Trystane joins in the fray and infuses his hands and arms with electric energy through an ancient rite field by his own life force (4 necrotic damage to self) and then slashes the fish monsters with his electrified claws.
Move: Engage SA1 or SA2 if the other is dead Bonus: Crimson Rite on unarmed strikes Action: 1st Attack @SA1 hit 18 for 10 magical slashing damage and 8 lightning damage 2nd Attack @SA1/2 hit 15 for 14 magical slashing damage and 1 lightning damage
1st Attack @SA1 hit 18 for 10 magical slashing damage and 8 lightning damage 2nd Attack @SA1/2 hit 15 for 14 magical slashing damage and 1 lightning damag
Trystane -in his fury- underestimated the enormous fish and got himself in a pickle opening up his defences on one side and the devious fish creature used the opportunity to rip out a piece of him! Fortunately, it was only superficial and his regenerative abilities replaced the tissue quick enough (resistance to piercing for half damage), so that he could focus on striking out again and ending the creature (but didn't manage).
Action: Attack 1st Unarmed Strike @SA2 hit 33! (crit) for 15 magical slashing damage and 6 lightning damage 2nd Unarmed Strike @SA2 hit 24 for 16 magical slashing damage and 7 lightning damage Bonus: Unarmed Strike@SA2 hit 20 for 12 magical slashing damage and 5 lightning damage
1st Unarmed Strike @SA2 hit 33! (crit) for 15 magical slashing damage and 6 lightning damage 2nd Unarmed Strike @SA2 hit 24 for 16 magical slashing damage and 7 lightning damage Unarmed Strike@SA2 hit 20 for 12 magical slashing damage and 5 lightning damage
SA2 takes 21, 23, 17, total 61 damage. SA2 (5/119)
Necyra casts Aid (3rd level) on Talorin, Trystane, and Yurgojin (our three primary in-close attackers), giving each of you an additional 10 hp (easiest to just apply it to Temp hp).
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Once the star anglers are dispatched, you drift-fall to the surface of the dying god.
The stony mass isn’t a planet or an asteroid, but a colossal creature that appears lifeless. Shattered ribs arch over the creature’s mossy spine, and the air crackles with decaying magic.
Among the bones is the shipwreck of a large galleon broken into three large chunks: the sterncastle, nestled in the corpse’s hip bones; the starboard section, embedded in the ribcage; and the prow, stabbed into the creature’s heart.
Scraps of golden sails dangle from the sterncastle’s ruined mast. Two armored githyanki patrol the deck and below, silver swords at their hips.
The DM is attempting to use Stealth (DC15) to sneak past the githyanki pirates: B12, N27, TA18, TR28, Y21
Assuming one of you can't roll a 15, the Gith both yell out at you from the deck, "We see you." one of them shouts across the expanse between the top of the deck down to the surface of Havock, "She sees you but I smells ya!" the second one offers a humorous insult, still yelling, as if to get your attention. "Zastra, how rude. Don't scare these rogues off. Clearly they are trying to sneak up on us." She shouts as if she's having a normal conversation and she wants you to join in. "Lysan! Names, names! Don't use our real names." Zastra shouts, as if he's not really trying to be covert. "Because..." He begins to sing, "♪ That, ♪ Would, ♩ Be, ♫ Ir-re, ♩ spons, ♫ i-ble!"
With the stealth broken, Talorin engages with the Githyanki. " ♪ And to be ♫ Ir-re ♪ spons ♫ i-ble ♪ would be a di-Zastra ♫ " he sing songs song back with some musical accompaniment and a wink on his disaster/di-Zastra pun.
Silver swords, likely the more trained of their kind he thinks.
He billows his cloak as he speaks, "Ahoy there! We were actually drawn here by your smell from miles away." he mimes holding his nose to match Zastra's humorous insult with a friendly jab of his own. He pays attention to the rod for moment to see if it feels like the way to the next part is up the ship. "Seems your ship has seen better days. And the beast slain with the ship certainly has." He wonders just how long these two, and likely others with them, might've been staying here in this part of the astral sea without contact, given the lack of need for food or water.
First looking for approval from the other party-members he asks, "Not sure how long it's been since you last had company, but mind if we come up?"
Necyra watched the scene unfold with a mixture of amusement and caution. Talorin's antics were always entertaining, but she knew that the Githyanki were not to be trifled with. They were a proud and warrior-like race, and they were not likely to welcome strangers with open arms. As Talorin engaged the Githyanki in conversation, Necyra prepared herself for a possible confrontation. She readied her spells, her mind racing as she considered the best strategy to deal with these hostile creatures. As Talorin asked permission to board the ship, Necyra nodded in agreement. She was curious to see what the Githyanki had to offer, and she was also eager to explore the shipwreck and search for the second piece of the Rod of Seven Parts.
With a graceful motion, Necyra gently glided to the ground, folding her wings back onto her back. She stood tall, her eyes scanning the deck of the shipwreck, her mind already racing with possibilities.
First looking for approval from the other party-members he asks, "Not sure how long it's been since you last had company, but mind if we come up?"
"Aye!" shouts Zastra as he throws ropes over the stern. "Climb aboard!"
You can climb the ropes with ease or you could simply focus and move through the Astral sea up and sideways, at your normal movement speed.
Lysan greets you with, "Welcome to the Lambent Zenith. Our mission came to an end a few months ago when we collided with this body, this thing."
Lysan continues, "The ship’s prow was outfitted with pretty fancy magic stuff. Magic that's beyond my understanding. The magic fancy stuff must have malfunctioned in the crash, now teleportation magic is all warped and sh*t. Instead of teleporting creatures, the magic instead spawns portals."
Zastra points to the next piece of the ship, about 300 feet away. "The areas between the wreckage are teeming with hungry astral predators. Our lackeys are too afraid to risk traveling between the segments. We try to stay below deck, because of all the aberrant monsters and cloakers who attack randomly."
Zastra continues, "No one knows more about our ship than Kycera. He's our second mate. You can find him in the Pantry." He points out the way. But Lysan gives Zastra a signal that you can't help but notice. She speaks up, "Kycera is useless as of late. He's hiding below deck. If you want to help us out of our predicament, you should talk to the interim captain Ilren. He's with our first mate in the Stateroom." As she points the way there.
Both pirates seem eager to help and judging by the crashed rowboat on the deck, "Oh that? Yeah, we have taken on some stowaways. The more the merrier. We are no longer the Lambent Zenith, we are now Camp Zenith. Welcome to any and all bastards unlucky enough to crash on this heap!"
He pays attention to the rod for moment to see if it feels like the way to the next part is up the ship.
You feel no tug from your rod while on the deck of the stern. You do feel a tug towards the scattered remains of the Lambent Zenith, farther away and in the gaps teeming with Night Scavvers, Star Anglers, and the occasional cloaker
Necyra, her dark wings outstretched, soared gracefully through the air, ascending to the deck of the Lambent Zenith. As she reached the deck, she was greeted by a strange mixture of excitement and melancholy. The ship was a sight to behold, its once-proud hull now a shattered and decaying husk. A sense of unease washed over Necyra as she stepped onto the deck. She fingered her Vecna's Link ring, casting thee See Invisibility spell. Her eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any sign of invisible creatures or traps. The Astral Sea was a dangerous place, and she knew that she could not afford to let her guard down.
Necyra decided to follow Lysan's advice and speak with the interim captain, Ilren. She once again lifted effortlessly off the ground, soared through the astral air, heading towards the Stateroom. She was curious to learn more about the situation and to see if she could offer any assistance.
Trystane nods gratefully at Necyra for the healing and aid she provided, feeling the warmth of her magic soothe his wounds. As he listens to the pirates speak about their situation, his sharp eyes scan the ruined ship, noting its shattered state and the uneasy tension in the air. The Githyanki were being strangely welcoming, but their situation seemed dire, and Trystane knew better than to take things at face value. He steps forward, his voice low and calm, "We appreciate the welcome. Your situation sounds… less than ideal." He glances at Zastra and Lysan. "What’s your plan for getting off this wreck? How far along are you in the process? I’m not keen on being stranded here indefinitely."
Trystane’s gaze shifts toward the scattered wreckage in the distance, his instincts still sharp. He avoids mentioning the rod or their true objective, keeping their mission close to his chest. "If there’s something we can do to help move things along, just say the word. We’d rather keep things… smooth." He folds his arms, watching their reactions closely, ready to gauge if their intentions are as genuine as they seem. "I don’t suppose you’ve got any insight into what we might be dealing with between these wrecks? Those aberrations sound like they'd cause quite the problem."
"You mean to tell me, the crew are more afraid of leaving the ship to get what's needed to fix it, some of which you can see from the deck, then staying put below deck indefinitely?" Yurgojin folds his arms and face scrunches in slight disgust for the lack of bravery one comes to expect to find on a ship. "And why are you 2 up here if everyone keeps below deck?" Yurgojin sees if he can identify any defense the boat has, canons and such.
"We appreciate the welcome. Your situation sounds… less than ideal."
"Less than I- Dee- Allll!" Zastra begins singing your words. "More than I- Fee- Alll! Hey there! What's the Dee- Alll! Let's go grab a Mee- Alll!"
"What’s your plan for getting off this wreck? How far along are you in the process? I’m not keen on being stranded here indefinitely."
"Zastra, cut it out." Lysan says. "We're in a pretty cumbersome spot. Our Captain, Inda, is missing and our first mate, Figaro, has gone insane. Ilren has stepped up as acting captain but he's too busy trying to get Figaro to stop acting crazy and our second mate, Kycera, is scared and avoiding Ilren and Figaro."
"I don’t suppose you’ve got any insight into what we might be dealing with between these wrecks? Those aberrations sound like they'd cause quite the problem."
"You mean to tell me, the crew are more afraid of leaving the ship to get what's needed to fix it, some of which you can see from the deck, then staying put below deck indefinitely?And why are you 2 up here if everyone keeps below deck?
Lysan continues, "Yeah, in the first moth Kycera took the lackys off the boat, headed that way to the next deck. So many of them were snatched up by flying sharks and giant fish stingrays. They barely got back with six lackys still alive. When they went back out, a few days later, the attacks came on just as fierce. So now they all hide below deck. Not Zastra and I, we are knighted, brave and true. Not like those hoplites and lackys below deck. So that's what we do, we keep lookout for anyone or anything that can help get us out of this mess."
Yurgojin sees if he can identify any defense the boat has, canons and such. Perception 19
You see some broken and wrecked magical canons, powered by rods and wands but they all seem broken or the magic is being altered or suppressed in some way.
Bridgette decides not to bother using a spell slot on hex this time. She simply unleashes three eldritch blast beams at SA 1.
EB vs. SA 1:
Attack: 17; Damage: 8 (force)
Attack: 25; Damage 8 (force)
Attack: 14 (miss)
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
Yurgojin will continue to keep stabbing the anglers:
Attack 1: 18 to hit, 13 piercing (rerolled with feat) plus 7 fire and 14 sneak
Attack 2: 11 to hit, 9 piercing plus 11 fire
Trystane joins in the fray and infuses his hands and arms with electric energy through an ancient rite field by his own life force (4 necrotic damage to self) and then slashes the fish monsters with his electrified claws.
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Necyra holds back and waits for someone to get damaged and requires a little healing.
Last to know and first to be blamed...
As a free action, can I regret my life choices?
SA1 takes 16 damage. SA1 (30/119)
SA1 takes 20, 14, total 34 and dies. SA1 (-4/119)
SA2 takes 20 damage. SA2 (99/119)
SA2 takes 18, 15, total 33. SA2 (66/119)
Round 2
Bridgette, Trystane, Necyra, Yurgojin
Talorin << your turn
Star Angler
SA1 (dead)
SA2 (66/119, incapacitated until Talorin's turn)
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
@MisterWhisker, he'd noted that Bridgette could take two turns. So think you can get a second Eldritch Blast in there.
Talorin continues to swoop through the air with the power of thought and casts a sacred flame as while swimming in this astral sea.
Sacred Flame @ SA2
Damage: 7+7+5 = 19 radiant
DEX Save DC 19
Edit: Almost forgot something very important
Bonus Action: Cause Cloak of Billowing to billow!
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 45, 2/3/25, Adiemus
SA2 Dexterity Save DC 19 vs 12
SA2 targets Trystane bite1 Attack: 22 Damage: 17
SA2 targets Trystane bite2 Attack: 25 Damage: 10
SA2 targets Trystane bite3 Attack: 23 Damage: 11
Round 3
Bridgette, Trystane, Necyra, Yurgojin, Talorin << your turn
Star Angler
SA2 (66/119, sf tbd)
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Trystane -in his fury- underestimated the enormous fish and got himself in a pickle opening up his defences on one side and the devious fish creature used the opportunity to rip out a piece of him! Fortunately, it was only superficial and his regenerative abilities replaced the tissue quick enough (resistance to piercing for half damage), so that he could focus on striking out again and ending the creature (but didn't manage).
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
One damged someone, coming up!
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Brodgette will go ahead and finish it off with eldritch blast.
EB vs. SA 2:
Attack: 22; Damage: 15 (force).
Not going to bother with the additional 2 attacks... pretty certain the enemy is dead.
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
SA2 takes 21, 23, 17, total 61 damage. SA2 (5/119)
SA2 takes 19 damage and dies. SA2 (-14/119)
SA2 takes 15 damage and dies. SA2 (-29/119)
2x Star Angler Rewards
2x 3900 XP (total 7800 XP, each 1560 XP)
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
On Trystane
Necyra casts Cure Wounds (4th level) on Trystane, healing him for 27 hp.
On Talorin, Trystane, and Yurgojin
Necyra casts Aid (3rd level) on Talorin, Trystane, and Yurgojin (our three primary in-close attackers), giving each of you an additional 10 hp (easiest to just apply it to Temp hp).
Last to know and first to be blamed...
As a free action, can I regret my life choices?
Once the star anglers are dispatched, you drift-fall to the surface of the dying god.

The stony mass isn’t a planet or an asteroid, but a colossal creature that appears lifeless. Shattered ribs arch over the creature’s mossy spine, and the air crackles with decaying magic.
Among the bones is the shipwreck of a large galleon broken into three large chunks: the sterncastle, nestled in the corpse’s hip bones; the starboard section, embedded in the ribcage; and the prow, stabbed into the creature’s heart.

Scraps of golden sails dangle from the sterncastle’s ruined mast. Two armored githyanki patrol the deck and below, silver swords at their hips.
The DM is attempting to use Stealth (DC15) to sneak past the githyanki pirates: B12, N27, TA18, TR28, Y21
Assuming one of you can't roll a 15, the Gith both yell out at you from the deck, "We see you." one of them shouts across the expanse between the top of the deck down to the surface of Havock, "She sees you but I smells ya!" the second one offers a humorous insult, still yelling, as if to get your attention. "Zastra, how rude. Don't scare these rogues off. Clearly they are trying to sneak up on us." She shouts as if she's having a normal conversation and she wants you to join in. "Lysan! Names, names! Don't use our real names." Zastra shouts, as if he's not really trying to be covert. "Because..." He begins to sing, "♪ That, ♪ Would, ♩ Be, ♫ Ir-re, ♩ spons, ♫ i-ble!"
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
With the stealth broken, Talorin engages with the Githyanki. " ♪ And to be ♫ Ir-re ♪ spons ♫ i-ble ♪ would be a di-Zastra ♫ " he sing songs song back with some musical accompaniment and a wink on his disaster/di-Zastra pun.
Silver swords, likely the more trained of their kind he thinks.
He billows his cloak as he speaks, "Ahoy there! We were actually drawn here by your smell from miles away." he mimes holding his nose to match Zastra's humorous insult with a friendly jab of his own. He pays attention to the rod for moment to see if it feels like the way to the next part is up the ship. "Seems your ship has seen better days. And the beast slain with the ship certainly has." He wonders just how long these two, and likely others with them, might've been staying here in this part of the astral sea without contact, given the lack of need for food or water.
First looking for approval from the other party-members he asks, "Not sure how long it's been since you last had company, but mind if we come up?"
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 45, 2/3/25, Adiemus
Necyra watched the scene unfold with a mixture of amusement and caution. Talorin's antics were always entertaining, but she knew that the Githyanki were not to be trifled with. They were a proud and warrior-like race, and they were not likely to welcome strangers with open arms. As Talorin engaged the Githyanki in conversation, Necyra prepared herself for a possible confrontation. She readied her spells, her mind racing as she considered the best strategy to deal with these hostile creatures. As Talorin asked permission to board the ship, Necyra nodded in agreement. She was curious to see what the Githyanki had to offer, and she was also eager to explore the shipwreck and search for the second piece of the Rod of Seven Parts.
With a graceful motion, Necyra gently glided to the ground, folding her wings back onto her back. She stood tall, her eyes scanning the deck of the shipwreck, her mind already racing with possibilities.
Last to know and first to be blamed...
As a free action, can I regret my life choices?
"Aye!" shouts Zastra as he throws ropes over the stern. "Climb aboard!"
You can climb the ropes with ease or you could simply focus and move through the Astral sea up and sideways, at your normal movement speed.
Lysan greets you with, "Welcome to the Lambent Zenith. Our mission came to an end a few months ago when we collided with this body, this thing."
Lysan continues, "The ship’s prow was outfitted with pretty fancy magic stuff. Magic that's beyond my understanding. The magic fancy stuff must have malfunctioned in the crash, now teleportation magic is all warped and sh*t. Instead of teleporting creatures, the magic instead spawns portals."
Zastra points to the next piece of the ship, about 300 feet away. "The areas between the wreckage are teeming with hungry astral predators. Our lackeys are too afraid to risk traveling between the segments. We try to stay below deck, because of all the aberrant monsters and cloakers who attack randomly."
Zastra continues, "No one knows more about our ship than Kycera. He's our second mate. You can find him in the Pantry." He points out the way. But Lysan gives Zastra a signal that you can't help but notice. She speaks up, "Kycera is useless as of late. He's hiding below deck. If you want to help us out of our predicament, you should talk to the interim captain Ilren. He's with our first mate in the Stateroom." As she points the way there.
Both pirates seem eager to help and judging by the crashed rowboat on the deck, "Oh that? Yeah, we have taken on some stowaways. The more the merrier. We are no longer the Lambent Zenith, we are now Camp Zenith. Welcome to any and all bastards unlucky enough to crash on this heap!"
You feel no tug from your rod while on the deck of the stern. You do feel a tug towards the scattered remains of the Lambent Zenith, farther away and in the gaps teeming with Night Scavvers, Star Anglers, and the occasional cloaker

Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
OOC: That looks like a FUN place to go! Not.
Necyra, her dark wings outstretched, soared gracefully through the air, ascending to the deck of the Lambent Zenith. As she reached the deck, she was greeted by a strange mixture of excitement and melancholy. The ship was a sight to behold, its once-proud hull now a shattered and decaying husk. A sense of unease washed over Necyra as she stepped onto the deck. She fingered her Vecna's Link ring, casting thee See Invisibility spell. Her eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any sign of invisible creatures or traps. The Astral Sea was a dangerous place, and she knew that she could not afford to let her guard down.
Necyra decided to follow Lysan's advice and speak with the interim captain, Ilren. She once again lifted effortlessly off the ground, soared through the astral air, heading towards the Stateroom. She was curious to learn more about the situation and to see if she could offer any assistance.
Last to know and first to be blamed...
As a free action, can I regret my life choices?
Trystane nods gratefully at Necyra for the healing and aid she provided, feeling the warmth of her magic soothe his wounds. As he listens to the pirates speak about their situation, his sharp eyes scan the ruined ship, noting its shattered state and the uneasy tension in the air. The Githyanki were being strangely welcoming, but their situation seemed dire, and Trystane knew better than to take things at face value. He steps forward, his voice low and calm, "We appreciate the welcome. Your situation sounds… less than ideal." He glances at Zastra and Lysan. "What’s your plan for getting off this wreck? How far along are you in the process? I’m not keen on being stranded here indefinitely."
Trystane’s gaze shifts toward the scattered wreckage in the distance, his instincts still sharp. He avoids mentioning the rod or their true objective, keeping their mission close to his chest. "If there’s something we can do to help move things along, just say the word. We’d rather keep things… smooth." He folds his arms, watching their reactions closely, ready to gauge if their intentions are as genuine as they seem. "I don’t suppose you’ve got any insight into what we might be dealing with between these wrecks? Those aberrations sound like they'd cause quite the problem."
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
"You mean to tell me, the crew are more afraid of leaving the ship to get what's needed to fix it, some of which you can see from the deck, then staying put below deck indefinitely?" Yurgojin folds his arms and face scrunches in slight disgust for the lack of bravery one comes to expect to find on a ship. "And why are you 2 up here if everyone keeps below deck?" Yurgojin sees if he can identify any defense the boat has, canons and such.
Perception 19
"Less than I- Dee- Allll!" Zastra begins singing your words. "More than I- Fee- Alll! Hey there! What's the Dee- Alll! Let's go grab a Mee- Alll!"
"Zastra, cut it out." Lysan says. "We're in a pretty cumbersome spot. Our Captain, Inda, is missing and our first mate, Figaro, has gone insane. Ilren has stepped up as acting captain but he's too busy trying to get Figaro to stop acting crazy and our second mate, Kycera, is scared and avoiding Ilren and Figaro."
Lysan continues, "Yeah, in the first moth Kycera took the lackys off the boat, headed that way to the next deck. So many of them were snatched up by flying sharks and giant fish stingrays. They barely got back with six lackys still alive. When they went back out, a few days later, the attacks came on just as fierce. So now they all hide below deck. Not Zastra and I, we are knighted, brave and true. Not like those hoplites and lackys below deck. So that's what we do, we keep lookout for anyone or anything that can help get us out of this mess."
"Let's go see the new captain." Lysan says with glee
You see some broken and wrecked magical canons, powered by rods and wands but they all seem broken or the magic is being altered or suppressed in some way.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)