[[ Talorin has Comprehend Languages via Rune Shaper. 1 per long rest. So if there's a strong desire to speak with the water elementals could use it. ]]
Talorin casts comprehend languages and waits a couple of minutes. "...untrustworthy cultists...come any closer and I'll call my weirds to attack...why are you standing there...go away..."
The water elemental surfaces and speaks in Aquan, "You there. You can hear me? Do you speak the water language of elemental plane? Oh. You don't. You only understand. Well understand this, we will not take any more abuse from you or your kind. If you come any closer, we will kill you. Leave us alone."
"Cultists?" says Talorin, a bit surprised. He says to the party, "He thinks we're cultists with whom he's got a lot of bad blood." He turns back to the elemental, "We're not cultists. We're here to rescue some people that were kidnapped."
persuasion: 8+9 = 17 //not sure if it's required yet, but figure better to roll and not need it
Cog Alcove Room: Trystane follows Necyra into the room, his yellowish-amber eyes scanning the surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and caution. The rusty standpipes and fused cogs pique his interest, though he is careful not to touch anything. Instead, he kneels down and inspects the floor and walls for tracks or signs of undead activity. "Seems like these contraptions haven't been used in a long time," he murmurs to Necyra, his voice low and contemplative. "Let's proceed carefully. There could be more than meets the eye."
Cog Valve Control Room: Trystane steps into the control room, his attention drawn to the series of cogs and hand-turned wheels. He watches as Necyra tentatively turns one of the wheels, his stance alert for any sudden changes or hidden dangers. "Mechanical devices are not my strength," he says, shaking his head. "But let's remain vigilant. This place is full of surprises." He scans the room again for any signs of recent activity, particularly tracks that might indicate the presence of hostile entities.
Overflow Pool Room: As they enter the room, Trystane immediately notices the rippling water and the faint movement beneath its surface. He remains on high alert, his senses attuned to any potential threats. When Necyra clears the water with her magic, revealing the water weirds and the water elemental, Trystane steps back slightly, his muscles tensed. "Stay back," he warns his companions softly. When the elemental speaks, Trystane listens carefully to Talorin's translation. He steps forward slightly, hands open and non-threatening. "We are not your enemies," he says clearly and calmly, hoping the sounds of his words carry his meaning. To the others he says, "If cultists are involved, it is possible that the nobles aren't kidnapped for ransom but that they are needed for a ritual of some sort. I fear we must hurry or their fate might be sealed."
Pressure Room: Trystane enters the room cautiously, his eyes following the pipes climbing the walls. He observes the hand-turned wheels but refrains from touching them, aware of his lack of expertise with such devices. "Let's keep our distance from the machinery," he suggests to his companions. "It might be best not to interfere with anything until we understand its purpose." Again, he inspects the area for any signs of undead or cultist activity, as Talorin found out about cultists, his senses sharp and focused.
Improvised Workshop: As they step into the workshop, Trystane's attention is immediately drawn to the hulking, fish-headed creature examining the clockwork components. Recognizing the need for diplomacy, he approaches slowly, his posture non-threatening and respectful. "Greetings," he says in Common, then repeats in Giant and Abyssal, hoping one of the languages might be understood. "We mean you no harm." Trystane watches the marid carefully, ready to interpret any signs of aggression or curiosity. He hopes his peaceful approach will be reciprocated, allowing for a dialogue that might aid their quest.
Cog Alcove Room: Trystane follows Necyra into the room, his yellowish-amber eyes scanning the surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and caution. The rusty standpipes and fused cogs pique his interest, though he is careful not to touch anything. Instead, he kneels down and inspects the floor and walls for tracks or signs of undead activity. "Seems like these contraptions haven't been used in a long time," he murmurs to Necyra, his voice low and contemplative. "Let's proceed carefully. There could be more than meets the eye."
Cog Valve Control Room: Trystane steps into the control room, his attention drawn to the series of cogs and hand-turned wheels. He watches as Necyra tentatively turns one of the wheels, his stance alert for any sudden changes or hidden dangers. "Mechanical devices are not my strength," he says, shaking his head. "But let's remain vigilant. This place is full of surprises." He scans the room again for any signs of recent activity, particularly tracks that might indicate the presence of hostile entities.
Overflow Pool Room: As they enter the room, Trystane immediately notices the rippling water and the faint movement beneath its surface. He remains on high alert, his senses attuned to any potential threats. When Necyra clears the water with her magic, revealing the water weirds and the water elemental, Trystane steps back slightly, his muscles tensed. "Stay back," he warns his companions softly. When the elemental speaks, Trystane listens carefully to Talorin's translation. He steps forward slightly, hands open and non-threatening. "We are not your enemies," he says clearly and calmly, hoping the sounds of his words carry his meaning. To the others he says, "If cultists are involved, it is possible that the nobles aren't kidnapped for ransom but that they are needed for a ritual of some sort. I fear we must hurry or their fate might be sealed."
Pressure Room: Trystane enters the room cautiously, his eyes following the pipes climbing the walls. He observes the hand-turned wheels but refrains from touching them, aware of his lack of expertise with such devices. "Let's keep our distance from the machinery," he suggests to his companions. "It might be best not to interfere with anything until we understand its purpose." Again, he inspects the area for any signs of undead or cultist activity, as Talorin found out about cultists, his senses sharp and focused.
Improvised Workshop: As they step into the workshop, Trystane's attention is immediately drawn to the hulking, fish-headed creature examining the clockwork components. Recognizing the need for diplomacy, he approaches slowly, his posture non-threatening and respectful. "Greetings," he says in Common, then repeats in Giant and Abyssal, hoping one of the languages might be understood. "We mean you no harm." Trystane watches the marid carefully, ready to interpret any signs of aggression or curiosity. He hopes his peaceful approach will be reciprocated, allowing for a dialogue that might aid their quest.
Shanzezim turns around, glasses hanging off of his face, speaking in common he says, "This is my space. Need i remind you that the fountain is the property of the Waterclock Guild."
He stands up, back turned to a vast wooden desk, filled with clockwork trinkets and half completed projects. He pulls out a second pair of glasses and swaps them out with the ones on his face.
"What is this? You're no cultist. Harm? I doubt you would be much harm to me and my water elememtals but greetings and mannors are a welcome addition to this underground prison."
Shanzezim rummages through a pile of broken things, making a loud and unplesant sound of copper fins scraping metal files. He pulls a gold colored flywheel from the heap and takes a few steps closer to you.
"I've decided to reassemble the great Guild Waterclock. He points back to thousands of parts scattered across the large desk. As a member of the Waterclock Guild, I don't just enjoy my work, I live for this. I bet it could take me less than ten more years to finish reassembling this all by myself. That's assuming that none of the pieces have gone missing"
"Oh. This piece? Well this piece is interesting to someone like me. I found a broken clock. It was one of those new clocks with a drive regulator. The problem is the regulator is missing and I've got thousands of clock parts with no regulators. And this..." He waves the flywheel around, "this thing was jammed inside. It's a flywheel but you can tell that it came from another clock." He chuckles, "And this part gets me every time that I tell myself this story."
He laughs at his own joke and then continues. "So I found a broken clock and it's one of those new regulator clocks but the regulator's been removed and the flywheel replaced with this thing and surprise, it actually fits. How I've wanted to replace the regulator on this clock, just to see what it does once repaired. You see this flywheel shouldn't fit into this clock at all. It's been fabricated from a magic item. Without a regulator it's useless to me so I'll just use it for parts and you can take this, it's a gift."
"Those cruel cultists bully my Elemental friends and they are holding someone prison in a room nearby"
"You know what would be funny is if you change the water pressure to maximum and flood out those cultists. Since I've worked down here for years, I've mapped out all of the working valves and cogs that regulate water preassure. Just come to me and I can explain how to fix them or change them in different ways."
Bridgette is fascinated by Shanzezim's suggestion about flooding out the cultists... but... there is one issue.
"Um... you said that they're holding someone prisoner in a room nearby?" she says. "If we were to flood said cultists out as you mentioned, would we put their unfortunate victim at risk?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Bridgette is fascinated by Shanzezim's suggestion about flooding out the cultists... but... there is one issue.
"Um... you said that they're holding someone prisoner in a room nearby?" she says. "If we were to flood said cultists out as you mentioned, would we put their unfortunate victim at risk?"
Don't worry, it will flood really slowly and it will only floor two rooms with basins, one in the kitchen the other in the common room.
Yurgojin looks at the talkative creature, not understanding a word of it he simply walks about looking around the room. "Me guess he doesn't know our missions whereabouts, or am I mistaken."
Yurgojin looks at the talkative creature, not understanding a word of it he simply walks about looking around the room. "Me guess he doesn't know our missions whereabouts, or am I mistaken."
"If you have a mission, I'm sure I don't know about that. All I can tell you is that I've been bound by magic and by my promise to the Waterclock Guild to live underground with my weirds and fix the Guild Clock. You see, this clock was broken many years ago and stopped working. This is a big problem for my guild. Since I am a master clock worker, I can fix this in no time at all, maybe 20 years, give or take a few years here and there, but the feeling of completion and satisfaction is my reward. I don't require any help to fix a clock of this magnitude. This might be the most complicated clock ever built and I have the privilege, no wait, I have the honor to fix it all by myself. I couldn't be more pleased."
"Um... you said that they're holding someone prisoner in a room nearby?"
Yes. You were listening. I did mention that some cultist barged into the fountain room several days past, they were bullying my weirds and taunting my elemental, they put a man into the room back there (he points to the blue arrow) and put a lock through the hasp to keep him inside. I haven't heard a peep from him since. I'm sure he's scared and hungry but those cultists can be quite cruel, you know. They are not friendly people.
Mysleen is sitting in a corner, tuning her various instruments. She doesn't seem interested in exploring the different rooms. Rowdy, however, is currently tagging along with the party.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
Following the old Red Arrow brings you to an Uneven Chamber
Roots protrude through cracks in the ceiling here. A stone stairway in the southeast corner has collapsed, and the nearby walls have crumbled. Three doors in the north wall are shut, and the middle door bears a new padlock. To the west, stairs lead to a small balcony that overlooks the room from five feet above, with just enough room for a door painted with an eye.
Follow the Yellow Arrow to the Grate Room A metal grate in the floor of this ten-foot-square room blocks access to a shallow stone pit holding a small gold harp, a handful of loose papers, and a piece of bloody cloth.
Follow the Green Arrow to the Supply Room Stone shelves in this room contain boxes and bags. A few crates are stacked against the wall. lantern oil, chains, manacles and two potions labeled "Haeling Use Only!"
Follow the Blue Arrow to another Padlocked Room
Follow the Red Arrow to voices heard in the far distant
OOC: I’ll post a longer/better response tonight, but I definitely agree with @Bridgette above. Perhaps the prisoner is one we’re looking for, or, if not, maybe they have intelligence on where to find them.
Before advancing to the next larger area, Trystane investigates the padlocked room south of the water elementals. "Hello! Anyone in there?" Trystane calls out hammering against the door. He comments to Yurgojin, "Do you think you can open this? Or we could just use brute force."
In the new area, he will check the various directions, and points out the golden harp to Mysleen, "We can try to open this lock, or break through the door. This instrument looks pristine. Do you know how to play the harp?" He'd try to figure out what sense he can make of the cloth and papers (Investigation 14, 2nd roll: 15, advantage if information relates to fey, fiends, or undead).
Do the collapsed stairs (SE) lead up or down? In the supply room, he will sift through the boxes if time permits (Investigation 13, 2nd roll: 9). Generally, noticing voices from behind the door with a painted eye, he tries to be silent in this new area (Stealth: 16, 2nd roll 11).
While Necyra isn't known for her patience, a healthy dose of pragmatism courses through her veins. Seeing the water elemental and its blatant hostility, she quickly calculates the odds. Taking no chances, she launches herself backwards with a powerful beat of her wings, soaring out of the Overflow Pool Room and into the Improvised Workshop. However, she doesn't completely flee. Necyra keeps her face turned towards the water basin, a clear message that she might not be looking for a fight, but she's not one to be trifled with either.
Improvised Workshop
Necyra listens intently to the exchange, her crimson eyes darting between Shanzezim, Bridgette, and Yurgojin. Bridgette raises a valid point about the prisoner's safety with flooding, yet Shanzezim seems oblivious, solely focused on his clock project. Clearing her throat with a gentle cough, Necyra approaches Shanzezim. Her voice drips with flattery as she addresses him, "A pleasure to meet a fellow enthusiast of intricate mechanisms, my dear horologist. Cultists, you say? Sounds like we have a common foe. Perhaps we can help each other out. If we wanted to change the water pressure to maximum and flood out those mean cultists, what valves and cogs should we fiddle with to get the job done most efficiently and properly, alleviating you of that nuisance once and for all, so you can better focus on your project? And also, did you happen to get a good look at that prisoner that the cultists locked in the other room? What did they look like?"
Talorin is fascinated by the clockwork gadgets of the fish man. Almost instinctively he reaches out to grab one for examination before forcing himself not to. Those weirds and elemental already seemed weary. Might not be seen as innocent curiosity. He listens intently as Necyra speaks, the tiefling asking all sorts of intriguing questions. He adds one more of his own, "And how were they, the cultists, mistreating your watery friends? They're not exactly weaklings of any sort. Were the cultists using magics? Or are their numbers more vast than those of your companions?"
Uneven Chamber
"Padlocked door. Who wants to bet that's where the captured nobles are?" He suggests following the blue arrow.
Before advancing to the next larger area, Trystane investigates the padlocked room south of the water elementals. "Hello! Anyone in there?" Trystane calls out hammering against the door. He comments to Yurgojin, "Do you think you can open this? Or we could just use brute force."
A soft voice comes though the heavy door, "Yes. I'm here. Could you bring me some finer nourishment. I'm afraid this porridge does not excite me and I can't force myself to eat it."
In the new area, he will check the various directions, and points out the golden harp to Mysleen, "We can try to open this lock, or break through the door. This instrument looks pristine. Do you know how to play the harp?" He'd try to figure out what sense he can make of the cloth and papers (Investigation 14, 2nd roll: 15, advantage if information relates to fey, fiends, or undead).
You can see that the papers are notes and one page includes the floorplan of a large mansion. The strip of paper closest to you says, "...her secrets will make a worthy sacrifice...”
Do the collapsed stairs (SE) lead up or down?
In the supply room, he will sift through the boxes if time permits (Investigation 13, 2nd roll: 9). Generally, noticing voices from behind the door with a painted eye, he tries to be silent in this new area (Stealth: 16, 2nd roll 11).
You find plenty of supplies and the two potions, nothing else.
"And how were they, the cultists, mistreating your watery friends? They're not exactly weaklings of any sort. Were the cultists using magics? Or are their numbers more vast than those of your companions?"
They would carry around sand and salt and throw it into the water. Some of them knew some naughty words in Aquan and would taunt them and call them "dry babies". Some cultists would tell them that water is the weakest element and say "your mama was a fire elemental" which is not very nice to tell to a water elemental.
"Padlocked door. Who wants to bet that's where the captured nobles are?" He suggests following the blue arrow.
You hear a small voice say, "Hello? I'm not a fan of the gruel."
Bridgette follows whoever is going to rescue the prisoner... she smiles when she hears his response to the question.
"Now THAT sounds like something a noble would say,"she chuckles. "Alright, I'm afraid I'm not strong enough to break a padlock... but if no one else has any other ideas, I could summon an earth elemental to break the door down."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
After inspecting the doors and locks, you can tell that each has a specific key and although sturdy, you think you could either pick the locks DC 18 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or maybe smash the lock with a weapon dealing 20 damage with resistance to all damage or even destroying the door 50 damage with no damage resistance. Smashing the door or the lock will most likely be extremely noisy.
Talorin casts comprehend languages and waits a couple of minutes. "...untrustworthy cultists...come any closer and I'll call my weirds to attack...why are you standing there...go away..."
The water elemental surfaces and speaks in Aquan, "You there. You can hear me? Do you speak the water language of elemental plane? Oh. You don't. You only understand. Well understand this, we will not take any more abuse from you or your kind. If you come any closer, we will kill you. Leave us alone."
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
"Cultists?" says Talorin, a bit surprised. He says to the party, "He thinks we're cultists with whom he's got a lot of bad blood." He turns back to the elemental, "We're not cultists. We're here to rescue some people that were kidnapped."
persuasion: 8+9 = 17
//not sure if it's required yet, but figure better to roll and not need it
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 45, 2/3/25, Adiemus
Cog Alcove Room:
Trystane follows Necyra into the room, his yellowish-amber eyes scanning the surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and caution. The rusty standpipes and fused cogs pique his interest, though he is careful not to touch anything. Instead, he kneels down and inspects the floor and walls for tracks or signs of undead activity.
"Seems like these contraptions haven't been used in a long time," he murmurs to Necyra, his voice low and contemplative. "Let's proceed carefully. There could be more than meets the eye."
Cog Valve Control Room:
Trystane steps into the control room, his attention drawn to the series of cogs and hand-turned wheels. He watches as Necyra tentatively turns one of the wheels, his stance alert for any sudden changes or hidden dangers.
"Mechanical devices are not my strength," he says, shaking his head. "But let's remain vigilant. This place is full of surprises."
He scans the room again for any signs of recent activity, particularly tracks that might indicate the presence of hostile entities.
Overflow Pool Room:
As they enter the room, Trystane immediately notices the rippling water and the faint movement beneath its surface. He remains on high alert, his senses attuned to any potential threats. When Necyra clears the water with her magic, revealing the water weirds and the water elemental, Trystane steps back slightly, his muscles tensed.
"Stay back," he warns his companions softly. When the elemental speaks, Trystane listens carefully to Talorin's translation. He steps forward slightly, hands open and non-threatening.
"We are not your enemies," he says clearly and calmly, hoping the sounds of his words carry his meaning. To the others he says, "If cultists are involved, it is possible that the nobles aren't kidnapped for ransom but that they are needed for a ritual of some sort. I fear we must hurry or their fate might be sealed."
Pressure Room:
Trystane enters the room cautiously, his eyes following the pipes climbing the walls. He observes the hand-turned wheels but refrains from touching them, aware of his lack of expertise with such devices. "Let's keep our distance from the machinery," he suggests to his companions. "It might be best not to interfere with anything until we understand its purpose."
Again, he inspects the area for any signs of undead or cultist activity, as Talorin found out about cultists, his senses sharp and focused.
Improvised Workshop:
As they step into the workshop, Trystane's attention is immediately drawn to the hulking, fish-headed creature examining the clockwork components. Recognizing the need for diplomacy, he approaches slowly, his posture non-threatening and respectful. "Greetings," he says in Common, then repeats in Giant and Abyssal, hoping one of the languages might be understood. "We mean you no harm."
Trystane watches the marid carefully, ready to interpret any signs of aggression or curiosity. He hopes his peaceful approach will be reciprocated, allowing for a dialogue that might aid their quest.
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Shanzezim turns around, glasses hanging off of his face, speaking in common he says, "This is my space. Need i remind you that the fountain is the property of the Waterclock Guild."
He stands up, back turned to a vast wooden desk, filled with clockwork trinkets and half completed projects. He pulls out a second pair of glasses and swaps them out with the ones on his face.
"What is this? You're no cultist. Harm? I doubt you would be much harm to me and my water elememtals but greetings and mannors are a welcome addition to this underground prison."
Shanzezim rummages through a pile of broken things, making a loud and unplesant sound of copper fins scraping metal files. He pulls a gold colored flywheel from the heap and takes a few steps closer to you.
"I've decided to reassemble the great Guild Waterclock. He points back to thousands of parts scattered across the large desk. As a member of the Waterclock Guild, I don't just enjoy my work, I live for this. I bet it could take me less than ten more years to finish reassembling this all by myself. That's assuming that none of the pieces have gone missing"
"Oh. This piece? Well this piece is interesting to someone like me. I found a broken clock. It was one of those new clocks with a drive regulator. The problem is the regulator is missing and I've got thousands of clock parts with no regulators. And this..." He waves the flywheel around, "this thing was jammed inside. It's a flywheel but you can tell that it came from another clock." He chuckles, "And this part gets me every time that I tell myself this story."
He laughs at his own joke and then continues. "So I found a broken clock and it's one of those new regulator clocks but the regulator's been removed and the flywheel replaced with this thing and surprise, it actually fits. How I've wanted to replace the regulator on this clock, just to see what it does once repaired. You see this flywheel shouldn't fit into this clock at all. It's been fabricated from a magic item. Without a regulator it's useless to me so I'll just use it for parts and you can take this, it's a gift."
He hands you the gold colored flywheel which functions like a Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone)
"Those cruel cultists bully my Elemental friends and they are holding someone prison in a room nearby"
"You know what would be funny is if you change the water pressure to maximum and flood out those cultists. Since I've worked down here for years, I've mapped out all of the working valves and cogs that regulate water preassure. Just come to me and I can explain how to fix them or change them in different ways."
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Bridgette is fascinated by Shanzezim's suggestion about flooding out the cultists... but... there is one issue.
"Um... you said that they're holding someone prisoner in a room nearby?" she says. "If we were to flood said cultists out as you mentioned, would we put their unfortunate victim at risk?"
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
Don't worry, it will flood really slowly and it will only floor two rooms with basins, one in the kitchen the other in the common room.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Yurgojin looks at the talkative creature, not understanding a word of it he simply walks about looking around the room. "Me guess he doesn't know our missions whereabouts, or am I mistaken."
"If you have a mission, I'm sure I don't know about that. All I can tell you is that I've been bound by magic and by my promise to the Waterclock Guild to live underground with my weirds and fix the Guild Clock. You see, this clock was broken many years ago and stopped working. This is a big problem for my guild. Since I am a master clock worker, I can fix this in no time at all, maybe 20 years, give or take a few years here and there, but the feeling of completion and satisfaction is my reward. I don't require any help to fix a clock of this magnitude. This might be the most complicated clock ever built and I have the privilege, no wait, I have the honor to fix it all by myself. I couldn't be more pleased."
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Yes. You were listening. I did mention that some cultist barged into the fountain room several days past, they were bullying my weirds and taunting my elemental, they put a man into the room back there (he points to the blue arrow) and put a lock through the hasp to keep him inside. I haven't heard a peep from him since. I'm sure he's scared and hungry but those cultists can be quite cruel, you know. They are not friendly people.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Mysleen is sitting in a corner, tuning her various instruments. She doesn't seem interested in exploring the different rooms. Rowdy, however, is currently tagging along with the party.
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
Extended sig
Following the old Red Arrow brings you to an Uneven Chamber

Roots protrude through cracks in the ceiling here. A stone stairway in the southeast corner has collapsed, and the nearby walls have crumbled. Three doors in the north wall are shut, and the middle door bears a new padlock. To the west, stairs lead to a small balcony that overlooks the room from five feet above, with just enough room for a door painted with an eye.
Follow the Yellow Arrow to the Grate Room
A metal grate in the floor of this ten-foot-square room blocks access to a shallow stone pit holding a small gold harp, a handful of loose papers, and a piece of bloody cloth.
Follow the Green Arrow to the Supply Room
Stone shelves in this room contain boxes and bags. A few crates are stacked against the wall.
lantern oil, chains, manacles and two potions labeled "Haeling Use Only!"
Follow the Blue Arrow to another Padlocked Room
Follow the Red Arrow to voices heard in the far distant
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Bridgette is in favor of doing what it takes to flush out the cultists (perhaps literally) and save the prisoner as quickly as possible.
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
OOC: I’ll post a longer/better response tonight, but I definitely agree with @Bridgette above. Perhaps the prisoner is one we’re looking for, or, if not, maybe they have intelligence on where to find them.
Last to know and first to be blamed...
As a free action, can I regret my life choices?
Before advancing to the next larger area, Trystane investigates the padlocked room south of the water elementals. "Hello! Anyone in there?" Trystane calls out hammering against the door. He comments to Yurgojin, "Do you think you can open this? Or we could just use brute force."
In the new area, he will check the various directions, and points out the golden harp to Mysleen, "We can try to open this lock, or break through the door. This instrument looks pristine. Do you know how to play the harp?" He'd try to figure out what sense he can make of the cloth and papers (Investigation 14, 2nd roll: 15, advantage if information relates to fey, fiends, or undead).
Do the collapsed stairs (SE) lead up or down? In the supply room, he will sift through the boxes if time permits (Investigation 13, 2nd roll: 9). Generally, noticing voices from behind the door with a painted eye, he tries to be silent in this new area (Stealth: 16, 2nd roll 11).
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Overflow Pool Room
While Necyra isn't known for her patience, a healthy dose of pragmatism courses through her veins. Seeing the water elemental and its blatant hostility, she quickly calculates the odds. Taking no chances, she launches herself backwards with a powerful beat of her wings, soaring out of the Overflow Pool Room and into the Improvised Workshop. However, she doesn't completely flee. Necyra keeps her face turned towards the water basin, a clear message that she might not be looking for a fight, but she's not one to be trifled with either.
Improvised Workshop
Necyra listens intently to the exchange, her crimson eyes darting between Shanzezim, Bridgette, and Yurgojin. Bridgette raises a valid point about the prisoner's safety with flooding, yet Shanzezim seems oblivious, solely focused on his clock project. Clearing her throat with a gentle cough, Necyra approaches Shanzezim. Her voice drips with flattery as she addresses him, "A pleasure to meet a fellow enthusiast of intricate mechanisms, my dear horologist. Cultists, you say? Sounds like we have a common foe. Perhaps we can help each other out. If we wanted to change the water pressure to maximum and flood out those mean cultists, what valves and cogs should we fiddle with to get the job done most efficiently and properly, alleviating you of that nuisance once and for all, so you can better focus on your project? And also, did you happen to get a good look at that prisoner that the cultists locked in the other room? What did they look like?"
Last to know and first to be blamed...
As a free action, can I regret my life choices?
Improvised Workshop
Talorin is fascinated by the clockwork gadgets of the fish man. Almost instinctively he reaches out to grab one for examination before forcing himself not to. Those weirds and elemental already seemed weary. Might not be seen as innocent curiosity. He listens intently as Necyra speaks, the tiefling asking all sorts of intriguing questions. He adds one more of his own, "And how were they, the cultists, mistreating your watery friends? They're not exactly weaklings of any sort. Were the cultists using magics? Or are their numbers more vast than those of your companions?"
Uneven Chamber
"Padlocked door. Who wants to bet that's where the captured nobles are?" He suggests following the blue arrow.
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 45, 2/3/25, Adiemus
A soft voice comes though the heavy door, "Yes. I'm here. Could you bring me some finer nourishment. I'm afraid this porridge does not excite me and I can't force myself to eat it."
You can see that the papers are notes and one page includes the floorplan of a large mansion. The strip of paper closest to you says, "...her secrets will make a worthy sacrifice...”
You find plenty of supplies and the two potions, nothing else.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
They would carry around sand and salt and throw it into the water. Some of them knew some naughty words in Aquan and would taunt them and call them "dry babies". Some cultists would tell them that water is the weakest element and say "your mama was a fire elemental" which is not very nice to tell to a water elemental.
You hear a small voice say, "Hello? I'm not a fan of the gruel."
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
Bridgette follows whoever is going to rescue the prisoner... she smiles when she hears his response to the question.
"Now THAT sounds like something a noble would say," she chuckles. "Alright, I'm afraid I'm not strong enough to break a padlock... but if no one else has any other ideas, I could summon an earth elemental to break the door down."
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
After inspecting the doors and locks, you can tell that each has a specific key and although sturdy, you think you could either pick the locks DC 18 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or maybe smash the lock with a weapon dealing 20 damage with resistance to all damage or even destroying the door 50 damage with no damage resistance. Smashing the door or the lock will most likely be extremely noisy.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)