be an unfamiliar one.
”Welcome, seeker,” the oldest priest says, while turning back to hold Erudisia’s eyes calmly. “You may wait there,” pointing to the area near Bell, Meredith, and the harengon.
To the other side, Rogi waits, alone, and only Circe now stands before the priests of Deneir, with Blueschist standing behind her with his valise.
“Next,” the oldest priest says.
DM for Candlekeep Mysteries // Dev Hornd in Curious Critters
Circe watched each offering be given, her own's spine nervously thumbed. It was a journal of her own making, within she'd written an extended thesis on how certain elemental threads of the Weave could potentially be interchanged with one another. It expanded through several chapters, and was entirely theoretical, but the young scholar knew there was some basis of truth to her hypothesis. There had to be.
At the elder's usherance, the tieling stiffly stepped forwards and handed over the volume, taking care to keep its leather bound cover safe from the brief rain. "While my offer isn't as extravagant, nor as well spoken as some of my companions, I hope it will suffice for entry."
Juniper Summers in Drakkenheim - Mind and Matter
Delphine Bennett in The Dark Below
Ilmrae Zolier in Dragon Heist - One Hell of a Summer
Loralai Darkleaf in The Storm King's Thunder
Eris Tourmaline in An Adventure in the Mountains
Circe Somerset in Candlekeep Mysteries
(OOC: Circe, please roll Arcana at advantage to see how impressive the theory is.)
DM for Candlekeep Mysteries // Dev Hornd in Curious Critters
(OOC: These two snuck past me.)
The harengon pauses thoughtfully for a moment before whispering, "Most days, there are no applicants. Sometimes a handful, like yourselves. The avowed at the gate are... nothing if not consistent in their rulings. If only more people asked beforehand what new publications were needed in the collection, we'd be turning away a lot fewer." They shrug, looking at Meredith and Bell thoughtfully before turning away to observe Erudisia's unfortunate performance.
DM for Candlekeep Mysteries // Dev Hornd in Curious Critters
(Arcana Check: 23)
Juniper Summers in Drakkenheim - Mind and Matter
Delphine Bennett in The Dark Below
Ilmrae Zolier in Dragon Heist - One Hell of a Summer
Loralai Darkleaf in The Storm King's Thunder
Eris Tourmaline in An Adventure in the Mountains
Circe Somerset in Candlekeep Mysteries
“A personal theory?,” the oldest priest asks, “Reviewed by a board of Arcanists? No? Reviewed by another major library? No? By a wizard of note? …No….,” while the youngest priest respectfully takes the offering from Circe, as he had done with the previous donated texts, and hands it to the oldest priest. The oldest priest then reads the title aloud, pursuing his usual exam of the physical tome in a rather perfunctory manner before then reading the first paragraph aloud. He stops abruptly, then, thoughtfully, cocks his head, then continues reading, silently, with obvious curiosity. Several minutes pass before one of the priests behind him clears their throat, to no effect, then touches their hand on the oldest priest’s shoulder. This finally pulls him from his reading.
“What?” he looks up, his mind still plainly at work. With an effort, he brings himself back to the present, so to speak, and addresses Circe.
“Unreviewed personal works do not possess standing and are not accepted." He picks up a quill and dips it in an inkwell. "Therefore, I append my personal mark…here…witnessed by my fellows, attesting to the novelty of this thesis.
“Miss Somerset. Welcome, Seeker. please wait with the others. Now. Shadi.” He gives some whispered instructions to the harengon, who tucks’ Rogi’s text under their tunic to protect it from the weather and disappears out the tent flap. It is some ten minutes later when the harengon returns to whisper for a few sentences to the oldest priest, who meanwhile observes Rogi with one eye.
“It seems,” the oldest priest finally says to Rogi, not without reservations in his tone, “that the rebuttal which is the subject of your offering will indeed be a new addition to our collection, although there is some confusion regarding the original thesis. Nevertheless, I bid you welcome, Seeker.”
He allows a moment for you all to respond, and meanwhile takes a calming breath himself before sending you onward.
“All five of you, please follow Shadi. May your tenday at Candlekeep bring you perfect knowledge of that which you seek.”
The priests and priestess respond with a mumbled “Perfection…,” as they return to their chess match and books. Blueschist, taking you in as you pass him to exit the tent, raises two fists in the air as a congratulatory salute, wishes you well, and asks you to visit him at his shop if you are ever in Baldur's Gate. As you leave, he is entering into a discussion with the oldest priest regarding purchasing multiple copies of the latest edition of Works of the Avowed.
Shadi leads you out of the tent and through the citadel’s open door toward your long-awaited futures, shining within.
DM for Candlekeep Mysteries // Dev Hornd in Curious Critters
Erudisia gives Circe a broad smile as she joins them opposite Rogi. “Well done,” she says, “really well done, you showed him.”
A tenday shall have to do it, seems, if Erudisia has understood the limited window that her donation has ‘bought’ her.
As the most senior priest bids them welcome, Erudisia curtsies slightly, mumbling ‘perfection’ in time with the priests.
She will have to seek out what books they wish for their collection also. If her patron does not speak to her within a ten day, and she cannot sufficiently improve her manuscript, then they may be the books she needs to source to return.
Already the melancholy within her is turning into a desert scirocco — fanning a smouldering ember into something true and longer lasting. She will see her manuscript accepted, even if she has to revise and grow, until her magical and lyrical merit rival her mother and father themselves to do it!
Still, her ruminations are no reason to be rude. She thanks Blueschist for his company and kindness, and gives him a single kiss on his scratchy bearded cheek in parting, in the Eladrin fashion.
(OOC: I think I’ve come down on essentially playing her mother’s Eladrin culture as French, and her father’s as sort of Tudor English, Shakespeare if he was also a swordfighter. Bard X/Warlock X multiclass retired adventurer [his patron now also Erudisia’s], oh, also, I think she’ll never say her mother’s name. In a fey way, her mother has never given her true name to this child. Only Exemplar knows it. )
Meredith gave their Dwarven driver a smile and wave as she almost skipped through the entrance.......and then stopped...she'd done the job. But it occurred to her that time in Candlekeep could be very useful for her own research........was that why he'd sent her here? She smiled to herself and then turned to her companions....friends?......not yet...
" Lets go see what's here."