After being ambushed by Warforge Blade Scouts, sent by the faction, "Lord of Blades," The party continues up the mountain but the wilderness seems too difficult to navigate as the perpetual mist begins to shroud everything.
The party returns to Ialos where they meet back up with Kalyth and the Cyran Warriors.
The party then brings Kalyth to see Mercy where everyon openly talks about their struggles. The party explains how they need to find the next piece of the rod and that as they climbed the mountain, the mist became to obscure too much and they were attacked by Blade Scouts. Kalyth explains that she wants to take the large stash of docents that Mercy and her followers have hoarded and sell them for a small fortune on the black market. Mercy reveals that she cares not for gold or wealth, only to seek out docents to worship.
The party then realizes that they can solve everyone's problems by thinking logically about each person's needs.
Mercy just wants to keep the docents safe and is willing to offer everything in a store room, filled with rare art and valuables and one magic item Ring of Feather Falling Kalyth seeing the store room of black market goods says, "These treasures are worth a fortune. We could sell them on the black market and split the profits with you and we would all get rich." Mercy says, "Take the art and treasures, they were discovered when Ialos was restored. We only care about recovering docents, money means nothing to us." Mercy turns to the party and says, "You can borrow this docent, bind it to your magic rod and use it to find your treasure. In exchange, help make Ialos safe by dealing with the Blade Scouts of the Lord' of Blades.
With all factions content, the party now has a docent on loan, Kalyth packs up the treasures and leaves Ialos to find her fortune, and the Blade Scouts are on the losing end of this dispute.
“I’ve heard tales of an unusual colossus called Landro powered not by a Docent, but by a device called a graymatter engine that incorporated part of an artifact—perhaps that’s what you seek? The graymatter engine was said to generate a magical barrier around Landro, making it impossible to enter Landro except where the barrier has already been broken.”
“Rumor has it there’s a colossus powered by part of an artifact. Supposedly, if you remove this piece, the colossus will begin a self-destruct sequence, and there’s no way to stop the colossus from detonating in a terrible conflagration.”
Tuning the Rod To pair the second piece of the Rod of Seven Parts to the working Docent in Ialos (A character need not be attuned to the Docent to pair the Docent to the rod piece.) When a character touches the rod piece to the working Docent, the piece emits a loud, metallic ping. Thereafter, the piece points in the direction of the third rod piece, sending them back up the mountain, but this time with the help of the Docent, the rod will lead them to the next fragment.
Reaching the top of Mount Ironrot you notice one of the Warmachines appears to be fused with the rock inside the mountain itself. This must be the fabled Landro
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
The Docent Rod pings in the direction of the War Machine Landro but when you approach there is a wall of force 1 foot surrounding the entire warforge. While you could probably disintegrate a section of the force-wall and enter that way, you notice caves near the right foot that have gaps in the magic wall.
Cave Entrance The jagged cave entrance in the side of the mountain resembles a yawning maw. Warped stalactites droop at odd angles like monstrous fangs. A shallow stream of thin, gray liquid dribbles from the hole. Inside the cave, darkness awaits.
Moving through the twists and turns in the cave you come to a cavern,
Cave Graveyard The corpses of recently fallen human soldiers bearing fine weapons and well-oiled armor lie scattered about this musty cavern.
Arcana or Medicine Check DC 15, you can tell that Mounland Magic has preserved these ancient bodies to only appear recent.
Cave Shack Rickety metal sheets separate the east end of this cave from the rest of the complex. Aggressive growling emanates from behind the sheets.
3x Brelish Soldiers can be seen hiding in the metal shack. If you don't attack they yell out, "Don't drink the graymatter fluid."
Heading closer to the exposed Right Foot of Landro, you notice a Comatose Warforged Warrior. Once roused the warforge says his name is Fitch and that he is one of Mercy's Pilgrims, searching for Docents in Landro.
Right Foot Aside from a narrow passage, the 10-foot-tall toe section of the colossus’s foot has collapsed. Oversize, skull-shaped mushrooms pockmark the heap of debris that marks the rough division between the colossus’s interior and the adjacent cave. At the chamber’s far end, motes of dust and debris float in a cylinder of glowing, green light that stretches from floor to ceiling. The cylinder of light continues upward into Landro’s leg.
2x shriekers emit a shriek audible within 300 feet. You kill them and gain 4 XP each but hopefully you stopped them in time before alerting anyone who might have used them as an early detection system.
While inside of the robot, you have the effect of levitate cast on you due to the antigravity engine used to move the large and heavy body parts.
Left Foot The stone door at the toe end of this hollow foot has broken in several parts and is jammed shut. Through the cracks in the door, you can see the solid stone of the surrounding mountain.
Perception DC 11, you find a dusty, lusterless gemstone lying on the ground. An Arcana Check DC 15 reveals that it's a Elemental Gem (Emerald) that has not been broken and does not have a water elemental trapped inside. It's magical but has no elemental energy.
Left Leg Shaft Because of the antigravity, you can travel up either leg shaft 20-foot-diameter and 120 feel high.
Armory You find a stockpile of halberds, hand crossbows, and bolts
Artificer Quarters Absolute silence fills this tranquil sleeping area. The walls are lined with wooden bunk beds draped in green and purple quilts. Motes of dust drift with a peculiar languidness. A woman sleeps in one of the beds.
Entering this room, you can tell has the effects of the spell silence and Aura of Slumber
Everyone must roll a Constitution Save DC 13 or fall asleep for 1 minute. If you fail by 5 or more DC 9, you are asleep for 1 hour.
The woman awakes and speaks telepathically, "Yes, I am a ghost. I was Alamar-Vatashi the artificer living in Landro. It's time for me to sleep but before I do..."
Bridgette1, Necyra2, Talorin3, Trystane4, Yurgojin5, She phases through 2 giving you a vision and you gain the effects of a short rest.
As if through the eyes of a soaring bird, you see a titanic stone statue standing amid a circle of glowing sigils. A dozen robed figures, as small as ants, stand around the circle and murmur arcane words, their heads bowed in concentration. Impossibly, the stone colossus begins to levitate. As silvery light swirls around the colossus, the ground quakes, breaking the mages’ focus. The colossus is buried in crumbling stone, surrounded by shifting mountains and sickly gray clouds. Years pass in rapid succession while the colossus stands like a stone sentinel, stuck inside the craggy mountainside.
Workshop Fine tinkering tools, woodcarving equipment, and metal plates hang from hooks above a stone table and counters in this crowded workshop. In one corner, a faucet juts from a tall steel vat. The opposite corner has collapsed, allowing access to a tunnel beyond. A rivulet of graymatter fluid oozes across the floor and down the tunnel.
Lost Soldier The ghostly image of a human Cyran soldier paces nervously at the bottom of this sloping cavern. On seeing you, the figure smiles with relief and waves, shouting, “Please, help me find my comrades!”
You find another ghost, this one is named Chandry he will join the party because he is too afraid to look for his friends alone.
Dragonshard Pool The deep pool of gray liquid in the corner of this chamber glitters oddly. Around the pool, bones and battered armaments litter the cave floor.
25 +17 +8 +11=61, 64/4=15.25 vs 20, Blazebear goes first!
Round 1 BB1 charges the middle of the party. With his reach of 10 feet, it wants to cover as many casters as it can. Bridgette1, Necyra2, Talorin3, Trystane4, Yurgojin5 Stunning Gaze 120 feet 3, 3 Wisdom DC 15 or stunned.
Stunning Gaze (Recharge 5–6). The blazebear targets two creatures it can see within 120 feet of itself. Each target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or have the stunned condition until the start of the blazebear’s next turn.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack:+11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (2d12 + 7) piercing damage plus 11 (2d10) force damage.
Talorin reels from the sudden stun attempt of the blazebear only to take a bite from it. Shifting into defense he prays, "Lliira, deliver us from this beast's attacks!"The blazebear suddenly feels something coming over it, telling it to cease its movement.
Hold Monster @ Blazebear WIS Save DC 20 or paralyzed May repeat save at end of each turn
note: Blazebear has magic resistance so that save is at advantage
Possible Reaction: Silvery Barbs if it succeeds the WIS save Give advantage to Bridgette
Necyra soared above the battlefield, her wings carrying her effortlessly through the air. She watched as the Blazebear, a fearsome creature of fire and fury, attacked the party. With a swift gesture, she summoned a creature from the Feywild (casting Conjure Fey @ 6th level), a mischievous Korred. The tiny fey appeared in a flash of light, its eyes gleaming with mischief.
"Attack!" Necyra commanded, her voice echoing through the air.
The Korred, eager to engage in battle, charged at the Blazebear, its tiny form a stark contrast to the massive creature. Quickly and effortlessly picking up two large boulders, the Korred hurls them at the Blazebear from point blank range.
Necyra's Conjure Fey conjuring spell also strikes the Blazebear with a burst of psychic energy: Attack: 12 Damage: 31
Korred's Hurled Rock Attack #1: 17 Bludgeoning Damage: 12
Korred's Hurled Rock Attack #2: 15 Bludgeoning Damage: 22
OOC: Oh, holy smokes, I just realized that the spell casting time on that Conjure Fey spell is 1 minute. That's idiotic, and quite useless. So, I guess for now, only Necyra's psychic energy attack actually happened. She'll spend the next 9 rounds swirling her hands around in the air, completing the rest of the dang spell. The Korred isn't here yet...still making the journey from the Feywild.
Trystane counter charges the large monster but started too late. He pounces at the large bear-like creature with both claws trashing.
Bonus: unarmed strike @BB1, 25 for 15 slashing and 7 lightning damage Action: two unarmed strike attacks @BB1 1st hit 26 for 15 slashing and 6 lightning damage 2nd hit 25 for 11 slashing and 6 lightning damage
Hold Monster @ Blazebear, WIS Save DC 20 or paralyzed, May repeat save at end of each turn
Possible Reaction: Silvery Barbs if it succeeds the WIS save, Give advantage to Bridgette
BB1 reaction Antimagic Swipe targeting Talorin, Attack: 31 Damage: 29 on hit Intelligence Save DC 15 or Casting Hold Monster fails.
If Antimagic Swip misses or If Talorin makes his Intelligence Save, BB1 Wisdom Save DC 20 vs 13, (silvery barbs reroll 11)
Reaction Antimagic Swipe. Melee Weapon Attack:+11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature casting a spell of 3rd level or lower. Hit: 22 (4d10) force damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw or the spell fails and has no effect.
OOC: Oh, holy smokes, I just realized that the spell casting time on that Conjure Fey spell is 1 minute. That's idiotic, and quite useless. So, I guess for now, only Necyra's psychic energy attack actually happened. She'll spend the next 9 rounds swirling her hands around in the air, completing the rest of the dang spell. The Korred isn't here yet...still making the journey from the Feywild.
Bonus: unarmed strike @BB1, 25 for 15 slashing and 7 lightning damage Action: two unarmed strike attacks @BB1 1st hit 26 for 15 slashing and 6 lightning damage 2nd hit 25 for 11 slashing and 6 lightning damage
Round 2 BB1 charges the middle of the party. With his reach of 10 feet, it wants to cover as many casters as it can. Bridgette1, Necyra2, Talorin3, Trystane4, Yurgojin5 BB1 targets 3, Bite1 Attack: 15 Damage: 30, (if stunned adv 24) BB1 targets same, Bite2 Attack: 16 Damage: 24, (if stunned adv 28)
Investigation 9 but dex save 30. Will it be half damage or nothing at all?
It turns out that he could not have failed the dex save actually.
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
After being ambushed by Warforge Blade Scouts, sent by the faction, "Lord of Blades," The party continues up the mountain but the wilderness seems too difficult to navigate as the perpetual mist begins to shroud everything.

The party returns to Ialos where they meet back up with Kalyth and the Cyran Warriors.
The party then brings Kalyth to see Mercy where everyon openly talks about their struggles. The party explains how they need to find the next piece of the rod and that as they climbed the mountain, the mist became to obscure too much and they were attacked by Blade Scouts. Kalyth explains that she wants to take the large stash of docents that Mercy and her followers have hoarded and sell them for a small fortune on the black market. Mercy reveals that she cares not for gold or wealth, only to seek out docents to worship.
The party then realizes that they can solve everyone's problems by thinking logically about each person's needs.
Mercy just wants to keep the docents safe and is willing to offer everything in a store room, filled with rare art and valuables and one magic item Ring of Feather Falling
Kalyth seeing the store room of black market goods says, "These treasures are worth a fortune. We could sell them on the black market and split the profits with you and we would all get rich."
Mercy says, "Take the art and treasures, they were discovered when Ialos was restored. We only care about recovering docents, money means nothing to us."
Mercy turns to the party and says, "You can borrow this docent, bind it to your magic rod and use it to find your treasure. In exchange, help make Ialos safe by dealing with the Blade Scouts of the Lord' of Blades.
With all factions content, the party now has a docent on loan, Kalyth packs up the treasures and leaves Ialos to find her fortune, and the Blade Scouts are on the losing end of this dispute.
Settling the Dispute Rewards
Ring of Feather Falling
Mercy's followers help the party with their task
“I’ve heard tales of an unusual colossus called Landro powered not by a Docent, but by a device called a graymatter engine that incorporated part of an artifact—perhaps that’s what you seek? The graymatter engine was said to generate a magical barrier around Landro, making it impossible to enter Landro except where the barrier has already been broken.”
“Rumor has it there’s a colossus powered by part of an artifact. Supposedly, if you remove this piece, the colossus will begin a self-destruct sequence, and there’s no way to stop the colossus from detonating in a terrible conflagration.”
Tuning the Rod
To pair the second piece of the Rod of Seven Parts to the working Docent in Ialos (A character need not be attuned to the Docent to pair the Docent to the rod piece.) When a character touches the rod piece to the working Docent, the piece emits a loud, metallic ping. Thereafter, the piece points in the direction of the third rod piece, sending them back up the mountain, but this time with the help of the Docent, the rod will lead them to the next fragment.
Reaching the top of Mount Ironrot you notice one of the Warmachines appears to be fused with the rock inside the mountain itself. This must be the fabled Landro
Happy Halloween! I'll post more tonight.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
One shot did get Yurgojin, decided to save the spell slot and just second wind after so 4 damage in total
The Docent Rod pings in the direction of the War Machine Landro but when you approach there is a wall of force 1 foot surrounding the entire warforge. While you could probably disintegrate a section of the force-wall and enter that way, you notice caves near the right foot that have gaps in the magic wall.
Cave Entrance
The jagged cave entrance in the side of the mountain resembles a yawning maw. Warped stalactites droop at odd angles like monstrous fangs. A shallow stream of thin, gray liquid dribbles from the hole. Inside the cave, darkness awaits.
Moving through the twists and turns in the cave you come to a cavern,
Cave Graveyard
The corpses of recently fallen human soldiers bearing fine weapons and well-oiled armor lie scattered about this musty cavern.
Arcana or Medicine Check DC 15, you can tell that Mounland Magic has preserved these ancient bodies to only appear recent.
Cave Shack
Rickety metal sheets separate the east end of this cave from the rest of the complex. Aggressive growling emanates from behind the sheets.
3x Brelish Soldiers can be seen hiding in the metal shack. If you don't attack they yell out, "Don't drink the graymatter fluid."

Heading closer to the exposed Right Foot of Landro, you notice a Comatose Warforged Warrior. Once roused the warforge says his name is Fitch and that he is one of Mercy's Pilgrims, searching for Docents in Landro.
Right Foot
Aside from a narrow passage, the 10-foot-tall toe section of the colossus’s foot has collapsed. Oversize, skull-shaped mushrooms pockmark the heap of debris that marks the rough division between the colossus’s interior and the adjacent cave. At the chamber’s far end, motes of dust and debris float in a cylinder of glowing, green light that stretches from floor to ceiling. The cylinder of light continues upward into Landro’s leg.
2x shriekers emit a shriek audible within 300 feet. You kill them and gain 4 XP each but hopefully you stopped them in time before alerting anyone who might have used them as an early detection system.
While inside of the robot, you have the effect of levitate cast on you due to the antigravity engine used to move the large and heavy body parts.
Left Foot
The stone door at the toe end of this hollow foot has broken in several parts and is jammed shut. Through the cracks in the door, you can see the solid stone of the surrounding mountain.
Perception DC 11, you find a dusty, lusterless gemstone lying on the ground. An Arcana Check DC 15 reveals that it's a Elemental Gem (Emerald) that has not been broken and does not have a water elemental trapped inside. It's magical but has no elemental energy.
Left Leg Shaft
Because of the antigravity, you can travel up either leg shaft 20-foot-diameter and 120 feel high.
You find a stockpile of halberds, hand crossbows, and bolts
Artificer Quarters
Absolute silence fills this tranquil sleeping area. The walls are lined with wooden bunk beds draped in green and purple quilts. Motes of dust drift with a peculiar languidness. A woman sleeps in one of the beds.
Entering this room, you can tell has the effects of the spell silence and Aura of Slumber
Everyone must roll a Constitution Save DC 13 or fall asleep for 1 minute. If you fail by 5 or more DC 9, you are asleep for 1 hour.
The woman awakes and speaks telepathically, "Yes, I am a ghost. I was Alamar-Vatashi the artificer living in Landro. It's time for me to sleep but before I do..."
Bridgette1, Necyra2, Talorin3, Trystane4, Yurgojin5,
She phases through 2 giving you a vision and you gain the effects of a short rest.
As if through the eyes of a soaring bird, you see a titanic stone statue standing amid a circle of glowing sigils. A dozen robed figures, as small as ants, stand around the circle and murmur arcane words, their heads bowed in concentration. Impossibly, the stone colossus begins to levitate.

As silvery light swirls around the colossus, the ground quakes, breaking the mages’ focus. The colossus is buried in crumbling stone, surrounded by shifting mountains and sickly gray clouds. Years pass in rapid succession while the colossus stands like a stone sentinel, stuck inside the craggy mountainside.
Fine tinkering tools, woodcarving equipment, and metal plates hang from hooks above a stone table and counters in this crowded workshop. In one corner, a faucet juts from a tall steel vat. The opposite corner has collapsed, allowing access to a tunnel beyond. A rivulet of graymatter fluid oozes across the floor and down the tunnel.
Lost Soldier
The ghostly image of a human Cyran soldier paces nervously at the bottom of this sloping cavern. On seeing you, the figure smiles with relief and waves, shouting, “Please, help me find my comrades!”
You find another ghost, this one is named Chandry he will join the party because he is too afraid to look for his friends alone.
Dragonshard Pool
The deep pool of gray liquid in the corner of this chamber glitters oddly. Around the pool, bones and battered armaments litter the cave floor.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Necyra initiative: 9
Last to know and first to be blamed...
As a free action, can I regret my life choices?
Yurgojin init: 8
(Will take the ring if no one else wants it, though Yurgojin is out of attunement slots)
OOC: Take it! Necyra has wings and can fly, so she has no need for it.
Last to know and first to be blamed...
As a free action, can I regret my life choices?
Bridgette init: 25
(Bridgette already has a featherfall token)
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
Yurgojin has Feather Fall scrolls so he doesn't need it either.
Talorin Initiative: 16+1 = 17
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 45, 2/3/25, Adiemus
25 +17 +8 +11=61, 64/4=15.25 vs 20, Blazebear goes first!
Round 1
BB1 charges the middle of the party. With his reach of 10 feet, it wants to cover as many casters as it can.
Bridgette1, Necyra2, Talorin3, Trystane4, Yurgojin5
Stunning Gaze 120 feet 3, 3
Wisdom DC 15 or stunned.
Bridgette1, Necyra2, Talorin3, Trystane4, Yurgojin5
BB1 targets 3, Bite Attack: 19 Damage: 33, (if stunned adv 23)
Stunning Gaze (Recharge 5–6). The blazebear targets two creatures it can see within 120 feet of itself. Each target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or have the stunned condition until the start of the blazebear’s next turn.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (2d12 + 7) piercing damage plus 11 (2d10) force damage.
Round 1
Blazebear BB1
Necyra, Bridgette (2), Trystane, Yurgojin, Talorin << your turn
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Yurgojin wisdom st: 14,
Talorin WIS Save: 17+3 = 20
Talorin reels from the sudden stun attempt of the blazebear only to take a bite from it. Shifting into defense he prays, "Lliira, deliver us from this beast's attacks!" The blazebear suddenly feels something coming over it, telling it to cease its movement.
Hold Monster @ Blazebear
WIS Save DC 20 or paralyzed
May repeat save at end of each turn
note: Blazebear has magic resistance so that save is at advantage
Possible Reaction: Silvery Barbs if it succeeds the WIS save
Give advantage to Bridgette
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 45, 2/3/25, Adiemus
Necyra soared above the battlefield, her wings carrying her effortlessly through the air. She watched as the Blazebear, a fearsome creature of fire and fury, attacked the party. With a swift gesture, she summoned a creature from the Feywild (casting Conjure Fey @ 6th level), a mischievous Korred. The tiny fey appeared in a flash of light, its eyes gleaming with mischief.
"Attack!" Necyra commanded, her voice echoing through the air.
The Korred, eager to engage in battle, charged at the Blazebear, its tiny form a stark contrast to the massive creature. Quickly and effortlessly picking up two large boulders, the Korred hurls them at the Blazebear from point blank range.
Last to know and first to be blamed...
As a free action, can I regret my life choices?
OOC: Oh, holy smokes, I just realized that the spell casting time on that Conjure Fey spell is 1 minute. That's idiotic, and quite useless. So, I guess for now, only Necyra's psychic energy attack actually happened. She'll spend the next 9 rounds swirling her hands around in the air, completing the rest of the dang spell. The Korred isn't here yet...still making the journey from the Feywild.
Last to know and first to be blamed...
As a free action, can I regret my life choices?
Trystane counter charges the large monster but started too late. He pounces at the large bear-like creature with both claws trashing.
Bonus: unarmed strike @BB1, 25 for 15 slashing and 7 lightning damage
Action: two unarmed strike attacks @BB1
1st hit 26 for 15 slashing and 6 lightning damage
2nd hit 25 for 11 slashing and 6 lightning damage
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
BB1 reaction Antimagic Swipe targeting Talorin, Attack: 31 Damage: 29 on hit Intelligence Save DC 15 or Casting Hold Monster fails.
If Antimagic Swip misses or If Talorin makes his Intelligence Save, BB1 Wisdom Save DC 20 vs 13, (silvery barbs reroll 11)
Reaction Antimagic Swipe. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature casting a spell of 3rd level or lower. Hit: 22 (4d10) force damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw or the spell fails and has no effect.
Start of BB1's turn Yurgojin is no longer stunned
You can change your turn, that's fine.
BB1 takes 15, 7, 15, 6, 11, 6, total 60 damage. BB1 (129/189)
Stunning Gaze (Recharge 5–6). 3
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Round 2
BB1 charges the middle of the party. With his reach of 10 feet, it wants to cover as many casters as it can.
Bridgette1, Necyra2, Talorin3, Trystane4, Yurgojin5
BB1 targets 3, Bite1 Attack: 15 Damage: 30, (if stunned adv 24)
BB1 targets same, Bite2 Attack: 16 Damage: 24, (if stunned adv 28)
Round 2
Blazebear BB1 (129/189)
Necyra, Bridgette (2), Trystane, Yurgojin, Talorin << your turn
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
I guess Bridgette has two turns to zap... oops.
As usual, round 1 she uses her bonus action to cast hex on the blazebear. Then she blasts away.
Eldritch Blast vs. Blazebear:
Attack: 24 Damage: 12 (force) + 1 (necrotic)
Attack: 26 Damage: 10 (force) + 6 (necrotic)
Attack: 32 Damage: 22 (force) + 3 (necrotic)
Round 2, more eldritch blast action against BB1
Eldritch Blast vs. Blazebear:
Attack: 20 Damage: 10 (force) + 2 (necrotic)
Attack: 25 Damage: 9 (force) + 4 (necrotic)
Attack: 29 Damage: 7 (force) + 6 (necrotic)
She also uses her bonus action on the second round to deal 5 psychic damage to the beast through her hex.
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
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For the crit on the first round, the hex deals an extra 3 points of necrotic damage that wasn't accounted for in the original post.
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!