Mysleen turns to Necrya with a look of bewilderment at how boisterous and outgoing this tiefling is, then shrugs it off and turns toward everyone else. "I agree with her. We must find those nobles quickly."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
Talorin thanks Lord Neverember, carefully putting the potion into a pouch on his person. He's dressed finely for the occasion, not everyday you have the audience of a noble. Standing short and with a head of red hair he looks around the room examining things with a curious eye. When Necyra says her bit about plunder, no exploring, he lets out a hardy laugh. "Plunder. Explore. Both matters of perspective. Though you tend to get a bump on the head when there's a disagreement on which perspective is right." With a chuckle he adds, "With how quick you were to speak of Oghma, are you perhaps a cleric of his?"
(No worries! It was a misunderstanding anyone could've made.)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
Lord Neverember and the priests of Oghma are able to provide an overview of Neverdeath Graveyard, two large and connected sprawling graveyards:
The Main Graveyard holds several mausoleums, some with expansive underground chambers.
The Pauper’s Graveyard features numerous simple headstones, but a few civic-minded citizens funded communal catacombs when the graveyard was first built.
Yurgojin is a front line shield who obviously want the flame tounge flame on in combat and getting sneak attack (steady aim if needed). Heavy Crossbow for ranged of flying targets. Spell slots saved for shield or silvery bards as needed. If gets a opportunity attack, Booming Blade with sneak if possible.
If open field and on his warhorse, will probably go with the lance and keep distance if possible then drop for rapier when needed.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Initiative: 20
Stealth: 16
Survival: 12
Perception: 11
Investigation: 21
Insight: 9
History: 10
Arcana: 5
Nature: 18
Mysleen will hang back and cast hideous laughter on whatever comes up, then move away from it by 20 feet if she can.
The enemy needs to succeed on a DC 17 Wis save or fall prone.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
Okay, so... I feel like it's reasonable Bridgette would have cast death ward on herself and then taken a short rest at the start of the day. If not, she at least would have put her name in her book of shadows before getting anywhere close to a fight to get basically the same effect from the Gift of the Protectors eldritch invocation. She'll also cast mage armor, using her 1/day free casting from Magic Initiate.
As soon as she reaches the graveyard, she'll cast armor of agathys with a pact slot.
In actual battle, she'll be casting hex looks the most dangerous and then smacks it with eldritch blast, because that's kind of what Warlocks do. If something gets into melee with her, she'll use a bonus action to cast shillelagh, then smack them upside the head with her staff (using booming blade to make the attack actually pack a bit of a punch).
Eldritch Blast attack for first round: Attack: 22; Damage: 7 (force) + 5 (necrotic, from hex) Attack: 17; Damage: 14 (force) + 6 (necrotic)
As they approach the rather frightening graveyard, Bridgette opens her book and looks at her fellow adventurers. You can see her name written at the top of the page.
"So... there's room for three more names in my book," she says with a smile. "It might not be much, but if any of you are willing it can give you just a little bit of extra protection... Yurgojion, Trystane, since I assume you're going to be our frontline I think that having that little extra layer of defense would be most useful to you."
Stealth: 13, if (dis-)advantage: 11 Survival: 16, if (dis-)advantage: 18
Perception: 17, if (dis-)advantage: 20 Investigation: 2, if (dis-)advantage: 10 Insight: 21, if (dis-)advantage: 18
History: 16, if (dis-)advantage: 2 Arcana: ,19 if (dis-)advantage: 7 Nature: 16, if (dis-)advantage: 21
Trystane is a Frontliner, a HP tank. If possible he will close the distance quickly (40 feet) and engage in unarmed melee combat with the biggest hitter. For everything that requires greater distances, he has a longbow, which he can keep equipped even while fighting unarmed.
On Horseback, he would opt for ranged attacks as he couldn’t really attack anyone with fists and such from a mount.
During exploration, he his an apt scout with +8 to stealth, but only +4 to Perception. He will use the Message cantrip for communication in covert operations. His one-use-per-short-rest Silvery Barbs is reserved for the first critical strike.
Trystane has advantage on a few things:
Heightened Senses:When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain the improved senses of a natural predator. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Hunter’s Bane: At 1st level, you have survived the Hunter’s Bane—a dangerous, long-guarded ritual that alters your life’s blood, forever binding you to the darkness and honing your senses against it. You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track fey, fiends, or undead, as well as on Intelligence checks to recall information about such creatures.
A feral grin splits Necyra's face as the team approaches the mausoleum. With a muttered incantation and a flick of her wrist, the air crackles with otherworldly energy [Necyra casts Conjure Animals]. Eight pixies, shimmering like living jewels, materialize in a flurry of iridescent light. Necyra throws back her head and laughs, the sound echoing through the graveyard. "Alright, little scouts," she says, "time to earn your keep!" The pixies chirp in agreement and zoom towards the mausoleum, disappearing into the gloom like feathered gemstones. Necyra's grin widens, her eyes sparkling with a predatory gleam. The mission just got interesting.
Actually, upon seeing that these are wights (thus resistant to Necrotic damage; as an apprentice to a lich I think it's reasonable that Bridgette would be aware of this fact), I think Bridgette would save the spell slot she was going to use on hex.
Anyway, eldritch blast on the first wight that she sees.
As previously stated, Mysleen will cast hideous laughter on one of the wights. Let's go with... wight 5.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
Trystane gets as close as he can before launching himself on as many wights as he can find packed together. Seeing Mysleen targeting W5, he tries to avoid the same wight.
With a succession of blows and kicks he covers one of the undead.
Move into melee with W6 and, if possible, others
Action: Attack 1) unarmed strike @W6 with advantage due to stealth, hit 27 for 9 magical bludgeoning damage 2) unarmed strike @W6, miss 13
Bonus: unarmed strike @W6, hit 14 for 8 magical bludgeoning damage
Against groups, prone to using fireball or slow Against tougher monsters, higher level slots and using silvery barbs to reroll any successful saves Also use Silvery Barbs against crit-hits And depending on situation, taunt a creature and then Life Tether it. That way it'll either have disadvantage or have to take damage on a successful hit.
With the sight of the wights, Talorin reaches to his necklace and chants and invocation, sending magic at the wights.
If no partymembers are mixed in with the wights Fireball Damage: 3+4+3+4+5+6+3+3 = 31 fire damage DEX DC 19 for half
If partymembers have already gotten mixed in with the wights Slow on 6 of the wights, prioritizing ones that have taken less damage WIS DC 19 //no silvery barbs rerolls used here
Yurgojin will go in for the closest Wright between him and the others to form a defensive spot to draw them in too. As he runs at them he draws his rapier and whispers to it "Flame On." The sword erupts into flames as he strikes at the Wright.
Attack 1 - Hit: 21, Damage: 9 piercing plus 3 fire and 16 sneak attack damage (if applicable by nearby allies)
Attack 2 - 24, Damage: 8 piercing plus 6 fire
(Edit: used piercer feat to reroll Attack 2 piercing damage.)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
In a flash of arcane power, Necyra points a clawed finger at the nearest wight (Wight A), a gout of radiant flame erupting from her fingertip and slamming into its chest (Necyra casts Sacred Flame, causing 2 radiant damage). The undead creature recoiled with a shriek, its spectral form momentarily flickering in pain.
Seizing the moment, the pixies burst into action. A chorus of tinkling laughter filled the air as seven streaks of iridescent light darted out, each one weaving intricate patterns around a different wight. Vines materialized from thin air, wrapping constricting tendrils around the undead forms. Pixies 1-7 each cast Entangle on Wights A-G, individually. Pixie 8 merely flutters around Necyra's head. At will, all 8 pixies then invisible (they have innate Superior Invisibility).
All 7 wights must succeed on a STR saving throw (vs the pixie's DC12 spell save) or be Restrained.
Entangle: A creature in the area when you cast the spell must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be restrained by the entangling plants until the spell ends. A creature restrained by the plants can use its action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC. On a success, it frees itself.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Last to know and first to be blamed...
As a free action, can I regret my life choices?
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Bridgette can't help but snicker at Necyra's comments characterizing her as some kind of delicate princess. If only she knew...
"Well... I do have a dragon to do most of my heavy-lifting, but I suppose I could use an extra pack mule," she chuckles.
She glances at her staff, a bit confused at the tiefling's second comment. Why would her staff 'hide' treasure?
"Um... I don't think there's any treasure inside my staff..."
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
[[ Making that first post as requested. Finishing up some final details and should be good soon. ]]
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
Mysleen turns to Necrya with a look of bewilderment at how boisterous and outgoing this tiefling is, then shrugs it off and turns toward everyone else. "I agree with her. We must find those nobles quickly."
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
Extended sig
Sorry for the intrusion have a fun campaign.
Talorin thanks Lord Neverember, carefully putting the potion into a pouch on his person. He's dressed finely for the occasion, not everyday you have the audience of a noble. Standing short and with a head of red hair he looks around the room examining things with a curious eye. When Necyra says her bit about plunder, no exploring, he lets out a hardy laugh. "Plunder. Explore. Both matters of perspective. Though you tend to get a bump on the head when there's a disagreement on which perspective is right." With a chuckle he adds, "With how quick you were to speak of Oghma, are you perhaps a cleric of his?"
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
(No worries! It was a misunderstanding anyone could've made.)
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
Extended sig
Lord Neverember and the priests of Oghma are able to provide an overview of Neverdeath Graveyard, two large and connected sprawling graveyards:
The Main Graveyard holds several mausoleums, some with expansive underground chambers.
The Pauper’s Graveyard features numerous simple headstones, but a few civic-minded citizens funded communal catacombs when the graveyard was first built.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Initiative: 20
Other skill checks:
1) Stealth 27
2) Perception 27
3) Investigation 18
General combat strategy
Yurgojin is a front line shield who obviously want the flame tounge flame on in combat and getting sneak attack (steady aim if needed). Heavy Crossbow for ranged of flying targets. Spell slots saved for shield or silvery bards as needed. If gets a opportunity attack, Booming Blade with sneak if possible.
If open field and on his warhorse, will probably go with the lance and keep distance if possible then drop for rapier when needed.
Initiative: 20
Stealth: 16
Survival: 12
Perception: 11
Investigation: 21
Insight: 9
History: 10
Arcana: 5
Nature: 18
Mysleen will hang back and cast hideous laughter on whatever comes up, then move away from it by 20 feet if she can.
The enemy needs to succeed on a DC 17 Wis save or fall prone.
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
Extended sig
Initiative: 21
Perception: 21
Stealth: 8 (ouch)
Arcana: 21
General combat strategy:
Okay, so... I feel like it's reasonable Bridgette would have cast death ward on herself and then taken a short rest at the start of the day. If not, she at least would have put her name in her book of shadows before getting anywhere close to a fight to get basically the same effect from the Gift of the Protectors eldritch invocation. She'll also cast mage armor, using her 1/day free casting from Magic Initiate.
As soon as she reaches the graveyard, she'll cast armor of agathys with a pact slot.
In actual battle, she'll be casting hex looks the most dangerous and then smacks it with eldritch blast, because that's kind of what Warlocks do. If something gets into melee with her, she'll use a bonus action to cast shillelagh, then smack them upside the head with her staff (using booming blade to make the attack actually pack a bit of a punch).
Eldritch Blast attack for first round:
Attack: 22; Damage: 7 (force) + 5 (necrotic, from hex)
Attack: 17; Damage: 14 (force) + 6 (necrotic)
As they approach the rather frightening graveyard, Bridgette opens her book and looks at her fellow adventurers. You can see her name written at the top of the page.
"So... there's room for three more names in my book," she says with a smile. "It might not be much, but if any of you are willing it can give you just a little bit of extra protection... Yurgojion, Trystane, since I assume you're going to be our frontline I think that having that little extra layer of defense would be most useful to you."
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
Initiative: 9, if (dis-)advantage: 9
Stealth: 13, if (dis-)advantage: 11
Survival: 16, if (dis-)advantage: 18
Perception: 17, if (dis-)advantage: 20
Investigation: 2, if (dis-)advantage: 10
Insight: 21, if (dis-)advantage: 18
History: 16, if (dis-)advantage: 2
Arcana: ,19 if (dis-)advantage: 7
Nature: 16, if (dis-)advantage: 21
Trystane is a Frontliner, a HP tank. If possible he will close the distance quickly (40 feet) and engage in unarmed melee combat with the biggest hitter. For everything that requires greater distances, he has a longbow, which he can keep equipped even while fighting unarmed.
On Horseback, he would opt for ranged attacks as he couldn’t really attack anyone with fists and such from a mount.
During exploration, he his an apt scout with +8 to stealth, but only +4 to Perception. He will use the Message cantrip for communication in covert operations. His one-use-per-short-rest Silvery Barbs is reserved for the first critical strike.
Trystane has advantage on a few things:
Heightened Senses: When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain the improved senses of a natural predator. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Hunter’s Bane: At 1st level, you have survived the Hunter’s Bane—a dangerous, long-guarded ritual that alters your life’s blood, forever binding you to the darkness and honing your senses against it. You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track fey, fiends, or undead, as well as on Intelligence checks to recall information about such creatures.
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
A feral grin splits Necyra's face as the team approaches the mausoleum. With a muttered incantation and a flick of her wrist, the air crackles with otherworldly energy [Necyra casts Conjure Animals]. Eight pixies, shimmering like living jewels, materialize in a flurry of iridescent light. Necyra throws back her head and laughs, the sound echoing through the graveyard. "Alright, little scouts," she says, "time to earn your keep!" The pixies chirp in agreement and zoom towards the mausoleum, disappearing into the gloom like feathered gemstones. Necyra's grin widens, her eyes sparkling with a predatory gleam. The mission just got interesting.
Last to know and first to be blamed...
As a free action, can I regret my life choices?
Nothing stirs in this room but because of your stealth, you spot Seven wights and you have a surprise round.
Note i kniw that some have not rolled thats fine roll init when you can ill add ypu to teh tracker. Go ahead with surprise round.
Wight W1 9
Wight W2 17
Wight W3 11
Wight W4 5
Wight W5 11
Wight W6 16
Wight W7 7
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Nothing stirs in this room.
Because of your stealth, you spot Seven wights in the next room over and you have them surprised.
Note: i know that some have not rolled init, thats fine roll init when you can ill add you to the tracker. Go ahead with surprise round.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Actually, upon seeing that these are wights (thus resistant to Necrotic damage; as an apprentice to a lich I think it's reasonable that Bridgette would be aware of this fact), I think Bridgette would save the spell slot she was going to use on hex.
Anyway, eldritch blast on the first wight that she sees.
Attack: 22; Damage: 7 (force)
Attack: 17; Damage: 14 (force)
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
As previously stated, Mysleen will cast hideous laughter on one of the wights. Let's go with... wight 5.
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
Extended sig
Trystane gets as close as he can before launching himself on as many wights as he can find packed together. Seeing Mysleen targeting W5, he tries to avoid the same wight.
With a succession of blows and kicks he covers one of the undead.
Move into melee with W6 and, if possible, others
Action: Attack
1) unarmed strike @W6 with advantage due to stealth, hit 27 for 9 magical bludgeoning damage
2) unarmed strike @W6, miss 13
Bonus: unarmed strike @W6, hit 14 for 8 magical bludgeoning damage
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Initiative: 14+1 = 15
Stealth: min(3,12) + 1 = 4
Survival: 11+2 = 13
Perception: 7+6 = 13
Insight: 18
History: 13+6 = 19
Arcana: 15
Nature: 13
General Combat Plan:
Against groups, prone to using fireball or slow
Against tougher monsters, higher level slots and using silvery barbs to reroll any successful saves
Also use Silvery Barbs against crit-hits
And depending on situation, taunt a creature and then Life Tether it. That way it'll either have disadvantage or have to take damage on a successful hit.
With the sight of the wights, Talorin reaches to his necklace and chants and invocation, sending magic at the wights.
If no partymembers are mixed in with the wights
Damage: 3+4+3+4+5+6+3+3 = 31 fire damage
DEX DC 19 for half
If partymembers have already gotten mixed in with the wights
Slow on 6 of the wights, prioritizing ones that have taken less damage
//no silvery barbs rerolls used here
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
Yurgojin will go in for the closest Wright between him and the others to form a defensive spot to draw them in too. As he runs at them he draws his rapier and whispers to it "Flame On." The sword erupts into flames as he strikes at the Wright.
Attack 1 - Hit: 21, Damage: 9 piercing plus 3 fire and 16 sneak attack damage (if applicable by nearby allies)
Attack 2 - 24, Damage: 8 piercing plus 6 fire
(Edit: used piercer feat to reroll Attack 2 piercing damage.)
In a flash of arcane power, Necyra points a clawed finger at the nearest wight (Wight A), a gout of radiant flame erupting from her fingertip and slamming into its chest (Necyra casts Sacred Flame, causing 2 radiant damage). The undead creature recoiled with a shriek, its spectral form momentarily flickering in pain.
Seizing the moment, the pixies burst into action. A chorus of tinkling laughter filled the air as seven streaks of iridescent light darted out, each one weaving intricate patterns around a different wight. Vines materialized from thin air, wrapping constricting tendrils around the undead forms. Pixies 1-7 each cast Entangle on Wights A-G, individually. Pixie 8 merely flutters around Necyra's head. At will, all 8 pixies then invisible (they have innate Superior Invisibility).
All 7 wights must succeed on a STR saving throw (vs the pixie's DC12 spell save) or be Restrained.
Entangle: A creature in the area when you cast the spell must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be restrained by the entangling plants until the spell ends. A creature restrained by the plants can use its action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC. On a success, it frees itself.
Last to know and first to be blamed...
As a free action, can I regret my life choices?